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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends First 20180508

coming blue wave. hollywood with this year's church seems met gayla. many on social media asking if they will ever see the light. fox and friends first starts right now. ♪ kim jung un good morning, 4:00 on the east coast. did virgie make it to the gala? a lot of people didn't know it was a big night in new york. straight to our top story. iran's pres. has a new warning as the world waits for donald trump's big announcements on the fate of the iran nuclear deal. let's get to griff jenkins for what we can expect today at 2:00. >> reporter: we will know for sure at 2:00 what he will decide when he makes the decision went hours ago iran's pres. anticipating a withdrawal, says, quote, it is possible we will face problems for two or three month but we will pass through this. this after france, germany and the uk lobbied the president to stay in the deal and republicans and democrats are warning about pulling out of it. >> i don't know the pres.'s attention but hope if his intention is to walk away from the deal, he has a plan that galvanizes our allies, goes after iran for its nuclear transgressions. >> reporter: chief architect of the deal, john kerry, engaging in talks with top uranian and un officials with some suggesting the pres. tweeting the united states does not need john kerry's possibly illegal shot at diplomacy on the badly negotiated iran deal. he created this mess in the first place. sarah sanders weighing in. >> i don't think we would take advice from somebody who created what the president sees as one of the worst deals ever made. not sure why we would listen to him now. >> reporter: carry up spokesman says every american would want every voice possible urging iran to remain in compliance with the nuclear agreement, john kerry stayed in touch with former counterparts around the world like every previous secretary of state. get your popcorn ready. one final possible outcome is delaying the decision as suggested. the chairman of the armed services committee, doesn't seem likely from signals out of this white house. kim jung un may be strengthening the deal, nobody knows what is going to happen. john kerry under fire for his somewhat shady efforts to try to save the deal he brokered back when he had a job at the white house. senior editor molly hemingway calling out the media for sounding the alarm when michael flynn was accused of violating the logan act before the administration took office but mysteriously quiet when it comes to john kerry. >> for a year and a half everyone in the media and law enforcement claim with a straight face there is something called the logan act, 18th-century law that prohibits people from doing freelance work with foreign governments. clearly unconstitutional, with a reinforced and yet it was used to query michael flynn and supposedly because he shouldn't have been talking -- you have john kerry who has more role in the administration doing freelance work to save a deal that is contravening the goal of the trump administration and people claiming the logan act was a real thing are silent right now. kim jung un the battle for control of congress, polls opening in four critical primary states, indiana, ohio, north carolina and west virginia at the ballot box, narrowing ahead of the midterm elections. 23552193, that majority in the house of representatives, slim margin than the senate, the gop holding on at 51. the department of justice has 0 tolerance to border, and the southern border in san diego. >> ever i cross the border unlawfully we will prosecute you. if you are smuggling a child, we will prosecute you. that child may be separated from you as required by law. >> the new policy response to illegal border crossings, march to march after this year. urgent very warrior and retired marine lieut. col. oliver north to lead the national rifle association taking over from pete brownwell as calls for greater gun-control continue in the us. he served as. under the reagan administration is a former fox news contributor. he is ready to hit the ground running. gina haskell meeting with senators on capitol hill i have tomorrow's confirmation hearing, donald trump picked to lead the cia with tough questions in the senate until committee. catherine herridge brings what you can expect. >> the first woman nominated to be cia director to capitol hill. a handful of senators. when haskell will testify the senate intelligence committee. and dianne feinstein, democratic senators martin heinrich and joe manchin. >> curiosity to hear what my other colleagues, the answers they receive. >> and under fire because democrats are accused of lining up against the first woman to potentially lead the spy agency. sources confirm haskell offered withdraw her nomination to show her agency and avoid relitigating the bush era detainees program critics call torture. >> to protect the safety and security of americans which is why she is 100% committed to going through the confirmation process. >> the justice approved program, and mohammed under for scrutiny. pres. obama's cia director john brennan sankey decision-makers and confirmation. haskell was a mid-level manager with policy. >> a much stricter standard on this program is an john brennan was held to account for. and political -- >> catherine herridge, fox news. kim jung un brand-new charges expected for the man accused of shooting a sheriff deputy in the head who has died. william gentry responding to a call about a cat being shot when he pulled the trigger in lake placid, junior. placid is a 9 year veteran of the force serving with his brother, detective. >> he lost his hero. kim jung un able is a convicted felon with a history of violence towards police. the atty. gen. is out after being accused of assaulting several women. democrat eric schneiderman resigning after telling the new yorker he hit them when dating. threatened to kill them if he broke up with them. schneiderman saying these allegations were unrelated to professional conduct. they were leaving the officers work at this critical time. schneiderman a fierce opponent of donald trump and advocate of the me too movement little legal battle against harvey weinstein. first lady brexit trump surging in popularity nationwide. a new cnn poll, her favorability jumping to 57% this month up 10 points from january as she unveils her be best platform focusing on well-being, social media and opioid abuse in children. >> i'm asking you to join me in providing support and guidance to our children so that we can make a difference. how to educate our children on a variety of topics, to provide the blueprint for the next generation. together, to do all they can to be best in everything they do. kim jung un donald trump said the us is blessed to have her as a first lady. critics of the opportunity to pounce on the first lady not for what she said but how she said it slamming her so-called broken english. tammy bruce says it is another example of the left singling out women who are not aligned with them. >> mrs. obama complains again about women who voted for donald trump. a woman who worked in this line most of my adult life. it was supposed to be about and we achieved this, women making choices that were best for themselves and their families and that is denigrated. this should be celebrated that women are making a choice based on what establishment or celebrity or political celebrity is telling them to do. we are thinking about the future. if we can afford to pay the rent, this is what the movement is about and it has got to be embraced. >> important to note english is the first lady's 6 language. she also speaks french, italian, german, slovenian and serbo-croatian. 11 minutes after the hour, fox news alert, go now, that is the urgent warning for thousands is rushing love our turns paradise into a total nightmare. >> my life here. kim jung un what is being done to keep people safe in hawaii as a volcano pours rivers of lava. amazing video. all lies on the iran deal ahead of donald trump's announcement today. is a time to walk away from this deal? the next guest said yes as iran getting away from murder. what the lacrosse team did when speakers hit a snag. the clear evidence is how badly iran once to stay in the deal and are so desperate to stay in this deal. >> very accurately encapsulates it. when you look at it iran once to stay in this deal because they know when it was cut. they gave billions of dollars of cash in euros and allow them to continue to develop technology allowing a breakout in the agreement sunsets, and further evidence, former secretary of state john kerry, out there trying to work with leaders to keep the agreement in place, you're out of power, time to come in and demonstrate how bad this deal is. >> put anything nuclear aside, funding terrorism. and in yemen, putting in and installing the government they want their a terrible situation. trying to pay them off to be nice. that bothers a lot of people, it bothers the president. >> the number one state sponsor of terrorism throughout the world. the negotiating agreement with them, nuclear agreements have always been stovepipes, that way when we worked with the soviet union and other countries, you have to look at the ripple effects and hold iran accountable for their actions and they said if you impose any sanctions post nuclear deal we will walk away from it. police afraid to do so. your behavior within that region destabilized the entire middle east. saudi arabia being surrounded by lebanon, syria, iraq and in yemen. >> john kerry, i have to say, the strong minority on this issue. people like john kerry, republicans and most world leaders think we should stay in the deal. how do you defend being in the minority on this issue? >> when the agreement itself was bad, the administration inherited its, we can work to fix this deal, and in the european union, politicians within iran. and any changes to it. if the agreement is bad, that is not a stabilizer for world peace. you have to have verifiable and concrete steps. and what is off-limits for us to go to in iran. military bases. >> they for giving us your insight. and we wait for that big decision. 20 minutes after the hour. double-digit rate hikes where obamacare's healthcare plan getting even higher. >> i am so loyal, stormy daniels. kim jung un joe piscopo sounding off on his alma mater, crossing a line by putting stormy daniels on the show, no shortage of reaction. good morning. ♪ mr. elliot, what's your wifi password? wifi? wifi's ordinary. basic. do i look basic? nope! which is why i have xfinity xfi. it's super fast and you can control every device in the house. [ child offscreen ] hey! let's basement. and thanks to these xfi pods, the signal reaches down here, too. so sophie, i have an xfi password, and it's "daditude". simple. easy. awesome. xfinity. the future of awesome. kim jung un the 5-time deported illegal immigrants acquitted in the murder of kate steinle appearing in court on two count of illegal gun position. he admits firing the fatal shot in 2015 that killed kate steinle as she was walking on appear in san francisco but was found not guilty. on a state charge of being the next felon in possession of a gun, much closer charge. the heinous and violent ms 13 game is letting in girls as the group becomes americanized. females on about to join the gang can central america but there is an increase in female involvement, and by learning victims into an ambush. a teenage girl connected ms 13 admitted to brutally killing another girl outside washington dc. a question being asked. will liberal elite ever see the light? hollywood getting slammed with backlash of biblical proportions for this year's church seemed met gala in new york last night. carly shimkus with serious xm 115 here with the outrage online. trying to figure out -- what the met gala is. >> the annual met gala is a star-studded fundraising event known for over the trop fashion and this year's team was heavenly bodies, fashion and the catholic imagination. rihanna showed up wearing a sparkly outfits, many other celebrities accessorized using crosses and rosary beads but when people complain about cultural appropriation some wonder if turning catholicism into a costume was appropriate. was the lack of outrage a double standard? surprised people are not calling out the met gala for being are offensive to catholics but if it was another religion everyone would be up in arms. and other twitter users is imagine using my religion to do your fashion show, disgusting and lastly, it is low-key, disrespectful to the catholic religion and that is where people are falling. kim jung un let's talk about joe piscopo. >> a former saturday night live cast member called out the chauffeur casting stormy daniels to criticize donald trump. take a listen. >> i love them, so loyal to them but stormy daniels. >> i thought it was over the line and totally unnecessary. >> a tweet says it was, anyone connected to snl just lost my respect for the comedy arts. deplorable on twitter says that is what we think of the entire program. it is not humor. some outrage on saturday night live as well. due to technical difficulties the national anthem -- a high school across game in maryland. the players saying it. watch. ♪ were so gallantly streaming ♪ and the rockets red glare ♪ >> reporter: the lacrosse team, patriotic young men. kim jung un they probably remembered all the lyrics. 28 minutes after the hour, jeff sessions laying down the law in an immigration crackdown. >> i put in place a 0 tolerance policy, if you cross the board unlawfully, we will prosecute you. kim jung un our next guest praising this tough stance saying the new policy is the best to stop those trying to exploit the country's loopholes. how old enough for kids to be left home alone. was your state next? ♪ >> fox news alert, go now, the urgent warning for thousands of people have lava destroyed dozens of homes on hawaii's big island, these pictures showing lava devouring that ford mustang. some people allow it to briefly return home to save some of their belongings. >> this is my bus, fully everything fell. my life here. kim jung un it is unreal what a volcano can do. that is the inside of her damaged home. she had her husband packing up to escape and the toxic fumes that come from the volcano. they will join us in the 5:00 hour. frantic 911 phone call giving a glance at the moment a military plane crashed on a georgia highway killing everybody on board. >> it is all by right now. >> smoke everywhere. stuff coming out of the sky. kim jung un all 9 victims were airmen from the puerto rico national guard. they shared 170 years of service between them. the cause of the crash under investigation. in just hours donald trump says to make an announcement about the obama era nuclear deal. iran's pres. wade in expecting us withdrawal saying it is possible we will face problems for 2 or 3 months but we will pass through this, doing deals with europe. donald trump expected to pull out of the agreement he called the worst deal ever. he gave more power to iran in the middle east. a high-level delegation to the historic opening of the us embassy of jerusalem led by john sullivan with jared kushner and douglas holtz-eakin trump. steve mnuchin and ambassador to israel david friedman will be there. the announcement coming as new signs leading to the embassy you can see right now, up ahead of the ceremony that comes next monday. 0-tolerance policy, jeff sessions laying down the law with a new immigration crackdown at the border calling out families that illegally cross. and border agents have needed all along, here to weigh in on that is the national border patrol council, thanks for coming on, we appreciate it, we have seen a huge spike from march to march last year to this year, something like a 200% increase in border crossings in this country. it seems the trump effect that was felt when he took office that was credited for the decreasing crossings has worn off. is the substantial from sessions what we need? >> it is what we need. one of the issues was the constant catch and release. smugglers and people coming across got smart. for the longest time you get the male and female in the female would cross with the child and that was the mother, they would stay united, they would never show up at the court date. then they got smart, got family units, the mother would cross with a child, they would get released and the father would cross with the other child and the same would happen to them. this is what we need, a tough stance. if you are a united states citizen and put your child in danger or commit a crime you are separated from the child also. this is a fantastic idea and furthermore they should bring charges against these people for endangering these children's lives. you should see the horror stories i could share from being on the border when we arrest these people across into the country with some children under 5 years of age and they have blisters on their feet from the tips of their toes to the heels of their feet and parents continuously making children walk for days and they should be arrested for endangerment. kim jung un sessions said we will separate you from your children. if you don't want that to happen don't quasilegal into the country with your kids. it is common sense, he is not trying to be harsh. the caravan we have been talking about, they made it in smaller number. they have been allowed into claim asylum, what chance do they have of being granted asylum at this point? >> the bigger issue is they go through an asylum official and have a court date later on the real question is what chance do we have they will appear in court when their court appearances do? that is the reality. is happening across the country. speaking to agents in the rio grande valley in texas they are informing us those numbers are coming through texas and they haven't stopped either. kim jung un people say this is harsh treatment of immigrants, we shouldn't have borders, the atty. gen. think people all over the world want to come to the country. you come in illegally your cutting everybody else in line. does that make sense to you? >> makes more than perfect sense. if you are seeking asylum, have issues in your country there's a right way to do it and that is going to the port of entry and through proper process, not by trying to enter the country without being detected. if you come to my home you knock on my door, you don't go through the window. kim jung un we appreciate your being here and your service, thank you so much. 38 minutes after the hour. speaking of borders, one of the left's leaders making it clear he does not believe in them at all. the radical immigration message that could get you talking this morning. the story that gave coffee drinkers adult, cancer warnings on your cup. the judge made a critical decision you will want to hear before you drink up today. what would racing be without nascar? the rumor mill turning with a big announcement that could stunned fans. stay tuned. ♪ ♪ life in the fast lane ♪ kim jung un obamacare prices skyrocket with double-digit increases in the state of maryland, carefirst blue cross blue shield asking an 18% increase for hmo plans but for ppo plans they want a 91% increase. analysts say this is due to healthy people dropping out of the exchanges who are no longer forced to buy insurance after donald trump struck down the obamacare individual mandate. if people in new hampshire went medicaid they have to work for it. the state winning federal approval for its plan requiring able-bodied adults to work, attend school or provide community service for 20 hours per week. the governor says it is meant to help people gain skills for long-term independence. new hampshire is the fourth state to impose medicaid work rules. a ruling on cancer warning labels on all coffee sold in the state of california another judge sided with a nonprofit group that sued starbucks and others agreeing the benefits of coffee did not outweigh risks from a carcinogen that is a byproduct of the roasting process of coffee. they have a simple choice, but those ominous labels on their cups or remove the chemical somehow altogether. nascar reportedly revving up for a change that could stunned race fans. what is going on with nascar? >> reporter: according to reuters, nascar's majority owners are in talks to save their stakes of nascar as races and attendance to those races have declined. the owners have been working with goldman sachs to find a buyer. the company has been privately held since 1948, now controlled by his family. no word what the price tag for nascar could be. kim jung un free ice cream today. >> from 4:00 pm until 8:00 pm you can get a free scoop of ice cream or sorbet. in exchange for the sweet trees, heloise --haagen dasz hopes people will contribute, bees play a critical role in producing their ice cream. ingredients in used in more than a third of its ice cream flavor. important cause for them. they want people to understand, donate. kim jung un very important cause. i had a banana split the other day and almost passed out. coming up, want a boat? prove your american citizen. one lawmaker is under fire for proposing that. sen. terrence murphy live to shut down criticism, explain why his bill will guarantee fair elections. allowing kids to be kids again. the first free range parenting law, an interesting story. we will talk about it. ♪ octor. i will. but first, a little presentation. hijacking earth's geothermal energy supply. phase 1. choosing the right drill bit. as long as evil villains reveal their plans, you can count on geico saving folks money. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. kim jung un welcome back. kids can now walk home from school or go to the park without mom and dad. the first free range parenting law goes into effect in use are changing the definition of neglect to allow children of sufficient age and maturity more independent, no specific requirements, groups in new york and texas pushing for similar laws. kim jung un letting parents choose how independent their kids are. concept that should not be legal issue, parents need free range that every situation could be different. in excess picture in a-year-old working alone from times square. children belong to parents, not the state. i do not believe in quarters. that is across the chest of keith ellison, wearing a t-shirt with the phrase in spanish taking pictures and in minneapolis. last month the minnesota congressman said if democrats don't win more elections more women would die. this does not come without controversy. republican lawmaker setting off a firestorm among democratic colleagues requiring voters to show photo ids before casting ballots. what do democrats have against a safeguard like this? joining me is state senator who proposed this legislation. thank you for coming on this morning. just to start off, what standards allow someone to vote in new york at this time? very lax. >> this is common sense legislation. my son who goes to a library needs a photo identification card to take a book out. all we are asking is show some form of id that matches your signature and good to go. rob: there is no id requirement in new york and it is very common. >> no id whatsoever. 17 other states have them. this is common sense legislation. rob: the first criticism you hear every time is from democrats who say this will suppress voting. there are people that are intimidated by the idea of having to give a id when they vote. what do you say? >> we need a id everywhere we go. in the building this morning i had to show my id, go to bjs to get food i need my id, show your drivers license or non-driver's license the costs $10 you can get for eight years if you are on social security, it is very simple. rob: democrats argue are being suppressed when they say they are suppressing votes, who is it you think they are talking about? >> very good question. it wasn't to suppress anybody, just to open it up and allow people to make sure there is no fraud in the election cycle, that everybody is allowed to vote. we have the ability to give people their drivers license or identification card. if you need to use, what do i want to say? your social security or military id or us passport you can make it as easy as you want but there should be some checks and balance. it is our most sacred part of what we do, to go out and vote. we are not asking for anything but common sense legislation and showing some photo id. rob: you get a credit card, places you have to have it. in new york which typically is a blue state this gets around? >> i think it gets through this date senate. the problem is the assembly. i do not think the assembly would pass anything like this. this is something we always get the roadblocks over there. stiffer penalties, the governor just announced 30,000 people he is going to pardon, so to speak. you have literally cold-blooded murderers, pedophiles and rapists who are now going to be able to vote. he says we are going to open it up for anyone to vote. i say that is wrong. you kill somebody, first-degree murder, you set them up, no parole. rob: somewhat moderate, might be running for president, pretty far left. thank you for coming on. 53 minutes after the hour, the most heart-wrenching thing you might see all day. a soldier whose flight was delayed watching his daughter's birth on face time. the emotional moment that is going viral. stay tuned. ♪ rob: philadelphia international airport backup after water main break. passengers arriving to the running water and finding toilets did not flush, forcing restaurants to close. the break happened outside the airport flooding a parking lot, the airport issuing this announcement. >> contributing sanitizers to all restaurants. rob: the water pressure has since been restored. thai airways coming under fire after a passenger is charged for having too long a name. he was forced to pay an extra $94 at the counter to make changes to his name on the ticket after the airline claimed it didn't match his password. his name would not fit in the 25 character limit when he booked online so he entered part of it was the airline has reimbursed him to avoid future issues. a soldier stuck in the airport breaking down in tears as he watches his daughter's birth on the face time in brooklyn. he was glued to his phone in dallas. a flight delay keeping him from being at the hospital. the person who posted the video said everyone cheered when the baby cried adding she shared the moments so people wouldn't forget the sacrifices soldiers make. lindsay eventually did make it home to meet his baby girl and his wife. there you go. there were 6000 sailors lining the rails of the theater roosevelt as the aircraft carrier returns home, they were eager to see their loved ones after a 7 month deployment. >> it made the deployment worth it. >> amazing. i have been waiting, a long 7 months. rob: the ship sailing 56,000 miles, made stops all over the place, in the middle east and asia. "fox and friends first" continues right now. jillian: decision day. the countdown is on for a big announcement from donald trump regarding iran and its nuclear weapons program. the new warning from iran's pres.. >> if you cross the board are unlawfully we will prosecute you. it is that simple. rob: and immigration message from the top law enforcement, crackdown is coming, the stern warning from atty. gen. jeff sessions. jillian: prison close, prisons gone, the brand-new campaign promises from chelsea manning. "fox and friends first" continues right now. ♪


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20180507

own hands shooting a burglar. >> kill him before he kill me. that's what was going through my mind. i hope i taught him and the rest of them a lesson. ♪ ♪ ♪ wake me up before you go-go ♪ don't let me hanging like a i don't yo yo steve: it's 6:01 in new york city. this is your wake-up call for mother week. ainsley: monday morning. brian: and, again, we hope everybody is dressed. we don't know unless you want to face time us. right? ainsley: is it a special day of week for you? steve: i know the answer. today is may 7th. which means it's my friend todd's birthday. has been, todd. and every year. ainsley: who else's birthday is it? brian: does todd give away a car on his birthday? steve: sometimes he does. i remember it's todd's birthday because todd and brian were born on the same day. ainsley: happy birthday. brian: thank you very much. ainsley: you thought we forgot. brian: no, i didn't. ainsley: we haven't mentioned it yet this morning. brian: run down three hours all about me. ainsley: unless it's going to be -- brian: we have talked enough about me. robert mueller got two rebukes back to back came from judges on a friday. judges sometimes work on saturday. first one came in a stunning rebuke in the afternoon on friday. that was from -- i think it was judge ellis iii. he just said we have been saying a lot on this couch, what exact solid your mandate and why are you making paul manafort a fall guy? steve: it's interesting because he wants to see the so-called scope memo that spells out the scope of the investigation. and the government doesn't want to show that they say it's super secret, but the judge says, look, i want to know where you got the authority to indict mr. manafort on things that happened in 2005. keep in mind, if it's the russia deal in 2016, how come you are going back 10 years earlier? ainsley: the judge said you are going after manafort for filing false income tax returns. failure to file reports on foreign bank accounts. they say you raid his house. it's obvious what you are doing. you are trying to squeeze manafort. he said you tightened the screws and they will begin to provide information in what you are really interested in. they are saying this judge is eviscerating mueller and mueller's team for using manafort to get to the president and try to find something. brian: what is interesting and legal minds have said okay, you are looking into president trump. for some reason things michael cohen and you say to the southern district of new york take this michael cohen case, it's not my problem; robert mueller defers it over and says give it to the southern district of new york. in paul manafort has done something in 2006, refer it to the virginia and say this has nothing to do with the president of the united states. refer it over here. instead they want to keep this guy front and center. ainsley: rudy giuliani said this is a trap. they are all asking him to testify. we want this president to testify and answer these questions. he says i don't trust james comey. he is a liar. the president has done nothing wrong but i'm not going to advise him to testify because it's a trap. this is not a fantasy world and he special counsel thinks comey is moses. i happen to think he is judas. listen to him on one of the sunday shows. >> hillary clinton treatment is what i'm looking for. and that is no under oath. only a q and a. we get the questions in advance and they write the report two weeks before. i believe after judge ellis' remarks, there's no question that the amount of government misconduct is accumulating. i happen to be it's greater than anybody realizes. very embarrassing to my former justice department and very embarrassing not to fbi agents. please, nobody is attacking fbi agents and lawyers we are attacking the leadership of both organizations. brian: making people question what exactly are you doing? why is rod rosenstein just saying robert mueller, you have a lot to work with. stay in your lane. steve: that's why congress wants to see the scope memo. that's why this judge wants to see the scope memo. i was talking to somebody from the department of justice. they won't let anybody see it they say national security stuff in there and i asked them the question so, if what's going on mind the scenes i had heard there might be actually two scope memos. they said nope, there is just one. sometimes if mr. mueller has questions, he will call mr. rosenstein on the phone and say hey, i want to look into this thing, can i do that and they will hash it out on the phone. isn't that cozy? >> jason riley from the "wall street journal" editorial page, he cited that first case where the judge says, hey, you can't have unfettered power go back to 2005. that's not what this is about. listen to him. >> so what judge ellis said here, which is that he said to mueller's team: you do not have unfettered power here. you can't have unfettered power. you should be working within parameters. many trump supporters think this is no longer about paul manafort's bank fraud or financial dealings. this is about doing whatever it takes to bring down donald trump. and people are very concerned about that. trump supporters are very concerned that mueller has not kept his eye on the ball. that he has gone outside of his mandate and that latitude has been given to him by rod rosenstein. brian: i hate to tell you, and bill clinton's case in point, if you are going after president trump about colluding with russia and have nothing and obstructing of justice if there is no crime there and get nothing. then you are going to go i have a problem with a casino deal or a golf course purchase or scottish transaction. the american people aren't going to stand for it independents and trump supporters. i think democrats would be embarrassed by it already. nobody denies it. the president's numbers are ticking up. making democrats wonder is the anti-trump message enough to run on the should have showed you no. steve: each congressional district who indictment in congress? somebody who has simply talked about their there might this russia thing or somebody who is got you tax cuts? and that's the message mr. mccarthy is going to have in about two hours. ainsley: rudy giuliani said they can't prove collusion and obstructions. that's why they are asking all these questions if you read the questions about how do you feel? what were your thoughts during all of that. let us know what you think. brian: i wonder what gina haspel was thinking a couple days ago when she went to the white house and said do you want to pull my nomination back to be the next cia director even though i'm acting director and been in the agency since 1985 and made some of the toughest decisions anybody can make in a very laud tore way. i'm going to pull my application. i don't want to be ronny jackson. i'm a little concerned about the political attacks on me mainly because of my role in enhanced interrogation. steve: sounds as if sarah huckabee sanders and martin short drove out to the cia and talked her out of it. wednesday is the big day get a grilling from the senate intel. it's all going to be about what happened regarding the washing. keep in mind, whatever she did when she was in power at that point, she was doing it as a directive and all within the law. ainsley: doing what she was told to do? this is tough, because, good people are starting to pull their names or being asked if they can pull their names. they are worried about being grilled. they are worried about their cia reputation in her case. is she qualified? steve: absolutely. ainsley: we have all heard she is. we will find out. we will be watching on wednesday and give you a report. brian: 32-year career. if she can just explain what she was doing. if she can double down and say i was proud of what i accomplished whether it was black sites interrogation. i dare anyone to sit in my shoes and accomplish what i have done. tell us everything that you were able to pick up because in jose rodriguez book. it's in jim mitchell's book. all the attacks stop. green lighted during her 32 year career. ainsley: first female. she 8 be the first female cia director. patriarchy cool. steve: hearing is on wednesday. we have told you for years how americans colleges have drifted to the left. how far left? a brand new stud from from the national association of scholars paints it a pretty bleak picture. 39% of colleges, about 40% of all-american colleges have zero professors who id as republicans. as you can see right there. the average breaks down to 10.4 to every 1. it's interesting if you remove west point annapolis the average is 13 to 1. brian: unbelievable, too. i'm telling you, having gone through the college process now playing a major role in the type of schools you pick. ainsley: you are not applying to berkeley? brian: put it this way. i'm out of school. my family. it has a lot to do with it. especially if you work at fox and did you go there and the professor is going to be having a mind set against your kid because they have a political point of view and they assume the 19-year-old in front of them also does, i'm going to look at another school. ainsley: your kids need to use another last name. brian: which they are already using. use their first name like cher. steve: if you are curious, there are outliers according to. this thomas aquinas college, 33 full-time faculty, every one of them identifies as a republican. brian: my problem is i didn't like their coach because i was looking at thomas acombine nance college. ainsley: you just outed the coach? brian: yes. we didn't know which sport. ainsley: i think we know which one is your favorite. ainsley: i want to see a list of the republican colleges. brian: we will get that you flier and index card in a moment. ainsley: if about 16 years. steve: meanwhile, it's 6:11 in new york city. jillian joins us on monday morning with a fox news alert in florida. jillian: we are following breaking news. get you caught up on that. a florida sheriff's deputy fighting for his life after being shot in the head. deputy william gentry responding to a call about a cat being shot when the suspect pulled the trigger in lake placid. >> we would just ask that you continue to pray for deputy gentry and hopefully that will give him the strength to pull through. this. jillian: gunman identified as joseph ables under arrest. he is a felon with a history of violence towards police. gentry is a 9-year veteran of the force and serves as a detective. hawaii's kilauea volcano. look at that brand new video showing molten rock spewing into the air on the big island. that hot lava giving off poisonous gas and forcing 1700 people from their homes. scientists still don't know when the la have lava will stor how far it will spread. a flight from fort lauderdale pulling into a gate when the grounds pickup truck crashed into it. 172 people were on board. no one was hurt though. the truck driver's condition is still unclear. today, first lady melania trump will reveal her platform to help our nation's children. according to a spokesperson she will concentrate her initiative on a range of issue such as social media health and addiction instead of tailoring it to a specific topic. it will be 3:00 eastern in the rose garden. ainsley: watch it here. eve evidence indeed. thank you, jillian. former congressman jason clafts join us live. ainsley: plus what lady ant bella is saying about this kring worthy performance of the national anthem ♪ through the perilous fight woman: where are we taking him? 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brian: judge ellis made huge news on friday. rudy giuliani doubling down. no questions about that from george stephanopoulos. he doubled down will rudy on calls to end the special counsel's probe as the federal judge deal as blow to mueller's case. it's stunning. fox news contributor and former republican congressman jason chaffetz served on the oversight committee where he was chairman of the reform committee. congressman, how big a deal is this? >> it's a real big deal because look, the improbable election of donald trump is not probable cause to pursue him. they have got to follow evidence. they have got to follow, you know, the truth the question is what started this initial probe? and it's become so far and so wide for judge ellis to push back on this and say show us the scope memo? they have got to provide that. they won't provide it to congress, but they have got to provide it to the judge. brian: in layman's term tell me what you are i don't mandate is. what did rod rosenstein tell you what to do. not going to give it to you. going to give it to you but redact it. he said you are not going to redact it give it to me. come back with the scope memo. something else happened on friday and ruled on saturday. you know that russian troll farm where they hit indictments. i guess they didn't think people were going to fight back. one was concord management consulting, when they started fighting back mueller's team asked for delay. the judge said no i'm not going to give you a delay. just present your case. they are getting push back finally and not from a pundit on this channel. >> look, they're filing charges and then they come up to their hearing and they say well, we're not ready yet. that doesn't make a whole lot of sense to the average person. and judge ellis, i would love the fact that he is pushing back. you don't get unfettered access to go serve everywhere in every place. you pursue truth and justice but do that through facts and evidence and let that be where you go hey let's go donald trump this is your life. let's go look at every single aspect. you have to have probable cause. brian: and chairman, finally, that's what leads most legal experts to say there is no way the president should sit with mueller. and, if pushed, he shouldn't, you know, if subpoenaed, he still shouldn't show. let the courts deal with it. now you understand. >> yeah, look. i think most people think that but i think donald trump also does things differently than anybody else. in his heart of hearts he wants to sit down and explain why he doesn't believe there is any sort of collusion whatsoever. brian: chairman, thanks so much for getting up with us. >> thanks, good morning. brian: coming up straight ahead, facebook just unveiled a new feature helping terrorists become friends. isn't that wonderful? and no one saw president trump coming, so what did everyone miss? our next guest went straight into trump country to find out. these are a series of still pictures and that's me. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ no matter when you retire, your income doesn't have to. see how lincoln can help ensure you still have income every month of your retirement, guaranteed, at before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn, lucy could only imagine enjoying a slice of pizza. now it's as easy as pie. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? for all-day, all-night protection. mr. elliot, what's your wiwifi?ssword? wifi's ordinary. basic. do i look basic? nope! which is why i have xfinity xfi. it's super fast and you can control every device in the house. [ child offscreen ] hey! let's basement. and thanks to these xfi pods, the signal reaches down here, too. so sophie, i have an xfi password, and it's "daditude". simple. easy. awesome. xfinity. the future of awesome. ainsley: back with headlines with a fox news alert. russian president vladimir putin zorn in fo sworn in for ah term. 1600 people reportedly under arrest for protests. putin won his election in landslide victory. he has been in power as the president or prime minister since 2000. also breaking overnight, a sign of unity between the u.s. and israel. u.s. embassy road signs going up in jerusalem ahead of next week's opening. president trump recognized the city as israel's capital late last year. steve? steve: thanks, ainsley. from day one president trump promised hope for the forgotten men and women of the united states. >> the forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. >> everyone is listening to you now. you came by the tens of millions to become part of a historic movement, the likes of which the world has never seen before. steve: in their brand new book, the great revolt, inside the populist coalition. the rise into the donald trump and why voters love him. co-authors selena zito and brad todd join us live in the studio. >> good morning. >> good morning. steve: the experts got the whole election wrong in 2016 and they continue to get it wrong regarding who voted for him. >> that's really important. there is this movement going on. and we're still not listening to what it is saying to us. and that's sort of the important part of this book. is that it takes readers not only reminds them who these voters are and the different architects that make up the coalition. but how they are impacting the country and the world beyond the ballot box. steve: sure. brad, when you look at the people who voted for donald trump, now president trump, what the experts got wrong is they didn't understand why the people in the rust belt counties, who voted for barack obama, why they would ever vote for the republican donald trump. but they did. >> no question. you know, when bill clinton won re-election in the 1990s, he won 1500 counties. when hillary clinton won the popular vote she did so winning less than 500 counties. a lot of these places if you look at ohio and wisconsin and pennsylvania are places where dozens of counties flipped from obama in 2012 to donald trump in 2016. steve: all right, in your book, have you got different names for some of the demographic groups. for instance, rough rebounders, king cyrus evangelicals. reporter reliables. let's start at the top. rough rebounders who are they? >> those are the voters who have had a set back in life, either whether it's a tragedy in the family, an economic set back that lost their job, and those were the voters that went to donald trump pretty darn quickly. because they saw in him someone who made a come back. and someone who was able to land on their feet and they just rallied around him very quickly. steve: king cyrus evangelicals? >> a lot of people have noted that evangelical supported trump. but that started even in the primaries. it really was a very pragmatic vote. they didn't find a lot in sort of personal background in common with donald trump, but they found shared priorities. steve: reporterotary reliables. >> regular republicans who lived in suburban counties that if they lived in counties that where everyone was like them. they had the same college education. they didn't vote for trump but if they lived in counties where there was a mixed economic situation, they went for trump and they went for trump strong along with the uncolleged educated voters. steve: that's a look back. what's going on right now if you watch all the other channels, you know they are probably right now doing a bulletin on stormy daniels. how much does stormy daniels and that saga play into the loyalty that these people invested in donald trump? >> well, we didn't hear stories about scandal on the road and talking to trump voters in the rust belt. steve: do they care? >> they tend to think this is about them not about the soap operas going on in washington and new york. if you didn't see this election coming, we hope this is the book for you. if you didn't see what's happened with dick's sporting goods and some of the other commercial brands made bad decisions regarding this coalition in the last year, we think this book is for you, too. you might learn something. steve: you watch the other channels and see people on this channel as well who say look, the people who voted for donald trump in 2016, they got an --ful. they have had it up to here with him. they are going to flip. do you buy that. >> i haven't seen wholesale evidence of that if anything, i have seen strengthening and more of a coalescing around him. donald trump was the result of this election it wasn't the cause. this is the first book that actually takes a look at the people who put him into office and what they're going to do next. steve: excellent. that's what we all want to know. the book is terrific. it's called the great revolt inside the popular coalition american politics. in god we trust now under attack now by some democrats. >> i'm wondering if senator hall would feel the same if students walked in and instead of the word god they al lanchts i don't like that word on our money and in our public schools. steve: our friend dan bongino fired up about this. is he up next live. one grandmother had never fired a gun before until somebody tried to break into her house. >> kill him before he killed me. i hope i taught him and the rest of them a lesson. stay the hell out of people's house. with the power of 335 turbo-charged horses the lincoln mkx, more horsepower than the lexus rx350 and a quiet interior from which to admire them. the lincoln spring sales event is here. for a limited time get 0% apr on the lincoln mkx. plus get $1000 bonus cash. if your adventure keeps turning into unexpected bathroom trips you may have overactive bladder, or oab. ohhhh... enough already! we need to see a doctor. ask your doctor about myrbetriq® (mirabegron). it treats oab symptoms of urgency, frequency, and leakage. it's the first and only oab treatment in its class. myrbetriq may cause serious allergic reactions. if you experience swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue, or difficulty breathing... stop taking myrbetriq and tell your doctor right away. myrbetriq may increase blood pressure. tell your doctor right away if you have trouble emptying your bladder or have a weak urine stream. myrbetriq may affect or be affected by other medications. before taking myrbetriq, tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems. common side effects include increased blood pressure, common cold symptoms urinary tract infection, constipation, diarrhea, dizziness, and headache. need some help managing your oab symptoms along the way? 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i don't understand. of course they are going to fight back at the election booth and ideologically. this is absurd strategy. steve: dan, what do you mean they don't want to have the competition from the church? >> here's -- if you are a far left radical, you need people to be surgically attached to the government for their money, for their healthcare, for their kid's education. you know, someone said to me once, there is no power in yes for the government. meaning the government has to be able to tell people no -- and that way can you come to them for permission. they don't want competition. the right granted by god to defend yourself and life and liberty and happiness. they don't want that. they have to detach from you god at every opportunity, hence this never ending battle against religion. this is going to blow up on them if it hasn't already big time though. ainsley: just to clarify, senator john marty and senator dan hall the republican who wants this in our schools. brian: let's move on to another thing. same guy, okay, same issue. nothing to do with the game itself. let's talk about what happens before the game. talk about the nfl and the kneeling policy. it hurt business and ratings and caused a national dialogue and the president has been right behind it he has been offended by it like a lot of us. the nfl has decided to leave it up to the individual 30 plus teams in the league to decide it on their own national anthem policy. i don't mind this. i feel as though these free agents, if you go to the patriots you are standarding. got to san francisco 49ers. you do whatever you want. when you figure out what team you want to be drafted on, you don't want to go to that team, go to another team. i don't have a problem with, this do you? >> i don't have a problem with it at all. if i was an nfl owner. you talk about really silly business decisions. if there were a book like how to destroy your business in 12 simple steps, step number one would be you know, watch what the nfl allowing people to kneel on the field. i would fire every one of these guys? is there going to be blow back from the radical far left? of course, there is blow back for everything. there is a couple kids in mommy's bamplet with their twitter making them seem like they are more important than they are. the real americans out there that watch the nfl, that love the sport, i mean guys like me that don't watch it anymore were deeply offended by. this if they fired every single one of these guys they might get their audience back. i like the decision. i will tell you, i was at the nra convention in dallas, you would be surprised, brian, maybe you wouldn't. i spoke to thousands of people this weekend, and the nfl is still a big issue with them. and i don't mean it in a good way. they were really upset. steve: it's not a decision. they are punting on it we don't want to decide. everybody else figure it out. brian: do you know why? because the union is standing in heir way and the nfl can't even pretend as if they are making the final decision on park avenue. steve: negotiate. brian: the nba did. but the nfl just can't work this out. it's unbelievable. steve: all right, dan. thank you for joining us today from palm city in the beautiful state of florida. thank you, sir. >> you got it. ainsley: hand it over to jillian who has headlines for you? jillian: that's right. good monday morning to you and to you at home as well. news we are following. urgent manhunt intensifying for whoever stabbed a guardsman in road rage. driver killing 24-year-old corey harter and leaving him for dead after a fight on mars highway. his family now pleading for answers. >> he did a tour over in iraq, and he was in qatar. he loved everyone. he was help -- please, if you know anything, don't let just let him be a number. please come forward. jillian: take a look at your screen. police are hoping this picture of harter's truck could lead to more tips. unclear why they were fighting. facebook under fire accused of helping terrorists connect with each other. a report by the non-productivit -- recruitnew me world. one researcher says they were bombarded with pro-isis friends connections after connecting with one extremist. it is working to remove terrorist content. a 70-year-old grand mother takes matters into her own hands and shoots a man breaking into her home. maxine thompson grabbing her gun when she heard a crook shatter her window in philadelphia. >> kill him before he killed me. that's what was going through my mind. i hope i taught him and the rest of them a lesson. stay the hell out of people's house. jillian: thompson is the mother of a police officer and had never fired a gun before. the suspect sunday arrest and in the hospital. did you know tri band lady antebellum did not own the night at the playoff. messing up the national anthem before the predators took on the jets. >> through the perilous fight ♪ were so to. >> proudly. >> we watched. >> were so gal atlantisly streaming ♪ jillian: you heard that right in the group taking their mistake? stride tweeting, quote: well, we're human, too y'all. we are still rooting for you predz. #smallville. the lost 6-2. pretty ugly, not going to lie. steve: not good. ainsley: pretty embarrassing. singing different versions. brian: unlike janice dean who sings the national anthem every morning. steve: she can do both. she canadian. janice: can i do both. steve: how was derby. janice: amazing. i feel like i want to wear a hat every single day. i love the kentucky derby hats. coming up in the show we are going to have the co-owner of justify, the horse that won. and did you know that i trained with the jockey, mike smith? it's incredible. we will show you more video and show you pictures and talk to him coming up. past 24 hours, that storm system that brought a mudder to the kentucky derby yesterday. it's out of here. slight storm system across the northern rockies and northern plains. otherwise, a good-looking forecast for most. beautiful 75 here in new york. very warm across the south. 103 in phoenix. they will set some records. the derby one of my favorite events to cover. thank you "fox & friends" for sending me there. ainsley: did you great. you looked so beautiful. janice: it was amazing. brian: hopefully we will be able to pay the "fox & friends" credit card. ainsley: all that bourbon. brian: we will talk about that. 18 minutes before the top of the hour. rosie o'donnell loves liberals so much she donated five times, five different times using four different names. i don't think that's allowed. dinesh d'souza served 8 months in confinement for not even doing the same thing but half. that is there a double and triple standard there? we're going to ask him next. they appear out of nowhere. my secret visitors. hallucinations and delusions. the unknown parts of living with parkinson's. what plots they unfold, but only in my mind. over 50% of people with parkinson's will experience hallucinations or delusions during the course of their disease. if your loved one is experiencing these symptoms, talk to your parkinson's specialist. there are treatment options that can help. my visitors should be the ones i want to see. there are treatment options that can help. the first survivor of ais out there.sease and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. visit to join the fight. ♪ better than all the rest ♪ applebee's new bigger bolder grill combos. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. ains liberal comedian rosie o'donnell is being accused making illegal donations to five democratic candidates. she gave combined $5,400 in contributions over the legal limit. filmmaker den niche dues authofilm make d'souza.joins us. >> good morning. ainsley: is your reaction doug jones 4700. conor lamb $3,006. the limit is 2700. what's your reaction? >> well it, seems clear what from what we know that rose broke the law and broke the law five times. so it's in a sense an egregious violation. now, what makes it particularly sneaky on her part is that she used four different names and five different addresses. so it seems clear that she knew what she was doing and she was trying to cover her tracks. now, normally if these offenses occur a single time particularly when there is no corruption involved, they don't prosecute them. but they do prosecute repeat offenders. it seems clear that rosy is in this sense a repeat oden. ainsley: they did convict you did this one time a fifth of the amount that rosie did provisionally. had you to pay $30,000. you gave 20,000 to do so this new york senator wendy long. i'm going to read you rosie's response. she said they should have known. i was not choosing it to overdonate. in 2700 is the cut-off. candidates should refund the money. i donate assuming they don't accept what's over the limit. we are supposed to know the law and you can't blame someone else when you do something wrong. but then when i thought about you giving 20,000, did you not know the rules? did you not know that the limit was 2700? >> here's the thing. in rosie's case she seems to be habitual giver to campaigns because she is giving to multiple campaigns. in my case it was a college friend of mine running. i had never made a political contribution before. i had no intent to break the law. in either case, the point is that you exceed the campaign finance limit, and the law is the law. whether you actually know it or not. i think in my case, a congressional oversight committee has my file. and very clearly red flags me as a conservative who made a movie critical of the obama administration. so the fbi, which uncovered this was clearly signaling to obama and to the holder justice department hey, this guy is a political enemy, let's prosecute him. so, what's interesting is that my case is quite clearly a political hit. what's going to happen to rosie is going to be a very interesting question of political equity. remember, in justice, it's not just a matter that you break the law. it's a matter whether other people who broke the law who are in a similar situation get similar treatment. ainsley: yeah. it would not be fair if she didn't have to serve the same amount of time that you did if not more she did it five times. if she actually is convicted of this. thanks so much, dinesh; president trump has five days left to decide if he wants to keep the iran nuclear deal. it turns out john kerry is working extra hard to save his creation. new questions about his shadow diplomacy at the top of the hour. todd piro goes sky diving, kind of. using the same type of wind tunnels that our military trains. in you will meet the veterans behind it all next ♪ ♪ we're on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, it's time to wake up to keurig. wakey! wakey! rise and shine! oh my gosh! how are you? well watch this. i pop that in there. press brew. that's it. so rich. i love it. that's why you should be a keurig man! full-bodied. are you sure you're describing the coffee and not me? ♪ steve: take a look at that yes, that is "fox & friends" correspondent todd piro and he is sky diving indoors. ainsley: todd went out over the weekend to the u.s. national indoor sky diving championship. brian: he joins us now with a behind the scenes look at the country's latest adrenaline rush. todd: after looking at that i think i need to lay off the diners a little bit. i fly virginia beach literally swept me off my feet. we headed there to talk competition, the military and just a little hot air. check it out. >> dude, what is this? >> oh my gosh, it's indoor sky diving. have you ever heard of it? >> i have not. we have 350 force power fans on the top of our building that we circulate air 150 miles per hour. todd: let's see the tunnel. are you ready? >> i'm ready. >> dreamed up this idea. >> i was in the navy 26 years. navy special operations. todd: you are used to deal with stuff that can kill you quite frankly. >> we used to travel to facilities around the country and train in vertical wind tunnels. we would always say why isn't there a wind tunnel in virginia beach. todd: while it may look like fun at the competition here. this is a training tool to keep our country safe. >> i was in the navy special worker operator. basically start out in the tunnel. gives us stools we need to do missions. >> what's your favorite part. >> children are the best thing that happen in this building every single day bar none. todd: what's it like when you are in the tunnel? >> it's super fun and exsilver rating. like a rush. todd: what's biggest advice to me. >> walk into the structure and have fun. >> let's do it. ising. >> first thing we're going to do is talk about body position. good job. yeah. you are doing great. are you ready to fly? >> let's do it. >> geared up. i think we are ready to go. >> 3, 2, 1. urelg ♪ ♪ ♪ >> woo. todd: i have nothing else to say. i'm speechless. >> virginia beach is your second home now. >> we are here with the u.s.a. champ in this amazing sport. >> we feel really fortunate to be here. the owner has been very generous. we are very fortunate to be part of this community of people. >> there is definitely a that consumes everybody when you are around military people. same spirit i saw with the individuals here. it's incredible. >> i'm here with a brotherhood that will last with me the rest of my life. the support i had with this idea to today is incredible with my brothers and sisters in arms. it's like i'm still serving and it's awesome. todd: there is a charitable aspect to all of this involving the frame foundation donating hours in the tunnel to kids. also the folks at another veteran owned business strike force. they sponsor the championship where team -- how see him right there took home the gold for the second year in a row. amazing. steve: that's task. thefantastic.they have built one on my way home from work. i have got to get in there. ainsley: i love the military as specht. the national anthem before they start championship. todd: so interesting when i heard you talking about the national anthem. when that national anthem played everybody on their feet and at attention. nobody messing around. gentleman on the second floor he stood at attention and didn't move. that's the way it should be, you know? steve: that was fun. todd: that want work. that was awesome. steve: thank you very much. house majority leader kevin mccarthy and boris johnson, ari fleischer, new ambassador to germany ric grenell and dr. oz. what a show and the safey for "most parallel parallel parking job" goes to... [ drum roll ] ...emily lapier from ames, iowa. this is emily's third nomination and first win.,! um, first of all, to my fellow nominees, it is an honor sharing the road with you. and of course, to the progressive snapshot app for giving good drivers the discounts -- no, i have to say it -- for giving good drivers the discounts they deserve. safe driving! brian: robert mueller got two rebukes back to back. came from two judges. steve: the judge says, look, i want to know where you got the authority. >> for judge ellis to push back on this and say show us the scope memo? the improbable election of donald trump is not probable cause to pursue him. >> john kerry has been secretly meeting with both iranian and european officials to discuss saving the iran deal. >> i think he should be prosecuted under the logan act. >> my opinion, what he is doing is inappropriate and he shouldn't be doing it. >> her nomination will not be derailed bipartisan critics. the white house ramping up efforts to confirm gina haspel. >> gina haspel is the one woman i want in that room. >> the nfl could make standing for the national anthem a team choice. is that the right move? >> if there were a book like how to destroy your business in 12 simple steps, step number one would be, you know, watch what the nfl does. i would fire every one of these guys. ♪ ♪ going to rock ♪ going to rock the boat ♪ jam with a brand new ♪ shaking my head like a billy goat. brian: big and rich playing our show again. probably good to know they are probably watching right now. when you choose the music. ainsley: what if they had a big concert last night. would they be up at 7:00 a.m.? brian: have a stage in heir house. steve: they have a stage in heir house? brian: yes. ainsley: how would you know that. brian: i was in their house. steve: they live together? brian: no. they don't live together. steve: you said their house. brian: i was over richland. steve: john rich. >> whiskey. because we are out of whiskey. as a country he is doing the country a favor. i told you this already. he had a big event in his house. has a full stage. steve: downit was his house. when you name your house, you have a big house. steve: note to dawn kilmeade, brian's wife. brian: i would like a stage. steve: today is brian's birthday as you know. he wants a stage in the basement. brian: i would like an oak bar and my own whiskey. ainsley: happy birthday. so glad you were born. brian: children using stove top trying to make own whiskey for me. trying to bottle it. ainsley: your underaged children? brian: yes. steve: he doesn't use the still in the back. brian: like mash. steve: talk about the robert mueller investigation. robert mueller didn't have a good weekend. why? because two judges said hey, what are you doing? first let's talk about u.s. district judge he said mr. mueller, where did you get the authority to indict paul manafort on something that went back to 2005? then there was another u.s. district judge by the name of dabney who denied a prosecutor to put off a schedule arrangement for wednesday and that's the case -- remember when mueller's team indicted about a dozen russians and three different companies for the russian bot farm in the government figured well, none of those people are going to show up for court. let's go ahead and sue them. well, three of them or rather two attorneys representing one of the three companies, went before the judge and said okay, we're going to represent this company. concord management. and they go okay. what do you want? we want all the evidence they have got. we want to see what they have got. now mueller's team is going well, we can't show them the evidence. that's not how we roll, yo. brian: so they said we like to delay it and dabne frederick. produce what you are supposed to produce. let's not put black marks over it read something comprehensivable. ainsley: this the is transcript from judge ellis the original judge you were talking about. it's the united states of america vs. paul manafort. they go in and raid his house and find out his tax returns years ago, there were some things that were in there that he didn't disclose. putting money in foreign governments. but, this judge, judge ellis says you're just trying to squeeze this guy so that he will tell you something about the president. he said he eris rates mueller's team. just read the first 10 pages. it's pretty easy reading. he goes after manafort. because you are going after manafort, talking about mueller. you are trying to force him to sing. you are squeezing him. can you tighten the screws and they will begin to provide information on what you are really interested in. brian: tom barack is maybe the president's chief confidante and great friend. he has been questioned by the mueller probe. do you know who brought in manafort? tom barack. a guy work for free do you want to take him in the president said i'm losing these delegates to ted cruz. even though i won the primary is he winning over my delegates. manafort will work for free. he wants to get back to america. everything dried up over there since the ukrainian government went anti-russian. is he looking to come over here and reestablish himself. that casual conversation turned into manafort which turned into maybe the bulk of the collusion case which may not exist. especially if you listen to what the judge says jason chaffetz the house oversight and government reform committee says look, the judge is pushing back. mueller is not unfettered. where is the probable cause? >> the improbable election of donald trump is not probable cause to pursue him. the question is what is it that started this initial probe and it's become so far and so wise for judge ellis to push back on this and say, show us the scope memo, i love the fact that he is pushing ball. you don't get unfettered access to go serve everywhere in every place. you pursue truth and justice but do you that through facts and evidence. brian: i just think that someone has got to put the accelerator on robert mueller. is he dragging this out. he is having this tortured investigation. rode rosenstein has to say we don't have all day and limitless money. have you already spent over $9 million. you hired another prosecutor on friday. democratic leanings. steve: they are spending a million dollars a week on the investigation. there is an item in the "wall street journal" that says that robert mueller is either going to wrap it up pretty quickly or he is going to have to go dark because we are now entering that six months before the election, and the department of justice, with investigations it cannot appear that you are influencing an election. which mr. comey apparently didn't get that memo, oh, yeah, he did get that memo, never mind. of the big question is will he wrap it up in the next month or will they go dark until after november? ainsley: today is monday, brian's birthday. this coming saturday is may 12th. that is the deadline for the president to recertify or to review that iranian nuclear deal. have you john kerry who is no longer serving not in this administration is meeting with different leaders around the country, iranian leaders, european officials. shadow diplomacy, trying to negotiate your enemies to undermine our president, trying to find a way to continue to be a part of this iranian nuclear deal, because the president has said he is not sure he is going to continue. brian: use the sanction relief in order to bolster up activities throughout the region. as you see they were able to do in syria. they basically took the country over. basically able to finance hezbollah. lined the whole lebanese-israeli border with rockets and missiles. they have invigorated the sunni nations in building up their defense to counter this new economic power, which is iran, because the sanctions relief. what they did do is stop spinning centrifuges. where there are cameras so, far we haven't seen many people breeching this deal. for the most part the senate didn't approve this deal. the house didn't approve this deal. therefore, it's not a treaty, it's renewable. may 12th we will find out if president trump is going to renew it. steve: well, you remember when he was running for president. it was very clear he thought it was a stink bomb deal. we have some sound bites for you. president trump a couple days ago plus a congressman from texas. he's the chairman of the house armed services committee. he is actually for keeping it. here's point/counter point. >> we are signing that horrible deal and they are marching in the streets saying death to america. i said who signed the deal when they are marching saying death to america? >> what happens next if the u.s. pulls out? secretary mattis talked about the inspectors that are in there. does iran kick those enemiers out so that we lose what visibility we have there? the europeans are not going to reimpose sanctions, so where does that leave us and iran? so, i'm not necessarily opposed to sticking with this deal never, but you need to have a clearer idea about next steps. steve: that's a big question about what comes next. ainsley to your earlier point, to have the former secretary of state, john kerry, running around the world trying to save something while our president ultimately it is his decision, some have suggested isn't he breaking the logan act which is delicious irony given the fact that so many people said members of the trump transition team did just that. ainsley: we don't care what the trump administration wants or what the americans people voted for him want. we don't care about the deplorables. we will go behind americans back and do this. brian: there might be a third way. the third way might be since the better has been enjoying better relationships of france than any other president of late, macron. and if the german chancellor merkel also was here pushing for the same thing. boris johnson today, the foreign minister of britain pushing for the same thing say, okay, we will give to you with more months. at which time, european leaders, you give us that overlay that is going to eliminate ballistic missiles, get rid of the sun set that will allow these inspectors to go away after 10 years. give you two months to come up with an overlay for this. and then maybe we can talk. and let -- that might be the third way, because it would show i'm listening to my allies even though you are dug in. you are not giving, in you are listening, which i think there is nothing wrong with that's not bad leadership u. steve: look, of the president ran on getting rid of it. joe lieberman over the weekend, you know, famous former democrat now independent said i hope he walks away from it. it would be hard for him not to walk away from it stay tuned. ainsley: can you negotiate what you don't like about the deal. steve: that's a whole new deal. let's make a deal. let's find out. the big day is the 1st. brian: boris johnson is going to be here in a little while to lobby for his cause. from the british perspective. from the american perspective, philadelphia style, here is jillian. jillian: i'm sorry i didn't bake you any cupcakes for your birthday. happy birthday, brian. brian: you still have time or to shop. steve: he really wants a bar and stage at his house. brian: yes. if that's okay. jillian: that is up to your wife. brian: and whiskey. jillian: good morning, get you caught up with the news we are following including a fox news alert. a florida sheriff's deputy is fighting for his life after being shot in the head. william gentry being called about a cat being shot when a suspect pulled a tryingner lake placid. >> we would just ask that you continue to pray for deputy gentry and hopefully that will give him the strength to pull through. this. jillian: the gunman identified as joseph ables is under arrest. is he a convicted felon with a history of violence towards police. gentry is a 9-year veteran of the force and served with his brother, a detective. at least 26 homes are destroyed as lava flows inat the bus stop phi from hawaii's kilauea volcano and showing no signs of stopping. brand new video showing mull ten rock spewing into the air on the big island u lava giving off toxic gas and forcing 1700 people from their homes. kilauea is active volcano but hasn't erupted like this since 1955 when it didn't stop for three months. president trump weighing in on tomorrow's west virginia senate primary. the commander-in-chief tweeting, quote: the to great people of west virginia, we have together a really great chance to keep making a big difference. problem is don blankenship currently running for senate can't win the general election in your state. no way. remember, alabama, vote republican jenkins or a.g. morrisey. blankenship under fire for federal conviction for conspiring to federal line safety laws and referring to mitch mcconnell as cocaine mitch. the three republican candidates are looking to unseat joe manchin. that's a look at your headline us. send it back to you. steve: thank you very much, jillian. before the fox debate jenkins was ahead and since imploded. according to one of the campaign's internal polling mr. branchship is ahead by five which is stunning. brian: president doesn't want him. we will see the power of the president in west virginia. steve: we will see. democrats lead ahead of the mid terms is shrinking every week. is the media's obsession with russia to blame? former white house press secretary ari fleischer here with the discussion next. good morning, ari. brian: melissa moron know goes e rally with armed security. ♪ this is not just a yard. it's where memories are made. and you have the best seat in the house. the john deere x350 select series with the exclusive mulchcontrol™ system. nothing runs like a deere™ mother...nature! nothing smells greater than the great outdoors... especially when you're in accounts receivable. only one detergent can give you a sniff like this... try gain botanicals laundry detergent. one of the many irresistible scents from gain. ♪ ♪ i want some more of it. ♪ i try so hard, ♪ i can't rise above it ♪ don't know what it is 'bout that little gal's lovin'. ♪ applebee's new bigger bolder grill combos. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. ♪ get ready for the wild life with one a day men's. a complete multivitamin with key nutrients, plus b vitamins for heart health. your one a day is showing. steve: as the media fins its obsession with mueller's russia investigation the lead democrats -- the lead the democrats once had ahead of the mid terms is dwindling ahead of recent polling. a "the washington post"-abc news poll saw the democratic lead fall from 12% in january to 4 in april. so what is going on? here to weigh in former white house press secretary fox news contributor ari fleischer. ari, is it russia, russia, russia? >> russia, russia, russia is going to be a problem, problem, problem for the democrats unless mueller has got the goods. if mueller doesn't, the democrats are the one trick pony and that pony ain't riding anymore. that's what happens when you investigate everything into scandal. steve: ultimately, the decision people are going to have in november who did something for me? was it the republicans who did the tax cut which the democrats regard as crumbs on the way to talking more about russia, russia, russia. >> and it's not only that. it's how well the economy is doing. the fact we have 3.9% unemployment. the president is wise to keep banging on the fact that african-american hispanic unemployment all-time low. can he actually make up good numbers with those demographic groups. what's the most important nuclear out there, the president's groofl was at 58% in december and now down to 58% this morning. if that number gets below 50. that is huge for republicans running for re-election because that takes a lot of the energy away from the democrats who can't stand donald trump and that's what drove a lot of the turnout for the democrats in the special elections. steve: it will be interesting to see what sort of message the democrats do coalesce around as you get a little closer because right now it's a little uneven. but, you know, you look at the conventional wisdom. the smart man and women down in washington were going when donald trump talked about the tariffs and things like that, you can't do that. but, it's the little guy. it's the forgotten american who is going they are sitting on their couch right now going damn right! >> do you know how else you know that's true? while much of the press only quoted republicans who opposed tariffs. they never quoted the many democrats that supported tariffs. now i have never been raised to believe in tariffs? but is he taking on china. that's the bigger picture that donald trump deserves credit for. here's the problem that democrats have with their message. right now, outside of the mueller investigation, democrats' only message is government-run healthcare. higher taxes and donald trump committed treason. that's their policy platform. it's not a very strong one. steve: but, there are some people who subscribe to that perfectly. >> some people do. and that will be the liberal wing that pushes the party left in the 2019-2020 primaries. the only issue they have is energy against donald trump. it's the intensity of opposition. steve: plus most of the mainstream media beating the drum. >> that helps the democrats sometimes. steve: i think you knew about that. ari fleischer, thank you for joining us live. >> thank you. steve: medical miracle a teenager claimed brain dead consciousness one day after his parents agree to donate his organs. ric grenell is flying there to start his new job. first, is he stopping by "fox & friends." come out, mr. ambassador. you're next ♪ put me on a highway ♪ show me the sign i'm very proud of the fact that i served. i was a c130 mechanic in the corps, so i'm not happy unless my hands are dirty. between running a business and four kids, we're busy. auto insurance, homeowner's insurance, life insurance policies. knowing that usaa will always have my back... that's just one less thing you have to worry about. i couldn't imagine going anywhere else. they're like a friend of the family. we are the cochran family, and we'll be usaa members for life. save by bundling usaa home and auto insurance. get a quote today. here's the story of green mountain coffee roasters sumatra reserve. let's go to sumatra. the coffee here is amazing. because the volcanic soil is amazing. so we give farmers like win more plants. to grow more delicious coffee. which helps provide for win's family. all, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee roasters. mr. elliot, what's your wiwifi?ssword? wifi's ordinary. basic. do i look basic? nope! which is why i have xfinity xfi. it's super fast and you can control every device in the house. [ child offscreen ] hey! let's basement. and thanks to these xfi pods, the signal reaches down here, too. so sophie, i have an xfi password, and it's "daditude". simple. easy. awesome. xfinity. the future of awesome. later today. exciting time for the country and of course for rick. here with us right now is the new ambassador to germany ric grenell. congratulations. >> thanks. brian: you would not back out and it was hard for you. how many months were you sitting there in the bullpen. >> since september. i have to say it's so much easier and this is really a trump phenomenon. it's so much easier to deal with washington when you are not in washington. when you are not seeing political people at your church, at the grocery store, your kid's school, whatever. that pressure of being in that fake place, this highly partisan place that's not really reality that eats people up. i live in southern california. i wasn't a part of that i also saw the donald trump phenomenophenomenon auto far whn they didn't. that place clouds judgment pretty fast. brian: you are watching the president work with angela merkel. forget about pressure. how did you notice president trump in action? >> i wish every american could seat way donald trump negotiates. i have waited a long time to work for a president who is focused on the american people. he is a great negotiator and she, angela merkel realizes that. they had a great give and take. at the end of very tough negotiations we have some difficult issues with germany but we're totally on the same side. i was telling the vice president that if you have ever worked at the united nations you quickly realize that the united states and germany are on the same page. we have a lot of the same shared values, human rights, liberty, democracy. so, right after the tough negotiations, you see the president of the united states take the chancellor up to the personal residence, give her a tour. she had never seen upstairs. brian: lincoln bedroom and everything. >> seen the whole thing and she had never seen it quite phenomenal. brian: nato and not spend your 2%. you are doing great. fantastic. fun way to do it. 127 other nominees. without controversy, just waiting in the wings because democrats want to get their 30 hours in they want this administration playing short-handed. how frustrating is it. >> we have to have a senate that does its job but quickly does its job. have you got to get to a vote. all these individuals deserve a vote. the president won. if you don't give someone a vote you are undermining democracy. he won. have you got to get over it and give the president his nominees. brian: republicans are in power. they should knock it down to nine hours like langford talked about and put these people forward. gina haspel nomination process. been in the yi. we know every active cia director has backed her. the head winds had her thinking about pulling her own nomination on wednesday. here is what he just tweeted my highly nominated cia director jonah haspel come under fire too tough on terrorists. most qualified personal, a woman, who democrats want out because she was too tough on terror. win gina. how important is this nomination? >> it is very important. this is about politics. this is nothing more than them trying to undermine this process. she is very qualified. he has risen up the ranks. i was just out at the cia. they are excited to have her. they want somebody -- i bucked the halls and i saw the photograph of the cia directors. they are all white males and now we have a woman who is going to be able to look at the cia in a very different way. this is something that the democrats have told us that they celebrate. i would like to see them give a chance to give a vote and confirm her. brian: has to do at a time to produce some results. don't retend like you -- >> president's policies. brian: that's it. iran deal on may 12th. you will be in europe in germany when this happens. france, boris johnson, i'm going to talk to him in an hour. he wants us to stay in it. what should we do. >> regardless what you call it, the iran deal needs to be fixed. it needs to be better and different policies. whether you call it fixing it or getting out of it i'm going to leave it to the washington folks who do this to figure out what we call it and where we go. but at the end of the day, brian, we have all known that this deal is weak. that it's an unacceptable deal. we're not being able to go on military bases any time, anywhere that's fundamental because iranians have lied and put programs on military bases. i said in the security council, the reasonable why there were sanctions on iranians because we gave the evidence to the security council, the russians and the chinese back then said, yeah, they are lying. let's put sanctions on them. we know we have a unified counsel when they look at the facts. like they have done in the past. so i think it's a very serious problem that we say we have got to get inspectors on military bases. sun set clauses. brian: 10 years. >> whole bunch of issues that can be fixed that i think the europeans are on board to help with those fixes. brian: if they need two months to get ready should would he be open in giving them 10 months. >> present the information to the president of the united states and he will make the decision. brian: took three years of german like my second language if you need any help. >> i have your cell phone. brian: congratulations. president trump assembling a dream team to help america get into shape and guess who made the roster? dr. oz. he joins us next and that's him without a college surety. plus melissa more tha going to n rally surrounded by security. how does that happen? dog: seresto, seresto, seresto. whatever your dog brings home to you, it shouldn't be fleas and ticks. seresto gives your dog 8 continuous months of flea and tick protection in an easy-to-use, non-greasy collar. 8 month - seresto, seresto, seresto. than a good bedsidews nothingmanner. important i don't know how to say this. it's ok doc. give it to me straight. no you don't understand. i don't know how to say this. i'm just a tv doctor. they also know you should get your annual check-up. it could save your life. and now you can page a tv doctor to set up a check-up reminder. call 1-833-page-doc. cigna. together, all the way. >> it's your shot of the morning. police officers busting the move at a high school prom. brian: the boynton beach police department in florida acting as dates for students with special needs. ainsley: that is so sweet. the officers said they wanted to give the teenagers a night that they would never forget. steve: and i think they did just that. congratulations. all right it is 25 minutes before the top of the hour, jillian joins us. this is where you do the news. jillian: but i don't want to do the news right now. what do you have to say about that? ainsley: what do you want to do? jillian: in light of it being brian's birthday, i would rather take a look back at some of the really awkward tosses from brian. let's roll it. brian: did you put that together? steve: watch this. brian: when do we toss to jillian? >> right now. brian: hey jillian. jillian: hi, brian. brian: does anyone know where brian is. steve: next to you. brian: are you the one that hosts the show at 5:00 a.m. ainsley: come up with a. brian: here is someone that never hides from the truth. someone never described as a loany from the midwest jillian meally not weird at all. someone who never breaks the law as far as we know. jillian mele. talking about a pile of dough. talking about somebody that is a pile of mope. jillian the news. jillian: i don't know what to say about that one. brian: a woman who is scandal free. a woman not afraid to use analogies. jillian mele did not go to middlmedical school. jillian stands up to deliver the news. jillian: brian won't let my sit. brian: i have heavily redacted the news. top secret. try to make it smooth. brian: president has not released his taxes yet and neither has jillian. shouldn't have you released your taxes? jillian: nobody asked me too. brian: would you please release them publicly. jillian: sure. brian: you talk about elite and influence, that's you. you are talking jillian, right? a woman not a loser. jillian: thank you. brian: winner. talk about working jillian is working. jillian, you are from everywhere america. jillian: everywhere america brian: jillian doesn't think like me but i'm not going to judge her. jillian: thank you. this is not breaking news. brian: wrap it up, toss to jillian. status to jillian. ainsley: jillian, take over. no one knows what to say to brian. steve: that's only about 5% of them. ainsley: no one even laughs. so and so is a murderer and he tosses to jillian someone who is not a murderer. brian: i love to have awkward tosses and you like receiving them. jillian: i do. it's entertaining. keeps me on my toes. brian: i'm the awkward toss king. jillian: you have. you have given that nickname to yourself. steve: happy birthday. brian: that was the best gift i could ever have. seriously. steve: you don't want the bar and the stage in your house anymore? brian: not anymore. steve: that's all it took. brian: montage to go home with of awkward tosses. ainsley: who do they thank for that? meghan. she is incredible. jillian: i still have to do headlines. brian: here is a woman not afraid to accept an awkward toss. jillian: take a look at some of your headlines starting with. this the carnival cruise water to pour into a hallway on a ship. about 50 rooms were affected. some ended up sleeping on yoga mats in the spa. praising crew members. offering full redepend and discount on future cruise. teenage boy regains consciousness a day after parents agree to donate his organs. trenton mckinley fractured his skull in a done buggy accident two months ago leaving him brain dead for days right before doctors were about to take him off life support in alabama, he came back to life. before that moment, trenton thought he was in heaven. >> i was walking down more like an open field walking straight. no other explanation but god. no other way that i could have came back. jillian: isn't that incredible. his family says is he getting stronger every day. liberal actress are vanessa marano. she wasn't alone. sur roundinged by guards at the antigun events take a look as they are confronted. >> alisa you are a hypocrite. >> you are armed. >> you have armed security here. >> milano her personal security was not armed. this was event security not my body guard. sheriff deputies goes above and beyond the call of duties to help a 94-year-old woman get home safe. department and employees pulling over to help in sarasota, florida when they spouted a transit work escorting her as she crossed the road. deputies were called in for backup to pack up her walker and give her a ride home. that's a look at your headline its. brian: thank you very much. jillian: happy birthday. brian: 7:30. they are doing it. steve: meanwhile, janice on the street with the folks. janice: what are you guys all here for? >> happy birthday, brian. brian: oh, wow. janice: they came to wish you a happy birthday, brian kilmeade. how special is that? no awkward tosses at all when you toss to me. brian: never. janice: beautiful day here in new york city for visiting 48th and sixth. 57 right now. 48 in cleveland and chicago. slight system moving across the northern plains and rockies. not a big deal no. severe weather to talk about. and in a system that brought incredible amounts of rain to the kentucky derby is moving out, which is exlengths news. but, man, did we have a mudder then in kentucky. phoenix, arizona, here are your daytime highs today. we are going to brake some records. speaking of the kentucky derby. exciting stuff. of course, justify won and i got to interview both the jockey for justify and the co-owner who is going to be coming up on "fox & friends" there is mike smith. mike smith was the winning jockey for the kentucky derby winner justify. he doesn't do this very often. we were so privileged to do this. the last time he did an interview with a reporter was back in 2005 and his horse jokomo wouldn't kentucky derby. i don't know but guys. i'm thinking that i might be really good luck for horses in the kentucky derby. what do you say? yes. so we're going to have saul coming up in the 8:00 hour. such a great time. i'm hoping -- i'm thinking that i would like to wear hats every single day during the weather. steve: you were wearing them on the red carpeting at the derby. it looked like had you fun. janice: shout out to kid rock. steve doocy, he accident talk to at love folks and do interviews e does red carpet and pictures. he performed. because i shouted out hey steve doocy's friend, he came over and talked with us. although he did say he thought i meant peter doocy. steve: they are pals too. janice: they still count. steve: thanks for the "foxcast." janice: happy birthday, brian, we love you. ainsley: president trump weighing in on the senate race tweeting it out. one of four states gearing up for big primaries. tomorrow, scott rasmussen is going to tell us what to watch for next. steve: plus, what else is in the last hour and a half of the show? we have dr. oz. boris johnson and house majority leader kevin mccarthy. it's "fox & friends" for brian's birthday. 2018. ♪ what makes these simple dishes the best simple dishes ever? 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>> governor race is a little different. ainsley: kasich term limited. >> never trumper of all never trumpers. ainsley: didn't even go to convention in own state. >> mike dewine and mary taylor running for republican nomination. what do they have in common they are both never kasich. they are both all in for -- they are arguing who is more of a trump supporter. divine is faired. he has been in offic has been-ds favored. either candidate. this is a republican-leaning state, slightly favored. cordray, you know, on the democratic side is favored. you remember him most recently as channeling elizabeth warren as head of the consumer finance protection bureau. is he favored and he is actually the most moderate democrat in the race. this -- ohio because of both the competitive senate and the governor's race going to be a place to watch come november. ainsley: indiana? >> three candidates running. messer went to wabash college together. they didn't like each other then and don't like each other now. they are bitterly fighting each other. for a long time we thought it would be one of them. mike brawn come in and spent 6 million of his own money. probably favored. any one of the three will give joe done lay good race as long as the republicans can get their act together and put the primary bitterness behind them. ainsley: go to the carolinas talking to a south carolina girl about north carolina is a little tough. no big statewide primaries here. there is an awful lot of state legislative races in play. republicans currently hold 10 house seats in the carolinas out of 13. there is some redistricting going on. so the primary also see just how well they are going to be able to play defense. how many of these seats can they protect? one race of real interest to me because i spent some time in charlotte. robert pit jerry is seeking re-election. is he doing a rematch of his primary fight from a couple years ago hoping he can hang on in that that one. mark harris came within a couple votes. 25 more of these in the coming months. ainsley: goodness. so fascinating. here we go. gear up, scott. thank you so much. great job. president trump's deadline for the iran deal is only five days away. coming up this saturday. and we know he is not a fan. >> they are marching in the streets saying death to america. i says who signs a deal when they are marching saying death to america? ainsley: u.k. foreign secretary boris johnson is meeting with the vice president, mike pence, today to convince him to keep it is he going to join us next hour to explain why he feels that way. president assembling a dream team to get into shape. dr. oz made the cut. the doctor is in next. ♪ walk this way ♪ walk this way ♪ walk this way ♪ talk this way ♪ ion to show drip coffee drinkers, it's time to wake up to keurig. wakey! wakey! rise and shine! oh my gosh! how are you? well watch this. i pop that in there. press brew. that's it. so rich. i love it. that's why you should be a keurig man! full-bodied. are you sure you're describing the coffee and not me? full-bodied. but first things first- timcall trugreen,ed. america's #1 professional lawn care company. millions of homeowners like you trust us to give them a lawn they can live on. start your trugreen lawn plan today for only $29.95. your digestive system has billions of bacteria, but life can throw them off balance. try align, the #1 doctor recommended probiotic. with a unique strain that re-aligns your system. re-align yourself, with align. i'm about to start the hair, skin and nails challenge. so my future self will thank me. thank you. i become a model? yes. no. start the challenge today. and try new tropical citrus flavor with collagen. nature's bounty. is. steve: president trump has assembled a dream team to help get america into shape. the president naming dr. oz to the council on sports fitness and nutrition. brian: council also feature bill belichick, herbal walker encourages americans to be more active and healthy. ainsley: that's wonderful. dr. mehmet joins us now. steve: congratulations for winning an elm minchts i was getting on a plane to go to italy. i got to meet with the pope. this is a big deal because the pope feels very strongly about the role of technology in medicine. the have this council things like that the pope needs to comment on. the big message to all of us is was we need to get to everybody participate in all the huge advances super stars there had their lives saved by stem cells. most americans still don't have access to the best new technology. we have to change that. steve: from the pope to the president. brian: walk in and win an emmy right from there. >> literally off the plane. my hair was still messy. steve: what are you going to do at the white house. >> involved with kids at healthcare. started health corps kids foundation not long ago. passionate about the see children as helpless when it comes to our society they're not. i hope to be able to spread more aggressively now that we have a platform that have been proven to help young people lose weight learning what to do. think it's rocket science, it's not. translate content to ction a teach what you to do young people will do it. going the wrong direction. when we ignore children and let social media pull them apart from each other, we don't realize we're aural like raindrops falling into the ocean of humanity. that ocean is also in raindrops. we have to be open with these issues. brian: not just ceremonial you are looking to do something. >> i was involved in the prior administration as well. i think all of us who have the bully pulpit to speak issues of health. we are losing the battle with our children. we can not mortgage the future of this nation by not getting our young people in shape. ainsley: you have a show coming up about dirty tricks. whistleblowers telling us the dangers in our coffee? what is this about. >> not all coffee. steve: airplane coffee. >> the reason it came up. a bunch of reports on the water in the planes not being clean. you really shouldn't drink the water out of the faucet in the plane probably know that the coffee you drink does come from that water. but we did our own little study. we will talk about it on the show this weeks. i'm not as worried as a lot of the other reports would have led me to believe. steve: airplane coffee is cleared for takeoff? >> cleared for takeoff. brian: check our local listings. congratulations, dr. oz. heck of a street. steve: that's awesome. >> happy birthday. brian: thank you very much. 4 minutes before the top of the hour. nancy pelosi vows takes back the house in mid terms and wants to be speaker again. kevin mccarthy here to react. he wants to be speaker. steve: they have different plans. we have been telling you for along time about liberal bias on college us examines. now the numbers are jaw-dropping. stick around ♪ lead me to places i've never been ♪ . . . . the first survivor of alzheimer's disease is out there. and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. visit to join the fight. get your groove on with one a day 50+. ♪ get ready for the wild life ♪ complete multivitamins with key nutrients that address 6 concerns of aging, including heart health, supported by b-vitamins. your one a day is showing. >> tech: don't wait for a chip like this to crack your whole windshield. with safelite's exclusive resin, you get a strong repair that you can trust. plus, with most insurance a safelite repair is no cost to you. >> customer: really?! >> singers: safelite repair, safelite replace. i'm 85 years old in a job where. i have to wear a giant hot dog suit. what? 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brian: she doesn't text. steve: she's a caller. one of the people that actually use a phone to make phone call. brian: always starts, not five for one. li 5. steve: marie kilmeade, gave birth to brian kilmeade. brian: does not use auto correct. she gets it right the first time. steve: sometime the president, it appear that he is tweeting you wonder in auto correct is helping him with spelling. he has done a couple tweets the last hour. some regard what is going on with the russia and mueller investigation. melissa: this is one of his latest ones. the russia witch-hunt is rapidly losing credibility. house intelligence committee found no collusion, coordination or anything else with russia. now the probe says, okay, what else is there? how about construction for a made-up phony crime. there is no o. it's called fighting back. 13 angry democrats in charge of the russian witch-hunt are starting to find out there is a court system in place that protects people from injustice. just wait until the courts get to see your unrevealed conflicts of interest. brian: what he is referring to what happened on friday, judge t.s. eliot, that the judge is referring to. this judge, a reagan employee, looked at the 18 county indictment, manafort lawyers argued that the hearing in lex are far head of the field of the investigating russian meddling. you're looking at something in 2006. they didn't even know each other at the time that is a good point. that is what the judge pointed out. they don't have a retort. they have to come back with an explanation. if it is okay to say michael cohen's problem belongs in the southern district of new york, whatever it is, we need to raid four locations, nothing to do with manafort, the mueller case. so why is the manafort case part of the mueller probe because has nothing to do with the president? steve: so this judge ellis says, hey, real simple. show me the scope memo. what that does it spells out the scope of the mueller investigation. but the department of justice said, no, judge, that is a big secret. judge saying that is essentially bs you have got to show it to me. there is another judge, regarding, remember you heard about a dozen russians who were indicted for the troll farm? daphne frederick, that u.s. judge said the prosecutors put off scheduled arguement for concord management, one of three companies is named in it as a bot farm, they want to go to trial but they want to seat evidence the government has got. the government is going, we ain't showing anybody evidence. looks if the legal system is pushing back against the mueller probe which looks like might be going a little out of the line. melissa: it is interesting what judge ellis said. here is the transcript. read it, pretty simple. get through the first 10 pages they're going after manafort because they want to force him to sing about the president. they want to squeeze him. the judge says, you get, you get to tighten the screws and then they will begin to provide information and what you're really interested in. you're not really interested in manafort. you're just trying to go after the president. brian: i don't want to get too far afield, michael flynn situation, james comey reportedly denied, that mike flynn, to their assessment he did not knowingly not tell the truth about any back channel to russia. so they never felt when they questioned him that he was lying to them. steve: there was some sort of a trap. he fell through, looks like he didn't give accurate information. jason chaffetz says, the judges are pushing back because there is no probable cause and mueller is in trouble. >> the improbable election of donald trump is not probable cause to pursue him. the question is, what is it that started this initial probe? and it has become so far and so wide for judge ellis to push back on this say, show us the scope memo? i love the fact he is pushing back. you don't get unfettered access everywhere, every place. you pursue the truth pursue justice, but you do that through facts and evidence. steve: and it seem in the "wall street journal" mueller, given fact we're six months away from the general election or mueller will have so wrap up the election, or it will have to go dark. it is a justice department policy they do not want to appear they're impacting the u.s. election despite what happened. melissa: rudy giuliani was on the show. i'm sure you watched. he said this is just a trap. that is why he doesn't want the president to testify. then george stephanopoulos presses him and says if it, tell them the truth why does he care, not a trap? because they will find some way to make him look like its false. in some fantasy world i would love to believe they won't do that. special counsel thinks comey is moses. i have to think comey is judas. brian: wow. pretty strong. can't wait for the ig report to come out soon to find out what happened during the investigation of hillary clinton. that will be big as lisa page quietly left the scene of the fbi over the weekend. steve: apparently a lot of stuff congress is getting mueller himself is able to redact anything he does not want congress to z apparent lited it is considersable. we have talked for years about the liberal bias on american campuses, national association of scholars, what they did, looked at number of schools that don't have any republicans on the faculty. and the number is jaw-dropping. melissa: what is that number, steve? steve: take a look at this, answerer sy. 40%, 39% of colleges have zero professors who i.d.s as republicans. they looked at -- melissa: big number. steve: think about that, four in 10 have zero republicans on the faculty. melissa: 10.4 to 1. steve: number of democrats, 10.4 to 1 to every republican. melissa: did you look at this when looking for colleges. steve: hard to find something that is truly balanced. brian: my son emailed about safe spaces, he thought the school he went to. this is outrageous. they were sending therapists to off-campus apartments in case people just wanted to talk. steve: two of our three kids went to -- melissa: glad you're spending your money there. brian: adlai stevenson lost. melissa: some of you weighed in. we have a tweet from salvatore. parents need to get involved and pay attention to what your kids are learning in school. ask what did you learn today? if you don't like what you hear, confront the teacher and school board. wake up america. steve: that is local level. any attendees and graduates know prejudice existed for decades, now complete indoctrination dominates. brian: here is a woman who will not be indoctrinated jillian mele. jillian: if i were in college i don't know i want my parents to confront my teachers. steve: you have to fight your own fights at some point. jillian: fox news alert. florida sheriff's deputy fighting for his life after being shot in the head. deputy william gentry responding to a call about a cat being shot when the suspect pulled the trigger in lake placid. >> we would just ask that you continue to pray for deputy gentry and hopefully that will if i have him the strength to pull through this. jillian: the gunman identified as joseph ables is charged with attempted murder. he is a convicted felon with a history of violence towards police. genty is a nine-year veteran with the force and serves with his brother, a detective. 26 homes are destroyed as lava flows intensify from hawaii's kilauea volcano and shows no sign of stopping. brand new video showing molten rocks spewing into the area on the big island. the hot lava giving off toxic gas and forcing 1700 people from their homes. kilahua is an active volcano is active volcano but hadn't erupted like this since 1955. colorado rocky's player. >> got him in the shoulder. >> wow. jillian: that was the battery cosheaing off the dugout, right into the mets third base coach, he barely flinches like nothing happens. the good luck ends there. the mets lost 3-2. brian: they haven't won in a while. steve: are they calling him batman now? brian: thanks so much, jillian. steve: coming up on this monday, president trump has five days left whether or not to bail on the iran nuke deal. boris johnson is meeting with vice president mike pence meet to convince him to meek it. brian: one grandmother never fired a gun before until it was her or the bad guy. >> kill him before he killed me. i hope i taught him and the rest of them a lesson. stay the hell out of people house. effortlessly comfortable. i can also help with this. does your bed do that? oh... i don't actually talk. though i'm smart enough to. i'm the new sleep number 360 smart bed. let's meet at a sleep number store. ♪ (woman) and my brother ray and i started startsearching for answers.ords. (vo) when it's time to navigate in-home care, follow that bright star. because brightstar care earns the same accreditation as the best hospitals. and brightstar care means an rn will customize a plan that evolves with mom's changing needs. (woman) because dad made us promise we'd keep mom at home. (vo) call 844-4-brightstar for your free home care planning guide. ♪ >> in the streets saying death to america. i said who signs a deal when they're marching saying, death to america? brian: president trump's deadline to decide the fate of iranian deal just days away, may 12th. our next guest who is meeting the vice president today on the very issue warns it offers the fewest disadvantages. only iran benefits by withdrawing. here to explain british foreign secretary boris johnson. mr. secretary, make your case by staying in this deal, that you even told us is flawed. >> it is. of course the president is right to see flaws in it. he set a very reasonable challenge to the world. look, iran is behaving badly. iran has a tendency to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles. we have to push back what iran is doing in the region. we have to be tougher on iran. we have to fix the flaws in the deal. one of the most important is this sunset clause which means that after 2025 it allows, the current deal allows to go forward fast with enrichment programs, which could lead to a nuclear weapon. now, no sanctions go back on. we need to find a way of fixing that and the president has been right to call attention to it. but you can't do that without just throwing the baby out with the bath water. without scrapping the whole thing. if you do that you have to answer the question, what next? what if the iranians rush to a nuclear weapon? are we seriously saying that we'll bomb the facilities at forda and natanz? or we work with what we got and push back. brian: chairman of the arms services committee agrees with you. he doesn't like the deal but what replaces it. are you proposing take 60 days, mr. president, hold on the european leaders will come together with your concerns and put an overlay on it? the problem with that is, iran does not want to do anything. iran sighs i'm sticking stickinh this deal. i'm not talking about a new deal. >> that is right. that is the problem. so what you got to do, you've got to recognize that the heart of the old deal, the existing deal is that it gives iran some reason to hope that they will have economic benefits in the long run. actually they haven't had much in the last few year. in return for which they don't equip themselves with a nuclear weapon. let me just remind you if they do get a nuclear weapon you will get an arms race in the middle east. you will have the saudis wanting one, the egyptians, emiratis it's a already a dru state. we don't want want to go down that route. brian: here somebody you respect i know. condoleeza rice, former secretary of state. >> yes. brian: we asked her a couple days ago, what if we pull out? >> if we get out of this deal it is going to be just fine. brian: she went on to explain, you know we'll be back to where we were but at the premise, fundamentally they never admitted they had a weapons program. you saw what the israelis have proven. they had a weapons program. >> yes. brian: you want in, not you, they went into this deal on a false premise. that is what the president -- >> not quite, if i may say, i saw what happened. i saw benjamin netanyahu's excellent presentation that related to the iranian program after 2003. that is why it was a good idea to get them to do this deal and not to have nuclear weapons. by the way we're not just trusting, i mean -- brian: but you're not going to military bases. but you're not going to military bases. you have cameras on military base. >> there have been 400 inspections over last couple years. brian: you call ahead of time, don't you? >> what they have done is, it international atomic energy agency has confirmed, that iran is in compliance. they haven't been rushing for a nuke. let me remind you, before the deal was done, before the deal was done, they could have had a nuke and they were massively enriching uranium. brian: mr. secretary, i want to finish up. one last question for you. why do you need president trump to do the things that should have been in the first place? why does he have to demand? you should have demanded this? >> i wasn't in office. brian: but your country is? >> so should have america. legitimate point. the president has a legitimate point. he set a challenge for the world. we think you can be tougher on iran, address the concerns of the president and not throw the baby out with the bath water, not junk a deal. as i say plan b does not seem to be to me particularly well-developed at this stage. brian: gotcha. mr. secretary, we have to go. three separate nations addressed the president last three days, respectfully stay in. we'll see if the president stays in or gets out. thank you so much for your time. >> it's a pleasure. brian: the phrase in god we trust now under attack by democrats. >> this is god who spoke against money. the money i carry in my wallet has to say in god we trust. i think that is offensive. brian: is our nation's motto really offensive? i really hate that. ♪ miracle-gro. you might or joints.hing for your heart... but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brain-health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember. sure. mom,what's up son?alk? i can't be your it guy anymore. what? you guys have xfinity. you can do this. what's a good wifi password, mom? you still have to visit us. i will. no. make that the password: "you_stillóhave_toóvisit_us." that's a good one. [ chuckles ] download the xfinity my account app and set a password you can easily remember. one more way comcast is working to fit into your life, not the other way around. steve: time now for quick monday morning headlines. pledge to stop finance companies that make military firearms for civilians. bank of america will help bankrupt remington outdoor get back on its corporate feet. the bank contributing more than $43 million to a larger lending package. that agreement was made before the bank announced its new firearms pledge. first it was effin-fham, but now more illinois counties are becoming sanctuaries for gun owners. five illinois counties passed resolutions vowing to protect second amendment right if the state passes tougher gun laws. illinois considering a ban on bump stocks and size limit for certaining magazines. melissa: thank you, steve. national motto in god we trust debate in minnesota for schools voluntarily display it on posters. some lawmakers argue against it. >> i'm wondering if senator hall would feel the same if students walked in and instead of the word god, the word allah, which is the word for god in the muslim religion welcomed students to their school. >> the go-ahead who spoke against money, the money i carry in my wallet has to say in got we trust. i think that is offensive. melissa: is our nation's motto really that offensive? here to debate, assistant for former pennsylvania senator rick santorum. and the gentleman you heard in the sound bite arguing against the bill. senator marti, i heard in the sound bite you in god we trust, you find that offensive that is on the money in your wallet. why do you feel that is offensive? >> i don't think the motto is offensive. the government is choosing to sanction a certain religious motto and trying to push that on all americans. i objected to, i objected to the row proposal for two reasons. one senator hall, the author of it, 21% of americans don't believe in any god. despite his saying he wants to be welcoming and uniting people, this is the opposite of that, for that 21%. it is something foreign to them not welcoming. i oppose it as christian on behalf of the 79% who do believe in a god i don't think it is appropriate for government to be choosing the terminology, the words, how and where we're pushing things. to me again as i said the motto is not what is offense sieve. the fact government and politic are sanctioning. it doesn't promote religion or welcoming to the schools or anywhere else. melissa: what is your opinion. >> democrats abandoned people of faith in this country and large percentage of their voting base. look back at the 2012 democratic convention, they booed god. they tried to add god in the platform at democratic convention. this was in charlotte. in charlotte we recently saw the funeral service for billy graham. billy graham spoke at bill clinton's inauguration. look how far the democratic party come bill clinton's inauguration to the 2012 convention where god is booed. where people of faith gotten behind president trump because they have seen the democratic party and war on people of faith and war on god. they have seen their religious freedoms be assaulted. melissa: senator, senator dan hall, the republican who authored this legislation that you know very well, he is saying that this is just voluntary. if a school decides they want to put in ford -- god we trust they can display that on the campus. they can. >> what what it leads to opposie thing, war on religion. i came home from church yesterday, found a vial, obscene phone call on my answering machine i was anti-religion. coming home from church to a message i'm anti-religion. i got lots of emails and text messages other things saying this. that is not who i am. my father's theologian. go ahead. melissa: how do you explain it? i think when people hear the story, we're taking god out of so much of our country. our country was founded on this. what is wrong with goodness, forgiveness, treat your neighbor as yourself? why do you want to take it out? >> that is exactly i want to treat our neighbors as ourselves. be welcoming to all people, regardless whether they have religious faith or not. that is what we it a to be doing. melissa: how can you tell them about god and god's mercy? >> let me finish. if you want an established church, norwegian, scandinavian governments have official religion. everybody is member of it but nobody goes to church or anything. if you want to promote religion, let people promote it, let churches, families promote it on their own. it is not government. people who shea they hate government should not want government to be sanctioning religious terminology, certain religious mottoes. that is not what government should be doing. government should be staying out of religion. that is the whole point of the first amendment. >> lauren, i will give you the last word. what are your fears when it comes to this. >> being anti-god is the only form of bigotry left in this country is acceptable. we have so many problems in our school system right now. safety being at the top of the list. and you know, this is what we're focusing on. we're focusing on picking on people's faith right now. and if god is the problem in this country, what in the world is the solution? i'm a mom of two elementary schoolgirls. it really bothers me and it concerns me that we have politicians on the taxpayer dime that are now focused on, more on keeping god out of schools and less on keeping our kids safe in schools. >> as a person of faith i find that offensive what you just said. i find what you said very offensive. i'm a curve going person, i'm -- church-going person i'm sorry. melissa: lauren, senator, thank you for being with us. being called a medical miracle. a teenage boy declared brain-dead. his parents getting ready to pull the plug, then he woke up. nancy pelosi vows democrats will take back the house in the midterms. she wants to being speaker again. house majority leader kevin mccarthy has something to say about that. ♪ we're on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, it's time to wake up to keurig. wakey! wakey! rise and shine! oh my gosh! how are you? well watch this. i pop that in there. press brew. that's it. look how much coffee's in here? fresh coffee. so rich. i love it. that's why you should be a keurig man! full-bodied. are you sure you're describing the coffee and not me? 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[applause] we need judges who will enforce our laws, protect our sovereignty and uphold our american way of life. steve: there you have the president at the nra convention down in dallas, making the case there should be more republicans to congress. you know who thinks that a good idea? melissa: who is that? steve: the guy standing there in statuary hall, house majority leader kevin mccarthy. >> thanks for having me back on. steve: all the channels talking about the blue wave. the democrats will take over pretty much everything but you say, not so fast, right? >> i say not so fast because, say for one moment, if your viewers closed their eyes, thought the day of at november election that the democrats took the majority and nancy pelosi gave a victory speech, that she was going to become the speaker, why would that make you excited? that tax cut 90% of americans just got she thinks is crumbs. she held all the democrats to vote no on that. the idea of nancy as speaker going forward, what, what are they running on? that they shut the government down? this that they fight us every step of the way to stop our opioid legislation moving through to help those who are addicted. she stops this president from any appointment he can get to help this government moves forward. now the latest, we're sitting trying to cut the wasteful spending with recision, she is sitting there saying no. under bill clinton they did it 111 times, ronald reagan, 214 times. we made a promise to the american public. worst of all, unemployment is almost lowest it point in 20 years. somebody in college no longer fearful they have to move into their home back with their parents, they're going into one of the strongest places to find a job in this economy we've ever seen. brian: congressman, you have a couple things. big story on "the hill," democrats are starting to panic because running on the anti-trump agenda which is failing so miserably. on your side you have to find a to get wages to rise, gas to decrease, that affects everyday americans. as long as economy has been the wage growth has not been strong. gas is going up. how do you explain both those things? >> i'm from california. the way the gas went up fastest the democrats raised taxes on it. we're actually in california we submitted an initiative to repeal that gasoline tax. actually lower the price for individuals, just like we did in the tax -- look what we did in the tax code. 48 of the 50 states now have lower elect call bill because they passed on the tax savings. this is what we were able to do. america is about to become energy independent, much because of what we've been able to do repealing that regulatory world and let people go out, usability to find oil and gas, maybe us energy independent, at same time with wind and solar. melissa: congressman, there are four primaries tomorrow. how confident are you that the republicans can keep the majority? >> i'm very confident that we can keep the majority. look, i know history plays against us, only two times since world war ii on an off presidential election the party in power having the white house actually gained seats but remember this, you have one of the best economies moving forward. 90% of america just got a tax cut in the process. they got their wages increasing. you have a point where you're seeing, look what we did with combating human trafficking. for 10 years we tried to do that. 70% of all that happens on the web. but you know what? we signed that sitting in the oval office. back pages shut down of the those survivors are thanking this president. look what is happening in north and south korea. that has never taken place. you will have security in the world. we made the funding to make sure our military is strong again. we are losing more men and women in training than we are in combat. that part has to stop. that is exactly what we put forward. then we'll come forward and find we can make these cuts. on the money that has been sitting in these funds all the way back to the stimulus. steve: sure. >> that is wasted money we could save the taxpayer. steve: one of the primary states is west virginia. tomorrow the state will go ahead and pick the republican to challenge joe manchin. but the president in the last 90 minutes, kevin, tweeted this out. to the great people of west virginia, we have together a really great chance to keep making a big difference. the problem is don blankenship currently running for senate can't win the general election in your state, no way. remember alabama. vote representative jenkins or attorney general morrissey. what he is talking about is the fact that the, apparently, according to the polls right now, mr. blankenship is leading the other two by at least five, despite the fact that he did prison time regarding the massey coal mine disaster. >> and he served that time in my district when he was serving in prison of the other part is, he is actually a constituent of nevada. he can't even vote in this election. i think the president is right here. he is leading. let's be smart. let's look long term. not have the internal battles. put the very best person forward that we can get a majority. look what is happening inside the senate. they are stopping everything. the house passed all aprops bills, schumer shut the government down and wouldn't pass anything over there. when you look at 1200 positions have to be confirmed, if you count the last six presidencies the number of cloture votes on that it is about 24. in this year? 88. the democrats are trying to stop everything. so what the president is saying, let's help this country. put america first. fund the very best person in west virginia and not have a situation where we can't even compete in november. steve: now the people behind you there in statuary hall have significance, don't they? >> yes they do. right after i leave here i give them a tour from the floor this is honors flight from bakersfield, california. this is 16 veterans. from world war ii, 16 from korea. i flew out of bakersfield with them. we do this on regular basis. how we treat veterans shows how the values of our country. we can not do enough for these individual that gave us our freedoms and defended it. steve: that's nice. one final question. chatter that speaker ryan may be leaving sooner than later. curious what you heard? >> i haven't heard anything like that. look the most important thing we can do to continue to build on the legislative successes we have. we're fighting for the opioid bills. we passed 6 0 in subcommittee in congress pend democrats fought us. brian: democrats are outraising you guys significantly. that has to worry you? >> it worries me but i was on the road. i was with the vice president, we did very well in california, people wouldn't suspect. i will tell you this, people can underestimate us. they have done that before. this is the same thing nancy pelosi said in the time before. all they want to do is capture this government to impeach this president, or stop anything from happening or raising your taxes. i think the american public is too smart for that. they have watched unemployment the lowest it has been in 18 years. they watched the world become safer. there is so much more we can do to make this country greater. melissa: congressman, thanks so much. give all the folks on the honor flight hugs and kisses from us. we're so grateful for their service. >> i will. steve: 18 minutes before the top of the hour. ainsley what is coming up? melissa: the caravan of illegal immigrants still parked at border trying to get into the country. attorney general jeff sessions is going down there to personally send them a message. we're live. brian: remember this with janice's interview with the owner of the horse justify? >> will you join us if this horse wins. >> absolutely. absolutely. brian: he is a man of his word. the owner of the kentucky derby winner joins us live. ♪ ♪ most people come to la with big dreams. ♪ we came with big appetites. with expedia, you could book a flight, hotel, car, and activity all in one place. ♪ the digital divide is splitting this country. we have parents who are trying to get their kids off of too much social media and computers, and then we have parents who would only hope their children have access. middle school is a really key transition point, right. the stakes start changing. students begin to really start thinking about their futures. what i like about verizon's approach is that it's not limited to just giving kids new tools, it's really about empowering educators to teach in different ways, and exposing kids to more active forms of learning. giving technology is not a total solution. teaching technology, now that is. my digestive system used to make me feel sluggish. but those days are over. now, i take metamucil every day. it naturally traps and removes the waste that weighs me down. so i feel... lighter. try metamucil and begin to feel what lighter feels like. introducing new metamucil fiber thins, made with 100% natural psyllium fiber. a great-tasting and easy way to start your day. new at walmart and you won't find relief here. congestion and pressure? go to the pharmacy counter for powerful claritin-d. while the leading allergy spray relieves 6 symptoms... claritin-d relieves 8, including sinus congestion and pressure. claritin-d relieves more. jillian: good monday morning to you, back with quick headlines. look at video. carnival dream cruise is back in port after flooding nightmare a water main break forcing thousand of gallons to pour into a hallway. 50 rooms were affected by flood. some had to sleep on growing today mats. carnival offering a full refund and a discount on future cruise. this is such a incredible story. a teenage boy regains consciousness a day after the parents agreed to donate his organs. trenton mckinley injured his skull in an accident. they were about to take him off life-support in alabama, he came back to life. in that moment, trenton thought he was in heaven. >> i was walking down, more like a open field, walking straight. there is no other explanation but god. there is no other way that i could have came back. jillian: trenton's family says he is getting stronger every day. that is an amazing story. guise? melissa: god bless him. that is a great story. thanks, jillian. attorney general jeff sessions is heading to our southern border today. steve: mr. sessions will sus discuss the border with i.c.e. as illegal border crossings surge. brian: griff jenkins joins us from washington with more. reporter: brian, good morning to you. happy birthday to you. attorney general sessions will hold a press conference at 4:00 p.m. with outgoing i.c.e. director thomas homan. location is unknown. that is where the caravan of migrants have been crossing. according to local media reports in san diego, approximately 228 members of that caravan which would essentially be all of them, now crossed as of yesterday morning. the group itself, people without borders was saying going into the weekend that number of migrant to cross was 158, according to their numbers. this essentially would have been essentially the last 70 or so. what is more as strong niching according to customs and border protection there was slight increase in illegal crossings overall compared to last month but 223% increase compared to april of last year. this after attorney general sessions announced last week that he is sending more prosecutors and immigration judges to the border to try and stop the problem. of course on saturday we saw the president calling for tougher borders. it will be interesting to see guys, what comes of the press conference today. i reached out to that group of caravan folks to see if they have a comment. they do not. brian: do they call themselves caravan folks? reporter: they do. they call themselves caravan folks. people without borders. they have been doing this yearly but for some reason this time they wanted to make a big splash in the media. steve: because they had some reporters embedded with them, reporting live from the caravan, and we know all about it. griff, excellent report. thank you. brian: very professional. reporter: thank you. melissa: for a change? brian: no, just struck me as professional. melissa: thanks, griff. steve: meanwhile, speaking of professional, the owner of justified, the who are, promised janice he would come on our show if the horse won the kentucky derby. he is a man of his word. the horse won. he is next. brian: check in with bill hemmer. who by the way lent me his white shirt. >> how did it work? brian: it worked great. melissa: this one? >> on friday i filled in but i didn't want to wear the same outfit. i forgot it. hemmer stemmed up. melissa: all the same size. >> this is my birthday present to brian. don't take it to the dry cleanerses. put it back in my office. breaking news overnight, entire homes wiped out by steaming lava. what a scene we have today. is john kerry privately working to keep the iran legal deal? the president's legal team says the mueller probe acted in bad faith. that is their case. how the strategy could change today. senator tim scott in moments at the top of the hour. i'm about to start the nature's bounty hair, skin and nails challenge. so my future self will thank me. thank you. i become a model? yes. no. start the challenge today. and try new tropical citrus flavor with collagen. nature's bounty. [horns blowing] >> tell me about justify. every one is talking about this horse. >> horse definitely will have a real shot today. he is special. >> while i have sol, will you join us if this horse wins? >> absolutely. absolutely. >> there you go. steve: here he is, drinking dunkin' donuts. melissa: you're a finance guy. you live in boston, how did you get into horse racing? >> totally random. i had a good friend of mine, i really like the sport. there is gambling. art of doing a deal. it is great with your family. melissa: drinking. pretty ladies. >> we put a group together. there is four of us. we bought a bunch of horses. we ended up really good one in the group. brian: didn't know much about horse racing? >> literally nothing. the horse won the breeders cup first year. took on crazy journey. named after my wife. that was nice way to get the family involved. been a great journey since. >> this horse i think it will win it all. i do. steve: what are the odds, triple crown? >> you have to get lucky. you have to stay healthy. obviously really hard. steve: you or the horse? >> i'm not healthy. >> there is something about this horse. every one was talking about this horse comparison to american pharoah and some of the greatest horses of all time. >> he has done nothing wrong. he has all the ingredients to be really special. i think he will be a big favorite in the preakness. then you come back in the belmont. >> belmont. brian: long distance. melissa: i love the jockey. the jockey said i want to thank my lord and savior jesus christ and blessing us with this amazing horse. >> a big fan. a big fan. brian: so you glad you did it. were you willing to lose your money and not be successful? >> yeah. i think you have to. you have to, you know, just like anything you're investing in. but you obviously have the ability to get lucky and do well as well. >> this guy is a family guy. we wanted you to come on sunday after the race at kentucky. i have a lacrosse game with my son. maybe on monday. wonderful family guy. the races are becoming a family event. i saw a lot of families getting involved. you know there, is something about horse racing i really truly love. those two minutes, really brings the country together. i sometimes think we're so divided sometimes but every one was watching that race. and in the mud! justify came through. >> it was awesome. steve: pulling for audible that is your horse. >> his filly won in the oaks. can you play the lottery with me. steve: thank you very much. congratulations. brian: hope things turn around for you. more "fox & friends" in just a moment. ♪ bp is taking safety glasses to a whole new level. using augmented reality so engineers in the field can share data and get expert backup in the blink of an eye. because safety is never being satisfied and always working to be better. >> there are reports that gina haspel offered to withdraw her nomination. we're looking to figure that out today on monday. i'm bill hemmer, welcome to "america's newsroom." sandra has a few days off. it's been some time. welcome back. nice to see you. >> happy monday to you. i'm julie banderas in for sandra this morning. haspel decided to move forward with her nomination after a weekend phone call with president trump. the president also showing his support publicly this morning on twitter tweeting my highly respected


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20180508

her be best initiative. >> i'm asking you all to join me in providing support and guidance to our children so that we can make a real difference. ♪ ♪ worked hard and played on it. steve: kind of a pink glow over new york city on, this the 8th day of may, 2018. do you know what today is? today is the day after brian kilmeade's birthday. brian: and then tomorrow is two days after. ainsley: what did you get for your birthday. brian: my family informed me the dogs were walked before i got home. steve: the children or the dogs? brian: the dogs are big but they are nice. they don't pull that much. ainsley: your children walked the big dogs or the big dogs go out with them. brian: we can't go out in solo. we go out in pairs. had a small opportunity to look back at my life it was rewarding to have dinner at 8:00 and get ready for the morning show in the middle of the night. the big conversation was the iranian deal. ainsley: conversation amongst your kids? brian: yes. talking about disarmament. steve: most kids are looking at their phones. if they are talking about the iranian deal. that's fantastic. do you know what the kilmeade kids were saying yesterday, tomorrow at 2:00 in the afternoon, meaning today, the president will announce what decision he has reached regarding this. and keep in mind, you know that our european allies are bracing for a withdrawal. it sounds like the president wants to withdraw the chances of keeping it sound very small. but the administration thinks this is a fresh start on nuke issues and it would give the president a lot of leeway. ainsley: he has signaled that he wants to pull out and he ran on that unless charges are made. he doesn't trust iran. molly hemmingway was on last night. she agrees with that she says if you are going to pull out, we need to have a plan. listen. >> obviously it's a bad deal and obviously barack obama could have gotten a better deal. and one of the things that's ferrari frustrating about it u.s. gave a lot at the front end with the hopes that iran would have more to provide at the back end. the question is, you can agree it's a bad deal, but what happens now? and what happens if the u.s. departs but iran and europe stay together? are we going to do secondary sanctions? what is the plan after this? it might be better to have some kind of construct around iran than no construct even though i think it's hard to say this is anything other than a very bad deal. brian: one thing it is, it was sanctions relief. what they used is the money to help take over syria. they were already influenced now they basically have the country to align lebanon with missiles pointed right at israel. israel has seen the build up of rockets over in syria. so, they have the wherewithal to do it. what's happening is the money is going into these terror things and not to the iranian people. they are beginning to rise up. you have the european allies saying what molly hemmingway is saying. we don't love the deal either. at least they are not spinning centrifuges. you want to leave it and try to make it better. there is another way forward, and i don't think it would really anger any of the president's base, that is, look, the european allies came here. the president wants to show he is listening. you guys want 60 days. i made it clear to you. go improve this deal in 60 days. if it's not done, if you can't get the iranians to buy, in then, in turn -- by the way the iranian's complaint about us is we have not opened up our markets and pushed our banks to invest there. we have also told others not to do that, fine, let's say we pull back and a lot of the investment of course they get rid of the ballistic missiles and do reduction in terror activities. give them 60 days. let's call their bluff. in the meantime we tell the europeans to get behind us when it comes to these iranian trade gap that we have. ainsley: do you trust that they will do that. brian: the europeans or iranians. ainsley: iranians yelling death to america. look at benjamin netanyahu proved they lied to us by showing pictures and our intelligence agency says it's true. brian: right. steve: if the deal went away not only would the united states have to worry about the aggression in iran from the region over there, they would have to worry about the nuke problem as well. don't be surprised if the president pulls out at 2:00 this afternoon. then again, don't be surprise fed does exactly what he did with daca. during the campaign he said daca is a tissue deal. gonna change that going to fix it. make it better. how many times did we hear him say the iranian deal is a terrible deal. you know, we should get out of that so, doubt be surprised if he gives -- you know what? let's go to stakeholders, europe, congress, give them 60 days? brian: you like that idea give them 60 days. steve: i think donald trump doesn't want to appear as a guy who goes out and blows things up. brian: like the paris deal. steve: he wants to appear to be a negotiator. he will negotiate with europe. he will negotiate with our congress. and he says look, i gave them six months, three months, whatever. they didn't do it. we're gone. that way he could still appeal to his base. i tried to fix it i gave them a chance. it didn't work out. ainsley: doesn't make iran mad a dangerous country. brian: they are always going to chant death to america and rouhani is going to stay in this deal even if we don't deal with the europeans they are not going to put the sanctions on, even if we do. russia and china are not going to put the sanctions back on even if we do. it would be interesting to put the pressure on everybody else and not on us. ainsley: right. let's move on to other things that you are talking about around the dinner table at brian's birthday party. the president's poll numbers, at least on issues, is going up. this is a cnn poll. and the numbers are climbing when it comes to the economy, foreign trade, immigration, and handling foreign affairs. we'll read some of the numbers for you. steve: absolutely. what's interesting is it regards all those things. six in 10 say that things in the country are actually going better. you look at the metric and it starts a couple of months ago and slowly but surely apparently the country appreciates or values what the president is doing. they like what he is doing as the numbers go up. ainsley: when it comes to the economy we are at 52 percent of you like what he is doing with the economy. that's up 4 points. foreign trade, 43%. that's up 5 points. immigration 40%. that's up 4 points. and handling foreign affairs tops 40% first time since last april. brian: guess what else that's like, reuters, the rasmussen poll and if you are listening on radio, that's basically just shows up 4 points the economy trade up four. foreign affairs up four. and his numbers are through the roof when it comes to handling north korea specifically on a different poll. steve: look at the bottom number was immigration. speaking of immigration, yesterday the attorney general of the united states, jeff sessions, was both in arizona and also southern cafe california. and he made it very clear what has happened in the past regarding other administrations and immigration on our southern border, that's all changing. there is a zero tolerance now if you break into the country illegally. also you will be handled differently when it comes to seeking asylum. here is the attorney general. >> the department of homeland security is now referring 100 percent of illegal southwest border crossings to the department of justice for prosecution. i have put in place a zero tolerance policy for illegal entry. if you cross the border unlawfully, then we will prosecute you. if you smuggle illegal aliens across our border, then we will prosecute you. if you are smuggling a child, then we will prosecute you. i have sent 35 prosecutors to the southwest border and moved 18 immigration judges. steve: sounds like a protester got pretty close to him on the stage. ainsley: you could hear him in the background. steve: headline in a lot of the papers today the attorney general announced that the department of justice would separate children from their parents he made it very clear. if you come into this country illegally, and you bring your kids, we're going to separate you because that's the way things are going to happen going forward. if you don't want to be separated from your kids, don't break the law. it's that, he said. ainsley: back to those poll numbers. you look at this country and everyone talks about how divided it is. if you watch some of the mainstream media, everybody says they hate it, they hate it, they hate it if you look at the polls, it's more positive ratings from democrats. 40% of democrats think things are going well. that's up 25% since february. brian: right. and i just think when it comes to border security, it's not really a red or blue issue. i have think it's pretty much red, white, and blue. in terms of what is going to happen on our border, a lot of people get up in the morning what does the president think, what does john kerry think or what does nancy pelosi think. chealsz manning is running for senate in the great state of maryland, made it clear if elected would work to abolish the ice department. abolish our borders. restructures the prison system and everybody should have a basic income. brian: how do you beat. that is she going to run unopposed? ainsley: you have to keep in mind, the 30-year-old leaked 700,000 secret military documents to the world. steve: meanwhile, have you keith ellison one of the democratic party leaders was seen at may day rally and parade in minneapolis on friday. he's wearing that t-shirt which we dropped the banner right there. if you can translate. you know that says i don't believe in borders. which is interesting as well. so there seems to be a common theme between those two democrats. no borders. brian: not just any democrat. second most powerful member of the dnc. congratulations. keep that going. ainsley: let us know what you think about that. actually, let's let brian do the awkward toss. brian: no awkward toss. this is unbelievable news. breaking news and the new yorker broke the story. jillian: absolutely. this is quite a story. get you caught up on this fox news alert right now. new york attorney general eric sneiderman a vocal advocate for the me too movement resigns over assault allegations. four women accusing him of physical abuse in an exexplosive new yorker report. in a statement schneiderman says serious allegations, which i strongly contest, have been made against me. they will effectively prevent me from leading the office's work at this critical time. the investigation into the allegations is now underway. brand new charges expected for the man accused of shooting a florida sheriff's deputy in the head. deputy william gentry dying from his injuries hours after he was shot, responding to a fight over a cat. the nine-year veteran of the force served with his brother, a detective. >> his brother has already stated that he lost his hero. and that's the same fate for a lot of us, we lost one of our heros. jillian: suspected killer joseph ables convicted felon with a history of violence towards police. president trump's pick to lead the cia heading to capitol hill for a final round of meetings before the final confirmation hearing. gina haspel meeting with the committee. some are concerned about her background in the agency, including her role in interrogation program. in a tweet, president trump called haspel the most qualified person for the job. well, did you see it in the met gala stir ago controversy as celebrates pope. angel wings. many on social media think the fashion went too far. but cardinal timoth dollan arch byrne shop attended and gave his approval for the event. others roasting tom brady for this versace suit. tom brady looks like the accountant for a mariachi band. what do you think about that? brian: that's an interesting combination. ainsley: i thought the costumes were beautiful. they are works of art. do you know how much time and energy they put in this. steve: they are you a in all the papers. brian: what about wearing the texas. ainsley: it's to the the theme. steve: voters are about to head to the polls in ohio. what issues do people care? todd piro having breakfast with people in ohio. you will hear from him shortly. brian: that'sethat's todd and te are people. give us the work no one else wants to do. we don't just go against the grain. we grow it. give us the frontiers. the places where success is measured in pushed limits. give us the middle of nowhere. where the only map is your buddies' tread marks. this life? no one's born ready for it. ( ♪ ) no one's born ready for it. but first things first- timcall trugreen,ed. america's #1 professional lawn care company. millions of homeowners like you trust us to give them a lawn they can live on. start your trugreen lawn plan today for only $29.95. brian: president trump taking on john kerry ahead of today's iran announcement. he is the one who created this in the first place. this in response of the secretary of state shadow diplomacy on the very badly negotiated iranian deal. he was the one that -- save the obama era deal. the best of luc bulk of the neg. here to explain cia officer and radio talk show host buck sexton. buck, this seems to be a violation of the logan act, which is never prosecuted. this is really out of line, isn't it? >> i think the former secretary of state and he needs a reminder that he is in fact former is wrong on every conceivable level here. i think he is wrong on the substance, which people can disagree on but the iran deal has some fatal flaws in it. it has from the start. ballistic missiles, the sun set provisions, some of the sites that do not actually get inspections. we can disagree on that. that all said, there is also a bad faith element here. you can only have one secretary of state, one administration at a time. and for a former secretary of state to step in here, brian, and act like the shadow secretary of state really undermines the authority of the people who are supposed to be engaged in these kind of negotiations. you can't help but think that john kerry is coaching the other side here. and then as you mentioned the logan act brings in a legal aspect of it. look, we all know, it's been repeated a lot. the logan act has never been used to prosecute anyone. it should not be used to prosecute anyone. it's unconstitutional if it's challenged. that said, brian, why do we all know what the logan act is? that's right. there was a whole lot of discussion about it when it came to general flynn the incoming national security advisor for trump. the hypocrisy here is jaw-dropping. in one case it's a big deal. in this case a more egregious and obvious violation of the logan act, it seems like there are contradicts on this. and we want to know why. brian: flynn was about to get the job. kerry is out of a job. >> correct. brian: number two, met with the eu foreign policy chief. he has met with macron of france. he has met with the german president and met twice with the iranian foreign minister. all to keep this going. can you imagine how the -- any bush official felt like secretary of state rice president obama decide to pull us out of iraq therefore creating isis kept his mouth shut. what did sis kissinger do as we abandoned vietnam? how did he feel about that. he kept his mouth shut. if asked he would respond but not lobby other governments. here is what the kerry spokesperson had to say. he believe it's important the nuclear agreement that took the world years to negotiate remain effective as countries focus on stability in region. he said trump is only going to be in power a couple of years. >> this is something we expect from the taliban to have a shadow government in place. not from our own former secretary of state. brian: gotcha. >> this is really beyond the pale to. have meetings like this, this is not casual, this is not someone who is just talking. brian: gotcha buck. >> he is negotiating from the other side of the table. brian: buck sexton, thanks. we will find out more about it at 2:00. this american making desperate plea after american flag belonged to their son was stolen. you will meet them. and a quiet interior from which to admire them. the lincoln spring sales event is here. for a limited time get 0% apr on the lincoln mkx. plus get $1000 bonus cash. the first survivor of ais out there.sease and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. visit to join the fight. ♪ with expedia you could book a flight, hotel, car and activity all in one place. ♪ a farmer's what's in this kiester. a fire truck. even a marching band. and if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. for any sort of discomfort in yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it. mr. elliot, what's your wiwifi?ssword? wifi's ordinary. basic. do i look basic? nope! which is why i have xfinity xfi. it's super fast and you can control every device in the house. 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>> first off, i was very upset. i mean a rage. and then disappointment because i lost it and then just a last ditch effort. friday was a last ditch effort. it was just, please. ainsley: tell us the area where you live and how we can help as viewers. >> well, i live in washington. central washington or the acumanda reservation. that's why i said just share. if you can share and it bring it out to your local police department news station, newspaper, however you can do it. just have somebody turn it in. look in pawn stores. look in goodwills, whatever. whatever second hand store you have that might be there. i know it's a last ditch effort but it means everything to us. it means everything to the 17 that were killed in that deployment. it means everything to all those 190 that were wounded at that time. it doesn't just affect me it touch as lot of people. my family and marines that served with joe. they would like it back. ainsley: sean, joe's story is touching to all of us, unfortunately his life was cut short at 22 years old. what does his service mean to you? >> sacrifice. he is buried honorably as a marine. he was where he wanted to be. he was surrounded by the loved ones that he wanted to be around. and when he died, he was carried by the metropolitan that loved him. and so i think his service shows the love we have you know, the guy to your left, the guy to your right,. ainsley: a beautiful message. sean marceau god bless your family. >> semper fi. ainsley: more "fox & friends" coming up. in your noise cancelling trheadphones?ry maybe not. maybe you could trust you won't be next to a loud eater. 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>> because i care about the america-out absolute american dream. and what these folks can do for us and to make sure that we are all safe in this country. todd: governor, you are picking mike dewine because you like the way that he as attorney general was a law and order candidate. for senate you are going for jim renee'sy. this is interesting. because you said he represents home. what do you mean by that? >> when you meet him or talk to him or listen to him speak, he truly cares about the people. he cares about the people of this state. homegrown and he just is is he a unique and great individual. todd: thank you for your time. going to move the chair over here. joel is a contractor. we have a family divided here. we have joel and his grandma dorthy. they are divided on governor. you are voting for mike dewine because of his pro-life stance. why is that important to you. >> i think pro-life starts at the state of birth and all the way through life. so even as how is he trying to help out the opioid epidemic in ohio as well. i think that's all important stuff. todd: understood. dorthy, i'm going to scooch up here. you are retired and big trump supporter. you are voting for mary taylor in the governor race because it's all about the border for you. why? >> well, the border. i just feel that we need secure borders. we need the wall. we need immigration stopped illegal immigration stopped. and it's got to start with trump. nobody else has ever accomplished it. todd: and with regard to the president, you are both supporting jim renacci. whom the president supported and you say it's all about the key issues of the day. you need somebody in there who supports the president, especially on something like the iran deal. why is that important to you? >> because i am tired of them fooling around with the iran deal it should have been taken care of years ago and it was not. every president has just passed it onto the next one. this president is going to do something about it and i hope he cancels it. it is a bad deal. and john kerry should stay out of it. he is gone. he was a democrat. and i feel he should not be interfering and something should be done about that to stop him. >> dakota, thank you for your time. we are going to find out about the iran deal 2:00 p.m. today. i promised the grand kids if they let grandma talk to me. i would give them whip cream. more whipped cream for hot chocolate. i promised, i deliver. that's how we do breakfast with friends. back to you. steve: did you take that from new york or pick that up in. >> no, no, i brought this from new york. this is brian kilmeade's collection. i ran into his office. thanks, brian. brian: that's true. i'm a ready whip guy not a cool whip guy. don't give me a container give me a canister. ainsley: he didn't pack that in his carry on. steve: unless he drove. checking out with folks out in ohio all morning long. in the meantime check in with jillian who joins us live. jillian: good tuesday morning to you and to you at home as well. let's get you caught up on the stories we are following the internet hits back when the war times calls oliver north a gun runner. most infamous gun runners in the world to be president. pointing to arms deal with iran. writing back they didn't know eric holder got the job. the former attorney general remembered for his role fast and furious scandal which put hands in the mexican drug cartels. lieutenant colonel oliver north will join us live at 8:30 a.m. eastern. stay tuned for that go now, that is the urgent warning to thousands of people as lava slowly destroys dozens of homes on hawaii's big island. take a look at incredible time laps video showing the fiery molten rock devouring a car. some people allowed to briefly return home to save some of their belongings. >> this is my -- everything. [crying] my life here. jillian: the kilauea volcano shows no signs of slow down. socialist movement embraces this message from bernie sanders. >> it's time to take on the 1%. >> the top 1%. >> 1%. jillian: but they may have to be a member of that 1% to attend this summer's socialism conference in chicago. tickets cost up to $250 a person for the four-day event in july and rooms at the hotel where it's being held cost nearly 400 bucks a night. a soldier stuck at the airport breaks down in tears watching his daughter's birth on face time. caught on camera glued to his phone in dallas. a flight delay keeping him from being at the hospital. the person who posted the video says everyone cheered when the baby cried. adding she shared the moment so people won't forget the sacrifices soldiers make. lindsey eventually made it home to meet his baby girl millie. how adorable is that? steve: technology. >> you feel for him though. steve: thank you, jillian. all right. coming up: two federal judges have dealt blows to robert mueller. one of them wants to know the scope of his russia probe. but the government wouldn't tell him. how significant is that? judge napolitano says that's big. he's next. brian: plus, kevin jackson. we also have him coming. we're going to talk about that. white house budget director mick mulvaney how to save $15 million. new nra president oliver north. he is also a colonel and senator david perdue. one of those people are armed. ♪ ♪ i'm about to start the nature's bounty hair, skin and nails challenge. so my future self will thank me. thank you. i become a model? yes. no. start the challenge today. and try new tropical citrus flavor with collagen. nature's bounty. why is dark magic so spell-bindingly good? it's a bold blend of coffee with rich flavors of uganda, sumatra, colombia and other parts of south america. like these mountains, each amazing on their own. but together? magical. all, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee roasters. i'm the one clocking in... when you're clocking out. sensing your every move and automatically adjusting to help you stay effortlessly comfortable. i can also help with this. does your bed do that? oh... i don't actually talk. though i'm smart enough to. i'm the new sleep number 360 smart bed. let's meet at a sleep number store. brian: quick headlines now if the judge would quiet down for a second. a florida woman under arrest after dialing 911 claiming to have some type of medical emergency. turns out jennifer roberts was just thirsty. [laughter] when this arrived she asked for a beer. indiana man busted for drunk mowing. this is way overdue. barry ridges under appreciated neighbor calling a cops as ridge road a lawn mower on to his yard. it's not the first time he has pulled something like this. police arresting ridge last month for driving lawn mower drunk in a grocery store parking lot. no word what is he doing with weed whacker. [laughter] steve: allegedly. brian: we will follow that story wherever it goes. steve: this time the judge in paul manafort's case demanding to know the scope of the probe accusing it of gunning for trump's impeachment or prosecution. one or the other. maybe both. ainsley: our next guest argues legally this may not be relevant at all. here to explain is fox news judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano. >> the government for years has been prosecuting people just to squeeze them, to get information out of them, to testify against somebody who is a bigger target. as reprehensible as this is, because the form of bribery, say what we want to hear and we'll go easy on you, it's a form of as i said bribery. but the courts have accepted that and there is no question that's why they are after paul manafort. they seem to think if they can put as much pressure on him as possible, he will tell them something that they want to know against their real target, the president of the united states. brian: gates folded. flynn folded but manafort has not. >> i honestly don't think manafort will. judge ellis is the first time to say we all know why you are here. show me the authority you have to do. this because you are investigating bank fraud that goes back a long time. long before donald trump was running for president. long before your office existed. the thing is, they will get that authority. rod rosenstein can write a letter today to make the letter retroactive they will be back to square one. judge ellis done a good thing by pointing out to us this is the way the government works. nothing new to people who used to be on the bench, like me. or watch these things for a living. ainsley: that's nothing new. have you heard a judge tear into a prosecutor like this. >> you are looking like a judge who used to tear into a prosecutor. because when the government is heavy handed, it's the duty of the judge to keep them in place. judge ellis believes in this case going after paul manafort for bank fraud that allegedly happened a long time ago is heavy handed and beyond his authority. will get that authority from rod rosenstein. steve: that's moving the goal post. the judge made a good case, and that is explain to me why something that happened in 2005, pertains to something that happened in 2016. >> let me tell what you manafort's defense is it's a fascinating defense. all this bank fraud and tax fraud that mueller has indicted him for, he has already been investigated by the justice department, and he was exonerated by the justice department. and guess hot lawyer was that signed the exoneration, a young rod rosenstein. so guess hot first defense witness will be, rod rosenstein, who is mueller's boss. brian: michael cohen they don't like what they see with michael cohen's background. refer to the southern district in new york. nothing to do with the case. what is it muellerens probe. why does dosenned ha off cohen and not manafort. >> because of geography, brian. he does have a grand jury in alex an dea virginia and d.c. he doesn't have one up here. brian: it's not his case. >> michael cohen will probably be prosecuted by prosecutors here in manhattan. but, when he negotiates for a guilty plea, guess who he will be negotiating with bob mueller. the whole thing, all of it, is tied to mueller's efforts to equities distracts information about the president. he has turned you mentioned gates. gates is his star witness against the president because he knows everything that happened. good or bad. whether it really happened or not in the campaign. brian: let's talk about sneiderman, the attorney general is in a heap of trouble right now. have you an interesting tie. >> i was stunned when i saw this. steve: he resigned last night. >> correct. but, if you read the peter strzok, lisa page emails about the gaggle of fbi agents that hated trump that used to meet and find ways to stifle him, there was one nonfederal official there it was attorney general schneiderman, what was he doing going from new york down to d.c. unless he was part of some effort to prosecute the president and his people for state crimes in the state of new york where the president's pardon power would not work. and now he is gone. steve: would that be relating to trump university. >> either be related to trump universe where the president, shortly after got elected signed 25-million-dollar settlement or related to some financial dealings here in new york city in his development days. gone. brian: gone? >> yes. i don't know who is going to replace him or where it's going to go. it's a set back for that effort. steve: i think it's up to the legislature now. brian: president predicted he would be gone though? >> yes. ainsley: democrats are lining up to approve the president's pick for the cia. even one of the biggest critics is telling them to get on board. political left has been slamming kanye west for trump sentiments. one is calling the rap ear champion for white freedom. kevin jackson sees hypocrisy. he's next. ♪ ♪ spring is on. and it's time to get growing. as america's #1 professional lawn care company, trugreen can tailor a plan that turns your ordinary lawn into an extraordinary one. so start your trugreen lawn plan today for only $29.95. steve: a writer for the atlantic is blasting presidenkanye'swest's support fd trump as shockingly ignorant. west calls his struggle the right to be a free-thinker and he is, indeed, championing a kind of freedom. a white freedom. freedom without consequence, freedom without criticism, freedom to be proud and ignorant. here to weigh in, ceo of the black sphere fox news contributor kevin jackson joins us from phoenix. kevin, this was quite an article. it was lengthy in very, very long. but he makes some points. and he starts out talking about how when he was growing up to him michael jackson was a god and later kanye west would be a god until this. kevin? >> oh, i thought you were running a clip. well, look, so michael jackson was a god until he decided to lighten his skin and take on white features. correct? and the guy wrote the song black and white. the guy wrote the song man in the mirror or sang the songs, rather. and so michael jackson was essentially saying let me grow up to be what i want to be. what's interesting about the michael jackson piece of it, he talks about how michael's father ridiculed his nose. he talked about how michael's father ridiculed michael's skin color. michael comes by whatever the pathology you want to think about it honestly. of the idea that michael jackson, who is one of the best entertainers in the world, can't grow up to be whatever he wants to be. i find interesting. because here's the thing, steve. not too many people in the white community care what eminem has become. one of the most prolific hip hop artists on the planet and nobody cares. how many kids do you think want to emulate lebron james? how many white kids wanted to be kobe bryant or michael jordan or the best baseball player or the best whatever? you know, why did a color limitation theme only for blacks? steve: here is a little bit of the article. he writes west's thoughts are not original. they are the propaganda that justifies voter suppression and feeds police brutality and minimizes the murder of heather heyer. >> again, more of the black lives matter. cops are hunting out black people. the nonsense of the left and particularly the left is blacks who want people to believe that if you're black in america, have you no ability to change your circumstances or to be whatever you choose to be. and he points to two people, michael jackson and kanye west who have effectively reached the pinnacle. why not point to barack obama and tell us all that barack obama couldn't become because that's essentially where he is at. if he really wanted to do a dissection of this particular subject, barack obama is a perfect example of it. steve: real quickly, kevin, would he have had a problem with council yea west if kanye west support you had hillary rodham clinton. >> of course not. that's what the contradiction is as long as you support the powerful white person who has got the democrat after their name, you're fine. but support donald trump, and it's bad. look, a they are very afraid, steve as you know. steve: kevin jackson joining us from phoenix where it's really early. thank you very much. >> my pleasure. steve: before the top of the hour on this tuesday. you know how some struggle to keep control of their children, right? >> it's fine. i can handle it. >> tag teaming to manage the mob. >> no, no. over the years, we built on that trust. we always found the way. until... we lost it. but that isn't where the story ends... it's where it starts again. with a complete recommitment to you. fixing what went wrong. making things right. and ending product sales goals for branch bankers. so we can focus on your satisfaction. we're holding ourselves 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you won't have any problems. except for the daily theft of your danish. not cool! at&t provides edge to edge intelligence. it can do so much for your business, the list goes on and on. that's the power of &. & this shipment will be delivered... brian: president trump taking on john kerry ahead of iran's deal announcement. he is the one who created this mess in the first place. >> this is something we expect from the taliban to have a shadow government in place. not from our own former secretary of state. >> polls ready to open this morning as indiana, ohio, north carolina and virginia ahead of the big november midterm election. >> new york's attorney general, democrat eric schneiderman a fierce opponent of president trump is out after being accused of assaulting several women. >> president trump's pick to lead the cia heading to capitol hill for a final round of meetings ahead of tomorrow's confirmation hearing. >> i served with gina for many years. i think very highly of her. i hope the congress does the right thing and confirms her. >> first lady announced her be best initiative. >> i ask you all to join me in providing support and guidance to our children so that we can make a real best. ♪ brian: that's a guy who didn't return home he lives in new jersey bon jovi. steve: former hairdresser turned rock star. ainsley: no way. really? steve: ran a beauty parlor in new jersey. ainsley: doesn't have long hair anymore. he cut it. steve: i haven't checked in on him for a while. brian: could you check on that find how long bon jovi's hair is. steve: by the way it's toby's our sound man's birthday. brian: i have never met him. he only does the talk in our ear. ainsley: like god? brian: like charlie's angels ♪ >> do they meet him at the end? steve: i think. so deal or no deal. today at 2:00. you need to be tubeside to the fox news channel. the president of the united states is going to explain warrant the united states is going to pull out of the iranian deal. this is big because most of our important european allies say, mr. president, you are right. it's a stink bomb but don't do it. ainsley: said it's a very bad deal. is he saying that we have given a lot. we haven't gotten a lot in return. right now there are sanctions relief. and that was under the obama era deal. and the president says it was the worst deal ever. so he has until saturday to decide if is he going to extend that relief. the deadline is may 1st. brian: secretary of defense mattis says, i read it three times. he wants to stay in it john bolton dot not. mike pompeo does not want to stay in it. you have the foreign minister of britain coming over, kind of begging us to stay in it. we had the president of france, germany come over. the leaders of those countries saying we know it's bad. stay in it we have 10 democrats who signed a letter to the president saying stay in it. they voted against it. what they are say something. this we know it's not great. but we gave so much away. released all the sanctions. if we go. we go back with our sanctions, fine. but the europeans are staying with it. china and russia are staying with it because we played our hand already. as condoleezza rice sat here last week and we didn't have to cut a bad deal like this. we had to cut power. steve: after what we heard the president say for the last couple of years we know he thinks it's a terrible deal. it's kind of reminiscent. so don't be surprised if he pulls the plug on it today at 2:00. at the same time, if you look at the parallels to the way he described the diamondback deal when h-daca de. bad policy, if i'm president i will fix it. he gave congress six months to fix it. they didn't do a good job with it maybe what he is going to do today at 2:00, i know there are shareholders, stakeholders in this. u.s. congress, our european allies, i will give them 180 days. do your best to fix it if it's good at the end we will stay by it if not, we're gone. ainsley: called negotiation. it's not apology tour. his message has been simple every single time he has met with leaders of other countries is this best for america? brian: it never passed the senate. it never got the majority of the senate. ben cardin voted against it senator schumer voted against it the house was not for it what they did is they didn't get the two thirds majority to reject it. steve: to make it a treaty. here is the other thing that's going on at the same time. remember, a year ago, people were suggesting, you know, it looks like michael flynn may have broken the logan act. where before the administration, he was negotiating on behalf of the trump transition team on behalf of the united states. it's against the law, according to the logan act. now it looks like john kerry whose fingerprints were all over the iranian deal, it looks like john kerry himself and it sounds like from his spokesperson, is he admitting that he is breaking the logan act. ainsley: he has been meeting with iranian leaders, our european leaders. of the president is condemning for engaging in what they are cawrlg shadow diplomacy. he tweeted about it. the president says the united states does not need john kerry's illegal shadow diplomacy on the badly negotiated iran deal. set one who create you had this mess in the first place. steve: kerry's spokesperson pretty much admitted it and said i think every american would want every voice possible urging iran to remain in compliance with the nuclear agreement that prevented a war, they say. secretary kerry stays in touch with his former counterparts around the world just like every previous secretary of state. so far so good. like america's closest allies he believes it's important that the nuclear agreement, which took the world years to negotiate, remain effective as countries focus on stability in the region. ainsley: doesn't look good. looks he is sir couple venting our administration dealing with the iranians behind our president's back. do you trust iran? just last week israeli freshman benjamin netanyahu was showing us these videos and pictures that what he found that iraq ha iran has beeo us. steve: that being loose good burning the american flag. ainsley: death to america. brian: told economy was going to get better and money was going to flood. in it didn't get better the money flooded out to rebuild hamas in syria. it's not widely reported. john kerry collaborated with the foreign minister of iran to say, listen, hang in there. and they are going to stay with this deal even if we bow out of it keep in mind this: john kerry also said a couple of months ago reportedly don't worry about trump is he only going to be there for a couple years. can you imagine if condoleezza rice was walking around europe going to the middle east saying you know, don't worry about us pulling out of iraq. we are going to put everyone back in there. this young president obama doesn't know what he's doing. that's what former secretary of state kerry is doing because he has nothing to do because is he retired now. he has no responsibilities. he is not going to run for president. all he has is his legacy to protect and it's falling apart. steve: absolutely. buck sextons was on with us 50 minutes ago. former cia guy. here is his observation about what is going on. >> this is something we expect from the taliban to have a shadow government in place. not from our own former secretary of state. this is really beyond the pale. and to have meetings like this, this is not casual, this not someone who is just talking to his former counterparts. is he negotiating from the other side of the table. steve: okay. so john kerry will know at 2:00 this afternoon as will all of us what the president has decided on the iran deal. brian: all right. seven minutes now after the hour. gina haspel begins her nomination process tomorrow. remember, it was a week ago yesterday where reportedly "the washington post" four separate sources and no one has really rejected this where she just made it clear i think you should pull back my nomination. i don't want to be ronny jackson. people have a problem with my role black sites or enhanced interrogation. i don't want the cia dragged through. this well, the white house finally got behind him in a big way and says gina haspel we want you to be the next cia director. let's make this happen. marc short, of course, and sarah huckabee sanders making it happen. steve: there were a couple of cartons of super classified information brought over tout senate headquarters yesterday. so that the senators could actually those with clearance could actually go through and read through her past. that's one of the tricky things because she has operated off the grid for so long, there is a lot of her personal story people simply don't know. >> people want to know more about her. can trust her. who better to talk to than the people worked with her. former cia station chief. this is what he says about her. >> i think very highly of her. she has tremendously high level of intellectual honesty and integrity and dedication to our mission. the people of the agency think the world of her. she has had all the experience. and, listen, for the past 15 months she has been deputy director. that's tremendous for this administration they know what they're getting. we do, too. she is the right choice. i hope the congress does the right thing and confirms her. brian: every living cia director backs her. here's the other thing, gina haspel has a decision to make. is she going to come out and say yeah, back then that's what i did i regret it now or is she going to say that's what i did, i'm proud of what i was able to get out of the worse of the worse. i'm convinced i played an important role in stopping the next attack. i don't apologize for the americans who are alive today or not burned alive or had their heads cut off use enhanced interrogation okayed by the previous justifiable department in order to keep america safe. right now you don't want me to do it so i won't. if the law says i should and keeps america safe i will. that's what the cia is supposed to do. steve: everything she did at the time was legal and following instructions. steve: john brennan supports her being the nomination. brian: you can't okay john brennan number 4 at the time at the cia and stop gina haspel. ainsley: she will be the first female cia director. jillian: pretty i didn't know credible. we are starting with a fox news alert right now and some serious news that we're following. new york attorney general eric schiederman a vocal advocate for the me too movement resigns over assault allegations. four women accusing him of physical abuse in exexplosive new yorker report. in a statement schneiderman says quote serious allegations which i strongly contest happen made against me. prevent me from leading the office's work at this time. take a look at this. back in 2013. the president predicted something like this might happen tweeting quote, weiner is gone, spitzer is gone next will be light weight ag eric schneiderman. is he a crook? wait and see. worse than spitzer or weiner. allegations now underway. five time supported illegal immigrant acquitted in the murder of kate steinle will appear in front of a judge. two counts of illegal gun possession. admitted to accidentally firing the fatal shot that killed steinle on a pier in the sanctuary city of san francisco. he was found not guilty. he was convicted on a state charge of being an ex-felon in possession of a gun. president trump and vice president mike pence will not attend the historic opening of the u.s. embassy in jerusalem. the white house is sending a delegates including deputy secretary of state john sullivan, jared kushner, ivanka trump, among others. the ceremony combings after president trump moved the embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. the road signs for the embassy are now up in the city. president trump will award a national hero with the medal of honor. master chief special warfare operator bring k. slow slow he and his team were attacked by al qaeda forces. he fought the enemy while also helping hurt team members until the mountain top was secure enough to get out. he will receive the award on may 249. a look at your headlines. steve: what a navy seal. unbelievable. jillian: very deserving. steve: thank you very much. brian: jeff sessions says there will be zero tolerance tore illegal immigrants. >> if you cross the border unlawfully, then we will prosecuted you. it's that simple. brian: the left calls it heartless. the sheriff mark daniels helps guard the border. he called it long overdue. he joins us live next. ainsley: polls just opened in ohio. one of four states holding primaries today. todd piro is in ohio breakfast with friends ♪ you're gonna leave me back here at year 9? how did this happen? it turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement. we have to think about not 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and release and nothing happens there is a message of consequences. if you get caught, there's going to be consequences to that. that's something that has been missing for years on the border. steve: absolutely. also, i understand for the people who come into the country he announced yesterday who are seeking asylum, rather than crossing over, filling out some forms and saying okay, come back in six months or whatever they are going to detain them until the case is adjudicated. >> that is correct. again, i appreciate what they're doing. working on the border for over three decades and seeing this missing component of the criminal justice system, think about this as a federal agent as local law enforcement, sheriffs, that work in this for this quality of life and communities where you get these people that have been caught and nothing happens. what a motivation dump to these officers. that fills the gap. we are excited about that. steve: one of the things getting headlines today is the fact that part of the policy as well addresses people who bring their children in to the country illegally, and that is essentially children will be separated from their parents. but, yesterday, the attorney general said look, if you don't want to be separated from your children, don't bring your children in to the country illegally. >> and that is correct. the message is strong. the message has action built into it. and it's a deterrent in itself. those smuggle into the country, there's going to be consequences. so they have got to make those hard decisions. do you really want to come here? and we need a secure border. we all agree on that. the communities that live on our border understand that so, again, we think it's the right approach. steve: well it, clearly sends a message that there is a new sheriff in town, pardon the pun right there. >> no. steve: clearly they are changing the way the immigration policy into the country the way illegals is handled. >> you are exactly correct on that. having a president and having an attorney general who has actually listened to the sheriffs in this country from the national sheriff association to our southwest sheriffs. 31 border sheriffs. this is refreshing to us to see this. where now we are all working in the same mission and that is to secure our communities promote that quality of life. it's refreshing and exciting going in the right direction. steve: sounds like the feds are helping you out in your estimation. sheriff mark dannels thank you very much. >> thank you, steve. steve: you bet. 7:20 in new york city. president trump wants congress to slash $15 billion in spending. where will that money come from? we're going to talk to white house budget chief mick mulvaney coming up. go ahead and let your kids run around outside without you hanging on their every movement in one state free range parenting just became okay. is that a good idea or is it dangerous? a debate coming up next. we're experts in connecting your 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[ chuckles ] download the xfinity my account app and set a password you can easily remember. one more way comcast is working to fit into your life, not the other way around. ainsley: this morning the nation's first ever law protecting free range parents from prosecution takes effect in the state of utah. it allows parents to let their kids do more on their own without fear of being penalized for child neglect. could this do more harm than good? here to debate it parenting expert emma johnson who is for this free range parenting law. daniel patterson author of the forthcoming book the assertive parent. we know where you stand. we will start with you, tell us what free range parenting is. >> free range parent something parenting how children have been raised since the beginning of time where they are allowed to be out of sight of an adult and learn and grow as outcome people. ainsley: all right. so you are for it why are you for it? >> because this is what is best for kids. there is hundreds and hundreds of studies that show that free play, free exploration, being out of sight of parental supervision is not only safe it's also what is best for child development. ainsley: daniel, what are your thoughts? >> i mean, i appreciate the foundation of why people think free range parenting is solid choice but really, i think it's an overrow manhattaoverromanticized view ad can't be supported. take us back in time have a shared earns examine. we can't go back in time it's 2018. different stage of our country and really not cost benefit isn't there. i think the risk that it takes is not -- doesn't support basically the return on that investment of free choice. ainsley: brings up a good point. whewe were growing up walk to school and walk to home maybe a mile. on the weekends you would leave at 8:00 in the morning and go out and play in the woods and not come back until dark. we are at a n. a different time. don't you worry about the safety of our children. >> no. actually today it is actually safer than it has been since 1963 when gas was 29 cents a gallon. this is the safest time to be raising children by every metric. violent crime is down. abduction is down. disease is down. it is actually safe. and just because there are sensationalist 24/7 media. cable news or social media, that perception does not equal reality. in fact, there is very interesting studies show that children helicoptered or year parented are more susceptible to predators because they never learned to have their wits about them. nets are moral vulnerable. daniel, you wrote the book the assertive parent. helicopter patient something it putting our kids more in danger? >> i think parenting in the extreme is not a place where i like to land as a parent. i think why do we have to classify a helicopter parent or free range parent. i think meeting in the middle as the a parent and being an assertive parent is what you need to do and look at the optics of your family. certainly if you have a relationship and you trust your child and can you send them out to the grocery store. if that works for your family, that's fine. what my concern is passing legislation and taking government time to rework the semantics of a law when we should be focusing on education, reform, teacher pay and other things that will have a larger return on the investment for that time. ainsley: this just allows parents to have more flexibility. you are not going in goat in trouble if you do allow your kid to go to the grocery store and ultimately it is the parent's decision. next topic, everyone at this one school in new jersey a mom complained that her kid didn't make the cheerleading team. now all the kids are going to make the cheerleading team. what are your thoughts? dana, i will start with you on this one. >> it's a a former high school administrator at a school that its fair share of national headlines, i would say probably more to the story than we know from the headlines. but it reaches a point where is it worth it? is it worth dealing with the fallout of high maintenance students and high maintenance parents? and is the program the amount of energy and money you are putting into that worth it? so i think i don't really like it. i think it could be an overcorrection. everyone gets a trophy. i'm not really in line with that type of thinking or reaction. but, again, we don't know what's done with on in the years leading up to this decision. ainsley: elm marks last word? >> lazy parenting and lazy school administration. i understand that parents and kids can be difficult, but this is about teaching kids and preparing them for the real world and in the real world not everybody makes the cheer squads. ainsley: we're going to be talking about it i will be talking about it with steve and brian upstairs. send us your emails. this is a topic we have all had different opinions on. thanks so much for being with us. hillary clinton taking a shot at president trump from nearly 10,000 miles away. listen. >> i am so pleased that i can pull the curtain back in the book on the unprecedented election. the first reality tv election in american history. ainsley: some are asking is hisshe ever going to let go of losing the election? todd piro is in ohio having breakfast with friends we are here with the voters expecting to get some solid sound bites. but the winner of the day was vel. i asked her what her name is belle? she said like the princess? she said no, i amount princess. and she stole my pen. more "fox & friends" right after this. ♪ ♪ done? shouldn't you be at work? [ mockingly ] "shouldn't you be at work?" todd. hold on. [ engine revs ] arcade game: fist pump! your real bike's all fixed. man, you guys are good! well, we are the number-one motorcycle insurer in the country. -wait. you have a real motorcycle? and real insurance, with 24-hour customer support. arcade game: wipeout! oh! well... i retire as champion. game hog! champion. with tough food, your dentures may slip and fall. new fixodent ultra-max hold gives you the strongest hold ever to lock your dentures. so now you can eat tough food without worry. fixodent and forget it. steve: meanwhile the battle for governor will likely come down to republican mary taylor or mike dewine and democrat dennis kucinich or richard cordray. meanwhile, our own "fox & friends" diner correspondent todd piro is talking with folks who are having breakfast at j.c.'s restaurant in burton, ohio about the big race. todd, what is the issue that people are interested in this morning over pancakes? >> you know, steve, it's interesting. while the focus is definitely on the candidates here in these local races, the issues themselves really are national. you see that filtered down through the local races. let's start with dave. dave is undecided when it comes to who he is going to vote for. the key issue he needs the candidates to be in line with president trump on is the wall. why in. >> well, we just need some form of, you know, check point or who is coming in legally and who is not and the wall at this point in time is probably the best way to regulate. as long as they are coming in legally and going through the process of becoming legal, i have no problem with that. it's just letting everybody in and anybody in. todd: dave, thank you four your time. richard also undecided on the candidate are in the senate and gubernatorial primary. is he going to be looking for the candidate that espouses the family values that he likes. i will let him explain. what family values are you talking about. >> i have grandchildren, like many people do of course we look back what we were young, life was dinner. i'm concerned about them having the same opportunity and yet not put in boxes and saying have you got to do it this way or do it that way by the government or people telling them that protection of the family value where the family values the family. not discriminated against because of they want to be traditional. todd: really focused on today the iran deal. you want candidates that support the president with regard to the iran deal. what do you want to see happen? >> well, i think it ought to be -- we ought goat out of it. is there a plan b? if he announces today that we're pulling out. i hope we hear about a plan b. i think that's a lacking part. just talking about getting out, which i'm in favor of but what then? todd: we will see at 2:00 p.m. today. richard, thank you. now we come over to trouble. john is not trouble. john, small business owner. and he actually had some very interesting to say. you said you are staying out of the primaries. you are focused on the general because none of the individuals in the primary really supported the president in a way that you want to see. what do you mean by that? >> i didn't feel compelled either way. i'm a republican. i'm a conservative. i didn't feel compelled either way to vote for either of them. some of them came out and riding the president's coat tails. we will see who wins the primary and see where their stance really is on some of the critical issues. todd: what are those critical issues to you. >> a lot of the stuff president trump ran on for me. border security as the gentleman before mentioned: locally we have an educational issue that's important. i think teaching our kids, i think family values are important. international security. i think he has taken some steps and some moves at long term that are in the best interest of the country. maybe they are a little hard right now but those are important. todd: john, thank you for your time and belle, thank you for autographing my card where i keep notes about what people are saying. i don't want to show you my notes. i do want to shell you belle, belle, you found that funny, huh? thank you, ladies, back to you. steve: all right. ainsley: she is precious. >> dooddles. ainsley: my daughter loves, belle too. she wears the belle costume all the time. brian: jillian, who do you like? jillian: i like belle. when i was a kid i liked the little mermaid. brian: true story. jillian: you asked and i answered. brian: based on a true story splash. we do have a fox news alert. in just about an hour president trump will call his chinese counterpart for a high stakes phone call. just moments ago, the president tweeting, goat: the primary topics will be trade where good things will happen and north korea where relationships and trust are building. it comes as chinese state media reports president xi jinping has met with kim jong un. the two leaders met in beijing in march in a top secret visit. latest meeting comes ahead of a high stakes face-to-face summit between president trump and the north korean dictator. hillary clinton is at it again. the failed presidential candidate now blaming a so-called reality tv election and sexism for her 2016 defeat. listen. >> the more professionally successful we are the less people like us. i'm so pleased that i can pull the curtain back on the book on the unprecedented election. the first reality tv elections in american history. jillian: clinton making those comments promoting her book in new zealand. this could be a problem. radioactive weapons grade plument is missing from a university. while it's too small to make a nuclear bomb. there are fears it could be used in a dirty bomb. idaho state university could face $8,500 fine after researchers reported the material missing since last october. university officials say the sample missing since 2003 doesn't pose a health threat to the public. students mourning the loss of a taco bell on campus with a very special sendoff ♪ taps] >> you a student taps on bugle before the shuttered fast food. not the first first sendoff. a location for a location that burned down. i don't know if i understanding the send-off. steve: people love their taco bell. my daughter sally went to a wedding down in richmond over the weekend and it was cinco de mayo, at the conclusion of the event before people scattered they brought in like 500 taco bell tacos and it drove them wild. ainsley: i was at a wedding where they brought in the krispy kreme trunk at midnight. just snack. brian: at the end of most of my weddings they ask me to leave. nothing usually happens. ainsley: groom at all of these weddings? brian: no. sorry, weddings i get incited to. 20 minutes before the top of the hour. cbo says april was the best month ever for the u.s. budget. ever. we have been told not to trust. >> they should abolish the congressional budget office. it is corrupt. it is dishonest. i don't trust a single word they have published and i don't believe them. brian: we will see if newt changes his tune. does he believe them now? we will ask the white house budget director mick mulvaney next. steve: is he formulating an answer. ainsley: plus, melania trump attacked by the left moments after unveiling new platform for children. will they ever stop trying to tear her down? we'll debate that coming up. ♪ ♪ with best in-class towing 2018 ford f-150. best in-class payload and best in-class torque the f-150 lineup has the capability to get big things to big places --bigtime. and things just got bigger. f-150 is now motor trend's 2018 truck of the year. this is the new 2018 ford f-150. it doesn't just raise the bar, pal. it is the bar. termites, we're on the move.24/7. roger. hey rick, all good? oh yeah, we're good. we're good. termites never stop trying to get in, we never stop working to keep them out. terminix. defenders of home. i'm about to start the hair, skin and nails challenge. so my future self will thank me. thank you. i become a model? yes. no. start the challenge today. and try new tropical citrus flavor with collagen. nature's bounty. steve: news out of the congressional budget office last month was one of the best ever in american history for the u.s. budget. but, can you trust the cbo? >> never believe the cbo. very important. never believe them. >> i'm not married to their scoring at all. as a matter of fact, we have 100 people in treasury that do our own scoring and we will have our own assumptions. >> they should abolish the congressional budget office it is corrupt. it is dishonest. i don't trust a single word they have published and i don't believe them. ainsley: white house office of management and budget director mick mulvaney joins us now to react. good morning to you. what is your reaction to that should they abolishes cbo. >> where was my clip bashing the cbo. i have done that a dozen times. counting receipts coming. in very simple where we struggle with the cbo generally where they project out to the future and you will the reports they released this week not the one of the best receipts of the history. single best month in the history of the united states government. that's just counting of money that's coming. in that's usually a pretty solid number. treasury will follow up on that by the end of this week and our guess is those numbers are probably pretty being a rat. brian: had you a mandate from the president. i couldn't know set about signing the omnibus bill. look at this again and cut some money out. you found some money. $15 billion. where did you find it? where was it and is it enough? >> it's never enough. for me i would have done a lot more if i could have found it money is everywhere quite literally. resend old spending. money that previous congresses have said here department of energy you take this couple of billion dollars. or h.h.s. you take this couple of billion and it never gets spent and just sits there in these accounts. some of this money that rescinding and not making this up is stimulus money from 2011. that simply hasn't been spent yet. it's your money. it's sitting there. and we are going to have to find it looked under every rock that we have been able to. found about $15 million and we hope congress gives it back to the taxpayers. steve: that's one the problems with washington. they wind up giving programs money that they don't even need and can't even spend. you know the political calculation here. so many republicans, mic, were steamed that the president and the president congress went along with gigantic spending bill. i know you are trying to claw some back before the november election. really, it's just a drop in the bucket. >> by the way, if it passes it's more than a drop in the bucket. it will be the largest rescissions package in history. keep in mind most presidents used to do. this. steve: right. but it's $15 billion out of 1.3 trillion-dollar gigantic spend palooza. >> no question by that why we are at 1.3 i have talked about before. it was the extortion payment we had to pay in order to defend the nation. every time we ask for additional dollar for defense, the democrats say we will give thaw but not defense spending over here. that's how that i that number got as large as it was. we had to do that deal to defend the nation. and where can you find this membership to save and that's what this is. they used to be bipartisan. chuck schumer has voted for these things before. it will be interesting to see if a bill that is usually a good bill now happens to be a bad bill just because donald trump lives in the building behind me. a good test for the democrats, especially the democrats in the senate. brian: senator schumer says this about your 15 billion. it appears that sabotaging healthcare system to the detriment of the middle class families. now they are going after healthcare dollars millions of children rely on. the chip program. are you taking it from the chip program? >> giving it to greedy corporations that's a standard talking point for mr. schumer. here is the point of the matter. if he would answer a straight question he would admit this. the chip program is not allowed to spend that money. i'm not making tum. spend something not authorized. it would be illegal for them to write that check. another point of the chip program is money that we reserve for the states that we have every reason to believe the states won't ask for and even if they do there is enough money left over to pay that again, these are the type of things that democrats used to vote for all of the time. many democrat senators in previous years has asked for these type of house cleaning savings. this used to be ordinary course of business in washington, d.c. part of the way you run the government. for some reason, on, this as with everything, the democrats, especially democrats in the senate seem to be wanting to be ostructure and it's extraordinarily frustrating but we will try and get them on the record and see how they feel about this. steve: why couldn't they cut the leaf blower budget at the office. every time we have somebody on the north lawn, that guy comes out. >> but the place looks great, doesn't it? brian: no leaves. steve: mick, thank you very much for joining us live. ainsley: from the great state of south carolina. good to see you. >> thanks, y'all. steve: president trump's pick -- ainsley: next brother pilot flight 77 which terrorists crashed into the pentagon on 9/11. she has a powerful message for democrats. she is great. if you haven't ever heard her it's worth sticking and for. it's coming up next. ♪ frequent heartburn waking him up. now that dream is a reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? (burke) seen it. covered it. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ feeclaritin and relief fromwsy symptoms caused by over 200 allergens. like those from buddy. because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. feel the clarity. and live claritin clear. brian: democrats digs in their heels over president trump's nominee some respects for cia director gina haspel because of her tough stance on terror. tell that debra sister of chuck the pilot of crashed into the pentagon. debra is coming out of one of haspel's feer haspel's feers. debra joins us now. debra, she has to get approved, why? >> because if she isn't approved. this will further politicize not only demoralize the cia but further politicize the cia. when that happens, that -- you know, on 9/11, one of the things we learned is that we had careerism, risk aversion in the fbi. and the politicization of intelligence. and. brian: they weren't even talking to each other. >> now we are seeing it all again during this -- their obsession with this very successful program. brian: so the enhanced interrogation yielded results. you say you know this for a fact. >> i know because i looked up the court cases on -- two cases the moussaoui case. detainees black sites used to convict him. that's number one. and number two, in the ghailani case, that was a case here in new york in the southern district brought by the obama administration and the holder justice department and in those briefs, this is the holder justice department, they said this was a valuable program that saved lives and that you don't have to take our word for it, judge. here's all the evidence. and the judge in the moussaoui case says the value of this program cannot be overstated. brian: had rendition during the clinton years countries with different rules when it came to interrogation. we had enhanced interrogation and we had the high value targets. if you read the books and understand the evidence and see what led to bin laden, it was these programs that led there. so what do you sty people that say gina haspel should apologize for that? >> it will be a dark day if she does that. it will be hard for her agency, the people that work for her to hear that. because that is demoralizing. that is politicizing what they do. let's remember, they didn't break any laws. this wasn't torture. they specifically went back to the doj on four occasions to get legal authorities to make sure that they were crossing every t. they notified congress they had 65 briefings. 35 for the senate leaders. senate intelligence committee and '30 on the house side. and they even asked them, if you want to help us shape this program, be my guest. what did the members of congress do? what did they say? nothing. brian: including democrats? >> including democrats. nancy pelosi. brian: every active. every living cia director wants her. the cia wants her there the president wants her there. she would smash a glass ceiling if she gets this job. she is deputy now she is acting and she is ready for it. >> i believe if barack obama had nominated her when he was president she would have sailed through without question. brian: it's because of president trump. i have a sense that she is going to get the votes a lot of democrats in red states that know they have to do this. debra burlingame, thank you so much and thanks for continuing it to fight for the right things. >> thank you, brian. brian: two judges want to know the scope the russian probe. don't we all. oliver north runs the cia. are you happy? i am. ♪ 8 month - seresto, seresto, seresto. . . we're on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, it's time to wake up to keurig. wakey! wakey! rise and shine! oh my gosh! how are you? well watch this. i pop that in there. press brew. that's it. so rich. i love it. that's why you should be a keurig man! full-bodied. are you sure you're describing the coffee and not me? full-bodied. i've been making blades here at gillette for 20 years. there's a lot of innovation that goes into making america's #1 shave. precision machinery and high-quality materials from around the world. nobody else even comes close. now starting at $7.99. gillette. the best a man can get. ♪ steve: deal or no deal. today the president will announce what decision he has reached regarding uranium deals and former secretary of state to step in here, this is really beyond the pale. >> republicans ready for battle with critical primary elections in four key states today. >> a federal judge dealing a second blow to robert mueller's case. >> judge ellis believes going after paul manafort for bank fraud that allegedly happened a long time ago is heavy-handed. >> i put zero tolerance for illegal entry. >> this is refreshing to us. there will be a message of consequences. but there is action of consequences. that is something that's been missing for years. ainsley: nation's first-ever law protecting free range parents from prosecution takes effect in the state of utah. ♪ ainsley: listen to that song. isn't it the best? i walked in this morning, i was telling all of our amazing producers saying this is the best song. we were blaring it this morning. just everybody is it going to be okay. steve: perfect message for 8:00 in the morning on a busy tuesday. brian: if you want to get your song played, call them amazing producers. fantastic manipulation. ainsley: they're fabulous. we'll have a great song tomorrow. brian: right. steve: tomorrow we'll talk about what the president announces 2:00 this afternoon from the white house. he will let us know after he has bad-mouthed the iranian deal for a very long time whether or not he will pull the plug on it. ainsley: he has until this saturday to make his decision because may 12th is the deadline. right now sanctions relief under the obama era deal, the president said it is the worst deal ever because he doesn't trust iran with proxy wars, killing american soldiers in iraq and funding money toward terrorism, number one terrorism nation in the world. keep that in mind. brian: they stopped spinning centrifuges now. very small number. ainsley: we think. brian: they covered what they know of what could be a weapons facility in cement. cameras have not yielded any activity in the nuclear program. however the deal is not, is not effective in stopping terror and terror activities. it has fueled a lot of it. they are still using ballistic missiles because it was not included in this agreement. president said, these are the problems with it. europeans say we'll work on it, get back to you. extend the deadline a little bit. the president has a third way. i will give european allies 90 days to come up with an overlay, even though the iranians said we're not renegotiate -- reopening these negotiations. steve: don't be surprised if he does pull the plug. then again he might because that would be, you know, that would really hack off our european partners. a lot of people in congress, don't be surprised if he comes to some sort of a compromise. essentially does the same thing, i mentioned the approach with daca. during the campaign, look, i don't like this policy. it is not law. fix it. that is what he told congress. in the same case he might say look, the iran deal, it is not good policy i don't like it. it is not law. fix it. give you 180 days, europe congress,. brian: mike pompeo thinks it's a bad deal, pull out, secretary mattis feels differently. working behind the scenes, according to "the boston globe," other sources, john kerry, former secretary of state is working hard to preserve this deal. championing it. steve: his legacy. brian: his legacy. to the chancellor of germany. president macron personally. he has talked to zarif at least two times last same in new york about keeping this deal. don't tear it up because donald trump is tearing it up. ainsley: shadow diplomacy. he is going behind the back of americans. behind the back of this administration saying i know better. i will try to negotiate, even though i'm no longer the secretary of state. the president is reacting as you can imagine. john kerry can't get over the fact he had his chance and blew it. stay away from negotiations, john. you are hurting our country. brian: totally irresponsible. you have to be kidding me. did condoleeza rice, did henry kissinger, did jim baker all these people saw legacies unwound by the next administration feel as though they had to get involved? incredible! ainsley: does this happen, once you are out of office are you still allowed to negotiate for your country? >> no. but you can stay friendly you used to work with. that is the case of a lot of secretaries of state. nonetheless it will be curious to see whether or not a number of people on the political right, john kerry is breaking the logan act which they accused michael flynn of. anybody over at the doj looking into that? anybody in the administration go, they're right. why shouldn't we go after john kerry? that would send a message. don't do that. ainsley: john kerry's spokesperson i think every american would want every voice possible urging iran to remain in compliance with the nuclear agreement that prevent ad are with. secretary kerry stays in touch with former counterparts around the world like any previous secretary of state. like america's closest allies he believes it is important the nuclear agreement which took years to negotiate remain effective as countries focus on stability in the region. brian: if you have an expert test in the area, almost every administration went back to richard nixon, can you help me here. jimmy carter has been asked to be envoy in different administrations. bill richardson was asked by this administration for input because he dealt with them so long. no one asked john kerry, he asked with his european campaign. steve: maybe somebody from the obama administration, hey, john, don't you know people there, why don't you call? at 2:00, you will see it on the channel. also see on all the channels a lot of talk about robert mueller's investigation into was there possible russia collusion. there have been troubles though for the team, the mueller team over the last 72 hours. a couple of court, two judges, in particular, one said, of the mueller team, hey, what gives you the authority to look into something from 2005 regarding russia and the government goes, we don't know, we can't tell you, it's a big secret. the other case regarding the russian bots, they didn't expect anybody named in that lawsuit to come forward but somebody has, concord management, they said yep, we'll take part in this lawsuit. we'll defend ourselves but the government has got to turn over all the evidence. robert mueller never expected that in one million years. ainsley: judge napolitano was on and we asked him as judge, did you ever do this, did you ever blast a prosecutor, give them your opinion? i did it all the time. he has an idea exactly what is happening in the case. listen. >> the government for years has been prosecuting people just to squeeze them, to get information out of them, to testify against somebody who is a bigger target. judge ellis believes that in this case going after paul manafort for bank fraud allegedly happened a long time ago is heavy-handed and beyond his authority. the whole thing, all of it, is tied to mueller's efforts to extract information about the president. brian: the president tweeted out, he is the aggressor, the attack dog, i thought rudy would start doing this, the 13 angry democrats in charge of the russian witch-hunt are starting to find out there is court system in place that protects people from injustice. he went on. that is the sense. some pushback. the days of sitting on your hand like ty cobb to urge to. rudy giuliani was going to do that. he took a day off. i wonder if he will still be doing that. you need someone out there marshaling the president's offense. he is not comfortable sitting back watching people malign what he did in order to win. steve: judges are going, wait a minute, mr. mueller, i don't think you can go that far. we'll keep you posted on that. take you across the river to east hanover new jersey where a mother was so unhappy that her daughter did not make the cheerleading squad, she complained and they changed the rules. ainsley: they said every one who tries out for the team will now become a cheerleader. we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. steve: the problem some of the girls who made the team they're furious. i did all the work. i did everything required of me. i made the team. now everybody else gets to be on the same squad. brian: if you're on top of a pyramid, someone doesn't belong there, down goes the pyramid. do they still do pyramids? ainsley: they make sure the schools on the bottom, there are bases and little girls on the top. brian: swim team, cheerleading team, there is cuts. that is what high school is. there is cuts. people make it. there are starters. people on the bench. gives you a part of life. frustrates you. how you react to the down. you talk about making cheerleading team one year around didn't make the next. ainsley: 7th year, i made the team. middle school is it little different. high school, there are going to be cuts, because it is really competitive in high school. 7th grade, i made the team. i don't know how they made the team. my parents told me they weren't sure i would make it. brian: i'm not flexible, whatever. i try out, make the team. 8th grade, i try out again, six of us didn't make the team. i came home you will baaing. my dad said i wish every one could make the team, but they can't, ainsley. you have to give up your spot. you had the opportunity. you need to give up your spot some one else not as strong as you are. steve: what does that teach people of that age going forward? everybody is going to make the team. wait until they graduate to go out to get a job. will that work out there? ainsley: if you don't make the team, one day become a news anchor. all your dreams will come true. it is a good learning lesson. steve: school board will investigate it. brian: jillian, you got cut? jillian: i got cut from ninth grade basketball. steve: your dad should have complained. jillian: that's okay. ainsley: i feel sorry for the girl. all the other girls are mad at her. jillian: life goes on. we do have serious news, starting with this fox news alert. brand new video showing china's president xi xinping meeting with north korean leader kim jong-un. it is their second meeting in china two months. comes as president trump prepares for a summit with the north korean leader n a few minutes president trump will call his chinese counterpart, president xi. after tweeting, quote, primary topics will be trade where good things happen and north korea where relationships and trust are building. breaking right now, new york attorney general eric schneiderman, a vocal advocate for the "me too" movement resigns over assault allegations. four women accusing him of abuse in a explosive "the new yorker" report. strong allegations. back in 2013 the president predicted something like this happens. tweeting quote, weiner is gone. next will be lightweight eric schneiderman. is he a crook? wait and see. worse than spitzer and weiner. an investigation into the allegations are now underway. look at your headlines. kind of strange though. that was five years ago. brian: five years ago he predicted it. this comes out he is gone in hours. steve: up to the state legislature of new york to figure out who the attorney general is. brian: the judge told us he was meeting with peter strzok and lisa page in whole how to destroy donald trump meetings in washington. steve: straight ahead on this tuesday, the ruthless ms-13 gang unveiling a new strategy. 58 howing female members to become americanized. one sheriff fighting the gang in his community says they should be label ad terrorist group. ainsley: no speakers. no problem. what the lacrosse team did during the national anthem. it will make you proud to be an american. ♪ bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night. just call geico. geico helps with homeowners insurance? good to know. been doing it for years. that's really good to know. i should clean this up. i'll get the dustpan. behind the golf clubs. get to know geico. and see how easy homeowners and renters insurance can be. wgreat tasting, heart-healthys the california walnuts.ever? so simple, so good. get the recipes at ♪ brian: the trump administration has long vowed to fight the notorious gang ms-13, but a new report in the "washington post" warns that male-dominated gang is americanizing by allowing female members more and more. how serious is the threat? is it in fact growing? our next guest has been combating ms-13 in his own community of frederick county, maryland. sheriff chuck jenkins. since the president has taken over he has been talking about this gang? >> the threat is growing. we haven't made it fast enough. brian: why? >> well, again i think it is the will to do something. the president has blocked on everything he tried at the border to establish the wall. he is blocked by congress. he is blocked by the justice system. we need to be more aggressive in it. brian: now they're starting to target more and more female members in ms-13. why now? >> number one we shouldn't downplay this to call it americanization. this is buildout after transnational criminal organization. we should take it serious. because these women can be vicious is if not more so than the men. they will be brutal, involved in the criminal activity. most likely. this is new to america. this whole dynamic is new. we need to be more aggressive. brian: right. they go to schools. often times they have jobs, we know that they come from el salavador for the most part. are they converting americans into their gang lifestyle? >> i think we see both situations. more so, bringing from el salavador young women into the gangs. the gang members had homegirls, their girlfriend. they're pulling them into the criminal activity. again they will be carrying out these acts. what i'm afraid of, we'll take it lightly. law enforcement is not going it pursue it. there will be leniency because of gender, because of children. i'm really worried where this will go if we don't get serious about it. brian: you can handle it from your end. do you feel i.c.e. won't support you or you feel the government won't support you? >> let me tell you this. i.c.e. is very supportive in frederick county. we work with i.c.e. very closely. we're deporting criminals. we arrest them. we're getting them out of the country. i.c.e. is great. the problem is congress. the problem are the roadblocks to president trump's plan. brian: wow, you expressed this to the president? >> i expressed it to people on the homeland security committee. i expressed it through the national sheriffs. i was in a round table meeting with the president several months ago. the president is doing very right thing he should be doing. we need to get the roadblocks out of the way. local law enforcement needs to get on board. i think we will get there. we need to do it faster. brian: identify where they're coming from, the southwestrd boor, start bolstering it up, now they're getting women. sheriff, thank you so much for what you do? >> thank you. brian: lieutenant colonel oliver north got named the new president of the nra. the media is already calling him a gunrunner? he joins us to respond just ahead. first lady melania trump attacked on the left moments after she unveil as program for kids. will they ever stop trying to tear her down? it doesn't seem to be stopping her. ♪ now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement™, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. is taking the family up to the lake for the weekend. but without the white knuckles this time. 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[ whirring sound ] you want a cookie? it's a drone! i know. find your phone easily with the xfinity voice remote. one more way comcast is working to fit into your life, not the other way around. ♪ steve: it is 8:24 here in new york city on may 8th. we have some headlines for you. first off today, uber will pitch its plans for, are you ready for this? flying taxis. pitch it to the transportation secretary. the cars will fly 200 miles an hour and use helicopter style rotors to take off and land. they could begin testing in cities like l.a. in two years. what could possibly go wrong? it could be a huge moneymaker because americans love to fly. new report shows 23 biggest u.s. airlines made a combined $15.5 billion profit last year. a record. four 1/2 billion of that was from? baggage fees. no wonder. ainsley? ainsley: thank you, steve. the liberal media using melania trump's effort to combat cyberbullying as another occasion to tear her down. >> there are persist is tent rumors that mrs. trump does not live in this white house and that she lives with her parents somewhere in the suburbs. what do you make of those rumors? >> i make of the fact that just when you think "the washington post" can't get things anymore wrong they do and that is an outrageous and ridiculous claim. ainsley: why is the liberal media so focused on attacking the first lady. here to debate it rnc spokesperson kayleigh mcenany. and jessica tarlov. we're hoping everything went well with your surgery. we're praying for you, wish all the best. how are things going? by the way for the audience you had a double mastectomy because of of the brca gene. >> i am at peace. knowing my chance of breast cancer is zero. so many strong women in this country and around the world. >> you're so brave. we were saying -- >> so happy to have you back. wonderful you shared your story for all of us. ainsley: really. i will get tested because of your story. thank you for that. you're very brave. let's get to this topic. melania was in the rose garden. she looked amazing as always. her platform is to go after cyberbullying, putting kids first which is a beautiful message. of course she is being attacked by the mainstream media. what are your thoughts. kayleigh, start with you. >> it is incredible. they will sink to know low to attack anyone with the last name of trump. we saw it throughout the 2016 election. they were not just con today sending to melania they were not just rude and petty they were outright libel louse. "daily mail" making up stories about immigration status. remember they said melania would not move to the white house, they make up another one. if this were woman, any other person with political affiliation, they would be celebrating her. she is immigrant. a strong woman, instead they attack her, tear her down, simply because she has the last name trump. ainsley: jessica? >> i agree with a lot of what first lady said. the first lady is immigrant, she speaks five languages. mocking her accent is terrible. given the fact that her husband is the largest cyberbullier is. her cyberbully guidelines are ripped off from obama era guide. these are things we can talk about without personally attacking her. she is taking on more than average first lady. she has three causes where usually there is one main focus. it will be interesting to what they are. when they go low we have to go high. no accent shaming. ainsley: her approval rating high right now. according to cnn, this month 57% approval rating. in january, 47%. she has gone up 10 points. that is pretty phenomenal. why is that, kayleigh? >> because people recognize what she is doing. jessica just mentioned her platform has a lot of breadth to it. a loss of aspects. it is a very strong initiative. she has done this by watt which handful of people inner moves. michelle obama had 20 plus staffers. melania can count on one hand number of her staffers. she is doing this achieving so much at record rate. people recognize it. why democrats, she gained among democrats by double digits, gained among women by double digits. people recognize success and rewarding her for it. meanwhile mainstream media, lowest recorded approval rating in gallup history. she is soaring and mainstream media is sinking. >> what do you think about the headlines? they're tearing her down. they're smearing her. asking where she sleeps at night. if she has a house in the suburbs. is it really any of their business? >> no, it is not any of their business but i would say if this were any other president the same kind of palace intrigue would be going on. we knew very clearly what president obama and michelle obama's relationships were like. they were affection @. the frostiness as it were between melania and her husband is sometimes on display. we saw this with the french visit. with, sorry, with macron how the trumps were behaving. i personally don't like to speculate about these things. you do what you need to do. her priority is protecting her son from all of this gossip and kids more generally. as kayleigh says i like to see where it goes. she doesn't have as many staffers she needs to get it done at the level it should be. i don't want to see anyone mocked for things that don't have to do with policy talk about real issues here and let's move on from it. ainsley: kayleigh, jessica. thanks very much. >> thank you, ainsley. >> thanks so much, ainsley. ainsley: you're welcome. lieutenant colonel oliver north just picked to head the nra he joins us live next. it is rallying cry of socialists everywhere. >> it is time to take on the 1%. the top 1%. 1%. 1%. ainsley: turns out if you want to learn how to be a socialist, you might have to actually join the 1% to learn how. we'll explain, next. ♪ see that's funny, i thought you traded options. i'm not really a wall street guy. what's the hesitation? eh, it just feels too complicated, you know? well sure, at first, but jj can help you with that. jj, will you break it down for this gentleman? hey, ian. you know, at td ameritrade, we can walk you through your options trades step by step until you're comfortable. i could be up for that. that's taking options trading from wall st. to main st. hey guys, wanna play some pool? eh, i'm not really a pool guy. what's the hesitation? it's just complicated. step-by-step options trading support from td ameritrade ♪ (woman) and my brother ray and i started startsearching for answers.ords. 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[applause] steve: president trump, the first sitting president to address the nra since president reagan as the organization taps former marine and reagan military aide lieutenant colonel oliver north a fox news contributor until yesterday, as it is brand new president. ainsley: joining us live for his first interview, incoming nra president, colonel ollie north. thanks for being with us. congratulations. how did this all come to be and what are your thoughts? >> well look it, i'm cognizant of the challenge. i'm grateful, humbled by the opportunity. someone said to me yesterday, do you think you're charlton heston? no. he is moses. i'm a u.s. marine. that is a time when you need a marine at the top of the pyramid at the national rifle association. it is under attack. quite frankly i have never seen anything quite like it. they have hacked into almost everything they could. they have threatened officers, directors, the staff. the harrassment goes beyond simply yelling at people. it includes vandalism. it is slashed tires and broken windshields, things like that. there is no place for that in america. and so my purpose is to, quick reaction force i guess is the best way of putting it. we have a message to get out to the american people. it is straightforward message. the nra was created in 1871 to teach the safe handling of firearms, marksmanship, and protection of the second amendment. very simple. not out to take anything from anybody. we want to help everybody keep their freedom. steve: as the quick reaction force we like you to react to an "l.a. times" tweet regarding your new position. the nra just named one of the most infamous gunrunners in the world to be its president. as a former gunrunner, how do you feel about that? >> well you know, that's the kind of thing that is, by the way gotten to be very successful. give you another example. the folks who are doing the disinformation campaign, just don't say slanderous thing about me, ask questions of reporters, are you really missing $10 million out of your account? is it true the nra has lost firearms? those are the kind of things that of course our colleagues in the mainstream media are more than willing to ask. the bottom line of it is totally fictional story. brian: all right. >> i'm not even -- everybody knows what i did back in the 80 's for our president. steve: it was iran-contra. you were not a gunrunner. if people don't know the story, google it. we're short of time. brian: a deal was signed in 2015 that would limit their nuclear program. not many people thought it was a good deal. the senate didn't approve it. the house didn't approve it. clearly this president is not for it. at 2:00 okay, indications are we're walking away from that deal. is that the right move? >> yes. brian: why? >> you want me to lap rate? because the iranians have been, every time their lips move they're lying. the iranians were working with the north koreans until just a few weeks ago on their nuclear program and icbm program. the europeans who simply want to keep things as they are for the trade value, the fact if we sanction them again, we ought to sanction anybody else who does business with them. they will stop the euros from helping to bail them out while they cheat on this program. ainsley: if we do bail, what's iran's response? >> look it, they're threatening to close the straits of hormuz. they're threatening to attack american vessels, transiting up into the persian gulf, they will threaten to do a lot. i think lesson ought to be drawn from what this president has done in the past when he decided to act in the u.s. national interests. and if i were the iranian leadership, i might follow a little bit of the model what we're seeing happening in pongyang. the ayatollahs can not get away with continuing to make nuclear weapons and continuing to test icbms. brian: europe says they're staying in. iranians, rouhani says they will stay in without us. we'll get out and see if we put sanctions on after that. lieutenant colonel oliver north. congratulations on the position. you will be great. >> thanks, gang. great to be with you semper fi. steve: as he just said he is not moses. he is a narine. excellent. ainsley: we're grateful to all of them. jillian has more headlines for us. jillian: good morning to you as well. go now, the urgent warning to thousands of people as lava slowly destroys dozens of homes on hawaii's big island. this incredible time-lapse video shows the molten rock devouring a car. some people were allowed briefly to return home to save some of their belongings. >> this is my bag, fully everything. my life here. [crying] jillian: the kilauea volcano shows no signs of slowing down. desperate plea from a fallen marine. after someone stole his flag. it was draped over his bed before he went out on pa before he was killed in action. his father joined us earlier to explain its value. >> it means everything to us. means everything to the 17 that were killed in that deployment. means everybody, means everything to all the 190 wounded at that time. doesn't just me but touchtouch as lot of people. jillian: the flag was signed by every member of jackson's platoon. social movement embrace this is message from bernie sanders. >> it is time to take on the 1%. the top 1%. 1%. 1%. jillian: but the thing is they may have to be a member of that 1% to attend this summer's socialism conference in chicago. tickets cost up to $250 a person for four-day event in july. rooms where it is being held cost nearly $400 a night. technical difficulties can't stop these patriotic teens a high school lacrosse team turns into a choir when the p.a. system fails during the national anthem. ♪ o'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave ♪ [cheering] jillian: maryland team belting out the star spanning gelled banner before final home game of the season. many in the crowd joining in. got to love it. steve: they seem to know all the words. jillian: got louder and louder. brian: they could use some practice. great players, playing lacrosse in maryland. steve: comes from here, brian. brian: you're right. i hope to talk to them. steve: look at the crowd outside with adam with the headlines weatherwise. >> guys, gorgeous on the plaza. you mentioned the crowd behind me. folks from minnesota, georgia, louisiana. how do you guys like this new york city weather right now? >> love it. >> love it. >> loving the weather. it has been fantastic out here. we'll continue to be fantastic. look at the maps. temperatures across the country not too bad. not a lot of rain across the country either as we're looking only heavy rain coming down in portions of the northern plains. otherwise things will be mostly clear here. we'll toss it back inside. a chance to make two people really bad. who is your favorite person on fox and friends. >> ainsley. >> i love her. >> guys getting brunt of it. sorry, fellas. ainsley: tell her, thank you. i love her back. brian: tell them to get out of their please? steve: typical new yorker. get off my lawn! brian: maybe ainsley will come out there. ainsley: i will go out there to say hey to them. brian: they like you. steve: adam filling in today for jd. congress back to work this morning in washington. our next guest wants them to stay through the summer vacation to get stuff done! and pass the president's agenda. senator david perdue from georgia, here with exclusive announcement neck. brian: polls open in ohio, one of four states holding elections today. todd piro decided to have breakfast there. todd? >> brian, we're talking with voters like dan. with all due respect to the brothers in wedding crashers, runs an emerging maple syrup conglomerate. the question becomes will jim renace lock it up with the republican senate primary? what about the governor race? i need you to lock it up. >> better yet. lock her up. >> more "fox & friends" after this. ♪ woman: where are we taking him? i have no clue. we're just tv doctors. if this was a real emergency, i'd be freaking out. we are the tv doctors of america. together with cigna reminding you to go, know, and take control of your health. schedule your annual check-up today. ♪ get ready for the wild life with one a day men's. to go, know, and take control of your health. a complete multivitamin with key nutrients, plus b vitamins for heart health. your one a day is showing. ♪ steve steve here we are in may, only a couple month until the august recess for lawmakers. there are a dozen funding bills and a nomination backlog that needs to be voted on and our next guest is announcing today exclusively on "fox & friends how he plans on making it happen. joining us right now is senator david perdue, a republican from the great state of georgia. david, good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: how much stuff do you have to get done and how many days do you have to do it? >> well, first of all the nominations are backed up because obstructionism from the democrats. second, we've got the funding we have to do by end of fiscal year. we have 12 weeks and 42 days to get there. we're offering leadership the opportunity to stay here nights, weekends and through the august break to get that work done. steve: we have a graphic. "countdown" to the fiscal year-end. 70 total working days. >> yeah. steve: 55 working days excluding fridays. 43 working days excluding mondays and friday. 12 working weeks at all. next to last one is important one, generally members of congress come in monday night or tuesday and then they're usually gone by noon on thursday. that is the dirty little secret about capitol hill. so you only work a couple days a week anyway. >> they're working in the state but the point we're not voting on funding bills here in washington. the history over the last 44 years, steve, is that congress only voted 2 1/2 appropriation bills per year. that is the average. we're supposed to do 12. what we want to do is get to work on that to avoid the last-minute disaster we've seen last few years. the way to do that, start talking about that now, put moments on the floor, get these funding bills done now. steve: you know what, senator? you're absolutely right. you regarded the omnibus bill as is a disaster. a lot of republicans and fiscally-minded americans look at the great big spendpalooza as washington run amok. it is good you're trying to do fiscal restraint but stuff needs to get done. what are the odds mitch mcconnell will go, you know what, senator perdue, this is a good idea, let's do it? >> last year we did the same thing. several republican senators gave senator mcconnell and leader agreed. four days into the period we got democrats to agree to 77 confirmmations. we think that will happen this year. even if they doesn't, give spending bills on the floor, actually have debate, put amendments on the floor, get away from last-minute critical period to force this issue. steve: you're calling it time to make congress great again. that is catchy. have you thought about making red hats with that on it? >> red hats. we want it to work again. the way to make it work to get the funding bills done, not do continuing resolution, that really hamstring our military. leads to an omnibus the night before everybody wants to leave for christmas break. steve: that never works out because you wind up spending too much. >> absolutely. steve: senator david perdue, thank you very much much. >> thank you, steve steve what do you think about that should they work more on capitol hill? i think i know the answer. polls are open in the state of ohio. ed to pyro is having breck there. bill hemmer is 12 floors away planning the 9:00 a.m. show. >> we moved. we're only one floor apart, steve. good morning to you. this is important day today. iran deadline decision. big vote in the heart of trump country. guess who the north korean leader met with today? meet the woman who could lead the cia. why some people have a problem with her. big lineup. join us in couple minutes. see you at the top of the hour. . contact a dell advisor today. i'm about to start the hair, skin and nails challenge. so my future self will thank me. thank you. i become a model? yes. no. start the challenge today. and try new tropical citrus flavor with collagen. nature's bounty. oto balancendidate for governor the state budgetarties together while making record investments in local classrooms and creating new career training programs. antonio villaraigosa for governor. that violent crime went up 18% in san francisco. in la, mayor antonio villaraigosa put more police on the streets and cut violent crime in half. california's police chiefs trust antonio for governor. >> right now check your watch. the polls are open in four critical primary states. west virginia, north carolina, indiana, and ohio. steve: there republicans melissa attkisson, mike givens, dan kiley, jim renacci, looking to unseat democratic senator sherrod brown. ainsley: the battle coming down to mary taylor or mike dewine, dennis kucinich or richard cordray. what do you you, the voter think? todd piro has been talking all morning long in that area, jc's restaurant in burton, ohio. he joins us right now. hey, todd. >> good morning ainsley, steve, brian, as you know elections are local but issue are national. they impact all of us. we're speaking to voters about the very issues. we begin with lori. she is a social work, she voted for president trump. in this race for gubernatorial primary pulling for mike dewine and jim renacci in the senate primary. why? >> they espouse traditional values we hold here in burton with our families. limited government. control of our own lives. getting government out of the way to develop our small businesses and, you know, have our family values and our faith, which is very important to us. >> you told me you're looking for a candidate that supports the president and what he is trying to do specifically with regard to the wall. why is immigration so important to you? >> i think immigration is very important. i think our country was built on, with immigration. it made our country great, but i feel like illegal immigration should be stopped because just the people coming into the country need to have, espouse the values that make america great. and be willing to work hard and become americans. yes. >> lori, we thank you so much. we'll go to the emerging maple syrup con conglomerate guy. he likes mike dewayne and jim renacci. why do you like jim? >> i like jim, because he can beat sherrod brown. anybody but brown. >> obviously crucial issues right now, not least of which is the iran nuclear deal. president trump speaking at 2:00 p.m. today. what do you want to see done? >> i want him to rip it up. how can you expect someone to be openwhen they say you can inspect the facilities, give us two weeks notice to clean it up. get cobwebs out, sweep the floor, all those good things. >> before we send it backs to new york city. this our producer matted leech's final diner segment before he gets to d.c. thanks so much for your help. amazing on the road. thank you very much, buddy. best of luck with the white house team. you guys no matt. brian: he does a great job. steve: we have worked with him all over the country. matt, good luck at the white house. back in a moment. we'll be on the road again. ♪ press brew. that's it. so rich. i love it. that's why you should be a keurig man! full-bodied. are you sure you're describing the coffee and not me? 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