Background: Whole grain (WG) consumption is linked with a reduced risk of chronic disease. However, the recommendations of the Nova classification system tend to contradict this evidence as high WG-containing foods, such as bread and cereals, are considered ultraprocessed, and intake is discouraged. Objectives: This study aimed to explore associations of cardiometabolic risk measures with ultraprocessed food (UPF) intake as classified by Nova compared with when foods with ≥25% and ≥50% WG are removed from the Nova UPF category. Methods: A cross-sectional analysis of the 2015–18 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Nova was used to identify UPFs, and the WG Initiative's definition of a WG food and front-of-pack labeling requirements was used to identify high WG foods. Regression models were used to explore impacts on the association of UPF intake (quintiles) and cardiometabolic risk measures when high WG foods were excluded from the Nova UPF category. Results: Pa