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Transcripts For WCAU Today 20140910

the room why the former olympian shot and killed his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. with the verdict in the case now less than 24 hours away. brutal night for bieber, justin bieber appears at a fundraiser and is booed before, during, and after. today wednesday, september 10th, 2014. from nbc news, this is "today." with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1 a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today," wednesday morning, i'm matt lauer. have you ever had this situation, someone comes with an idea and you say you're kidding, right? well, actually we're not kidding. this is going to be a lot of fun. we have never, as this group -- >> nope. >> ever started together at the 7:00 hour of this show. >> get used to it. >> what did you really think? >> i loved it. >> you did? >> we'd be his angels. >> that's right. >> after i very bad feeling about this. >> i want to be on the record. >> maternity week we begin with kathy lee and hoda. >> we kept it totally clean in the cuts. >> yeah. >> we're sorry that barbara walters couldn't make it. >> we'll talk to you in just a second. we have a lot of news. the latest speech from president obama later tonight to outline the threat post by isis and how he plans to deal with it. nbc's national correspondent peter alexander is at the white house with more, peter, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, long day ahead here at the white house. president obama is prepared to authorize air strikes in syria, but tonight he is unlikely to announce he's already done so. the president's plan in the words of aids is to lay out the strategy for degrading and ultimately destroying isis. what is obviously a complex challenge in an unpredictable region. with isis overrunning iraq and finding a safe haven in syria, tonight the president makes his case for going on offense. a strategy he previewed behind closed doors tuesday. while president obama has ruled out u.s. ground groups, the senior administration official tells nbc news the president asked lawmakers for the authority to train the syrian opposition which would require a vote in congress. white house aids say must happen before congress goes on recess next week. in a statement, house speaker john boehner later expressed support for some of the president's proposals, including training and equipping the syrian opposition. still aids say the president believes he does not need authority to take expanded military action against isis. press secretary josh ernest. >> if the president believes this is a high national security priority. >> reporter: overnight, secretary of state john kerry made an unannounced stop in iraqi, part of his tour to build a coalition of allies that according to one aid has not required a lot of arm twisting. the white house says tonight the president won't give operational details and estimated cost or any precise timetable for the fight against isis. this is not a short term proposition. this prime time address comes one year to the day since president obama's last serious speech. >> my fellow americans -- >> reporter: then americans were largely skeptical of action in syria, but not anymore. especially after two barbaric beheadings. >> i think it emboldens us, stiffens our spine, it's enraged americans. >> reporter: then was the assad regime in syria. this time it is isis militants and the nature of the speech underscores its stakes, but also a significant shift for this president who wanted to lee the white house as a peacetime present, now it's likely to commit a potentially costly military campaign. >> all right, peter alexander at the white house, thank you very much. chuck todd is nbc's political director and moderator of "meet the press," good morning. he wanted to leave as a peacetime president, isis makes this decision. >> that's what he's confronting tonight. he's been reluctant. over a ten day period, he seemed to be the last one to acknowledging that there needed to be a military campaign. there wasn't a political solution, and that's what he's going to outline tonight. >> he makes this speech on the eve of the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and as a new journal poll shows that half of americans feel less safe now than they did just before those 9/11 attacks. and our polling shows that two-thirds of americans say it's in our best interest to confront. >> this is an odd situation. usually they go to prime time and tries to rally the nation behind him. in this case, the nation's there, they're trying to find out if the president is with them. you know these beheadings, it was the most followed news story that we've tracked in five years. that's where the fear comes from. >> we don't expect to the hear the ma knew that of the plan tonight, one of the things is the training and the support of the syrian opposition. >> so-called moderate opposition. >> he's asked congress the authority to do that. i want to read you something he said to the new york times three weeks ago, he said there is not as much capacity as you would hope when it comes to finding, training, and arming a sufficient number of those opposition members. so is he about to contradict himself tonight. >> i feel like he has. this is not the solution. the solution when you talk to him frankly what he was saying to me in the interview and what his aids say, the solution is saudi troops, uae troops, it's turkish troops, this moderate opposition, the reason the president has been reluctant to arm them before, they barely exist, the fear is that the arms end up in isis. >> and the speech will raise questions. how long will this take, how much will it cost, can it be accomplished? can you defeat them without u.s. troops on the ground. congress wants to hear the answers. >> they do. and those are why the president was so reluctant in the first place, he hasn't got an good answer what happened after the bombing. >> chuck todd, thank you very much. nbc news will have live coverage of the president's address to the nation, that's tonight at 9:00 eastern, 6:00 pacific time. hoda. >> all right matt, thank you so much. there is more fallout this morning tied to the ray rice scandal and that video of rice knocking out his then fiancee. they are now speaking out while the nfl and the baltimore ravens do damage control. nbc's josh elliott has been following this closely and has details. >> good morning. in the hours after the video surfaced, ray rice was fired by the baltimore ravens, suspended indefinitely from the league. and this morning, the collective outcry intensifies as sponsors cut ties with rice and the pblg furry's grows even as the league and the former team release that they didn't know and when they know. >> reporter: steven ba shrks hadi pub accomplished saying team officials had not seen the new footage before monday. but he claims, police, prosecutors, and the presiding judge had all seen it and still allowed rice, a first time offender to enter a pretrial probationary program that could clear him of an assault charge. he does say the team deserves some blame, writing quote, seeing that video changed everything. we should have seen it earlier. we should have pursued our own investigation more vigorously. we didn't. and we were wrong. meanwhile, nfl commissioner roger goodell addressed the question so many ask still, how is it possible the league hadn't seen the footage made public by tmz sports before monday? goodell spoke with cbs news. >> we had not seen any videotape of who occurred in the elevator. we assumed that there was a video, we asked for video, we asked for anything that was pertine pertinent, but we were never granted that opportunity. >> reporter: many find that hard to believe. >> this is the nfl. they can do pretty much anything they want, but to claim that oh no, we asked and we were rebuffed and had no way of getting ahold of it, that begs reality. >> reporter: reality that's bleak today. sponsors such as nike terminated deals with them. >> ray rice -- >> reporter: while ea sports is getting rid of his image in a football video game. programs where fans can exchange their unwanted rice jerseys. some had no interest in the trade. on a day when flowers were delivered to his home, rice thanked his supporters telling espn, quote, i have to be strong for my wife. she's so strong. we're in good spirits, end quote. meanwhile, his wife janay lashed out at the media on instagram writing quote, to make us relive a moment that we regret every day is a horrible thing. now with regard to the claim made by the ravens that authorities investigating the incident had seen that tape, we have sought comment and have have not received comment. rice is hiring a pr firm, he will not speak publicly about this matter. new mexico he does. >> there is a lot more to discuss and you're going to come back and chat with us more, right? >> thank you so much, back to you. >> thanks hoda. al warned us about the severe storms yesterday, it happened overnight. >> we have some amazing video. you have to see this, it could have turned out a lot worse. this is north of las vegas. watch the car on the left, guy just steps out of it, and the car, minivan pulled into a wash. and vanishes. there was a family of three in there, they all got out safely, thankfully. this has been going on in las vegas. now, we've also got in the midwest, this is chillicothe, illinois. in omaha, nebraska, more flooding, cars getting stuck in the rain. we're going to have more today. over a wider area. stretching from detroit, indianapolis, on into st. louis, chicago will be involved as well. we're looking for heavy rain that'll be moving in over the next 24 hours. you can see the wide area of heavy rain pushing through chicago, airport delays are going to be a big problem, st. louis going to see airport delays as well. whole system is pushing on in here. as it does, we have flash flood watches and warnings because we're looking at rainfall amounts of two to three inches of hour. some parts of missouri, ten inches of rain in the last five hours. and so we're looking at another one to three inches, the bullseye is central indiana. we're going to be watching these. flash flooding is going to be a big problem over the next 24 hours. >> all right, al, thank you very much. natalie has got new trouble tied to the police shooting in missouri that sparked protests all across the nation. >> that's right, emotions boiling over once again in ferguson, missouri, tuesday night at the first city council meeting since the michael brown shooting. so many people showed up there, it had to be moved to a nearby church. the meeting was intended to promote community healing, instead, koibl members were greeted with anger and voter retribution. one said the city council lost its authority to govern the communi community. we have the hosk story out of alabama. bodies of five young children were found. the father is to blame. they were reported missing from their south carolina home nearly a week ago. on saturday, jones was stopped in mississippi after a dui check point and tuesday, jones allegedly confessed to police and showed them where he dumped the children's bodies in alabama. jones is awaiting extradition to south carolina where it is expected he'll be charged in their deaths. broadway pays special tribute to joan rivers tuesday night before curtain time. theaters dimmed their lights in honor of the comedian. river's appeared on broadway in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. the broadway league initially decided that rivers did not meet the criteria for dimming the lights, thank goodness they changed their mind after theaters owners decided to do it on their own. and in southern california, orange was the new blacktop. thousands of oranges covered a roadway in pala, east of san diego, after a truck's trailer overturned. no one was hurt, but the mess took a few hours to clean up. and they say, you see there, a lot of clean up to do. they say you should never fall asleep on the job even if your job is a burglar. look at this photo, police say this is of 29-year-old deon davis, they say he actually broke into a sarasota, florida, home, started to steal, then just laid down and decided to take a little nap. passed out on the bed. maid showed up, finds him there sleeping in bed. well the officers did wake him up, he was still there when they came, had a bag of jewelry beside him. he is now facing burglar charges, still no word on why he was so sleepy. >> i'm going to go out on a limb and say there was alcohol involved. >> something that caused that. >> i needed to test out the bed. so sleepy. >> got to get it when you can. mr. roker. >> yes. let's show you what we have for today as we mentioned, we have in a risk of strong storms in the midsection of the country, high surf advisories along the northeastern atlantic coast because a big area of high pressure, storm system out into the atlantic as well. look for sunshine along the western two-thirds of the country, gorgeous day there. we're going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. to start your car search. great for frank, who's quite particular... russian jazz funk? next to swedish hip hop. when he knows what he wants... - thank you. do you have himalayan toad lilies? spotted, or speckled? speckled. yes. he has to have it. a cubist still life of rye bread... sold. it's perfect. which is why we'll ship a canary yellow jeep with leather seats from dallas to burbank if it's the one frank wants. carmax. start here. temperatures staying below average for us today, ranging between 77 and 80 degrees. mostly cloudy skies, as you can see on our camera here. and as we head into tomorrow, we are going to see a big-time warm-up. take a look at our temperatures. 89 degrees. it's going to feel like the middle of summer. warm with storms as we head into your thursday evening, so be careful with your evening commute. we drop right back down with the cold front that's going to cool us into the 70s, and we'll stay there for the weekend. and that's your latest weather. >> thank you very much. president faced criticism recently over the time he spends playing golf. and willie's here with more problems tied to his favorite hobby, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, the president was just outside new york city to attend the wedding of his former chef sam cass he hoped to sneak in a round of golf. when there was request to play seven elite courses, it turned him away. according to several sources who spoke to jonathan deats of our new york station, some of the new york area's top country clubs including the trump national golf club, wing foot, and willow ridge turned down requests for president obama to play a round over labor day weekend. club managers didn't want to inconvenience their dues paying member by shutting down the courses by shutting down the courses. >> it's probably the most important weekend of the year for golf, and 240 members are not going to say hey, let the president come out, i'm not going to play this weekend. there's no way that would ever happen. >> reporter: denied at tea time, the president headed back to the white house before returning to new york to attend a wedding. the white house explaining the itinerary change by saying -- >> sleep in his own bed. do a little work tomorrow, spend time with his family and travel back to new york tomorrow evening. >> reporter: the country club snub comes shortly after the president took heavy criticism for golfing last month during his vacation. just minutes after denouncing the militants who executed american journalist james foley. in an interview on "meet the press," the president acknowledged timing could have been better. >> i should have anticipated the optics. >> reporter: but this is not the first time a president has been turned away. one of the courses denied bill clinton membership when he first moved to the area, denying any preferential treatment, even for a presidential tee time. some club officials said president obama's not the first they've turned down over the years, and he wasn't by the way the only head of state rejected over the weekend. the king of morocco tried and failed to secure a tee time at some of the same courses. >> not so good to be the king. >> no. >> by the way, could we put in a call to lester and erykah and get everybody. >> yeah. >> this has got to be the most people around the table at once. >> debora and ask why i'm here. >> callout for the president. >> there you go. did apple's much anticipated live event live up to all the hype? they unveiled two new iphones, a smart watch and new album. we have the reaction online. >> reporter: let's go into my office, it's a little crowded here. big announcement yesterday as you can see, ceo tim cook up in cupertino, now he knew about the iphone 6, and for him in a post steve jobs world announcing that wearable watch was big for mr. cook. let's get to the details. the 6 plus and 6, faster processer, better battery life, better camera, the whole thing, the wall is a thing of yesteryear now. 4.7, bigger than the iphone 5 you have now. the now the watch is cool. touch screen, works in pairing with your iphone. vibrates and tells you where to walk, obviously track your heart rate. when can you get it? later this month the presales go watch early next year. coming up, why this photo of them there. the internet had fun with that. and this guy really stole the show right here, scarf guy. we'll have all the deal with him coming up in the next half hour. guys, back to you. >> little did he know. >> scarf guy. carson, thank you very much. coming up, the verdict in the oscar pistorius murder trial expected tomorrow. coming up an nbc news exclus ef, right now i'm standing inside of oscar pistorius's bedroom. the first time american tv cameras have been allowed inside. we're going to walk you through the shooting step by step, what pistorius says happened when he walked down the hallway and why he shot her. how close were they when it all happened? full access coming up. also we are going to sit down with a group of nfl wives for an open and honest discussion on the ray rice scandal. why they say it is time for the league to make some changes. first, this is "today" on nbc. stripping down, justin bieber's odd response to being booed. can your dog do this? let me introduce to you that talented pooch and much, much more on ginsz world record holders. >> i think kathy lee's dog can do that. >> first your local news. >> i can't do that. ( telephone rings ) hi, honey. how's the camping trip? well, kids had fun, but i think i slept on a rock. what are you doing? having coffee. ah, sounds good! i thought you'd say that. ah. ♪ the best part of wakin' up... ♪ you're the best! wake up to the mountain grown aroma of folgers. ♪ ... is folgers in your cup! ♪ ♪ altuzarra for target available september 14th. everyday they feel somethingdove happening.days with no mirrors? on the seventh day beautiful skin is revealed. with one quarter moisturizing cream it helps skin feel more firm and elastic. take the dove 7 day test. so ally bank really has no hidden fethat's right. accounts? it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. 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[sniffs] let's do this? get up! get up! get up! get up! loop me! bring back the awesome... yeah! yeah! yeah! with the great taste of kellogg's froot loops. follow your nose! good morning. i'm tracy davidson. let's get your first alert forecast from meteorologist brittney shipp. >> good morning. it's a mild start, mostly cloudy skies. our temperatures right now 64 degrees in allentown, 61 in pottstown, 68 in philadelphia. temperatures today warming into the high 70s, but changes tomorrow. storms and temperatures close to 90 degrees. if you're on your way out the door, let's get an update on what's happening on the roads. for that, we check with nbc 10 first alert traffic reporter jillian mele. jillian? >> good morning, tracy. we're following an accident right now on the new jersey turnpike, the southbound side just past 195, which is exit 7a. involving an overturned drump truck into the median, but the left lane is blocked by emergency officials, so use caution. also, mass transit, the septa north town line, delays 20 minutes both directions, but so far, that is the only delay on mass transit. tracy? there are new questions this morning about the way the prosecutor handled the ray rice case. the state senate president in new jersey is calling for a review of the case, which follows the release of a new video showing the former baltimore ravens star knocking out his then fiancee inside a casino elevator. rice was charged with felony aggravated assault but entered a program that allowed him to avoid jail time. another update in 25 minutes and you can always get the latest news and weather on now back to the "today" show. i'm tracy davidson. welcome to the season premier of my show, i'll be hosting while savannah guthrie is out on maternity leave. >> she would be so welcomed, wouldn't she? >> in the middle of homecoming week here on the "today" show, savannah is on maternity leave. so are kathy lee and toe da. >> how did we get here? >> i'm post menopausal, i was up anyway. >> before rounding out the week with our good buddies maria shriver on friday. >> nice week. >> it is. >> i'm having fun. >> mixing it up a little bit. >> something different every day. >> it appears so. >> all right. shall we look at the headlines? >> balancing in, we like it. >> let's look at the headlines, president obama will address the nation to be the to outline the strategy for confronting isis militants. he previewed his plan to congressional leaders tuesday and asked for the authority to train opposition forces in syria. nfl commissioner roger goodell responding to new criticism of his handling of the ray rice scanned. . he maintains that no one from the league saw video of rice hitting his then fiancee inside that elevator before monday. >> big discussion about that. and look at this unexpected sight off the california coast. gray whale swimming close to shore, it's not uncommon, but it is for this time of year. they've normally migrated by now. how much would you pay for a parking space? where they're going far cool million dollars apiece. >> probably. let's begin this half hour with a "today" exclusive, verdict expected tomorrow in the oscar pistorius murder trial. "today" national investigative correspondent takes you inside the scene of that deadly shooting for the first time. he joins us now, good morning to you. >> reporter: hey matt, good morning, yeah, the countdown is on to this moment of truth. will oscar pistorius go three or go to prison? as you mention, the verdict less than 24 hours away now, but this morning, you're going to see the case like you've never seen it before. we are taking you inside the actual shooting scene for the first time on american tv. nbc news given exclusive access inside pistorius's bedroom, even inside the bathroom where he pulled the trigger. pistorius sold the house recently to pay off his legal bills and the new owner, allowed us to come over. since the shooting, oscar pistorius's luxury mansion has been off limits. the only images inside, these gruesome crime scene photos taken just hours after he shot and killed his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. until now. let me walk you through the shooting step by step in the very spot where it happened. that's right through here, oscar pistorius's master suite. it happened in the middle of the night. pistorius's bed was right over here, and you can see they've since gotten rid of all the furniture. pistorius says reeva was laying in bed, he had just come off the balcony, pistorius says he was standing at about this spot in the bedroom when he heard a noise from down that hallway right around the corner is the master bathroom. thought that was an intruder down there. prosecutors say if that's true, why wouldn't he walk what, two inches, wake reeva up and both run out the front door, make a safe escape away from the intruder. instead pistorius says he came to this side of the bed, keeps his gun under here, took the gun out and immediately drew his weapon holding it in his right hand. important to note, he was walking on his stubs, no prosthetic legs at this point. he's using his left arm to walk down this hallway. cabinets towards the bathroom, and he's holding his gun out the entire time. here we are right here at the entranceway to the bathroom. he says he was creeping by, held his gun out and pointed it right at the toilet door. that's when pistorius says he heard another noise. thought the toilet door was opening, the intruder was coming at him, so he fired four shots. we now know that's not true. the door was completely shut, it was completely locked, and it wasn't an intruder in there, it was reeva. how did he make that mistake? one, two, three, four steps to get to this bathroom. why wouldn't reeva screaming, oscar, it's me, it's not an intruder. you get the idea when i stand here just how small this room is, and you think about reeva's final moment. and the terror she must have been in. nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. barely had any room to move and the bullet holes are still here in the wall. pistorius maintains this was all self-defense. we brought our south african legal expert over here to the scene to help analyze this. you're telling me even if there was an intruder here inside behind those toilet door, you can't shoot at people. >> in order for self-defense to succeed, he had to prove that his life and reeva's life were in danger. and he acted in a way in which he did in order to protect their lives. now you showed how close this is to the bathroom door. there's no way to see that the door is closed and could have perceived this to be a danger to his life. >> reporter: what do you think this means for the verdict? >> being in the bathroom, i think his version is improbable. >> reporter: pistorius says after the shooting, rerlzed it was reeva in there. he put on his legs and broke down the door with a cricket bat to help. that's when pistorius says he picked reeva up off the floor and physically carried her out of the bedroom and over here to the stairs. pistorius says even at this point, in his arms, reeva was unresponsive, but she was still breathing when he got here to the foot of the stairs, pistorius says he laid reeva down and at that moment in his arms, she took her final breath and died. the question before the judge now, was this just an accident as he claims or cold-blooded murder. absolutely chilling to be inside the home. you can still see the blood marks on some of the sections of the carpeting. tomorrow is a huge day in the case, the judge delivers a verdict, we'll be here for it. >> jeff, thank you very much. and as we mentioned, the expected verdict tomorrow. we'll have coverage here on the show. let's get a check of the weather now from al. >> all right guys, we'll show you what's happening. big change as far as temperatures are concerned over the next 48 hours. so behind this front, it's a very big response, this is causing all the rain. bismarck, 57 degrees. montana, 32 degrees below normal at 36 for a high. omaha, 65, ahead of the front, look at temperatures, dallas, you're at 100 degrees today, ten degrees above normal. lexington at 88, but by thursday, drop in the temperature and friday colder. a houston, jackson, atlanta, all ahead above normal, but behind it, the temperatures are really going to plunge, cut back for a high of 46, minneapolis 60. 68 in st. louis, dallas will be in the low 70s by the time we get into friday. risk of strong storms again in the upper midwest today along the eastern sea board. maybe even some snow today in parts of western montana. they have winter storm warnings at glacier national hi. i'm first alert meteorologist brittney shipp. temperatures stay below average today, ranging between 77 and 80 degrees. mostly cloudy skies, as you can see on our camera here. and as we head into tomorrow, we are going to see a big-time warm-up. take a look at our temperatures. 89 degrees. it's going to feel like the middle of summer. warm with storms as we head into your thursday evening, so be careful with your evening commute. we drop right back down with a cold front that's going to cool us into the 70s, and we'll stay there for the weekend. and that's your latest weather. >> thank you very much. all right, coming up next, imagine turning on your faucet and nothing comes out. al takes a close look at the growing concerns over that extreme drought in the west. and coming up on trending, are you brave enough to live there? 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this one's a keeper. rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®. back now at 7:42 with a dire situation facing residents in california. one of the most severe droughts in the state's history is only getting worse. months after a state of emergency was declared, and now you recently traveled to the valley. >> it is stunning to see what's happening there. 82% of california is categorized and enduring extreme drought. and after three consecutive years of below normal rainfall, it's not just farmers suffering, some can't even get enough clean water to drink or wash their clothing. >> reporter: in late august in the tiny town of seville, california, aerpgs in the -- anticipation in the air. >> i'm calling people, is the well connected? >> reporter: for the first time the county was drilling a new well and becky was ecstatic. >> we'll be able to wash our clothes, we'll be able to flush our toilets. we'll be able to take a shower. wash our dishes. >> reporter: seville is not the only town in the drought-weary county to run out of water. >> people around here haven't had water for like at least a couple months. >> reporter: thousands of residents in what's known as the fruit, nut, and berry basket of the nation are dry. show me what happens. >> well for today, that's what we have. >> reporter: some days there's a trickle out of the faucet, but then, becky has another problem. >> we have bacteria and just recently they noticed, telling us that we have nitrates as welt. >> reporter: the chemical comes from fertilizer and manure, some many farmers dispute, but unsafe water is an issue. >> over a million people in california don't have safe water coming out of their tap on an annual basis. >> reporter: this is the cofounder of the community water center. so somebody is watching in michigan or new york or north carolina, why should they be concerned about this? >> we're seeing over and over again in community after community that if we're not paying attention to the source of that water, that it's vulnerable. >> reporter: in seville, engineers test for contaminates, but it's clear that the infrastructure means new well is just a temporary fix. still, becky is thankful. >> i'm going to take a shower. a long shower. >> reporter: well since we visited, becky did get water flowing through the taps, the county plans to deal with the infrastructure, but still in all, thousands of others in this region still have no water. >> we take so much for granted. >> we sure do. >> simple affect turning on a faucet. >> looked like a third world country. >> i was there two weeks ago, and it is, it's so brittle and just so dry. >> and the problem is they were hoping a strong el nineteen owe the was going to bring more rain, it's not happening. >> label the to southern california. >> barely enough. >> thanks so much. coming up on trending, the adorable dad and daughter who cannot stop singing that great taylor swift song. and next up, just who was that guy in the scarf who had a lot of people talking at apple's big event. carson season in the orange room with his story right after this. there, baby girl? 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[ male announcer ] now get 50% off scotts grass seed. ♪ [ male announcer ] now get 50% off scotts grass seed. exists 150 years of swedish coffee experience. that's 150 years of experience in perfecting the rich, never bitter taste of gevalia. and we do it for this very experience. this very second. this exact moment. that's good. i know right? cheers to that. gevalia. 150 years of rich, never bitter coffee. for some of the attention grabbing moments from apple's big event on tuesday, carson. >> that's right, lots of announcements at apple's big event. iphones, iwatches. had to have fun with tim cook and bono by recreating this. there you go. really the talk yesterday was this guy. scarf guy. that is tommy, he is a game developer, check that thing out right there. is that something wufl or what? everybody was talking about that. look at this, ryan writes, skip the phone, i want to know where that incredible scarf ensemble is. found mine. scarf guy, #applelive. comes in three iphone colors, gold, silver, gray. the technology is the hot ticket item is right here. i got mine this morning on the way into work. >> apple scarf. >> that's an infinity scarf. >> that is. >> i like those. >> match my purple tie, i went with this today. >> grow the hair a little bit. >> i'm going to work on that this afternoon. >> carson, thank you. coming up, what do nfl wives think of the league's handling of the ray rice scandal? we'll hear from a group of them on how its all played out. inside the met gala, one of the most glamorous events. inside the met gala, one of the most glamorous events. and two woman: everyone in the nicu -- all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment. i wouldn't trade him for the world. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. if you're caring for a child with special needs, our innovative special care program offers strategies that can help. teeth's first line of defense? but daily eating and drinking can leave enamel rough and weak. introducing new colgate enamel health toothpaste its unique formula replenishes weak spots with natural calcium... ...and gently polishes... ...for strong, healthy enamel. strengthen the enamel that protects your teeth. introducing new colgate enamel health toothpaste. replenish and polish for healthy enamel. colgate. #1 brand recommended by dentists. definitely not routine. and that can take a lot of energy. nature valley breakfast biscuits. four biscuits, 26 grams of whole grains that give you the energy to help keep you going. i love nature valley breakfast biscuits. [ female announcer ] the magic begins when jif fresh roasts peanuts to make peanut butter so deliciously creamy. it can even bring a kid out of her shell. that's why choosy moms choose jif. it can even bring a kid out of her shell. thlook what i got.p. oh my froot loops! 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[ laughter ] bring 'em over here. c'mon. so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are24/7branches? it's just i'm a little reluctant to try new things. what's wrong with trying new things? feel that in your muscles? yeah... i do... try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates. good morning. i'm tracy davidson. it's just before 8:00. let's get your first alert forecast from meteorologist brittney shipp. >> good morning. we are going to see temperatures below average for us today. 81 is our average. 79 is our high for today. but look at what happens tomorrow. we warm all the way to 89 degrees, and that's not end of it. we're also tracking storms into your thursday. if you take a look at friday, a cold front's going to drop our temperatures right back down. saturday-sunday, we track another chance for rain, but we stay below average, in the mid-70s. >> all right, thanks. if you're on your way out the door, let's get an update on the area roads. for that, nbc 10 traffic reporter jillian mele. >> good morning, tracy. we have a delay 20 minutes on the septa norristown line. and heavy delays on highways, including 76. this is the westbound side crawling along at city avenue. you can see the westbound delay from the vine to the blue route about 30 minutes. 26 minutes between those two points on the eastbound side. tracy? the defense is set to open its case in the trial of a woman accused of abducting a 5-year-old girl from a philadelphia school and sexually assaulting her. christina regusters' defense attorney says expect two to three witnesses to be called to the stand, but he had not said if regusters will be one of them. regusters is accused of kidnapping a girl from her cobbs creek school in january of 2013 and then sexually assaulting her and leaving her at a park. the trial is in its third week. happening today at the atlantic city casino crisis, trump end at the same time resorts will have its first hearing in bankruptcy court. the company and its casinos filed for bankruptcy protection yesterday. it also announced that without concessions from workers, the trump taj mahal would shut down in november. trump plaza is scheduled to close next week. we'll have another local update in 25 minutes and you can get the latest news and weather at now back to the "today" show. i'm tracy davidson. thanks for watching. xx xxxx it's 8:00 on today, and coming up, tackling a tough subject. >> everything they're trying to build, they're trying to build together and be a family, and they made this one big mistake. >> we talk to the wives of nfl players as they weigh in on the ray rooigs scandal and what it's like to be married to an nfl star. >> the nfl is going to have to change. plus would you live here? the distinctive property that makes life a real cliff hanger. and jessica's journey from the help to zero dark thirtiy. she has wowed audiences with her versatility. she joins us live to talk the role made just for her. today wednesday, september 10th, 2014. >> hi to our kids back in texas. >> we made it from minnesota. >> new york, hello, canada. ♪ >> celebrating becoming first time grandparents. >> i'm shay. >> and i'm john, and we just got married. >> and we're back now, 8:00 on a wednesday morning, 10th day of september, 2014. and here is the sight you don't see very often on this show. matt lauer along with al roker, kathy lee gifford, hoda kobt, and carson daly. we're continuing our homecoming week, savannah's continuing her maternity leave and we're thrilled to have you here. >> look at the sincerity. >> this is fun. >> we can request bloody mary's and nobody got it. >> i'm working on that. >> how about this right here? >> that's right. >> they're on the cover of usa today's best year's magazine. they call you tv's darling duo. >> there's lots of air brushing. >> out the wazu. >> lots of it. >> i'm the new 40, and you're 50, so you're the new 20. >> something like that. >> all right. >> all right. >> we have trending coming up. >> can you guys do this? look what's happening here. >> whoa. >> all right. >> we are celebrating 60 years of the guinness world record. >> i can't find my key. >> all right. a lot to get to. let's start with a check of the top stories with natalie. >> good morning everyone, secretary of state john kerry arrived in baghdad on an unannounced visit to encourage iraq's new leaders in the fight against isis militants who have overrun much of their country. tonight president obama will make a prime time address to the american people explaining his new strategy for defeating isis. aids say he will not estimate the cost or how long it will take. on tuesday the president met with congressional leaders and asked for authority to train syrian rebels as part of his coordinatored effort. meantime police conducted anti-terror raids in australia this morning. arresting two suspects accused of helping austrailians to fight alongside the terror groups. the number returning home after fighting with radicals overseas poses a growing risk. australia may raise its alert level to high. the nfl and the baltimore ravens are trying to deflect growing public outrage over their handling of the domestic violence case and once again josh elliott is here with the latest, good morning. >> good morning. so much here. rice was fired by his team and suspended indefinitely by the league only after a videotape survesed that actually showed him striking his future wife and knocking her unconscious in a hotel elevator. advertisers and sponsors have now begun cutting ties to rice. as late tuesday, the owner of the baltimore ravens. steven bah thatty. he claimed that police, probation report prosecutors, and a judge had seen the tape and still allowed rice to enter a pretrial probationary program. meantime roger goodell who initially spinded him for just two games after his arrest is now standing by his claim that league officials asked for video from that elevator, but natalie, were never granted the opportunity. >> all right. meanwhile coming up in the next half hour, we are going to have a conversation with four nfl wives and get their take on the situation as well. >> an important take. >> josh elliott, thank you. tensions running high in ferguson, missouri, tuesday night at the first city council meeting since the michael brown shooting. the meeting was moved to a nearby church to accommodate the overflow crowd. city leaders, hoping to promote community healing, instead members were greeted with anger and warnings of voter retribution. laurps are proposing overhauling the municipal courts and creating a citizen police review board. longest and smallest are two of the sure fire ways to get into the guinness world records book. this tiny vehicle made the new 60th anniversary edition. it is the smallest mobile camper. the cutie van as its called, just three feet wide and eight feet long, still a bed, sink, and a tv. though you're going mighty cramped. also featured, longest usable golf club. 14 and a half feet long, used to drive a ball morning 500 feet. we're going to have more records right here in the studio coming up later on in the hour. it's 8:06 right now, let's get a check of the weather with al. today's swl brought to you by ad vil, the pain reliever built to be as fast as strong. >> after i lot of fun folks hanging out here. i've never heard of laura plu za. >> it wasmy birthday on friday and i turned 40e and every year, my husband plans a lanapalooza. >> where's your husband? >> right behind you. >> that looks like a guy who plans it. >> i'll tell you that right now. >> let's show you what we have going on. heavy rain, thunderstorms from chicago, milwaukee, down into st. louis. we are watching a big storm system that's bringing severe weather and flooding likely, dangerous lightning, hail, can't rule out isolated tornados from central missouri all the way to detroit and cleveland, ohio, as well. look at the flood watches and warningings from marquette, michigan, out into missouri and central ohio. anywhere of two to three inches of rain over the next 24 hours. as many as five inches in about two to three hours. that i'm brittney shipp, temperatures staying around afternoon between 77 and 80 for us today. mostly cloudy skies as you see here. as we head into tomorrow we will see a big time warm up. look at our temperatures for thursday, 89, it will feel like summer, and it will bring storms. we drop right back down with a cool front that will cool us 70 .he weekend. coming up on trending, why justin bieber was booed at a fund raising event before, during, and after he did this. hoda was there, she'll give us a play by play. >> she's everywhere. plus jessica chastain on her new movie and how robin williams changed her life. and we have a question for you, can you crush an apple with your biceps? >> yeah. >> dog. >> run on two paws. meet some of the latest, greatest guinness world record sweets become salaries. an oven heats up a community la cocina, a small kitchen that kick-starts the careers of 41 entrepreneurs. they bring the talent. we help fund the tools. it's a small way we help that's been huge for the community. little by little we can do a lot. because... small is huge. visit to see how big small can be. every time you take advil liqui gels you're taking the pain reliever that works faster on tough pain than extra strength tylenol. and not only faster. stronger too. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil introducing the leggings studio. more looks than you can imagine. only at white house black market. so it seemed like a gwell, we make it pretty easy. in fact, your appraisal should be ready, let's pull it up. now, how long do i have to decide on this offer? seven days, and we'll buy your car even if you don't buy ours. but if i decide to buy a convertible? the offer is exactly the same either way. nice! aaanndd... here it is! we'll take it! terrific. sell your car the fast and easy way, with no strings attached, at carmax. start here. ♪ ♪ altuzarra for target available september 14th. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh. with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks. back here, 8:12 with what's trending today. you know what comes between justin bieber and his calvins? >> i don't want to know. >> nothing. not even a course of boos. bieber making a surprise appearance in brooklyn on tuesday night. hoda was there. apparently the crowd was not thrilled to see him. >> i actually don't feel comfortable unless i'm in my calvins. >> maybe a little hard to tell, but they were booing him. bieber shed his clothes, stripping down to his boxers. justin later tweeting grandma always say kill them with kindness and strip on live national tv. that didn't work either. booting only grew louder. hoda, what was it like? >> you know, victor cruz, player for the giants came up a couple people before justin and they yelled cruz, and people kept asking, why are they booing him, they're saying cruz. then bieber got up, and literally when he started walking up on the stage, everyone started booing him. >> didn't rime with boo. >> he just kept going. >> michael for the lakers. >> calvin klein, they were talking about his underwear and clothes, so that was part of i guess the fashion thing, but i guess it was a surprise that he stripped down to his skifyses. >> of it uncomfortable? >> it was weird. i felt bad for him. i really did. because when you're sitting there and watching a kid get booed on stage. >> why did he watch out with such a tall model? you know. >> he looked shrimpy a little. >> wanted her to take her clothes off probably. here's a couple stories that made us ask would you buy this? first you take a look at this house, it's at a beautiful seaside property side. open air spa, the only thing is, look at this, it's hanging on a cliff. austrailian firm designed this, engineers say you won't see any danger at all. >> yeah. >> secured. very, very secure well with steel pins. >> iron man lives there. >> no word on the price. >> probably just going to the ocean. >> could you get one good night's sleep in that house thinking about what could happen? >> you don't have to worry about burglars. >> mow the lawn. >> you could fish. >> you cannot put a price on a good parking spot, or can you? new york real estate is known for outrageous prices, but would you play a million dollars? yeah, there are ten parking places in soho going for a cool million each. they're part of this new luxury building. the new york times says the spots will cost more per square foot than the apartments themselves. >> that makes sense. >> parking is at a premium in new york anyway, but that's insane. >> even if parking your car in a garage is expensive. >> ridiculous. >> do you think people will buy those in a heartbeat? >> i think they'll go like that. >> who has the kind of money. >> you're going pay that apartment, you want your spot. >> and regis and bieber together again. >> i'll take a parking spot, i'd live there. perhaps she helps influence what you wear every day, how much do you know about anna wintour. she provided inspiration for the devil wears prada. you're going to see her like never before, unguarded, answering 73 questions and taking you inside that famous vogue closet. >> who is your favorite action star? >> hugh jackman. >> had to name your absolutely biggest phobia, what would it be? >> spiders. >> hi, anna, nice to see you. good question. leather or lace? >> lace. >> velvet or fur? >> fur. >> vintage or new? >> new. >> polka-dots or stripes. >> what would you never, ever wear? >> head to toe black. >> what's the fist thing you notice? >> smile. >> anna, there's no windows on here. why are you putting those on? >> hiding from you. >> how are you enjoying this interview? >> is it over? >> one thing she does hate is horoscopes. that video is from the to hear all the answers, visit us at >> i like how they do that. >> maybe we should do that here, just walk in. >> 73 questions. jessica chastain is over there, we may have to do that for the entire interview. >> hey. >> leather or lace? >> leather. >> for what? depends on what you're talking about. >> that's against the rules. >> answer the question with a question. >> eight movies coming out this year. >> yeah. >> bieber, clothed or not? >> not. >> here's the video you need to see today, an adorable little girl and her dad teaming up for one memorable danceoff. ♪ >> they were shaking it off. to taylor swift's new hit song. >> so cute. >> i love that song. >> she has more rhythm than dad, it's so cute. >> and that's what's trending today. coming up, inside look at fashion's biggest we're back now, 8:18 with more on the ray rice scandal. how are the wives of nfl players reacting to it and the league's handling of the situation? jenna wolf has that part of the story, good morning. >> reporter: hey matt, good morning, there's a whole other surprising perspective involving ray rice and his wife, janay. i spoke to four women, all married to former nfl players. and they feel there's not only misunderstanding, there's misrepresentation about nfl families. i i started by asking johnson, who's a personal friend of ray and janay rice and has been in touch with them how the couple's doing right now. >> they're just feeling very ostracized, like you're not helping, everybody is continuely making us relive this when we're trying to heal and grow from this. so where's the help? where's the support? >> i don't think it's too hard to understand why janay would stay with ray, unfortunately i was raised in a home where there was domestic violence, and i think women stay with abusers for many, many reasons. >> thank goodness i was not in a situation to make that choice, but i think i would being one to stay because you're there to support and you uphold the image that you feel is necessary for your family. >> i would definitely say without a character from both of them, they are, they're not violent people, they are very loving, doting over each other. over their daughter. >> you hear all the time, well these guys are so aggressive. no, they're not. i've never had to deal with an aggressive husband at home. i don't think it's anymore troubling than in the population as a whole. >> no, it's not. >> i think the first word that comes to mind is that we're gold diggers and that we don't have a true love for our husbands, and we're just in it for the money or in it for the fame or whatever. you know, the money comes and goes, and there is no amount of money that could even touch the injuries and the heart ache and all the things that go with the nfl, it's a very, very difficult business. it's not just the man, it's his wife, his children, and everybody associated with them. >> janay is educated young woman, college degree, student athlete, so it was never any let me use ray as a meal ticket. everything they're trying to build, they're trying to build together and be a family and they made this one big mistake. >> i believe the nfl mishandled this situation tremendously. the nfl can figure out who draft picks are potential draft picks are dating, what their grades are in school, but they couldn't find this video. i think that's troubling. >> i'm sure it's a very embarrassing for the family. so it's going to be a tough, it's going to be a tough road. >> he doesn't have to remain a bad guy. he need some help. you know, it was wrong what happened. >> the nfl is going to have do change. i think the fans are finally reacting. where there are fans, there's money, and money talks. and i think the fans have finally had enough. >> so interesting here, none of them forgive what ray rice did, all of these women understand why janay stayed and all think the nfl had some parts. >> reaction? >> i was surprised. i thought it would be harsh, they understand the entire situation and the dynamic between these two people. >> hard to believe that someone goes from zero to 60. he was a nice guy then one day. >> reporter: this all say this is so out of character. not that it matters, that's to what they say. >> jenna, thank you. let's turn now to one of the biggest events that's held here in new york this year. it is called the met gala. it attracts the biggest names. now there's a great new book out, vogue and the metropolitan museum of art costume institute. it gives the world an inside look at the event's must-see moments. >> from jay-z and beyonce to the beckhams and bloomberg. the benefit brings together the biggest names in fashion, entertainment, sports, media, and philanthropy for the party of the year. it is a night where a listers get a chance to dress up and let their hair down. but before the party comes one of the hottest red carpets around. where who you're wearing is as important as who you are. oscar did la rent day, michael coors, it is the event before the event, couture for a cause. for nearly 20 years, nan wintour led the charge helping to raise more than $125 million for the costume institutes that now bears her name. but once the final sends those 28 steps. what happens inside a spectacular event by any standard remains a closely guarded secret that is until now. the magazine and the museum are teaming up once gone bring us the most memorable moments from the gala's over the years. it is an insiders photo album capturing the fame, the fashion, and the fun from one of the most exclusive events of the year. >> khloe is the social editor at vogue and good morning, you look beautiful, very fallish. >> thank you. >> there are so many spectacular pictures from this great event over the last ten years. picking favorites must have been almost impossible. >>en daunting. there are thousands of fantastic photographs, both daunting, but also exciting to go through those and pick the jewels. >> it is the invitation of the year, isn't it? that probably explains why we've never gone. >> we were very curious. >> and cover ten years, you're going to show us some of your favorites. >> look at that. >> all right. let's start with one, there's one you start off, and it was striking to us because it's made of raiser blades. >> yeah. >> isn't that amazing? chandelier made of razor blades, it was to celebrate the punk tour gala. >> they're not real, i don't think we have enough insurance for that, they were plastic. but it was a spectacular. >> and going along with that theme as well is the punk bathroom. >> yeah. >> punks have to go to the bathroom. >> it didn't seem to fit, but tell us. >> there was a recreation of the bathroom from the punk era, and that was part of the exhibition and gave people a reekle feeling of what they were saying and what the era was meant to revoke. >> and sometimes you catch a moment, you know, and this next photograph i think is one of those candid shots that you look at and you say to yourself, wow, i wonder what everyone was saying. >> what were they saying. >> this is a wonderful photograph, it's from the prada exhibition in 2012. the cohost together, bruno mars, prada, enlauren. it's the hotel right before the met. and it's an excellent photograph. >> it really is a cross section of so many of hunl worlds isn't it? coming down to one rather large space, but one tiny little bit of real estate where you have a supermodel next to donald trump, but that's every day. yeah. >> that's true. >> we love this one picture, i know 200,000 roses could turn into something so spectacular, but this kiss, these lips are awesome. >> this is also from the prada exhibition. it was based on, there's a prada print with lips on it. >> thank you so much. >> spectacular. good morning, i'm tracy davidson. we're at 68 in philadelphia. 58 in the poconos. cooler closer to the shore. as we go into tomorrow, mostly cloudy today but tomorrow heading into the afternoon we are in a slight risk forxl sev weather. damaging winds and lightning, make sure you stit wick with nb. >> let's get a check of the roads with jillian mele. >> we still have delays on the norristown line. also on the ben franklin bridge. this is the westbound side. we have construction blocking the right lane. it's at a crawl from camden to philadelphia. happening today, trump entertainment resorts will have a first hearing in bankruptcy court. they filed for protection yesterday and announce thad the trump taj mahal would shut down. city labor officials will host a career fair for casino workers now out of a job. we'll have another local update in 25 minutes and you can always get the latest news and weather ne is my home. it's the best place to visit in the world and now it's the easiest, because now there are new tourism guides on the road, and on your phone that make it easier to find the places you love. find great dining, amazing history, and world-class entertainment, no matter where you are. take the ultimate road trip and see why i love new york. for more information, go to new tonight show and late night, nbc tonight. back now, wednesday morning, it's the tenth day of september, 2014. and it's a big day around here because kathy lee gifford and hoda kobt has gotten up out of bed early to pitch in for savannah while she's on maternity leave. >> it's big, huge, exciting. it's different. >> yeah. >> it is. >> and it'll never happen again. just ahead, do you feel like the cat tears up your furniture. we're going to focus on felines this morning. >> that'll be fun. then the amazingly talented jessica chastain here. she's shaking hand with her fans. we're going to pull her away from the folks far little bit and talk to her about her upcoming movie just ahead. this is cool, 60 years of guinness world records, wait until you see what this year's record holders can do. man, it runs the gamut. the picture says it all. >> oh my goodness. >> true variety show. also don't forget about the contest from our sister network. if you know a kid who's doing great things to help others, we'd love for you to head to and nominate them. we should say good morning to one of the best drivers on the planet. the reigning champ here to tell us about this season's upcoming playoffs. good to see you. before we get to the playoffs, people think this sport, you get in the car, you turn the engine on, you go for a ride. it's a tough sport. you were treated for dehydration. >> i did. i had an issue with the cooling system. cooked in the car and was really down on hydration and needed five liters of the fluid. >> are you okay now? >> definitely good now. ready to go racing. >> does that happen often? >> no, it's the first time its hanned to me. it was shocking to have it all go down like that. >> temperatures can get up to 140 degrees. >> 140 cockpit temperatures with, then four layers of fireproof clothing. >> and they're long sleeve. >> three to four hours. >> tell us about the playoff, how has this been revamped? >> this year we have 16 cars, 16 drivers to make the chase, and every three races we eliminate four, all the way down to the final race, the tenth race we have in the chase. and four drivers are eligible for the championship in homestead florida. >> lucky seven. >> how do you feel about it? >> i feel good. the chase has changed now. i still need a win, you always need to win to move on, but now it's an elimination process. it's a little different game. we'll see thousand plays out. >> good to see you. >> glad you're feeling better. >> hydration. >> the nascar sprint cup championship kicks off at chicagoland raceway, al, get a check of the weather. all right, let's see the weather. decent weather in chicago on sunday, but meantime, we have strong storms today from western ohio all the way into central missouri. beautiful day in the pacific northwest today. out west, 92 in las vegas, much drier than yesterday. we are looking for strong storms tomorrow along the mid-atlantic coast in the alg. also wet weather in the northeast on into texas. some snow tomorrow in western montana. we got winter storm watches and warnings into the hi, first alert meteorologist brittney shipp. mostly cloudy skies as you see on our camera here. we're going to see a big time warm up. look at our temperatures, 89, it's going to feel like the middle of summer. warm with storms. be careful with your evening commute. we drop back down with a cool front that will cool us into the 70s. >> i can't believe it, the jimmy dean saucening a guy. how are you doing? >> great, how are you? >> do you have any sausage for me? there we go. that's what i'm talking about. oh pretzel roll. i like that, matt. >> all right, al, thank you very much. golden globe winner jessica chastain sored to the -- soared to the top of the charts with zero dark thirty and the help in the latest, the disappearance of rigby, a wife whose maerng is put to the test after a tragedy. take a look. >> i'm okay. is it okay to be okay? >> yeah, be okay all you want. >> are you really okay? >> i can pretend. >> hey jessica, welcome back, good to see you. >> thank you, so good to see you, matt. >> get your attention right off the bat, first you skip out on the check in a restaurant -- >> no, i do not condone that kind of behavior. >> i was going say, disclaimer there. >> i was a waiter for so long, it is the rudest thing to do. it's hollywood, it's fiction, do not do it. >> then a bike ride, nothing away here, but that sets this movie in motion. how do you describe this film? >> i think it's a love story. but i see it as a grown-up one because it's just couple who kind of grew up together and had these frivolous problems, and then tragedy strikes them and they have to figure out how to deal with it. and can they love the other person enough so let them deal with it on their own? >> and yes, she's named eleanor rig bst by, her parents were beatles fan. . way i understand, this movie was originally shot as two separate movies. >> yes. >> then edited together, and now there are technically three f e films. were you a fan? >> yes, originally i was scared, but i had a long talk with the director, and i actually really liked what they put together. with the edited version. and you know, it's both james and i, and it comes out this weekend, and if you want to see a more in depth profile of the characters, then we have the him and her other films coming out later. >> the audience has choices which is nice. do you mind if i talk about your career right now? >> okay. >> i want to make an interesting analogy, i think. it seems every time you take on a role right now, you have singled out for praise. you get great critical acclaim. is it in some ways like an athlete who gets in a zone? do you feel like you're in a zone with your acting right now? >> i don't, actually. >> why? >> well, you know, i'm a strange bird because every time i get praise, i also think like oh, all right, they're just making the longer the fall. >> building you up to knock you down. >> to knock you down. i mean, i didn't have respect right out of high school. and so i got to see how the industry works. there's building you up to knock you down. so i love being involved in the films, i love that they're being, have acclaim, but it does scare me a little bit. >> i wish you could stop and enjoy it more, i think you're in a zone. i want to end with a subject. robin williams passed away recently. you never met him, and yet you've gone out of your way to say that in some ways he changed your life. >> yes, he profoundly changed my life. he's an alumni of juliard. every two years he would give a scholarship. he gave me a scholarship to make it possible to graduate college. i'm the first in my family to do so. he was a complete stranger, and he absolutely changed my life. and i sent him letters thanking him, we communicated through other people and i hoped to meet him. i hoped that we'd be at a party or something, and it's so sad for me, but it actually, it inspires me to try to continue his legacy of generosity. >> are you trying to do that? >> i want to continue this, maybe with the robin williams foundation to continue the scholarship in his name. because it's such a beautiful thing that he did. and he was wanted to help other people i think. >> i'm glad he got to know that you felt that way about what he did for your life. >> for my life. yes. >> again, you're in a zone, keep it up. >> thanks matt. >> and this is great, this is called the disappearance of eleanor rigby, opens up on friday and nationwide the 19th of this month. james will be here tomorrow, her costar. next 60 years of guinness world records, first this is "today" on nbc. our dad's a plumber. a business manager. and a stickler for homework. i'm john kane running for state senate. dad says the road to a good job starts in the classroom. [ lori ] he's a great dad who sees taxes going up but schools not getting the funding they need. [ john ] so i'd put back the billion dollars corbett cut from education and make sure corporations and natural gas drillers paid their fair share. time to close the loopholes for the tax cheats. dad thinks a lot about education. i'm john kane and it's about time harrisburg did too. and we're back now with some of life's deepest philosophical questions like how would the world's shortest man and tallest woman have a conversation. >> i like that. >> how do you scratch an itch when you have fingernails, the longest in the whole world? and what's the next -- >> how does the dog with the world's longest tongue eat an ice cream cone. >> like that. yuck. for the past # 0 yards, guinness world records helped bring the answers to light, and there are many more in the latest edition of the guinness world's records book. he's here, the spokesperson, hello. >> and you have what is known as a motley crew, and i don't mean the rock group. >> exactly. very nice assortment of record holders. >> we're going to get to them in just a second. you've had in the last week people trying to actively break records, right? >> correct. >> and sometimes, i mean we've watched them, they've tried here sometimes haen they don't do it. that must be part of the excitement. >> exactly. we receive on average around 50,000 inquiries every year. >> yeah. >> people vying for spots in the book. yes, that's part of the exploration. how far things can be pushed or the extremes that people with can reach. and you never know how they're going to turn out. >> if somebody said i'm going to put more like paper clips in my nostril than any human being has ever done. you don't want them to do that because they could die. >> well, one of the strengths of the guinness world record's book now is that it appeals to everybody. and starting point for always is it should be measurable, verifiable and breakable. and that's how we treat each record holder. >> i'm telling you right now. >> like your of a row. he is our first holder. now this is a little dog who can walk on just two legs. >> that is correct. >> for how long? >> well he is a four-year-old pomerani pomeranian. and he holds two records. the fastest time to cover two meeters in about 6.56 seconds. and also the fastest five meters on his front legs and 7.76 seconds. >> look at him go. >> isn't he the cutest? >> he just did it a few seconds ago -- >> he wants that streak, baby. he does. >> he has 1.3 million followers on facebook. >> i think his owner's going to come in. you can step in. you want to come on in. >> he looks stressed. >> he wants his mommy. >> he does. we have to talk of a row. indeed. >> what do we have here? step right up. >> stepping forward is a man that holds the world's largest mail of a row. it's five and three quarters inches high. eight and a half inches wide, and in circumference measures five feet and three quarters. >> yeah, but he teased it. >> that's what i look like when i don't blow dry my hair. >> as a matter of fact, i think we might have a picture of that. >> oh, i'm not showing that. >> okay. >> there's your competition. >> okay, how much shampoo goes into that, tell kpups. >> a lot. i fill my hands at least three times in the shower and completely cover my head. >> okay. all right. >> well thank you. you and your fro. >> all right. we're going to bring up the next. this is amazing. >> okay. >> we have inka. >> and she can do something that's pretty incredible, shoot a bow and arrow, not the normal way, but with her feet. >> she holds the record for the furthest distance to shoot an arrow with her feet. >> she's going to demonstrate. >> it's actually 20 feet. >> watch her go, go ahead, girl. oh no. >> oh. >> that was, by the way -- >> she did it during rehearsal and it did hit the target. it just bounced off. >> how do you think of such a thing? how did you decide to do something like this real quick? >> it just seemed natural. i live my life in an upside down world. >> all righty then. we have to get to the apple crusher because this one's unbelievable. real quick, step up. >> biceps. tell us about this lovely lady. >> also known asthma ma lou, and she holds the record for the most apples crushed with the biceps in one minute. >> i'd love to. >> show us. >> oh my gosh. i bet you're fun at parties. >> the hardest part is once it gets slippery. you have to wipe it down. >> we make a lot of apple juice in my business. >> oh my gosh, amazing. >> okay, we have to run. that was astonishing by the way. >> thank you, stewart. >> thank you so much. all and to everyone, thanks again. we're going to have more at 10:00. you're going to come back and visit with us. so wie going to hear more about them in just a little bit. now we have a feline coming up. >> yes, how to board that badly behaved. we're going give you a chance to adopt them, first this is "today" on nbc. we are now back with more of the special search for the love of pets. we talked a lot about dogs this week. this morning we're turning our attention to cats. 90 million cats live at home. unlike what you think, they actually care a lot what you think. >> reporter: though doubt you've seen the videos, and heard the cries. they are cats from hell. >> ouch. >> and while they make terrific viral videos, it's likely that your little whiskers oar fluffy is nothing like that. but that doesn't mean your kitty couldn't also use some help. meet lucie, a two-year-old siberian mix living the good life outside of pittsburgh along with her cat mom sadie and doggy sister, summer. >> she helps me find hair bands, makes the bed. >> helps? >> yes. as helpful as a cat can be. >> reporter: and as helpful as she may be when lindsey is home, when they are away, lucie will definitely play. just take a look at what our hidden cameras caught. the cat behaviorist, host of mallon planet's, my cat from hell. >> hello, welcome. i hope you can help us. >> i can totally help you. >> no more kitty paws on my table. >> lucie the menace, look at her. if there's nothing for them to get up there and get, if there's no motivation for getting up there, they'll stop getting up there. >> lucie really likes to steal hair band, climb our blinds. >> you have kids. you child proof, change earrings, hair ties, they go in something. and that something has a child lock on it it. if you're going out there, raise the blind, we have to allow her to at the very least see what you're doing. >> reporter: all cat owners should catafy or make their homes cat friendly. >> she's just in that world of being a tarng. all -- teenager. we have to direct those in a positive place. >> anything like that where she can do her bit, jerk cat bit chrz the bat, bat, bat, and watch its paw. >> reporter: easy fixes that can apply to pretty much any family cat. self-sufficient as we think they are? >> we have made cats dependent on us. they depend on us for food, for the affection, the love, and the energy that we give them. cats need us terribly. >> reporter: even if they may not act like it. we had so much fun. just as much as right now with these kittens. that cat loves you, matt. loves you. so if you are a dog person, i know some are dog people. they say that you just haven't found the right cat. >> really? >> that's what they say. if you're allergic to cats, a hypo allergenic cat? >> yeah, the one from austin powers. >> a cute one? >> big old words. >> by the way, these were saved by north shore animal league america. they are all up for adoption. if you can get this one out of my neck. you can head to up next, round two of the one direction fan faceoff, but first, this is "today" on nbc. all right. we are back, it is day two of the one direction fan faceoff. three remains finalists are here with us. from texas, oklahoma, j.c. reid representing indiana. this morning we're testing your knowledge of one direction trivia. i'm going to read you a question, if you think you know, you'll buzz in and show the face on the dice that you think is the correct answer. first two people to answer questions correctly will advance. and warning, if you have a wrong answer, it eliminates you. make sure you know. here is the first question, who the youngest member of one direction? right here. young lady. find that face on the dice. there, harry is indeed correct, you're moving on, congratulations. she will be here tomorrow. it's between kylie and ripka. your next question. who in the band is left-handed. right here, if you get a right, you're moving on. niles, congratulations. kelly, so sorry, listen, we have a nice prize for you. that is a ticket for you to see your boys in one direction coming up. you're not going away empty handed. you can get involved here. go to our facebook page and answer the trivia question. which favorite band is the fray? go to the facebook page, answer that, and we'll be back right after your local news. good morning, let's get a check on the weather with brittney shipp. >> a cloudy start to the day. as we push into the rest of the afternoon our temperatures today will stay below our average of 81. by noon, 74 degrees. by 6:00 p.m. temperatures at 77 degrees. we're going to warm up about 10 degrees tomorrow with thunderstorms expected in your afternoon and evening. after that we'll see temperatures dropping back down into the 70s if. >> the defense is set to open their case today in the trial of the woman accused of abducted a 5-year-old girl from a philadelphia school, christina regusters' attorney has not said if she will be called to the stand. the trial is in it's third week. another trial is set to begin for a former philadelphia police officer accused of having her teenager son and daughter fight other kids. the fight happened at lincoln high school in mayfair. she was caught on video punching the girl that her daughter was fighting. she was fired from the police force. new questions this morning about how the prosecutorl handld the case against ray rice. it follows the release of video of him him knocking out his former fiance in an elevator. from nbc news, this is today's take with al roker, natalie morales, willie goois, and tam ran hall, live from studio 1 a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today," it's wednesday morning, september 10th, 2014. big crowd on a nice, kind of a crismorning here, isn't it? >> very fall-like out the door this morning. >> 79, 80 though. >> big temperature change over the next couple of days. in fact they have winter storm warnings up for glacier national park. >> really? wow. >> winter storm warnings. >> getting us all ready. >> gosh. >> i'm willie along with al, natalie, and tamaran. his wife janay lashed out in the media in an instagram post. she wrote yesterday, to make us relive a moment is a horrible thing. to taking something away from the man i love that worked his butt off just to gain ratings is horrific. if your tension were to take all happiness in away, you've succeeded on so many levels. understand she's very upset right now, let's be clear, she is the victim in all this. but this didn't just happen to ray rice, it happened to his family. he did it, but it happened to his family. she's been there at his side for a long time. lost endorsement deals. they've lost their financial future. she's obviously very upset about what's happening right now. >> and understandably so, but the fact is, we're not doing this for ratings. this is not about ratings. it's a bigger, a much bigger issue. >> when you're hurt, you say things. you lash out. she is going through, abuse experts will tell you, you circle the wagon, this is her family, shelves she's protecting her -- she feels she's protecting her family. we don't know her personally, her story belongs to her. when she's ready to is their, i'm sure she will. for abuse victims i've spoken with, they have to keep their family together. and oftentimes, they will blame themselves. something i did that night, something i did a week ago set off these events. what she's doing, let me, i don't to want say what she's doing because we don't know. what abuse victims in similar cases have done, is that they circle the wagon, they are embarrassed and trying to protect their family. and her evolution belongs to her at this point. >> it takes about seven instances of abuse for victims to finally come forward and recognize and it could take action in their lives. >> women in my group, which we have here on today who were abused from 13 to 20s. there's no magic formula, most of them said to me they hit rock bottom. but what is your rock bottom. >> everyone's different. >> her time will perhaps come, or maybe not. >> it's easy for people to say walk away, it's more complicated. >> it's so complicated, then you have, on the flipside of this, a lot of people pointing the finger at the nfl and saying hey, you know what, you could have, if you wanted to find this video, if you wanted to find all this, you should have, and there was an interview on cbs news with nfl commissioner roger goodell, he addresses how it's possible the nfl hadn't seen the footage before monday. >> not seen any videotape of what occurred in the elevator. we assumed that there was a video. we asked for video, we asked for anything that was pertinent. but we were never granted that opportunity. >> how hard did they ask? >> i mean they're a powerful organization, they certainly could have obtained the video had they really wanted to see it. >> should we be asking about the legal system, the owners system now says that the judge in the case, the prosecutor, and police have all seen the entire video and decided to allow ray rice to enter this probation program that would essentially clear his record? so the raven's owner, part of their statement which you have more of points to the justice system which is a part of the conversation for some. >> yeah. and actually ray rice himself spoke out very briefly said i have to be strong for my wife, she's so strong, we are in good spirits. so that's the extent of the comment we've had from ray rice. a lot of focus on the nfl and that interview that our friend nora o'donnell did with commissioner o'dell yesterday and it defied belief that no one in the league saw the tape or didn't try very hard to have plausible deniability. >> they felt, we feel that we have to see the tape. goes back to the aftermath of what was very much seen and you see the aftermath. and i understand, you know, ray rice is a brilliant, was a brilliant player. has a great career, you don't want to the prejudge or presume what happened in the elevator, but when you see him dragging his wife out of the elevator, i mean, it's very hard to not know something went really wronged in there. >> and it's also hard when people say well he is a great guy. he never showed signs, well for so many, it happens behind closed doors. used to be seen as a private event. what happens in the home stays in the home. and how do you say that someone is a good guy when you see that video? you have to choose your word carefully and know that, many cases again, this is happening in closed doors. no one walks into work and says, i beat my wife last night. >> jenna wolf did a terrific piece earlier on today. spoke to four nfl wives, they're married to former nfl players, and they really, they had a great take on janay and this situation, take a look. >> janay is educated young woman, college degree, student athlete, so it was never a let me use ray as a meal ticket. everything they're trying to build, they're trying to build together and be a family. and they made this one big mistake. >> i believe the nfl mishandled this situation tremendously. the nfl can figure out who draft picks or potential draft picks are dating, what their grades are in school, but they couldn't find this video. i think that's trouble pg. >> i'm sure it's very embarrassing. >> it was great. one of the things that social media, yesterday the #whyistayed was trending. i'm happy that this wife spoke about the money issue. there were people who said well she's staying because of the money. and i sent a note to someone who e-mailed, then what do you say when the person doesn't have money. or how do you come to that conclusion? >> it happens across the board. >> absolutely. >> the comment made by the last of the four women we saw there about the nfl knowing about the draft pick, so true. morning joe this morning, we had mike golic. he's a great analyst and said if you're being drafted, they know what you had for lunch last week. and they know what's in the bloodstreams, they're testing everybody. if the nfl security wants to find something, they will find it. and they say they could not find this tape. >> answers that need to be provided to the public from roger goodell, and i go back again to the prosecutors in the case, their decision to offer, even though it was the first time offense, when you look at the brutality of the video on all vantage points and is that true, a year probation -- >> let us know what happened there. because what you have now are women who are abused, and they say if i turn this person in, is that what he'll get? he'll be on probation? cleared record. >> then there's the whole question about are they given an extra because they're stars, because they're part of the nfl, it's a completely different form of justice. the nfl has this problem, we talked about all the other cases, greg hardy continues to play, he was convicted of assaulting his girlfriend and threatening to kill her, he threw her across the room on a couch for of assault rifles that were loaded and was threatening to kill her, but he continues to play because he's appealing the case. so while he's appealing the case, they say okay, he can go on and play. >> but the big picture here is it's not a ray rice, janay rice issue, it's not an nfl issue, it's a social crisis across the board as you both pointed out. >> and it's an important conversation and you hate, i mean, there is no ploy for ratings here or anything, but it is an important conversation. and i think because it is going, going on so prevasely across america, people don't see it as, you know, she said, it's happening behind closed doors. it is important to raise awareness and raise your voice. >> the discussion will continue. and one thing, people were all yesterday on social media that people were talking about, apple unveiling the two new iphones. iphone 6, and the iphone 6 plus, and the apple watch. one of the first gadgets. >> of course i do. >> why wouldn't i? >> the iphone circumstan6, ther. >> trap a butterfly inside. it's amazing. there are three different versions of the watch. sport version, fancy version, basic version. there is the iphone 6 which is bigger than the iphone 5 s and the iphone 6 plus which is meant to compete with like the galaxy phones. so faster, longer lasting battery, better cameras, also have this nfc, near field communication technology that will allow you to use the phone as a wallet. basically, it'll import your credit cards. >> apple pay. >> you would go into the store -- >> you know the pads -- >> the wand things. >> well it's the same technology that's in the smart credit cards, same kind of thing. you would use that. and also in the watch as well. >> sold. >> it's interesting. it is going to be interesting to see what happens. >> this is not the first smart watch? >> samsung. a in your opinion have had them. >> it's not cheap, about $100 more. >> this is like 300 -- >> $100 more expensive. >> watches don't come out until the beginning of the year. they missed the holiday cutoff. >> well there's valentine's day. >> i'd be happy. and then the phones come out, i think in a week or so. >> yeah. >> is this like, i mean before apple would make an announcement and people would just go crazy and you'd stand in line. there are some lines, but the question is, al, since you're the techie expert here, has apple lost its luster. >> well we'll see. it's interesting. this has happened the last couple of times, their stock drops. but then it rebound. we'll see what happens. but i think peep are still waiting -- people are still waiting and once the stuff comes out, i'm sure people will be clambering. >> it's because we expected this. everything they came out with is what they expected. i think that's -- >> i think the watch is going to be interesting. >> do you think the non-tech geek is going to water watch? is that a niche item? >> i think they will. eventually. i think they will. >> it pulls up the car, you can be like the satisfy, it's a spy watch. >> it's dick tracy, two way whistle. >> you go first. >> you go first. that's right. you take the lead. i'll tell you what, we have severe weather that's going on right now and its been continuing overnight. where we see severe storms. we have again the risk of severe weather today into tonight from central missouri on into indiana, fort wayne, detroit, we are looking at chicago as well. right now sun's out in detroit, but later today, strong storms, we have heavy showers and thunderstorms dominating the midwest, so probably airport delays from indianapolis on into chicago. we've got flash flood warnings, flash flood watches in effect as well for missouri all the way into parts of michigan and wisconsin. anywhere from two to three more inches of rain. locally, could be as much as five. we're going to be track this can during the day today. hi, brittney shipp. shems staying between 77 and 80 for us today. mostly cloudy as you see here. as we go into tomorrow you will see a big time warm up. warm with storms as we head into your thursday evening so be careful with your evening commute. we drop back down with a cool front that will cool us into the 70s and stay there for the weekend. >> and that's your latest weather. >> coming up. shocking exit from the good wife sent fans into a frenzy. we're still reeling from this one. worry not, josh charles himself is back. he'll tell us what he's up to now right after this. r this. ♪ ♪ that's all it takes to help make a kid's wish come true. join straight talk wireless at our "give a minute. help make-a-wish" event, and help make more wishes come true for children with life-threatening medical conditions. this saturday from 10 to 4 at your local walmart, take a minute to learn more about straight talk wireless and great phones like the samsung galaxy ace style, and we'll donate a dollar toward our goal of $1 million to make-a-wish. straight talk wireless. same phones. same networks. half the cost. available only at walmart. looks like we're about to board. mm-hmm. i'm just comparing car insurance rates at is that where they show the other guys' rates, too? mm-hmm. cool. yeah. hi. final boarding call for flight 294. [ bells ring on sign ] [ vehicle beeping ] who's ready for the garlic festival? this guy! bringing our competitors' rates to you -- now, that's progressive. years of swedish experience in in perfecting the rich,150 never bitter taste of gevalia. we do it all for this very experience. that's good. i know right? gevalia. apthai shrimp salad,bos now with crisp greens,w juicy shrimp, and sliced almonds. all tossed with a chili lime vinaigrette. better lunch choices never tasted so good. under 600 calorie lunch combos starting at just $6.99 only at applebee's. or they'll be ready for pick-up when you order online. there's nothing like leaving home feeling attractive. challenge! but too many times i feel bloated, gassy, uncomfortable with gurgling. nothing seems to feel right! and yet another pile of clothes on my bed. so i'm taking the activia challenge. eating activia twice a day for four weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues like bloating, gas, discomfort and rumbling. when your tummy smiles, things just feel right! join me and take the activia challenge. it works or it's free. ♪ dannon! it was one of tvs biggest bomb shells when will gardener met an untimely death on the good wife leaving millions of fans devastated and americans weeping in the streets. >> well swil no longer with us, but the man who played him, josh charles is, and he's starring in a new film called bird people. he takes a trip to paris and decides to leave his entire life behind. what an incredible role, incredible character, and obviously we want to talk about that, first the table. the world wept. i went on social media that day and i thought nothing will be the same. did you ever expect the reaction to your character dying off? >> i think we expected it to to be a reaction because of the fans of the show. i think the level of intensity surprised me. and i think that's a testament to the quality of the writing on the show. >> interesting. >> it is. >> more about the characters that they developed, and myself feel the same way as a fan of television. you get attached. i felt, i used social media at times to connect with the fans to be part therapist as well to deal with it because i had a longer time to be able to -- >> it'll be okay. >> trying to, called people's moms, did all that stuff. because that felt lying the right thing to do. >> it came to that. >> it did at one point. i did call someone's mom. >> really? >> yeah, i was in the editing room editing an episode that i directed, and someone said that her mom was devastated. and i called her and had a chat and told her everything was going to be nice. the show's fantastic, it's going to continue to be fantastic. i feel your pain. >> and you've moved on. and you have this beautiful film called "bird people," as we were mentioning. what i love about it, the guy is nothing like you would be, i imagine. totally leaves everything behind, leaves his wife, family, decides he wants to pursue a whole new life. tell me more about that. >> yeah, well it's, film makers is an incredible film maker. this is her fourth film in 20 years. it was ud lady chatterly and reached out to me. and i just, i was very excited to work with her and a fun country, fun language, the film itself is, it's not only set in the world today, but she's trying to talk about the world today. the isolation we feel, seeing all those cell phones here, how we're all, the more connected we are, the more emotionally diskkted we can -- disconnected we can become. two hybrid stories that connect. my story, gary's story and one that's a little more imaginative and supernatural, and a wonderful young french actress. it's really these two come together in a film that's republican very unique and very daring. and for me to be a part of it, it's unlike anything i've been a part of or seen. it's a really special movie. >> how difficult was it, it takes place in france. and so you don't speak that much french, how tough was that? >> it was really difficult. well the character doesn't speak that much french. half is in english, and half in french. audrie's part is more in french than mine. but i had to speak in broken french. i play an engineer who travels quite a bit, and so he speaks enough to get by. and that was more than i speak. so i started, i started, i started taking lessons here, they hired someone to give me lessons and that continued in france. >> do you have something for us? >> no, god no. >> god no is not french. >> it's way too early. i got there, i was proud because i worked hard to sound good and have the accent good. the first scene, the producer and the director said it sounded too good. so we had to have rehearsals to dumb me down, reamericanized my accent. and i felt proud about that. >> congratulations. >> too good. >> thank you. >> it sound horrible now. no, wasn't that good. let me make that clear. >> back after this, in french. affects millions of us. and for many, it's a struggle to keep your a1c down. so imagine, what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar? 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[ dad ] and noise. [ mom ] yeah, lots of noise. [ male announcer ] honey maid teddy grahams. everyday wholesome snacks, for every wholesome family. honey maid. this is wholesome. taking a look at the headlines, federal health officials say 90% of american children are consuming more salt than recommended. they get about half of that from adjust handful of popular foods including pizza, bread, cold cuts, soup, and chicken nuggets. it can raise the risk for developing high blood pressure and eventually heart disease. a new study suggests long-term use of many commonly prescribed drugs may be linked to alzheimer's disease. researchers followed adults taking medications to treat insomnia and anxiety and six years later, those who took the drugs for longer than three months were 51% more likely than to develop alzheimer's disease than those who took them for a shorter period. they can be effective, but they should only be used on a temporary basis. and walmart is unveiling its chosen by kids hot toy list ahead of the holiday shopping season. classics like barbie and hot wheels making the list again. others including snow glow elsa doll, and silly machine and the razor spinning go cart. the biggest trend is towards creative placing. it's one of the seven wonders of the medieval world, but stonehenge had siblings. there may have been other monument twos miles away using powerful ground penetrating radar, investigators discovered 1,000 foot long line of more than 50 massive stones and now they're buried under the bank. the leader said quote this radically changes our view of stone henening. we'll be right back after your local news and weather. losing your chex mix too easily? deploy the boring potato chip decoy bag. with a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix has twenty bags of interesting. pick your mix. good morning. a pleasant morning so far but will it last? good morning it will last. it is a pleasant day. take a look at the live shot right now. we'll see cloudy skies but big changing into tomorrow. temperatures will warm up well above average. the average is 81. 79 for today and 89 for tomorrow. we're tracking storms for your thursday as well. by friday, a cold front drops the temperatures back down to 78 degrees and if you take a look at the rest of your workweek we will see temperatures stays in the 70s straight through the weekend. thank you this morning trump entertainment resorts are having their first day in bankruptcy court. they announced the trump taj mahal will shut down in september if it doesn't get concessions from workers. also, a career fair for the casino workers is being held at 10:00 a.m. this morning. more from atlantic city now where more preliminary events continue for ms. america. earlier in the day we got to see the fancy footwear that the contestants will wear at the show us your shoes parade on sunday night. we'll have another update, and you can always get the latest on welcome back to "today" on a beautiful wednesday morning here in new york city, september 10th, 2014. i'm willie along with al and tamaran. give them your name at starbucks, what comes back on the cup? doesn't resemble your name. >> whatever, that never happens. >> no, never. the mystery may have been solved. watch this. >> many people say the names are wildly inaccurate. they want to know why i can never get it right. allow me to explain why. it's the best part of my job, and i will never stop. let me assure you, even in the world knows how to spell jessica, literally, everyone. i decided to write this on your cup to play why with your mood. and it worked. other times, i like to real [ bleep ] people by spelling their name in a way that barely contains the correct spelling. oh man, that guy almost had a mental breakdown when he saw that. >> video is so my comedian named paul gail filmed in a cafe outfitted to look like a starbucks. we been there. mine's not too bad, i get the y, the ie. >> i say tracy because when you try to say tamaran. if you write an my name in spell check, it's stunning what comes up. spell check my name. hey, let's show you what's going on as far as your weather is concerned for today. we have a risk of strong storms in the upper ohio, mississippi river valley, gorgeous weather along the west coast. beautiful in the northeast, although we have high surf advisory in effect. rain makes its way in the northeast tomorrow. look for showers and thunderstorms. risk along the mid-atlantic coast. snow in western montana, yep, it's copping. rain into northern texas. that's going on around the country, here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. your . hi, brittneyship. our temperatures between 77 and 80 degrees today. as we head into tomorrow we're going to see a big time warm up. look at our temperatures, 89 tomorrow and it will feel like the middle of summer. warm with storms. be careful with your evening commute. that's your latest weather. >> thanks, al. >> guys. >> what's going on over there? >> i don't know. scary. let's go to an uncommon strain of a virus we've been telling you about this week that's sent more than 1,000 kids to emergency rooms across the country. starts off like the common cold, but for some it turns into a severe respiratory illness. >> the cdc is investigating outbreaks of the interoviruss in 12 different states. we have a doctor for the spokings person of american academy of pediatrics. good morning, good to see you. >> good morning. >> we've been talking about this for several days, kids are back in school for the most part across the country. when you hear about a virus spreading, kids love to hug, kiss, share everything, and this is frightening for parents. >> it is. and i really to want reassure parents that i would treat my child in the same way i would during any cold and flu season. it is a common cold virus, and any time a child has a cold, you want to the watch out for certain symptoms. and if they're having any difficulty breathing or acting sick or looking sick, that's the time when you want to touch base with your pediatrician. it's no different in this case. >> we've heard extreme cases, of kids a step further than the common cold. a lot of difficulty breathing among other symptoms. how do you know it's something more, something that needs immediate attention? >> you're right, so with this strain of the virus, we are seeing an increase in respiratory symptoms that is landing kids in the hospitals and also intensive care units. any time your child has a worsening cough, any difficulty breathing whatsoever, has a high fever that's not going away after a couple days. dehydrated, and can't keep fluids down or lethargic. you want to seek the advice of a health care professional. >> when do you know it's time to go to the hospital? the cases at least from the reporting, the child shows symptoms, and then it escalates rather quickly. >> that's right. we're seeing a lot of north carolina in wheezing and respiratory problems with these children. so, if your child is breathing really fast, but their belly is going in and out, if you see any nasal flaring which means their nose is moving when they're trying to breathe, blueness, go right to the hospital. >> is there a certain part of the country, doctor, where we should be looking at this where the cdc said there are outbreaks specifically. >> right now we're seeing it in 12 states across the country. we have confirmed cases in illinois and missouri. those were the first cases were. people travel in this country and viruss travel. we are back in school. kids are in close contact. so any time you have a child that's having a hard time breathing. worsening cough or having symptoms, talk to your pediatrician. >> washing your hand, coughing in your arm, we've been taught to share that with your child, but come on, you're in kindergarten, you're not thinking mom and dad said wash my hands. should you keep a sanitizer in their backpack? what do you do? >> so for young children, you have to rely on the teachers in school to remind kids to wash their hands. they need to wash their hands. warm, soapy water for 20 second, that's a long time. we need to teach kids to do that. cover your coughs and sneezes, sneeze into your elbow, and parents, keep your children home in they're sick. >> thank you so much. up next, the three things moms say stress them out the most. well these parents agree on that? oh, find out right after this. . hoo, hoo, hoo oohh, you got it! i love the looks of it. . [garage door closing] nobody touches my dodge dart, jake johnson. not even your best friend slash neighbor? no one. i can still get in craig. i'd like to see you try. all i'd have to do is roll in, dude. let's see it. i choose not to right now. come on indiana. craig, craig, craig. [in a british accent] is someone out there? don't do that accent on me! ♪don't touch my dart theand the kids always eat sky their vegetables.e. because the salad there is always served with the original hidden valley ranch. to make peanut butter so deliciously creamy. ♪ it always makes the home team cheer. that's why choosy moms and dads choose jif. it always makes the home team cheer. for hopeful entrepreneurs, la cocina turns cooking into careers. they bring the talent. we help fund the tools. it's a small way we help that's been huge for the community. visit to see how big small can be. can this decadent, fruit-top pastry with indulgent streusel crumbles be from... fiber one? fiber one streusel. available at walmart. apthai shrimp salad,bos now with crisp greens,w juicy shrimp, and sliced almonds. all tossed with a chili lime vinaigrette. better lunch choices never tasted so good. under 600 calorie lunch combos starting at just $6.99 only at applebee's. or they'll be ready for pick-up when you order online. we've put a fresh twist on classic desserts.ry, making them all new, any day treats. starting with cheesecakes, reinvented using thick and creamy traditional greek yogurt. then delicately topped with delicious fruit sauces. the twist? less than 200 calories. new dannon creamery desserts. cause life's better with a twist. ♪ dannon! also try our dannon creamery pudding range. eat right. not less. gorgeous grains at your service. hi! hi, this looks interesting! what's going on here? would you like to try some hot cereal? special k nourish hot cereal. special k? wow! wow! made with superfoods. superfoods sound good to me. there's uh... quinoa, barley i can definitely taste the quinoa. good! i can't believe that's less than 200 calories. to help you truly shine. this is a way to be good to me. nurturing yourself. what will you gain? if you're a parent you probably shelled out big bucks for fee yan know lessons, soccer, what do you name it. what if your kids to want quit? hear the hot topic and other family issues is carlin sullivan, rachel duffy, mother of seven, new beb girl, and spokesperson for the initiative, and ra nay has two children. good morning, ladies. >> good morning. >> all right. i know you've all been there because it happens all the time when the kids come home and say, i want to the quit. i hate that baseball. i don't want to go to soccer anymore. and there was an article in parent's magazine, talk about the signs to look for and when you should perhaps let them pull the plug. how do you feel about this? >> if there's money on the table, money, then you're going to stick it out. honestly, like in our house, we were like, you know, you need to make a decision, if we're spending money, you need to be sure. of course if they're miserable, and they're really, really horribly miable then talk about it. >> you can avoid the trap too if you look for something without a long commitment. the swim team, we tried it out just to try it out, it saved us a whole summer because they were like no, we're out. >> parameters to it. >> we had a kid that came home and said i don't want to do this anymore. we said two weeks because we don't want to create a habit of quitting. you have to call the coach and tell them because i want him to take personal responsibility for that decision. and what happened was, after the two week period, he decided to stay in. and i always feel that is the case, if they stick it out, it's the fear or they're not good enough. >> yeah. >> i think if you just let them, you know, make sure they really know what it is they're getting into and what they want. all right. that's a good one. all right. let's move on, top mom stresses and how to relieve them. this is family circle magazine. the top three, mom stresses are managing finances. >> yep. >> thinking about their kid's future, and keeping on top of house work. do you all agree? >> rachel, you have seven kids. >> and a newborn. >> seven kids, a newborn. i think my husband would like it if my main stresses was finances, but it's not. it's household chors. and with seven kid, i need it to be organized, and it is just very hard to stay on top of it, but that is my big stressor. >> that i think sometimes it's okay to let stuff go. it's all right to the go to bed with a dish in the sink. it's okay. >> see i can't. >> it's painful. >> never. >> guess what, they'll be there tomorrow and the day after and the day after. it's not that big a deal. >> we'll do a party at me house. >> destressors are actually from the top destressors wing are going to work, exercise, school vacations, sex. these are things that stress us out more. you have to exercise. >> sleep. >> sleep. >> and i thought sex was exercise. it's like killing two birds with one stone here. >> making home cooked meals. and dinner time. and it turns out, how important it is a home cooked meal is for a family. yeah, sure, you gather your brood around and it's a great way to catch up on everybody's day, but at the same time, how much stress does it add to your life, carroll? >> it is stressful, but i can't wrap my head around how women or men or anyone in life doesn't cook. we have to eat at home. i'm married to a person who cooks. but here's the problem -- >> i'm saying assemble food. like cut cheese, salami, bread, and fruit, that's din per. >> hope cooked meal. women were internalizing this for being a good mother was a home cooked mother. that's not true. you can raise a good, decent human being without ever making a pot roast. >> it's going to make you a crabby mom, pop the frozen pizza in the oven, but try to take personal responsibility again for feeding your family. >> you can feed them turkey sandwiches. >> i feel stress here. but carroll, rachel, sorry ladies, we have to go. coming up next, we have four very cool kids whose hit song is more than seven million views on youtube. live performance from echo smith right after this. ♪ [ male announcer ] no matter how things change... ♪ ...what makes us wholesome... ♪ ...never will. ♪ honeymaid. everyday wholesome snacks for every wholesome family. ♪ this is wholesome. think of our new lasagna fresca. what unsuspecting foodies mmmm! so delicious. i guess fresca is the right word for it. this might be the best lasagna i've ever had. that is amazing! wow! surpise! our new lasagna fresca is sure to surprise. at olive garden. say revlon colorstay makeup. breakthrough time release technology keeps skin balanced for a continuously fresh look. 24 hour wear. flawless results. that's all i crave.e that's where this comes in. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great taste. plus nicorette gum gives you intense craving relief. and that helps put my craving in its place. that's why i only choose nicorette. ♪ ♪ bring the delicious taste of hershey's chocolate to anything - everything. with hershey's spreads, the possibilities are delicious. that's all it takes to help make a kid's wish come true. join straight talk wireless at our "give a minute. help make-a-wish" event, and help make more wishes come true for children with life-threatening medical conditions. this saturday from 10 to 4 at your local walmart, take a minute to learn more about straight talk wireless and great phones like the samsung galaxy ace style, and we'll donate a dollar toward our goal of $1 million to make-a-wish. straight talk wireless. same phones. same networks. half the cost. available only at walmart. same phones. same networks. half the cost. here's something fun to do with hot dogs. make easy crescent dogs. pillsbury crescent rolls. ♪ make dinner pop. ♪ 14 years to the day, we got our first prius. ♪ sometimes the most daring ideas... ...are the ones you can count on the most. ♪ the prius. toyota, lets go places. one of mtv's artist to watch, we're talking about the siblings known as echosmith. >> their break out single cool kids hit gold this week. it's off their debut item, talking dreams. sydney, jamie, graham, and noah. good to see you guys. >> good morning. >> i got see you guys on the red carpet at the vmas. then you won. has this trip been something, it's hard to believe? >> a little bit. i mean, we've been doing this for a while. and when you start a band of course you're like oh gee, it'd be so cool for people to like us. you never know what to expect. and it's happening. people seem to like it which is awesome. >> people like you, including katy perry, there was a moment backstage. i think we have a picture. what'd she say to you here? >> she walked to her green room, and we weren't planned to meet or anything like that. i'm standing there by myself, and she say cool kids, i wish i could be like them. and she walks away. like what the heck. >> we're going to walk away why you do your song, cool kids. >> okay. [ music ] ♪ she sees them walking in a straight line ♪ ♪ that's not really her style ♪ and they all got the same heartbeat ♪ ♪ but hers is falling behind ♪ nothing in this world could ever bring them down ♪ ♪ yeah, they're invincible, and she's just in the background and she says ♪ ♪ i wish that i could be like the cool kids ♪ ♪ cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in ♪ ♪ i wish that i could be like the cool kids ♪ ♪ like the cool kids ♪ he sees them talking with a big smile but they haven't got a clue ♪ ♪ yeah they're living the good life can't see what he is going through ♪ ♪ they're driving fast cars, but they don't know where they're going ♪ ♪ in the fast lane, living life without knowing ♪ ♪ and he says ♪ i wish that i could be like the cool kids ♪ ♪ cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in ♪ ♪ i wish that i could be like the cool kids ♪ ♪ like the cool kids ♪ i wish that i could be like the cool kids ♪ ♪ cause all the cool kids they seem to get it ♪ ♪ i wish that i could be like the cool kids ♪ ♪ like the cool kids ♪ and they said ♪ i wish that i could be like the cool kids ♪ ♪ cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in ♪ ♪ i wish that i could be like the cool kids ♪ ♪ like the cool kids ♪ i wish that i could be like the cool kids ♪ ♪ cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in ♪ ♪ i wish that i could be like the cool kids ♪ ♪ like the cool kids ♪ i wish that i could be like the cool kids ♪ ♪ cause all the cool kids, they seem to get it ♪ ♪ i wish that i could be like the cool kids ♪ ♪ like the cool kids >> echosmith, thanks so much. are we cool kids? >> nah. >> we're back in a moment, first this is "today" on northbound. s. we're now into hour four. it's incredible. >> we were in the 7:00, 8:00, 9:00. >> wild day every day. we have jenna tatum, world's longest tongue. you know what, nothing can follow that. good morning. a pretty nice day out there, let's get our first alert forecast. >> it's all going to change tomorrow with temperatures getting close to 90 degrees. we are going to see a beautiful wednesday for you. our temperatures mainly in the 70s right now as we push into the rest of the day we'll stay in the high 70s. a one-day warm up and we'll be tracking storms. that means a chance of heavy downpours heavy winds, c and th is for thursday evening. a new jersey state senator, steven sweeney, is qualitying for a review of the questions asked about the ray rice assault charge. he entered a pretrial program that allowed him to avoid jail time. the job fair is going on right now for people who have served our countries. the hiring our heros job fair is open now through 1:00. you can get more information about the job fair on or website. go to another update in about 25 minutes. back to the "today show." have a great day. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hey, everybody. so nice to see you. no reason to mess with your dial, as they used to say. it's wins day wednesday, september 10th. >> isn't it nice to be here? >> we're in our hood. >> we are in our hood. >> we're happy to be there. very kind and brave of them to allow us to -- >> why did they let us host the 7:00 and 8:00 trog? >> because barbara walters fell through. >> when she fell through, it took two oufs. this is how the show started. there were no drinks. we want to point that out. here is matt's reaction. >> on wednesday morning i'm matt lauer. have you ever had the situation, someone comes to you with an idea and you say, you're kidding, right? >> that's this. >> actually we're not kidding. this is going to be a lot of fun. we have never, as this group, ever sat together. >> let's just put it this way, we're glad it's over. boy do they work hard. >> they work hard. >> oh, my gosh. >> they understand social security and stuff. >> okay. >> we're back. thanks, you guys. you are cover girl yet again. >> i totally forget we do these things. then when they come out, i go, oh, my god, this one is called best years, and it is four times a year it comes out. >> this is the fall/winter edition. this is put out by "usa today." we did an interview and shoot -- did we do a shoot with them? yes, we did. anyway, it's on news stands. a riveting article. i'm wearing the same dress? >> no, you're not. >> okay. it would not be the first time. >> i think that's called frugal and i'm proud of you. or lazy because you don't want to go shopping. these are your words of wisdom. >> sometimes i go deep. if you love her, let her go out drinking with friends. if she calls you drunk, she's yours. if she turns off her cell phone, she never was. >> what? >> that is so true. >> say it again, please. >> okay. if you love her, let her go out drinking with her friends. if she calls you drunk, she's yours. >> she's the drunk one? >> if she turns off her cell, she never was. it's like when you go, i love you. >> first of all, you have no idea how early we have to be here in, super early. hoda went to fashion rocks last night. >> it was a concert at the barclays center, a fund-raising concert. it was terrific. >> things happened there. >> things did happen. walked on the red carpet. luke bryan and his wife were there. the wife and him were awesome. then pit bull was performing. >> you love your pit bull. >> i happened to get a little of it somehow. ♪ ♪ we're bringing it, we're bringing it down ♪ ♪ >> i mean it was so awesome. >> what's that mean, bring it down. >> bringing it, bringing it, bringing it down. nothing means anything. it's all about dancing. j. lo showed us that clip of the booty, her booty dance. she did the whole booty performance on stage. take a look. ♪ the way she moves, i know you want her ♪ ♪ >> when she was here, and she doesn't drink very often. she did -- >> sip a little. >> have a lot. she was leaving for ten hours of rehearsal for that number. it went well? >> it did. what i really admired about her, she did her bit. then she came and sat back in her chair. a lot of times when they do their act, it takes a lot out of you. she was in front. she was posing for pictures with people. there's jen miller. she was talking about the show and how much fun she had with us. then there was some continue very see. this is how it was set up. victor cruz from the new york giants who is a star player came out on stage, and everyone, whenever he steps out they do a chant for him, they yell cruz. in the audience if you don't know him, they're booing him. all of the people were saying why are they booing that guy? a couple minutes later justin bieber walks out and everyone started booing. the whole place, sometimes you can't hear it. it was so loud. then he said -- i guess he wanted to do a gag and started taking off his clothes to show his calvin klein underwear. he said no one knew he was going to do it. calvin was in the audience. let's take a look at what he did and the crowd's reaction. >> i actually don't feel comfortable unless i'm in my calvins. what's up? is that cool. >> apparently it was not cool. >> his shoes, his pants. he took the socks off. you know when you're wondering what -- >> he knows it's not working and yet he continues it. >> took the top off. >> is that better? >> so much. thank you, justin. >> you know, his mom must just be cringing. she's a great, great lady, patty. she's waiting for him to grow up a little bit and all the lessons she taught him to sort of gel once again. but i said something to you this morning, as you know, what he's got to do is get back to making music, not news. don't make news anymore, justin. make music. we figured it out. how long ago was his last hit? >> he had a top 20 song in 2013 called "heartbreaker." it peaked at 13. the last 20 were collaborations with nicki minaj and will i am. his song "baby," that was years ago. >> he has to concentrate on what made him a star in the first place and maybe get a whole new generation of believers, is that what he calls them, you've got to read the room. >> it was full of fans. >> music fans, and fashion fans. i tell you, it's a window of opportunity you have there when you have a career like that. that's so hot. he had talent to begin with. that talent is still there. go back and start doing what made you a star to begin with. >> you're right. have you ever accidentally revealed somebody else's big secret? >> yes, i have. >> you have? >> yes. go ahead. >> britney did that in an interview with "entertainment tonight." >> i was looking to see if you should give it up. she was act if she'd ever work with zoe sal dan know. she said that's a good idea, but she's pregnant with twins right now. she leaked the part about the twins. >> you think any harm was done. zoe, the month before revealed she was pregnant. i don't get the whole baby bump thing, how everybody is so fascinated. we're not the first people in the world to conceive children and get pregnant -- >> do you remember when you were pregnant with cody, how everyone was monitoring every inch. when he came, everyone was giving you blankets -- >> all of that was lovely. i don't mean that. i felt like i was the last person in the world who had never had a child. i just don't understand it. i'm happy for people when they're expecting a baby and everything. the way they look at everybody's stomach. no, it's a burrito. i had a burrito. i don't get it. >> a lot of early talk about it. we did reach out -- >> because we are nbc news. >> to zoe sal dan know's team. they have not returned our call. how do you feel when a friend reveals a secret by mistake? i did. i revealed my friend david, i won't say his last name. i thought he was completely out of the closet as a gay man. everybody in the world that i know knew him. he was laughing and when i saw him afterwards he goes you just outed me to the wol world? i said, i did? he just laughed about it. he wasn't trying to leave a secretive life. >> i think it's one of those things, if your friend's intentions are not harmful -- >> no malicious intent. >> we did this on the earlier hours. but we were blown away about this. you know what they say about real estate, location, location, location. would you ever live in this house? >> it's jetting out over the water in australia. >> that looks like an animal, looks like a goat with my eyes. >> it kind of does. it has five floors, three bedrooms. it's got a carport. >> a carport? we left that out this morning. where is the carport. it does have stunning views. >> i would be terrified of a little earl quake, a little shake-shake. >> they say don't be worried about it because it's very firmly lodged onto the cliff. what about if there is an earthquake and it shifts. >> tectonic plates move -- >> this is important. it was inspired by the way barnacles cling to a ship's hull. >> can you imagine drilling into the stone? >> how did they -- how did the construction guys do it? >> where was the guy hanging? where do you walk blake? >> there's not a lot. there is no lawn to mow as al pointed out. >> a new survey that may surprise you. they asked kids of parents ages 2 to 10 what can the kids do competently. more of the kids are more competent using a smart phone or tablet than they are swimming, telling time or tieing their shoe laces or even reading. they're more comfortable playing or knowing how to navigate that than tieing your shoe laces. >> there's velcro now. almost one-third of kids wean the ages of 2-4 have a tablet. i think that can be a good thing as long as it's not in front of them at all times. i told you about the time i twoent the restaurant the other day and all the kids not only had a tablet out, they were wearing headphones, at a table of about ten people. never, ever interacted at all with their parents or the other kids for two hours. >> i think this is going to be one of those things that the young generation that is having this as their main tool, years from now we'll find out about brain development. >> we have to do a call-out to you guys. ♪ everyone has a moment [ horns blowing ] >> if you have a story that's up lifting or inspiring or even funny, we want to know about it today, please, because we have it scheduled for next week and i haven't written it. >> how about if you have an incredible love story, right it down. go to kathie wants to write a song about it. you know what? i'm sleep deprived and this is going to get ugly. >> get ready for the guy who had no problem licking the competition in the guinness book of world records. why is actress jenna duwan tatum caught up in a love stri angle? girl: bye! cow: they grow up so fast baby: (giggles) cow: my bad. girl: would you like some tea? cow: yes please. girl: o.k. cow: (sniffling) i miss her so much already. get on skype at recess! mom: we're fine. we're fine. cow: ahhhhh vo: make us part of your family. look for nutritious dairy brands with the real california seals. mom: she's going to be done at noon. cow: (yells) noon! ahhhhhh definitely not routine. and that can take a lot of energy. nature valley breakfast biscuits. four biscuits, 26 grams of whole grains that give you the energy to help keep you going. i love nature valley breakfast biscuits. moisture without it hair falling flat? introducing dove oxygen moisture. it provides oxygen fused moisture. the moisture your hair needs with 95% more volume. dove oxygen moisture. of your daily routine. so why treat your mouth any differently. brushing alone does less than half the job leaving behind millions of germs. complete the job with listerine®. kill up to 99 percent of germs. and prevent plaque, early gum disease and bad breath. complete the job with listerine®. power to your mouth™. also try listerine® floss. its advanced technology removes more plaque. it's part of a hershey's bar. we break it. we bite it. we sneak it. we smoosh it. we savor it. we love it. hershey's is mine, yours, our chocolate. can a makeup really do that? meet l'oreal's new visible lift blur foundation. instantly erases lines, wrinkles, smoothes skin. this makeup does it all. try new visible lift blur. from l'oreal makeup designer/paris. she first caught our attention with her incredible dance moves in 2006 movie "step up." that's where she met her gorgeous husband of five years, channing tatum. >> now she's one of the stars of the supernatural lifetime show "witches of east end." she plays the beautiful and passionate fraya bow shaw, and the one caught in a love stri angle but thinks she's found a way to fix it. take a look. >> some sort of smell of smell him think he loves her and forget he loves me. >> i don't know, sweetie, you sound a little -- >> i am not crazy. this makes perfect sense to me. she's messing with his mind. why else would they have gotten married so fast? >> because he's in love with her. she's beautiful, intelligent and really, really sweet. >> she is not sweet. she is up to something, i can feel it. >> yes. i believed you totally. >> i feel it. >> you were having fun in that scene. that's called eating the scenery. >> so much fun. the show is so much fun. >> when you first saw the script, jenna, were you like i am totally in. >> totally. magical powers, love triangle, a family of strong women witches. it was like, across the board, i can't say no. >> does channing have trouble watching you in a love scene with another actor? >> to be honest, we're all such good friends and i have love scenes for like the same guy for two years who is also married. the four of us hang out. >> is that weird? >> it's kind of funny. it's a better situation. we're laugh at the scenes. it's so not romantic. i'm choreographing, i'm look put your arm down lower. it's really not like that. >> they say it's very clinical. i would never know. >> real chemistry in those situations? >> i think there has to be chemistry, but it's not always we're going to get married and we want to be together. it's like good friends. >> that's what it was like with channing, right? >> well, that, clearly that was a little different. >> we were just telling her before, everybody in the world comes through here, he's one of our favorite -- a true southern gentleman. from alabama? >> alabama and tampa. >> what was it that you fell for right away? >> i met him in the screen test. i was so nervous. tefs my second movie. he took me outside, he said do you want to run the lines. i said, uh-huh. >> so dare phiing. >> so terrifying. then we became really good friends. then it was like, he's really hot. then we had the connection. i tried to fight it. >> stop it. >> should we play a game. >> yeah. >> what are we calling it? >> which witch is it? >> all right. which witch said -- >> i'll get you, my pretty and your little dog, too. >> the wicked witch of the west? >> yes. >> in which movie did sandra bulluck and nicole kidman play witches? >> my favorite movie ever "practical magic." >> the things you learn when you haven't read your notes. >> who played -- >> it really is. look. it will not go down. >> that's fantastic. would you like to come be on our show? >> it's fine. who played the third witch in the 1993 film hocus pocus, bette midler, kathy gentleman jimmy, sarah jessica parker. >> sarah jessica parker. >> you get to keep the hat. >> and drink wine. >> and drink wine. >> we love you. >> give our love to your baby and to channing and all the success with everything. >> thank you so much. >> come see us any time. >> you can catch "witches of east end" sundays on lifetime. >> the hottest look to take you from your spin class to your kid's class. >> wait until you see what this guy can do, ♪ each year 17 billion toilet paper tubes are thrown away in the us alone. that's enough to fill the empire state building...twice. now there's scott naturals tube-free bath tissue. get the premium softness you need... ...without the wasteful tube. toss the tube for good with scott naturals tube-free. he loves me, he loves me not he loves me, he loves me not he loves me! warm and flaky in fifteen... everyone loves pillsbury grands. make dinner pop. you know.... there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies. they're delicious and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. mmmm. these are good! the tasty side of fiber. from phillips before ywith preference,ir ask yourself one question: "are you ready for all that attention?" because with l'oréal preference - there's no fading into the background. preference is luminous. for up to 8 weeks of fade-defying color. fade-defying preference by l'oréal. get ready to shine. apthai shrimp salad,bos now with crisp greens,w juicy shrimp, and sliced almonds. all tossed with a chili lime vinaigrette. better lunch choices never tasted so good. under 600 calorie lunch combos starting at just $6.99 only at applebee's. or they'll be ready for pick-up when you order online. compared to a dry duster, a can of pledge picks up more dust and cleans 100% of messes. pledge multi surface. dusts better. cleans more. pledge multi surface. what's your favorite kind of cheerios? 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yes, thanks for the ice cream. >> cheers. >> oh, my god. do people always ask you to stick your tongue out at parties? >> yes. but i can keep it concealed which is helpful. >> does this run in the family? >> yes, my younger brother chad has a similar proportion tongue. he might be in the book. >> that was weird. >> more guinness world records when we play something new with our crowd. >> plus comfy workout wear that doubles as trendy street wear after your local news. four wholesome grains. sugar. only six? six grams of sugar? that's really good. excellent, delicious... and yummy! honey bunches of oats. tasty! yummy! so here's the story the year is 1890. milton hershey has a killer recipe for caramel. flash forward - milton's recipe is reimagined into buttery rich, smooth, surprisingly soft crèmes. it's lancaster. it's caramel reimagined. can this decadent, fruit-top pastry with indulgent streusel crumbles be from... fiber one? fiber one streusel. available at walmart. good morning. enjoy today because it might feel like mid summer today. let's get our report from brittney shipp. >> we will snap into the middle of summer with our conditions pushing into the high 80s as we head into thursday. not today. we will see nice conditions, especially for the phillies game. temperatures in the high 70s for us. 70 in potsz town, 71 in all allento allentown. in atlantic city, 73. 71 in dover. for the rest of your day, we are going to see cloudy skies. a little bit of sunshine. by 3:00, 79. below our average of 81. police be careful with the storms tomorrow. >> thank you. the defense is set to open its case in the trial of the woman accused of abducting a 5-year-old from a philadelphia school and sexually assaulting her. christina regusters' defense attorney hasn't said if they will testify. she's accused of kidnapping the girl from her school in january of 2013. the trial is in its third week. happening now, trump entertainment resorts is having its first hearing in bankruptcy court. the company and its casinos filed for protection yesterday. it announced the trump taj mahal would shut down in november if it doesn't get concessions from workers. the trump plaza is scheduled to close next week. the new jersey labor department is hosting a career fair for casino workers who have lost their jobs. a resource center for the displaced workers that opened last week will wrap up today. a full hour of news coming up in 30 minutes. you can always get the latest news and weather on as a small business owner you don't deliver anything less than 100% to your customers. and at verizon fios we believe that you shouldn't settle for less than 100% of the internet. get upload speeds as fast as download speeds. so you can deliver 100% for your customers. switch now to get fios internet and phone with 99.9% network reliability for just $99.99 a month with a 2-year agreement and get $200 back. that's $200 to get america's only 100% fiber optic network. plus you'll get phone with unlimited nationwide calling all for just $99.99 a month. also get a firm price quote of your total monthly charges. as an extra bonus, get a free lg tablet or up to $200 toward any tablet from verizon wireless when you switch to fios. call 1.888.410.4404 now. no annual contract options are also available. just call 1.888.410.4404 now. 100% fiber optic internet that makes you small business ready. that's powerful. we're back with more of today on this wines day wednesday. we're treer to play our trivia game "who new." to celebrate the guinness book of world records, we teamed up with the folks to bring you the fun and wacky records of pop culture. kathie across the street, ready to hand out 100 bucks to anyone who get the questions right. those who don't get a fabulous cd. every one of you walks away with a guinness world records book. oh, my gosh. here to help me out, their spokesperson stewart claxton. >> this lady from iowa. nice to have you in new york. the guinness world record holder for the most liked person on facebook with over 100 million likes is mark zuckerberg, tom hanks, shakira or reanna. >> mark. >> oh, no. >> she's happy because she wanted my cd. >> the correct answer, a little surprising, shakira. >> yes. it was shakira. what put her over the top was a photo she tweeted from the american house stadium in rio just before the closing ceremony at which she performed of the world cup. >> high viewership there. >> a lot of people watching the world cup. >> lovely lady from philadelphia. silvio sabba holds a guinness world record for attaching 51 what to his face for one minute. safety pins, staples, leaches or clothespins? >> leaches. [ buzz ] >> aren't you glad it's not that? aren't you glad you got the cd. >> the correct answer and i want to see the correct answer, clothespin, 51 of them to his face. >> yes. one of our more prolific record breakers. he holds over 45 separate guinness world records. we hope he breaks many more in the process. >> how do you discover you're good at that. over to kat. this gentleman is from new jersey. in october 2013 a crowd in asbury park, new jersey, broke the record pour the most people on a barefoot stroll, dressinged at zombies, jumping rope -- >> i would say jumping rope. >> such a good day for me. >> the correct answer, gathering of zombies. >> yes, very appropriate maybe for this time of year with halloween coming up. in asbury park, 9,592 people dressed as zombies taking the record away from minneapolis in the process. >> there's a record for zombies in a park? >> exactly. >> all right. over to you. >> this lovely lady is from texas. are you having a good time? >> we always have a good time in new york. >> i bet you do. who earned the guinness world record for the richest person in the world? warren buffett, carlos slim helu, charles koch or bill gates? i'm going to say carlos. >> that's what i thought, too. you're wrong, ms. texas. but it's good news for you. >> the correct answer according to guinness, the richest person in the world, bill gates. >> bill gates. actually took the record away this year from carlos slim, the fill an per, huge charity work, $75.9 billion, making him the richest man in the world. >> time for one more, kath. >> what song holds the all time record for the most consecutive woox on the u.s. singles chart? >> i love it by icon nah pop, trez your by bruno mars or radioactive by imagine dragons. >> you know what? it was a sweep today. >> it really is a sweep. the correct answer "radioactive" by imagine dragon. >> 86 consecutive weeks in the u.s. top 100 chart, peaking as number three. >> it's anywhere in the top charts. >> exactly. >> all right, great. thank you, stewart. we appreciate it. from that antique vase to your grandma's wedding dress, when to hold on to and when to let go of those sentimental heirlooms around the house. how to wear your workout gear from pilates to a pta meeting coming up after this. for my grays, i only use excellence creme by l'oreal. excellence is the only one that gives me the rich color i want plus the rich care my hair needs. its secret? triple protection. it seals, replenishes, conditions. the color? absolutely gorgeous. and those grays? they'll be our little secret. there's a reason it's called excellence. super rich care for super rich color. excellence creme by l'oreal. we're worth it. angieby making it easy to buyng and schedule service excellence creme by l'oreal. by top-rated providers, conveniently stay up-to-date on progress, and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with the angie's list mobile app. visit today. i tell them aveeno®. because beautiful skin goes with everything. [ female announcer ] aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion has active naturals® oat with five vital nutrients naturally found in healthy skin. where do i wear aveeno®? everywhere. aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion.. and try the body wash too. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. aveeno®. when we're having this much fun, why quit? and bounty has no quit in it either. it's 2x more absorbent than the leading ordinary brand, and then stays strong, so you can use less. watch how one sheet of bounty keeps working, while their two sheets just quit. bounty. the no-quit picker-upper. what's the best way to tackle football season? new bounty nfl prints. available at walmart some people think vegetables are boring. but with green giant's delicious seasonings and blends, we just may change their minds. ho ho ho green giant! ♪ ♪ all the goodness of milk, all the deliciousness of hershey's syrup. eat right. not less. gorgeous grains at your service. hi! hi, this looks interesting! what's going on here? would you like to try some hot cereal? special k nourish hot cereal. special k? wow! wow! made with superfoods. superfoods sound good to me. there's uh... quinoa, barley i can definitely taste the quinoa. good! i can't believe that's less than 200 calories. to help you truly shine. this is a way to be good to me. nurturing yourself. what will you gain? blue jeans have been a staple in closets for more than a century. these days sales of democrat dem anyone are on the decline as the need for comfort has started to climb. >> everywhere ladies are in athletic wear whether headed to the gym . lilianna is the author of the cheap chica's guide to style. >> yoga pants seem like they're now a staple. >> they are mainstream. everyone has dapd it ath leisure. you can transition from working out to picking up your kids to going to brunch with your girlfriends. people want functionality and i think that's what's happening. these clothes are technical, but still fashion forward. >> you don't think it's because our waist lines are getting bigger? >> i think people are more active and wanting to incorporate that more. >> let's start with cameo. tell us about cameo's -- >> cameo is in this fabulous look. this is so transitional. all about the layers here. we started with this great vest from joe fresh. it's got a hood on it. and simply vera wine has come up with a leisure line for kohl's. it would look great with jeans as well. i'm obsessed with these yoga pants from a company called tiki. it's all about prints now. and then notice i took out the laces on those nikes and replaced them with hickeys. super easy to get on. >> thank you, cameo. next up we have rachel, and you decided to go a little metallic? >> i think what you need to do is dress up the athletic wear. metallics and holograms are huge in sportswear fashion. she has this great foil detail. i love the pop of neon. these are what i call track pants, they have an elastic waistband from forever 21, under $25. they're piped in leather across the waistband. how cool are those adidas kicks. super comfortable. you looks so cute and the jacket is something you can throw over in case it gets cool. also a great layering piece. >> thank you very much, rachel. next up you are laine. >> she's showing us the perfect post spin outfit. she's got this great rain jacket, this is from acos. it has the sporty feel with the varsity stripes on the sleeve. great tank top from victoria's secret. these are slim sweat pants, available at old navy. it's not your husband's sweat pants, a little more feminine and tailored to the body. everyone knows you want to slip into a sneaker easy. it's the it sneaker for fashion, the van's. you can slide them on and you're ready to go. >> and your hair looks good, too. >> love the curls on her. >> lastly we have phyllis. >> is phyllis here? >> there's phyllis. >> love phyllis. phyllis has finished an energized power walk and off to car pool. the jacket makes the piece. you're seeing brights in active wear. if you see a subtle pastel, it tones it down. only 60 bucks, top from forever 21. these are the knockout tight from victoria's secret, their best-selling athletic pant, and then bold sneakers are a must for all fashionistas. this is from new balance. they can incorporate with anything as simple as black -- >> can we show lilianna's dress. by the way, you rented it? >> i did, for 85 bucks. >> so cute. >> who is the designer? >> opening ceremony. >> thank you lovely ladies. are you still holding on to your kid's preschool paintings. >> we're going to help you finally let go of the precious keep take saeks? >> not lucy and ethel? >> yes. it's time. i was a negative nancy. but, thanks to, >> not lucy and ethel? >> yes. it's time. a take saeks? >> not lucy and ethel? >> yes. it's time. k take saeks? >> not lucy and ethel? >> yes. it's time. e take saeks? >> not lucy and ethel? >> yes. it's time. s take saeks? >> not lucy and ethel? >> yes. it's time. take saeks? >> not lucy and ethel? >> yes. it's time. ake saeks? >> not lucy and ethel? >> yes. it's time. for the credit you deserve to get all kinds of great stuff. [ doorbell rings ] oh, i hope that's our new espresso machine. and that hot delivery guy. ♪ years later, she still is. sara was glowing. and that hot delivery guy. nice'n easy color looks lit by the sun with luminous lowlights and shimmering highlights. she's more radiant than ever. nice'n easy, for the most natural shade of you. so i'm trying hellmann's with olive oil. let's see what happens. that's not hellmann's on your sandwiches. it's hellmann's with olive oil. whaddaya want, a parade? [ laughter ] bring 'em over here. c'mon. [ laughter ] nature valley crunchy granola bars give you energy from 1/3 of your daily whole grains, so 1/3 of this commercial is dedicated to what you could do with all that energy. energy for getting dizzy at the beach. it's eb. want to give your family the very best in taste, freshness, and nutrition? it's eb. eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. with roc multi correxion 5 in 1. hydrate dryness, illuminate dullness, lift sagging, diminish the look of dark spots, and smooth the appearance of wrinkles. roc® multi correxion 5 in 1. high performance skincare™. now for a flawless look, roc perfecting cream. the only bb cream with the wrinkle fighting power of roc retinol. new from roc. like most of us, you probably have some family heirlooms or keep steaks around the house you keep tucked away for sentimental reasons. >> chances are you'll probably never use most of them. it's just a bunch of stuff as george carlin puts it. >> that's all your house is a place to keep your stuff while you go out and get more stuff. sometimes, sometimes you've got to move, you've got to get a bigger house. why? too much stuff. you've got to move all your stuff and maybe put some of your stuff in storage. imagine that, there's a whole industry based on keeping an eye on your stuff. >> oh, wow, george, loved him so much. how do you finally let go or at least get it organized? we brought in a professional to help. barbara reach who aarp magazine calls the queen of clean. >> hi. >> you can get very attached. >> it's hard. if something belonged to a grandmother or something, you can't imagine tossing it, right? tell us about the bond we have with our stuff. >> the psychological brd of what heirlooms, silver, china, portraits to keep is paralyzing for people. it's very hard to let go of these people, particularly when you have a family mem were say i'm giving this to you to keep because i know you'll take care of it or you'll keep it in the family. >> or you won't butt it on ebay. >> a very heavy burden. >> how do you sort out what things are of value, personal value orman tear value and what you should just discard? >> i like to ask three questions. the first question i ask is does it make you happy? when you look at this thing, if it makes you happy, that's great. if it doesn't, it might be time to let it go. >> like the elephant. >> if the elephant isn't making you happy -- >> what are the other questions this. >> is it your memory? you're not responsible for other people's memories. if it's not your memory, you can let it go. if you don't have the physical space for it and you're not going to get a storage unit, you can also let it go. >> what's the third one? >> physical space, if you don't have physical space for it. >> i like the idea of consolidating things so you can somehow save them or make them smaller. >> absolutely. for example, pictures can be digitized very easily. i know in my family we have certain letters and pictures of relatives that my father has put on disk and tall cousins have it. it's a beautiful thing to have, beautifulment for example, this is my grandmother's recipe box. >> which you want to keep. >> which i can't to keep. i haven't cooked a meal in 20 years, i look the recipe box with the food stains on it and my grandmother's handwriting. the other thing i would say is don't give somebody a box of old ticket stubs. if a memory is worth preserving, preserve it. put it in an album chronologically so it makes sense and is a real keep sake for people. >> let's go back here. this is a like a world war ii uniform. >> world war ii uniform. >> beautiful, or things that are of such personal value. how do you keep, store and hang on to these? >> these are very emotional. particularly the baby clothes, the wedding dress. the key thing is store it in a box where it's with moth balls, acid free. take good care of it. if something is important enough for you to save it, make sure you save it properly. >> did you save your wedding dress? >> it's upstairs in the cedar closet. i can't get one leg into it but i've got it. >> what about these? >> what about sports equipment? >> we have a lot of that. >> one of the things when you're deciding what you have and what you should keep and what you shouldn't keep, think about whether it has value. is it something that can be sold. can it be con signed? >> at our house -- >> thank you so much, barbara. 1300 beauty products tested. we've got the 12 best. >> first this is "today" on nbc. can be intimidating. take your kids on a walk through the online neighborhood. show them sites you feel are acceptable. teach them how to deal with cyber bullies and encourage them to navigate safely. the more you know. no one can stop the clock on aging, but you can turn back the hands of time a little bit by looking your best with the right beauty products. >> i love this segment. the folks at "prevention" magazine tried out more than a thousand of them in all kinds of categories. here are the top beauty award winners. executive editor olessa pindeck is with us. >> for 2014, huh? >> let's talk skin care and the best kay cream. >> these are all scientifically proven, backed by independent research so we know they work. the best day cream is a strivectin product. it has retinol in it, but made for the day because it has spf 30. >> what about under the eyes? >> something that bugs all of us. this product from origins is so great because it treats all the different things that bug you, puffiness, dark circles, everything that's going to bug you. >> so these are not necessarily the most expensive products, just the best products. >> that's right. >> night cream you have roc. >> it's a multi-tasker, treats from dark circles to wrinkles. >> i love roc. >> these are body lotions. >> everybody has a lotion that they love. what makes this so cool is the delivery system. you have to try spraying it. we've seen this kind of technology in something like a spray -- like a self-tanner. but this is now lotion form. no more excuses for scaley skin. >> okay. >> it drys really quickly. >> the body wash? >> this is something everybody should have, great for sensitive skin. it has no dyes, no irritants. it's very moisturizing. it's a great basic to add. >> by oil of olay. >> the best conditioner, we couldn't decide. we have both a neutragena and garnier that we loved. when we had them tested, they both scored the same on shine and combability. and the best shampoo, we can always expect something from living proof. this is no exception. it actually has a molecule that goes around each strand of hair and prevents dirt from sticking to it. dry shampoo is every busy woman's best friend. >> looks great. >> she's got great hair. >> it looked good before you sprayed it. >> let's do makeup. mass cara? >> this is a fantastic one from physicians formula. it goes on really nicely, gives you volume. it gives you length and strength, but it also comes off really easily. >> best concealer? >> best concealer is japanesque. you can use it under the eyes for dark circles. >> powder? >> powder, this we like to call the best instagram filter for your face. kate has it on. >> kate is wearing it? >> yes. it gives you a beautiful glow. >> kate looked good before, too. >> the best lipstick. >> triple threat three in one. right now at 11:00 a.m., breaking news to tell you about. nbc 10 has just learned the philadelphia woman charged with kidnapping and sexually assaulting a 5-year-old will not take the stand in her own defense. christina regusters made that decision a short time ago. what can you tell us? >> reporter: from what we're being told is that inside up on the 11th floor, the defendant christina regusters stood up and said she will not be taking the stand today. we do understand also that two character witnesses have taken the stand though. one of them a woman who wor


Transcripts For WCAU NBC 10 News At 9am 20141213

craig, the first female firefighter to die in the line of duty in philadelphia. family, friends, and fellow firefighters are paying their respects at this morning's %cpy÷ viewing. this was the scene last night at the first viewing. the mother of two died tuesday battling a house fire in west oak lane. investigators say that craig was trying to rescue an elderly woman from the basement of thee house when somehow craig became trapped. as i mentioned, the final viewing is under way right now. the funeral follows at 10:00. pennsylvania governor tom corbett has ordered flags to be flown at half-staff in craig's honor. new from overnight, one person is dead after this car crashed into a tree then caught on fire in philadelphia. these are pictures of the scene of the accident on north fifth street and west roosevelt boulevard. we spoke with one witness who said he tried to rescue the driver. >> we tried to break the windows to get someone, anyone out. and within seemed like seconds it just erupted in flames, and there wasn't really anything else we could do. >> police have not released the victim's identity and are investigating the cause of the crash. also new from overnight. a driver is in very critical condition after a police chase and crash. nbc10 was on the scene where it all ended at boulevard in northeast philadelphia. they started chasing the suv in bensalem, bucks county, before midnight. about a hour later driver lost control and the suv flipped over several times. investigators have not said why they were chasing the driver in the fist place. crews are pouring millions of pounds of concrete at the site of comcast new innovation and technology center. this is a live pictureeá(yw oveh and arch streets in center city where philadelphia's tallest skyscraper will stand when all the construction is complete. nbc10's matt delucia is live in center city. matt, work has been going on there all morning long. and they are getting closer to finishing. tell us about it. >> reporter: rosemary, the hope is to get all the concrete poured in the next couple of hours. workers have been out here since midnight and they started pour that cop krencrete at 1:00. most of the work is happening 40 feet fwe low us. that is the foundation for the elevator core of this building. it's the first major step. and when this tower is done it will be 59-s&tx stories tall an tallest skyscraper in the city. that foundation@z will be ten ft thick. most of it is underneath all of that rebar that you see there. but we should have a three-inch layer of concrete there at the surface when it's all done. pl concrete does th take, you ask?w 4,000 cubic yards and 400 truckloads. one after@s(ñ? another, concret trucks are pulling up on arch street and unloading. when those. giant arms you see there are pumps that are push that concrete into the ground. with pietrini and sons. mike, tell me what'sshof going here. how important is this foundation for the structural integrity of the building. >> this is the crucial element for the underneath if pour structure. 4,000 yards of concrete coming in and being placed. after this the core structure is going to be built above5.b it a it it. that will rise above it and the structural steel will tie into it and it sustains the building. >> the big question is when can we start seeing this building rise from the ground here? >> we're5vx actually -- within week we're going to start on the elevator core structure itself. but it's going to be an overall -- about 16-month progress to build the structure floor. and then actually what i said is structural steel will follow behind it and basically from there you will see the output out building. >> a lot of work going on. thank you for your time. give you another look. we were down there not long ago but this is all together going to be the new comcast technology and innovation center. it's also the new home of nbc10 as comcast is our parent company. but for now though the only road that's being affected, as we talk about traffic, that would be arch street between 18th and 19th street. you see all that activity with all the concrete trucks. they're constantly moving into police. 18th and 19th streets are not affected. keep that in mind. if you're heading out this morning, i was just talking with mike, he tells me this they're hoping to get arch street here, this little stretch here, reopened by 5:00 today. hopefully a little bit before then if they get all this clean-up done. live in center city, matt delucia, nbc10 news. >> very exciting. thank you, matt. we'll check back with you soon. this morning new information about a man philadelphia police believe may will responsible for a series of attacks on college students in university city. last night a judge arraigned 1i'psqáh!art and set his bail. police say officers caught barrett in the act as he was attacking a 38-year-old penn graduate student in university city on thursday night. he is suspected in several other assaults on female students at penn and drexel over the past week. authorities are holding barrett on $150,000 bail. there's also new information in the shooting of rapper and philadelphia native beanie sigel. police have named two people of interest in the case as the rapper remains in critical condition following the shooting outside of his house in pleasantville last week. detectives want to talk to a man named ricky childress whom they already questioned but released. the other person of interest is sigel's sister-in-law, camilla. investigators are trying to contact her. from the nbc10 south jersey bureau, police arrested a man in the murder of a camden county grandmother. susan johnson was last seen leaving her house last week in glocester township.hçt police found her body early friday in evesham township. diaz beat 59-year-old johnson to death in her mobile home. johnson invited diaz and a woman to stay with her. they had all been living together for a couple of months. police believe a fight over money sparked the deadly beating. investigators say after the murder, diaz dumped johnson's body in the woods near willow ridge park. he will be arraigned on monday. do you recognize this man? police are hope that somebody does. they say he sexually assaulted and robbed a woman in atlantic city early thursday morning. the man approached the woman just off atlantic avenue. investigators say he forced her into an alley at knife point. police released this surveillance picture and want to talk to the man seen here in the dark puffy jacket. now to the atlantic city casino crisis. this morning we're looking at revenue numbers from the past year. the new jersey division of gaming enforcement released the figures yesterday. comparing this past november to november 2013 when there were 12 casinos and internet gambling was brand new, the casino market in atlantic city took in 10.3% less revenue. but when only the 8 can ssinos still operateing are considered, revenue increased year over year by 11 1/2%. four casinos have closed and the trump taj mahal could be the fifth. it's set to close one week from today unless a last-minute deal is reached. as for revel casino, a bankruptcy court judge voided2u its proposed sale to a canadian firm. revel wants the court to let the auction's runner-up buy the property. we'll learn more about that in january. california is coping with mudslides and flooding caused by heavy rain. still ahead, a look at the aftermath. that rain out west had threatened this roc+jo launch. we'll show you how it finally got off the ground. this is a live picture of the bachelor brothers funeral home where family, friends, and kx paying their respects for the last viewing of joyce craig. she is the first female philadelphia firefighter to die in the line of duty. many of our comrades are out there and fire trucks, of course, making the way for the funeral procession. to start at 10:00, the last and final viewing is already under way. now let's take a live picture from our camera in center city. this is at 18th and arch streets. crews are pouring foundation, concrete for the foundation of what will be philadelphia's tallest skyscraper. this will be the site of comcast innovation and technology center. it will be the site, home to con cast software engineers, technology experts, all the innovators in comcast. also inside this 59-story skyscraper will be the four subpoenas hotel and nbc10 and telemundo 62. we are moving our operations downtown into the heart of philadelphia. as you can see the crews are busy at work. they've been out there since past midnight. we'll get another update on their progress from matt delucia at 9:30. new from overseas this morning. militants killed two u.s. troops in afghanistan during an insurgent attack on a convoy. authorities say it was part of a series of attacks that also saw taliban fighters gunned down at least a dozen/q bñ workers who clearing land mines. international official tells the associated press that the two americans were killed26 46áu nit near bagram air base just sought side the capital city of kabul. the attack also took the life of an afghan court official. new from overnight, at least eight people are dead. more than 100 are missing after a mudslide in indonesia. heavy rains set off the slide which buried some houses and swept away dozens of others. back here in the u.s., people in california are also dealing with the aftermath of a mudslide. flash floods and even a small tornado. it's the result of the pineapple express storm system. that's from hawaii and it's been pounding the west coast with heavy rains and high winds. the mudslide swallowed more than a dozen homes and in a rare occurrence in southern california a small tornado touched down in los angeles. the extreme weather conditions have certainly kept emergency crews very busy. firefighters rescued at least two people from the los angeles river this week. the storm system has killed two people in oregon and has left tens of thousands there without power. the rain california had delayed this launch on thursday, but it went off without a hitch last night at vandenberg air force base. this atlas 5 rocket lit up the skies as it climbed into space. the rocket is headed for orbit and is carrying a secret payload for the national reconnaissance office. now to news in washington. today the senate will meet for a rare saturday session scheduled to begin in just about three hours from now. lawmakers are debating a major spending bill that will keep the government running. the house passed the $1.1 trillion bill on thursday. senate democrats are split over some provisions in the bill but they're expected to pass it. a vote could happen as early as monday. president obama will not be in washington on monday. he will be in south jersey to visit joint base lake hurst to thank troops and families for their service. the military base is home to more than 38,000 active duty, reserve, and guard members as well as civilian workers and their family members. the time is 9:13. when we come back, we'll meet this week's wednesday's child who has a real sense of adventure. and if you are heading out to run holiday errands today, looks like the weather will cooperate but definitely grab that hat, right, michelle? >> yeah, actually need the hat, the gloves, the coat. it is cold. perfect for errands. you could be outside. you don't need the umbrella. live look outside. or you could be skiing. a live look at the pocono mountains. cold start to the day. we're going to be cold throughout the day with a breeze. we'll talk more about that and your seven day in just a bit. if week's wednesday's child is a smart young guy with a real sense of adventure. he's more than ready to find his for ever family. nbc10 introduces us to janai. >> hey, kelly. >> hello. >> going to give us a step? >> he's a smart and friendly 12-year-old with a healthy come climbing wall at the sports arena. how are you+kí0 doing? >> bad. you're all of the way up there. i'm down here. >> reporter: we had a great time racing each other and had lots of laughs. he's very quiz tive and loves trying new things. >> he is very energetic. he has a lot of personality. he's a very caring young man. he loves to ask lots of questions and he enjoys learning so he is a very bright young man. >> reporter: janai is currently in the fifth grade and enjoys school. he loves math and science and knows what he wants to do in the future. why do you like science and math? >> well, i'm trying to become a physicist when i grow up. >> a physicist? >> yes. >> reporter: he also knows what he wants in a family. >> i want a family that likes -- that likes to go out, that likes to go out places, likes to travel. i want a family that will have my back in times and that will also -- that will also like -- like take care of me, protect me. >> oh, yeah. >> reporter: the ideal family will support and motivate him to reach his goals. >> he will do best in a two-parent household. he requires a family that can give him lots of one-on-one attention. >> reporter: he would make a loving addition to any home. >> oh! >> yes! >> reporter: janai is this week's ed wednesday niece child. >> you can make a dream come true for any wednesday's child sponsored by the dave thomas foundation. all you have to do is go to our website,, and search wednesday's child. or you can call the national adoption center at 1-866-do-adopt. now your nbc10 first alert weather. >> all right. good saturday morning. meteorologist michelle grossman. we are cold this morning. we're breezy. we're going to keep it that way throughout the day. we're dry. we're not going to see any rain falling this weekend. weather headlines on your saturday morning. seeing windchills in the 20s. air temperature in the 30s. bundle up. it is breezy. the breeze will be in place today and on sunday before it eases back on monday. looking at a couple of days this week. finally, sunshine. we have the snow, we had the rain, we had the nor'easter this week but we are dry this weekend. looking quiet actually. here's a looki/yl outside from adventure aquarium camera. temperatures, cold. winds out of the northwest at 15 miles per /] that northwesterly flow in place bringing the windchills into the 20s. right now seeing the air temperatures in the 30s, 36 in allentown. 34 in lancaster. 38 in philadelphia. 29 in mount pocono. to the south and east, looking at the 30s. 35 in atlantic city. 33 in dover. 38 degrees in wilmington. a cold start to the day. we are looking at windchills around 20, 29 in philadelphia. 27 in reading. 27 in atlantic city. 20s all across the area is what it feels like. feels like the teens in mount pocono. feels like 16 degrees. certainly bundle up there. there is that northwesterly flow coming from canada. we're seeing winds sustained around 20 miles per hour in wilmington. up to 15 in philadelphia. gusting higher than that. so wind gusts as we go throughout time, plan on that throughout the day. 34 miles per hour. by 8:00, so)2ep your saturday plans may be breezy. same story on sunday. bring back that breeze. it's going to be around for the eagles game and eases on monday. set up low pressure to the northeast. that was a nor'easter. high pressure building in. that's that chilly breeze and it will stick around for two days. today, 40 to r3. partly sunny skies. winds out of the northwest at y miles per hour. seven-day forecast today. partly sunny, breezy. sunday, the eagles play a nighttime game. up to 46. by the time the game starts, 40 and then dropping back into the 30s. lots of sunshine during the day though. monday, that looks to be a nice day. milder, 48. mostly sunny. tuesday will be even milder than that but we're going to bring back showers. also clouds, mostly cloudy, 50 degrees. 40s on wednesday prks 46, breezy. mostly cloudy. before we see mostly sunny skies. chilly on friday. a high of 43. it's going to be a sunday night showdown in south philly. here's a live look at lincoln financial field where the eagles will cost the rival cowboys tomorrow night. the winner walks away with seol possession of first place in the division. nbc10 is the only place you can watch it. sunday night football bus is in town parked outside the ronald mcdonald house in university city yesterday. the kids there and their families got vip tours of the bus. the bus is making several stops in the area before tomorrow night's game. you can find a list of all those stops on our website, and again, nbc10 is your place for the sunday night showdown. the birds versus the boys, live at the link. football night in america starts at 7:00. game time is 8:20. after the game, be sure to watch our special live post-game report with player interviews and reaction. it's all sunday night right here on nbc10. coming up, a little girl has a special christmas wish for santa. ñe daddy back? >> uh-huh. >> would her wish come true? find out, next. at 9:24 this morning. here is a live look at the center city skyline where you can see we do have clouds out there but we will get a little bit of sun later on today. it's not going to help us out so much because temperatures are only going to warm into the 40s. it will be a little bit better for tomorrow but we are dealing with breezy conditions. keep that in mind when you head out the door. ♪ they were ringing in the holiday season in south jersey. nbc10 was in camden county last night as the autobahn junior and senior high school choirs had their rendition of "twas the night before christmas." this is the 87th year for the concert nnchts north jersey a department store santa makes a christmas wish come true for the youngest members of a military family. take a listen. >> you want your daddy back? >> uh-huh. >> when this little girl asked santa to bring her soldier dad home from kuwait, little did she realize her wish would be granted so quickly. a few moments later came the big surprise for her and her little brother. >> daddy. >> daddy! >> daddy! >> it is huh. even with all the technology, all the skype and everything like that, it's just not the same. it's just not the same as seeing them every day and, you know, waking up and making pancakes. and they're going to getq$-8f sd rot on the. absolutely rotten. >> proof that santa is real and makes things happen. sergeant archibald says he has no plans to return overseas for another tour of duty. city ahead on "nbc10 news today," matt delucia is live at a major project in center city that will change the philadelphia skyline. matt? >> rosemary, the pouring continues at this hour in the form of millions of pounds of concrete. i'll explain what's going on to give you a live look. but first, michelle grossman has first alert forecast. the folks out here tell me this is great weather for pouring concrete. >> i'm so happy to hear that. we're not seeing rain. a little breezy. a little chilly. i guess it's keeping them cool pouring all that concrete. not a bad weekend. we are tracking some showers in your seven day. here's a live look outside. partly cloudy skies in cape may. ing looking good . right now on "nbc10 news today," philadelphia's first female firefighter who lost her life on the job will be laid to rest. you're looking live outside the funeral home. we'll show you how the community is honoring the mother of two. right now in city center, crews are pouring the concrete foundation for the new comcast innovation and technology center in a live report, we'll explain how the building will change the philadelphia skyline. cold, but dry conditions today for all the skiers and snowboard wes at camel back resort in the pocono mountains. across the region, the weather will cooperate for any outdoor activities you may want to do today. good morning. welcome back to "nbc10 news toda today". i'm rosemary connors. it's 9:30 on this saturday morning. meteorologist michelle grossman is tracking the weekend weather. all things considered, not a bad saturday for december. a week ago it rained all day. >> that's right. all day and all night. yeah, that was not nice last saturday. but today, yeah, pretty nice. looking at pretty nice weekend. as you mentioned, it is cold but it is december so feeling good for december. here's a live look outside. we are looking at partly cloudy skies across the area. some spots seeing more cloud cover to the west but we are more sunshine today which is good news. temperatures right now, 37 in allentown. 34 in lancaster. 38 in philadelphia. then we're looking at 33 in dover just above freezing there. factor in the winds. the winds will be a factor throughout the day. we'll have breezy conditions. it feels like the 20 nasdaq most spots. feels like 29 in philadelphia and it feels like just 16 degrees in mount pocono. if you do have things to do over the next couple hours dress for the 20s. as rosemary said, bupdle up. wear the coat, the hat, the gloves. it is cold. by 11:00, 37. by 3:00, looking at 42 degrees. breezy the entire way. it will be breezy today. breezy once again on sunday, effort eagles game. we'll talk more about that coming up. >> thanks, michelle. happening right now, family, friends, and fellow firefighters are saying their fine theal good-byes to joyce craig. she is the first female firefighter to die while on a call in philadelphia. this is a live picture out side of the viewing in west oak lane. it's where loved ones and as you can see, many of her comrades, co-workers, firefighters are paying their respects. this is the last viewing for joyce craig. this was the scene last night outside of the first viewing for craig. the mother of two died tuesday battling a house fire in west oak lane. investigators say she was trying to rescue an elderly woman from the basement of the house when somehow craig got trapped. as we said, the final viewing for joyce craig is under way right now. it's happening in west oak lane. the funeral will follow in just about half an hour from now at 10:00. pennsylvania governor tom corbett has ordered flags to be flown at half-staff in craig's honor. it was a fiery crash overnight in philadelphia. one person is dead after this car crashed'ciá= aó;óv tree, caught on fire at north fifth street and west roosevelt boulevard. one witness tells nbc10 that he and others rushed to the scene but it was too late to pull the driver out. the car had burst into flames. the victim's identity has not been released yet. police are now investigating exactly what caused this crash. also new from overnight. a driver is in very critical condition after a police chase and a crash. nbc10 was on this scene at the boulevard in northeast philadelphia where it all ended. police say it started in bensalem, bucks county. they were chasing the driver of the suv just before midnight. about an hour later, the driver lost control of the suv and the car flipped over several times. right now we're working to find out exactly why police were chasing that driver. as soon as we get more information, we will pass it along. now to news in delaware county. crews were called out to battle here's a look at the scene at ninth and ridge avenue. everybody made it out safely but initial reports said that people were trapped inside the second floor. that's where fire officials say the blaze started. right now they are trying top2x determine exactly how it began. happening right now in center city, laying the foundation for what will be philadelphia's tallest skyscraper. for the past eight hours now crews have been pouring millions of pounds of concrete. this is the site of comcast new innovation and technology center. nbc10's matt delucia has a front row seat for all the action. he's been updating us all morning long. what's the progress at this point? >> reporter: rosemary, we've been out here all morning. the workers have been out here since midnight. they started pouring all of this concrete around 1:00 this morning. let me get out of the way and you can get a better look. you're looking down about 40 feet down at the foundation for the elevator core of this building. it's the first major step of this project here. that foundation will be ten feet thick. most of it is underneath all of that rebar. but we will have about a three-inch layer of concrete there at the surface. just within the past 10 to 15 concrete filling up toward the we're going to have one big concrete slab. it's a lot of concrete. we have 400 truckloads coming in here one after another. you see those trucks right up there on arch street betweenu[& 18th and 19th. they pull up and unload. you see those giant arms there. there are three arms. they are pumps that are taking the concrete from these trucks and pushing them down into the ground. and this will be the site of the new comcast technology and innovation center. z the new home of nbc10. comcast is our parent company. and for now, as we talk about traffic, you can see that the up there is arch between 18th and 19th streets. 18th and 19th are not effected but i've been talking to the project manager. he tells me they're hoping to get all the concrete into the ground here within the next couple of hours. hopefully by noon. and then get the road cleaned up by 5:00 this afternoon. live in center city, i'm matt delucia, nbc10 news. >> before you go, i heard you mention to michelle that the workers out there actually are appreciating these colder temperatures. tell us about it. >> reporter: yeah, the folks out here are telling me that because the temperatures are chilly right now, it actually helps that concrete to cool. it's also good there's no rain or snow, but they were planning to be out here rain or shine. >> great, matt delucia live for news center city. thank you, matt. we have some new information this morning about a man whom police believe may be responsible for a series of attacks on local college students in university city. last night a judge arraigned 55-year-old james barrettnd set his bail. five different assaults have happened on or near the drexel and penn campuses over the past few days. they caught barrett in the act attacking a penn graduate student in university city thursday night. authorities are holding him on $150,000 bail. we also have new information in the case of the 17-year-old boy who is accused of murdering his father in kent county, delaware. authorities tell nbc10 that shane ramsey used a cross bow to kill his father. officers found todd ramsey's body inside the family home in harrington on thursday. according to an aft david, the teen skipped school and knew his dad would be upset so he shot him. now to the atlantic city casino crisis. we're looking at revenue numbers for the past year. new jersey division of gaming enforcement released the figures yesterday. comparing this past november, so november 2014 to november 2013, when there were 12 casinos and internet gambling was brand new, the casino market in atlantic city took in 10.3% less revenue. but, when only the eight casinos that are still operating are considered, revenue increased by 11 1/2% year over year. the deal is officially dead to sell the revel casino, that's the other news we're following out of atlantic city. bankruptcy court judge awarded the sale to brookfield asset management. the canadian firm won a court auction for the casino but could not resolve a fight over old debt. revel wants the court to let the kaukz's runner-up buy the property. a hearing on that request will be held on january, on the 5th. a south jersey college now owns the formern showboat hote and casino in atlantic city. stockton will turn the site into a branch campus to promote economic and community development. it will include hundreds of rooms for student housing. the college expects to have at least part of the atlantic city campus operating in spring of 2015. the showboat closed its doors in august. hey, if you're going to be heading down to the flyers game today they're hoping that you can help them spread a little bit of holiday cheer. of course, this is a live look at the link. that's where tomorrow night's game is against the eagles and the cowboys. if you're going to the flyers game tonight at the wells fargo center, bring unwrapped toys to the game. all donated toys will go to the salvation army of greater philadelphia's toy drive. it's a place where there's plenty of sun but you better not pack your bathing suit. a hot new vacation spot. that's anything but hot. at 9:42, live picture in west oak lane where, as you can see, fellow firefighters and i'm sure police officers are paying their respects at the last viewing for 36-year-old joyce craig. she is the first female philadelphia firefighter to die while on the job. she served for 11 years and was one of only 150 women in the philadelphia fire department. another live picture, this comes to us from center city. this is looking over 18th and arch streets in is where the concrete is being poured in the foundation of/nk comcast innovn and technology center. if we can just remove that changing skyline bug you can get a better look at what those crews are doing. there you go. you can see it. at this point it looks like that deep pit there. they're putting in the concrete, 400 trucks. that's what's trucking in all that concrete. they've been out there since just after midnight. they figured it would take them 10 to 12 hours. they're getting ready to wrap up this work. this building here will become the city's tallest skyscraper. 59 stories tall. today you can get help signing up for health care under the affordable care act at the winter health and resources fire at the gallery in philadelphia. you can get one-on-one assistance at the fire whiair w runs from 11:00 to 7:00. monday is the deadline to for coverage that willb begin o january 1st. this time of year a lot of people, if not everybody, wants to head someplace warm for vacation. the ne;8x vacation hot spot is anything but hot. explorers and thrill seekers are flocking to the mountains of antarctica. this has become the new trend. the union glacier camp is an all inclusive getaway. guests live in double walled tents that are specially heated by the 24-hour sunlight. they're not really wearing their bathing suits or shorts. they're bundled up there. the cost for the breathtaking you about 400 bucks per night. i think i'll settle for something in the caribbean. right? somewhere nice and warm. excitement is building for the eagles' match-up with the cowboys. up next in sports, mark sanchez explains why players dream about games like the one you will see here on nbc10 tomorrow night. and looks like the weather will be great for that game. a little cold if you're going the watch the game in the stands. temperatures in the 30s by the end of that game. today though, looking at temperatures in the low 40s. we're looking at clouds this morning to start out with depending on where you are. we'll talk more about that and also look towards your workweek in just a few minutes. a good saturday morning, i'm meteorologist michelle grossman. we had a cold week all week long. we had the snow, the rain, the coastal storm. temperatures never really made it above normal for this time of year. we're not going to get there again today. we're going to be right around 42. below the average, which is 45. it looks like we will get there the next couple of days. looking at clouds in some spots. we're going to call it partly cloudy by this afternoon for everybody. mostly cloudy in philadelphia if 38 degrees. off to a cold start. breeze in place at 15 miles per hour. it's going to feel colder than that 38. looking at temperatures across the region. mainly in the 30s. west. reading, mostly cloudy in philadelphia philadelphia. atlantic city, bright sunshine. with are seeing agb%o differenc depending on where you are. the satellite, clouds back to the v='ntqáu full sunshine to the east at philadelphia. everyone will end up seeing partly cloudy skies as we head temperatures are mainly in the 30s. lots of blue on the map. 38 in philadelphia. 37 in allentown. 34 in lancaster. 35 in atlantic city. 39 in northeast philadelphia. 5 is we have a northwesterly wind. cold wind from canada. seeing windchills in the 20s. that's what it feels like. 29 in philadelphia. feels like 27v'2 lancaster and 27 in atlantic city. as you take the kids out this morning, take yourself out. dress for the 20s because that'o what you will feel. winds out of the northwest. we're going to seewósh sustainl day long, from 10 to 15 miles per hour. gusting higher than that. right now seeing sustained winds at 20 miles per hour in wilmington. 14 miles per hour in reading. that is making us feel colder than it is. plan on this as you head through today. also tonight into tomorrow. the breeze stays in place for the eagles on sunday. we're looking at temperatures at the start of the game at 40 degrees. a cold start but it's december so dress for december temperatures. and then by the fourth quarter temperatures dropping into the 30s. we'll have that northwesterly wind. feeling colder than the actual air temperatures. tonight, temperatures dropping to the 20s and 30s. for today, 40 in allentown. 41 in northeast philadelphia. along the shore points, mainly low 40s. 40 in cape may. in philadelphia, 42 degrees. so a nice day. nice weekend. quiet weekend. not looking at rain or snow. we are looking atpmhredecember- weather. partly sunny skies today. tomorrow, mostly sunny, breezy, 46. milder, above normal. by monday, mild( 48 degrees. mostly sunny. tuesday, we change a little bit. bring the clouds back in. mostly cloudy. spotty shower. bring the umbrella. you may need the windshield wipers, too. by wednesday, temperatures back into the 40s and breezy. 45 on thursday. mixture of sun and clouds and chilly on friday. high of 43. good morning to you. hope you're enjoying your saturday. i'm danny pommells from comcast spors net. the weekend is upon us and that means one thing. we're getting, oh, so close9o eagles and cowboys sunday night at the link. everybody getting fired up for the match-up for nfc east supremacy. f ♪ yesterday comcast sports helped alumni. a lucky fan won a pair of tickets to the game. as for the birds, they're embracing the pressure. >> just don't talk about, okay, this is throw me a pitch and it's 1-1 in the middle of the second inning. nobody says that. nobody practices that. everybody says, bottom of the ninth, full count, two outs, bases loaded, that kind of thing. so that's when you want the ball in your hands. and i'm just, you know, blessed and excited about getting that opportunity. >> and, oh, baby, if you're not nbc10, your place for comprehensive eagles/cowboys coverage. football night in america starts at 7:00. kickoff is at 8:20. after the game be sure to watch our special live postgame report with player interviews and reaction. it's all sunday night where else but right here on nbc10. another football note to pass along. arbitrator upheld the indefinite suspension of vikings running back adrian peterson. peterson hasn't played since september when he was charged with child abuse for disciplining his 4-year-old son in texas. last month he pled no contest to a charge of misdemeanor reckless assault. peterson is expected to appeal the decision in federal court. to the hardwood. sixers visiting the nets. second quarter. tony to his backcourt mate michael carter williams rising up for the alley-oop. 30 quarter. ncu doing it himself with a two-handed whammy right down the paint. ties the game at 56-56. the nets too tough, though. they win 88-70. sixers now 2-20 on the season. to the ice, flyers host the carolina hurricanes. 1:00 matinee today here at the wells fargo center. we'll have it for you at comcast sportsnet. prep pigskin now. aaa state title in hershey. jarrett mcclendon had himself a night. 50-yard scamper in the third quarter. in the fourth quarter he was back at it.(-lñ cuts it back and kid has more moves than a u-haul truck. breaks a tackle. 232 yards rushing and four scores in this one. wood repeats a state q championship, champions, winning 33-14. that's sports. i'm danny pommells from comcast sportsnet. have a great weekend. what's possible today? wi-fi access in more places then ever before. all your favorites in the cloud and on every device. a home you control with the touch of a finger. news and entertainment that informs and delights in ways you never thought possible. comcast nbcuniversal bringing media and technology together for you. one of the larnlg largest concrete pours in philadelphia history is under way right now. the ten-foot thick layer of foundation for comcast technology and innovation center will be made up of 15 million pounds of concrete. nbc10's matt delucia has been watching the trucks roll in all morning long. matt? >> reporter: rosemary, this is a very important part of the process of building this giant skyscraper. workers have been out here since about midnight. they started pouring the concrete at around second quarteraé th-- around 1:00 thi morning. you're looking 40 feet down into this giant hole here. this is the concrete elevator core that they're working on right now. and ten feet of concrete has beenpyo filled in underneath alf that rebar that you see there. all those workers, they've been working hard and we will be following this progress throughout the day. for now we're live in center city, matt delucia, nbc10 news. >> very exciting. the innovation and technology center going to be fantastic once it's complete. >> it's doing to be awesome. admiration for them. how do you know where to start with that? i'm so glad the weather is cooperating because last saturday would have been a different story. look outside. another great thing to do today, maybe ski in the pocono mountains. it is cold out. feels like december. temperatures in the 30s right now. windchills in the 20s. up to 42 later this afternoon. breezy. by tomorrow, milder, 46. monday we're looking pretty good. that's going to be the pick day of the week, i think. mostly sunny, 48 degrees. back above normal. tuesday, plan on a spotty shower. 50 degrees. mostly cloudy. winds, the breeze comes back. back in the 40s. pretty quiet for thursday and friday. maybe looking at a storm for next weekend. >> we'll deal with that when it comes. that's going to do it for us for now. i'm rosemary connors. for michelle and everybody here at nbc10, have a good one. see you back here tomorrow. [music playing] -i'm sarah gore, and this is open house. this week, courtney cachet makes over a living room in just one day and christopher grubb shows how he brought a worldly luxury to a master suite. plus, a waterfront manner overlooking the long island sound. -we built this house from the ground up to take advantage of the spectacular long island sound views. -but first, a modern california home ideal for entertaining. -so one of the greatest things about this property is it sits on an acre in between two amazing courses. this property really features resort-style living in the heart of palm springs. [music playing] -welcome to open house.


Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20141213

this is on 76 eastbound right at 476. police are telling us they believe two cars were involved. traffic right now tied up for miles. three victims were taken to chop but we're told their injuries are not life threatening and we of course will stay on top this tonight. a new jersey woman's good deed leads to her death. police found the 59-year-old's body today. prosecutors say beaten to death by the same man she took in to her home. good evening, i'm iain page. lucy is off tonight. >> dave schratwieser is live at the camden county prosecutor's office tonight with more on this murder, dave. >> a co-worker has now been charged in the murder of 59-year-old susan johnson. police say that she took the man in along with another woman out of an act of kindness after they fell on hard times and ended up paying for it with her life. >> flabbergasted. really craziness. >> reporter: that's how neighbors reactioned friday night to news that 59-year-old susan johnson had been murdered inside her home here. her body dumped in the woods of the willow ridge park in evesh evesham. miles away from her home in gloucester township. >> interviews revealed there was an argument. we believe based on the statements provided by the witness that the argument stemmed from -- the argument was over involving money a money dispute. >> reporter: police charged 30-year-old miguel diaz of mt. laurel with the beating death of johnson. he lived in her home along with another woman. johnson died from blunt force trauma to the head. >> during the course of that money dispute, the argument escalated into something physical. >> reporter: johnson was last seen alive back on december 5th leaving her home. on thursday police went there to check on her after she was reported missing. they found signs of a struggle inside. police say johnson took diaz and unnamed woman in several months ago when they had no place to live. >> susan johnson out of the kindness of her heart took these two individuals in. >> reporter: investigators say diaz brutally beat johnson to death, he drove her body to the evesham township park. police were led to the body by the unnamed woman. she and diaz were picked up thursday night and questioned. both worked with johnson at a south jersey cleaning company. >> we have a good samaritan as you said tried to take somebody in eau especially around the holidays. unfortunately this is how it ended with her loss of life. >> reporter: johnson's death comes two weeks before christmas. her entire neighborhood is saddened and shaken. >> i guess you got to be a little bit more careful about who you let stay with you, you know, it's rough. >> there are predators out there in the community that victimize everyone every day. you just use caution with your kindness. >> reporter: diaz will be transferred to the camden county jail overnight. he's expected in court on monday to be arraigned on first degree murder charges. tonight police say that unnamed woman is viewed as a witness and will not be charged in this ca case. iain. >> dave, thank you. a developing story now. a school shooting this one in portland oregon. suspected gang member opening fire on group outside an alternative high school. three young people are wounded including a 16-year-old girl in critical condition. witnesses say there may have been a dispute outside the school before the shooting started on a street corner. police say preliminary information suggests the shooter does have gang ties but detectives say they don't know what led to the shooting. >> it's a final farewell for a fallen philadelphia firefighter. joyce craig is the first female city firefighter to die in the line of duty. fox 29's brad satin is live outside the bachelor brothers funeral service tonight, brad, really tough night for the department. >> reporter: sure was. the viewing wrapped up about 45 minutes ago it will pick up tomorrow morning starting at 8:00 o'clock until 10:00 with funeral services getting started from 10:00 to noon. as you mentioned, a very tough day for a lot of people tonight. sirens announced the procession and the arrival of firefighter joyce craig's family. saluted offered the highest respect as they entered bachelor brothers funeral home in north philadelphia ahead of what would be nearly four hours of non-stop visitors. from those who knew joyce like this former classmate -- >> when i realized who he was i star the crying. >> reporter: to those who never met her but felt the bond any way. >> she was the first african-american woman to die and just touched my heart. >> reporter: joyce craig lost her life tuesday morning battling a house fire in west oak lane 11 year veteran she helped to save a life in that fire before loading hers. dying doing what she loved just ask long-time friend william grant who remembers a conversation they once had. >> i asked her why you want to be, you know, go to the fire department? she said i just want to go in the door and kick down the door, upping, to a burning house and safe someone. i was like wow. >> reporter: hard to understand maybe unless saving property and lives is your chosen profession. >> when a firefighter dies in the line of duty, it tears at the heart strings of everybody whose ever been a firefighter and anybody who is currently serving as a firefighter. >> reporter: it's a brotherhood that extends well beyond the city limits. firefighters from across the country and even canada are expected to be here for the funeral tomorrow. new york city's bravest already are. >> we all do the same thing. you know, fighting fires, protecting live and property no matter where you're out and just came here to pay my respects. >> reporter: thousands of others doing the same until this mother of two is laid to rest tomorrow afternoon just a few miles away at ivy hill cemetery. >> the community here in philadelphia will see what brotherhood is all about. >> reporter: now we do want to let you know a fund has been established for the kids here, a 16-year-old boy and a toddler girl. checks can be made to the joyce craig memorial fund care of philadelphia police and fire credit union and male to do 901 arch street in philadelphia, 19107. again, things will pick up here first thing tomorrow morning. the viewing set to begin for day two at 8:00 o'clock in the morning. iain? >> brad, thank you. the garden state parkway is back open tonight after a bus caught fire at the end of rush hour. skyfox flew over the parkway in atlantic county around sick tonight. the bus was blocking the right lane going southbound near port republic. crews got the fire out quickly and no one was hurt but you can see it caused a traffic mess. >> out on your radar tonight a brisk start to your weekend. domenica davis tracking those temperatures. >> it certainly is. 40 degrees not bad but we do have those winds coming out of the north northwest and that's making it feel brisk. wind chills are in the teens and 20s. overnight it's going to be breezy and cold but for the weekend it's a brisk start but a very mild finish. temperatures are going to keep climbing we'll see these above normal temperatures really through much of next week. here's a look at our temperature future cast. as we take you through saturday, 43 for the high but again we'll still have a bit of a wind. it's by sunday you're going to notice a change in the temperatures. we'll get well up into the 40s and by the beginning of next week, by monday, we could be looking at temperatures approa approaching 50 degrees. so a nice break there. we'll have a look at the complete forecast in just a little bit. iain. >> domenica thank you. wild weather in the west. firefighters in los angeles have had to do a couple of rescues today from the los angeles river. tornado even touched down today. it's all part of a massive and deadly storm slamming the coastal states. the so-called pineapple express system being blamed for two deaths in oregon. thousands of power outages in washington state and flooding in california. just northwest of los angeles, mandatory evacuations are underway for more than 100 homes threatened by mudslides. part of a hillside already giving way and some spots the mud is as high as the roof line on some homes. >> civil rights leaders are calling for people to gather in washington tomorrow to protest the deaths of michael brown and eric garner at the hands of the police. protests september the country for week. the call from washington is calling from -- ferguson action are sponsoring their own demonstrations in cities around the nation. they're calling for a national day of resistance in smaller cities across the u.s. a man is under arrest tonight in connection with a series of assaults on women on the drexel and penn campuses. police say they caught the man in the act. his bail now set at $150,000 in the case that led to his captu capture. as fox 29' is that so bean in a kuriakose shows us, students are relieved. >> reporter: camilla scott knew something terrible had happened when she saw police swarm her university city street last evening. she snapped this picture. >> there was a lot of chaos. >> reporter: a team of plane clothes officers from the 18th district took down a serial predator mid attack. he was assaulting a penn grad student. >> i had known from the e-mails that we get from the penn police that they were looking for the guy and that there had been some assaults so i kind of had an inkling that they might have caught him and i was glad about that because it's so close to home. >> took 11 staples to her head. shut she's happy and satisfied with the police and she's very fortunate. >> reporter: police say the 55-year-old suspect had been plowing the -- prowling the street lights of university city for at least a week preying on young students walking alone. >> we're glad this guy is off the street. hopefully people down there can at leave ease their minds a little bit. >> reporter: detectives believe the man who has a long criminal history raped a penn student monday night, robbed another last saturday, and groped two drexel students early yesterday. when police arrested him they say the man was wearing the same clothes he had on in several of the other attacks. camilla and her pierce have been getting penn alerts to their phone and fear was taking hold. >> it's really unfortunate that that's happening in our neighborhood. >> reporter: friday detectives serving a warrant on the man's mantua home a short distance from the scene of the alleged attacks. he faces aggravated assault charges. tonight police are reviewing dna evidence and they're having witnesses id the suspect. sabina kuriakose, fox 29 news. >> showboat casino in atlantic city has been sold and bats to you a take on very different atmosphere. the richard stockton college of new jersey bought the former casino for $18 million. the college plans to renovate the space and use it as a branch campus. stockton used money from the college's investment fund and tuition prices will not be impacted by the purchase. so watch this guy just jump right over the counter and attack the clerk all for a couple of cigarettes. what police say happened moments before that started all the mayhem. >> and one soldier home to meet his brand new baby but staying with his wife and newborn could land him in jail. >> he didn't care of our situation. he really didn't care about me being in the military. >> the tiny technicality that's got the landlord ready to call the cops. we have the standard below ups. we also have the silly blow ups but at the heart of it all we have the spirit of giving. coming up we'll tell you how all of these holiday lights are ♪ >> philadelphia police are looking for the suspect who robbed a 7eleven and got away with some cigarettes. it happened just before 3:00 a.m. thursday on the 3300 block of aramingo in port richmond. now they say the suspect tried to pay for two cartons of cigarettes but with rejected bank card. when it did not work as you can see he jumped over the counter hitting the workers and then ran off with the smokes. a bucks county contractor is convicted of stealing millions of dollars from people. 58-year-old john sue chi accused of receiving payments for major remodeling jobs and then doing slipshod work and demanding more payments. more than 10,000 people filed complaints -- more than 10 people filed complaints against him. he will sentenced next week he's facing more than 100 years behind bars. >> a judge says south carolina mom was insane when she drove her three children into the atlantic ocean. prosecutors are dropping three attempted murder charges against ebony wilkerson. a judge will decide whether she should be involuntarilily hopped hospitalized or released with court supervision. earlier this year wilkerson drove her van into the surf off daytona beach. police and bystanders saved her kids. 11-year-old arkansas girl hails a cab to take her to florida. police say alexis bollard made a cabby $1,300 to take her to meet a boy in florida. authorities caught up with her in georgia after her parents reported her missing. she hailed the cab after talking to a 16-year-old from jackso jacksonville who she met two years ago. >> he didn't really ask anything. he just asked where i needed to go. i said i need to go to go to jacksonville, florida. do you have money? i'm like yeah. >> the cab company says the girl war heavy makeup and appeared to be 17 or 18 and that the driver would not face any discipline. the girl's father says hugging and loving her is more important than punishment right now, but he did take away her makeup and cell phone. >> squatters living in million dollar mansion get exposed in florida. justin and janet dean both in their 20s moved into the house after it went into foreclosure back in 2011. the couple went so far as changing the locks and filing fake deeds for the property. police say reality though came crashing down when another couple showed interest in buying the home. the home is currently getting renovations by its new lawful owners. >> a soldier receives an unwelcome treatment from a south carolina landlord. sergeant william bolt on leave so he decided to visit his wife and new baby. he stationed in missouri and they hadn't seen each other in six months. but since sergeant bolt's name is not on the lease, he can't stay we his wife and get acquainted with his newborn according to the agreement visitors have to be out after seven days. soldier says he feared the cops coming and arresting him. >> if i don't vacate the premises he's going to tow my vehicle and then press charges against me for criminal trespassing and then double charge rent. >> the couple argues the lease is vague. the soldier says his wife can be evict the if she doesn't comply. it's holiday display helping to make one south jersey community a better place to li live. not only because this marlton home is decorated with more than 100,000 christmas lights, but it also serves as a collection site for charity. fox 29's jennifer joyce has the story. >> we get bigger and bigger and bigger good i feel the lights are getting brighter. >> you feel good about yourself. merry christmas! >> we live next to christmas people. >> you can't ignore it. the holidays are here. 162,000 light bulbs bright. >> if i live at 58 king avenue you're that house with the lights. they turn their home into an attraction. >> we get bus loads of people. we've had a wedding out front. >> reporter: it's the seventh annual christmas block party on king avenue. families, food, and tradition. >> we've been coming here a couple of years. there's always new blow ups and we -- we always have a favorite. >> it's local. it's beautiful. my daughter loves it. >> reporter: when you first saw all these lights what went through your mind. >> christmas spirit. >> reporter: christmas spirit, the spirit giving. they recognize that and each year they'll donate to a specific charity. this year people who stopped by can put a donation into the bin for the make a wish foundation. >> we figured, if everybody that stopped by our event or stops by throughout the season and just gave a quarter, you know, pocket change, a dollar, we'd be pretty well set. >> they do lot for the community and it's nice to have the neighbors get together for positive reasons. >> reporter: the love of the holidays started at a young age for the passionate creator of this display. >> two years old there's tom with a strand of lights and he was trying to hold the lights up and he couldn't reach and i said that's where it started. >> reporter: the family call this a humbling experience. their thrilled to share this christ months joy with their entire community and watch as other families make lasting memories. in marlton, new jersey, jennifer joyce, fox 29 news. >> and fox 29 wants to see your holiday lights. post your pictures or video on social media, facebook, twitter and instagram. just use the #fox 29 lights and we will put your display on tv. all right. let's check in with domenica davis what our weekend forecast looks like. >> luckily the winds have died down so we're not worrying about any of those outdoor decorations sort of becoming a flight risk. it's all quiet and the winds are starting to die down. that's what we'll see tomorrow. tomorrow is really a transition day with o temperatures and our winds and it will lead to much nicer feeling weather. 40 right now in philadelphia. which is not too bad. 28 in mount pocono. but we do have the winds coming out of the northwest and they are still pretty brisk so that is making the feels like temperature a lot cooler. 33 for the feels like in philadelphia. 34 in wildwood. we have 17 in the poconos. you can see pretty much widespread 20s here to the nor north. lancaster coming in at 24 for the wind chills. that is pretty cold. here's a look at the radar. now that low pressure system that was bringing us all that wintry weather that has pushed up to the north moving into canada and now this is the new weather feature that comes in. high pressure and it's going to bring in some mild air with it. that is going to have us feeling pretty comfortable by sunday and especially as we head back into the work week. so tomorrow it is a little warmer. the big difference, though, i think what you're going to see there will be more sunshine than clouds. 43 for the high. but winds will still be busy so that means it will feel a lot cooler. it feel like it's in the 30s. kickoff forecast this is pretty g it's december. we have a night game at the linc. it will be 39 at kickoff. the winds will be light and it will be dry. so that i would say is a pretty fantastic forecast for the eagles game. seven day forecast shows temperatures 47 on sunday. 49 on monday. we'll make a run at 50 a couple of days this week but pretty quiet. one chance of rain on tuesday. a 30% chance right now other than that a very, very nice week ahead. >> 50s are great this time of year. >> yes. >> thank you very much. sweet times today in love park. for non-profit agencies competed in ginger bread house building contest our own cath lynn roth helping ugh the heritage conservancy of bucks county. each team received a thousand dollars participation for participating. >> check in with keith russell and i hear the eagles have pretty big game coming up oh and sunday night. >> they need to show up big. they need to play big. eighths big one. >> think about it in the history of the eagles and cowboys, have we broken their hearts as much as they've broken ours? that's why sunday there should be no mercy. we ended their season last year mercy. we ended their season last year coming up in sports, i'll tell deciding between bread is no longer a problem. healthy pa offers name-brand health insurance for the cost of a few basic groceries. if you're uninsured, call or apply online today. ♪ >> one of my worst memories of dallas 2010 of the eagles lose in the final week of the regular season badly. they have to go right back the next week in the playoffs and lose again badly. turned out to be mcnabb and westbrook's last game witness birds. so as much as the cowboys have complained about how bad their pride was hurt in that thanksgivinthanksday game the e. they don't care that it's kate dallas. they care that it's for first place. that's it. >> you don't change. you got to trust the prep and trust the system, um, you know, you don't try and do too much and understand that, you know, the field is the same size. all the same rules. nothing has changed in our preparation in our practice schedule. nothing like that. >> i mean it don't matter who we're playing f it was washington or the giants, you know, we're -- this is big nfc east it's the next game but we obviously realize we're playing dallas and, um, we're excited for it and eye like i said a lot on the line. so we're excited. >> you know, tony romo looked so good against the bears after looking so bad against the eagles. mr. choke in december actually came through. last week. how about this week? >> a little less ginger when you talk about his mobility in the pocket. more prone to kind of scramble and a little mobile. he was like that in the last game when they played the bears. you could see he felt a lot better in the pocket than he did when we made him so we don't expect to see the same romo we saw a few weeks ago. >> and lastly, sixers fall to one and 20 on the year. the holiday season is here, which means it's time for the volkswagen sign-then-drive event. for practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a german-engineered volkswagen. like the sporty, advanced new jetta... and the 2015 motor trend car of the year all-new golf. if you're wishing for a new volkswagen this season... just about all you need is a finely tuned... pen. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero 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we'll look at some of our favorites. >> first off comfort food. morrow motto has the perfect dish. serving a seasonal special that's unlike any unconventional chicken soup served in a bone. ♪ >> i am what i believe a lot of people believe beautiful restaurant in philadelphia. certainly one of the tops. morey


Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20141213

charged in the murder of 59-year-old susan johnson. police say that she took the man in along with another woman out of an act of kindness after they fell on hard times and ended up paying for it with her life. >> flabbergasted. really craziness. >> reporter: that's how neighbors reactioned friday night to news that 59-year-old susan johnson had been murdered inside her home here. her body dumped in the woods of the willow ridge park in evesh evesham. miles away from her home in gloucester township. >> interviews revealed there was an argument. we believe based on the statements provided by the witness that the argument stemmed from -- the argument was over involving money a money dispute. >> reporter: police charged 30-year-old miguel diaz of mt. laurel with the beating death of johnson. he lived in her home along with another woman. johnson died from blunt force trauma to the head. >> during the course of that money dispute, the argument escalated into something physical. >> reporter: johnson was last seen alive back on december 5th leaving her home. on thursday police went there to check on her after she was reported missing. they found signs of a struggle inside. police say johnson took diaz and unnamed woman in several months ago when they had no place to live. >> susan johnson out of the kindness of her heart took these two individuals in. >> reporter: investigators say diaz brutally beat johnson to death, he drove her body to the evesham township park. police were led to the body by the unnamed woman. she and diaz were picked up thursday night and questioned. both worked with johnson at a south jersey cleaning company. >> we have a good samaritan as you said tried to take somebody in eau especially around the holidays. unfortunately this is how it ended with her loss of life. >> reporter: johnson's death comes two weeks before christmas. her entire neighborhood is saddened and shaken. >> i guess you got to be a little bit more careful about who you let stay with you, you know, it's rough. >> there are predators out there in the community that victimize everyone every day. you just use caution with your kindness. >> reporter: diaz will be transferred to the camden county jail overnight. he's expected in court on monday to be arraigned on first degree murder charges. tonight police say that unnamed woman is viewed as a witness and will not be charged in this ca case. iain. >> dave, thank you. a developing story now. a school shooting this one in portland oregon. suspected gang member opening fire on group outside an alternative high school. three young people are wounded including a 16-year-old girl in critical condition. witnesses say there may have been a dispute outside the school before the shooting started on a street corner. police say preliminary information suggests the shooter does have gang ties but detectives say they don't know what led to the shooting. >> it's a final farewell for a fallen philadelphia firefighter. joyce craig is the first female city firefighter to die in the line of duty. fox 29's brad satin is live outside the bachelor brothers funeral service tonight, brad, really tough night for the department. >> reporter: sure was. the viewing wrapped up about 45 minutes ago it will pick up tomorrow morning starting at 8:00 o'clock until 10:00 with funeral services getting started from 10:00 to noon. as you mentioned, a very tough day for a lot of people tonight. sirens announced the procession and the arrival of firefighter joyce craig's family. saluted offered the highest respect as they entered bachelor brothers funeral home in north philadelphia ahead of what would be nearly four hours of non-stop visitors. from those who knew joyce like this former classmate -- >> when i realized who he was i star the crying. >> reporter: to those who never met her but felt the bond any way. >> she was the first african-american woman to die and just touched my heart. >> reporter: joyce craig lost her life tuesday morning battling a house fire in west oak lane 11 year veteran she helped to save a life in that fire before loading hers. dying doing what she loved just ask long-time friend william grant who remembers a conversation they once had. >> i asked her why you want to be, you know, go to the fire department? she said i just want to go in the door and kick down the door, upping, to a burning house and safe someone. i was like wow. >> reporter: hard to understand maybe unless saving property and lives is your chosen profession. >> when a firefighter dies in the line of duty, it tears at the heart strings of everybody whose ever been a firefighter and anybody who is currently serving as a firefighter. >> reporter: it's a brotherhood that extends well beyond the city limits. firefighters from across the country and even canada are expected to be here for the funeral tomorrow. new york city's bravest already are. >> we all do the same thing. you know, fighting fires, protecting live and property no matter where you're out and just came here to pay my respects. >> reporter: thousands of others doing the same until this mother of two is laid to rest tomorrow afternoon just a few miles away at ivy hill cemetery. >> the community here in philadelphia will see what brotherhood is all about. >> reporter: now we do want to let you know a fund has been established for the kids here, a 16-year-old boy and a toddler girl. checks can be made to the joyce craig memorial fund care of philadelphia police and fire credit union and male to do 901 arch street in philadelphia, 19107. again, things will pick up here first thing tomorrow morning. the viewing set to begin for day two at 8:00 o'clock in the morning. iain? >> brad, thank you. the garden state parkway is back open tonight after a bus caught fire at the end of rush hour. skyfox flew over the parkway in atlantic county around sick tonight. the bus was blocking the right lane going southbound near port republic. crews got the fire out quickly and no one was hurt but you can see it caused a traffic mess. >> out on your radar tonight a brisk start to your weekend. domenica davis tracking those temperatures. >> it certainly is. 40 degrees not bad but we do have those winds coming out of the north northwest and that's making it feel brisk. wind chills are in the teens and 20s. overnight it's going to be breezy and cold but for the weekend it's a brisk start but a very mild finish. temperatures are going to keep climbing we'll see these above normal temperatures really through much of next week. here's a look at our temperature future cast. as we take you through saturday, 43 for the high but again we'll still have a bit of a wind. it's by sunday you're going to notice a change in the temperatures. we'll get well up into the 40s and by the beginning of next week, by monday, we could be looking at temperatures approa approaching 50 degrees. so a nice break there. we'll have a look at the complete forecast in just a little bit. iain. >> domenica thank you. wild weather in the west. firefighters in los angeles have had to do a couple of rescues today from the los angeles river. tornado even touched down today. it's all part of a massive and deadly storm slamming the coastal states. the so-called pineapple express system being blamed for two deaths in oregon. thousands of power outages in washington state and flooding in california. just northwest of los angeles, mandatory evacuations are underway for more than 100 homes threatened by mudslides. part of a hillside already giving way and some spots the mud is as high as the roof line on some homes. >> civil rights leaders are calling for people to gather in washington tomorrow to protest the deaths of michael brown and eric garner at the hands of the police. protests september the country for week. the call from washington is calling from -- ferguson action are sponsoring their own demonstrations in cities around the nation. they're calling for a national day of resistance in smaller cities across the u.s. a man is under arrest tonight in connection with a series of assaults on women on the drexel and penn campuses. police say they caught the man in the act. his bail now set at $150,000 in the case that led to his captu capture. as fox 29' is that so bean in a kuriakose shows us, students are relieved. >> reporter: camilla scott knew something terrible had happened when she saw police swarm her university city street last evening. she snapped this picture. >> there was a lot of chaos. >> reporter: a team of plane clothes officers from the 18th district took down a serial predator mid attack. he was assaulting a penn grad student. >> i had known from the e-mails that we get from the penn police that they were looking for the guy and that there had been some assaults so i kind of had an inkling that they might have caught him and i was glad about that because it's so close to home. >> took 11 staples to her head. shut she's happy and satisfied with the police and she's very fortunate. >> reporter: police say the 55-year-old suspect had been plowing the -- prowling the street lights of university city for at least a week preying on young students walking alone. >> we're glad this guy is off the street. hopefully people down there can at leave ease their minds a little bit. >> reporter: detectives believe the man who has a long criminal history raped a penn student monday night, robbed another last saturday, and groped two drexel students early yesterday. when police arrested him they say the man was wearing the same clothes he had on in several of the other attacks. camilla and her pierce have been getting penn alerts to their phone and fear was taking hold. >> it's really unfortunate that that's happening in our neighborhood. >> reporter: friday detectives serving a warrant on the man's mantua home a short distance from the scene of the alleged attacks. he faces aggravated assault charges. tonight police are reviewing dna evidence and they're having witnesses id the suspect. sabina kuriakose, fox 29 news. >> showboat casino in atlantic city has been sold and bats to you a take on very different atmosphere. the richard stockton college of new jersey bought the former casino for $18 million. the college plans to renovate the space and use it as a branch campus. stockton used money from the college's investment fund and tuition prices will not be impacted by the purchase. so watch this guy just jump right over the counter and attack the clerk all for a couple of cigarettes. what police say happened moments before that started all the mayhem. >> and one soldier home to meet his brand new baby but staying with his wife and newborn could land him in jail. >> he didn't care of our situation. he really didn't care about me being in the military. >> the tiny technicality that's got the landlord ready to call the cops. we have the standard below ups. we also have the silly blow ups but at the heart of it all we have the spirit of giving. coming up we'll tell you how all of these holiday lights are ♪ >> philadelphia police are looking for the suspect who robbed a 7eleven and got away with some cigarettes. it happened just before 3:00 a.m. thursday on the 3300 block of aramingo in port richmond. now they say the suspect tried to pay for two cartons of cigarettes but with rejected bank card. when it did not work as you can see he jumped over the counter hitting the workers and then ran off with the smokes. a bucks county contractor is convicted of stealing millions of dollars from people. 58-year-old john sue chi accused of receiving payments for major remodeling jobs and then doing slipshod work and demanding more payments. more than 10,000 people filed complaints -- more than 10 people filed complaints against him. he will sentenced next week he's facing more than 100 years behind bars. >> a judge says south carolina mom was insane when she drove her three children into the atlantic ocean. prosecutors are dropping three attempted murder charges against ebony wilkerson. a judge will decide whether she should be involuntarilily hopped hospitalized or released with court supervision. earlier this year wilkerson drove her van into the surf off daytona beach. police and bystanders saved her kids. 11-year-old arkansas girl hails a cab to take her to florida. police say alexis bollard made a cabby $1,300 to take her to meet a boy in florida. authorities caught up with her in georgia after her parents reported her missing. she hailed the cab after talking to a 16-year-old from jackso jacksonville who she met two years ago. >> he didn't really ask anything. he just asked where i needed to go. i said i need to go to go to jacksonville, florida. do you have money? i'm like yeah. >> the cab company says the girl war heavy makeup and appeared to be 17 or 18 and that the driver would not face any discipline. the girl's father says hugging and loving her is more important than punishment right now, but he did take away her makeup and cell phone. >> squatters living in million dollar mansion get exposed in florida. justin and janet dean both in their 20s moved into the house after it went into foreclosure back in 2011. the couple went so far as changing the locks and filing fake deeds for the property. police say reality though came crashing down when another couple showed interest in buying the home. the home is currently getting renovations by its new lawful owners. >> a soldier receives an unwelcome treatment from a south carolina landlord. sergeant william bolt on leave so he decided to visit his wife and new baby. he stationed in missouri and they hadn't seen each other in six months. but since sergeant bolt's name is not on the lease, he can't stay we his wife and get acquainted with his newborn according to the agreement visitors have to be out after seven days. soldier says he feared the cops coming and arresting him. >> if i don't vacate the premises he's going to tow my vehicle and then press charges against me for criminal trespassing and then double charge rent. >> the couple argues the lease is vague. the soldier says his wife can be evict the if she doesn't comply. it's holiday display helping to make one south jersey community a better place to li live. not only because this marlton home is decorated with more than 100,000 christmas lights, but it also serves as a collection site for charity. fox 29's jennifer joyce has the story. >> we get bigger and bigger and bigger good i feel the lights are getting brighter. >> you feel good about yourself. merry christmas! >> we live next to christmas people. >> you can't ignore it. the holidays are here. 162,000 light bulbs bright. >> if i live at 58 king avenue you're that house with the lights. they turn their home into an attraction. >> we get bus loads of people. we've had a wedding out front. >> reporter: it's the seventh annual christmas block party on king avenue. families, food, and tradition. >> we've been coming here a couple of years. there's always new blow ups and we -- we always have a favorite. >> it's local. it's beautiful. my daughter loves it. >> reporter: when you first saw all these lights what went through your mind. >> christmas spirit. >> reporter: christmas spirit, the spirit giving. they recognize that and each year they'll donate to a specific charity. this year people who stopped by can put a donation into the bin for the make a wish foundation. >> we figured, if everybody that stopped by our event or stops by throughout the season and just gave a quarter, you know, pocket change, a dollar, we'd be pretty well set. >> they do lot for the community and it's nice to have the neighbors get together for positive reasons. >> reporter: the love of the holidays started at a young age for the passionate creator of this display. >> two years old there's tom with a strand of lights and he was trying to hold the lights up and he couldn't reach and i said that's where it started. >> reporter: the family call this a humbling experience. their thrilled to share this christ months joy with their entire community and watch as other families make lasting memories. in marlton, new jersey, jennifer joyce, fox 29 news. >> and fox 29 wants to see your holiday lights. post your pictures or video on social media, facebook, twitter and instagram. just use the #fox 29 lights and we will put your display on tv. all right. let's check in with domenica davis what our weekend forecast looks like. >> luckily the winds have died down so we're not worrying about any of those outdoor decorations sort of becoming a flight risk. it's all quiet and the winds are starting to die down. that's what we'll see tomorrow. tomorrow is really a transition day with our temperatures and our winds and it will lead to much nicer feeling weather. 40 right now in philadelphia. which is not too bad. 28 in mount pocono. but we do have the winds coming out of the northwest and they are still pretty brisk so that is making the feels like temperature a lot cooler. 33 for the feels like in philadelphia. 34 in wildwood. we have 17 in the poconos. you can see pretty much widespread 20s here to the nor north. lancaster coming in at 24 for the wind chills. that is pretty cold. here's a look at the radar. now that low pressure system that was bringing us all that wintry weather that has pushed up to the north moving into canada and now this is the new weather feature that comes in. high pressure and it's going to bring in some mild air with it. that is going to have us feeling pretty comfortable by sunday and especially as we head back into the work week. so tomorrow it is a little warmer. the big difference, though, i think what you're going to see there will be more sunshine than clouds. 43 for the high. but winds will still be busy so that means it will feel a lot cooler. it feel like it's in the 30s. kickoff forecast this is pretty g it's december. we have a night game at the linc. it will be 39 at kickoff. the winds will be light and it will be dry. so that i would say is a pretty fantastic forecast for the eagles game. seven day forecast shows temperatures 47 on sunday. 49 on monday. we'll make a run at 50 a couple of days this week but pretty quiet. one chance of rain on tuesday. a 30% chance right now other than that a very, very nice week ahead. >> 50s are great this time of year. >> yes. >> thank you very much. sweet times today in love park. for non-profit agencies competed in ginger bread house building contest our own cath lynn roth helping ugh the heritage conservancy of bucks county. each team received a thousand dollars participation for participating. >> check in with keith russell and i hear the eagles have pretty big game coming up oh and sunday night. >> they need to show up big. they need to play big. eighths big one. >> think about it in the history of the eagles and cowboys, have we broken their hearts as much as they've broken ours? that's why sunday there should be no mercy. we ended their season last year coming up in sports, i'll te ♪ >> one of my worst memories of dallas 2010 of the eagles lose in the final week of the regular season badly. they have to go right back the next week in the playoffs and lose again badly. turned out to be mcnabb and westbrook's last game witness birds. so as much as the cowboys have complained about how bad their pride was hurt in that thanksgivinthanksday game the e. they don't care that it's kate dallas. they care that it's for first place. that's it. >> you don't change. you got to trust the prep and trust the system, um, you know, you don't try and do too much and understand that, you know, the field is the same size. all the same rules. nothing has changed in our preparation in our practice schedule. nothing like that. >> i mean it don't matter who we're playing f it was washington or the giants, you know, we're -- this is big nfc east it's the next game but we obviously realize we're playing dallas and, um, we're excited for it and eye like i said a lot on the line. so we're excited. >> you know, tony romo looked so good against the bears after looking so bad against the eagles. mr. choke in december actually came through. last week. how about this week? >> a little less ginger when you talk about his mobility in the pocket. more prone to kind of scramble and a little mobile. he was like that in the last game when they played the bears. you could see he felt a lot better in the pocket than he did when we made him so we don't expect to see the same romo we saw a few weeks ago. >> and lastly, sixers fall to one and 20 on the year. >> wzwñw ♪ >> hi and welcome toonies fox 29 special report. you got to try this i'm iain page. >> i'm scott williams. every week on "good day philadelphia" we feature a local food or beverage you gotta try. >> this has to be one much your favorite segments after weather because people you're a real foodie. >> my mouth is watering because we have great segments tonight. we'll look at some of our favorites. >> first off comfort food. morrow motto has the perfect dish. serving a seasonal special that's unlike any unconventional chicken soup served in a bone. ♪


Transcripts For KNTV Today 20140910

a look inside the home of oscar pistorius, an up close tour of the room where the former olympian shot and killed his girlfriend. pop star justin bieber appears for a fundraiser and is booed before, during and after an impromptu strip tease. from nbc news this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1 a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today" on a wednesday morning. have you ever had this situation? someone comes to you with an idea and you say you're kidding, right? actually, we are not kidding. this is going to be a lot of fun. we have never as this group worked together at the 7:00 hour of this show. >> don't get used to it. >> what did you think when they said we were going to be with you? >> i love it. >> like charlie's angels. >> i have a bad feeling about this. >> we continue our homecoming week with kathie lee and hoda. we will have a good time today. >> we promise we will. we kept it clean with the cups. >> we are sorry barbara walters couldn't make it. we have a lot of news to talk about on a wednesday morning. let's get to our top story, this major speech from president obama later tonight to outline the threat posed by isis and how he plans to deal with it. peter alexander is at the white house with more. good morning to you. >> reporter: long day here ahead at the white house. senior administration official tells me president obama is prepared to authorize air strikes in syria but tonight is unlikely to announce that he has already done so. the president's plan in the words of aides is to lay out strategy for degrading and destroying isis. what is a complex challenge in an unpredictable region. with isis overrunning iraq tonight the president makes his case for going on offense. a strategy he previewed behind closed doors with top congressional leaders tuesday. while president obama ruled out u.s. ground troops the senior administration official tells nbc news the president asked lawmakers for the authority to train syrian opposition. white house aides say it must happen before congress goes on recess next week. in a statement house speaker boehner expressed support for some of the president's proposals including training and equipping opposition. aides say the president does not believe he needs congressional authority for expanded military action. press secretary. >> the president believes this is a high national security priority. >> reporter: overnight secretary of state john kerry made an unannounced stop in iraq part of his mid east tour which according to one aid says has not required a lot of arm twisting. the president will not give operational details. this is not a short term proposition an aid said. this primetime address comes one year and a day since president obama's last speech. after two barbaric beheadings of american journalists -- >> it enraged americans. >> reporter: of course, then the target was the assad regime in syria. this time it is isis militants. the primetime nature of the speech under scores its stakes and a significant shift for this president who wanted to leave the white house as the peace time president but is now likely to commit the country to what could be a costly military campaign. >> chuck todd is nbc's political director and moderator of "meet the press." peter said the president wanted to leave as a peace time president. isis makes the decision whether he leaves as a war time president. >> he has been reluctant. we know he seemed to be the last one in the administration acknowledging that there needed to be a military campaign if there wasn't a political solution here. >> he makes this speech on the eve of the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and as a new "wall street journal" poll shows half americans feel less safe now than just before the 9/11 attacks and polling shows two-thirds of americans say it is in our best interest to confront. >> usually a president goes to primetime and tries to rally the nation behind him. in this case the nation is there. they are trying to find out if the president is with them. these beheadings, it was the most followed news story that we have tracked in five years. that is where this fear comes from. >> don't expect to hear the minutia of the plan in the speech tonight. we know the training and the support of the syrian opposition. the president has asked congress for the authority to do that. i want to read you something he said to the "new york times" talking to tom freedman he said there is not as much capacity as you would hope when it comes to finding, training and arming a sufficient number of those opposition members. so he is about to contradict himself tonight? >> i feel like he has. this is not the solution. the solution when you talk to him and what he was saying to me in the interview and his aides say the solution is saudi troops and uae troops and turkish troops. this moderate opposition, the reason the president has been reluctant to arm them before is they barely exist. >> the speech will raise questions. how long will this take? how much will it cost? can it be accomplished? can you defeat isis without u.s. troops on the ground? >> those questions are why the president was so reluctant in the first place. he hasn't gotten a good answer from his own aids as to what happens. >> nbc news will have live coverage of the president's address to the nation tonight at 9:00 eastern, 6:00 pacific time. thank you so much. there is more fallout this morning tied to the ray rice scandal and that video of rice knocking out his then-fiance. she and rice are now speaking out while the nfl and baltimore ravens do damage control. nbc's josh elliott has details. >> good morning, hoda. in the hours after the horrific video surfaced ray rice was fired, suspended indefinitely from the league. this morning the outcry intensifies as sponsors cut ties with rice and the public's fury grows as the league and the former team disclose about what they believe they knew about the assault and when. baltimore ravens owner published an open letter to ravens fans tuesday saying team officials had not seen the new footage before monday but claims police, prosecutors and the presiding judge had seen it and allowed rice, a first time offender to enter a probationary program. he does say the team deserves blame writing seeing the video changed everything. we should have seen it earlier and pursued our own investigation more vigorously. we didn't and we were wrong. nfl commissioner roger goodell addressed the question so many ask still, how is it possible the league hadn't seen the footage made public by tmz sports before monday? goodell spoke with cbs news. >> we had not seen video tape of what occurred in the elevator. we assumed there was a video and asked for a video and for anything pertinent but were never granted that opportunity. >> reporter: many find that contention hard to believe. >> this is the nfl. they can do pretty much anything that they want. to claim we asked for it and had no way of getting ahold of it begs reality. >> reporter: reality for ray rice is bleak today. major sponsors such as nike have terminated deals with him. while ea sports is removing his image from the best selling football game. the ravens and two sporting goods chains announce programs where fans can exchange their unwanted rice jersey. some had no interest in the trade. on a day when flowers were delivered to his home rice thanked supporters saying i have to be strong for my wife. she's so strong. his wife lashed out on the media on instagram writing to make us relive a moment in our lives that we regret every day is a horrible thing. with regard to the claim made by the ravens that authorities investigating the incident had seen that tape we have sought comment but thus far have received no response. as for rice he is in the process of hiring. >> there is a lot more to discuss. you will come back at 8:00 to chat with us on more. thanks, hoda. al warned us about the threat of severe storms in the midwest yesterday. it happened overnight. >> we have amazing video. you have to see this. this is just north of las vegas. watch the car on the left. guy just stepped out of it and the car into a wash and vanishes. there was a family of three in there. they all got out safely thankfully. this has been going on in las vegas. we have in the midwest in illinois strong storms bringing down trees and knocking down power lines. in omaha, nebraska we saw more flooding, cars getting stuck in the rain. we are going to have more of that again today and over a wider area stretching from detroit, indianapolis into st. louis. chicago will be involved in this, as well. we are looking for heavy rain moving into the areas over the next 24 hours. you can see the wide area of heavy rain pushing through chicago. airport delays a big problem. whole system pushing in here. as it does we have flash flood watches and warnings because we are looking at rainfall amounts of two to three inches per hour. some parts of missouri 10 inches of rain in the last five hours. we are looking at another 1 to 3 inches, the bulls eye in central indiana. we will be watching these but flash flooding is going to be a big problem over the next 24 hours. >> thank you very much. nathalie joins us with new trouble tied to the police shooting in missouri that sparked protests all across the nation. >> emotions boiling over once again in ferguson, missouri at the first city council meeting since the michael brown shooting. so many people showed up there. it had to be moved to a nearby church. the meeting was intended to promote community healing. council members were greeted with anger and warnings of voter retribution at the ballot box. this story out of alabama where the bodies of five young children have been found and authorities believe their father is to blame. timothy jones jr. and children were reported missing from their south carolina home nearly a week ago. on saturday jones was stopped in mississippi at a dui check point. jones is awaiting extradition to south carolina where he is expected to be charged in their death. broadway paid special tribute to joan rivers tuesday night. theaters dimmed their lights and honored the comedian who died last week. rivers appeared on broadway in the '70s, '80s. thank goodness after several theater owners decided to do it on their own. in southern california orange was the new black top. t thousands of oranges covered the road east of san diego after a truck's trailer overturned. no one was hurt. the mess took a few hours to clean up. they say a lot of clean up to do and say you should never fall asleep on the job even if your job is a burglar. take a look at this photo. police say this is a 29 year old. they say he broke into a sarasota, florida home and started to steal from the homeowner and laid down and decided to take a nap and passed out on the bed. a maid showed up and finds him there sleeping in the bed. the officers woke him up and he had a bag of jewelry beside him. he is facing burglary charges. still no word on why he was so sleepy. >> might have been some alcohol. >> one comfortable mattress. >> needed to catch up. >> so sleepy. >> got to get it when you can. mr. roker. >> let's show you what we have today. risk of strong storms in the mid section of the country. high surf advisory along the northeastern atlantic coast because of a big area of high pressure. look for sunshine along the western two-thirds of the country. we will get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. to have it. a cubist still life of rye bread... sold. it's perfect. which is why we'll ship a canary yellow jeep with leather seats from dallas to burbank if it's the one frank wants. carmax. start here. 7:15. good wednesday morning to you. i'm meteorologist christina loren, live look from high atop san bruno overlooking san francisco. the fingers of fog coming in but not much fog to keep us cool later today. shallow marine layer over san jose burn off over 8:00 a.m. leading to a very warm day. 89 degrees for the south bay. 84 on the peninsula. 79 for the east shore. tri-valley 96. 74 san francisco. that's your latest weather. >> thank you very much. as you know, the president has faced criticism recently over the time he spends playing golf. and willie's here with more problems tied to his favorite hobby. good morning to you. good morning. the president was just outside new york city over labor day weekend to attend the wedding of his former chef and hoped to sneak in a game of golf. when the press requested him to play 18, several elite courses reportedly turned him away. according to several sources who spoke to jonathan dietz of wnbc, some of the new york area's top country clubs, including the trump national golf club, winged foot, and willow ridge, turned down requests for president obama to play a round over labor day weekend. club managers saying they didn't want to inconvenience their high-profile and dues-paying members by shutting down courses accommodate the president during the busy holiday weekend. >> probably the most important weekend of the year for golf. 240 members are not going to say, hey, let the president come out, i'm not going to play. there's no way that would happen. >> denied a tee time by the top courses, the president headed to the white house before returning the next day it attend a wedding. the white house explaining the itinerary change by saying -- >> he is sleep in his own bed, do work, spend time with his family, then travel back to new york tomorrow evening. >> the country club snub comes shortly after the president took heavy criticism for golfing last month during his vacation, just minutes after denouncing the militants who executed journalist james foley. in an interview with chuck todd on "meet the press," the president acknowledged his timing could have been better. >> i should have anticipated the optics. >> reporter: this isn't the first time a president has been turned away. at least one of the courses denied bill clinton membership when he first moved to the area. denying any preferential treatment, even for a presidential tee time. some club officials said president obama's not the first president they've turned down over the years. and he wasn't, by the way, the only head of state rejected over labor day weekend. the king of morocco also tried and failed to secure a tee time at some of the same courses. >> wow. [ laughter ] >> by the way, could we put in a call to lester and erica so we could get everybody -- >> yeah. >> people around the table play -- >> could we put in one to deborah and ask -- >> a call out to our news president. >> there you go. >> all right. now, did the live event live up to the hype? >> apple delivered a smartwatch and free album. we're gauginging the reaction on line. >> good morning. let's go into my office. a little crowded here. big announcement yesterday, as you see. ceo tim cook up in cupertino. what everybody's been waiting for, the new iphone 6 and watch. announcing the wearable device, the watch, is big for mr. cook. let's get to the details. the 6-plus and 6, 20% faster, better battery life, camera. a whole thing, the thing of yesteryear. the 6 is bigger than the i fountain 5 that you have now. the watch is cool, touchscreen, pairs with iphone, turn-by-turn directions. vibrates, tells you where to walk. tracks the heart rate. when can you get it? that's the question. later this month, pre-sales go. watch early next year. coming up, we'll explain why in photo, everybody was talking about it, bono and tim cook. and this guy stole the show here. scarf guy. we'll have all the deal with him coming up in the next half-hour. back to you. >> little did he know -- s>> yeah. >> thank you very much. coming up, the verdict in the oscar pistorius murder trial expected tomorrow. >> reporter: coming up, an nbc news exclusive. right now i'm standing his of oscar pistorius' bedroom. the first time american tv cameras is been allowed inside. we're going to walk you through the shooting step by step. what pistorius says happened when he walked down the long, dark hallway, and why he shot and killed his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. it all happened? full also, we're going to sit down with a group of nfl wives for an open and honest discussion on the ray rice scandal. why nthey say it is time for th league to make changes. coming up, stripping down. justin bieber's response being booed at an event. >> witnesses -- can your dog do this? we'll introduce you to that talented pooch and more, this world record holder. love it. first, local news. ( telephone rings )pla hi, honey. how's the camping trip? well, kids had fun, but i think i slept on a rock. what are you doing? having coffee. ah, sounds good! i thought you'd say that. ah. ♪ the best part of wakin' up... ♪ you're the best! wake up to the mountain grown aroma of folgers. ♪ ... is folgers in your cup! ♪ ♪ altuzarra for target available september 14th. everyday they feel somethingdove happening.days with no mirrors? on the seventh day beautiful skin is revealed. with one quarter moisturizing cream it helps skin feel more firm and elastic. take the dove 7 day test. so ally bank really has no hidden fethat's right. accounts? it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. 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[sniffs] let's do this? get up! get up! get up! get up! loop me! bring back the awesome... yeah! yeah! yeah! with the great taste of kellogg's froot loops. follow your nose! >> announcer: you're watching "today in the bay." >> a very good morning to you. 7:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. the search is on for a missing hayward teenager. it's now shifting to san francisco. minh ly left his home saturday, running into the hayward hills near the 238 and 580 interchange. deputies spent the night searching but they came up empty. the his father says his son was angry at his decision to cut off the internet. switching to san francisco because they heard a ping on his phone. the man accused of murdering sierra lamar will be back in court. garcia-torres pled not guilty to charges he kidnapped and killed the teen ain'ter. indicted by a grand jury february. today a judge could set the date for garcia-torres' trial to begin. the family of a santa cruz man who died on highway 17 wanted to make the trech of road through the santa cruz mountains safer. 25-year-old daniel mcguire died when a big rig on highway 17 in santa clara county lost its brakes and caused several cars to crash. today, his family's unveiling a plan to widen the road in hopes of preventing more deadly crashes. check the forecast now with meteorologist christina loren. looks nice. >> a really nice day at the coast and around the inner bay, but not inland as we have limited natural ac for today. you can see that here, telling the weather story of the day via clouds, clinging to the immediate coast. not even moving inland. throughout the day we are going to see hot conditions, jumping those numbers up towards that century mark and that's a big jump from yesterday. ten degrees warmer than where we hit. 89 for the south bay. 84 peninsula. east shore 79. hot spot, tri-valley 96. here's mike inouye. >> yet another issue for the san mateo bridge. i watched as one car pulled over to the center divide toward 710. that cleared and then just few minutes ago a crash across the san mateo span. that might be a duplicate report. smoother drive across the flat section. slowing towards the high raise. 101, highway 85. more traffic trying to get around that. that's slowing for the tri-valley. >> we'll be back with another local news update in a half hour. hope to see you then. welcome to the season premiere of my show i'll be hosting while savannah guthrie is on maternity leave. >> she would be so welcome, wouldn't she? >> in the middle of homecoming week on the "today" show, savannah is on maternity leave. ellen's getting in on the act. so are kathie lee and hoda. >> how did we get here? >> i don't know. i'm postmenopausal and was up anyway. >> keep thing normal. tom brokaw returns tomorrow. rounding out the week with our good buddy, maria shriver on, friday. >> a nice week for you. >> it is. >> having fun. >> mixing it up. >> no question. something different every day. >> keeping you on your well-pedicured toes. >> men yesterday, women today -- >> the balance. we'll look at the headlines. president obama will address the nation tonight. he outlined the strategy for confronting isis militants. he previewed his plan to congressional leader tuesdsays tuesday and asked for permission to train authorities in syria. and roger goodell maintain no one from the nfl saw video of rice hitting his then-fiancee inside the elevator before monday. >> big discussion about that. take a look at this unexpected sight off the california coast. a agrgray whale swimming close shore. they normally have migrated out by this time of year. how much would you pay for a parking space? where they're going for a cool million dollars apiece. >> wow. >> fighting over them. >> probably. let's begin this half-hour with a "today" exclusive. a verdict expected tomorrow in the oscar pistorius murder trial. "today" national investigative correspondent, jeff rossen, takes you inside the scene of the deadly shooting for the first time. he joins us from pretoria. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning you to. yeah, the countdown is on to this moment of truth. will oscar pistorius go free or go to prison? as you mentioned, the verdict less than 24 hours away now. this morning, you'll see this case like you've never seen it before. we are taking you inside the actual shooting scene for the first time on american tv. nbc news given exclusive access inside pistorius' bedroom, even inside the bathroom where he pulled the trigger. the story is he sold the house to pay legal bills. the new owner allowed us to come over. since the shooting, oscar pivot' luxury mansion has -- pistorius' luxury mansion has been off limits. the only images inside, these gruesome crime scene photos taken hours after he shot and killed his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. until now. let me walk you through the shooting step by step in the very spot where it happened. that's right through here. oscar pistorius' master suite. it happened in the middle of the night. pistorius' bed was right over here. you sigh they'-- you see they'v gotten rid of the furniture. reeva was in bed, he had come off the balcony. pistorius says he was at this spot in the bedroom when he heard a noise from down that hallway around the corner of the master bathroom. thought there was an intruder. prosecutors say if that's true, why wouldn't he walk two inches, wake reeva up, and both run out the front door, make a safe escape, a way from the intruder? instead pistorius came to this side of the bed, keeps his gun under here. took the gun out, and immediately drew his weapon, holding it in his right hand. important to note, he was walking on his stumps. no prosthetic legs at this point. he's using his left arm, he says, to walk down this hallway of cabinets toward the bathroom and holding his gun out the entire time. here we are at the entranceway to the bathroom. he says he was creeping by, held his gun out and pointed it right at the toilet door. that's when pistorius says he heard another noise. thought the toilet door was open and the intruder was coming at him. he fired four shots. we now know that's not true. the door was completely shut. it was completely locked. it wasn't an intruder, it was reeva. prosecutors say how did he make that mistake? we're talking about, what, one, two, three, four steps to get to the bathroom. why wouldn't reeva be screaming, "oscar, it's me, not an intruder?" you get the idea when i stand here how small this room is. and you think about reeva's final moments and the terror she must have in. nowhere to run. nowhere to hide. she barely had room to move. the bullet holes are still here in the walls. pistorius still maintains on the stand this was all self-defense. >> my lady, i didn't have time to think. i was dealt with a situation in which i had to protect reeva, and his to protect myself. >> reporter: we brought our south african legal expert over here to the scene to help analyze this. you were telling me even if there really was an intruder here inside behind this toilet door, you still can't shoot at people. >> in order for oscar's version of self-defense to succeed, he had to prove that his life and reeva's life were in immediate and definite danger and that he acted the way he did in order to protect their lives. you showed us how close this is to the bathroom door. there's no way in which she could have not seen the door of closed and could have perceived this as a danger to his life. >> reporter: what do you think this means for the verdict? >> being here, seeing how small the cubicle is and the bathroom, i think his version is improbable. >> reporter: after the shooting, pistorius realized it was reeva in. there he put -- in there. he put on his prosthetic legs and broke down the door for help. that's when he says he picked reeva up and physically carried her out of the bedroom and here to the stairs trying to get her to an ambulance. pistorius says even in his arms, reeva was unresponsive but was breathing when he got to the foot of the stairs. pistorius says he laid reeva down and at this moment, in his arms, she took her final breath and died. the question before the judge which we'll get an answer to this week -- was this just an accident as he claims, or cold-blooded murder? absolutely chilling to be inside that home. you can still see the blood mark actually on some of the sections of the carpeting. tomorrow, as we mentioned, a huge day. the judge delivers her verdict. we'll be here for you. >> jeff rossen in pretoria. thank you very much. as we mentioned, the expected verdict tomorrow. we'll have coverage on the show. we'll check weather from al. >> we'll show you what's happening. we've got a big change coming as far as temperatures are concerned over the next 48 hours. behind this front, it's a big -- this is the one causing the rain. bismarck today, 57 for the high. cutbank, montana, 32 below normal. 36 for the high. ahead of the front, dallas, you'll be at 100 degrees today. ten degrees above normal. lexington at 88. thursday, we're going to see a drop in temperatures, and friday even colder. houston, jackson, atlanta all ahead, above normal. behind it, temperatures are going to really plunge. cutbank, high of 46. minneapolis, 60. 68 in st. louis. dallas, low 70s into friday. risk of strong storms again in the upper midwest today. along the eastern seaboard, gorgeous weather. maybe even snow today in parts of western montana. they have winter storm warnings at glacier national park. that meanwhile, summertime holding on tight here in the bay area. good wednesday morning to you. i'm meteorologist christina loren. weather story of the day, limited low cloud, translates to warm day even in san francisco, up to 74 degrees today. above average. 93 for the north bay. east shore area you're going to hit 79 degrees. up to 96 tri-valley. 96 north bay with changes. we'll chime in temperature as we get into the up. copping weekend, though, we'll ca take numbers down. and that's your latest weather. >> thank you very much. all right, coming up next, imagine turning on your faucet and nothing comes out. al takes a close look at the growing concerns over that extreme drought in the west. and coming up on trending, are you brave enough to live there? 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this one's a keeper. rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®. back now at 7:42 with a dire situation facing residents in california. one of the most severe droughts in the state's history is only getting worse. months after a state of emergency was declared, and now you recently traveled to the valley. >> it is stunning to see what's happening there. 82% of california is categorized and enduring extreme drought. and after three consecutive years of below normal rainfall, it's not just farmers suffering, some can't even get enough clean water to drink or wash their clothing. >> reporter: in late august in the tiny town of seville, california, aerpgs in the -- anticipation in the air. >> i'm calling people, is the well connected? >> reporter: for the first time the county was drilling a new well and becky was ecstatic. >> we'll be able to wash our clothes, we'll be able to flush our toilets. we'll be able to take a shower. wash our dishes. >> reporter: seville is not the only town in the drought-weary county to run out of water. >> people around here haven't had water for like at least a couple months. >> reporter: thousands of residents in what's known as the fruit, nut, and berry basket of the nation are dry. show me what happens. >> well for today, that's what we have. >> reporter: some days there's a trickle out of the faucet, but then, becky has another problem. >> we have bacteria and just recently they noticed, telling us that we have nitrates as welt. >> reporter: the chemical comes from fertilizer and manure, some many farmers dispute, but unsafe water is an issue. >> over a million people in california don't have safe water coming out of their tap on an annual basis. >> reporter: this is the cofounder of the community water center. so somebody is watching in michigan or new york or north carolina, why should they be concerned about this? >> we're seeing over and over again in community after community that if we're not paying attention to the source of that water, that it's vulnerable. >> reporter: in seville, engineers test for contaminates, but it's clear that the infrastructure means new well is just a temporary fix. still, becky is thankful. >> i'm going to take a shower. a long shower. >> reporter: well since we visited, becky did get water flowing through the taps, the county plans to deal with the infrastructure, but still in all, thousands of others in this region still have no water. >> we take so much for granted. >> we sure do. >> simple affect turning on a faucet. >> looked like a third world country. >> i was there two weeks ago, and it is, it's so brittle and just so dry. >> and the problem is they were hoping a strong el nineteen owe the was going to bring more rain, it's not happening. >> label the to southern california. >> barely enough. >> thanks so much. coming up on trending, the adorable dad and daughter who cannot stop singing that great taylor swift song. and next up, just who was that guy in the scarf who had a lot of people talking at apple's big event. carson season in the orange room with his story right after this. there, baby girl? 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[ male announcer ] get 10% off exists 150 years of swedish coffee experience. that's 150 years of experience in perfecting the rich, never bitter taste of gevalia. and we do it for this very experience. this very second. this exact moment. that's good. i know right? cheers to that. gevalia. 150 years of rich, never bitter coffee. for some of the attention grabbing moments from apple's big event on tuesday, carson. >> that's right, lots of announcements at apple's big event. iphones, iwatches. had to have fun with tim cook and bono by recreating this. there you go. really the talk yesterday was this guy. scarf guy. that is tommy, he is a game developer, check that thing out right there. is that something wufl or what? everybody was talking about that. look at this, ryan writes, skip the phone, i want to know where that incredible scarf ensemble is. found mine. scarf guy, #applelive. comes in three iphone colors, gold, silver, gray. the technology is the hot ticket item is right here. i got mine this morning on the way into work. >> apple scarf. >> that's an infinity scarf. >> that is. >> i like those. >> match my purple tie, i went with this today. >> grow the hair a little bit. >> i'm going to work on that this afternoon. >> carson, thank you. coming up, what do nfl wives think of the league's handling of the ray rice scandal? we'll hear from a group of them on how its all played out. inside the met gala, one of the most glamorous events. inside the met gala, one of the most glamorous events. and two woman: everyone in the nicu -- all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment. i wouldn't trade him for the world. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. if you're caring for a child with special needs, our innovative special care program offers strategies that can help. teeth's first line of defense? but daily eating and drinking can leave enamel rough and weak. introducing new colgate enamel health toothpaste its unique formula replenishes weak spots with natural calcium... ...and gently polishes... ...for strong, healthy enamel. strengthen the enamel that protects your teeth. introducing new colgate enamel health toothpaste. replenish and polish for healthy enamel. colgate. #1 brand recommended by dentists. definitely not routine. and that can take a lot of energy. nature valley breakfast biscuits. four biscuits, 26 grams of whole grains that give you the energy to help keep you going. i love nature valley breakfast biscuits. [ female announcer ] the magic begins when jif fresh roasts peanuts to make peanut butter so deliciously creamy. it can even bring a kid out of her shell. that's why choosy moms choose jif. it can even bring a kid out of her shell. thlook what i got.p. oh my froot loops! 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[ laughter ] bring 'em over here. c'mon. so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are24/7branches? it's just i'm a little reluctant to try new things. what's wrong with trying new things? feel that in your muscles? yeah... i do... try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates. >> announcer: you're watching "today in the bay." >> good morning to you. 7:55. i'm laura garcia-cannon. this morning the search area is expanding for the mountain lion that attacked a 6-year-old boy in cupertino hills. officials closed stevens creek park yesterday about a mile and a half away from where sunday's attack happened. officers also installed cameras in that area. experts consider the animal a threat to the public and plan to put the mountain lion down once they catch it. the 6-year-old boy is recovering at home. kick-off for the return of fleet week will be in san francisco this morning. last year budget troubles in washington prevented the navy blue angels from flying during fleet week. fleet week scheduled to start friday october 10th. time to check the forecast now with meteorologist christina loren. how are we looking. >> looking good. a lot across the bay area as we head into this month. our weather is going to be hot. summertime is hanging on even though we unofficially kicked off fall on labor day. 54 degrees in half moon bay. 54 san martin. good morning down there 58 oakland. and san carlos 59. it's chilly enough for a sweater or jacket but something to peel off later as we are clear already in san jose. limited natural ac abundant sunshine for today. and as a result, temperatures will be warm. look at these number. 79 east shore. 74 san francisco. out in the tri-valley, 96 degrees. here's mike. >> looking here toward northbound 101 much more traffic than we saw before because look at the map. the crash has cleared, everybody towards downtown. 280 fine until foothill expressway, a crash blocking the lane. i'm worried that going keep traffic toward cupertino. the rest of the bay typical. crash blocking vineyard in livermore. back to you. >> back in a half hour. xxx it is 8:00 on "today." coming up, tackling a tough subject. >> everything they're trying to build they're trying to build together and be a family. they made this one mistake. >> we talk to the wives of nfl players as they weigh in on the ray rice scandal and what it's like to be married to an nfl star. >> the nfl is going to have to change. ♪ >> plus would you live here? the distinctive property that makes life a real cliffhanger. and jessica's journey from the help to zero dark 30. jessica chastain has wowed audiences with her versatility. she joins us live to talk eleanor rigby and the role made just for her. good morning, north dakota! >> hi to our kids back in texas! >> we made it from minnesota. >> hello, canada. >> celebrating becoming first-time grandparents. >> i'm shea. >> i'm john. >> we just got married! >> hey. we're back, 8:00 on a wednesday morning. the 10th day of september, 2014. here is a sight you don't see often on this show, matt lauer along with al roker, kathie lee gifford, hoda kotb, and carson. we are thrilled to have the two of you joining us. >> look at the sincerity. >> no. this is fun. >> we did request bloody marys. >> i'm working on that. how about that here? >> yeah. >> 50 plus. >> yeah. >> what about you say? 50 plus? >> on the cover of "usa today's" best year's magazine. they call you tv's darling duo. >> there's a lot of airbrushing that took place. >> i don't think so. >> out the wazoo. >> your wazoo looks perfect. >> i'm 61 now, so i'm the new 40, you're 50, you're the new 20. >> you're 35. >> something like that. >> all right. >> we're old. >> we have trending coming up in the next half hour. >> can you guys do this? look what is happening here. >> whoa. >> we are celebrating 60 years of the guinness world records. >> i can't find my key. >> wow. >> unbelievable. >> it is unbelievable. lots to get to. let's start with a check of the top stories with natalie at the newsdesk. good morning, secretary of state john kerry arrived in baghdad on an unannounced visit overnight to encourage iraq's new leaders in the fight against isis militants who have overrun much of the country. tonight president obama will make a prime time address to the american people explaining his new strategy for defeating isis. aides say he will not estimate the cost or how long it will take. on tuesday the president met with congressional leaders and announc. police conducted antiterror raids in australia. the country's intelligence director warned the number of australians returning home after fighting with radicals overseas is posing a risk. he says australia may raise its terror alert level too high. the nfl and the baltimore ravens are trying to deflected growing public outrage over their handling of the ray rice domestic violence case. josh elliott is here with the latest. good morning. >> so much to parse here as rice was fired by his team and suspended indefinitely by the league only after a videotape surfaced that actually showed him striking his future wife and knocking her unconscious in a hotel elevator. advertisers and sponsors have begun cutting ties to rice as late tuesday the owner of the ravens published an open letter of apology to fans in that letter he defended team officials saying they had not seen this elevator video before it surfaced on monday. he also went on to claim that police, prosecutors and even a judge had all, in fact, seen the tape and still allowed rice to enter a pretrial probationary period. nfl commissioner roger goodell who initially suspended rice for two games after his arrest is now standing by his claim that league officials had asked for video from that elevator but they were never granted the opportunity to see it. >> all right. coming up in the next half hour, we will have a conversation with four nfl wives and get their take on the situation. >> an important take it is. >> absolutely. tensions running high in ferguson, missouri tuesday night at the first city council meeting since the michael brown shooting. the meeting was moved to a nearby church to accommodate the crowd. city leaders were hoping to promote healing, instead they were greeted with anger and warnings of retribution. longest and smallest are two of the sure-fire ways to get into the guinness world records book. this tiny vehicle made the new 60th anniversary edition. it is the world's smallest c camper it has room for a bed, a tv and this is the world's longest golf club. it was used to drive a ball 500 feet. it's k8:06. let's check the weather with al. today's weather is brought to you by advil, the pain reliever that's built to be as fast as it is strong. got a lot of fun folks hanging out here. hi. i never heard of lanapalooza. >> it was my birthday on friday, it was my 40th, and every year he planned a lanapalooza. >> where is your husband? >> behind me. >> that looks like a guy who plans a lot of palooza. a lot of heavy rain and thunderstorms from chicago, milwaukee, down into st. louis. we are watching a big storm system that's bringing severe weather and flooding likely. dangerous lightning, hail, can't rule out isolated tornadoes from central missouri down to detroit and cleveland, ohio as well. look at the flood watches and warnings we have ma frhave from, michigan. anywhere from two to three inches of rain over the next 24 hours, five thank you, al. we have a summer-like day to get through, with temperatures returning to the upper 90s. you can see the reason why, very little cloud cover this morning in san francisco, and that will be reflected later on today. these are your temperatures. 80 degrees for the east shore. 84 degrees on the peninsula. we're up to 89 degrees in the south bay, 93 degrees for the north bay. meanwhile, mid to upper 90s in the tri-valley. tomorrow, a touch warmer. we're going to bring up the heat more for your friday. and that's your latest weather. >> thank you very much. coming up on trending, why justin bieber was booed at a fund raising event before, during, and after he did this. hoda was there, she'll give us a play by play. >> she's everywhere. plus jessica chastain on her new movie and how robin williams changed her life. and we have a question for you, can you crush an apple with your biceps? >> yeah. >> dog. >> run on two paws. meet some of the latest, greatest guinness world record sweets become salaries. an oven heats up a community la cocina, a small kitchen that kick-starts the careers of 41 entrepreneurs. they bring the talent. we help fund the tools. it's a small way we help that's been huge for the community. little by little we can do a lot. because... small is huge. visit to see how big small can be. every time you take advil liqui gels you're taking the pain reliever that works faster on tough pain than extra strength tylenol. and not only faster. stronger too. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil introducing the leggings studio. more looks than you can imagine. only at white house black market. so it seemed like a gwell, we make it pretty easy. in fact, your appraisal should be ready, let's pull it up. now, how long do i have to decide on this offer? seven days, and we'll buy your car even if you don't buy ours. but if i decide to buy a convertible? the offer is exactly the same either way. nice! aaanndd... here it is! we'll take it! terrific. sell your car the fast and easy way, with no strings attached, at carmax. start here. ♪ ♪ altuzarra for target available september 14th. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh. with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks. back here, 8:12 with what's trending today. you know what comes between justin bieber and his calvins? >> i don't want to know. >> nothing. not even a course of boos. bieber making a surprise appearance in brooklyn on tuesday night. hoda was there. apparently the crowd was not thrilled to see him. >> i actually don't feel comfortable unless i'm in my calvins. >> maybe a little hard to tell, but they were booing him. bieber shed his clothes, stripping down to his boxers. justin later tweeting grandma always say kill them with kindness and strip on live national tv. that didn't work either. booting only grew louder. hoda, what was it like? >> you know, victor cruz, player for the giants came up a couple people before justin and they yelled cruz, and people kept asking, why are they booing him, they're saying cruz. then bieber got up, and literally when he started walking up on the stage, everyone started booing him. >> didn't rime with boo. >> he just kept going. >> michael for the lakers. >> calvin klein, they were talking about his underwear and clothes, so that was part of i guess the fashion thing, but i guess it was a surprise that he stripped down to his skifyses. >> of it uncomfortable? >> it was weird. i felt bad for him. i really did. because when you're sitting there and watching a kid get booed on stage. >> why did he watch out with such a tall model? you know. >> he looked shrimpy a little. >> wanted her to take her clothes off probably. here's a couple stories that made us ask would you buy this? first you take a look at this house, it's at a beautiful seaside property side. open air spa, the only thing is, look at this, it's hanging on a cliff. austrailian firm designed this, engineers say you won't see any danger at all. >> yeah. >> secured. very, very secure well with steel pins. >> iron man lives there. >> no word on the price. >> probably just going to the ocean. >> could you get one good night's sleep in that house thinking about what could happen? >> you don't have to worry about burglars. >> mow the lawn. >> you could fish. >> you cannot put a price on a good parking spot, or can you? new york real estate is known for outrageous prices, but would you play a million dollars? yeah, there are ten parking places in soho going for a cool million each. they're part of this new luxury building. the new york times says the spots will cost more per square foot than the apartments themselves. >> that makes sense. >> parking is at a premium in new york anyway, but that's insane. >> even if parking your car in a garage is expensive. >> ridiculous. >> do you think people will buy those in a heartbeat? >> i think they'll go like that. >> who has the kind of money. >> you're going pay that apartment, you want your spot. >> and regis and bieber together again. >> i'll take a parking spot, i'd live there. perhaps she helps influence what you wear every day, how much do you know about anna wintour. she provided inspiration for the devil wears prada. you're going to see her like never before, unguarded, answering 73 questions and taking you inside that famous vogue closet. >> who is your favorite action star? >> hugh jackman. >> had to name your absolutely biggest phobia, what would it be? >> spiders. >> hi, anna, nice to see you. good question. leather or lace? >> lace. >> velvet or fur? >> fur. >> vintage or new? >> new. >> polka-dots or stripes. >> what would you never, ever wear? >> head to toe black. >> what's the fist thing you notice? >> smile. >> anna, there's no windows on here. why are you putting those on? >> hiding from you. >> how are you enjoying this interview? >> is it over? >> one thing she does hate is horoscopes. that video is from the to hear all the answers, visit us at >> i like how they do that. >> maybe we should do that here, just walk in. >> 73 questions. jessica chastain is over there, we may have to do that for the entire interview. >> hey. >> leather or lace? >> leather. >> for what? depends on what you're talking about. >> that's against the rules. >> answer the question with a question. >> eight movies coming out this year. >> yeah. >> bieber, clothed or not? >> not. >> here's the video you need to see today, an adorable little girl and her dad teaming up for one memorable danceoff. ♪ >> they were shaking it off. to taylor swift's new hit song. >> so cute. >> i love that song. >> she has more rhythm than dad, it's so cute. >> and that's what's trending today. coming up, inside look at fashion's biggest we're back now, 8:18 with more on the ray rice scandal. how are the wives of nfl players reacting to it and the league's handling of the situation? jenna wolf has that part of the story, good morning. >> reporter: hey matt, good morning, there's a whole other surprising perspective involving ray rice and his wife, janay. i spoke to four women, all married to former nfl players. and they feel there's not only misunderstanding, there's misrepresentation about nfl families. i i started by asking johnson, who's a personal friend of ray and janay rice and has been in touch with them how the couple's doing right now. >> they're just feeling very ostracized, like you're not helping, everybody is continuely making us relive this when we're trying to heal and grow from this. so where's the help? where's the support? >> i don't think it's too hard to understand why janay would stay with ray, unfortunately i was raised in a home where there was domestic violence, and i think women stay with abusers for many, many reasons. >> thank goodness i was not in a situation to make that choice, but i think i would being one to stay because you're there to support and you uphold the image that you feel is necessary for your family. >> i would definitely say without a character from both of them, they are, they're not violent people, they are very loving, doting over each other. over their daughter. >> you hear all the time, well these guys are so aggressive. no, they're not. i've never had to deal with an aggressive husband at home. i don't think it's anymore troubling than in the population as a whole. >> no, it's not. >> i think the first word that comes to mind is that we're gold diggers and that we don't have a true love for our husbands, and we're just in it for the money or in it for the fame or whatever. you know, the money comes and goes, and there is no amount of money that could even touch the injuries and the heart ache and all the things that go with the nfl, it's a very, very difficult business. it's not just the man, it's his wife, his children, and everybody associated with them. >> janay is educated young woman, college degree, student athlete, so it was never any let me use ray as a meal ticket. everything they're trying to build, they're trying to build together and be a family and they made this one big mistake. >> i believe the nfl mishandled this situation tremendously. the nfl can figure out who draft picks are potential draft picks are dating, what their grades are in school, but they couldn't find this video. i think that's troubling. >> i'm sure it's a very embarrassing for the family. so it's going to be a tough, it's going to be a tough road. >> he doesn't have to remain a bad guy. he need some help. you know, it was wrong what happened. >> the nfl is going to have do change. i think the fans are finally reacting. where there are fans, there's money, and money talks. and i think the fans have finally had enough. >> so interesting here, none of them forgive what ray rice did, all of these women understand why janay stayed and all think the nfl had some parts. >> reaction? >> i was surprised. i thought it would be harsh, they understand the entire situation and the dynamic between these two people. >> hard to believe that someone goes from zero to 60. he was a nice guy then one day. >> reporter: this all say this is so out of character. not that it matters, that's to what they say. >> jenna, thank you. let's turn now to one of the biggest events that's held here in new york this year. it is called the met gala. it attracts the biggest names. now there's a great new book out, vogue and the metropolitan museum of art costume institute. it gives the world an inside look at the event's must-see moments. >> from jay-z and beyonce to the beckhams and bloomberg. the benefit brings together the biggest names in fashion, entertainment, sports, media, and philanthropy for the party of the year. it is a night where a listers get a chance to dress up and let their hair down. but before the party comes one of the hottest red carpets around. where who you're wearing is as important as who you are. oscar did la rent day, michael coors, it is the event before the event, couture for a cause. for nearly 20 years, nan wintour led the charge helping to raise more than $125 million for the costume institutes that now bears her name. but once the final sends those 28 steps. what happens inside a spectacular event by any standard remains a closely guarded secret that is until now. the magazine and the museum are teaming up once gone bring us the most memorable moments from the gala's over the years. it is an insiders photo album capturing the fame, the fashion, and the fun from one of the most exclusive events of the year. >> khloe is the social editor at vogue and good morning, you look beautiful, very fallish. >> thank you. >> there are so many spectacular pictures from this great event over the last ten years. picking favorites must have been almost impossible. >>en daunting. there are thousands of fantastic photographs, both daunting, but also exciting to go through those and pick the jewels. >> it is the invitation of the year, isn't it? that probably explains why we've never gone. >> we were very curious. >> and cover ten years, you're going to show us some of your favorites. >> look at that. >> all right. let's start with one, there's one you start off, and it was striking to us because it's made of raiser blades. >> yeah. >> isn't that amazing? chandelier made of razor blades, it was to celebrate the punk tour gala. >> they're not real, i don't think we have enough insurance for that, they were plastic. but it was a spectacular. >> and going along with that theme as well is the punk bathroom. >> yeah. >> punks have to go to the bathroom. >> it didn't seem to fit, but tell us. >> there was a recreation of the bathroom from the punk era, and that was part of the exhibition and gave people a reekle feeling of what they were saying and what the era was meant to revoke. >> and sometimes you catch a moment, you know, and this next photograph i think is one of those candid shots that you look at and you say to yourself, wow, i wonder what everyone was saying. >> what were they saying. >> this is a wonderful photograph, it's from the prada exhibition in 2012. the cohost together, bruno mars, prada, enlauren. it's the hotel right before the met. and it's an excellent photograph. >> it really is a cross section of so many of hunl worlds isn't it? coming down to one rather large space, but one tiny little bit of real estate where you have a supermodel next to donald trump, but that's every day. yeah. >> that's true. >> we love this one picture, i know 200,000 roses could turn into something so spectacular, but this kiss, these lips are awesome. >> this is also from the prada exhibition. it was based on, there's a prada print with lips on it. >> thank you so much. >> you're watching today in the bay. >> very good morning to you. i'm laura garcia cannon. the nevada legislature is in a special session to consider giving $1.3 billion in tax breaks to bay area-based tax breaks. they hope the tax breaks will seal the deal for tesla's $5 billion battery factory and tens of thousands of jobs to reno. the deal would forgive most sales, use, and property taxes for at least a decade. a check of the roads in our neck of the woods. here's mike. >> yet another issue, laura, across the san mateo bridge westbound from the hayward side where we'll take a look over there. you see things are jamming up over off the bridge westbound 92. oakland, as well, we do have a slower drive there, and back to the maps we're looking across 92. on the peninsula side, slowing from 101 just after you pass the crash west 92 at orange city. orange, that's fog along the coast, right along the immediate coast. you're all right as far as the inland areas. northbound routes, still slow. cleared from the roadway, back to oakland, drive from the coliseum, downtown, back to the bay bridge, still there. back to you. >> thank you very much. we will still be here in half an hour for another local news update. see you then. luke bryan. new tonight show and late night, nbc tonight. back now, wednesday morning, it's the tenth day of september, 2014. and it's a big day around here because kathy lee gifford and hoda kobt has gotten up out of bed early to pitch in for savannah while she's on maternity leave. >> it's big, huge, exciting. it's different. >> yeah. >> it is. >> and it'll never happen again. just ahead, do you feel like the cat tears up your furniture. we're going to focus on felines this morning. >> that'll be fun. then the amazingly talented jessica chastain here. she's shaking hand with her fans. we're going to pull her away from the folks far little bit and talk to her about her upcoming movie just ahead. this is cool, 60 years of guinness world records, wait until you see what this year's record holders can do. man, it runs the gamut. the picture says it all. >> oh my goodness. >> true variety show. also don't forget about the contest from our sister network. if you know a kid who's doing great things to help others, we'd love for you to head to and nominate them. we should say good morning to one of the best drivers on the planet. the reigning champ here to tell us about this season's upcoming playoffs. good to see you. before we get to the playoffs, people think this sport, you get in the car, you turn the engine on, you go for a ride. it's a tough sport. you were treated for dehydration. >> i did. i had an issue with the cooling system. cooked in the car and was really down on hydration and needed five liters of the fluid. >> are you okay now? >> definitely good now. ready to go racing. >> does that happen often? >> no, it's the first time its hanned to me. it was shocking to have it all go down like that. >> temperatures can get up to 140 degrees. >> 140 cockpit temperatures with, then four layers of fireproof clothing. >> and they're long sleeve. >> three to four hours. >> tell us about the playoff, how has this been revamped? >> this year we have 16 cars, 16 drivers to make the chase, and every three races we eliminate four, all the way down to the final race, the tenth race we have in the chase. and four drivers are eligible for the championship in homestead florida. >> lucky seven. >> how do you feel about it? >> i feel good. the chase has changed now. i still need a win, you always need to win to move on, but now it's an elimination process. it's a little different game. we'll see thousand plays out. >> good to see you. >> glad you're feeling better. >> hydration. >> the nascar sprint cup championship kicks off at chicagoland raceway, al, get a check of the weather. all right, let's see the weather. decent weather in chicago on sunday, but meantime, we have strong storms today from western ohio all the way into central missouri. beautiful day in the pacific northwest today. out west, 92 in las vegas, much drier than yesterday. we are looking for strong storms tomorrow along the mid-atlantic coast in the alg. also wet weather in the northeast on into texas. some snow tomorrow in western montana. we got winter storm watches and wa 8:33. good morning to you. temperatures chilly to start, but you want to dress in layers for today. you'll be peeling off the sweater by lunchtime. temperatures on their way to the triple digits as we cut off the natural ac, low clouds extending over the san francisco bay at this point and they are burning off quickly. this is what we're in store for today. 89 degrees in the south bay. east shore at 80 degrees. tri-valley, 97 degrees for you. 72 in san francisco. >> i can't believe it, the jimmy dean saucening a guy. how are you doing? >> great, how are you? >> do you have any sausage for me? there we go. that's what i'm talking about. oh pretzel roll. i like that, matt. >> all right, al, thank you very much. golden globe winner jessica chastain sored to the -- soared to the top of the charts with zero dark thirty and the help in the latest, the disappearance of rigby, a wife whose maerng is put to the test after a tragedy. take a look. >> i'm okay. is it okay to be okay? >> yeah, be okay all you want. >> are you really okay? >> i can pretend. >> hey jessica, welcome back, good to see you. >> thank you, so good to see you, matt. >> get your attention right off the bat, first you skip out on the check in a restaurant -- >> no, i do not condone that kind of behavior. >> i was going say, disclaimer there. >> i was a waiter for so long, it is the rudest thing to do. it's hollywood, it's fiction, do not do it. >> then a bike ride, nothing away here, but that sets this movie in motion. how do you describe this film? >> i think it's a love story. but i see it as a grown-up one because it's just couple who kind of grew up together and had these frivolous problems, and then tragedy strikes them and they have to figure out how to deal with it. and can they love the other person enough so let them deal with it on their own? >> and yes, she's named eleanor rig bst by, her parents were beatles fan. . way i understand, this movie was originally shot as two separate movies. >> yes. >> then edited together, and now there are technically three f e films. were you a fan? >> yes, originally i was scared, but i had a long talk with the director, and i actually really liked what they put together. with the edited version. and you know, it's both james and i, and it comes out this weekend, and if you want to see a more in depth profile of the characters, then we have the him and her other films coming out later. >> the audience has choices which is nice. do you mind if i talk about your career right now? >> okay. >> i want to make an interesting analogy, i think. it seems every time you take on a role right now, you have singled out for praise. you get great critical acclaim. is it in some ways like an athlete who gets in a zone? do you feel like you're in a zone with your acting right now? >> i don't, actually. >> why? >> well, you know, i'm a strange bird because every time i get praise, i also think like oh, all right, they're just making the longer the fall. >> building you up to knock you down. >> to knock you down. i mean, i didn't have respect right out of high school. and so i got to see how the industry works. there's building you up to knock you down. so i love being involved in the films, i love that they're being, have acclaim, but it does scare me a little bit. >> i wish you could stop and enjoy it more, i think you're in a zone. i want to end with a subject. robin williams passed away recently. you never met him, and yet you've gone out of your way to say that in some ways he changed your life. >> yes, he profoundly changed my life. he's an alumni of juliard. every two years he would give a scholarship. he gave me a scholarship to make it possible to graduate college. i'm the first in my family to do so. he was a complete stranger, and he absolutely changed my life. and i sent him letters thanking him, we communicated through other people and i hoped to meet him. i hoped that we'd be at a party or something, and it's so sad for me, but it actually, it inspires me to try to continue his legacy of generosity. >> are you trying to do that? >> i want to continue this, maybe with the robin williams foundation to continue the scholarship in his name. because it's such a beautiful thing that he did. and he was wanted to help other people i think. >> i'm glad he got to know that you felt that way about what he did for your life. >> for my life. yes. >> again, you're in a zone, keep it up. >> thanks matt. >> and this is great, this is called the disappearance of eleanor rigby, opens up on friday and nationwide the 19th of this month. james will be here tomorrow, her costar. next 60 years of guinness world records, first this is "today" on nbc. and we're back now with some of life's deepest philosophical questions like how would the world's shortest man and tallest woman have a conversation. >> i like that. >> how do you scratch an itch when you have fingernails, the longest in the whole world? and what's the next -- >> how does the dog with the world's longest tongue eat an ice cream cone. >> like that. yuck. for the past # 0 yards, guinness world records helped bring the answers to light, and there are many more in the latest edition of the guinness world's records book. he's here, the spokesperson, hello. >> and you have what is known as a motley crew, and i don't mean the rock group. >> exactly. very nice assortment of record holders. >> we're going to get to them in just a second. you've had in the last week people trying to actively break records, right? >> correct. >> and sometimes, i mean we've watched them, they've tried here sometimes haen they don't do it. that must be part of the excitement. >> exactly. we receive on average around 50,000 inquiries every year. >> yeah. >> people vying for spots in the book. yes, that's part of the exploration. how far things can be pushed or the extremes that people with can reach. and you never know how they're going to turn out. >> if somebody said i'm going to put more like paper clips in my nostril than any human being has ever done. you don't want them to do that because they could die. >> well, one of the strengths of the guinness world record's book now is that it appeals to everybody. and starting point for always is it should be measurable, verifiable and breakable. and that's how we treat each record holder. >> i'm telling you right now. >> like your of a row. he is our first holder. now this is a little dog who can walk on just two legs. >> that is correct. >> for how long? >> well he is a four-year-old pomerani pomeranian. and he holds two records. the fastest time to cover two meeters in about 6.56 seconds. and also the fastest five meters on his front legs and 7.76 seconds. >> look at him go. >> isn't he the cutest? >> he just did it a few seconds ago -- >> he wants that streak, baby. he does. >> he has 1.3 million followers on facebook. >> i think his owner's going to come in. you can step in. you want to come on in. >> he looks stressed. >> he wants his mommy. >> he does. we have to talk of a row. indeed. >> what do we have here? step right up. >> stepping forward is a man that holds the world's largest mail of a row. it's five and three quarters inches high. eight and a half inches wide, and in circumference measures five feet and three quarters. >> yeah, but he teased it. >> that's what i look like when i don't blow dry my hair. >> as a matter of fact, i think we might have a picture of that. >> oh, i'm not showing that. >> okay. >> there's your competition. >> okay, how much shampoo goes into that, tell kpups. >> a lot. i fill my hands at least three times in the shower and completely cover my head. >> okay. all right. >> well thank you. you and your fro. >> all right. we're going to bring up the next. this is amazing. >> okay. >> we have inka. >> and she can do something that's pretty incredible, shoot a bow and arrow, not the normal way, but with her feet. >> she holds the record for the furthest distance to shoot an arrow with her feet. >> she's going to demonstrate. >> it's actually 20 feet. >> watch her go, go ahead, girl. oh no. >> oh. >> that was, by the way -- >> she did it during rehearsal and it did hit the target. it just bounced off. >> how do you think of such a thing? how did you decide to do something like this real quick? >> it just seemed natural. i live my life in an upside down world. >> all righty then. we have to get to the apple crusher because this one's unbelievable. real quick, step up. >> biceps. tell us about this lovely lady. >> also known asthma ma lou, and she holds the record for the most apples crushed with the biceps in one minute. >> i'd love to. >> show us. >> oh my gosh. i bet you're fun at parties. >> the hardest part is once it gets slippery. you have to wipe it down. >> we make a lot of apple juice in my business. >> oh my gosh, amazing. >> okay, we have to run. that was astonishing by the way. >> thank you, stewart. >> thank you so much. all and to everyone, thanks again. we're going to have more at 10:00. you're going to come back and visit with us. so wie going to hear more about them in just a little bit. now we have a feline coming up. >> yes, how to board that badly behaved. we're going give you a chance to adopt them, first this is "today" on nbc. we are now back with more of the special search for the love of pets. we talked a lot about dogs this week. this morning we're turning our attention to cats. 90 million cats live at home. unlike what you think, they actually care a lot what you think. >> reporter: though doubt you've seen the videos, and heard the cries. they are cats from hell. >> ouch. >> and while they make terrific viral videos, it's likely that your little whiskers oar fluffy is nothing like that. but that doesn't mean your kitty couldn't also use some help. meet lucie, a two-year-old siberian mix living the good life outside of pittsburgh along with her cat mom sadie and doggy sister, summer. >> she helps me find hair bands, makes the bed. >> helps? >> yes. as helpful as a cat can be. >> reporter: and as helpful as she may be when lindsey is home, when they are away, lucie will definitely play. just take a look at what our hidden cameras caught. the cat behaviorist, host of mallon planet's, my cat from hell. >> hello, welcome. i hope you can help us. >> i can totally help you. >> no more kitty paws on my table. >> lucie the menace, look at her. if there's nothing for them to get up there and get, if there's no motivation for getting up there, they'll stop getting up there. >> lucie really likes to steal hair band, climb our blinds. >> you have kids. you child proof, change earrings, hair ties, they go in something. and that something has a child lock on it it. if you're going out there, raise the blind, we have to allow her to at the very least see what you're doing. >> reporter: all cat owners should catafy or make their homes cat friendly. >> she's just in that world of being a tarng. all -- teenager. we have to direct those in a positive place. >> anything like that where she can do her bit, jerk cat bit chrz the bat, bat, bat, and watch its paw. >> reporter: easy fixes that can apply to pretty much any family cat. self-sufficient as we think they are? >> we have made cats dependent on us. they depend on us for food, for the affection, the love, and the energy that we give them. cats need us terribly. >> reporter: even if they may not act like it. we had so much fun. just as much as right now with these kittens. that cat loves you, matt. loves you. so if you are a dog person, i know some are dog people. they say that you just haven't found the right cat. >> really? >> that's what they say. if you're allergic to cats, a hypo allergenic cat? >> yeah, the one from austin powers. >> a cute one? >> big old words. >> by the way, these were saved by north shore animal league america. they are all up for adoption. if you can get this one out of my neck. you can head to up next, round two of the one direction fan faceoff, but first, this is "today" on nbc. all right. we are back, it is day two of the one direction fan faceoff. three remains finalists are here with us. from texas, oklahoma, j.c. reid representing indiana. this morning we're testing your knowledge of one direction trivia. i'm going to read you a question, if you think you know, you'll buzz in and show the face on the dice that you think is the correct answer. first two people to answer questions correctly will advance. and warning, if you have a wrong answer, it eliminates you. make sure you know. here is the first question, who the youngest member of one direction? right here. young lady. find that face on the dice. there, harry is indeed correct, you're moving on, congratulations. she will be here tomorrow. it's between kylie and ripka. your next question. who in the band is left-handed. right here, if you get a right, you're moving on. niles, congratulations. kelly, so sorry, listen, we have a nice prize for you. that is a ticket for you to see your boys in one direction coming up. you're not going away empty handed. you can get involved here. go to our facebook page and answer the trivia question. which favorite band is the fray? go to the facebook page, answer you're watching today in the bay. >> good morning to you, 8:56 now, i'm kris sanchez. the tortoise that escaped from a san jose home is now back with its owner. we first told you about the story yesterday. last night the tortoise's owner reported napoleon made its way home. we don't know how or whether he was returned or why he was taken. big adventure for him. now meteorologist christina loren has a look at the forecast that's going to be warm today. >> it is going to be warm. the tortoises will enjoy the weather we have, because it's going to feel like a desert in some spots. temperatures ramping up into the upper 80s. we're going to be in the 90s in the north bay. the tri-valley, we're talking about the mid 90s for today. even hotter through thursday and friday, then cool you off just in time for the weekend. ♪ ♪ ♪ i gotta have that bag. italian leather? for an amazing deal, and i love that designer. [ shopper ] you paid how much for that? [ female announcer ] two stores. two amazing ways to score. t.j.maxx and marshalls. ♪ from nbc news, this is "today" take with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist, and tamron hall, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today," it's wednesday morning, september 10th, 2014. big crowd on a nice, kind of a crisp morning here, isn't it? >> very fall-like out the door this morning. >> it's getting up to 79 or 80, though, so a little warmer. >> big temperature change over the next couple of days. in fact, they have winter storm warnings up for glacier national park. >> really? wow. >> winter storm warnings. >> skipping fall already. >> gosh. >> i'm willie along with al, natalie and tamron. ray rice's wife janay, lashed out in the media in an instagram post. she wrote yesterday, to make us relive a moment is a horrible thing. to taking something away from the man i love that worked his butt off just to gain ratings is horrific. if your tension were to take all happiness in away, you've succeeded on so many levels. understand she's very upset right now. let's be clear, she is the victim in all this. but this didn't just happen to ray rice, it happened to his family. did he it. he did it, but it happened to his family. she's been there at his side for a long time. he's lost all of his endorsement deals. they have lost their financial future so she is obviously very upset about what is happening right now. >> and understandably so, but the fact is, we're not doing this for ratings. this is not about ratings. it's a bigger, a much bigger issue. and i think -- >> but when you're hurt. >> yeah, you lash out. >> you lash out. she is going through, abuse experts will tell you, you circle the wagon, this is her family, she feels she is protecting her family. and some of these cases, we don't know her personally. her story belongs to her. when she is ready to share it, i'm sure he shall will. for abuse victims i've spoken with, they have to keep their family together. and oftentimes, they will blame themselves. something i did that night, something i did a week ago set off these events. what she's doing, let me, i don't to want say what she's doing because we don't know. what abuse victims in similar cases have done, is that they circle the wagon, they are embarrassed and trying to protect their family. and her evolution belongs to her at this point. >> it tushl usually takes about seven instances of abuse for victims to finally come forward and recognize and to take action in their lives. >> women in my group, which we have here on "today" who were abused from 13 to 20s. there's no magic formula, most of them said to me they hit rock bottom. but what is your rock bottom? >> everyone's different. >> her time will perhaps come, or maybe not. >> it's easy for people to say a thousand miles away, walk away. but it's much more implicated. >> it's so complicated, then you have, on the flipside of this, a lot of people pointing the finger at the nfl and saying hey, you know what, you could have, if you wanted to find this video, if you wanted to find all this, you should have, and there was an interview on cbs news with nfl commissioner roger goodell, he addresses how it's possible the nfl hadn't seen the footage before monday. >> not seen any videotape of what occurred in the elevator. we assumed that there was a video. we asked for video, we asked for anything that was pertinent. but we were never granted that opportunity. >> how hard did they ask? >> i mean they're a powerful organization, they certainly could have obtained the video had they really wanted to see it. >> should we also be asking about the legal system? the owner of the ravens team now says the judge in the case, the prosecutor and police have all seen the entire video and decided to allow ray rice to enter this probation program that would essentially clear his record. so the raven's owner, part of their statement which you have more of, points to the justice system which is a part of the conversation for some. >> yeah. and actually ray rice himself spoke out very briefly said, i have to be strong for my wife, she's so strong, we are in good spirits. so that's the extent of the comment we've had from ray rice. but a lot of the focus on the nfl right now and our friend norah o'donnell did with the commissioner goodell yesterday. and it defied belief that no one in the league saw the tape or didn't try very hard to have plausible deniability. >> they felt, we feel that we have to see the tape. goes back to the aftermath of what was very much seen and you see the aftermath. and i understand, you know, ray rice is a brilliant, was a brilliant player, has a great career, so you don't want to the prejudge or presume what happened in the elevator, but when you see him dragging his wife out of the elevator, i mean, it's very hard to not know something went really wrong inside there. >> and it's also hard when people say well he is a great guy. he never showed signs, well for so many, it happens behind closed doors. used to be seen as a private event. what happens in the home stays in the home. and how do you say that someone is a good guy when you see that video? you have to choose your words carefully and know that, in many cases again, this is happening in closed -- no one walks into work and says, i beat my wife last night. >> jenna wolf did a terrific piece earlier on today. she spoke to four nfl wives, they're married to former nfl players, and they really, they had a great take on janay and this situation. take a look. >> janay is educated, young woman, college degree, student athlete, so it was never a let me use ray as a meal ticket. everything they're trying to build, they're trying to build together and be a family. and they made this one big mistake. >> i do believe the nfl mishandled this situation tremendously. the nfl can figure out who draft picks or potential draft picks are dating, what their grades are in school, but they couldn't find this video. i think that's troubling. >> one of the things on social media. yesterday the #whyistayed was trending. i'm happy that this wife spoke about the money issue. there were people who said she's staying because of the money. and i sent a note to someone who e-mailed, then what do you say when the person doesn't have money? or how do you come to that conclusion? >> it happens across the board. >> absolutely. >> the comment made by the last of the four women we saw there about the nfl knowing about the draft picks and so true. this morning on "mj joe" we had mike gol golic of the nfl. he's a great analyst and said if you're being drafted, they know what you had for lunch last week. and they know what's in the bloodstreams, they're testing everybody. if the nfl security wants to find something, they will find it. and they say they could not find this tape. >> answers that need to be provided to the public from roger goodell, and i go back again to the prosecutors in the case, their decision to offer, even though it was the first time offense, when you look at the brutality of the video on all vantage points and they saw this, let us know what happened there. because what you have now are women who are abused and they say, well, if i turn this person in, is that what he'll get? he'll be on probation? cleared record. >> then there's the whole question about are they given an extra because they're stars, because they're part of the nfl? it's a completely different form of justice. the nfl has this problem. we talked about all the other cases, greg hardy continues to play, he was convicted of assaulting his girlfriend and threatening to kill her, he threw her across the room on a couch full of assault rifles he said were loaded and was threatening to kill her. but he continues to play because he's appealing the case. so while he's appealing the case, they say okay, he can go on and play. >> but the big picture here is it's not a ray rice, janay rice issue, it's not an nfl issue, it's a social crisis across the board as you both pointed out. >> and it's an important conversation and you hate, i mean, there is no ploy for ratings here or anything, but it is an important conversation. and i think because it is going, going on so prevasively across american, people don't see it. you know, she said, it's happening behind closed doors. it is important to raise awareness and raise your voice. >> the discussion will continue. and one thing, people were all yesterday on social media that people were talking about, apple unveiling the two new iphones. iphone 6, and the iphone 6 plus, and the apple watch. one of the first gadgets. of course i do. why wouldn't i? >> the iphone 6, there it is. >> trap a butterfly inside. it's amazing. there are three different versions of the watch. sport version, fancy version, basic version. there is the iphone 6 which is bigger than the iphone 5s and the iphone 6 plus which is meant to compete with like the galaxy phone by samsung. so faster, longer lasting battery, better cameras, also have this nfc, near field communication technology that will allow you to use the phone as a wallet. basically, it'll import your credit cards. >> apple pay. >> you would go into the store? >> you know the pads? >> the will wand things? >> exactly. >> well, it's the same technology that's in the smart credit cards, same kind of thing. you would use that. and also in the watch as well. >> sold. >> it's interesting. it is going to be interesting to see what happens. >> this is not the first smart watch, though, right? >> no, a number have had it ped. a in your opinion have had them. >> it's not cheap, about $100 more. >> this is like 300 -- >> $100 more expensive. >> watches don't come out until the beginning of the year. they missed the holiday cutoff. >> well, there is always valentine's day! >> i'd be happy. and then the phones come out, i think in a week or so. would you be my valentine? >> is this like, i mean before apple would make an announcement and people would just go crazy and you'd stand in line? there are some lines, but the question is, al, since you're the techie expert here, has apple lost its luster? >> well, we'll see. it's interesting. this has happened the last couple of times, their stock drops. but then it rebound. we'll see what happens. but i think people are still waiting. once the stuff comes out, i'm sure people will be clamoring. >> it's because we expected this. everything they came out with is what they expected. i think that's -- >> i think the watch is going to be interesting. >> do you think the non-tech geek is going to wear the watch? is that a niche item? >> i think they will. eventually. i think they will. >> it pulls up the car, you can be like the spy. it's a spy watch! >> it's dick tracy, two way whistle. >> you go first. >> you go first. that's right. you take the lead. i'll tell you what, we have severe weather that's going on right now and it's been continuing overnight. where we see severe storms. we have again the risk of severe weather today into tonight from central missouri on into indiana, ft. wayne, detroit, we are looking at chicago as well. right now, sun's out in detroit, but later today, strong storms, we have heavy showers and thunderstorms dominating the midwest, so probably airport delays from indianapolis on into chicago. we've got flash flood warnings, flash flood watches in effect as well for missouri all the way into parts of michigan and wisconsin. anywhere from 2 to 3 more inches of rain. locally, could be as much as 5. 9:12. happy wednesday morning to you. i'm meteorologist christina loren. we have limited natural ac for today, and your temperatures will reflect that. high pressure building strong as a result. look at your numbers today. 85 degrees on the peninsula, up from the 70s yesterday. 89 for the south bay, 80 for the east shore. hot in the tri-valley, 98 degrees for you and 72 degrees even in san francisco. tomorrow, even warmer. that heat will break over the weekend. >> all right, al, thanks a lot. coming up, stunning, shocking exit from "the good wife" sends fans into a frenzy. we'll reeling, but relax, america. we'll see what he's up to now right after this. ♪ ♪ that's all it takes to help make a kid's wish come true. join straight talk wireless at our "give a minute. help make-a-wish" event, and help make more wishes come true for children with life-threatening medical conditions. this saturday from 10 to 4 at your local walmart, take a minute to learn more about straight talk wireless and great phones like the samsung galaxy ace style, and we'll donate a dollar toward our goal of $1 million to make-a-wish. straight talk wireless. same phones. same networks. half the cost. available only at walmart. looks like we're about to board. mm-hmm. i'm just comparing car insurance rates at is that where they show the other guys' rates, too? 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i think we expect there to be a reaction because of the fans of the show, but i think the level of intensity surprised me, and i think that's a testament to the quality of the writing on the show. it's more about the characters they developed, and myself feel the, a fan of television, get atta attach, i understand it. i use media to connect with the fans and be part therapist. i had a longer time to -- >> it'll be okay. >> trying to -- call people's moms, all that stuff, because that felt like the right thing to do. >> it came to that. >> it did at one point, i call someone's mom. >> really? >> i was in the editing room room, and one said her mom was devastated, and i said, give me your moms number, and we chatted, everything is okay. the show is fantastic. will continue to be, and i feel the pain. >> you moved on. you have this beautiful film, and what i love about is it the guy is nothing like you would be i imagine. leavings his wife and family to pursue a new life. tell me about that. >> the film make e an incredible filmmaker, her fourth film in 20 years, and she reached out to be in the film, and i -- i was very excited to work with her and in a forp country, foreign language, we had an interpreter work with us, but the film itself is not just set in the world today, but tries to talk bout the world today, the isolation, the cell phones, the more connected we are, the more emotionally disconnect we become. the film follows two hybrid stories that connect. my story, gary's story, and one that's a little more imaginative and supernatural, and there's a wonderful young french actress, so it's the two coming together in a film that's really, i think, unique, daring, and for me to just be a part of it is unlike anything i've been a part of or seen. it's a really special movie. >> how difficult -- takes place in france. >> yeah. >> so you don't speak that much french, how tough was it? >> it was really difficult. the character does not speak that much french, and half the film's in french, and the other in english. her part is more in french than mine. i speak in broken french. i play an engineer who travels quite a bit so he speaks enough to get by, and that was more than i speak. i started taking lessons, and that continues. >> do you have something for us? >> oh, god, no. >> god, no, is not french. >> too early for that. i got there, and i was proud of myself because i worked hard just to sound good, get the accent good, and the first french speaking scene, the director thought the accent was too good. we had to re-americanize my accent. i felt proud about that. it was good. >> we'll be back here. >> it's this friday. back after this. in french. affects millions of us. and for many, it's a struggle to keep your a1c down. so imagine, what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar? imagine, loving your numbers. introducing once-daily invokana®. it's the first of a new kind of prescription medicine that's used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. invokana® is a once-daily pill that works around the clock to help lower a1c. here's how: the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in, and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for weight loss, it may help you lose some weight. invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause some people to have loss of body water and salt. this may also cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, changes in urination, high potassium in the blood, or increases in cholesterol. do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis or if allergic to invokana® or its ingredients. symptoms of allergic reaction may include rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking invokana® and call your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital. tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. ask your doctor about invokana®. and discover an exciting combination of tastes. rich, dark chocolate covering soft centers. flavored with exotic fruit juices. it's chocolate and fruit flavors like you've never experienced before. discover brookside. think of our new lasagna fresca. what unsuspecting foodies mmmm! so delicious. i guess fresca is the right word for it. this might be the best lasagna i've ever had. that is amazing! wow! surpise! our new lasagna fresca is sure to surprise. at olive garden. don't be envious. be envied! new revlon colorstay gel envy™ in just two steps, i get what i want. base coat and color in one. then, diamond top coat for gorgeous, life-resistant wear. in 30 easy-to-remove shades revlon lots of laughing, and dancing. [ dad ] and noise. [ mom ] yeah, lots of noise. [ male announcer ] honey maid teddy grahams. everyday wholesome snacks, for every wholesome family. honey maid. this is wholesome. taking a look at the headlines, federal health officials say 90% of american children are consuming more salt than recommended, and they get about half of that from just a handful of popular foods like pizza, breads, cold cuts, soup, and chicken nuggets raising the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. a new study suggests long term use of commonly prescribed drugs may be linked to alzheimer's disease. they follow elderly adults taking medications to treat insomnia and anxiety, and six years later, those who took them longer for three months were 50% more likely to develop alzheimer's than those who took them for a shorter period or not at all. they are effective, but only to be used on a temporary basis. walmart is unveiling the chosen by kids hot toy list ahead of the holiday shopping season. classics like barbie and hot wheels make the cut, but other crowd pleasers is this elsa doll from "frozen," the sewing machine, and this spinning go cart. the trend is creative play things. it's one of the seven wonders of the medieval world, but stonehenge has siblings just two miles away using powerful ground penetrating radar, they discovered what a 1,000 foot long line of 50 massive stones that are buried. they say this changes our view of stonehenge. we'll be right back after your local news and weather. back af local news and weather. losing your chex mix too easily? deploy the boring potato chip decoy bag. with a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix has twenty bags of interesting. pick your mix. a very good morning to you. 9:26, i'm laura garcia-cannon. the search is on for a missing hayward teen. it's now shifting to san francisco. minh ly left his home on saturday, running into the hayward hills. deputies spent the night searching but came up empty. the father said his son was angry at his decision to cut off the internet. the man accused of murdering a 15-year-old in 2012 will be back in court this afternoon. anthony garcia torres pled not guilty to charges he kidnapped and killed the morgan hill teenager. today a judge could set the date for garcia torres's trial to begin. the family of a santa cruz man who died on highway 117 wants to make the highway safer. daniel mcguire died when a big rig in santa clara county lost its brake, caused several cars to crash. today, his family is hoping to prevent more deadly crashes. we'll have a look at weather and traffic after this break. welcome back. now the time is 9:28. this is all we have left of those low clouds at this point. you can see they only span towards the immediate coast and we're cutting them off inland at this point. as a result, temperatures are going to be hot today. 88 degrees in the south bay. 79 degrees on the east shore. the hottest spot across all the bay area, the tri-valley at 96 degrees. here's the deal through tomorrow, temperatures up a little bit more, even more so for friday, then cool you off just in time for the upcoming weekend. here's mike and your drive. >> pleasant drive here 101 northbound around 680. look at the whole area, still a slower drive heading up towards 880, 87, the airport there. 280 looking better, but 85 still slow up towards saratoga, as well. looking towards the peninsula, no problems. typical slowing towards san mat mateo. as you travel to the bottom of your screen bogging down towards mission boulevard. right approach slow, so is the fast track lane, but the west moving fast. >> back in about half an hour. hope you get a chance to enjoy your wednesday morning. welcome back to "today" on a beautiful wednesday morning here in new york city, september 10th, 2014. i'm willie along with al and tamaran. give them your name at starbucks, what comes back on the cup? doesn't resemble your name. >> whatever, that never happens. >> no, never. the mystery may have been solved. watch this. >> many people say the names are wildly inaccurate. they want to know why i can never get it right. allow me to explain why. it's the best part of my job, and i will never stop. let me assure you, even in the world knows how to spell jessica, literally, everyone. i decided to write this on your cup to play why with your mood. and it worked. other times, i like to real [ bleep ] people by spelling their name in a way that barely contains the correct spelling. oh man, that guy almost had a mental breakdown when he saw that. >> video is so my comedian named paul gail filmed in a cafe outfitted to look like a starbucks. we been there. mine's not too bad, i get the y, the ie. >> i say tracy because when you try to say tamaran. if you write an my name in spell check, it's stunning what comes up. spell check my name. hey, let's show you what's going on as far as your weather is concerned for today. we have a risk of strong storms in the upper ohio, mississippi river valley, gorgeous weather along the west coast. beautiful in the northeast, although we have high surf advisory in effect. rain makes its way in the northeast tomorrow. look for showers and thunderstorms. risk along the mid-atlantic coast. snow in western montana, yep, it's hot is happening in our neck of the woods for today. summer holding on tight. good morning to you, i'm meteorologist christina loren. up to 88 degrees in the south bay today. 73 in san francisco. the east shore is at 79, the hot spot, the tri-valley at 96 degrees, and you can see it's crystal clear even over the san francisco bay. during the day today, because of all that sunshine coming in, uv index at an 8, so that's very high if you're out there for longer than 15 minutes, you will get burned. watch out for that. 85 degrees tomorrow, hotter for friday. that's your latest weather. >> thanks, al. >> guys. >> what's going on over there? >> i don't know. scary. let's go to an uncommon strain of a virus we've been telling you about this week that's sent more than 1,000 kids to emergency rooms across the country. starts off like the common cold, but for some it turns into a severe respiratory illness. >> the cdc is investigating outbreaks of the interoviruss in 12 different states. we have a doctor for the spokings person of american academy of pediatrics. good morning, good to see you. >> good morning. >> we've been talking about this for several days, kids are back in school for the most part across the country. when you hear about a virus spreading, kids love to hug, kiss, share everything, and this is frightening for parents. >> it is. and i really to want reassure parents that i would treat my child in the same way i would during any cold and flu season. it is a common cold virus, and any time a child has a cold, you want to the watch out for certain symptoms. and if they're having any difficulty breathing or acting sick or looking sick, that's the time when you want to touch base with your pediatrician. it's no different in this case. >> we've heard extreme cases, of kids a step further than the common cold. a lot of difficulty breathing among other symptoms. how do you know it's something more, something that needs immediate attention? >> you're right, so with this strain of the virus, we are seeing an increase in respiratory symptoms that is landing kids in the hospitals and also intensive care units. any time your child has a worsening cough, any difficulty breathing whatsoever, has a high fever that's not going away after a couple days. dehydrated, and can't keep fluids down or lethargic. you want to seek the advice of a health care professional. >> when do you know it's time to go to the hospital? the cases at least from the reporting, the child shows symptoms, and then it escalates rather quickly. >> that's right. we're seeing a lot of north carolina in wheezing and respiratory problems with these children. so, if your child is breathing really fast, but their belly is going in and out, if you see any nasal flaring which means their nose is moving when they're trying to breathe, blueness, go right to the hospital. >> is there a certain part of the country, doctor, where we should be looking at this where the cdc said there are outbreaks specifically. >> right now we're seeing it in 12 states across the country. we have confirmed cases in illinois and missouri. those were the first cases were. people travel in this country and viruss travel. we are back in school. kids are in close contact. so any time you have a child that's having a hard time breathing. worsening cough or having symptoms, talk to your pediatrician. >> washing your hand, coughing in your arm, we've been taught to share that with your child, but come on, you're in kindergarten, you're not thinking mom and dad said wash my hands. should you keep a sanitizer in their backpack? what do you do? >> so for young children, you have to rely on the teachers in school to remind kids to wash their hands. they need to wash their hands. warm, soapy water for 20 second, that's a long time. we need to teach kids to do that. cover your coughs and sneezes, sneeze into your elbow, and parents, keep your children home in they're sick. >> thank you so much. up next, the three things moms say stress them out the most. well these parents agree on that? oh, find out right after this. hoo, hoo, hoo o. oohh, you got it! i love the looks of it. [garage door closing] nobody touches my dodge dart, jake johnson. not even your best friend slash neighbor? no one. i can still get in craig. i'd like to see you try. all i'd have to do is roll in, dude. let's see it. i choose not to right now. come on indiana. craig, craig, craig. [in a british accent] is someone out there? don't do that accent on me! ♪don't touch my dart theand the kids always eat sky their vegetables.e. because the salad there is always served with the original hidden valley ranch. to make peanut butter so deliciously creamy. ♪ it always makes the home team cheer. that's why choosy moms and dads choose jif. it always makes the home team cheer. for hopeful entrepreneurs, la cocina turns cooking into careers. they bring the talent. we help fund the tools. it's a small way we help that's been huge for the community. visit to see how big small can be. can this decadent, fruit-top pastry with indulgent streusel crumbles be from... fiber one? fiber one streusel. available at walmart. apthai shrimp salad,bos now with crisp greens,w juicy shrimp, and sliced almonds. all tossed with a chili lime vinaigrette. better lunch choices never tasted so good. under 600 calorie lunch combos starting at just $6.99 only at applebee's. or they'll be ready for pick-up when you order online. we've put a fresh twist on classic desserts.ry, making them all new, any day treats. starting with cheesecakes, reinvented using thick and creamy traditional greek yogurt. then delicately topped with delicious fruit sauces. the twist? less than 200 calories. new dannon creamery desserts. cause life's better with a twist. ♪ dannon! also try our dannon creamery pudding range. eat right. not less. gorgeous grains at your service. hi! hi, this looks interesting! what's going on here? would you like to try some hot cereal? special k nourish hot cereal. special k? wow! wow! made with superfoods. superfoods sound good to me. there's uh... quinoa, barley i can definitely taste the quinoa. good! i can't believe that's less than 200 calories. to help you truly shine. this is a way to be good to me. nurturing yourself. what will you gain? if you're a parent you probably shelled out big bucks for fee yan know lessons, soccer, what do you name it. what if your kids to want quit? hear the hot topic and other family issues is carlin sullivan, rachel duffy, mother of seven, new beb girl, and spokesperson for the initiative, and ra nay has two children. good morning, ladies. >> good morning. >> all right. i know you've all been there because it happens all the time when the kids come home and say, i want to the quit. i hate that baseball. i don't want to go to soccer anymore. and there was an article in parent's magazine, talk about the signs to look for and when you should perhaps let them pull the plug. how do you feel about this? >> if there's money on the table, money, then you're going to stick it out. honestly, like in our house, we were like, you know, you need to make a decision, if we're spending money, you need to be sure. of course if they're miserable, and they're really, really horribly miable then talk about it. >> you can avoid the trap too if you look for something without a long commitment. the swim team, we tried it out just to try it out, it saved us a whole summer because they were like no, we're out. >> parameters to it. >> we had a kid that came home and said i don't want to do this anymore. we said two weeks because we don't want to create a habit of quitting. you have to call the coach and tell them because i want him to take personal responsibility for that decision. and what happened was, after the two week period, he decided to stay in. and i always feel that is the case, if they stick it out, it's the fear or they're not good enough. >> yeah. >> i think if you just let them, you know, make sure they really know what it is they're getting into and what they want. all right. that's a good one. all right. let's move on, top mom stresses and how to relieve them. this is family circle magazine. the top three, mom stresses are managing finances. >> yep. >> thinking about their kid's future, and keeping on top of house work. do you all agree? >> rachel, you have seven kids. >> and a newborn. >> seven kids, a newborn. i think my husband would like it if my main stresses was finances, but it's not. it's household chors. and with seven kid, i need it to be organized, and it is just very hard to stay on top of it, but that is my big stressor. >> that i think sometimes it's okay to let stuff go. it's all right to the go to bed with a dish in the sink. it's okay. >> see i can't. >> it's painful. >> never. >> guess what, they'll be there tomorrow and the day after and the day after. it's not that big a deal. >> we'll do a party at me house. >> destressors are actually from the top destressors wing are going to work, exercise, school vacations, sex. these are things that stress us out more. you have to exercise. >> sleep. >> sleep. >> and i thought sex was exercise. it's like killing two birds with one stone here. >> making home cooked meals. and dinner time. and it turns out, how important it is a home cooked meal is for a family. yeah, sure, you gather your brood around and it's a great way to catch up on everybody's day, but at the same time, how much stress does it add to your life, carroll? >> it is stressful, but i can't wrap my head around how women or men or anyone in life doesn't cook. we have to eat at home. i'm married to a person who cooks. but here's the problem -- >> i'm saying assemble food. like cut cheese, salami, bread, and fruit, that's din per. >> hope cooked meal. women were internalizing this for being a good mother was a home cooked mother. that's not true. you can raise a good, decent human being without ever making a pot roast. >> it's going to make you a crabby mom, pop the frozen pizza in the oven, but try to take personal responsibility again for feeding your family. >> you can feed them turkey sandwiches. >> i feel stress here. but carroll, rachel, sorry ladies, we have to go. coming up next, we have four very cool kids whose hit song is more than seven million views on youtube. live performance from echo smith right after this. ♪ [ male announcer ] no matter how things change... ♪ ...what makes us wholesome... ♪ ...never will. ♪ honeymaid. everyday wholesome snacks for every wholesome family. ♪ this is wholesome. think of our new lasagna fresca. what unsuspecting foodies mmmm! so delicious. i guess fresca is the right word for it. this might be the best lasagna i've ever had. that is amazing! wow! surpise! our new lasagna fresca is sure to surprise. at olive garden. say revlon colorstay makeup. breakthrough time release technology keeps skin balanced for a continuously fresh look. 24 hour wear. flawless results. that's all i crave.e that's where this comes in. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great taste. plus nicorette gum gives you intense craving relief. and that helps put my craving in its place. that's why i only choose nicorette. ♪ ♪ bring the delicious taste of hershey's chocolate to anything - everything. with hershey's spreads, the possibilities are delicious. that's all it takes to help make a kid's wish come true. join straight talk wireless at our "give a minute. help make-a-wish" event, and help make more wishes come true for children with life-threatening medical conditions. this saturday from 10 to 4 at your local walmart, take a minute to learn more about straight talk wireless and great phones like the samsung galaxy ace style, and we'll donate a dollar toward our goal of $1 million to make-a-wish. straight talk wireless. same phones. same networks. half the cost. available only at walmart. same phones. same networks. half the cost. here's something fun to do with hot dogs. make easy crescent dogs. pillsbury crescent rolls. ♪ make dinner pop. ♪ 14 years to the day, we got our first prius. ♪ sometimes the most daring ideas... ...are the ones you can count on the most. ♪ the prius. toyota, lets go places. one of mtv's artist to watch, we're talking about the siblings known as echosmith. >> their break out single cool kids hit gold this week. it's off their debut item, talking dreams. sydney, jamie, graham, and noah. good to see you guys. >> good morning. >> i got see you guys on the red carpet at the vmas. then you won. has this trip been something, it's hard to believe? >> a little bit. i mean, we've been doing this for a while. and when you start a band of course you're like oh gee, it'd be so cool for people to like us. you never know what to expect. and it's happening. people seem to like it which is awesome. >> people like you, including katy perry, there was a moment backstage. i think we have a picture. what'd she say to you here? >> she walked to her green room, and we weren't planned to meet or anything like that. i'm standing there by myself, and she say cool kids, i wish i could be like them. and she walks away. like what the heck. >> we're going to walk away why you do your song, cool kids. >> okay. [ music ] ♪ she sees them walking in a straight line ♪ ♪ that's not really her style ♪ and they all got the same heartbeat ♪ ♪ but hers is falling behind ♪ nothing in this world could ever bring them down ♪ ♪ yeah, they're invincible, and she's just in the background and she says ♪ ♪ i wish that i could be like the cool kids ♪ ♪ cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in ♪ ♪ i wish that i could be like the cool kids ♪ ♪ like the cool kids ♪ he sees them talking with a big smile but they haven't got a clue ♪ ♪ yeah they're living the good life can't see what he is going through ♪ ♪ they're driving fast cars, but they don't know where they're going ♪ ♪ in the fast lane, living life without knowing ♪ ♪ and he says ♪ i wish that i could be like the cool kids ♪ ♪ cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in ♪ ♪ i wish that i could be like the cool kids ♪ ♪ like the cool kids ♪ i wish that i could be like the cool kids ♪ ♪ cause all the cool kids they seem to get it ♪ ♪ i wish that i could be like the cool kids ♪ ♪ like the cool kids ♪ and they said ♪ i wish that i could be like the cool kids ♪ ♪ cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in ♪ ♪ i wish that i could be like the cool kids ♪ ♪ like the cool kids ♪ i wish that i could be like the cool kids ♪ ♪ cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in ♪ ♪ i wish that i could be like the cool kids ♪ ♪ like the cool kids ♪ i wish that i could be like the cool kids ♪ ♪ cause all the cool kids, they seem to get it ♪ ♪ i wish that i could be like the cool kids ♪ ♪ like the cool kids >> echosmith, thanks so much. are we cool kids? >> nah. >> we're back in a moment, first this is "today" on northbound. t. we're now into hour four. it's incredible. >> we were in the 7:00, 8:00, 9:00. >> wild day every day. we have jenna tatum, world's longest tongue. you know what, nothing can well, good morning everyone, 9:56, i'm scott mcgrew. this morning, search area is expanding for that mountain lion that attacked a 6--year-old boy in the cupertino hills. officials closed a park about a mile and a half away from where sunday's attack happened. officers also installed cameras in the area. experts do consider the animal a threat to the public and they plan to kill that mountain lion. the 6-year-old boy is recovering at home. kickoff for the return of fleet week will be in san francisco this morning. last year the budget troubles in washington prevented the navy blue angels from flying during fleet week. fleet week schedule will officially start friday, october 10th. well, let's check your weather this morning with christina. >> well, other than a high uv index and temperatures next to the triple digits, it's going to be pretty nice. if you're looking for heat relief today, head west towards the ocean. we have a high uv index, so even at the beaches, make sure you have the sunscreen and inland valley spots, as well, as everybody runs a risk of burning when exposed to the sun for 15 minutes or longer. 89 degrees for the south bay. 84 degrees on the peninsula. a hot day coming your way in oaktown, up to 79 degrees there. 96 for the tri-valley and warm day in san francisco, 74. all the details on your upcoming weekend in just a few moments. first, though, let's check your drive. >> we do have the backup at the bay bridge toll plaza. as you're approaching on the left approach, as well as the fast track lanes, we'll see this change over the next half hour. san mateo bridge still slow. once again, a number of crashes and stalls across this over the course of the morning. slow here on the hayward side. slower drive coming off the high-rise, you can barely see the trucks. seems to be no crash reported, although we did have an earlier one and may still be some degree. back to you. another local news update in a half an hour. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hey, everybody. so nice to see you. no reason to mess with your dial, as they used to say. it's wins day wednesday, september 10th. >> isn't it nice to be here? >> we're in our hood. >> we are in our hood. >> we're happy to be there. very kind and brave of them to allow us to -- >> why did they let us host the 7:00 and 8:00 trog? >> because barbara walters fell through. >> when she fell through, it took two oufs. this is how the show started. there were no drinks. we want to point that out. here is matt's reaction. >> on wednesday morning i'm matt lauer. have you ever had the situation, someone comes to you with an idea and you say, you're kidding, right? >> that's this. >> actually we're not kidding. this is going to be a lot of fun. we have never, as this group, ever sat together. >> let's just put it this way, we're glad it's over. boy do they work hard. >> they work hard. >> oh, my gosh. >> they understand social security and stuff. >> okay. >> we're back. thanks, you guys. you are cover girl yet again. >> i totally forget we do these things. then when they come out, i go, oh, my god, this one is called best years, and it is four times a year it comes out. >> this is the fall/winter edition. this is put out by "usa today." we did an interview and shoot -- did we do a shoot with them? yes, we did. anyway, it's on news stands. a riveting article. i'm wearing the same dress? >> no, you're not. >> okay. it would not be the first time. >> i think that's called frugal and i'm proud of you. or lazy because you don't want to go shopping. these are your words of wisdom. >> sometimes i go deep. if you love her, let her go out drinking with friends. if she calls you drunk, she's yours. if she turns off her cell phone, she never was. >> what? >> that is so true. >> say it again, please. >> okay. if you love her, let her go out drinking with her friends. if she calls you drunk, she's yours. >> she's the drunk one? >> if she turns off her cell, she never was. it's like when you go, i love you. >> first of all, you have no idea how early we have to be here in, super early. hoda went to fashion rocks last night. >> it was a concert at the barclays center, a fund-raising concert. it was terrific. >> things happened there. >> things did happen. walked on the red carpet. luke bryan and his wife were there. the wife and him were awesome. then pit bull was performing. >> you love your pit bull. >> i happened to get a little of it somehow. ♪ ♪ we're bringing it, we're bringing it down ♪ ♪ >> i mean it was so awesome. >> what's that mean, bring it down. >> bringing it, bringing it, bringing it down. nothing means anything. it's all about dancing. j. lo showed us that clip of the booty, her booty dance. she did the whole booty performance on stage. take a look. ♪ the way she moves, i know you want her ♪ ♪ >> when she was here, and she doesn't drink very often. she did -- >> sip a little. >> have a lot. she was leaving for ten hours of rehearsal for that number. it went well? >> it did. what i really admired about her, she did her bit. then she came and sat back in her chair. a lot of times when they do their act, it takes a lot out of you. she was in front. she was posing for pictures with people. there's jen miller. she was talking about the show and how much fun she had with us. then there was some continue very see. this is how it was set up. victor cruz from the new york giants who is a star player came out on stage, and everyone, whenever he steps out they do a chant for him, they yell cruz. in the audience if you don't know him, they're booing him. all of the people were saying why are they booing that guy? a couple minutes later justin bieber walks out and everyone started booing. the whole place, sometimes you can't hear it. it was so loud. then he said -- i guess he wanted to do a gag and started taking off his clothes to show his calvin klein underwear. he said no one knew he was going to do it. calvin was in the audience. let's take a look at what he did and the crowd's reaction. >> i actually don't feel comfortable unless i'm in my calvins. what's up? is that cool. >> apparently it was not cool. >> his shoes, his pants. he took the socks off. you know when you're wondering what -- >> he knows it's not working and yet he continues it. >> took the top off. >> is that better? >> so much. thank you, justin. >> you know, his mom must just be cringing. she's a great, great lady, patty. she's waiting for him to grow up a little bit and all the lessons she taught him to sort of gel once again. but i said something to you this morning, as you know, what he's got to do is get back to making music, not news. don't make news anymore, justin. make music. we figured it out. how long ago was his last hit? >> he had a top 20 song in 2013 called "heartbreaker." it peaked at 13. the last 20 were collaborations with nicki minaj and will i am. his song "baby," that was years ago. >> he has to concentrate on what made him a star in the first place and maybe get a whole new generation of believers, is that what he calls them, you've got to read the room. >> it was full of fans. >> music fans, and fashion fans. i tell you, it's a window of opportunity you have there when you have a career like that. that's so hot. he had talent to begin with. that talent is still there. go back and start doing what made you a star to begin with. >> you're right. have you ever accidentally revealed somebody else's big secret? >> yes, i have. >> you have? >> yes. go ahead. >> britney did that in an interview with "entertainment tonight." >> i was looking to see if you should give it up. she was act if she'd ever work with zoe sal dan know. she said that's a good idea, but she's pregnant with twins right now. she leaked the part about the twins. >> you think any harm was done. zoe, the month before revealed she was pregnant. i don't get the whole baby bump thing, how everybody is so fascinated. we're not the first people in the world to conceive children and get pregnant -- >> do you remember when you were pregnant with cody, how everyone was monitoring every inch. when he came, everyone was giving you blankets -- >> all of that was lovely. i don't mean that. i felt like i was the last person in the world who had never had a child. i just don't understand it. i'm happy for people when they're expecting a baby and everything. the way they look at everybody's stomach. no, it's a burrito. i had a burrito. i don't get it. >> a lot of early talk about it. we did reach out -- >> because we are nbc news. >> to zoe sal dan know's team. they have not returned our call. how do you feel when a friend reveals a secret by mistake? i did. i revealed my friend david, i won't say his last name. i thought he was completely out of the closet as a gay man. everybody in the world that i know knew him. he was laughing and when i saw him afterwards he goes you just outed me to the wol world? i said, i did? he just laughed about it. he wasn't trying to leave a secretive life. >> i think it's one of those things, if your friend's intentions are not harmful -- >> no malicious intent. >> we did this on the earlier hours. but we were blown away about this. you know what they say about real estate, location, location, location. would you ever live in this house? >> it's jetting out over the water in australia. >> that looks like an animal, looks like a goat with my eyes. >> it kind of does. it has five floors, three bedrooms. it's got a carport. >> a carport? we left that out this morning. where is the carport. it does have stunning views. >> i would be terrified of a little earl quake, a little shake-shake. >> they say don't be worried about it because it's very firmly lodged onto the cliff. what about if there is an earthquake and it shifts. >> tectonic plates move -- >> this is important. it was inspired by the way barnacles cling to a ship's hull. >> can you imagine drilling into the stone? >> how did they -- how did the construction guys do it? >> where was the guy hanging? where do you walk blake? >> there's not a lot. there is no lawn to mow as al pointed out. >> a new survey that may surprise you. they asked kids of parents ages 2 to 10 what can the kids do competently. more of the kids are more competent using a smart phone or tablet than they are swimming, telling time or tieing their shoe laces or even reading. they're more comfortable playing or knowing how to navigate that than tieing your shoe laces. >> there's velcro now. almost one-third of kids wean the ages of 2-4 have a tablet. i think that can be a good thing as long as it's not in front of them at all times. i told you about the time i twoent the restaurant the other day and all the kids not only had a tablet out, they were wearing headphones, at a table of about ten people. never, ever interacted at all with their parents or the other kids for two hours. >> i think this is going to be one of those things that the young generation that is having this as their main tool, years from now we'll find out about brain development. >> we have to do a call-out to you guys. ♪ everyone has a moment [ horns blowing ] >> if you have a story that's up lifting or inspiring or even funny, we want to know about it today, please, because we have it scheduled for next week and i haven't written it. >> how about if you have an incredible love story, right it down. go to kathie wants to write a song about it. you know what? i'm sleep deprived and this is going to get ugly. >> get ready for the guy who had no problem licking the competition in the guinness book of world records. why is actress jenna duwan tatum caught up in a love stri angle? girl: bye! cow: they grow up so fast baby: (giggles) cow: my bad. girl: would you like some tea? cow: yes please. girl: o.k. cow: (sniffling) i miss her so much already. get on skype at recess! mom: we're fine. we're fine. cow: ahhhhh vo: make us part of your family. look for nutritious dairy brands with the real california seals. mom: she's going to be done at noon. cow: (yells) noon! ahhhhhh definitely not routine. and that can take a lot of energy. nature valley breakfast biscuits. four biscuits, 26 grams of whole grains that give you the energy to help keep you going. i love nature valley breakfast biscuits. moisture without it hair falling flat? introducing dove oxygen moisture. it provides oxygen fused moisture. the moisture your hair needs with 95% more volume. dove oxygen moisture. of your daily routine. so why treat your mouth any differently. brushing alone does less than half the job leaving behind millions of germs. complete the job with listerine®. kill up to 99 percent of germs. and prevent plaque, early gum disease and bad breath. complete the job with listerine®. power to your mouth™. also try listerine® floss. its advanced technology removes more plaque. it's part of a hershey's bar. we break it. we bite it. we sneak it. we smoosh it. we savor it. we love it. hershey's is mine, yours, our chocolate. can a makeup really do that? meet l'oreal's new visible lift blur foundation. instantly erases lines, wrinkles, smoothes skin. this makeup does it all. try new visible lift blur. from l'oreal makeup designer/paris. she first caught our attention with her incredible dance moves in 2006 movie "step up." that's where she met her gorgeous husband of five years, channing tatum. >> now she's one of the stars of the supernatural lifetime show "witches of east end." she plays the beautiful and passionate fraya bow shaw, and the one caught in a love stri angle but thinks she's found a way to fix it. take a look. >> some sort of smell to make him think he loves her and forget he loves me. >> i don't know, sweetie, you sound a little -- >> i am not crazy. this makes perfect sense to me. she's messing with his mind. why else would they have gotten married so fast? >> because he's in love with her. she's beautiful, intelligent and really, really sweet. >> she is not sweet. she is up to something, i can feel it. >> yes. i believed you totally. >> i feel it. >> you were having fun in that scene. that's called eating the scenery. >> so much fun. the show is so much fun. >> when you first saw the script, jenna, were you like i am totally in. >> totally. magical powers, love triangle, a family of strong women witches. it was like, across the board, i can't say no. >> does channing have trouble watching you in a love scene with another actor? >> to be honest, we're all such good friends and i have love scenes for like the same guy for two years who is also married. the four of us hang out. >> is that weird? >> it's kind of funny. it's a better situation. we're laugh at the scenes. it's so not romantic. i'm choreographing, i'm look put your arm down lower. it's really not like that. >> they say it's very clinical. i would never know. >> real chemistry in those situations? >> i think there has to be chemistry, but it's not always we're going to get married and we want to be together. it's like good friends. >> that's what it was like with channing, right? >> well, that, clearly that was a little different. >> we were just telling her before, everybody in the world comes through here, he's one of our favorite -- a true southern gentleman. from alabama? >> alabama and tampa. >> what was it that you fell for right away? >> i met him in the screen test. i was so nervous. tefs my second movie. he took me outside, he said do you want to run the lines. i said, uh-huh. >> so dare phiing. >> so terrifying. then we became really good friends. then it was like, he's really hot. then we had the connection. i tried to fight it. >> stop it. >> should we play a game. >> yeah. >> what are we calling it? >> which witch is it? >> all right. which witch said -- >> i'll get you, my pretty and your little dog, too. >> the wicked witch of the west? >> yes. >> in which movie did sandra bulluck and nicole kidman play witches? >> my favorite movie ever "practical magic." >> the things you learn when you haven't read your notes. >> who played -- >> it really is. look. it will not go down. >> that's fantastic. would you like to come be on our show? >> it's fine. who played the third witch in the 1993 film hocus pocus, bette midler, kathy gentleman jimmy, sarah jessica parker. >> sarah jessica parker. >> you get to keep the hat. >> and drink wine. >> and drink wine. >> we love you. >> give our love to your baby and to channing and all the success with everything. >> thank you so much. >> come see us any time. >> you can catch "witches of east end" sundays on lifetime. >> the hottest look to take you from your spin class to your kid's class. >> wait until you see what this guy can do, sorry you have to see this, with his tongue. >> ooh. >> yes. each year 17 billion toilet paper tubes are thrown away in the us alone. that's enough to fill the empire state building...twice. now there's scott naturals tube-free bath tissue. get the premium softness you need... ...without the wasteful tube. toss the tube for good with scott naturals tube-free. he loves me, he loves me not he loves me, he loves me not he loves me! warm and flaky in fifteen... everyone loves pillsbury grands. make dinner pop. you know.... there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies. they're delicious and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. mmmm. these are good! the tasty side of fiber. from phillips before ywith preference,ir ask yourself one question: "are you ready for all that attention?" because with l'oréal preference - test test preference by l'oréal. get ready to shine. apthai shrimp salad,bos now with crisp greens,w juicy shrimp, and sliced almonds. all tossed with a chili lime vinaigrette. better lunch choices never tasted so good. test test [ female announcer ] you never know what messes you'll run into while dusting. compared to a dry duster, a can of pledge picks up more dust and cleans 100% of messes. pledge multi surface. dusts better. cleans more. pledge multi surface. what's your favorite kind of cheerios? honey nut. but... chocolate is my other favorite... oh yeah, and frosted! what's your most favorite of all? hmm...the kind i have with you. me too. and discover an exciting combination of tastes. rich, dark chocolate covering soft centers. flavored with exotic fruit juices. it's chocolate and fruit flavors like you've never experienced before. discover brookside. over three generations have taught us so is my family. about growing the best tasting fruit. our grapes ripen on the vine so that the flavors can fully develop. and only the most experienced hands harvest them to bring quality fruit to your table. that's why we work with walmart... ... together we guarantee you only get the freshest grapes available. backed by their 100% money-back guarantee. picked by farmers. guaranteed by us. ♪ a big day today, the big release of the 2013 guinness world records book, celebrating the 60th anniversary. >> to honor the occasion, we want you to meet a record breaker, nick sol burrell from santa cruz, clachlt. the world's largest tongue. >> how long is it. >> 10.1 september meters. i thought i would talk a little. >> i want to see. i don't want to hear him. i want to see the tongue. >> ooh, gross. that was weird. can you lick all three of those flavors at once? yes, thanks for the ice cream. >> cheers. >> oh, my god. do people always ask you to stick your tongue out at parties? >> yes. but i can keep it concealed which is helpful. >> does this run in the family? >> yes, my younger brother chad has a similar proportion tongue. he might be in the book. >> that was weird. >> more guinness world records when we play something new with our crowd. >> plus comfy workout wear that doubles as trendy street wear after your local news. four wholesome grains. sugar. only six? six grams of sugar? that's really good. excellent, delicious... and yummy! honey bunches of oats. tasty! yummy! so here's the story the year is 1890. milton hershey has a killer recipe for caramel. flash forward - milton's recipe is reimagined into buttery rich, smooth, surprisingly soft crèmes. it's lancaster. it's caramel reimagined. can this decadent, fruit-top pastry with indulgent streusel crumbles be from... fiber one? fiber one streusel. available at walmart. you're watching today in the bay. >> good morning, it is 10:26 right now. i'm kris sanchez. police in hayward are looking for someone who may have set two fires in 24 hours. both happened at vacant buildings on industrial parkway just a few doors apart. in one case, someone set a gas can on fire outside the building, in the other, someone threw a molotov cocktail through a window. a report hoping to prevent crippling strikes like the two one year ago. according to the san francisco examiner, the report blames bart and the union for the strike, citing a nearly universal lack of trust between the two and called for reform. we have more on your traffic situation, also your weather forecast coming up after the break. welcome back. 10:28 the time right now. we're still watching the fog burn off. already cleared in the south bay, also for the east bay and north bay. a little fog in san francisco. overall, a very warm day today. temperatures in san francisco 73. the peninsula in the mid 80s. south bay close to 90 degrees. in the north bay, lower 90s. tri-valley, close to 100 degrees. we have details on rain in the next seven-day forecast coming up at 11:00. in the meantime, mike? >> looking over towards foster city, san mateo bridge, a little haze there, but also a lot of slowing off the high-rise and towards 101, where things are jammed up between third street and san mateo. looking back toward the bay bridge, toll plaza does have the backup. now we have the hov lanes open up to everybody. peninsula moving much more smoothly now, northbound 101 a bit towards willow and clearing. back to you. >> all right, we have more on that story and all the day's local news at 11:00. we're back with more of "today" on this wines day wednesday. we're ready to play our weekly trivia game "who new." to celebrate the guinness book of world records, we teamed up with the folks to bring you the fun and weird and wacky records of pop culture. kathie across the street, ready to hand out 100 bucks to anyone who get the questions right. and those who don't, get a fabulous cd! how about this? every one of you walks away with a guinness world records book. oh, my gosh. here to help me out in the studio. their spokesperson stewart claxton. are we ready to play? >> yes, we are. >> this lady from iowa. nice to have you in new york. the guinness world record holder for the most liked person on facebook with over 100 million likes is mark zuckerberg, tom hanks, shakira or rihanna? >> mark. >> oh, no. >> so sad. >> she's happy because she wanted my cd. >> good for her! the correct answer, a little surprising, shakira. >> yes. she might that you have it was mark zuckerberg. it was shakira. what put her over the top was a photo she tweeted from the american house stadium in rio just before the closing ceremony at which she performed of the world cup. >> high viewership there. >> a lot of people watching the world cup. >> lovely lady from you said philadelphia, right? >> yes. >> okay. silvio sabba holds a guinness world record for attaching 51 what to his face for one minute. safety pins, staples, leaches, or clothespins? >> leaches. [ buzz ] >> aren't you glad it's not that? aren't you glad you got the cd? >> the correct answer and i want to see the correct answer, clothespin, 51 of them to his face. >> yes. one of our more prolific record breakers. he holds over 45 separate guinness world records. we hope he breaks many more in the process. >> oh, my word! how do you discover you're good at that? over to kat. this gentleman is from new jersey. in october 2013, a crowd in asbury park, new jersey, broke the record pour the most people on a barefoot stroll, dressed as peng wings or gathering as zombies or jumping rope? >> i wasn't there. i would say jumping rope. >> such a good day for me. >> the correct answer, gathering of zombies. >> yes, very appropriate maybe for this time of year with halloween coming up. in asbury park, 9,592 people dressed as zombies gather there taking the record away from minneapolis in the process. >> there's a record for zombies in a park? >> exactly. >> all right. over to you. >> this lovely lady is from texas. are you having a good time in new york? >> we always have a good time in new york. >> i bet you do. who earned the guinness world record for the richest person in the world? warren buffett, an investor. carlos clim helu, an investor. charles koch or bill gates? i'm going to say carlos. >> that's what i thought, too. you're wrong, ms. texas. but it's good news for you! >> the correct answer according to guinness, the richest person in the world, bill gates. >> bill gates. actually took the record away this year from carlos slim, the philanthropist and huge charity work. $75.9 billion, making him the richest man in the world. >> amazing. time for one more, kath. >> very generous, too, though. what song holds the all time record for the most consecutive weeks on the u.s. singles chart? "i love it" by icona pop, "treasure" by bruno mars or "bad romance"? "radioactive" by imagine dragons. >> how about "bad romance"? >> you know what? it was a sweep today. >> it really is a sweep. the correct answer "radioactive" by imagine dragons? >> 86 consecutive weeks in the u.s. top 100 chart, peaking as number three. between august of 2012 and may of 2013. >> it's anywhere in the top charts. >> exactly. >> all right, great. thank you, stewart. we appreciate it. from that antique vase to your grandma's wedding dress, when to hold on to and when to let go of those sentimental heirlooms around the house. how to wear your workout gear from pilates to a pta meeting coming up after this. af. for my grays, i only use excellence creme by l'oreal. excellence is the only one that gives me the rich color i want plus the rich care my hair needs. its secret? triple protection. it seals, replenishes, conditions. the color? absolutely gorgeous. and those grays? they'll be our little secret. there's a reason it's called excellence. super rich care for super rich color. excellence creme by l'oreal. we're worth it. angieby making it easy to buyng and schedule service excellence creme by l'oreal. by top-rated providers, conveniently stay up-to-date on progress, and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with the angie's list mobile app. visit today. i tell them aveeno®. because beautiful skin goes with everything. [ female announcer ] aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion has active naturals® oat with five vital nutrients naturally found in healthy skin. where do i wear aveeno®? everywhere. aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion.. and try the body wash too. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. aveeno®. when we're having this much fun, why quit? and bounty has no quit in it either. it's 2x more absorbent than the leading ordinary brand, and then stays strong, so you can use less. watch how one sheet of bounty keeps working, while their two sheets just quit. bounty. the no-quit picker-upper. what's the best way to tackle football season? new bounty nfl prints. available at walmart some people think vegetables are boring. but with green giant's delicious seasonings and blends, we just may change their minds. ho ho ho green giant! ♪ ♪ all the goodness of milk, all the deliciousness of hershey's syrup. eat right. not less. gorgeous grains at your service. hi! hi, this looks interesting! what's going on here? would you like to try some hot cereal? special k nourish hot cereal. special k? wow! wow! made with superfoods. superfoods sound good to me. there's uh... quinoa, barley i can definitely taste the quinoa. good! i can't believe that's less than 200 calories. to help you truly shine. this is a way to be good to me. nurturing yourself. what will you gain? blue jeans have been a staple in closets for more than a century. these days sales of democrat dem anyone are on the decline as the need for comfort has started to climb. >> everywhere ladies are in athletic wear whether headed to the gym . lilianna is the author of the cheap chica's guide to style. >> yoga pants seem like they're now a staple. >> they are mainstream. everyone has dapd it ath leisure. you can transition from working out to picking up your kids to going to brunch with your girlfriends. people want functionality and i think that's what's happening. these clothes are technical, but still fashion forward. >> you don't think it's because our waist lines are getting bigger? >> i think people are more active and wanting to incorporate that more. >> let's start with cameo. tell us about cameo's -- >> cameo is in this fabulous look. this is so transitional. all about the layers here. we started with this great vest from joe fresh. it's got a hood on it. and simply vera wine has come up with a leisure line for kohl's. it would look great with jeans as well. i'm obsessed with these yoga pants from a company called tiki. it's all about prints now. and then notice i took out the laces on those nikes and replaced them with hickeys. super easy to get on. >> thank you, cameo. next up we have rachel, and you decided to go a little metallic? >> i think what you need to do is dress up the athletic wear. metallics and holograms are huge in sportswear fashion. she has this great foil detail. i love the pop of neon. these are what i call track pants, they have an elastic waistband from forever 21, under $25. they're piped in leather across the waistband. how cool are those adidas kicks. super comfortable. you looks so cute and the jacket is something you can throw over in case it gets cool. also a great layering piece. >> thank you very much, rachel. next up you are laine. >> she's showing us the perfect post spin outfit. she's got this great rain jacket, this is from acos. it has the sporty feel with the varsity stripes on the sleeve. great tank top from victoria's secret. these are slim sweat pants, available at old navy. it's not your husband's sweat pants, a little more feminine and tailored to the body. everyone knows you want to slip into a sneaker easy. it's the it sneaker for fashion, the van's. you can slide them on and you're ready to go. >> and your hair looks good, too. >> love the curls on her. >> lastly we have phyllis. >> is phyllis here? >> there's phyllis. >> love phyllis. phyllis has finished an energized power walk and off to car pool. the jacket makes the piece. you're seeing brights in active wear. if you see a subtle pastel, it tones it down. only 60 bucks, top from forever 21. these are the knockout tight from victoria's secret, their best-selling athletic pant, and then bold sneakers are a must for all fashionistas. this is from new balance. they can incorporate with anything as simple as black -- >> can we show lilianna's dress. by the way, you rented it? >> i did, for 85 bucks. >> so cute. >> who is the designer? >> opening ceremony. >> thank you lovely ladies. are you still holding on to your kid's preschool paintings. >> we're going to help you finally let go of the precious keep take saeks? >> not lucy and ethel? >> yes. it's time. i was a negative nancy. but, thanks to, >> not lucy and ethel? >> yes. it's time. a take saeks? >> not lucy and ethel? >> yes. it's time. k take saeks? >> not lucy and ethel? >> yes. it's time. e take saeks? >> not lucy and ethel? >> yes. it's time. s take saeks? >> not lucy and ethel? >> yes. it's time. take saeks? >> not lucy and ethel? >> yes. it's time. ake saeks? >> not lucy and ethel? >> yes. it's time. for the credit you deserve to get all kinds of great stuff. [ doorbell rings ] oh, i hope that's our new espresso machine. and that hot delivery guy. ♪ years later, she still is. sara was glowing. and that hot delivery guy. nice'n easy color looks lit by the sun with luminous lowlights and shimmering highlights. she's more radiant than ever. nice'n easy, for the most natural shade of you. so i'm trying best foods with olive oil. let's see what happens. that's not best foods on your sandwiches. it's best foods with olive oil. whaddaya want, a parade? [ laughter ] bring 'em over here. c'mon. [ laughter ] nature valley crunchy granola bars nergy from 1/3 of your daily whole grains, so 1/3 of this commercial is dedicated to what you could do with all that energy. energy for getting dizzy at the beach. it's eb. want to give your family the very best in taste, freshness, and nutrition? it's eb. eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. with roc multi correxion 5 in 1. hydrate dryness, illuminate dullness, lift sagging, diminish the look of dark spots, and smooth the appearance of wrinkles. roc® multi correxion 5 in 1. high performance skincare™. now for a flawless look, roc perfecting cream. the only bb cream with the wrinkle fighting power of roc retinol. new from roc. like most of us, you probably have some family heirlooms or keep steaks around the house you keep tucked away for sentimental reasons. >> chances are you'll probably never use most of them. it's just a bunch of stuff as george carlin puts it. >> that's all your house is a place to keep your stuff while you go out and get more stuff. sometimes, sometimes you've got to move, you've got to get a bigger house. why? too much stuff. you've got to move all your stuff and maybe put some of your stuff in storage. imagine that, there's a whole industry based on keeping an eye on your stuff. >> oh, wow, george, loved him so much. how do you finally let go or at least get it organized? we brought in a professional to help. barbara reach who aarp magazine calls the queen of clean. >> hi. >> you can get very attached. >> it's hard. if something belonged to a grandmother or something, you can't imagine tossing it, right? tell us about the bond we have with our stuff. >> the psychological brd of what heirlooms, silver, china, portraits to keep is paralyzing for people. it's very hard to let go of these people, particularly when you have a family mem were say i'm giving this to you to keep because i know you'll take care of it or you'll keep it in the family. >> or you won't butt it on ebay. >> a very heavy burden. >> how do you sort out what things are of value, personal value orman tear value and what you should just discard? >> i like to ask three questions. the first question i ask is does it make you happy? when you look at this thing, if it makes you happy, that's great. if it doesn't, it might be time to let it go. >> like the elephant. >> if the elephant isn't making you happy -- >> what are the other questions this. >> is it your memory? you're not responsible for other people's memories. if it's not your memory, you can let it go. if you don't have the physical space for it and you're not going to get a storage unit, you can also let it go. >> what's the third one? >> physical space, if you don't have physical space for it. >> i like the idea of consolidating things so you can somehow save them or make them smaller. >> absolutely. for example, pictures can be digitized very easily. i know in my family we have certain letters and pictures of relatives that my father has put on disk and tall cousins have it. it's a beautiful thing to have, beautifulment for example, this is my grandmother's recipe box. >> which you want to keep. >> which i can't to keep. i haven't cooked a meal in 20 years, i look the recipe box with the food stains on it and my grandmother's handwriting. the other thing i would say is don't give somebody a box of old ticket stubs. if a memory is worth preserving, preserve it. put it in an album chronologically so it makes sense and is a real keep sake for people. >> let's go back here. this is a like a world war ii uniform. >> world war ii uniform. >> beautiful, or things that are of such personal value. how do you keep, store and hang on to these? >> these are very emotional. particularly the baby clothes, the wedding dress. the key thing is store it in a box where it's with moth balls, acid free. take good care of it. if something is important enough for you to save it, make sure you save it properly. >> did you save your wedding dress? >> it's upstairs in the cedar closet. i can't get one leg into it but i've got it. >> what about these? >> what about sports equipment? >> we have a lot of that. >> one of the things when you're deciding what you have and what you should keep and what you shouldn't keep, think about whether it has value. is it something that can be sold. can it be con signed? >> at our house -- >> thank you so much, barbara. 1300 beauty products tested. we've got the 12 best. >> first this is "today" on nbc. can be intimidating. take your kids on a walk through the online neighborhood. show them sites you feel are acceptable. teach them how to deal with cyber bullies and encourage them to navigate safely. the more you know. no one can stop the clock on aging, but you can turn back the hands of time a little bit by looking your best with the right beauty products. >> i love this segment. the folks at "prevention" magazine tried out more than a thousand of them in all kinds of categories. here are the top beauty award winners. executive editor olessa pindeck is with us. >> for 2014, huh? >> let's talk skin care and the best kay cream. >> these are all scientifically proven, backed by independent research so we know they work. the best day cream is a strivectin product. it has retinol in it, but made for the day because it has spf 30. >> what about under the eyes? >> something that bugs all of us. this product from origins is so great because it treats all the different things that bug you, puffiness, dark circles, everything that's going to bug you. >> so these are not necessarily the most expensive products, just the best products. >> that's right. >> night cream you have roc. >> it's a multi-tasker, treats from dark circles to wrinkles. >> i love roc. >> these are body lotions. >> everybody has a lotion that they love. what makes this so cool is the delivery system. you have to try spraying it. we've seen this kind of technology in something like a spray -- like a self-tanner. but this is now lotion form. no more excuses for scaley skin. >> okay. >> it drys really quickly. >> the body wash? >> this is something everybody should have, great for sensitive skin. it has no dyes, no irritants. it's very moisturizing. it's a great basic to add. >> by oil of olay. >> the best conditioner, we couldn't decide. we have both a neutragena and garnier that we loved. when we had them tested, they both scored the same on shine and combability. and the best shampoo, we can always expect something from living proof. this is no exception. it actually has a molecule that goes around each strand of hair and prevents dirt from sticking to it. dry shampoo is every busy woman's best friend. >> looks great. >> she's got great hair. >> it looked good before you sprayed it. >> let's do makeup. mass cara? >> this is a fantastic one from physicians formula. it goes on really nicely, gives you volume. it gives you length and strength, but it also comes off really easily. >> best concealer? >> best concealer is japanesque. you can use it under the eyes for dark circles. >> powder? >> powder, this we like to call the best instagram filter for your face. kate has it on. >> kate is wearing it? >> yes. it gives you a beautiful glow. >> kate looked good before, too. >> the best lipstick. >> triple threat three in one. >> thank you so nbc bay area news starts now. >> well, good morning everyone. thank you for joining us, i'm scott mccrew. >> i'm kris sanchez. a family terrorized in their own home. criminals broke into a house in san jose's silver creek neighborhood in the middle of the night and threatened to kill the family. it happened on snowden place near silver oak elementary school. it's a neighborhood that is inside a gated community, which also has a security guard. nbc bay area's damian trujillo is there live with a story you will only see here on nbc. damian, what happened? >> reporter: kris, there are several security guards here along the perimeter of the country club. a lot of shock and concern this home


Transcripts For WCAU NBC 10 News At 5pm 20140910

launching air strikes in iraq but senior white house officials say the president could expand missions into syria. the president is expected to expand united states military role in both countries and make his case to form international coalition against isis militants. among options, giving weapons to syrian rebels and air strikes. lawmakers want to put it to a vote but the president does not need their formal approval. john kerry spend the day in baghdad. he's trying to drum up support in defeating the isis threat. >> despite two wars since 9/11 terrorist attack, public opinion is changing when it comes to attacking isis. more americans support military action in iraq and syrian that a few months ago. live in our digital operations center, deanna, hearing from veterans and families about the possibility of an expanding war overseas. >> reporter: we did catch up with vets at town hall meeting in philadelphia and they tell us, they support the president and his decision to use military action overseas they want him to remember the veterans who have already served. >> something needs to be done with isis, it needs to be, but also the president has to think about our vets, that are there, coming back home, ptsd, stressed out, injuries and not taking care of us. anytime starting another war, he has to take care of ones that's already here. >> new nbc news/"wall street journal" poll shows americans are unhappy with president obama's handling of foreign policy. 32% approve of the job he's doing with international affairs. the president's overall job approval stands at 40%, tying all-time low. the poll shows 61% have support for u.s. military action against isis. you can catch the president's speech live tonight here on nbc 10 and deanna durante, nbc 10 news. >> announcer: now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> mix of sun and clouds this afternoon, as we look live over the center city skyline. threat of storms on the horizon. >> nbc 10 first alert meteorologist sheena parveen is here to tell us what to expect. >> mainly late in the day tomorrow. so because of this, we are issuing a first alert day for late thursday. just remember this before you head out. again, mostly the later part of the day, more like evening hours. thunderstorms in the forecast. some storms could provide us with damaging winds, lightning, heavy downpours of rain which could lead to localized flooding depending which areas see the rain. right now the weather system. moving through ohio, and this is when -- one we expect to move through as we go late in the day tomorrow. locally, seeing clouds around, a warmer day today and tomorrow. notice even warmer day with humidity going up, too. right now philadelphia, 80 degrees through the lehigh valley, mid-70s. for south jersey and delaware, mid-70s. humidity will go up as early as overnight hours tonight. by 6:00 p.m., nice outside. temperature in upper 70s. 8:00, mild 73. 10:00, near 70. back to you. >> tell us what we can expect from tomorrow's first alert day coverage. >> first alert weather day, we tell you severe weather is coming or threat of any weather that could lead you to become more prepared. that's why we tell you what to expect so you can be prepared. tomorrow's coverage doing weather around the clock to keep you updated and online we just want to alert you ahead of time because we have a lot of changing weather coming and we don't want you to be unprepared. all day tomorrow and online, keeping you prepared. also through social media. i'll have the timing of the storms, coming up. >> thank you. christina regusters's kidnapping trial could go to a jury tomorrow. charged with kidnapping and sexual assault of a 5-year-old girl in 2013. in court today, her lawyer called two character witnesses, including her best friend. regusters did not take the stand in her own defense. >> the judge directly and bluntly told christina regusters she had a right to testify and asked her if she understood when she was not testifying that she was waiving that right and asked her whether she approved of everything that her council did and she answered yes. >> the judge will give his instructions to the jury, first thing in the morning. the controversial images of ray rice and his then-fiancee in a elevator are now hitting newsstands. a frame of that video on this week's cover of "sports illustrated," the magazine delves into not only the problem of domestic violence but nature by which the nfl reacted both before and after the video was released. for the third day in a row since that video surfaced the prosecutor, who admitted rice into a pretrial invention program, is not commenting about the legal proceedings. but nbc 10 did gain insight from atlanta county's former prosecutor. a democrat told nbc 10 that, despite coordinator recommendations the decision to reject or accept first-time offender into the rehabilitative program falls squarely on the prosecutor or assistant prosecutor. the judge is not privy to persuading that decision. >> pti's all about rehabilitation. it's not avoiding jail for avoiding jail sake. the fact that the prosecutor mcclain to review this speaks to the importance of the case and the fact that he may have been aware, the buck stops with him. >> nbc 10 tracked down ray rice's attorney today in the philadelphia courtroom. he told us he cannot comment on any aspect of the case at the request of his client. police are asking for your help finding rial. he's charged with possession and intent to deliver methamphetamines. he knows about the warrant but refuses to surrender. from trenton bureau, analysts at standard & poor's downgraded new jersey's debt rating once again. sapp dropped the state's dropped from a plus to an "a" with stable outlook. the analyst cited unbalanced budgets and pension liability. the change marks the eighth downgrade on chris christie's watch. fitch ratings dropped the state's crediting rating last friday. to the casino crisis in atlantic city. a bankruptcy judge is allowing trump entertainment resorts to continue with operation mz the judge said the company can use cash owed to its owner, billionaire carl icahn. the company owns trump plaza and trump taj mahal. trump plaza closes next week and the taj may close in november if it doesn't win concessions from union workers. philadelphia mayor nutter went back to high school today to see how the start of the year is fogoing for local students. students got a visit from mayor nutter when classes started. it's the first full week of the new school year for students. the visit part of the city's celebration of education week. mayor nutter will visit with students and teachers of schools across the city. a new tool to help police officers deliver aid to wounds brothers and sisters. officers in al allentown given individual first aid kits. each kit a part of the officer's uniform with napes and blood types sewn into the pack. the kit includes bandages to treat bullet wounds and stop any pleading. call it a presidential snub. >> president obama's plans for a weekend golf outing suddenly scrapped. why several well-known courses told the president to his his clubs and go elser. >> victimized on the happiest day of their lives. listen up, why the state of new jersey is issuing a warning over wedding gowns. into and everyone in the pool literally how this unexpected swimmer ended up cooling off with hundreds of kids. >> announcer: nbc 10 breaking news. update to breaking news we told you about at top of the newscast. nfl responding to an associated press report a source sent the league the video of ray rice attacking his then-fiancee. accord together source, the nfl received the video several months ago. a media relations spokesman said, quote, we have no knowledge of this. we are not aware of anyone who possessed or saw the video when it was made public monday. we'll will look into it. nbc 10 first alert radar tracking the threat of severe weather for tomorrow afternoon. the potential exists for heavy rain and damaging winds. nbc 10 meteorologist sheena parveen returns with the updated forecast in minutes. tomorrow the country will pause to remember the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and honor 3,000 innocent victims killed that day. nbc news national correspondent jay gray has a closer look tonight from ground zero in new york. >> reporter: the ground zero, so much has changed. but on the eve of 9/11, annual day of remembrance, there's still a constant here, the heartache and pain that lingers 13 years later. >> you know, you reflect on that day, you always remember where you were when it happened and thank god you're one of the ones still here. pray for all of the families of the people that were lost. >> reporter: but as the country pauses to look back, there's a growing concern about what the future could bring. with the increasing threat and reach of the islamic extremist group isis, a new "wall street journal"/nbc news poll shows 47% of americans believe the country's less safe now than before 9/11 terror attacks. >> with everything going on in the world, it's still there. it's still present. >> reporter: in a prime time speech, president obama will outline his plan to combat isis. but this afternoon in washington, congress paused for a special medal of honor ceremony for victims of the 9/11 attacks. >> tomorrow we mourn for what was taken from us. today we consider what was left behind, stories tweel and retell. legacy we strive to claim and families that we ache to serve. ♪ >> reporter: and honor tomorrow as the country stops to remember. jay gray, nbc news, new york. >> one day before the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks the local widows of two pilots who died that day are pushing for increased cockpit protections. ellen was in washington today for the congressional gold medal ceremony. honor bestowed to each of the 9/11 memorial sites. the two want congress to pass the aviation safety act to protect pilots like their husbands from future hijackings. they show stud y-cockpits vul nev vulnerable to breach. >> we have legislation before us that will make sure the cockpit can never be breached again, another september 11th will never happen. we have to have congress wake up. these are issues we have to deal with. >> victor was captain of united flight 175 when it crashed into the south tower of the world trade center. leroy homer, first officer of united flight 93 that went down in shanksville, pennsylvania. nbc 10 news today will have live coverage tomorrow morning. join us as we mark the 13th anniversary beginning at 4:00 a.m. right here on nbc 10. a verdict expected tomorrow in the oscar pistorius murder trial, a process expected to take hours but can last for days. the judge will give a summary of her own findings before deciding whether the olympic runner is guilty or not guilty. pistorius accused of shooting and killing his girlfriend valentine's day last year. if found guilty, he'll be sentenced at a later hearing. >> dallas cowboys owner jerry jones fighting a civil lawsuit that claims he sexually assaulted a former exotic dancers. photos surfaced in social immediate yap the woman is seeking $1 million. jones says the photos are a misrepresentation of what happen. jerry jones' attorney calls the lawsuit a shakedown. getting in 18 holes of golf shouldn't be tough if you're the president of the united states, right? that wasn't the case for president obama over the labor day weekend. he was in new york and connecticut for several fund-raising events. when his team called and asked for a te. time at three clubs in the area they all turned him down. trump national golf club, wing foot and willow ridge said no. they didn't want to inconvenience high-paying members. >> it's the most important weekend of the year for golf and 240 members are not photog say, hey, let the president come out, i'm not owing to play this weekend. no way that would ever happen. >> club officials said president obama is not the first head of state who has been rejected. representatives of the king of morocco tried and failed to secure a tee time of the same courses that same weekend. a swim competition for young children in india took a surprising turn when an unexpected visitor made a big splash. leading the pack is a bull that suddenly jumped into the pool in the middle of the competition. the kids were thrilled. the bull, you know what, enjoyed it too, swimming around for an hour before pulled from the water. >> announcer: now your nbc 10 first alert weather. with meteorologist sheena parveen. >> another nice day today, we started with the clouds but they cleared out. so we have seen big improvements compared to last few days. temperatures fairly comfortable. a live look outside at boathouse row. warmer today than yesterday. hotter tomorrow than we are today. the heat is going to bring along humidity. heat and humidity will be ahead of thunderstorms. we are tracking storms for tomorrow, mainly the later part of the day. late afternoon, evening hours, and thunderstorms could be on the strong side. so just keep that in mind. tomorrow is going to be a first alert day because of that. so we can keep you prepared of any storms. live look at center city from adventure aquarium. overcast skies this afternoon. much of the day we did see much improvements. some areas seeing sunshine. clouds are trying to come back in now. 80 in philadelphia. humidity around 47%. making it feel like 81. not that big of a difference. but it's warmer. through the lehigh valley into the poconos, mid-70 in pottstown to upper 60 in mt. pocono. 77 in trenton. 75 millville. mid-70s delaware. you see a satellite picture, no rain but we do have clouds moving back in. we did see a mix of clouds and sun. but if you look back to the west, a big line of storms moving through much of the ohio river valley. and this line of storms will be moving in as we go into tomorrow. not the entire day, only part of the day. but that part of the day we could see strong storms. future weather for the afternoon and evening keeps us dry. clouds increase overnight. humidity goes up, too. tomorrow morning note this cloud cover. it shouldn't be until late afternoon we have storms. this is 2:00 p.m., approaching from the west by 5:00 p.m. line of storms starting to move through, even into the evening hours, 8:00 p.m. new jersey. and leaving by midnight. we clear up as we go into friday. as far as tomorrow's concerned because of the storms a first alert weather day for thursday, late day thunderstorms, some could provide damaging winds. some strong with lightning and heavy downpours. in any areas heavy downpours could lead to localized flooding. tonight, cloudy and dry, humid late tonight. 68 for the low in philadelphia. mid-60s north and west. tomorrow, hot, humid, late day thunderstorms. temperatures near 90. thunderstorms move in late in the day. friday we clear out in 70s. rain saturday. sunday looks good. temperatures mid to low 70s. >> ladies, listen up, shopping for the perfect wedding gown, buyer beware. >> counter fit gowns, what you need to know to make sure you're not looking for your best but buying the real thing. in god we trust, it's on our dollar bills and coins. one pennsylvania downty wants the credo out of its council chambers. western pennsylvania county council voted to ban posting the national motto, in god we trust in its chambers. eight allegheny county democrats voted against the measure, five republicans and one democrat voted for it. allegheny county executive rich fitzgerald threatened to veto the measure. he called it, quoting a movement by the right wing evangelical christians across the country to impose christianity in public buildings. the display would have included pennsylvania's state motto, virtue, liberty, independence. from trenton bureau, arrival of the fall wedding season, officials in new jersey warning brides-to-be about shopping for a dress online. the state's division of consumer affairs wants women to be aware of websites offering genuine designer gowns at low prices. they say a poorly made counterfeit dress may show up at your door instead. what can you do to protect yourself? make sure whoever is selling the designer dress is listed on the brand name website as authorized dealer. read the seller's return and cancellation policies. call the seller, speak with the real person and ask as many questions as necessary. pot penalties happening today. changing for people caught with a small amount of the drug in philadelphia. nbc 10's rosemary conners live in center city. >> reporter: after quite a bit of negotiating between the mayor and city council, it appears the decriminalization of marijuana could happen as soon as next month. i'll explain after the break. >> also ahead, water main break. pipes burst frequently in philadelphia. often damage is severe. what the federal government is being asked to do improve aging water infrastructure. all new on nbc 10 news at 6, a father's love, professional football player from our area getting national attention because of what he's doing off the field. why his jersey is now the most sold in bengals history. i'm sheldon yellin, and i started my career rebuilding homes for one family at a time. today, our companies help build something more. for 28 years, belfor has been restoring homes and businesses destroyed by fire, flood, or any disaster. and even though we've grown to over 6,000 dedicated people around the world, for me, it's still about helping one family or business at a time. at belfor, we're restoring more than property. >> announcer: this is nbc 10 news. right now, 5:30, pot penalties. the law is changing in philadelphia for people caught with marijuana but the penalties aren't for across the board marijuana investigations. >> rosemary conners is live in center city with more. >> reporter: talking about a small amount of marijuana, so here's the deal. basically, if you're caught possessing 33 grams or less, an ounce, you'd pay $25 fine. if you're caught smoking that small amount in public it would be $100 fine for community service. bottom line, you would not be arrested. >> i think something that's really important about decriminalizing marijuana there are people who might0y2+q marijuana who aren't criminals. >> reporter: philadelphia is known as the city of brotherly love, the streets are often plagued by violent crimes and that's what people whom we spoke to want the police to pursue, not mine for marijuana offenses. councilman jim kenny has been listening to the people and that's part of the motivation behind his bill. he believes possessing or smoking a small amount of pot isn't something that should haunt you the rest of your life. >> government, i think, should never be in the way of people reaching full potential. >> trying to make sure for small amounts of marijuana and people not dealers, not distributing, not engaged in some huge crimen ter prize but have whatever their personal amount is we don't destroy their lives at 19, 20 years old, 23 years old, and all of a sudden you have an arrest record. >> i'm sure the district attorney's office is stretched thin. now they don't have to worry about small things like that and that's not clogging up the system. >> reporter: in exchange for no jail time, the small amount of marijuana means you're paying a fine. >> i wonder what message it sends about drugs and if it might make people who would never have considered using pot start using it. >> reporter: here's the time line on the bill. tomorrow, councilman kenny will make amendments he and the mayor agreed upon and next week council will vote. it could go into effect october 20th. rosemary conners, nbc 10 news. some of the stories making headlines on nbc 10 news at 5:30. closing arguments wrapped up in the kril of christina regusters. regusters did not testify. her lawyer called two character witness whose said regusters had a good reputation. the jury will likely get the case tomorrow. a new jersey nurse came forward after filing a lawsuit against harrah's. the security guard choking and slamming her head into a while while handcuffing her. her attorney says another extreme problem with harrah's security. harrah's does not comment on pending litigation. president barack obama is getting ready to speak to the nation tonight. he is expected to lay out his strategy for more military action against islamic terrorists in iraq and syria. the president says he does not need approval from congress to carry out his plan but many republicans are insisting it should be put to a vote. the speech is tonight at 9:00, here on nbc 10. >> announcer: now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> cool afternoon as we look live at comcast center. but our eyes focused on a stormy thursday ahead. >> nbc 10 first alert meteorologist sheena parveen joining us with more. >> yes, storms in the forecast for thursday and that's where we're calling it first alert day. some storms could be strong. it won't be all day thursday. in fact, ahead of the storms hot and humid. late in the day thursday, that's when we expect storms to move in. that's why we're calling it a first alert day. some thunderstorms could be locally strong with damaging winds, a lot of lightning and heavy downpours of rain. remember, any heavy downpours could lead to localized flooding. be careful if you happen to be in an area where we have thunderstorm tomorrow that happens to be strong. currently we don't have anything. we have the clouds. if you look back to the west, moving through ohio, this is where we have a lot of severe weather. as we zoom in, you can see just to the south of cleveland, a lot of tornado warnings. this is a line of storms moving through, as we go into the day tomorrow mainly the second half of the day. but until we get there, we'll be feeling the heat and humidity. by 8:00 p.m., dry, 73. and also mild. coming up, the timing of the storms for tomorrow and how cool it will be for your weekend straight ahead there ocean county man charged with setting his own home on fire. take a look at what firefighters in toms river faced back on march 2nd. the fire destroyed the home on bay view drive. 54-year-old allegedly set the fire. the house being rebuilt after destroyed by hurricane sandy. police do not believe his wife had any knowledge of the crime. free on $50,000 bail. nurses could be heading to the picket lines in over a week. the pennsylvania association of staff nurses and allied health professionals handed a strike notice. the hospital -- the strike could begin sunday september 21st. the hospital is disappointed in the union's action, saying there has been progress on several issues, both sides agree to resume negotiations with help of a federal mediator september 17th. the hospital says it has a contingency plan in place if the strike happens. lawmakers return to harrisburg next week. schools are counting on them to approve the cigarette tax to close the $80 million gap. they asked tom corbett how confident he is if the bill will be passed at state house. >> very optimistic. i think the leaders understand this is something that needs to be done to help the city collect the revenues that they need for education. >> school superintendent dr. william height made $32 million in cuts last month to ensure classes started on time this week. if the bill does not get approved, school district officials say more than 1,000 pink slips could go out. students' services could be impacted as well as possible reduction of the school year. the district has $5,000 less per student this year. packed crowd today for town hall at the philadelphia v.a. medical center. veterans expressed their concerns over care at the facility in southwest philadelphia. the medical center says a new team of patient advocates in place. the v.a. has come under fire for delayed care. many people at this town hall talked about the problems they have had getting service in a timely manner. they called for more accountability. water main breaks, some of the oldest and biggest water pipes no longer standing the test of time. >> we've seen it several times across philadelphia and it's part of a growing problem. aging infrastructure. what the feds are trying to do to stop more breaks from happening. and allentown cuts the ribbon on a $177 million arena. why it's a game changer for the lehigh valley beyond just entertainment. first, what's coming up tonight on "nbc 10 news at 6:00." security guards in harrah's accused of roughing up a woman and it's not the first time they allegedly used excessive force. nbc 10 just got a response from the casino. what it has to say about changing security procedures. count on nbc 10 news. don't believe tom corbett's tv ad. the facts speak for themselves. tom corbett cut a billion dollars from our schools. he took an ax to education. twenty-seven thousand educators were laid-off. class sizes increased. and now almost eighty percent of school districts plan to raise property taxes. tom corbett. can't trust him on education. can't trust him to be for us. >> announcer: this is nbc 10 news. we rely on it for everything, from coffee to electricity. america's aging water infrastructure is in need of federal help to keep it working properly. last year the american society of civil engineers gave the u.s. water and waste water system a "d" rating. 30 of the country's largest water and waste water utilities which serve 83 million people nationwide say they're already investing billions to improve the aging infrastructure. and they want congress to help out, too. >> support for the work we do, we want congress to be aware of how expensive it is to do this work and pay attention to what some of our needs are. >> state report card this year from the same group gave pennsylvania's drinking water a "d" and waste water a "d minus." >> we all know aaa will give you a tow or jump start your car battery. today employees helped in different ways. nbc 10 at bellevue state park, 150 or so aaa employees spent the day doing all sorts of service projects for the community. some people built new picnic tables, others cut brush back from trails. some employees sat down with autistic young adults in newark. employees worked with them on resumes and interviewing skills. digital exclusive story, fill liz' legend in the mid tll a home run hero on the field, a master at barbecue and batting for you to better your cholesterol. we talked with the former slugger how the chicago native fell in love with philadelphia and what he thinks about the current team. ten questions, see it now on c brand-new hockey arena. a broader goal than sports and entertainment. doug shimell live in allentown in a few minutes. going to have a preview of our weather with sheena parveen and what's to come ahead. >> that's right. tracking thunderstorms for tomorrow. coming up, the timing of that and how cool it will be behind the storms as we go into your weekend. that's first alert forecast straight ahead. and all new on "nbc 10 news at 6:00," workers in an unexpected accident. why 13 had to be decontaminated. nbc 10 continues to follow breaking news. two children hit by a pickup truck in northeast philadelphia. >> nbc 10's nefertiti jaquez live at the scene along academy road what happen are police telling you about the young victims and driver? >> reporter: a little boy and girl, ages 7 and 10, in critical condition this evening after police say that a pickup truck here in the area hit them at this intersection. it happened after 3:00 here at academy and byberry roads. the female driver did stop and is being interviewed. witnesses tell police that the driver tried to make a left on academy when she hit the kids who we have learned are brother and sister. we just talked to a witness who jumped in to action to try to help the little boy and little girl. >> i seen when the little girl got hit, you could hear it i told her to stop, i got out, ran over to the little girl, she jumped out, ran to the little boy, stabilized them. i talked with the little girl, made sure nobody moved her. >> reporter: as we come back out live here to the scene, police say that both of the kids are suffering severe head trauma at hospital. both in critical condition. we asked whether or not a crossing guard here at the time. we were told it is a crossing guard controlled intersection but they're trying to determine that. this is a developing story. we will keep you updated throughout all of the shows. live in the northeast, nefertiti jaquez, nbc 10 news. >> announcer: now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist sheena parveen. >> well, a little bit warmer today than yesterday. big improvements, more sunshine today. but tomorrow it's going to be hotter than today. the heat comes tomorrow, that comes with humidity but ahead of thunderstorms. starting off the day, hot somewhere more humid. then tracking thunderstorms later in the day. this is mostly going to be late afternoon and evening thunderstorms. some storms could be on the strong side. we'll be tracking them as we go throughout the day with you. right now, still at 80 degrees in philadelphia. lehigh valley, coming in around 77 for allentown, redding 76, pottstown. 75 millville. 74 atlantic city and dover. through most of the area we're comfortable. humidity's not too bad. tomorrow that humidity will start to go up more. here's a live look across the center city skyline looking down from our comcast center across philadelphia. you still see breaks in the cloud cover but we have layer of clouds just kind of overcast in some parts of the area but not seeing rain yet. back to the west, moving through ohio with severe weather here. it is moving in our direction. but it won't be here until late in the day tomorrow. it's part of a cold front ahead of it, hot somewhere more humid with a south wind. right now comfortable. temperatures are going to jump up tomorrow afternoon. behind it, we have cooler air, going to move down. the weekends will be quite a bit cooler than both today and especially tomorrow. future weather for tonight, we stay dry, rain stays well off to our west tonight. early tomorrow morning, we could have a few spotty sprinkles but staying dry to start the day. through afternoon, more clouds move in by 1:00 p.m. showers to the west. then later in the afternoon, by 4:00, 5:00, we could be dealing with thunderstorms. and even later afternoon and evening hours, storms continue moving from west to east. by midnight all cleared out. because of the storms coming tomorrow, late in the day, we have a first alert out because of that. some storms strong to our west, very strong right now. as they move in, we could have damaging winds, lightning, and pretty heavy downpours of rain. we're giving you a heads up before we get there. of course we'll keep you updated. mostly cloudy tonight, dry. humid, 68 for the low in philadelphia. 64 north and west. tomorrow hot and humid day. late day thunderstorms. 87 to 90 for the high temperature. in some spots close to ten degrees warmer than today. on friday, sunny, nice. look how we clear out on friday. upper 70s into the one. low 70s. cloudy, cool, showers around to start your saturday. on sunday, sunny skies, mid-70s. comfortable going into next week. allentown the future in sports and entertainment is now. >> the long-awaited ppl arena expected to be a game changer for the downtown area and beyond. nbc 10's doug shimell there for grand opening festivities. >> reporter: amy smith is the textbook case for many of the more than 1,000 new hires in and around allentown's ppl arena. >> i live in north allentown which is about for me seven or eight minute drive i'm rent my apartment where i'm at right now. >> majority of people living in the downtown area are renters. they're not homeowners. we'd like to see more people able to purchase properties in the downtown area. >> allentown is going to be an all-american best place to live city once again. >> reporter: this week's opening of the $177 million hockey arena and event center hopes to be incentive for more people to own downtown homes which means more people supporting downtown restaurants and the other new development near by. >> downpayment assistance, help with mortgages. >> as we said already, marks a new era, a new era for the city of allentown. >> reporter: if they can attract enough arena area workers like bartender amy smith, it will create the around the clock economy allentown says it needs to survive. >> knowing that there's incentives going to be put into place here soon for people to buy and live downtown, people are thinking about us. they're thinking about our well-being instead of people coming to see events. >> reporter: of course they are hoping that the ppl center will be allen town's version of a save y savior for their city. in order to get people moving in, finalize detail, forgivable loans to pay closing costs and low-interest loans to cov or mortgage. doug shimell, nbc 10. >> for five decades, philadelphia honored contributions and cultures of the puerto rican community. >> weeks away from the annual puerto rican festival, nbc 10 looks at plans for the event. at home health aide arrested. what she's accused of doing to a man in her care. david lynch is in town to present his first major art exhibition ever in the united states. a preview of the new exhibit at pennsylvania academy of fine arts. david lynch, the ununified field, brings together all periods of lynch's career. he started as a student at the museum back in the 60s and went on to direct films like the elephant man, blue velvet, mulholland drive. his work as an artist led him to film making. >> i got into film by accident in this very building in one of the studios here and the first film made is being shown here, as it was when i made it. >> exhibit will be on display starting saturday until january 11th. be safe, be proud, the message behind 52nd annual puerto rican festival. attracts more than 15,000 people no philadelphia. our sister station explains, security will play an important role in this year's festivities. >> reporter: it's one of philadelphia's largest celebrations honoring the puerto rican heritage and culture. >> last year we began to invite the community to participate as community ambassadors, community ambassadors partner up with the police to assist with whether it's language or just kind of, you know, mediate any situations. >> reporter: the seven-day event wraps around the parade along franklin parkway and concludes in north philadelphia, where the festival continues. the same location in 2012 this incident was recorded. police officer seen punching a 39-year-old woman in the face. the situation that organizers say gave a bad rap to the event. >> we were in the national spotlight for all that is bad when you have recklessness going on. as a result of the incident that occurred a couple of years ago, we have tried to be more pro active in making sure that those incidents and allowing people to be reckless is not a response that we want to be part of. >> reporter: today the city along with the police department announced they are going to be working side by side to increase security and avoid history from repeating itself as they budget several thousand dollars on officers. >> started to increase enforcement. see individuals, children and young people hanging out of cars, we're not going to accept that. if we see individuals intoxicated driving, we'll be addressing that. >> reporter: fair hill park one of two locations where thousands of folks are expected to gather. family oriented event where no alcohol or dirt bikes will be tolerated. nbc 10 news. next on "nbc 10 news at 6:00." >> several major developments in the ray rice case. we have new information about the nfl receiving a copy of the tape. new details about the program that helped rice avoid jail time after the beating. find out how many people are not allowed in after an arrest. we have a first alert day tomorrow but you can get prepared today. break down the storms and explain potential for severe weather. coming up in my exclusive nbc 10 first alert forecast. >> announcer: nbc 10 breaking news. just in the past five minutes, atlantic city's bankrupt revel casino has been sold. nbc 10 and cnbc received a copy of the court documents. >> it shows casino sold more $90 million to glenn straub, a miami developer. as soon as we learn more about the future plans, we will bring that to you. sky 4 over this breaking news in northeast philadelphia this afternoon. that's where a brother and sister, ages 10 and 7, were hit by a pickup truck. police tell nbc 10 they're in critical condition. the crash happened 4:00 this afternoon on academy road. we're told the driver of the dodge pickup truck did stop but police are still regulariinvest what caused the crash. >> several new developments in the ray rice domestic violence case. nbc 10 caught up with rice's lawyer in philadelphia. he says rice told him not to speak publicly about the incident. just an hour ago, the a.p. capped new doubt on the nfl's insistence it didn't see the video until this week. the a.p. cites a law enforcement official who says he sent the elevator video to an nfl executive five months ago and that official played a voice mail from an nfl number confirming the video arrived. the nfl says it was not aware of anyone who possessed or saw the video before monday but that the league is looking into. in washington, 12 members of the house judiciary committee sent a letter to the nfl questioning how the league handled its investigation. tonight, the national organization for women is calling for nfl commissioner roger good dell to resign. >> some people questioning whether rice should have been allowed in a program that helped him avoid jail time and for a third straight day, nbc 10 tried to talk to the atlantic county prosecutor. >> he still won't talk to us


Transcripts For KTVU Mornings On 2 20140911

that's what makes it so special. so many firefighters went climbing into the world trade center towers as hundreds of people were trying to get out. so we certainly honor and remember their bravery this morning. just some of those powerful images of the remains of the towers after they collapsed 13 years ago. good morning. welcome to "mornings on 2." it is thursday, september 11th. i'm tori campbell. >> i'm dave clark. we're also talking about your weather and traffic. steve paulson is here with the forecast. i am indeed. we have dense fog. some areas have fog. that tells me a west wind at sfo, certain locations will a drop a few degrees inland. there's a lot of fog out here. can't make any push west, east. it's more north to south. 50s and 60s. it won't take long to start warming u some lows are running 2, 4 degrees warmer than 24 hours ago. the fog will give some areas reduced visibility and for us inland, it's going to start off on the cool side but then get hot again just like yesterday. so morning fog. some of that is very dense on a few of the bridges. 90s to 60s, 70s by the water. here's sal. the traffic is actually doing okay in many areas. it's getting a little bit slow. let's go out and take a look at what we have with some of these live pictures, especially at the bay bridge toll plaza. you will see traffic backed up for about a 25 to 30-minute drive time from this point over to the san francisco side of the bridge. also we're looking at interstate 880 and some of the dense fog that steve spoke of is more prevalent on the coast but it's also stretching into parts of the east bay. if you are driving on the peninsula, southbound 101 that earlier accident at marsh road near -- actually near willow road has gone to the side. 280 is still a better bet. 7:02. back to the desk. thank you, sal. happening now, events as we've mentioned being held across the country to mark the 13th anniversary of the september 11th attacks. these are live pictures right now in shanksville, pennsylvania, where a moment of silence will be observed momentarily for the 40 passengers and crew members killed on that flight after it was taken over by the hijackers. this was the flight going from dullus airport in washington, d.c. to sfo. and at that point, this was the last plane hijacked. so some of the passengers learned what was going on through cell phones and they ended up attacking the hijackers, forcing the hijackers to crash the plane in a field in shanksville, pennsylvania instead of crashing it into what would have been a likely target, either the white house or capitol hill in washington, d.c. so let's listen into this moment of silence. >> jean peterson. [bell tolling] >> mark david rothenberg. [bell tolling] >> what's happening here, is the names of the victims are being read and the bell is being run the moment that the plane crashed. again, as the passengers fought with the hijackers. the congressional gold medal, congress's highest honor, is being awarded in the memory of the passengers and crew for their brave actions on that plane. one of the passengers who was killed was mark bingham of los gatos whose mother was a united airlines flight attendant and appeared frequently on "mornings on 2" in the days and months after 9/11. the 33 passengers and seven crew members on board flight 93 fought back likely preventing, again, the plane from crashing into the white house or the capitol and again one of the passengers, mark bingham, his mother was a flight attendant. he was a graduate of los gatos high school who won an athletic scholarship. it's believed he is one of the passengers who stormed the cockpit to take the flight back along with two other passengers. back here in the bay area, the san francisco fire department is also marking the 13 years since the september 11th attacks. there are ceremonies taking place at all 43 fire stations. ktvu's tara moriarty live at fire station 7 in the mission district now where a special ceremony for the first responders and civilians who were killed just got underway, tara. >> reporter: it's a very somber moment here at station 7. we're on 19th and folsom where they've rung the bells at the precise moment that the south tower collapsed. they've observed a moment of silence. they've lowered the flags here to half staff. they are reading the names of the firefighters who died in new york city on 9/11. there are 343 names to read. mostly firefighters, two paramedics. each year on september 11th, firefighters hold a remembrance ceremony for the emergency responders and the civilians who perished in the terrorist attacks. mayor ed lee is here to share words as is joanne hayes white and several ceremony also happen at fire stations across the city. flags will remain at half staff for the rest of the day. it's true that, you know, you never forget where you were on this day. i was in washington, d.c. my sister worked catty-corner from the white house and we could see the smoke rising from the pentagon. cell phone service was down. but when i called back home here to the bay area from a land line, i know a lot of folks were afraid that the golden gate bridge or the transamerica plg would plg -- building would be a target. i obviously a day -- obviously a day that none of us will forget nor the people. tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. >> the laugest 9/11 observance is in new york city. today's ceremony, though it's different than the ones before. coming up in about eight minutes from right now, we'll take you live to new york. we'll be talking to a reporter who went to ground zero on that fateful day. he will tell you why today's observance is different from the others. 7:07. we're continuing to follow developing news in santa rosa where police are searching for one of two men involved in a violent home invasion that ended with the homeowner shot. ktvu's alex savidge is live to tell us why this house was targeted. good morning, alex. >> reporter: tori, good morning to you. police say two thieves came here to this home this morning to steal pot and that's because we understand there is a legal medical marijuana grow inside this home across the street from us. but this early-morning break-in ended with the homeowner being shot. he heard those two thieves inside his house and then police say he chased them outside. that's when they opened fire on him. the homeowner was shot once in the leg but he is going to be okay. this all happened about 1:30 this morning on windsor court. this is in the rincon valley neighborhood of santa rosa. following that shooting, those two thieves ran off and that prompted a major police search involving a helicopter and k-9 searches as well. one of the men was found hiding in the bushes and taken into custody. officers couldn't find the other young man involved here. police say the homeowner in this case really didn't want these thieves to get away. he even tried to detain one of them on his own initially. it's not something police recommend. >> in the heat of the moment, he certainly has a right to chase after the attack and attempt to detain him. this is one of the dangerous incidents we see, people breaking into holes, especially in these cases, there was a marijuana grow located in the house. it appears that's what the suspects were here, they cut down multiple marijuana plants. >> reporter: police say the homeowner in this case is really lucky to be arrive after this break-in that ended with gunfire. the young man who was taken into custody, police say he's 19 years old from santa rosa. his partner involved in this crime still on the run right now. police believe these two thieves in all likelihood thought no one was home. they cut down quite a few marijuana plants before the homeowner woke up. alex savidge, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you, alex. new this morning, all lanes have reopened on 280 in the los altos hills after a deadly crash forced the chp to issue a sig-alert. the crash happened just before 1:00 this morning in the southbound lanes of 280 near the page mill road offramp. all lanes were openedby 4:00 a.m. the chp says a wrong-way driver caused the crash. 7:09. a sigh of relief in cupertino. a mountain lie p believed to be the one -- lion believed to be the one that attacked a little boy was killed. the boy was attacked on sunday on a hiking trail. dramatic -- tracking dogs picked up the scent and wildlife officials tracked it to a tree about 120 yards from where the child was attacked. they say they had no choice. they had to shoot the mountain lion. >> it would not have been possible to tranquilize it. it would have died in the fall at that height. >> the remains of the mountain lion were sent to a lab in sacramento. it will be tested to confirm it was the one that attacked the boy. the little boy is back home recovering after getting rabies shots. 7:10. neighbors woken up by the smell of spoke and the sound of sirens. >> when they took the garage door down, you could see flames. >> firefighters in milpitas just put out the flames and ktvu's brian flores is at the scene. coming up at 7:30, the questions still surrounding a fire that caused a whole neighborhood to be evacuated. some say they are shocked. the ruling in the oscar pistorius murder trial in south africa came down about three hours ago. why he will have to wait to find out his fate until tomorrow. and right now, we're still looking at a commute that's still pretty busy around the bay area, especially in the east bay, although this freeway here, 24, doesn't look bad. but 680 will be sloe. we'll tell you more about that coming up. inland temperatures will be warm to hoot. no doubt -- warm to hot. no doubt about it. there's some thick fog coast and bay. we'll talk about that and the big spread on the temperatures today. bulldog: quarterback takes the snap... oh, he fakes a handoff and he's making a run... 'cause mattress discounters fall kickoff sale is ending soon! hurry to save up to $300 on sealy posturepedic and serta mattress sets. even get 24 months interest-free financing on every tempur-pedic. you're going to love their football field-size selection. this calls for a little touchdown dance. mattress discounters fall kickoff sale is ending soon. ♪ mattress discounters 7:13. happening now, from ground zero to the bay area, honoring those who died on 9/11. this morning, firefighters in new york city brought a large american flag to the city at the national memorial. museum. today the country looks back at the country's darkest days, nearly 3,000 people died on that day. our reporter is back inman -- is back in manhattan with a look at the remembrances nationwide. good morning, steve. >> reporter: good morning. when you walk around the streets of lower manhattan, you realize how much stuff has changed here. it's dramatically different. today, it all comes back to you, especially for the families who lost their loves ones. the grief is overwhelming on this dreaded day. in the 13 years since the 9/11 attacks, the world trade center site has undergone dramatic changes. where the twin towers once stood, one world trade center now stands as a beacon above the national 9/11 memorial and museum. it's the first time the memorial and humid will be open on an anniversary. the man in charge of the museum says the people of new york were forever changed by the attacks and they are well- represented. >> they truly are a part of this very special place. when they come to the museum, they remember where they were on this day, who told them, everything they experienced. >> reporter: as they've done every year since the attacks, the names of every person who perished in 2001 and in the 1993 world trade center bombing will be read aloud, punks waited by four -- punctuated by four moments of i sense. chuck hagel and martin dempsey will hold a ceremony featuring a moment of silence and a speech from president obama. in shanksville, pennsylvania, the names of those who died there will be read and bells will be rung in remembrance. >> i think it's important that on 9/11 each year we commemorate those who lost their lives and remember the importance of not getting our guard down when it comes to homeland security. >> reporter: and while much of the nation is focused on the new terror threat here in lower manhattan, you can see that so many people still to this day, 13 years later, are reliving the events of 9/11, even though so much time has passed. back to you. >> thank you. we have a special online section dedicated to remembering the terror attacks of 9/11. it includes some of the iconic images, information on the memorial and museum and more. you can find it under the hot topics section of 7:16. new this morning, a judge in south africa has ruled track star oscar pistorius cannot be found guilty of intentionally killing his girlfriend. the judge says evidence backs up pistorius's claim that he mistook his girlfriend for an intruder when he shot and killed her in his home. the judge has ruled a premeditated verdict in this case. but she still has to decide if the olympic track star can be convicted on a lesser charge like manslaughter. the reading of the jumg's ruling is -- judge's rule something over for today. it will continue tomorrow. that's when a formal verdict is expected. >> he could be looking at a sentence, maybe five years. we want to check in with sal. see what's happening with the commute on this thursday morning. >> good morning tori, dave. we're not too bad out there. the commute is very typical. there's obviously a lot of slow traffic. steve and i have been talking about the low clouds and fog. dense in some areas. steve will expand on that. but for drivers along the coast and in the north bay, it might be more an effect here at the bay bridge toll plaza. the traffic is backed up from a 30-minute drive time from this point all the way out to the san francisco side. most of the wait something right here at the toll plaza -- waiting is right here at the toll plaza. the san mateo bridge is more crowded the last time we checked it out heading out to the peninsula. the crowded conditions start at 880 on westbound 92. we had a crash on women low road. that's gone. traffic is still a slow out of san mateo and pockets down to marsh road and that area, menlo park. 280 is a much better bet for you. 7:18. let's go to steve. all right, sal. thank you. yesterday, san jose had more fog than san francisco. that's not the case today. there's a lot more fog there. i have rapidly dropped my temp from the original forecast high. i rarely do that. there's too much going on. dense fog for some. some of the bridges in parts of san francisco and the temp has dipped to 56. the fire danger inland will continue to be very high as temperatures 90 to 100s. happy camp, sending a lot of spoke our way even though there's not a strong component of an easterly breers, there's enough -- breeze, there's enough there. the fog continues to be really thick. there's warm air aloft. dense fog, coast and bay. it will be hot inland. i think it will start to cool down as we head into the weekend. may take a couple of days before inland areas. if, starting off 56. 66, 72. i'm dropping it way down. i think that'sary too much fog -- there's too much fog. there's to much warm air. high pressure won't allow it. there's not much of a delta breeze at all. 50s, 60s. a wee bit warmer than 24 hours ago. it didn't matter yesterday. sfo west at 9. yesterday at it time, i think they were calm. that's kind of an indication. thick fog, highway 1 parts of the coast. we also have tropical storm odeel is moving one mile an hour. it's expected to reach hurricane strength tomorrow. by tomorrow, 74. now the path that it takes, if it's close to norbert it will stay far away enough from la paz and cabo. that's something we have to keep an eye on. if it moves in, it would be sunday/monday. 40 up it in tahoe. 53 sacramento. barm to hot temperatures it across -- warm to hot temperatures away from the coast. amazingly cool. snow this morning, montana, wyoming, also in into south dakota. rapid city, south dakota had snow. the rain line stretches from dallas and memphis all the way to new york and ulto quebec and -- up to quebec and toronto. we're getting clear skies and hot temperatures except for the fog. this is the system that came out of calgary. that's snow. that's snow. anything you see urn it -- turning to white. there were 20s for temps in yellow stone. fog is there. by the coast, it will be cool. away from the coast, it's warm to hot. high pressure is here for another two days. and then i think it will lose grip. there will be a pretty good system from the gulf of alaska. 90s inland. 60s, 70s by the coast. always a tough forecast with the thick fog. sausalito, 85. newtown, i think kathy said newtown clear. oldtown foghorns were sounding. if you are from sausalito, you know what she's talking about. 100 brentwood. alameda, 82. there's fog around parts of the bay and 90s san jose, sunnyvale at 90. inland temperatures will be warm to hot. coast and bay, 60s and 70s. there's gonna be a fine line between nice to cool to hot. cooler begins as we head into the weekend. >> all right. thank you, steve. google is now responding after millions of gmail addresses and passwords were posted online. be 5 million gmail addresses and passwords were made public on a russian bitcoin forum. but google says many of them are not current. google also says it does not appear gmail itself was hacked and that the addresses and passwords were likely gathered from other sites and malware on users' own computers. 7:21. the president's plan to fight islamic terrorists. >> we will hunt down terrorists who threaten our country wherever they are. >> coming up in 25 minutes, the vow from the president and how bay area congressmen are reacting. he's a homeless man. but that may be about to change. he's also a mixed martial artist and up next, the fight of his life in and out of the ring. san francisco supervisors have moved a step closer to providing legal funds for child immigrants facing deportation. the supervisors' budget committee voted unanimously to provide more than $2 million for legal aid for undocumented child immigrants. san francisco supervisor david campos, who was brought to the country illegally from guatemala when he was 14, wrote the proposal. the funds must still be approved by the full board of supervisors. san francisco is officially welcoming fleet week back to the city. mayor ed lee, other city leaders and members of the military attended an event publicizing fleet week yesterday. fleet week was canceled last year due to budget cuts. this year it starts october 9th and the blue angels will be part of the show. there's also the traditional shade of ships. the city says fleet week often draws about 1 million spectators. 7:25. a giant comeback this weekend for this guy. a mixed martial arts fighter here in the bay area. while the fight, it won't be easy. he has a bigger challenge, though. 30-year-old matt major, he's homeless. he lives on san jose streets. a couple of years ago, he was doing well on the ultimate fighting championship. that's the world's largest mma promotion. but major says he became really depressed after his sister died and he ended up on the streets. recently, though, he started training again and volunteering with the san jose outreach group. >> the outcome is gonna be that i'm back on track on my life. getting back in the ring. >> he will face opponent david mitchell on saturday for the middle-weight title at the west coast fighting championship in sacramento. 7:26. a 49ers' announce her silenced after making -- announcer silenced after making comments about ray rice and his wife and his response. >> reporter: we're live in milpitas, where fire crews are mopping up after an early- morning house fire. coming up we'll talk about how some residents were evacuated and an injury to a firefighter as well. still pretty busy out there for the morning drive to work. you can see by some of the pictures that things are getting slower in the south bay. we'll tell you more about this commute straight ahead. away from the coast, it won't matter today, temperatures will be warm to hot. 90s to near 100 degrees. there's a little change from san francisco to sausalito. it will be cooler there. we'll show you why. ♪ with kaiser permanente, you'll connect with your doctor any time, anywhere. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. ♪ become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪ you are looking at live pictures of the national september 11th memorial. a moment of silence is being observed. just finished to mark the attacks. it was 13 years ago almost at this precise moment that the north tower of the world trade center collapsed. as you can see, the names are once again being read of all of the victims who died there in new york city. events are also being held all across the bay area. we will cover some of those for you in the next hour and a half of "mornings on 2." good morning. it's thursday, september 11th. i'm tori campbell. >> i'm dave clark. we're also checking our weather here in the bay area. i stepped outside for steve. >> what's it like? >> it felt a little cool. >> okay. >> but i don't know if the coast is clear. i have to find out from steve. >> it's not. >> it's not clear. >> yes. fog beginning to make it into parts of sausalito. thank you, kathy. [laughter] >> i love the pictures they send. there's a lot more fog in san francisco. yesterday, san jose had more fog than san francisco and the city shot up to 80 degrees. i've dropped the city to 72. there's very warm air aloft. a couple of people wrote me around 1500, 1700 square feet. that's squashing the fog. very dense fog. it's cutting visibility on some of the bridges. i know the golden gate. look at the fog. it just can't go west -- or east yet. it can go north. it can go west. that's what it's doing. there's too much in the way of high pressure and the warm temperatures aloft. it needs help to get out of here. won't be today. coast and bay, actually cool down a little bit. the fog is too shallow to make any impact. when fairfield is less than 5. yesterday it collapsed to zero. temperatures went up to the upper 90s. i think by the bay there's a southerly breeze. fog near the coast and bay, we'll drop temperatures there compared to yesterday. a big spread here. 60s, 70s and then you will find 90s to 100. here's sal. >> all right, steve. we're still looking at slow traffic. it's become a pattern that 80 gets busy any time after 7:00, we start seeing drive times kind of get to elevated here between the carquinez bridge and the macarthur maze. 35-minute drive time. when that's about double what it would take when it's just flowing normally without any slowdowns. 35 minutes isn't the worst of it. it's probably going to get a little bit slower. let's go to the bay bridge toll plaza as you drive here. it's about a 30-minute drive time if you are counting the time from the end of the line all the way until you get into san francisco on the other side. that will take you about that long to do that drive. and this morning -- let me movethe maps. southbound 680 is backed up from before 242 and 680 slows into the alma low area. if you -- alamo area. if you are driving into livermore, westbound 580 looks slow. pleasanton traffic isn't that bad heading south on 680. back to the desk. ♪ >> this something we brought to you live right here on "mornings on 2" about 90 minutes ago. president obama leading this 9/11 ceremony on the lawn of the white house. the president, first lady michelle obama, and vice president biden, they were joined by hundreds of white house staffers, placing their hands over their hearts during the playing the taps of afterwards, president obama went to the pentagon for another ceremony. he took part in a moment of silence as you see here. he was joined by defense secretary chuck hagel and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, martin demcy. we're live in new york, of course, for the largest 9/11 ceremony taking place. these are live pictures from the national september 11th memorial and museum. they are reading the names of the 2700 people who were killed at the world trade center. we've been watching them throughout the morning and we will continue to do that throughout the day. 7:33. september 11th, 2001 was the deadliest day for first responders in the history of the u.s. killing 343 firefighters and 72 law enforcement officers. today a group of firefighters in fremont is paying tribute with a memorial they built themselves. janine de la vega is live in fremont with an honor to the valiant first responders who sacrificed their lives to save others. >> we're here at the fremont fire department training facility on stevenson boulevard. a lot of emotion felt here as a group of firefighters and personnel as well as recruits stood on and looked at this memorial that was just completed about two days ago. a moment of silence was held as they looked on. and you can see there are two pillars holding up a piece of steel that i'm told is from tower one on the 62nd floor from the world trade center. ♪ >> reporter: amazing grace was played on the bagpipes and a group of firefighters and recruits stood at attention. they along with firefighters at other stations in the city saluted and observed a moment of silence at 6:59 this morning, when the south tower of the world trade center fell 13 years ago today. the flag in the front of the department was lowered to half staff to honor the 343 firefighters who lost their lives. etched on one of them -- one of the pillars out here, it says never forget. 343 as a tribute. the fire chief says having this memorial and a piece of the world trade center is a privilege. >> yesterday, when i came out to tour and take a look at the memorial, seeing it as it is memorialized on the two pillars of concrete to represent the towers themselves. when you touch the steel, that loss is still powerful. >> reporter: and two fremont firefighters and their search dogs actually traveled to new york to help in the rescue efforts in the aftermath of 9/11 13 years ago. a lot of memories for them and a lot of emotion felt here and at all of the other fire stations. back out here live, looking at this memorial, i do want to mention that the department has been hanging on to that piece of the wreckage for the past five years. they were taking their time trying to figure out where they wanted to put it, how they wanted to design it and firefighters actually ended up making this and constructing it themselves, and i don't nope if you can see but the -- i don't know if you can see but the concrete below is the badge, in the shape of a badge of what a firefighter wears and there's symbol beneath it to honor fallen firefighters who have lost their lives and today all of the firefighters are wearing that black stripe across their badges. reporting live from fremont, janine de la vega, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. and here are some other bay area 9/11 events today. at 9:45 this morning in pleasanton at the fire station on nevada street, firefighters will ring a ceremonial bell to remember those who died in the line of duty. the la fayette flag brigade is hosting a candlelight vigil vig between 4:00 and 8:00. and at 5:50 in danville, there is a patriotic ceremony at oakhill park. new this morning, one firefighter was hurt in milpitas and several neighbors had to be evacuated because of a house fire. ktvu's brian flores is there now with more on what was in that house that made it so hard to put on the the flames, brian. >> reporter: hi, dave. good morning. firefighters say it was pretty difficult to put out this fire here this morning. we're located here in the 1700 block of demnas avenue. crews were able to douse the fire but because of heavy smoke several residents nearby had to be evacuated. the fire started shortly after 5:00. originally it was a single alarm fire. but it grew to two alarms mainly because the fire department says getting access to the fire source was difficult from the inside. apparently there was a lot of items in the house that made it difficult for firefighters to get through. one firefighter was taken to the hospital because of exhaustion symptoms battling this fire. now, the cause of the fire is under investigation, but firefighters say it started from the sign and quickly spread. no other homes were damaged and nobody was home at the time. residents, nearby say they were nervous for a bit. >> i was scared. i wasn't sure if anyone was in there. i just was praying if they were, they would come out okay. >> it was primary in the bedroom areas as much as we can tell. we blew the windows out to ventilate the structure so we could operate in there with a more clear environment. >> reporter: relatively heavy response. 14 firefighters responded along with mutual aid from san jose firefighters and the san jose police department was here for support as well. we take it back out here live again. these are some of the residents that were evacuated. they are allowed to be back home this morning. it took 45 minutes for crews to fully contain this fire. in the meantime, gas and electricity is shut off here in the neighborhood for the time being. we're live here in milpitas, brian flores, ktvu channel 2 news. 7:39. now to our continuing coverage of pro football's domestic violence scandal. the nfl hired former fbi director robert mueller to investigate the way the league handled evidence in the ray rice case. this announcement came last night just hours after the associated press reported the nfl received the video of ray rice punching his then-fiancee five months before it surfaced on tmz. the nfl says this explosive new allegation will be part of mueller's investigation. meantime, the nation's largest feminist organization is demanding major changes in the nfl. >> we want an investigation of roger goodell because of his lack of response to domestic violence in the nfl. >> this is a big, macho tough league. yet it seems to be populated by a lot of cowards starting in the league offices and the ownership offices and these men who beat up women. >> meantime, members of congress are calling on the nfl to increase the penalties for players found guilty of domestic abuse. bay area congress ma'am jackie peer plan -- congresswoman jackie speier plans to hold hearings on a possible connection between domestic violence and the use of steroids. the 49ers have suspended their play by play radio announcer, ted robinson for two games after he made what the organization calls offensive comments about ray rice's wife. ted robinson made those remarks monday during an interview on knbr. robinson suggested that rice's wife should take some of the responsibility for not immediately reporting that violent attack. robinson also called her decision to marry ray rice after the assault and i'm quoting "pathetic." last night robinson released this statement, "i understand that the cycle of abuse keeps people in unhealthy relationships. no blame or responsibility for domestic violence should ever be placed on a victim." >> 7:41. the family of defensive lineman ray mcdonald is speaking out for the first time. he faces felony domestic violence charges following his arrest in san jose last month. but prosecutors have still not decided whether to file charges and the team is still allowing him to play. mcdonald's family in florida is telling the contra costa times, the 49er did not physically attack his pregnant fiance. his mother said "if they knew us and our son and the type of person he is, our son is not this vicious woman beater he's portrayed to be." meantime, some frustrated drivers called 2 investigates after their morning commute to the b.a.r.t. station become an unwelcomed and very expensive surprise. >> stopped for a second. got in the car. we drove off. and then a few weeks later, i got this ticket in the mail. >> yeah, drivers who stopped for just a couple of seconds to drop off some b.a.r.t. passengers say they were shocked to get a $260 ticket in the mail for a parking violation. some say those signs are confusing. they are not clear. those curb colors at certain b.a.r.t. stations. they say they are designed to trick drivers. well, tonight at 5:00, 2 investigates reveals the b.a.r.t. station where three times more tickets have been issued than any other b.a.r.t. station and what transit officials have to say about the allegations that those tickets are unfair. stay tuned for that. well, the b.a.r.t. board of directors today hopes to take an important step in preventing future b.a.r.t. strikes. the board will get a report offering 63 recommendations. as we told you yesterday, the recommendations include starting negotiations, a lot sooner than the current three months before the contract runs out. other recommendations include allowing for arbitration and eliminating negotiators who are considered abrasive. 7:43. a man shot by burglars after he disses them in -- discovers them in his home. coming up in the next hour of "mornings on 2" the specific reason police believe the house was targeted. president obama lays out his strategy against the terror group isis. his plan of action which includes sending more u.s. troops overseas. in san jose, still slowing on northbound 280 getting into the valley. we have a lot of slow traffic approaching the bay bridge even before the macarthur maze. inland temps, it will be hey city and hot. but there's a little bit more fog today compared to yesterday. parts of the city, the coast and the bay will be cooler. we'll show you those -- coming up. (vo) ours is a world of passengers. the red-eyes. (daughter) i'm really tired. (vo) the transfers. well, that's kid number three. (vo) the co-pilots. all sitting... ...trusting... ...waiting... ...for a safe arrival. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. designed to help the driver in you... for the passenger in them. the subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. strong reaction from capitol hill after president obama's address to the nation on fighting isis. more troops will be going to iraq andary strikes -- and airstrikes are likely to expand. kyla campbell has more. >> reporter: senator dianne feinstein said congress and the american people need to support the president's plan to fight isis. right now we are attack -- taking a live look where nancy pelosi will talk to report, any moment. she already said she's glad president obama said no u.s. combat troops will be used but an additional 475 u.s. troops are heading to troik right now -- right now. >> we will not get dragged into another ground war in iraq. but they are needed to support with training, intelligence and equipment. >> reporter: for the first time, president obama said here is authorizing u.s. airstrikes inside stirria and expanding -- syria and expanding strikes in iraq. president obama is asking congress to authorize the training to fight isis. john mccain said he wants airstrikes in syria to begin tomorrow. >> i can give him targets. if he's worried about targets, can give him targets. >> reporter: why the administration is not laying out a time line and what nancy pelosi has to say. we'll listen to that and have the latest details for you at 8:45. kyla campbell, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. at we've posted more video of the president's address last night. you can watch it in the hot topics section. 7:48. let's get everybody moving if we can. sal, can you -- you can handle that, right? >> i think i can. >> i think you can. >> at least i will show you what's going on. today we have a rather large backup at the bay bridge toll plaza and even though it's backed up here, it's also backed up before. it might take you 10, 15 minutes just to get to this point. we're looking at a 30, 40- minute delay unless you are using the carpools. 30 to 40-minute drive time if you are starting at the very end of the line and trying to get on the bridge. no major problems on the bridge. just a long delay. san mateo bridge, the same think goes. it's slow from 880. it starts getting better once you make it on the span but it remains crowded throughout. i want to show you on the maps that 880 is backed up from 238 all the way down to stevenson. that long drive and dumbarton bridge, too. people always ask me how is the dumbarton as an alternate? not a good one. it's backed out from newark. one long line of traffic. dumbarton bridge, not good. here's steve. good morning. great information. could hitle 0 in town -- could hit 80 in town. the fog at kelly's cove, very cool. glen park fog and don in forest hill showing fog. yesterday, that was not the case. they were fogfree. the smoke from some of the fires giving us hey die skies if you are wondering where that's coming from, there's not a strong breeze but there's enough that drifts in. the fog is just -- there is a little bit more up towards the north bay than yesterday. yesterday, the south bay had more fog than san francisco. i originally went with that and have dropped it because the fog is a lot thicker. 50s, 60s. haven't warmed up. you will see if these start to warm up. inland temperatures, no fog most. we'll deal with warm to hot temperatures. there's not any delta breeze. that's a sure sign it will be another warm to hot day away from the coast. by the coast, sfo has had a westerly breeze. let's talk about a tropical storm odeel only moving 1 mile per hour. it's expected to reach hurricane strength on friday. norbert went far enough off the coast of baja, that it didn't affect cabo. but it did phoenix. this will turn no a hurricane tomorrow. we'll see wind around 110 miles an hour. if it goes more toward the east, they will deal with heavy rain and strong wind. if it stays on the same course, it will stay too far offshore. it's too soon to say. the remains of it could go southern california and phoenix. that wouldn't be until next week. the cold air and snow the as of north dakota -- the snow, parts of north dakota and montana. it looks like colorado may get some. something is getting rain. it stretches from dallas to new york. that's rain, that's rain, that's rain. that's snow right there. the airport reporting some snow. 20s up in yellowstone for temps. we have fog. by the coast, some could be thick and that could reduce visibility for a few coast and bay. it will be cooler. and high pressure wins out for some for one more day. 100 clearlake. 76 sausalito. that's down 10 from yesterday. 95 kentfield. alameda, 82. 100 in brentwood. livermore, 98. san jose at 90. 92 milpitas. santa clara, 91. 66 half moon bay to 91 in redwood city. temperatures will be i think decreasing slowly friday and more so as we go into the weekend. thank you, steve. eight minutes before 8:00. a ruling in the oscar pistorius trial. still ahead, what the judge said about the murder charges and why we still don't know the punishment the track car could face. three special needs students and a teacher hit by a car in san mateo. up next, what witnesses say that group was doing right before the crash. ♪ at kaiser permanente, everything you need is under one roof. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. okay, a little easier. become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪ welcome back to the morning news. 7:54. richmond police investigating a stabbing and a deadly shooting. it happened last night around the corner from each other in the span of about 30 minutes. police say just before 8:15, police responded to fourth street and mcdonald avenue. reports of a stabbing victim. he was found in the street. he was later airlifted to the hospital. it was then that police heard several gunshots nearby. police found a man shot several times at fifth street and nevin avenue around the corner from that stabbing scene. the victim was 68-year-old anthony bigs. he was pronounced dead at the scene. investigators say there's no evidence the stabbing and the shooting are related. there are no known suspects in either case. petaluma police are searching for suspects in that city afirst hops of the year -- city's first homicide of the year. a man was shot to death in a home on sun crest hill drive. police are now following one strong lead. they don't believe the suspect is posing a threat to the general public. three special needs students and a teacher are recovering this morning after being hit by a car in san mateo county. it happened just before 11:30 yesterday morning on west hillsdale boulevard. witnesses say the students and their teacher were taking a walk near hillsdale high school, when a driver veered onto the sidewalk and struck them. >> kids, they are not safe in the street. the woman was happy, was laughing but the kids showing -- and then this happened. >> the teacher suffered a head injury and has some broken bones but is expected to recover. none of the students were seriously hurt. the driver was taken to the hospital with minor injuries and is being questioned by police. 7:56. america remembers the terrorist note mare exactly 13 -- nightmare exactly 13 years ago. after the break, how the bay area is honoring the victims of 9/11 on this somber anniversary. >> reporter: and early-morning break-in in this santa rosa neighborhood ends with the homeowner being shot. we'll tell you why police say two thieves targeted this home. westbound 24, traffic a little bit slow now driving unto the tunnel out of -- up to the tunnel. we'll show you why it's very slow. inland temps, sunshine. temperatures will be warm to hot. there's more fog coast and bay. look at that. that will drop a few temps close to the water. we'll have the breakdown coming up. 13 years after small and hateful minds conspired to break us, america stands tall and america stands proud. guided by the values that sustain us, we will only grow stronger. >> the words of inspimpation from -- inspiration at the pentagon. the president, vice president and many others attended a special ceremony remembering those who lost their lives on september 11th, 2001. we're live in new york city right now. the roll call of the victims who died continues this morning. the reading began at 8:46 eastern time this morning, the same time 13 years ago, the first plane hit the north tower of the world trade center. good morning. welcome to "mornings on 2." i'm dave clark. >> i'm tori campbell. a quick look at weather and traffic. fog for some but big-time heat for others. >> that's correct. there's a lot of low clouds around. it's so shallow it can't make much of a move inland. across the bay. temperatures across the bay, there will be a toasty pattern away from the coast. there's signs of fog is burning off at the golden gate. it's not lasting too long. it's there. there's more in san francisco and some areas getting a little bit more of a south breeze. inland temperatures beginning to warm up. 64 in livermore. 63 fairfield. santa rosa, though, says 52. there's more fog to the north bay. there's no delta breeze yet but there's a little bit more at sfo. fog is there by the immediate coast, some of that is thick. inland, 90s to near 100. i think we top it out today. tomorrow looks to be cooler. but still very warm away from the coast. here's sal. we're still looking at a lot of slow traffic all over the place. at the bay bridge approach, it's been really slow even though right here, you can see that there's -- some sort of traffic incident going on here. it looks like someone is being pulled over. besides that it's very, very slow trying to get on the bay bridge toll plaza area. it's backed up from 980/4. let's take a look at the dumbarton bridge. that's kind of troubling. it's slow across the. the san mateo bridge, same thing. 280, northbound looks good. it's recovering. back to the desk. thank you, sal. there are ceremonies all over the country on this 13th anniversary of the september 11th attacks. here in the bay area, the san francisco fire department is marking the date with ceremonies at all 43 fire stations. tara moriarty is live at fire station 7 in the mission district where a special ceremony for the first responders and civilians killed 13 years ago was held in the last hour. good morning, tara. >> reporter: good morning. that's right. the mayor as well as the fire chief said a couple of words as the new recruits line the sidewalk. behind me you can see they are up at the top of the building. they have just started their training and the flag there is at half staff. it will stay that way at stations throughout the city and the united states today. [bell tolling] >> reporter: just before 7:00, three sets of chimes rang on the fire engine, the precise moment 13 years ago when the south tower of the world trade center collapsed. the flag was lowered. a moment of silence observed. the names of the 343 members of the new york city fire department who lost their lives that infamous day were read. >> some people asked are we always gonna do this? as long as i'm cheech, we will -- chief, we will. it's an important time to reflect and remember the lives that were lost. >> reporter: the mayor made a point of mentioning two victims' names in particular. >> betty hong and mark bingham were specific names that i wanted to add to the list of individuals who were san franciscans and bay area residents who sacrificed and did more than just be a victim. as we recall, betty made the fateful call to let people know the attack was on and kept with it and didn't panic even though i think she probably knew that her life was going to be limited. >> reporter: and mark bingham, of course, was the man who helped steer flight 93 in shanksville, pennsylvania. all in all a somber morning and a somber reminder of what firefighters put on the line every time they put on the uniform. tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. >> all right. 8:03. we are still following developing news in santa rosa. police are out there searching for one suspect in a break-in that ended with a homeowner being shot. ktvu's alex savidge is live to tell us why this house was targeted. alex? >> reporter: dave, good morning to you. santa rosa police say those two men came here to this home to steal pot early this morning. they knew there was a legal medical marijuana grow inside the place. but this break-in ended with the homeowner here being shot by those thieves after he heard them inside his house. he woke up and start recalled them and that's when shots were fired inside the home. he chased them outside and that's when the thieves fired. the homeowner was shot in the leg but he's expected to be okay. this all unfolded around 1:30 on windsor court in the rincon valley neighborhood of santa rosa. immediately after the shooting, those two men ran off and that prompted a huge police search in this area involving a sheriff's helicopter and k-9s, people who live in the area were asked to stay indoors. one of those two young men was found hiding in the bushes and taken into custody. the other, though, got away and police are still searching for him. police say the homeowner shot here refused to let these men get away after the break-in. he chased them down the street and even tried to detain one of them before officers arrived. >> the homeowner was rather brave to do this. these are one of these cases, sometimes the best thing to do is to sit back and call 911 report what you are seeing and he's lucky to be alive in this case. >> reporter: even though the man in this case survived the shooting, police don't recommend chasing after criminals. police believe the two thieves department think anyone was home. they cut down quite a few of pot plants and loaded them into a waiter car before the man who lives here woke up. police say the young man taken into custody is 19 years old. he lives here in santa rosa. the other young man who was involved in this early-morning break-in and shooting is still on the run. we're live this morning in santa rosa, alex savidge, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. new this morning, all lanes have reopened on interstate 280 in the los altos hills after a deadly crash forced the chp to issue a sig-alert. the crash happened just before 1:00 this morning in the southbound lanes of 280 near the page mill road offramp. all lanes were reopened by 4:00 a.m. the chp says a wrong-way driver caused the crash. a sigh of relief in cupertino after a mountain lion believed to be the one that attacked a 6-year-old boy was killed. the boy was attacked sunday on a hiking trail near the winery. tracking dogs picked up the scent yesterday. the mountain lion was tracked to a tree about 130 yards from where the child was attacked. they say they had no choice but to shoot the mountain lion. >> it would not have been possible to train kimize it -- tranquilize it. it would have died in the fall at that height. >> the mountain lion's remains were sent to a sacramento lab for testing to confirm it was the one that attacked the boy. in the meantime, the boy is now back home recovering after getting rabies shots. 8:07. the funeral for a san francisco teenager fatally stabbed last week outside of a market in the mission district, it will take place today. the funeral mass for 14-year- old rashawn williams takes place at 9:30 this morning. another 14-year-old was arrested in connection with the stabbing that occurred on september 2nd. police say the suspect and the victim went to the same elementary school. this morning, services at the cathedral of the st. mary off goth and geary in san francisco is open to the public. a high school wrestling coach from san ramon is in jail accused of child molestation. 27-year-old california high school wrestling coach kevin lopez was arrested tuesday. police say they were notified of a possible inappropriate relationship between lopez and a 17-year-old girl. lopez serves as a church youth group leader. the san ramon valley unified school district says lopez only worked as a walk-on coach but he's been relieved of those duties. rebecca kaplan would win the race for oakland mayor beating jean quan if the election were held this month. that's according to a telephone poll of 400 voters released this week by the nonprofit jobs and housing coalition. the poll found rebecca kaplan would get 61% of the vote in a rank choice election. oakland's current mayor, jean quan came in a distant second with 39% of the vote. san francisco supervisors have moved a step closer to providing legal funds for child immigrants is faking deportation -- facing deportation. they voted to provide more than $2 million for legal aid for undocumented child immigrants. san francisco supervisor david campos, who was brought to this country illegally from guatemala when he was 14, wrote the proposal. the fund must still be approved by -- the funds must still be approved by the full board of supervisors. an overnight fire in pleasant hill was quickly put out. no one was hurt. this happened about 11:45 at a commercial building on vincent road. this photo you see here, it was tweeted out by fire officials in contra costa county. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. palo alto could soon become the latest bay area city to crack down on people who waste water. next week, the city council will consider slapping $100 fines on homeowners and businesses that violate palo alto's new water restriction rules. those violations include washing down sidewalks and driveways. palo alto is expected to follow the lead of several other bay area cities desperately trying to save water during this record-breaking trout. happening today -- a clinic in american canyon, offering free dental care to members of the military. the free care will be available from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at 32 dental. the free dental clinic is part of freedom day events. it's being held all over the country honoring troops and veterans on this anniversary of the september 11 attacks. several people forced out of their homes during an early- morning fire in milpitas. a bunch of smoke come out. pretty scary. >> in 23 minutes, a look at the damage and the reason firefighters had such a difficult time putting out the fire. also, the 9/11 ceremony in new york today it's unlike any other before. coming up, a live report from new york city on this stay of remembrance and how it's different from those in the past. good morning. we are still looking at a commute where traffic is busy, although we're seeing some signs of improvement. in is northbound 101 in san jose. you can tell it's getting better. we'll tell you more about this coming up. a little bit more coast and bay fog, although some of it beginning to burn off. it will be cooler for some. inland temperatures, that fog is not going to help. it will be warm to hot. we'll have the numbers coming up. ♪0 say does that star spangled banner yet wave ♪ >> what beautiful music. in new york city today at ground zero today, remembering the 9/11 victims. many of those there today, their loved ones are first responders who died at the world trade center. family members clutching photographs of the brave people who died in the line of duty. since we went on the air at 4:30 this morning we've seen different memorials all over the country paying respects to the victims of 9/11. tributes included moments of silence, bell ringing for the fallen, roll call of names for the 3,000 people killed on september 11th, 2001 and the singing. our reporter joins us from new york now on this day of remembrance. steve? >> reporter: dave, you know, it's incredible to think about the progress that's been made down here in lower manhattan in the 13 years since the attacks. if you were down here then and saw all of the pile of rubble, the devastation down here and look at the area now, it's really incredible to see the change, the transformation there in such a complex project, complex construction site. it's almost completed. just a little bit more to to be -- just a little bit more to be done there. in the 13 years since the september 11th attacks, the world trade center site has undergone dramatic changes, where the twin towers once stood, one world trade center now stands as a beacon above the national memorial. it's the first time the memorial and museum will be open on an anniversary. the man in charge of the museum says the people of new york were forejev changed by the attacks -- forejev changer changed -- forever changed by the attacks. >> when they come to the museum, they remember where they were, who told them, everything they experienced. >> reporter: and every person who perished will be read aloud, punctuated by four moments of silence. at the pentagon, defense secretary, chuck hagel, and martin dempsey will hold a ceremony featuring a moment of silence and a speech from president obama. in shanksville, pakistan, the names of those will be read and bells will be rung in remembrance. >> i think it's important on 9/11 every year we remember the importance of not letting our guard down when this comes to homeland security. >> reporter: the people in lower manhattan knows what happens if we let our guard down. today it's not worrying about future potential terror attacks. it's all about remembering the 3,000 people who died on this day 13 years ago. back to you. >> thank you. 8:17. new this morning, a judge in south africa has ruled track star oscar pistorius cannot be found guilty of intentionally killing his girlfriend. the judge says the evidence backs up pistorius's claim that he mistook his girlfriend for an intruder when he shot and killed her in his home last year. the judge has ruled out a premeditated verdict in this case. she must still decide whether or not to convict him on the lesser charge such as manslaughter. that typically carries a five- year prison sentence but can vary. the reading of the ruling is done for today. it will continue tomorrow when a formal verdict and possible punishment is expected. >> all right. thank you. 8:17. let's bring sal back. how is it looking out there? >> it's not too bad. we're looking at traffic that's still certainly heavy. i'm gonna start off with the peninsula. southbound 101, we've had a number of crashes on 101 between, let's say, san mateo and san carlos. this is anarea to voi -- this is an area to avoid. 80 is a great alternate. it looks good down the peninsula. do yourself a faber avoid -- favor. avoid 101 between burlingame and menlo park. you will be fine because that's just a joke with all of that traffic slow. let's move along to the bay bridge. that's been very slow. 25 to 30-minute drive time into san francisco. if you are driving this morning in san jose -- i'm sorry, in oakland, northbound 880 is slow past the coliseum. now let's go to steve. >> all right. thank you. there's fog out there. yes, there is. there is a lot. yet inland there's not much. temperatures will warm up quick. i think parts of the coast and bay see a cooler pattern even though some of the fog is burning off. the air aloft is very warm in the 70s. 1700 to 2,000 feet that's squashed the fog. it also means while it's thick in the morning it burns off. after 9:00, it starts to retreat. the inland temperatures -- there's not much of a breeze at all. there is a slight component yesterday of an offshore. that sent temperatures way up. today it's kind of neutral. 50s and 60s. we're not crazy warm yet. but some areas are beginning to get in the mid-60s. there's others that are warmer than that far enough away. the key in the summertime is travis. if it's 25, 30, out of the west, it will be cooler. it's northeast at 2. they will be at 98, 99 today easily. calm, calm. a little north wind. little north wind also at napa and also at novato. components of an offshore breeze or a northerly breeze. we have a tropical storm that will turn to hurricane status. it's moving at 1 miles per hour at the northwest. the key will be the track it takes. the wind is 50 miles an hour expected to reach 74 probably by tomorrow. it will get to 1 is 10 miles per -- 110 miles per hour. will it take the same path as norbert? if it does it will stay way from cabo and la zaz. if it zigs and zags to the east, it will change the pattern. sacramento, 67. i want to show you the amazingly cool temperatures, i mean, 30s. there was snow in montana and wyoming. rapid city, south dakota, it snowed. this is the earliest recording of snow since 1888. right there. rapid city. how about that? 1 inch of snow. we're way above on the temperatures. they are way below. warm to hot temperatures away from the coast. by the coast, i think you will dealing with more fog. that will keep temperatures there. 60s, 70s. we'll see 90s through the interior. 80s, 90s around the bay. up towards clearlake. 100. richmond, 82. sausalito, 76. petaluma, 94. that fog makes it tough. 82 alameda to 100 in brentwood. 96 morgan hill. 94 saratoga. 68 pacifica. 79 san bruno and redwood city at 91. it looks cooler as we head into friday and saturday and into the weekend. >> thank you, steve. startling report from the pentagon about men and race in the u.s. military. in 26 minutes, the statistics that may shock you and how a veterans affair psychologist is responding. but first, why several exclusive golf courses in new york did not allow the president to play over the labor day weekend. ♪ with kaiser permanente, you'll connect with your doctor any time, anywhere. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. ♪ become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪ and serta mattress sets. save up to $300 on sealy posturepedic even get 24 months interest-free financing on every tempur-pedic. but don't drop the ball. mattress discounters fall kickoff sale is ending soon. ♪ mattress discounters 8:24. a giant comeback this weekend for a mixed martial arts fighter in the bay area. while the fight certainly won't be easy, he's dealing with an even greater challenge. that's because 30-year-old matt major is homeless. living on the streets of san jose. a few years ago, he was having success in the u.s. fighting championship. the world's largest mma promotion. but major says he became deeply depressed after his sister died and he landed on the streets. recently, major says he's turning his life around. he started training again and volunteering with a san jose outreach group. >> the outcome is gonna be that i'm back on track with my life, getting my life together, getting back in the ring. that's the outcome. >> matt major will face david mitchell on saturday for the middleweight title at the west coast fighting championship in sacramento. today, bud selig comes to the bay area making his last official visit to the bay area as commissioner of major league baseball. now, last month, selig went to the oakland coliseum. he spent time with the as and their fans. this morning, he will be in san francisco at the at&t park with the giants and their fans. selig is retiring after 22 years as commissioner. a lot of people are disappointed because he never settled the dispute about the as and their move. president obama was not allowed to play golf over the labor day weekend at some clubs. the trump, wing foot and willow ridge turn down requests to allow the president to tee off. officials say labor day is one of the busiest times. year for golf courses which may not have wanted to inconvenience their regular members who can pay $100,000 a year or more in fees. we're continuing our 9/11 coverage for you this morning. in the next half-hour, after the break, the way a group of bay area firefighters turned a piece of rubble from ground zero into a permanent memorial. we are live in milpitas this morning, where several firefighters are responding to a house fire early this morning. coming up we'll tell you how or why some residents had to be evacuated as well. westbound 24, traffic moderately heavy as you drive over to the caldecott. i will tell you some drive times and take a look at a problem on the peninsula. well, january through august in california is so far the warmest year ever. we're on track for that. today will be warm to hot for some inland. but a little cooler for the coast. we'll tell you that coming up. [bagpipes] just about an hour and a half ago, these firefighters in free monthonored those who died in the terror attacks 13 years ago today. i want to show you the memorial built by those firefighters themselves. the camera is pushing in to show it to you. janine de la vega is out there now. coming up in two minutes, she will tell us why these pillars are so important and why the fremont firefighters say they feel privileged today. stay tuned. good morning. thank you for joining us. thursday, september 11th. i'm dave clark. let's check weather and traffic. steve's right over there. thank you. upper 90s inland to near 100. a lot of dense fog. some of this is already burning off. fire danger increases even though there's not a strong northeast breeze. there's enough of a one that we get hazy skies from the north and to the east. if you are wondering why it's so hazy, that has a lot to do with it. there's a big fog bank out there. it's really squashed. we had dense fog this morning. most of that looks like it's about ready to lift. temperatures, 50s and 60s. nothing crazy yet but they are on their way to upper 90s to 100 for those away from the coast. by the coast, 60s and 70s. nothing at travis. a delta breeze is calm and that's usually -- usual that means it will be warm to hot. plenty of fog on the coast. what's over the bay or anything inland will burn off fast. morning, fog, sunny, hot inland. fog another the beaches. santa cruz,py -- capitola always run cooler. here's sal. you want to avoid 101. we've had a string of crashes between burlingame and redwood city. the whole area is a mess. i wouldn't use it. i would use 280 instead. it's much better than 101. you will just be in slow traffic. the traffic has cleared to the shoulder. the damage is done. you don't want to be on 101 this morning between san mateo and redwood city. san mateo bridge is at at a standstill partially because of what's going on. people are in logjam traffic. this is terrible. dumbarton bridge is improving, but still not a decent alternate. this is one of thes things if i could -- this is one of those things if i could tell you to wait a while, i would. back to the desk. >> thank you, sal. 9/11 was the deadliest incident for firefighters in america history. new york lost 341 firefighters and two paramedics. more than 70 police officers were also killed along with eight emergency medical technicians and paramedics from private hospitals. janine de la vega joining us live now in fremont to show us a new memorial honoring those fallen first responders. what does it look like, janine? >> reporter: yeah, i mean, it is a beautiful tribute to the fallen firefighters. we're here in front of the fremont fire department's training center and it is right in the back and what you are looking at is the memorial here up at the top is a piece of steel from the world trade center. that steel is from the 62nd floor of tower one. during the ceremony earlier this morning, could you feel the emotion as the firefighters somberly looked on and remembered their fallen brothers an sisters. [bagpipes] >> reporter: "amazing grace" was played on the bagpipes and firefighters an recruits stood at attention. they along with firefighters at other stations saluted and observed a moment of silence at 6:59 this morning when the south tower of the world trade center fell 13 years ago today. the flag in the front of the station was lowered to half staff to honor the 343 firefighters who lost their lives. there are two pillars designed to represent the twin towers on this memorial and etched on one of them it says "never forget 343" as a tribute. eight new firefighter recruits were at the ceremony. some were in grade school when the towers fell 13 years ago. >> to be able to participate is significant. it will be throughout their career. it's that moment where they really get in touch perhaps for the first time of what those who came before them have done and what they will be expected to do in the future. >> two free montfirefighters and their search -- fremont firefighters and their search dogs traveled to new york to help. a lot of memories for them and emotion, again, that was felt here and at all of the fire stations. the department has had that piece of steel for the past five years. they hadn't done anything with it because they were trying to figure out what they wanted the design to look like, where they planted it placed and what ended up happening is the firefighters themselves ended up building this, the city helped with the landscaping but they say it was truly a labor of love and they feel extremely privileged to have it here. reporting live from fremont, janine de la vega, ktvu channel 2 news. 8:34. now to our continuing coverage of pro football's domestic violence scandal. the nfl has hired robert mueller to investigate how the nfl handled evidence in the ray rice case. the announcement came last night hours after the "the associated press" reported the nfl received the video of ray rice punching his then-fiancee five months before tmz released it. the nfl says this explosive new allegation will be part of mueller's investigation. >> we want the resignation of roger goodell because of his lack of response to domestic violence. >> this is a big, tough league. it seems to be populated by a pot of cowards, starting in the ownership offices, league offices, these men who beat up women. >> members of congress say the nfl should increase the penalties for playersth canned of domestic -- players convicted of domestic violence. jackie speier will hold hearings on a possible link between domestic violence and steroids. the 49ers suspended their play by play announcer after he made what they are calling offensive remarks on monday during an interview on sports radio station knbr. robinson suggested that rice's wife should take some of the responsibility for not immediately reporting that violent attack. robinson also called her decision to marry rice after the assault and i'm quoting here "pathetic." last night, robinson released this statement. i understand that the cycle of abuse keeps people in untheythy relationships -- unhealthy relationships. no dame or responsibility for domestic violence should ever be placed on the victim." the family of ray mcdonald is speaking out. mcdonald faces felony domestic violence charges following his arrest in san jose last month. but prosecutors have still not decided whether to file charms. mcdonald's family in florida is selling the contra costa times, the 49er did not physically attack his pregnant fiance. his mother said if they knew us and our son and the type of person he is, our son is not this vicious woman beater he is portrayed to be. several people in milpitas had to be evacuated after heavy smoke from a house fire. brian flores is live in milpitas with information on where this fire started. good morning, brian. >> reporter: good morning. many of the milpitas firefighters left about a half an hour ago. there is a crew remaining on the scene. but crews were able to contain the fire at a home on the 1700 block of dennis avenue. there were several evacuations as you mentioned, tori, for nearby residents because of heavy smoke. the first call came in at 4:50 this morning of heavy smoke coming from the home. 20 minutes later, it had gren to a structure fire. when we spoke with the fire chief, the response grew to two alarms. he also said it was pretty difficult for firefighters to get inside the home because there was a lot of items in the garage and inside the house as well that impeded access. one firefighter was taken to the hospital because of exhaustion symptoms of battling this house fire. the cause is still under investigation. we understand it started from the inside and then quickly spread. no other homes were damaged. nobody was inside the home at the time. in fact, they are working on contacting the homeowner this morning. but some residents who live nearby say they were nervous for a little bit. >> i was scared because i wasn't sure if anyone was in there. i was just praying that if they were, that they would come out okay. but luckily, no one was there. >> it was primarily in the bedroom areas. like i said, you never know what caused it. we'll look into it. and then we blew the windows out mostly what they call to soften the structure or ventilate it to operate in there with a more clear environment. >> reporter: relatively heavy response to this fire. overall, 14 firefighters responded along with mutual aid from the san jose fire department and the milpitas police department was here for support as well. it took about 45 minutes for the fire to be contained. as we take it back out here live, a fire crew remains as well. you see a crew here as well. we understand a fire investigator is here taking down looking for anything suspicious. at this point, it doesn't appear anything suspicious started this fire. we're live in milpitas, brian flores, ktvu channel 2 news. 8:39. sunnyvale police are warning people about a group of men snatching necklaces from victims. police have released two pictures, one shows a suspect on the right. the other his car. but the quality of both photos is not great. officers have received about 15 reports of chain snatchings since may. in each case, the suspect or suspects approached their victim either from the front or behind and then grabbed the necklace. the suspects are described as african-american men in their 20s between 5'10" and-62. guns were displayed during several robberies. 8:39. this morning, the b.a.r.t. board of directors will take steps trying to prevent future b.a.r.t. strikes. after two strikes last year, the board commissioned a study that offered 63 recommendations and they include starting the contract talks earlier and eliminating any abrasive negotiators. at this morning's board meeting the president will assign each recommendation to individual work groups. starting next year, millions of california workers will be able to take paid time off if they become sick. governor brown signed it into law yesterday making paid sick leave mandatory statewide. under the new law, most workers will get at least three paid sick days per year. critics have argued this could hurt small business owners. the law takes effect in july of next year. 20 minutes before 9:00, san francisco is officially welcoming fleet week back to the city. mayor ed lee, other city leaders and members of the military attended an event publicizing fleet week yesterday. fleet week was canceled last year due to budget cuts. this year it starts october 9th and the blue angels will once again be part of the show. always very popular. there's also the traditional parade of ships. the city says fleet week often draws about 1 million spectators. >> reporter: president obama laid out his strategy to degrade and defeat isis. what bay area members of congress have to say. i'll have that in a live report from washington in a few minutes. plus, how the san francisco fire department is honoring first responders 13 years after the 9/11 attacks. good morning. right now we're looking in san jose, northbound 280. traffic is moderately heavy getting up to highway 17. we'll tell you more about the commute. well, i stepped outside here like mr. clark does about 7:30. it does feel cooler in oakland. inland temperatures will be warm to hot. there will be a big difference in the temperatures. we'll show them to you coming up. at shell, we believe the world needs a broader mix of energies, which is why we are supplying natural gas, to generate cleaner electricity, that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. and why with our partner in brazil, we are producing a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane to fuel cars. let's broaden the world's energy mix, let's go. at kaiser permanente, everything you need is under one roof. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. okay, a little easier. become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪ just in hour, bay area congresswoman nancy pelosi said she supports the president's plan to fight isis. president obama says he plans on expanding airstrikes and is sending additional u.s. troops to iraq. kyla campbell is live in washington to explain his strategy and pelosi's response. >> reporter: president obama says the u.s. will hunt down terrorists who threaten our country wherever they are. >> that means i will not hesitate to take action in isil in syria as well as iraq. this is a core principle of my presidency. if you threaten america, you will find no safe haven. >> reporter: president obama is spending another 4 p 5 u.s -- 475 u.s. troops to iraq but he said there will not have a combat mission. the administration says foreign partners will be on the ground and the u.s. will supply air support. president obama is asking congress to authorize the training and arming to fight isis. some senate republicans say if congress doesn't vote on the plan, democrats would be let off the hook weeks before midterm elections. nancy pelosi responded to that moments ago. >> we want a vote as the president has stated that he has the authority he needs to take the actions he described last night. >> reporter: the administration is not laying out a time line to fight isis. they say they won't telegraph their punches but the fight against isis could be long. 13 years after 9/11 and the u.s. still does not consider al qaeda to be defeated. kyla campbell, ktvu channel 2 news. >> thank you. most of the recent focus has been on women but the pentagon has released a startling new report about men and sexual assaults in the u.s. military. it found 38 u.s. military men are sexually assaulted every single day. because of the stigma the attackers nearly always go free because the male victims don't want to step forward. one veterans affair psychologist said these attacks have nothing to do with sex and everything to do with power and control. >> all right, tori. let's check back with sal. the east shore, you are watching that, aren't you? >> sure am. really has been a terrible commute all week long on this freeway. although it's not as bad -- if it makes you feel better, it's not as bad today as it has been in the days past. 40 minutes from the carquinez bridge to the macarthur maze is not as bad as a couple of days ago when it took become an hour. but still, this is kind of a tough commute getting down to the bay bridge. when you get to the brig, you will be wait -- brim, you will be waiting there -- bridge, you will be waiting there 20 minutes before you get into san francisco. i want to show you traffic is improving a little bit on the bay bridge commute. if you are driving across -- as you are driving down the nimitz freeway from 238 to fremont, it's been very slow traffic. and this morning on the peninsula, 101 is to be avoided between burling game and redwood city. all of the icons represent earlier accidents. 280 is getting heavier as people have heard about-- heard about 101. i still think 208 is a better bet. here's steve. a little bit more of a northwest breeze at sfo. inland temperatures it will be hot. a lot of dense fog this morning. the warm air aloft is just smashing. puts its foot down on it. really thick. i think it will be the same tomorrow. there hints that some of that -- there are thients that some of that -- there are some hints of that fog on friday. really thick fog on the golden gate. it looks like that's lifting fast. that's not crazy hot yet but it's still warming up. 50s and 60s. the lows were returning warmer today compared to 24 hours ago. northwest 10. sfo, way hard. west at mountain view. that was not the case. if that holds, that will be a cooler pattern. if a tropical storm -- the tropical storm odeel is expected to reach hurricane strength, 74 miles an hour probably by tomorrow. and then 110 miles an hour as it gets to cabo over the weekend. if it goes the same course norbert took it will stay off cabo and la paz and move north. remember what happened in phoenix, well, it's close enough. if it takes an easterly track we'll have to update the possible wind forecast. we have a exwusm days to fine -- couple of days to fine tune this. amazingly cold this morning from montana, that system in calgary leeching them snow into -- leaving them snow in north dakota and south dakota. rapid city, south dakota, rain, rain. watch it turn to white. an inch of snow in rapid city. the earlier recorded snowfall since 1888. they are 25 degrees below average on a lot of the temperatures. our temperatures are a good 10, 15 pov. i will tell -- above. i will tell you, most of the country has had a drought relief. we're not. i don't see any rain. that pattern, that bugs me. that's what we saw for nine months now, it still holds. they get the rain and cold. we get the dry weather. hot inland, fog near the coast. 60s, 70s to near 100.  that fog is really difficult. a few steps away it might be warm to hot. not too bad. 75 alameda to 100 in oakley and also brentwood. 100 in gill ray. 90 san jose. 90 sunnyvale. 60s, 70s, 80s. again, a lot of these are fog driven. if that fog decide to come back, inland will be hot. i think we cool back over the weekend, though. ten minutes before 9:00, millions of gmail addresses and passwords made public. coming up, the convenient google claims this is not a breach in its security. 8:53. richmond police are investigating a stabbing and a deadly shooting that happened around the corner from each other in the span of about 30 minutes. police say just before 8:15 last night, officers responded to fowrg -- fourth street and mcdonald for reports of a stabbing victim. he was found in the street and airlifted to the hospital. then police heard several gunshots nearby. officers found a man with multiple gunshot wounds at fifth street and nevin avenue around the corner from the stabbing scene. police have identified that victim as 68-year-old anthony biggs. he was pronounced dead at the scene. efvas say there's no evidence -- investigators say there's no evidence to suggest the two are relating. no known suspects in either case. police in petaluma are looking for suspects in the city's first homicide of the year. investigators say a 49-year-old man was shot to death inside a home on sun crest hill drive late yesterday. the santa rosa press democrat reports officers are now following one strong lead in the case. and they do not believe the suspect poses any threat to the general public. google responding after millions of gmail addresses and peace words were posted online. 5million gmail addresses and passwords were made public on a russian bitcoin forum. google said many of them are not current. they also say it doesn't athat gmail was hacked and the addresses were probably gathered from malware from computers or harked from other sites -- harked from other sites -- hacked from other sites. the nfnd legislature is holding a special session on -- the nevada ledge lame chur is holding a special session on tax incentives for the tesla. they say this would generate more than 20,000 construction an related -- and related jobs. tesla based in california. california lost out to nevada in the competition for the factory. happening today, a vote on the potential sale of san francisco's flower part. the san francisco flower gardens association is considering an offer from kilroy rey to buy the -- realty to buy it. opponents of the sale say it could force the flower market to close if the property end up being leased to a technology company. the san francisco flower part is the second largest wholesale flower market in the country and home to more than 100 flower businesses. encouraging news today regarding the earth's ozone layer. a hole in the ozone layer is shrinking. it protects from the harmful rays. scientists credit this recovery with a campaign back in the '80s to phase out chemicals used in refrigerators air conditioners and aerosol cans. they say it will still take until 2075 for the ozone layer to repair itself overrant artie cau where -- over antarctica where it's damaged. it's still encouraging. >> it's reversing a little bit. >> we've seen some improvement. >> all right. hey, sal, any improvement in our commute? you've been -- some messes out there. >> i think -- >> i think we lost sal. >> yeah, that thing. has to reach behind himself. still not working. >> all right. >> that's okay. >> we'll -- >> can you hear me? the battery died on this microphone. i will pull the backup microphone here. >> i can hear you. >> and we'll go. all right. let's do this. traffic is moving along relatively well. but as dave was saying, it's been an adventurous morning. let's go to the bay bridge, 25, 30-minute delay. 880 northbound and southbound, slow northbound. southbound is okay. the peninsula avoid 101. use 280. it's heavy. 280 is better than 101 especially in san mateo. let's go to steve. thank you, sal. well, some fog, coast and bay. what's over the bay will burn off. 90 to 100 inland. cooler by the coast and in the city and then still warm but not as warm on friday. it looks cooler as we go into the weekend. >> it's still a little early. >> snow and -- >> that would be nice. >> rockies and crazy weather. >> thank you. and thank you for making ktvu your choice for news. be sure to watch the news at noon. we'll see how a recent crash that killed two 19-year-olds could affect one san jose bar. we'll tell continue to follow that story all day and have updates on ktvu news at 5:00 and 6:00. thank you for joining us. hello, everybody. great viral videos are coming your way "right this minute." sightseers take a road trip after a storm. >> they are getting blown away by the video. >> waterfalls spouting out of mountains leave them anything but speechless. >> holy [ bleep ]. >> a simple picture is grabbing attention on the anniversary of 9/11. people are so moved by this phot


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20140910

approval rating at 38%, matching advertise record low. does approval is at 66%. how the president's policy on interrogations has already hurt the american effort against isis. mike emanuel on capitol hill about what lawmakers already know about the strategy. ed henry and what he can tell us about tonight's address. >> i'm told the president will speak for no more than 15 minutes, if he and top aides like mike rowe have been putting final touches on this speech. it also comes as the u.s. navy tonight is releasing some dramatic new video of fats offering aboard the uss george h.w. bush today. the focus tonight will be preparing the country for the next phase, which is expected to lead to a lot more air strikes inside iraq, but also likely syria as well. >> as president obama met with his national security team after laying out his isis strategy in a prime time address, suggesting the president will get tough tonight. >> this is a fight that the iraqi people must win, but it's also a fight that the rest of the world needs to win with them. it's a fight that the united states and the rest of the world need to support every single step of the way. >> there were signals today that to achieve his goal of defeating isis, the president is preparing the nation for expanding u.s. air strikes in syria. officials tell fox the president will now use his speech to urge congress to give him the power to ramp up support to the syrian opposition. opening the door to air strikes in syria, while using the syrian rebels as ground troops instead of u.s. boots on the ground, just as the president has utilized iraqi security forces to back more than 150 u.s. air strikes targeting isis there. republicans, though, are saying the planning first floated to congressional leaders on tuesday, comes way late. >> nor does the national security team regarding training the fee syrian army three years ago to persuade the american people and their allies he's got to overcome the defense. >> three weeks ago the president mocked the syrian rebels, hillary clinton pushed hard to get more support to the opposition early on. >> it's always been a fantasy that we could provide some light arms or even more sophisticated arms to what was essentially an opposition made up of former doctors, farmers, fapharmacists and so forth. >> reporter: while the president has already taken u.s. ground troops off the table, the president is skeptical of that strategy. asked what it will take to defeat isis, 51% say it will take ground troops, 27% say it can be done with air strikes, 22% are not sure. as kwhaeng asked -- convincing the public he's up to that task will be a hard sell. with the fox poll finding, 57% used weak and indecisive to -- 34% called him strong and decisive. 8% said that -- gauging pass sif reaction that he has finally crafted a strong message on isis, in his interview with nbc's chuck todd, although todd himself suggested that the president's us decision will hurt -- >> jimmy carter like damage to the foreign policy if he's not careful. >> aides say the other reason the president went prime time is he wanted to sooez the momentum from iraq's unexpected followthrough on creating a new unity government. >> it's full speed ahead. >> secretary kerry predicted that 40 nations will join the coalition he's building, but so far only nine have done so, as for the syrian rebels, nine y r years, democrats passed -- >> head, thank you. not everyone is convinced that the president himself is fully behind an expansion of the battle against isis, chief correspondent mike emanuel is concerned about the commander in chief's level of commitment. >> those people over there at isil are all in. they are going to do everything they can to win. >> isis has about 10,000, growing by 500 fighters a week. he says he wants to hear a detailed planning from president obama that includes overwhelming u.s. military force. >> our military can carry out the missions, it's just up to somebody else to decide what the missions should be. and the commander in chief has kind of been derelict in the whole situation. you can't piecemeal this kind of an effort. >> illinois republican congressman adam kin singer served in iraq and continues to fly in the air national guard. kinsinger says he wants to hear from a commander and chief that's resolute. >> not only taking out targets in the ocean, but also air support for advancing military, what it's iraqi or peshmerga military, i want to see them have a plan for the new syrian army to push back against isis, and again a solid determination that american military will be used overwhelmingly and to great effect. >> reporter: president obama is expected to ask for $500 million to help train syrian rebels and says he's open to air strikes in syria. >> the president believes he has the authority to do what he is doing now, and what he proposes which is something he'll tell us about tonight. >> another key democratic ally who along with pelosi and top congressional leaders met with the president yesterday says he is on board. >> president obama has made clear that it's going to take decisive action to destroy islamics states through the use of air strikes and drones. this is a smart, strategic and effective approach. and i support it. >> but the senate leading republicans sounds concerned. >> it's a strategy that is designed to succeed. not a mere restatement of foreign policy, which we know is in -- to seize this opportunity to lead. >> there's some ongoing discussion about congress and how congress will handle that money request. . >> michael emanuel on the hill. mike, thank you. one of the president's homeland security bureaucrats told a senate committee that officials are unaware of any credible threat of any attacks in the u.s. by isis terrorists. but being unaware could actually where dangerous. the president already has america playing from behind. >> reporter: the rise of isis is blamed on a combination of factors, including what critics describe as a lack of interrogation policy. >> we should hear no more talk about treating the fight against terror as a matter for law enforcement. the idea that terrorists are just criminals of a different stripe has been a dogma of this administration from the very beginning. >> reporter: when mr. obama took office in 2009, he promised to shuttle the guantanamo bay detention camps and send alleged terrorists to court. now when high -- they are temporarily questioned at skae. and not sent to guantanamo or any government facility for long-term interrogations, at the same time the obama administration has dramatically expanded the drone campaign that began under president george w. bush and is supported by leading democrats. >> if you're going to take out al qaeda, or if you're going to take out isis, you have to smash their leadership. >> while it's not possible to capture everyone, such as al qaeda's east african affilia affiliate -- killing virtually every terrorist leader has made it harder to identify their close associates and followers. >> droening them and killing them, justice from 30,000 feet has resulted in a treasure trove of information, not being gained through lawful interrogation. >> reporter: and the obama administration never reached the status of forces agreement in iraq. when remaining u.s. troops were withdrawn, a valuable intelligence collection function was -- >> we went deaf and blind in th thatry. >> reporter: a formzer pentagon official tells that baghdadi was on the radar. the officials say baghdadi was questioned and gave up some information before being transferred to iraqi's custody. please tune in, 9:00 p.m. eastern, during the kelly file for the president's speech. and then later, we'll have a special edition special report at 11:00 p.m. eastern time. we'll break down the speech, get reaction from lawmakers on the hill. charles krauthammer, stoddard and george will. up next, how learning from history could have changed history in benghazi. first here's what some of our fox affiliates across the country are saying. to a proposal to allow some providers to offer faster service for free. protesting seitz believe this will lead to a slowdown for them and you, so they're putting up the dreaded spinninging wheel. public comments nds next week. fox 4 in dallas with a reunion with his buddy from afghanistan. he was at love field to pick up joe, the black lab that he served back in 2011. joe is now officially retired and a heb of the halsey family. and a live look at st. louis, the big story there tonight is an e6r9 by people who say they want justice for michael brown to block interstate 70. brown is the african-american man fatally shot by a police officer in ferguson last month. the group wants to replace the county attorney with a special prosecutor. that's tonight's live look outside the belt way from special report. we'll be right back. ave somethi? i have bayer aspirin. i'm 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the previous incident that might have led to a different response that tragic night. >> hey, when are you going to get over there? we're losing the initiative. and bob just looked at me and said stand down, we need to wait. >>. >> reporter: a stand down order who heroically rushed from the annex in benghazi to the consulate grounds. the base chief in benghazi, aka bob later told investigators he restrained the contractors because he was trying to secure the assistance of a local libyan militia the u.s. government had hired called the february 17 martyrs brigade. >> obviously these gentlemen wanted to go help, but it was the smarter thing to do to take a short delay after very good security reasons to get additional backup and get additional weapons. >> reporter: the contractors ulgt maltly left for the consulate without approval from bob. among those racing to the scene, was tyrone woods, known to his con rads as rone who would die defending the annex. >> he gave me a thumbs-up, i gave him a thumbs-up and we left. >> >> reporter: the review board other official reports found there was no undue dwla by bob. reliance on the february 17 brig gate for security was quote, misplaced and according to the cia cooperate operators, for the first time the operators now disclosed that tyrone woods had been held up by the very terrorist group later suspected of carrying out the benghazi attacks, that woods appealing for his life bob had responded business requesting backup from the february 17 brigade, which jut as on 9/11 two months later never responded. >> another one of our operators had gotten stop it a checkpoint. >> rone gets on the radio and says you guys are being held up. can you spin up the corporate reaction force. can you at least get the guys jocked up and ready and start to move out in our vicinity. >> as the cia operators complained, the qrf or quick response force every materialized, just as bob argued with his team members who wanted to go help. >> bob, the chief of base wanted it handled by the locals. >> he didn't want us to go out there, and during this time frame, we're getting calls from, can you guys come and get us? we need your help, we're drawing weapons on each other. and we're wait for 30 minutes and finally rone and the operator the other operator today we bluffed our way through. but nothing happened that night and it's almost the exact same picture of what happened during the september 11th episode. >> probably about a handful of experiences with bob over there. not letting qrf leave when something happens. >> the state department which defended the actions of the cia base chief said it was not unusual for u.s. personnel to rely heavily on u.s. militia members. >> national protection all over the world i r relying too heavily on militia men. he did what managers with war zone experience and a broader per speck dif are supposed to do, just as the cia shooters did what they are supposed to do. >> james rosen at the state department. still ahead, defending christians around the world from persecution, first carl cameron on the stretch run to the midterms. georgia's secretary of state is investigating allegations of fraud, ahead of this fall's election. the atlanta tv station records records are being subpoenaed from liberal voter registration groups led by the state's house democrat. georgia has two big race this is fall, one for the u.s. senate and the other for governor. let's talk a little bit more about politics tonight. carl cameron joins us now, carl, the midterm primaries are now officially history. set the table for us for the fall and spring here. >> we have got to reck that republicans and tea partiers began this year promising they would nominate strong conservatives who could beat democrats in general elections and they pretty much got what they want it. his ranks was incumbent democrats jeanne shaheen, brown can expect a bounce because the gop will yuunite now that the t other primary candidates out of the way. tierny is the only democratic incumbent to lose his primary this year in the either the house or senate. three house republicans lost primaries including house majority leader eric cantor. it looks like they can win at least a half dozen right now and it could go up. >> along the theme of who got elected and who didn't. despite their unpopularity. every single -- it's a perfect run. republicans need six more seats for the majority and they have about 11 democrats on defense and pretty much targeted for ouster. they are in very competitive races in all states. democrats have been touting reports that the gop may win the majority, but there won't be any in one of these huge waves that have emerged in years past. but it ignores a bunch of things, six seats and a majority would be a heck offan a chooechlt. it would still be a devastating set back for the president's agenda and democrats. >> sue rosenberg the way this is going, we'll see. carl, tharpgsz. if you think republicans will take back the u.s. senate? let me know at at twilter. use the hash tag special report. breaking news tonight on the ray rice authority. a law enforcement official tells the associated press he sent the video of the nfl star punching his then fiance to a league executive three months ago. commissioner roger goodell and league officials have insisted they did not see the images until this week. but the ap says the law enforcement source has a voicemail from an nfl office number confirming restate of that video and a female voice saying, quote, you're right, it's terrible. an nfl spokesman says this afternoon the league is not aware of anyone in its office who possessed or saw that video before monday, but it's looking into the report. >> stocks were up today t dow gained 55, the s&p 500 finished ahead 7, the nasdaq picked up 34. you are not supposed to buy booze or lap dances with welfare money. but apparently marijuana is okay. we'll talk about that and president obama who has turned away from some of new york's finer golf courses over labor day weekend. we'll tell you why in the grapevine. a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, this can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain, and improve daily physical function so moving is easier. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain. and it's not a narcotic. you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. they all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. nsaids, like celebrex, increase the chance of serious skin 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they can stay happy at home. comfort keepers. keeping the comforts of home. call comfort keepers now to learn more. president obama's frequent golf outings have drawn the ire of critics. now we're learning of at least one round of golf that never happened because the president was turned away from several courses. the first golfer was in new york labor day weekend for some fuchbtd raisers. a local tv station reported three exclusive golf courses, willow ridge and wing foot denied the president's request to play there. the source at wing foot tells the grapevine it's policy is that nonmembers can play as guests of members, but the white house to shul down the course for the president was a deal breaker. labor day weekend is one of the busiest days for golf courses. a few minutes ago, donald trump tweeted, quote, if obama resigns from office now, thereby doing a great service to the country, i will give him free lifetime golf at any one of my courses. as we have reported previously in the grapevine, using welfare cards in liquor stores is against the law, but using -- in places where recreational use of pot is legal, ebt debit cards are accepted in marijuana dispensaries. the federal government currently spends roughly $750 billion each year on means tested welfare tested programs across 80 different accounts. this money is at ministered by a vast sprawling bureaucracy with little oversight and no moral vision. and finally, an 11-year-old boy in great britain is not allowed to ride the bus to school for free, because his house is six feet too close to school. the mirror reports his older brother who lives in the same house does qualify for a free pass, the reason, the way the route is measured has changed and the brother was grandfathered in. so 11-year-old john lawson who lives 1 .99 miles from school will apparently walk 40 minutes to and from school each day. county officials tell the moirrr they will not reconsider in interest of fairness to other students. this is a fox news alert, we now have some excerpts from president obama's prime time address to the nation tonight, on his plans to deal with isis terrorists. the president reiterates he has no plans for american boots on the ground, easy for you to say. it will not involve american combat troops fighting on foreign soil. this counter terrorism campaign will be waged through a steady relentless effort to take out isis wherever they exist. one of the things that put isis on the global radar was it's persecution of religious mean norths. molly henningberg with a group dedicated to stopping that. >> reporter: the goal organizers say of this inaugural in defense of christians summit is to protect persecuted christians in the middle east. our church, all the churches cannot remain silent in dissidence. >> please do not use our brothers and sisters in the middle east as vote getters or bargaining chips. >> reporter: the numbers are stark, from 2012 to 2013 the number of christians martyred around the world nearly doubled. and of those 2,123 christians martyred in 2013, more than half of them were in syria alone. that's more than the global total of martyred christians the year prior. in iraq, it's estimated there are 260,000 christians still living in the country, down from 1.5 million in 2002, prior to the u.s. invasion. and the christians that are left, according to secretary of state john kerry are being told by isis to convert the islam and pay a fine, or be executed. today republican and democrat members of congress urged the president to defend persecuted christians in his speech tonight. >> to protect religious mean norths in syria and iraq. >> the stakings could not bhaier when it comes to the repression and violence against kraigs minorities around the world. we all pray the president of the united states tonight in his speech recognizes this and takes a very strong stand. >> reporter: the state department while stopping short of embracing the term genocide said the u.s. is providing humanitarian aid to suffering christians in northern iraq and to ethnic yisidis -- >> the yisidi community are at great risk in iraq night now. >> reporter: but the most dangerous country for christians is not syria or iraq, they're number three and four on the list, according to open door. the worst country for christians is north korea. followed by somalia. >> molly, thank you. well. president obama gets ready to lay out his plan against isis, will congress and america buy in? we'll ask the panel when we come back. blaek . it's always been a fantasy, this idea that we could provide some light arms or even more soft frist indicated arms to which was essentially an operation made of former doctors, farmers, pharmacists and so forth and that they were going to be able to battle not only a well armed state, but also a well armed state backed by russia, backed bier rang. battled hardens hezbollah. that was never in the cards. >> it's clear to me that we need to train and equip syrian rebels and other groups in the middle east that needs hip. >> ahead of this big speech, one of the things the president will be talking about is training and arming the syrian rebels. as you saw, that was a sound bite actually in just one month ago in the "new york times" and tom freedman. obama's leadership on foreign policy, the question, weak and decisive now, 57% to 48%. isis will try to attack on u.s. soil, 77% said likely and unlikely 19%. and will president obama do whatever it takes to defeat islamist extremists. and there's the breakdown. self identified democrats 51% and republicans 59%. the senior political columnist of the national journal. okay, about this speech, george? >> the president in the run up to the speech has radiated -- cultural memory that henry kissinger outlined in an article in the usa today today. he said since the second world war we have been in five major waters, korea, vietnam, afghanistan, and the war with iraq. the president's middle east undertaking so far have been a sterile i tempt to get peace between the israelis and the palestinians, equally sterile attempt to get iran to forego a nuclear weapons program. the most recent report is that 12 of 15 compliance data have been missed by thor rainians and the syrians giving up their chemical weapons--the president said we're now going to war, it took us three years, it took less than four years to defeat nazi germany. that session he may be parse moanous of power and maybe reluctant to fully engage. >> look at what the white house has put out, that's usually not a lot. but this suggests that this effort will be different. he will say the wars in iraq and afghanistan, it will not involve american combat troops fighting on foreign soil. >> this is the case that it does show us a lot. it shows that the president know house to read polls. he's trying to channel the public. he's talking about a broad coalition of muslim states and degrading and destroying isis and no combat troops. that matches the majority of the public right now, the folks that are on the far right and the far left. the majority of the public is both hawkish and dovish. they don't think the president's leading, but they don't want 2k3wr0u7kd ground troops. that may not be the best thing right now, but that's what the american people want. >> charles one year ago, the president told the american people that the u.s. military doesn't do pin prick strikes when talking about his efforts against syria and the chemical weapons redline. >> ris roughly what he's doing what he's done in yemen and somalia which in the speech he's going to say is the model for what he's about to undertake, which is a country that undertakes everything that we thought we would have been hearing over the last week. if he thinks that yemen and somalia are comp rablg to it's skis, he's from the moon. the original ad campaign where we had a very small number of boots on the ground, special ops, the spotters, a lot of them actually on horse back. the local militias on the ground supporting us and opposing the taliban. and of course overwhelming airpower and they destroyed, we try destroyed the taliban regime in 100 days. that's a serious campaign. is obama going to do this? i don't know. the question is serious. but we just heard him saying a month ago, that it's a fantasy to imagine that the pharmacists and the doctors and the farmers of syria can in any way go against their enemies in the place and now he's going to announce that he's going to give the pharmacists tanks, without any other support on the ground, he's going to prevail. i think that's unlikely. the broad alliance, so far it's nine countries, all nato except australia, are any of them going to put soldiers on the ground? have we heard that? and if you compare it, what's the gold standard for a lorj coalition. george w. bush in iraq, the one that democrats called the unilateralists, who took us in alone. 37 countries with boots on the ground. >> here's how nancy pelosi describes the die colt my of how members felt about training an army of syrian rebels. >> i think that the threat of isis has changed some of the attitudes of members who before were concerned about hour training and assistance falling into the wrong hands. >> remember that sound bite we played was from the president one month ago, august 8. so clearly he's evolved in that short amount of time, but aren't we reading between the lines here, george, that really it was the videos of those two beheadings that changed this policy? >> if that hadn't happened this also would not be happening. nancy pelosi says we. the two excerpts we have from the president's speech tonight, there are eight important words. the three of them are a broad coalition, when eye refer to a coalition of the willing and what are they willing to do. the other words are partner it's on the ground. who are they? isis is a threat to the united states that can cause bloodshed and human trajs in this country, but it's not an exsis citizen shall threat. the question remains will they step up and police their neighborhoods? >> well talk about the politics of all of this when we continue with the panel after a short break. test test test test we did some issue testing zone who better handless -- republicans lead by 38 points on the issue of ensuring a strong national defense. 38%. >> that's the respect miss of jimmy carter >> chuck todd, moderator of meet the press talking about the latest "wall street journal"/abc poll. we have new fox news polls out tonight the president's approval rating down to 38% now. also, on the issue of syria, president obama at a record low, 27%. in that poll just out now. we're back with the panel. what about the politics of this and does it an impact in the mid terms, ron? >> oh, i think so probably not as much the mid terms as 2016. the chuck is right if the president doesn't get his act together it could be a game changer as far as who owns national security. i think in the short-term what we have going on here is this is a rare case where, generally the president of the united states comes before the country and says "i think we should fight. here is why we should fight. in this case the country is leading the president. and he is going to stand up and say okay, i'm going it find. and i think the country is predisposed to want to support their commander and chief. and because is he presenting what basic solid a poll tested plan, i think you will get a short-term bounce. i think the numbers will start coming back. long term, actually middle term, as soon as the public is war weary again, as soon as the war gets rough, which it will. as soon as the policy doesn't totally play out, then it's going to turn against the president again. so, yeah, i think he has a short-term bounce but long term i think chuck is right on point. >> what about up on the hill. as he asked for this funding. there is already $500 million request to fund and train and arm syrian rebels. now, there is a talk of putting all of this in the continuing resolution and republicans, at least publicly, are saying that they are going to stand with the president. >> i think the funding will be given. you can't really turn down a president who needs the funds to conduct a war that ron is saying or at least a campaign that as ron is saying the public is leading the president into. but, what worries me, is not so much the politics of this, but if you have a president who is being led, if you have a president who in part is doing this, because he understands how much the democrats and his presidency has been damaged by his fecklessness, weakness, sort of ignoring the situation, and having the humiliation of the two americans slaughtered on international television, and given his history of ambivalence, especially in afghanistan, where he announces a surge and in the same sentence announces a definite withdrawal date. this is a president who is reluctantly being drawn in to conducting a campaign. if this campaign is not serious and determined, it will fail. and i worry that we should entrust something so serious to a president so political and ambivalent. >> but we have to entrust in him and we will, but the public is justifiably concerned. >> look, if we have one of many offensive, not an attack on the homeland, an attack on the u.s. embassy in baghdad and isis is already infiltrating the neighborhoods of baghdad, it probably isn't going to happen on 9/11, which is tomorrow, will but it will likey happen. we will see if this is a president who can sustain a campaign in which his heart is only half in it. >> george, to that point, bill, one of the longest serving liberal writers in america really, rolling stone the nation. he writes in the nation do not be mislead by the white house double talk. the white house is embarking on another long war in the middle east. this one will belong to barack obama. >> which is why it is astonishing that he does not want congress to come along with him. one year ago, the president said i cannot act in syria without congress because i'm the president of the world's oldest constitutional democracy. now he says not important there seems to be a distinction of constitutional dimensions between going to war in the air, not requiring congress, going to war on the ground, requiring congress. there is no way to read the constitution's text, structure, ratification, debates, federalist papers, any of it in a way that gives the president the power to wage war against a country that he thinks might some day pose a hypothetical danger to this country. but then there is the prudential matter. leave aside the constitutional questions. prudentially, i would think you would want company if you are embarking on something that is inherently difficult. >> that's what makes this decision so political. the reason he won't do it, and he would get support, is because democrats are afraid to cast a vote yes for going to war in an election season. >> some aren't. >> this is pure low partisan politics. he should absolutely ask congress for authority, for constitutional reasons and because the president has to have the country and if he he doesn't, i think it is a huge mistake. >> and it goes back to the ambivalence you are talking about earlier. he feels he was burned on syria. he really wasn't sure he wanted to go into syria, so he kind of used the congressional authorization as an escape hatch out of that now he is afraid to go back again. >> democrat tim kaine of virginia. democrat chris murphy of connecticut and others to their great credit want congress to step up and exercise its constitutional responsibilities. >> charles is right though, overwhelmly part of that democratic caucus does not want -- >> -- also important to point out the context of the timing here 9/10. tomorrow is 9/11 that will probably be in the speech too. that's it for the panel. stay tuned to find out what's really in a name. centrun inside are specific vitamins and minerals to help support your heart, brain and eyes. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you. finally tonight, when someone gets taken into custody, the media often focuses on the alleged cram, of course, local news really can do it best. in some cases it's the person's name that really caps the headline. >> a massachusetts woman arrested on a seventh drunk driving charge. 60-year-old drinkwater. >> burning bacon to light her ex-boyfriend's house on fire. her name is emmio. >> caught in a police police coa police officer's face. he pulled over kent coffman for a seat belt violation. >> police arrested cherry waffle for glrlg this man was involved in a 5 vehicle accident. 37-year-old observey one can a obi one kanoby. >> please tune in 9:00 p.m. eastern for the president's speech during the kelly file. later we have a special edition of "special report" 11:00 p.m. eastern time. an expanded panel hayes krauthammer to the dard will. want to set the dvr or watch us lye. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that is it for this "special report," fair, balanced and unafraid. greta goes "on the record" right now. "special report" online starts in seconds. ♪ this is a fox news alert. new evidence that the nfl received that horrific ray rice elevator video long before this week and even long before they suspended rice for two games. of course, that's the baltimore ravens running back. and tonight the associated press reporting that a law enforcement official says he sent the video of rice punching his then fiancee to an nfl executive in april. law enforcement official even played for the a.p. a voice mail from an nfl office number. the voice mail from april 9th confirming the video had had arrived. a female voice reportedly says, "thanks." and you are right. it's terrible." just last night you heard him right here nfl


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends First 20140911

provide humanitarian civilians who have been displaced gby it ter vis group. >> he will bypass congress extending the power president bush extended. despite the threat that isis poses he also says the united states is safer now. that's a comment at that that surprised some of his critics. >> he says america is safer. i don't know any human being who agrees with that. i am wulg to give it a try because the situation today -- they are going to attack the united states of america. our prisoner in iraq said see you in new york. >> while the president is largely eignoring congress on this one aspect of the plan the administration says will require congressional authority that's the idea of arming and training the syrian rebel forces that are taking on isis. doug luzader live for us. thank you. >> that brings us to our look who is talking. steven hey hayes and charles krauthammer talking. >> the idea that the president is going to turn an arm that doctors and pharmacists he didn't want to arm before suggests his credibility problem. it's not the only thing he doesn't have credibility on. he has flipped on so many aspects. the war on terror was fantasy. it is a major campaign from the world super power from all of its friends he doesn't have the credibility to sell this unless and until he follows it through with action. >> it is a terrible disconnect between the ends and means. he talked about the rebels in syria as being composed of doctors, farmers and pharmacists. now aparen lit his aim is to destroy isil. the way he is going to do it in theory is u.s. air power and pharmacists. this is n that is not very credible. i am sure they are not quaking in their boots at isis. >> fox news polls show majority of americans think president obama is weak and indecisive. 54 percent say the president is not prepared to do whatever it takes to defeat these islamist extremists. overwhelming 77 percent believe that isis will try to launch an attack on u.s. soil. 46 percent believe the president will try to manage isis rather than destroy them. 58 percent say their message to the president is kill them now. what do you think? log on to the "fox & friends first" facebook page at #keep talking. >> it marks 13 years since terrorists attacked the home land killing thousands of americans and forever changing our lives. victims survivors heros and their families all being remembered. anna koyman is live wihere so much has changed. anna? >> no doubt about that. good morning to you and everyone at home. for the first time today the victims families and first responders families will be able to score the 9-11 is museum. despite the anxiousness of the threat of isis new york intelligence says there is no evidence of a specific threat. if isis does decide to attack the new york police department is ready. >> isis creates a totally new area of threat for us. one that is probably even more potentially impact al qaeda. the ability to aspire those who fight and then potentially come back but also to inspire the so-called normals who are sitting in their basements over their computer terminals they have incredible ability to influence those young men and women. >> police commissioner bill bratton saying the teams using under cover sers and bomb sniffing dogs will be monitoring today. there will be 6 moments of silence starting at 8 cl:46 whe the first plane hit the tower. the names of the victims who died at the world trade center, the pentagon and flight 93 in peps pens will be re-- pennsylv be read aload. i am going to give everyone an inside look at the memorial and museum with hours of sound and video. it will be open to the public today starting at 6:00 p.m. back to you. >> anna kooiman, thank you for that. the tribute in light returning to ground zero. 13 years after the 9-11 terror attacks. the bright beams rising high above the new york city skyline marking where the twin towers once stood. >> the 40 victims of united flight 93 honored in shanksville, pennsylvania placing the candles on the wall of names. at 10:03 a.m. the names of the passengers and crew members will be read and bells will be running in their memory. >> firefighters and members of our military will unfurl a lateral american flag from the roof of the pentagon where 125 people died 13 years ago. at 9:20 ax m. president obama will lay a wreath at the memorial. at 9:37 the american airlines flight 77 struck the pentagon there will be a moment of silence. >> turning to other news, new overnight the nfl struggle to go get back on the offense after it is revealed the league received video of ray rice punching his then fiancee month ago. roger godell says he is now bringing a special investigators to get to the bottom of this. >> it is the tail of the tape who saw it and when. that will be at the center of the independent investigation as nfl commissioner roger goodell calls in former fbi chief robert mueller to investigate the incidents. good dell says he did not see the tape of rice punching his fiancee until this week. he told the associated press saying he sent the video to an nfl executive five months ago and played a 12 second voice mail from an nfl office number april 9th confirming the video arrived. a female voice saying, quote, you are right, it is terrible. rice blame that long attack on a liquor fuelled rage. >> he lied and he knew about this tape he is out. if if the tape did come to the office how high up did it go and why didn't it get to good dell? what happened? >> the steelers onner will oversee the investigation. good dell visiting a high school yesterday has promised mueller will have access to all records but many are questioning the commissioner's handling of the situation. >> i don't necessarily want to call him a liar. you see the initial tape we saw we knew something happened in the elevator. how can we get the video, the video, how does it surface now? >> will roger goodell have to go? if so, who will replace him. one name at the top of the list former sesht ry secretary of st condoleezza rice. she said she absolutely wants to be commissioner. she is on the college football playoff selection committee. back to you guys. >> nine minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, president obama vowing to hunt down terrorists who threaten our country. are they already here? former cia operative mike baker weighs in. >> caught on camera a terrifying moment, a mini van is swept away by flood waters. >> if you use g mail your pass word may be posted on-line. >> 10 years of construction of the 9-11 museum in the time lapse earth cam. when fixed income experts work with equity experts who work with regional experts that's when expertise happens. mfs. because there is no expertise without collaboration. when your favorite food starts a fight fight back fast with tums. relief that neutralizes acid on contact... ...and goes to work in seconds. ♪ tum, tum tum tum tums! try great tasting tums chewy delights. yummy. ♪ ♪ "here i am. rock you like a hurricane." ♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle. >> president obama mrom mipromi take extreme action against isis. former cia covert operations mike baker is with us. thanks for being with us, mike. >> 77 percent of americans say according to a fox news poll they think isis will try to launch an attack on u.s. soil. the president saying he isto hu iraq. does he first need to look here? are they already here? >> we have been engaged in that we talked about infiltration the recruitment of personers for years now. that is what al qaeda is trying and had success doing. islamic state and tlooesz a continuation of that process. it was an okay speech it was a good speech. it was a better speech had he done this six months ago after they reported to establish their strong hold. it didn't just happen overnight. at least now he has annunciated what the strategy will be. it will be extremely difficult to do what he's talking about without somebody getting boots on the ground. that is a primary issue. it is a muddled mess in syria. it is not as if we had better clarity now than last week on who the syrian opposition is. >> another fox news poll says is the u.s. safer today than before 9-11, mike. 43 percent say they are safer now but 45 percent say they feel less safe today. how likely is it we will have more of an attack on the home land? >> you never get this risk down to zero. it is not going to happen. we like to think that would happen. we are tired of the war on terror. the reality is if you have been working in counter-terrorism for any period of time whether at the local state or federal level you know you are doing what you can to minimize disrupt and prevent and the odds are at some point something gets through. you only have to be right once we have to be right all of the time. a lot of that concern that angst you cite in the poll part of it is the awareness the mediacy of the problem in iraq and syria. that has driven it back to the forefront particularly when we come back around to what is now the 13th anniversary of 9-11. >> mike baker, thank you so much for being with us this morning, this early morning. >> sure, thank you. >> heather, over to you. >> thank you, ainsley. the time is now 17 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, they say be careful what you post on-line. you have heard it before, because it is there for ever. but, facebook may be changing with deself destructing posts. you probably have it on you right now, but one fifth grader banned from using chap stick at school. have schools gone too far? 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thanks to angie's list, now it is. start shopping online from a list of top-rated providers. visit today. >> it's september 11th. a fox news alert. the president getting tough on isis? >> we will hunt down terrorists who threaten our country wherever they are. >> investigating the ray rice scandal. executives did see the elevator video what it did for the league for roger goodell. ool ool have they gone too far? we report you decide. >> good morning. as we look back at all of the lives lost on american soil. i am heather childers. >> i am ainsley earhardt. yes, we will never forget. >> as commander-in-chief my highest priority is the security of the american people. >> the president is vowing strong action, but still not planning to ask congress first. doug luzader live in washington for us. doug, what did he have to say? >> good morning. right out of the gate the president argued that despite the threat that isis poses that the united states is actually safer now. >> we took out osama bin laden. and much of al qaeda's leadership in afghanistan and pakistan. we targeteda al qaeda's affiliae in yemen and commanded the top offender in somalia. we have done so bringing more than 140,000 million troops home from iraq and drawing down forces in afghanistan where our combat michigssion will end lat this year. thanks to our military and counter-terrorism professionals america is saver. >> the president who ran into a lot of criticism last month after saying he had no strategy to take on isis now says the kind of u.s. air strikes that hit isis targets in iraq will now expand to syria. he is also sending in another 475 u.s. troops into iraq to assist their iraqi counterparts. he's also relying on the same congressional authority that was given to president bush in the aftermath of 9-11 arguing it allows him to bypass congress. that is a move that will create some friction among some democrats and republicans. >> i think the president should come to congress and ask for authorization. you want a demonstration look no further than this speech tonight where he declares i have the authority to wage war regardless of what congress says. my copy of the constitution says congress has the authority to declare war. >> the white house didn't agree with that, but one aspect of this if president even acknowledges will require congressional authority that is the part of this plan that involves arming and training syrian rebel groups to take on isis. ainsley? >> continuing with that conversation let's get to this. thank you, doug. time to look who is talking colonel oliver north saying it is not enough and it will not be effective fighting isis. >> it is too little too late. the idea of degrading and destroying isil isn't a strategy. it's a goal. radical islam is the enemy. he start the out with the same familiar litany. bin laden is dead. bring the troops home. bin laden may be dead but radical islam is alive and well and growing. it is not just isil. >> does he belief he is going to build a serious coalition. he has nine states so far. bush had 48. he has nine states none of which are going to fight. there's no coalition. he's counting on the government in baghdad that has no loyalty for the people. it is so pathetic that i have to control my anger and simply say it's idea yacht-- idiotic. >> what do you say? head to the the facebook tabling after t -- facebook page after the show. >> we have brand new fox polls meantime revealing how americans really feel about president obama's leadership. 54 percent believe he is not prepared to do whatever it takes to defeat the islamic terrorists. 57 percent say the president is weak and indecisive on foreign policy. the president's approval rating matching an all time low. only 38 percent approve of his job performance. 59 percent think the u.s. is less respected as compared to 2008. that number is actually up 11 percent from last year. >> it has been 13 years since the worst terrorist attack on u.s. soil. for the first time the 9-11 memorial and museum are open to the families of first responders following the memorial services at ground zero. anna kooiman is live. anna? >> good morning, ainsley. good morning to everyone at home. the commemoration ceremony will begin at 8:30 this morning. there will be six moments of silence starting at 8:46 the moment the first plane struck the tower. the victims in new york and washington, d.c. and pennsylvania will be read allowed following the ceremony. the victim's families the first responders family's will be able to tour the museum. here's a look at what they will see. >> we have a very tragic alert for you right now. an incredible plane crash into the world trade center. >> very few can forget where they were the morning of september 11th, 2001. here beneath the ground that once held the twin towers, memories of horror, confusion and heroism relived. >> the innocent who died that day did what we do every day, simply get up in the morning and go to work. >> there has been an explosion in world trade 1 that's the other building. it looks like a plane struck it. it is horrible. >> the ter tested patriotism and faith that day. who could forget the cross forged in steel. >> more than 10,000 artifacts on display. the melted phone from the pentagon the staircase telling stories of survival. frantic civilians fleeing from the towers before they collapsed. the entire crew of firefighters from ladder 3 responding died inside where the north tower fell. this watch belonging to one of the heroic passengers who over took the terrorists on flight 93. >> so many faces vanished. family members posting signs after calling hospitals and hot lines searching for the missing many of which never turned up. oo a oo in all 2,983 people died. >> i can hear you the rest of the world hears you and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon. >> just as america vowed, we will never forget. (chanting snchl (chanting) >> we will never forget. the selection of artifacts has grown significantly since it reopened back in may after family members victims and first responders have been assured the objects would be held in the highest esteem. i will be exploring what the new york police department is doing as far as security measures go ahead of this anniversary. back to you. i was able to tour the museum and it really is overwhelming. >> now take a look at this. also pretty overwhelming breath taking photo the tribute in light is returning to glound zai ground zero 13 years after the 9-11 terror attack. i can't believe it has been 13 years. high above the skyline marking where the twin towers once stood. >> flight 93 honored last night in shanksville, pennsylvania. you can see them carrying the lanter lanterns. the names of the crew members will be read. the bells of remembrance will be running wrung in their memory. >> in less than two hours firefighters will unfurl the pentagon where 125 people died 13 years ago. at 9 the:37 which is the time the american airlines flight 77 struck the pentagon there will be a moment of silence. >> new overnight switching gears momentarily the nfl doing damage control after it is revealed the leak received video of ray rice punching his then fiancee months ago. nfl commissioner roger goodell calling in robert mueller to investigate the nfl's handling of the evidence. good dell says he did not see the tape until this week. but a law enforcement official telling the associated press, he sent the violent video to an nfl executive in april. >> he lied and he knew about this tape, he's out. so now the question is, if the tape did come into the office, you know, how high up did it go and why didn't it get to good dell? what happened? >> pressure mounting for godell to step down. caught on camera a mini van swept away. how the couple inside managed to survive the raging flood waters. >> is chap stick a drug? why one 5th grader is now banned from using it at school. ♪ people all over the world know us, but they don't yet know we're a family. we're right where you need us. at the next job, next adventure or at the next exit, helping you explore super destinations. and do everything under the sun. twelve brands. more hotels than anyone else in the world. so wherever you want to be, whatever you want to do, chances are we're already there. for a chance to win one million dollars, visit : >> welcome back. extreme weather caught on camera. the heart stopping moment a mini van with an elderly couple inside is swept away by flood waters. >> just got swept up in the water. holy (bleep). >> the california couple heading to kentucky to visit their son when they drove right into monday's thunderstorm in nevada. >> a rush of water just pushed us down a water fall then we are in this whole like a lake. >> four construction workers and police officers pulled them to safety their new van destroyed filled with about two feet of mud. >> a home land official confirming to congress that isis militants are entering the united states through the southern border. john mccain posted on facebook twitter and other social sites say they are trying to infill gre trait the border. dhs backtracked saying there is no credible information to support that. >> they are asking stores to watch consumer buying habits for signs of terrorism. jay johnson said it is an extension of the see something say something campaign. >> president obama not getting the presidential treatment at several new york golf clubs over labor day weekend. club managers turned away the commander-in-chief because they didn't want to inconvenience high powered members who pay as much as 100,000 dollars a year to play. the courses that rejected the president include wing foot, willow ridge and trump national golf club. done namd trump tweeted this if obama resigns now there buy doing a great service to the country i will give them free lifetime golf at any one of my courses. >> a 5th grader fighting for her right to wear chap stick. they said she couldn't put chap stick on her lips because it is don't dangerous and considered an over the counter drug. >> they think it is a medicine. >> she collected more than 230 signatures for that petition. she presented it to the school board in virginia and they are considering the regulation. >> lifetime of golf that's pretty nice. the president says no to ground troops. will air strikes be enough to combat isis? is colonel schafer on deck next. >> brian kill need mede is coming up on "fox & friends." >> an all star military panel will breakdown the military plan for taking the fight to isis. we are remembering 9-1113 years later. it will be played out like it was here on the 9-11-2001. former white house chief of staff under president bush and george bush 41. are we closer to answers in benghazi? we will have anticipateses from those on the ground that day. he will give us insight like we have never heard before. all coming up on "fox and friends." don't miss a minute. powders may take days to work. for gentle overnight relief, try dulcolax laxative tablets. ducolax provides gentle overnight relief, unlike miralax that can take up to 3 days. dulcolax, for relief you can count on. dulcolax, for relief you can count on. ♪searching with devotion ♪for a snack that isn't lame ♪but this... ♪takes my breath away that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. go to checkyourspeed. if we can't offer faster speeds or save you money we'll give you $150. comcast business built for business. >> american combat troops fighting on terror soil. we will take out isil wherever they exist using our air power and partners and forces on the ground. >> the president says those troops on the ground will not be for combat. will the air strikes be enough to defeat this brutal terrorist group? joining us now is fox news military analyst tony schafer. nice to have you here. >> great to be here. >> you heard the president's speech he talked about air strikes and moving them into syria. will it be enough? >> he should have had air strikes going the moment he announced it. that is what is required to show he is serious. secondly the narrative has to be cleared up. we have boots on the ground in iraq. we have to determine how to going about solidifying the stopping of isis and then pushing it back. boots on the ground are required the problem is we don't have -- (indiscernible). two brig big grades could push isis out in 60 days. it's picking the right people for the right job at the right time. >> they would need our assistance? >> they would. >> we have combat troops on the ground in iraq. >> let me be clear on this. i get annoyed with the media and president on this. we have over 1 is,000 troops on the ground in iraq. they are armed because it would be irresponsible to send people into harm's way without boots on the ground. we have to have boots on the ground. get past this political narrative they are there to do a job which they have been assigned to do as part of his four point campaign. it is all supposed to be above board. >> sending in an additional 500. >> at least 500. >> it is more about the mission of the troops than the number of troops. >> you called it a campaign not a strategy. >> it is a campaign not a strategy. >> you aren't the first person to say that. >> terrorists flew the plane 13 years ago. how will they target us now and how can we stop them? are they here now? we keep hearing about the southern border. >> they have done a tweet from chicago. i say they are here. they are going to be doing three levels of attacks. they will be trying to recruit like anwar al-awlaki was trying to recruit. and nidal hasan at fort hood. he was a terrorist self recruited. a group attack then they are looking for long-term planning for a catastrophic attack that would ee gyclipse 9-11. >> how? >> they are looking for pleasure craft and moving people and material into the country under our radar. a pleasure craft -- coast card gant get the pleasure craft in the border. it is wide open. we credible information they are moving reconnaissance elements in through the southern border. they both understand our media, and they understand the plan. they have been good in iraq. no reason to think they won't be able to do reconnaissance in the country here and look for a catastrophic attack against one of the major targets. >> planning and time a big problem with the groups. nice to have you here. >> ainsley? >> thanks, heather. it is 6 minutes to the top of the hour. as we head to break we have time lapse video from the top of one world trade center here in new york city. when workers finished raising the spiral it expands to make it the tallest building in america and the third tallest in the world. means keeping seven billion ctransactions flowing.g, and when weather hits, it's data mayhem. but airlines running hp end-to-end solutions are always calm during a storm. so if your business deals with the unexpected, hp big data and cloud solutions make sure you always know what's coming - and are ready for it. make it matter. i wish... please, please, please, please, please. 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