Nearly 100 Maine Schools Now Implementing BARR Through Maine DOE Grants to Increase Academic Achievement, Engagement, and Student and Educator Wellbeing The Maine Department of Education (DOE) announced grants for 30 additional Maine schools to implement the Building Assets Reducing Risks (BARR) model to increase academic achievement, engagement, and student and staff wellbeing. These new … Continue reading Media Release: Maine Expands Building Assets Reducing Risks (BARR) Model to 30 Additional Schools
According to ID Tech, research indicates that approximately two months of reading and math skills are lost over a single summer. Often referred to as ‘summer slide’ or ‘summer learning loss,’ the students most affected by this educational shortfall are in grades 1 through 8. Many elementary school teachers across the nation find that they … Continue reading Windham Primary School Summer Technology Program Motivates Student Learning, Improves Comprehension During School Year
Feeling a sense of security is crucial to childhood development and educational success. This includes having trustworthy adults one can turn to when feeling unsafe or apprehensive. Parents and teachers are a perfect example. At RSU 14, adding a School Resource Officer to the mix to introduce police officers as friendly adults who are here … Continue reading Additional RSU 14 School Resource Officer Forges Positive Relationships with Younger Students
COVID-19 outbreaks on the rise at area schools
The Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention has designated two more schools as open outbreak sites, in addition to two open investigations at other schools in the Lakes Region.
LAKES REGION Two more schools are under investigation by the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention for open outbreaks and one district has gone fully remote until January as the number of COVID-19 cases in schools and towns across the region continues to rise.
Lake Region School District Superintendent Al Smith announced in a letter to the community Dec. 11 that the entire district, including adult education programs, will go fully remote until students return from the winter break on Jan. 4.