simple thing, as well on tuesday, they laid out a process for how we were going to come to conclusion on this. on thursday of that week they came in and said we want to go around the process we agreed to on tuesday. again, the president was having none of it. he sent them right back to the hill. where it has to be negotiated and has to be resolved. at the end of the day all of this conversation about daca should be a conversation about border security. that s the thing that s missing. we don t have a daca problem, we don t have an illegal immigration problem if we have good border security. laura: exactly. we litigated this issue in the 2016 election cycle. donald trump won. lindsay graham dropped out in december of 2015 he was so popular, knew he couldn t even win his own state. marco rubio, jeb bush, didn t go anywhere. donald trump wins. yet we re still, we still have republicans like lindsay graham, god bless him, banding together with dick durbin and jeff flake