Intern here at frc also a student of Oklahoma University. And i have the privilege of welcome withing todays speaker. The president of Oklahoma Wesley University dr. Everett parttimer what im home i have the honor 6 watching hirings massive dogs when hes giving these lectures so which is always fun. [laughter] and his 14 years of president of the university dr. Piper hass become moan for his passionate defense of intellectual friday. He advocates for cultural courage grounded in conservation of time tested truth. His commentary on religion, education, and politics challenges the symbol rangs of todays academic community. At oklahoma west lane he teaches students to follow four basic, the jesus christ the priority of scripture, pursuit of truth, and the practice of wisdom. Dr. Piper on eds routinely featured local and National News outlets an he serves as a regular guest on talk radio across the nation. His most well known oped this is not a day care is a university has since gone viral