but if you have lived through the last three or four years in this country should appreciate just how fragile our freedoms really are. our founding fathers understood this and benjamin franklin walked out of the constitutional convention he was asked on the street what have you given us a republic or monarchy? he said a republic if you can keep it. you can have the best constitution in the world you can have the best declaration of independence they do not run on autopilot. they require citizens in each generation to answer the call when freedom is under attack. so we are called upon to carry the torch of what george washington called the sacred fire of liberty. we are called upon to stand firm for the truth. we are called upon to be resolute in defense of the enduring american principles that mark us as a free society. here s what i can tell you i will do. if you support me and i earn the nomination to be the republican candidate, set your clock to january 20, 2025 at high n
that. quicksort kyle will see how this affects people s perspective of the president but if you have your own hit or miss tweeted to us jtr on fnc productive for this week show. thanks to my panel and thanks to all of you for watching. hope to see you right here next week. . arthel: 2024 public and kenneth descending on iowa for the annual roast and a ride impacts florida governor desantis speaking right now. let s take a listen request that will irrevocably change this country and we will be in a hole that will take a generation to be able to dig out of it. president reagan said freedom is only one generation away from extinction. it is not passed along in the blood stream must be cultivated and pop corporate i used to think that was a little bit of an exaggeration.
candidates exit plans? when to get out of the race if they are not gaining traction? i think you learned that pretty early on there if they are not doing wellin iowa and new hampshire, south carolina the first three primaries for the gop fundraising dries up. it s not necessary their own decision. it is a decision made by funders who say okay you re not going to make it we are going to switch our allegiance and our money to somebody else. you will seek candidates begin to fall by the way during the first three primaries. biden, for his part is hoping for another head to head match with donald trump. he feels that he beat him once in the 2020 election he can do so again. because donald trump is coming in with a lot of baggage. court cases going against him. sexual harassment cases being found against him by a jury. a lot of bench fullness and revenge on his part. the continuing cozying up to
january 20, 2025 at high noon because in the west side of the capitol i m going to have his left hand on the bible been going have the right hand in the air and i will be taking the oath as the 47th president of these united states. no excuses. we will get the job done. thank you so much iowa. we look forward to seeing you in the days and weeks and months to come. we have got to win it we will get it done. thank you so much. [cheering] [applause] arthel: governor desantis we ve got to win and will get it done. governor desantis therapy were going to continue by the way to monitor the iowa gross and right fundraiser. right now we want to turn to the ever expanding field of republican white house hopefuls is three more candidates are expected to join the race next week. jon is the associate editor for the wall street journal, any and a fox news contributor. jon, before we get to it and to desantis how is he doing with the retail politics?
but it is something we have to certainly look out for. good to see you. thank you eric. arthel: thanks quarter look at the politics again flipping pork chops writing hogs and roasting present invited. that is the agenda for the republican presidential candidates visiting iowa today. highlights of the annual roast and ride coming up next.