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so, this is something we have seen from trump and heard from trump. it is critically important to understand that frankly all the big lie, which is not even a new lie, it's an old lie, donald trump just kept pulling it out, dusting it off and using it for his own ends, was always to make it harder for black and brown people to vote, and people in indian country, because they were predictably democratic voters. and so, if you didn't have the numbers the way you could get them, make it harder for the brown folks and the black votes to vote. >> yeah, 92% of black voters in the 2020 election voted for joe biden. that's a political reality that trump was aware of, but also the trump project is centered on white grievance, which doesn't leave much room for people of color. it's a snake eating its own tail, to some degree. i wonder if there's something, if this can be talked about explicitly. i think it's in there, a


donald trump's running mate? yes or no? >> i don't think so. i'm not a number two guy. i think i'm a leader. governor of florida, i've been able to accomplish a lot. i think i probably could do more staying there than being vp, which doesn't have any authority. >> joining me now is eugene daniels, sabrina siddiqui, brendan buck and phil rucker. brendan, that's a stink of death question to get if you are ron desantis and you are the nominal strongest challenger. i know national polls this early, all the caveats being what they are, but are we seeing the start of a potential death spiral here for the desantis campaign? >> yeah. i worry it is. it's a statement of how far and how fast he has fallen. this was the person that a few months ago we thought was going


staying there than being vp, which doesn't have any authority. >> not a total denial. a trump campaign spokesperson said ron desantis isn't anybody's guy. he's not the guy. he's just a guy. ron is just there. sullen and sad because his numbers are as tiny as him. joining us now, political reporter for "the washington post," maryanne levine. great to see you. governor desantis may have brushed off the vp position but what about the other candidates? could we see the lower polling candidates push to be vp? the rumor mill is swirling about a few of them? >> no one is saying they're running for vice president. there's obviously speculation about whether candidates who aren't polling as high as nikki haley or tim scott, if they would take an offer to be vice


consider that combination. watch. >> i don't think so. i'm not a number 2 guy. i'm a leader. governor of florida, i've been able to accomplish a lot. i think i probably could do more staying there than being v.p., which doesn't have any authority. >> martha: bill hemmer is here. great to see you. >> good afternoon to you. >> martha: missed seeing you this morning. we were in the middle of the hearings. what is your reaction to this? >> he could have said no. he didn't. he got around to it, i think, in so many words. look, i don't -- no offense against the question. the interviewer said we get a lot of these by way of e-mail. the question is entirely too premature. we haven't gotten to a debate. i don't know anyone that gets in these campaigns and says i want to be number 2. >> martha: because of the way the numbers shake out, everybody asks that question. when you have someone at 50 plus percent and everybody else at 22


it's not -- it doesn't matter to us. we just thought that it would be an okay place to relocate for work. and ever since we've been here and they've had the trifecta i think in 2017, it's just been every year it's worse and worse and worse. and you know what was really troubling to me is that snap bill, that eligibility bill where they're going along with these outside groups that people need to have work requirements and prove all these things and be investigated over and over and over. and then taking away people's ability to be eligible for snap, which doesn't even come out of the state budget. and so, it was that and then it was the fact that they didn't sign this child labor bill that they passed at the church. that bill allows for 16 and


of a more than 26% real terms pay cut over the last _ of a more than 26% real terms pay cut over the last 15— of a more than 26% real terms pay cut over the last 15 years, - of a more than 26% real terms pay cut over the last 15 years, which i cut over the last 15 years, which doesn't — cut over the last 15 years, which doesn't even _ cut over the last 15 years, which doesn't even account _ cut over the last 15 years, which doesn't even account for- cut over the last 15 years, which doesn't even account for their . cut over the last 15 years, which - doesn't even account for their most recent— doesn't even account for their most recent financial _ doesn't even account for their most recent financial year. _ doesn't even account for their most recent financial year. what - doesn't even account for their most recent financial year. what would . doesn't even account for their mosti recent financial year. what would he plan to _ recent financial year. what would he plan to do _ recent financial year. what would he plan to do to — recent financial year. what would he plan to do to address _ recent financial year. what would he plan to do to address this, - recent financial year. what would he plan to do to address this, this - plan to do to address this, this undervaluing _ plan to do to address this, this undervaluing of— plan to do to address this, this undervaluing of nhs— plan to do to address this, this undervaluing of nhs staff, - plan to do to address this, this - undervaluing of nhs staff, affecting morale? _ undervaluing of nhs staff, affecting morale? hie — undervaluing of nhs staff, affecting morale? ~ , ., ., ., , morale? we will put that to him as well as other _ morale? we will put that to him as well as other subjects. _ morale? we will put that to him as well as other subjects. all - morale? we will put that to him as well as other subjects. all three i of you, thank you. we have already been hearing from you in the last couple of days about your experiences of the nhs. you do keep getting in touch with us. you can e—mail or use the hashtag. or if you are one of those people who likes to look at two screens at the same time, you can follow on the live page, the addresses there for you. the nhs a lwa ys always the subject of political battles and bust ups. in the last week we have had both parties claiming they would be the ones to shake things up. wes streeting from labour was pushing his plans last week. the health secretary is in the red chair now. welcome to come steve barclay. first we can look at this, we have some pictures here. king's lynn hospital in norfolk where they are using


less interested. i don't know if that means that long—term they would be against it. if you are starting a new nation tomorrow, you wouldn't say, we must find one family and give them that in perpetuity. it is how we have evolved. but because the monarchy is in charge of the armed forces and thejudiciary monarchy is in charge of the armed forces and the judiciary and the civil service, forces and the judiciary and the civilservice, it forces and the judiciary and the civil service, it doesn't stop other people interfering in these things, so i think when people get older they begin to see the upsides. every head of state have some sort of inauguration, they do it in different ways, and other monarchies do combinations, all the scandinavian monarchies do, and in holland to the crown sits on a cushion, it is a very austere almost registry office wedding, whereas we are having the full thing with the bridesmaids and everything, this is coronation plus. find bridesmaids and everything, this is coronation plus.— coronation plus. and david, as a historian. _ coronation plus. and david, as a historian, somebody _ coronation plus. and david, as a historian, somebody with - coronation plus. and david, as a historian, somebody with a - historian, somebody with a professional interest, what are you


where do you put that? ceremony, almost by definition, there - where do you put that? ceremony, almost by definition, there is - where do you put that? ceremony, almost by definition, there is no i almost by definition, there is no iegai— almost by definition, there is no legal reason why the coronation is needed _ legal reason why the coronation is needed. the only legal aspect of it is the _ needed. the only legal aspect of it is the taking of the oath, which doesn't — is the taking of the oath, which doesn't have to take place within the context of a coronation. i think the context of a coronation. i think the immense power of something that is so ancient, that has taken place for more _ is so ancient, that has taken place for more than a thousand years in the same — for more than a thousand years in the same building where william the conqueror— the same building where william the conqueror was crowned, probably the last conqueror was crowned, probably the iast of— conqueror was crowned, probably the last of the _ conqueror was crowned, probably the last of the saxon kings as well, that sheer— last of the saxon kings as well, that sheer weight of history is something that i think we are not quite _ something that i think we are not quite used — something that i think we are not quite used to. we are used to traditions _ quite used to. we are used to traditions that are more invented. this is, _ traditions that are more invented. this is, as — traditions that are more invented. this is, as i — traditions that are more invented. this is, as i said earlier, absolutely injured.- this is, as i said earlier, absolutely injured. this is, as i said earlier, absolutel in'ured. . ., , absolutely in'ured. that is a really interestinu absolutely injured. that is a really interesting point _ absolutely injured. that is a really interesting point because - absolutely injured. that is a really interesting point because of- absolutely injured. that is a really | interesting point because of course some people might say, robert hardman, that one of the successes of modern british monarchy is its ability to reinvent itself. but today this is something different. we are really watching our mono return to the past and sort of almost touch hands with his forefathers?— almost touch hands with his forefathers? a, ., . ., forefathers? -- monarch. there are elements of— forefathers? -- monarch. there are elements of today's _ forefathers? -- monarch. there are elements of today's service - forefathers? -- monarch. there are elements of today's service i - forefathers? -- monarch. there are elements of today's service i go - elements of today's service i go back to the old testament. the idea


substack? we do have a content i substack? we do have a content policy. but _ substack? we do have a content policy. but it _ substack? we do have a content policy. but it is _ substack? we do have a content policy, but it is deliberately - policy, but it is deliberately designed to allow a very wide web. not about things we agree with things we think are good, we take a strong stance in favour of freedom of the press because we think it is essential to a free internet, a free society. essential to a free internet, a free socie . ., ., ., society. vivian schiller, how would ou react society. vivian schiller, how would you react to _ society. vivian schiller, how would you react to the — society. vivian schiller, how would you react to the move _ society. vivian schiller, how would you react to the move by - society. vivian schiller, how would you react to the move by elon - society. vivian schiller, how would l you react to the move by elon musk tonight to allow blue tick users to make money through subscribers essentially?— make money through subscribers essentially? you know, i think he should take- _ essentially? you know, i think he should take. of— essentially? you know, i think he should take. of all— essentially? you know, i think he should take. of all the _ essentially? you know, i think he should take. of all the things - essentially? you know, i think he| should take. of all the things elon musk. _ should take. of all the things elon musk. his — should take. of all the things elon musk, his recent— should take. of all the things elon musk, his recent moves— should take. of all the things elon musk, his recent moves come - should take. of all the things elon musk, his recent moves come at. should take. of all the things elon- musk, his recent moves come at this to me _ musk, his recent moves come at this to me is _ musk, his recent moves come at this to me is the — musk, his recent moves come at this to me is the least _ musk, his recent moves come at this to me is the least controversial. - to me is the least controversial. which _ to me is the least controversial. which doesn't _ to me is the least controversial. which doesn't mean _ to me is the least controversial. which doesn't mean that - to me is the least controversial. which doesn't mean that it - to me is the least controversial. which doesn't mean that it willl to me is the least controversial. i which doesn't mean that it will be successful~ — which doesn't mean that it will be successful. look, _ which doesn't mean that it will be successful. look, we _ which doesn't mean that it will be successful. look, we are - which doesn't mean that it will be successful. look, we are talking i successful. look, we are talking as if substack — successful. look, we are talking as if substack and _ successful. look, we are talking as if substack and twitter— successful. look, we are talking as if substack and twitter are - successful. look, we are talking as if substack and twitter are the - successful. look, we are talking asj if substack and twitter are the only publishing — if substack and twitter are the only publishing platforms _ if substack and twitter are the only publishing platforms in— if substack and twitter are the only publishing platforms in the - if substack and twitter are the only publishing platforms in the world, i publishing platforms in the world, there _ publishing platforms in the world, there is— publishing platforms in the world, there is a — publishing platforms in the world, there is a big. _ publishing platforms in the world, there is a big, broad— publishing platforms in the world, there is a big, broad universe - publishing platforms in the world, there is a big, broad universe out| there is a big, broad universe out there _ there is a big, broad universe out there and — there is a big, broad universe out there and before _ there is a big, broad universe out there and before substack, - there is a big, broad universe out there and before substack, there| there is a big, broad universe out - there and before substack, there was blogging. _ there and before substack, there was blogging. there — there and before substack, there was blogging, there were _ there and before substack, there was blogging, there were newsletters. . blogging, there were newsletters. execution — blogging, there were newsletters. execution and _ blogging, there were newsletters. execution and audience _ blogging, there were newsletters. execution and audience are - execution and audience are everything _ execution and audience are everything. what— execution and audience are everything. what substackl execution and audience are i everything. what substack did execution and audience are - everything. what substack did is take didn't — everything. what substack did is take didn't invent— everything. what substack did is take didn't invent newsletters i everything. what substack did is take didn't invent newsletters ori take didn't invent newsletters or publishing. _ take didn't invent newsletters or publishing. but_ take didn't invent newsletters or publishing, but created - take didn't invent newsletters or publishing, but created a - take didn't invent newsletters or. publishing, but created a platform that was _ publishing, but created a platform that was very _ publishing, but created a platform that was very effective _ publishing, but created a platform that was very effective for-


[inaudible] exception to attorney client. for those who didn't go to law school who were smart enough to go do something else, which doesn't include me and you, what is the significance of that crime fraud exception? >> so normally we think of this attorney-client privilege of something that can't be pierced. that's at the heart of our legal system that somebody comes to you confesses they have done something and they need legal representation, but this crime fraud exception which it looks like, you know, that's probably what's happened here with this forcing one of the president's attorneys to go and testify, is saying that essentially they could have been involved in somehow -- the attorney could have been involved directly with potentially the commission of a crime. it pierces that privilege space so they can be forced to come talk, maybe share documents. i think it gets to this question about whether the president had been fully honest with his attorneys when they went and then made a representation to the feds, we have given you everything. this is all there is. so the lawyer had to testify on


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