Coach Alen Stajcic called it one of the biggest victories in the sporting history of the Philippines after his side claimed a historic first World Cup win on Tuesday."In the history of Philippines team sport I don't know if there has been a bigger win," said their Australian coach, who had already masterminded a debut World Cup finals appearance.
Linda Caicedo was hailed as "from another planet" after the teenager scored in Colombia's 2-0 win over South Korea to open their Women's World Cup campaign on Tuesday.But it was all about Caicedo, and one of the best young attackers in women's football has now scored at the Under-17 World Cup, the Under-20 World Cup and the biggest stage of all.
Having the Women's World Cup on home soil has given Australia's team the confidence it can contend for the title even without star striker Sam Kerr on the field. The Chelsea forward and Australian captain missed the Matildas' opening game last week because of a calf muscle injury that will also keep her sidelined for Thursday's Group B game against Nigeria. The Matildas are pitching it as a chance to show the depth of their squad.
Rimaykullayki! Welcome to Tuesday, where Israel’s adoption of a controversial law to limit the Supreme Court’s powers sparks fresh protests, China officially removes Qin Gang (who hasn’t been seen in public since late June) as foreign minister, and scientists confirm that yes, extreme heat waves a.