candidatsenatoe senator tim scos will join us . he confronted the ladies of. the view today and he exposed hg their hateful rhetoric. we have full highlights coming up. also, chairman jim jordan and chairman james comey on together. they will joinchairmanes comer . coma is now preparing to hold she fbi director , chris wray, in contempt of congress. and tonight, in a possible effort to shield president biden from a congressional investigation, director wras ty is refusing 12 to hand over that official.3 ten docu, twenty three document that purportedly describes a criminal foreign bribery sch. scheme from biding his time when he was vice president .fb now, fbi officials have been in possession of these allegations since june of 2020.f they have also been in possession of biden s laptop since december of 2019il. they have seen emails and texts from hunter biden detailingto pp possible foreign payouts to the big guy and half the money going pops and complaining about paying for
washington, d.c., donald. trump got five percent of the vote. now, i evef 19 out of every 20 people was against you , how can he possibly have ans pe thnest trial in front ofer a juy of his peers? thisiss is exactly what the american revolution was all about. this is the corruppower of govef the power of government to rig c the game. and in thiass case, against one particular individual. but also, let s be honest,e gone they ve gone after virtually everybody who was for trump .e the effort by the fbi and the justice department intistimidate, haras and attack people who supported donald trump is stunning . we hav nothingand we ve seen not in american history except for a very, very brief period undere woodrow wilson, which was later on condemned as the quote, scar. red scare. i mean, thiss is really a despicable and dangerous misuse of the government and the power of the government to her to go after somebody who , after all, is the primary political opponent.