you had shows like star trek and then this show with a black woman in outer space. then you had mission impossible and you had greg mars in there. you had more black performers coming on series. now, it is being seen that tv should change. and, african americans are appearing in an important significant roles. supporting characters are fine, but the lead characters were still going to be white. one show, though, think about it, is different. room 222 . good morning. good morning, mr. dixon. it was set in an incredibly diverse high school in los angeles. and the lead character was played by lloyd hayes. he plays pete dixon. mr. butcher. sir? they will be expecting me in the detention room.
is carry washington on carrie washington on scandal. her belief we needed to have a black woman play this role. there was not a tremendous amount of confidence in the pilot when it was done. i think we ordered seven episodes. i remember going into the scheduling room, this is where you are advocating for the shows. at the time i said was, i feel like as a black woman at there table it is incumbent on me to speak in favor of the show from the black female show runner with a black female lead. i feel like there is the shot, we have to take it, right? we got a second season, you know, two to three episodes in and the whole thing went . who shot fitz and took off and caught fire in the beginning it was
office. we had crime shows starring black actors. it is only 15 stories down and you don t have to worry about the first 14. tall, glamorous, gorgeous woman, you know, being tough and all of that on the heels of foxy brown. to have it on tv it was like yes. i would like to warn you anything that you say may be used against you. that was like seeing our wonder woman, you know? i wish i can say teresa graves opened the door but from diane carol and graves starring in get christie love it took another 40 years before we had another female lead of a drama.