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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20180915 00:00:00

it's really an exponential effect of damage between the amount of rain we are seeing, the amount of storm surge we are seeing and the duration of it that we are seeing. it is easy in the first few hours after they pass where you say we don't see that much destruction. but it will take days to survey what happened. and there are areas we can't get to. we drove around a little bit today and we saw marinas decimated. that means people's livelihoods taken away in addition to the homes most likely taken away. the boat captains are out here and they won't be able to make a dive -- living for a long time. >> tucker: it takes a long time to know what happened. leland vittert, thank you. move now to rick leventhal who is live for us tonight in wilmington, north carolina. rick? >> rick: we moved from wrightsville beach. two of the four fatalities reported so far was a mother and her infant who were killed by a falling tree on their house. well, there are trees all over this town. and this state that are coming down. you can probably see the branch right here. there are some next to us. it is very dark here. the power is still off so it is difficult to show you. some of trees that came down -- not this one, but others that we have seen that are blocking the roads here are at least 50 years old. it is not safe to be out here. we will not stay out here long. we expect more trees to come down. this threat, sucker -- this threat, sucker, true -- this threat, tucker, is true. this is going to create a lot of hazards for the trees and the power lines to come down. authorities are nervous about people on the roads and being victims of stuff like this. >> tucker: exactly. it's cumulative. be careful. thank you, rick. we'll go now to one of the largest cities affected in the carolinas. fox chart's bret in charlotte tonight. >> we just had an outer rain band move through the area. the winds have been strong all day long. this is a car and a limb fell into it. no one was in it. this tree fell on his car. we are expecting a foot of rain in charlotte in the next couple of days which is something that many places in the area have not seen before. this is just the start of the storm in charlotte. we have had the trees down. but the officials are expecting more power outages. trees down and devastating flooding over the weekend. >> tucker: a foot of rain. unbelievable. we are going to steve harrigan in topsail beach. how is it? >> we had to pull back from the beach because the water was rising too high. for past 30 hours it's been raining steadily. more than 20 inches in the area and moving around on the roads and it has gotten too dicey. some police here are blocking the traffic. the wind today was strong enough to cause damage to houses on the beach. we saw roofs taken off and other problems as well. the one thing that is clear in the storm, the message has gotten out to the people of north carolina. almost all the homes we saw even the damaged ones, boarded up. no one inside. and help is coming from around the country. at least 19 different states sending swift boat rescue teams to help people with the flooding ahead. tucker, back to you. >> tucker: steve harrigan, north topsail beach. if there is a storm, he is there. go to florence, and we have a reporter there. >> we didn't feel the effect until a few hours ago. the winds and the rain are picking up. the strongest winds recorded an hour away from here closer to myrtle beach near conway, south carolina. the wind gusts there hit 63 miles per hour. but the story here, the story there across the state of south carolina is not and has not been about the wind. the officials, the federal, state officials say the focus is the rainfall and the potential flash flooding. in south carolina, there is a lot of concern about the development over the next couple of days for river flooding. there is a basin and the water flows in to that from north carolina an south carolina. officials here say across the state that the base season one of the highest priority -- the basin is one of the highest priority in the next few days. the governor is telling people inland or in another part of the state to hunker down and stay put for the next two days because the storm is slow and long. they say it's not like hurricane hugo and it went come through here quickly. they want to make sure people stay put. they are worried about all the rain and the potential flooding. tucker? >> tucker: ellison barber, thank you for that. florence and the towns like it on the leading edge of the storm. the question is what ahead for them? how much water is on the ground now and what will it mean for the destruction that the storm can wreak? chief meteorologist rick reichmuth is following it from the beginning and joins us now. what happens next? >> rick: this is an interesting storm. because it moves so slow it makes the impacts for the next five or six days or longer. i want to sew you this is the last -- show you the last 24 hours of the storm. started in morehead city which is almost at 24 inches of rain officially. which it gets just over 24, that would be the wettest tropical system that north carolina has ever had. it will get over that. it has moved about 145 miles is all in this time. we have flooding going on. this is the river gauges that we are seeing the moderate or the major flooding going on now. go to five days from now and take a look at this. we have river gauges all over the place that are going to be probably at the record levels. that is because of the rain that is about to come. and the rain that is going to move off of the mountain areas and inland areas. all piles up. we have a long event here. we probably have rain until tuesday or wednesday and we'll have the rivers at the record levels in some cases six or seven feet higher than the records. that will stay at the level for probably five or six days. >> tucker: 0oph. harsh. rick reichmuth, thank you for that. we will continue to update you on the story all hour and all evening on fox. stay tuned for that. a lot going on in the political world tonight. democrats so desperate to stop the brett kavanaugh confirmation hearing they are digging into his high school years with anonymous accusations of sexual assault. we'll tell you what they are saying next. i can do more to lower my a1c. because my body can still make its own insulin. i take trulicity once a week to activate my body to release its own insulin, like it's supposed to. trulicity is not insulin. it works 24/7. it comes in an easy-to-use pen. and i may even lose a little weight. trulicity is an injection to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. don't use it as the first medicine to treat diabetes, or if you have type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don't take trulicity if you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, you're allergic to trulicity, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck or severe stomach pain. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your low blood sugar risk. common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and decreased appetite. these can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. to help lower my a1c i choose trulicity to activate my within. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. exbut are you gettinglot enough of their nutrients?, to help lower my a1c i choose trulicity to activate my within. new one a day with nature's medley is the only complete multivitamin with antioxidants from one total serving of fruits and veggies. new from one a day. mike and jen doyle? 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why the f.b.i.? >> well, the f.b.i. does the background checks of all candidates for judicial offices. i think they needed to put this into his file. look, she got the leter a couple of weeks ago. the person who wrote the letter did not want to come forward and wanted to avoid the same fate that anitaill faced in 1991 in clarence thomas hearings and dianne feinstein decided not to make it an issue in the confirmation hearings. there have been many democrats pushing on her since then to make it an issue. she has decided not to do that. she behaved responsibly. if the witness doesn't want to come forward it's hard for them to have the conversation. that said, i believe that all victims or the people who claim to be victims of the sexual abuse should be heard. i know that ronan farrow wrote about this in the "new yorker" and we will see what happens. >> tucker: you said that senator feinstein did the responsible thing. what about the democrats who pushed her, for example the one from california and those coming out saying he should resign, withdraw because of the story we know nothing. are they being responsible, too? they are being irresponsible from your definition. >> tucker: california was the original complaint. the constituent called the office and made the complaint. she forwarded it to dianne feinstein. so here we are, right? doing the responsible thing. put out there and doesn't want to pit out out there -- >> tucker: there is nothing responsible about this. you are destroying a man's reputation leveling charges -- how would you feel if i said chris, i heard from someone, a friend of someone else whose name i won't tell you, that you will never know that you did something 35 years ago in high school. i can't tell you the year because i don't know. it's a bad thing, sexual thing and i want to tell your wife and kids about it. what is your response? >> i'm not a candidate for the highest judicial post in the land. >> tucker: it doesn't matter. how would you feel if i did it to you? >> he deserves more scrutiny. i don't believe this is overdone. this is not part of the hearing -- >> tucker: wait a second. i'm not -- wait. hold on. i'm not arguing -- to be totally clear i'm not arguing we shouldn't know about his life. i'm for transparency. but the democrats didn't find anything out. they didn't interview this woman. by the way, if you are going to make a charge against somebody, you have a moral obligation to show your face and make the charge. you can't make an anonymous charge. we shouldn't be complicit in this. you want to live in a star chamber world where somebody, you don't even know who it is and accuses you of a sex crime and you can't respond to it? what is this? >> again, she didn't bring this up in the hearings. she sent the letter on to the f.b.i. who is responsible for the background checks and vettings of the judges. they have decided not to pursue it. i'm sure reporters are looking into it. >> tucker: what do you mean pursue it? you are not making any sense. >> they have decided not to pursue it. >> tucker: what does it mean to pursue it? >> f.b.i. said they are not going to pursue it. they are not pursuing it. what is she supposed to do? >> tucker: i'll tell you what she is supposed to do. she is supposed to find out if it's true. and if it is, make it public. >> right. >> tucker: but if she can't determine it's true, don't impugn a man's reputation with charges of a sex crime if you don't know that it's true. that is the most reckless thing you can do. why hasn't she apologized to him? what the hell is going on here? >> i don't think that a senator has the resources to investigate something that happened 35 years ago. >> tucker: then don't bring it up. the f.b.i. does. and they won't. >> i'm not sure the f.b.i. does. well look we'll see what happens. >> tucker: don't bring it up. what is this? you don't see this as mccarthyis? >> i don't. it came to her from a con constituent. this is not part of the hearings. >> tucker: you know what i would do? >> feinstein decided for the hearings to be based on the law and the interpretation of the law. >> tucker: you know what i would do? if i were a senator and there was someone whose politics i hated, if michael moore was up for the supreme court and i got a letter saying michael moore committed a sex crime 35 years ago and you should know about it. i'd say tell me the details, come forward. if you don't i'm burning the letter. i don't like michael moore but i'm not going to wreck his life on the basis of an anonymous accusation. that is immoral. >> this is why senator feinstein held on to letter and did not make it part of the hearing. >> tucker: so leaked to make sure the kids were ashamed. i don't even know the guy. >> we are not even sure that they leaked it. so thank you, tucker. >> tucker: yeah, we are. the left is making its final pitch to americans before the midterms. you may have heard this before. vote for us or else you are a bad person. how did that work last time? we'll discuss that next. plus we will continue to watch the effect of what was once hurricane florence and is now a tropical storm. but it's still hurting people and still in our country. so, of course, we will tell you the latest. stay tuned. only imagine... a peaceful night sleep without frequent heartburn waking him up. now that dream is a reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? if you're waiting patiently for a liver transplant, it could cost you your life. it's time to get out of line with upmc. at upmc, living-donor transplants put you first. so you don't die waiting. upmc does more living-donor liver transplants than any other center in the nation. find out more and get out of line today. ♪ ♪ they're the moderne stone age family. ♪ ♪ from the town of bedrock. ♪ meet george jetson. ♪ ♪ his boy elroy. with instant acceleration, electric cars are more fun to drive and more affordable than ever. electric cars are here. plug into the present. what i just introduced you worto my parents.g? 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that is much given he has been the chief practitioner in the country. he with the other speeches he has given is the opponents are racist and therefore unreasonable and worth ignoring. the idea if he calls americans racist enough times they will obey. that is how he ran the country for eight years. this is not a policy argument he is making. it's a theological one. the question is as a political matter does it still work? what if people aren't intimidate nid anymore? what if they view him as a credible, moral voice in they tried this in 2016. vote for us or you're a bad person. how did that work out? people resented it so much they voted for a former casino owner so they wouldn't have to hear it anymore. trump may have affairs with porn stars but at least he doesn't go on about how he is so much better than you. democrats don't understand this. they will never understand this because it will never occur to them they are not better than you. their belief in their own moral spearty is at the heart of why they are liberals in the first place. for millions of others, though, normal people, obama speeches are a reminder why they voted for trump. and dan bongino is former secret service agent and he joins us tonight. i'm not sure it helps the democrats. >> no, it doesn't, tucker. this is all, when you listen to the absurd speech it and the interview with chelsea clinton, these are all based on assumptions that the democrats assume are dispositive and are not. it's an assumption that i wish republicans would fight on a higher principle. the assumption is this. that government is a net philanthropic good in your life. there is very little evidence that any of that is actually true. so be to clear what i'm saying. barack obama, hillary clinton, chelsea take a faux moral high ground saying we support a bigger government based on the assumption this is good for you. outside of the basic role of the republic, military and a court system, tucker, as i said there is almost no evidence this is true. look at the places around america. frankly around the world where the government is expansive and all powerful over your life. what do you see? you see despair and crime, you see poverty, you see the absence of liberty. government is not a force for net good in your life. i wish more republicans would stop accepting that 30,000-foot argument as dispositive one. >> tucker: so i wonder, though, if the country changed a little bit. obama's pitch always was the same. do what i tell you to do or else i will call you a bad person. or else you are a bad person. you are a bigot if you don't like obamacare. they literally told us that. i wonder if a lot of people have come to the conclusion i don't care what obama thinks. i'm not a bad person. you have contempt for me. i don't care. you no longer have power over me. that's how i feel. i wonder if there are others that feel that way. >> tucker, obama is tactical here. what he is doing is not right. it's morally wrong. but this is a slick tactical strategy. removing people and separating them from the liberty has never been easy throughout human history. i say "liberty" i mean touchable, tangible things. taking their money. taking their kid's education. the healthcare away. the way you do that is doing exactly what barack obama does. it's not by lobbying on a platform yourself. give us your money and let us expand government. you don't hear democrats pitching that. they say don't vote for those guys. they are the racists. they are evil. we're going to protect you against them. it's not what we can do for you. it's we will protect you against the other guys who are really bad. that is the identity politics in the post-j.f.k. party movement. the party of the j.f.k. are long gone. they are now republicans. >> tucker: they are saying that the american history is so disgusting and indefensible you have no right to disobey us. takes our complicity. we have to agree with that for it to work. i don't agree with it. >> i think it worked for a while but i think the genesis of the social media and the prevalence of the internet and the alternative stories for news and sources for news, they don't have a monopoly the big three anymore. so that message that we are all evil and we are all bad and we should absolve ourselves of sin by voting for democrats is not working anymore because you have other people countering that. to average americans who request read it on the smartphones right here -- who can read it on smartphones right here. >> tucker: that is why they want to shut down social media. dan bongino, so smart. thank you. now another storm. not a metaphorical one, a literal one. tropical storm florence. in the country, some on the left are blaming the storm on donald trump. climate change. we will talk to an actual meteorologist, not just cable news yapper about whether or not that's true. that's next. 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(giggles) get symbicort free at if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> tucker: this is a fox news alert. hurricane florence not melled the coast an now tropical storm florence made it inland. part of it is ugly. we are live in jacksonville, north carolina. what does it look like there? >> hey, tucker. you can never under estimate the storms. even as a cat-1. for now things are okay. we get feeder band that comes through and you can feel the wind band and the rain. but the destruction looks like it's similar throughout the state of north carolina, especially along the eastern shore. you can see that the gas stations here, especially all the that are made of aluminum. for the most part they are the ones that have been the worst hit. a lot of structural damage in north carolina. this is just the beginning as the storm continues to pummel the state and sit just above it. moving atom 3 miles per hour. that death toll has now risen to five. it's incredible the damage that such a small storm can create. you will see throughout the state. no power here. billboards just like this one as you drive along the major thoroughfares. now what is incredible is the infrastructure and the counties like we are here. there is not a single building in this county that can withstand a category four hurricane. that is why they ask for those mandatory evacuations so early in the week so people could get out. there was simply nowhere else to go. that was probably the best call because with the storm surge we saw water rise down by the beach up to five feet. a lot of the homes along the beach and the coastline there taking a total beating. it will be incredible to see a day like this exactly how bad the damage is. tucker? >> tucker: yeah. we'll have to wait. thank you for that report. "washington post" which used to be just a liberal newspaper and now is just pure propaganda and unreadably stupid managed to somehow blame the president for hurricane florence. they said he was completes in the storm because -- complicit in the storm because of his position on climate change. that is a big claim to make. is it true? we thought we would talk to an actual meteorologist on the question, not just "washington post" propagandist. spencer a principal research scientist. awe for of "inevitable disasters" and why hurricanes cannot be blamed on global warming. thank you for coming on. >> thank you for having me. >> tucker: i know you acknowledge the earth is getting warmer and there is a debate about why. but there i a second debate that plays out in the popular press whether the warming trend is causing more severe weather events like hurricanes? is it? >> it has gotten warmer, as you said. since the 1950s there has been a warming trend. but what we haven't seen in terms of any long-term weather measurements is whether there has been any change in severe weather. there hasn't been any increase in hurricanes, that is on a global basis in the united states. the frequency of the hits of the united states by major hurricanes has gone down by 50% since the 1930s and the 1940s. there has been no increase in droughts, no increase in floods. tornadoes are down. but still weather varies a lot, especially hurricanes, year to year, decade to decade. so there is a huge amount of variability. some stall and this is what mother nature does naturally. if there is a human influence in there you wouldn't know it. there is natural variability. >> tucker: i know we keep good records on hurricanes going back more than 100 years. the data is available for anybody with goggle. we know if there is a dramatic increase. you stated the numbers for us. given that there hasn't been how can people claim there has been and global warming is to blame? >> i don't know. why do people like the "washington post" say such stupid things? it's because the people who are informing us in the media about globe warming are people like al gore, bill nihg, the science guy and people that don't know anything about atmospheric science. you have to look at history. >> tucker: sorry. let me interrupt you. bill nigh is in his science guy. it's in his title. does it mean he doesn't know anything about atmospheric science? >> no, he doesn't. he is not a trained scientist. he is an engineer of some sort. plus he has a widely viewed youtube video called "climate 101" where he faked an experiment. he put co2 in a jar and shone a bright light on it and tried to show that it caused the jar to warm up inside because of the extra co2. but a tv meteorologist anthony watts cleverly showed that the whole thing was faked. it's ridiculous. >> tucker: what? you know and i believed in bill nigh, the science guy. thank you. it's nice to have someone who knows what he is talking about on the show. i appreciate it. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: american immigration levels are the highest they have been in more than a century. 1 in 7 residents was born in a foreign country. the people who run the country want the number to go higher. the population of the country does not. we will discuss next what it means for democracy. we will monitor the deadly path and the impact of tropical storm florence. stay tuned. ♪ you shouldn't be rushed into booking a hotel. with expedia's add-on advantage, booking a flight unlocks discounts on select hotels until the day you leave for your trip. add-on advantage. only when you book with expedia. mass immigration at these levels. since we had a strong democracy at the time, the public got its wish. immigration levels were slashed dramatically and they stayed low for about half a century but america, unfortunately, isn't the democracy it once was so we can't count on the same thing happening this time. in fact, something very different is happening. economic and cultural leads demand more and more immigration, regardless of what the public says it wants. just this week in oregon for one example, the c.e.o. of nike mark parker announced that his company is opposing a proposal to eliminate oregon sanctuary city law. if illegal immigrants don't have a right to settle in oregon, in total defiance of existing u.s. law, park esays, the state will not be able to attract "diverse talent." parker knows what is going on. he is a businessman. as long as you fight to drive down wages in the united states and sponsor athletes who protest the flag, the left will give you a pass for running sweetshops overseas, which it does. the public wants the immigration laws enforced. it said so clearly. they elected donald trump to do exactly that. but the stranglehold of our elite, the small percentage of population is so strong that the opposite has happened since trump's election. america is closer to having open borders now than ever. consider this. from october 2016 through september 2017; more than 94,000 people were caught crossing the u.s.-mex we border and claim to be part of a family unit coming from guatemala, el salvador or honduras. now you would think that illegally entering the united states would be an automatic ticket home. and quickly. but you'd be wrong. these people were not sent home. they were allowed to settle in the united states while their cases were resolved. which in practy -- practical terms means forever. of the 49,000 illegal border crossers over 1,500 have been sent back. in other words, 98% are still here. during the same period, 31,000 unaccompanied minors were detained at the border and again 98% of them are still here. which means that america effectively no matter what they are telling you has no borders. this is not a secret. word just got out to the rest of the world. and hundreds of thousands of people are taking advantage of this. this is a crisis. it's one created by years of deliberate neglect by those in power. instead of acknowledging it, though, the left denies there is a crisis and then works to exacerbate the crisis. virtually everyone on the left now opposes the wall on the grounds that it would be too effective. many oppose any border enforcement, too. the new york city city council endorsed abolishing i.c.e. on the grounds that too many people get deported. when, in fact, as you just heard, almost nobody gets deported. it's a lie. it makes you think there is another agenda here, one that has nothing to do with what the voters want. enrique is from univision and frequent guest on te show. thank you for come on. when i was born, the percentage of people living here foreign born is under 5%. now 14%. so three-fold increase. that is a huge change. huge change in less than 50 years. is the country better or worse for that, would you say? >> i think that the country is better and the economy is better but still those levels, 14%, is actually lower than what we had 60, 70 years ago even before that where it -- >> tucker: wait, wait, i'm sorry. you are allowed to your opinions, not your facts. that is untrue. i said in open that is the largest number in american history. the actual number, the millions of the foreign-born in this country is the biggest number ever. the percentage of population is the highest since 1910. so that is what 108 years. so okay, you think the country is better than for more than tripling the foreign-born in the borders. what would be the limit? how could we get to the best possible country? what is the ideal? what percentage of americans should be foreign-born? >> this is the thing. two-third of the g.d.p. expansion since 2011 game from immigrants. this is not me caming from. he's citigroup. not a bastion of open borders or socialism. >> tucker: citigroup is an advocate for open borders for the record. just so you know. but okay. so economic growth comes directly from low-wage immigration. that is your contention. >> not low-wage immigration. what we are seeing in terms of innovation and economic growth in the country. not only in the sectors like agriculture or construction or the service sector. we are seeing this, too, in places like silicon valley and in places where innovation and technology are driving the economy. and immigrants are becoming a key factor and the engine of growth in those places. so i agree with you that there is a crisis. >> tucker: but hold on. part of what you said is true. a lot of immigrants have been successful and innovative and impressive, i think, break people in a lot of silicon valley. but the overwhelming majority of the people we let in have limited skill and low education money and no money. they are the poor of the world. that is the overall majority of the people we let in. why not decide we want to let in every software engineer around the world or every physician or every physicist? why in a post industrial country where we letting in majority people with low skills? >> because like we have said in the past, like we have discussed in the past, he is wanted in the country. the jobs are being offered to the people. that is why they are coming to the u.s. you can build a wall, beautiful big wall throughout that 2,000- mile border and 100 feet after that wall you will have a big sign that says, "help wanted" so people will still come and try to do the jobs. >> tucker: you are making the case for big business again that they shouldn't have to pay american level wages. >> not just big businesses. small and medium companies are hiring the people. and sometimes they exploit their work. >> tucker: you are flaking for corporate america. i get it. but let me get to my original question. if 14% foreign-born is good, what is the limit? if we were 90% foreign-born, there were a smaller percentage of americans living here, would it be even better? >> you said in the past that you are against undocumented immigration. but also for limiting legal immigration. i think that is a real issue here. i don't think we should be addressing undocumented immigration from a border enforcement standpoint. only from a border enforcement standpoint. >> tucker: of course you don't. >> no, of course not. you said we have a crisis right now and the policies, the current policies, even the trump administration policies are not working. that is why we should be working on the push factors on the root causes of immigration. you said you want to limit legal immigration. that is thing. you don't want people to come here and request asylum legally. you don't want them -- >> tucker: what i wan -- hold on. you are telling me. hold on. you are telling me what i want. let me tell you what i want, because i'm here. i want a democracy where the majority of voters get to decide what their country does. the big policies come from what people who live here want. every poll of immigration shows americans think the numbers are too high. but a small number of activists like you who apparently have all the power are saying we don't care what you want. this is what you are getting. that is not democracy, is it? that is a kind of government familiar to latin america where oligarchy is in control. what am i missing here? >> first, i don't know what polls you are referring to. all the polls i have seen actually have the majority of americans in favor of comprehensive immigration reform against the wall, against massive deportation, against -- >> tucker: but they think the immigration levels are too high. okay, but shouldn't they be in charge? look, simple. i'll end with this. if the majority of americans think that the immigration levels are too high and the polls show they do think that, then shouldn't we reduce those levels? why don't we follow the lead of the public? >> to what percentage would be acceptable for you and -- >> tucker: i don't know. when i was born it was fine. better country than it is now in a lot of ways. >> you think so? >> tucker: not just immigration. >> what metric was at it better country? what metric? less diverse country maybe? >> tucker: no. it's not about race, actually. the middle class was vibrant when i was born. it's dying now. that is the difference. it's not about race. don't make they way. we are out of time. great to see you. >> great the see you, too. bye. >> tucker: thanks. peter is a lawyer and he serves on the u.s. commission on the civil rights and he joins us tonight. thank you for coming on. the argument that the left is making is that the more foreigners you have living here the better country is. what does it say about the view of americans? >> one of the reasons people come to the country is the fidelity to the rule of law. when we aggregate the rule of law with respect to illegal immigration, what we are turning is turning our country -- what we are doing is turning our country to the type of country which they fled. the previous guest talked about the purported benefit to the uncontrollable level of immigration we have. certain elites may be insulated from some of the deleterious effects but they are profound. we talked about the increase in crime rates and they are increasing. at a time when the crime rates were falling, the crime rates among illegal immigrants went up 44%. in addition to that, we have the public fisk. the burden on the treasury. infrastructure, institutional institutions, hospitals and so on and so forth are burdened by it. the most important aspects of it is the preservation of the sovereignty. if we don't have borders or the ability to control who comes here, we are no longer a nation. again, the rule of law is important and we seem to take a cavalier approach to the protection of the constitutional order that we have got constructed, which makes us unique in terms of history and in terms of the current statue within the world. if we let that go and we simply don't care about our borders, don't care about the level of immigration so it satisfies the needs and the wants of elites and also of certain political imperatives, so progressives can have more people who eventually vote for them, we will suffer as a result. >> tucker: i don't even know how they would respond to that. every time you come on i always think i wish we had an open borders person to respond to you. i don't know what the answer would be. it's a tight argument. thank you. peter, always great to see you. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: live update on tropical storm florence after the break. midsize car-the chevy i forgot. chevy also won a j.d. power dependability award for its light-duty truck the chevy silverado. . .th across cars, trucks and suvs-three years in a row. phew. third time's the charm... when it comes to making bones stronger, are you headed in the right direction? 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>> . >> tucker, good evening. you know, the conditions have calmed down here in wilmington quite a bit. the rain and wind have slowed down. although just an hour ago was a very different story. and we were getting absolutely pounded by nonstop rains. the thing we are thinking about now as it goes into the night the power outages across the state. there are 780,000. duke energy says there is a chance it might not come back on for weeks. this afternoon one of the most extraordinary things we saw is when the cape fear river overflowed hit an all new time record fly of 8.2 feet. and it got back down now and as the winds pick back up, it's gone back down now, but there is still potential for flooding, tucker? >> tucker: thanks a lot, ray. ray brogan for us tonight. keep watching fox tonight and throughout the weekend. we have this storm covered all the way up and down the coast. and we will.


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