With respect to intelligence activities and took on the nickname of the chairman, frank church and it was known as the Church Committee. The committee met for 16 months, reviewed 10,000 documents, called 800 witnesses before the committee and the staff. The legacy includes it creation of the Senate Select Intelligence Committee providing ongoing oversight of the intelligence agencies and the creation of the foreign intelligence surveilness act of 1978 fisa. They were held in the Historic Senate caucus room scene of the hearings two years earlier. We go to meet kate scott, who explains how and why the Church Committee came about and sets the stage for september 16, 1975 hearing with cia director, William Colby. The Church Committee was created in january of 1975 by the senate. In response to a series of revelations and allegations about Domestic Intelligence abuses in the United States, and the senate created this committee by an overwhelming bipartisan majority, a vote of 824, to estab