in fact, the democrats supermajority in the state legislature is so desperate to keep people from leaving the state that the they re threatening them with an exit tax i f they do. now, shockingly, left wing go governor gavin newsom opposes this cash grab. but we figured out why, becauser ,governor , hair gel has bigger aspirations. s why we l we know we have a big battlee coming, which is why we ll help leado make the fight to make suh elect leaders and 2024 who believeve ine democracy.avin our country is facing an existential battle for who weo r are and who we re willine g to become. it s not an exaggeration.e re that s the truth. what s happening istatn thoses . red states. it s not who we are. it s un-american. it s under democratic . right. and your closing o f churches and schools and variouss and scl businesses for more than a year, it was jusssst whates fa our founders would have done. d. it was so pluralistic of you chasing those people off the beaches. well, his b
all right.we there was such a wide range of topics we had to addressn last with speaker kevin mccarthy. we couldn t fit it all in last m night. from banning tiktok to twentyo h twenty four to what the left is doing better than doing republicans and how the gop cana actually learn from that.rtf withow, here s parmyt two of my interview with speaker peakermccarthy. you have the bipartisan support to band tiktok, not doti some half baked bill that s going to give democratres b more power to mess around with other people s rights. but to ban t tick outright, do you believe that s going to ultimately pass in that form? . do you b yeah, if you watch whai said , yes, it will . ve alread and we ve already hadslates the hearing to start the process in the legislative process to make that happen. wen office lesyou know, we ve bn less than one hundred days, but watch what we ve been alreadye s able to accomplish and bring forth. give us a speakemover as we movr forward. this shy bu t very> t