Notes: In 1975, the citizens of York and nearby communities banded together to fight a 4,000-acre development proposal that would have had a major adverse impact on the region’s green open space, wildlife habitat, river resources and ecology on the Mt. Agamenticus region. The Citizens Save Agamenticus Committee was formed and, through its successful efforts, the development proposal was defeated. The Mt. Agamenticus region remains protected through land purchases and easements made and planned by local land trusts and an organization formed in response to this organizing effort: Mt. Agamenticus to the Sea.
By James Kences Do you want the Zahn holdings in the Agamenticus wilderness to be developed? On a Saturday morning 46 years ago, in May 1975, 1,260 York voters collectively answered no to the question that appeared as Article 4 on the ballot. Admittedly, this was not a large vote, as there were more than 5,000 registered voters in town. Still, it was decisive, and was