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Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Dave Briggs 20180821 09:00:00

all the big moments and the network's new mission. welcome back to "early start." i'm dave briggs. >> i'm christine romans. it is tuesday, august 21st. 5:00 a.m. in the east. let's start with the latest. conservative think tanks in the u.s. senate. united states senate the latest targets of hackers linked to military intelligence. microsoft stopped the attack last week. the company took control of six web sites operated by the same group behind the 2016 dnc hack. let's bring in fred pleitgen. >> reporter: the organization that we're talking about, the hacking group, called fancy bear. that is the group that hacked into the dnc and hillary clinton campaign in 2016. u.s. intelligence highly likely believes this group is linked and possibly directed by russian military intelligence known as the gru. as far as the organizations and groups targeted by the attack, apparently, parts of the senate and then two think tanks. hudson institute and international republican institute. both critical of president trump's advances to vladimir putin and also toward russian foreign policy. we have to point out that apparently no evidence that these domains were used for successful hacking or spear phishing attacks. this is months after deputy attorney general rod rosenstein indicted 12 russians for election campaign and meddling. we know a few days later, president trump seemed to side with the russians instead of the intelligence services while at the helsinki summit with putin. now president trump gave an interview to reuters where he would offer russians sanctions if they work with u.s. with Get a jump on the day's news with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs. in prison if convicted on all charges. later today, the trump administration rolls back clean air provisions put in place by president obama. the move gives states power over emission standards for coal fired power plants. this is expected to increase the release of carbon dioxide at a rate 12 times higher than current standards allow. those emissions can lead to heart disease and stroke and cancer. the issue likely to come up tonight when president trump headlines a rally in west virginia. one of the nation's leading coal producing states. chris watts expected in a colorado courtroom today. formally charged with first-degree murder in his pregnant wife and two young daughters. court documents revealed that watts claimed he killed his wife after she killed the girls. prosecutors are not buying the confession. at the conference on monday, the father of shanann watts thanked the community for its support. >> we would like to thank everyone and the federal police department and agencies involved for working so hard to find my daughter, granddaughters and niko. thank you, everyone, for coming out to the candlelight vigil and saying all your prayers. they are greatly appreciated. keep the prayers coming for our family. >> we get more from cnn's scott mclean in frederick. >> reporter: dave and christine, we are hearing the story that chris watts told police. according to a new police arrest affidavit, he initially said he woke up early and told his wife he wanted to separate and went to work. she had apparently planned on going to a friend's house, but never returned. he then said he had killed his wife shanann, but not his daughters. he said after he told shanann he wanted to separate, he went down stairs. when he came up, he saw that an awful story. just ahead, the president is looking for help from his own federal reserve chairman. why he is not thrilled with that man jerome powell. i've been a navy federal member. thanks to their fast approval process, when it came time to buy a new car, we got everything we needed to transport my wife's little bundle of joy... ... who i just adore. open to the armed forces, the dod, veterans and their families. navy federal credit union. himself. the fed did not comment. historically, the presidents do not talk about the fed. it works independently from political influence. powell reaffirmed that issue last month. >> we do our work in a strictly non political way based on detailed analysis which we put on the record transparently. we don't take political considerations into account. >> the fed has carefully raised interest rates to keep the economy from overheating. experts worry it may be overstimulated by government spending and tax cuts. breaking overnight. a nazi labor camp guard has been deported back to germany. he has been living in new york city. immigration and custom enforcement carried out an order of deportation of jakiw palij. he became a u.s. citizen in 1957. he concealed his nazi service in the process. a candidate claims she was visited by aliens has been endorsed by the miami herald. bettina rodriguez aguilera is running as a republican. in 2009 interview, she claimed she boarded a space ship when she was 7 years old. the editorial board claims she is an unusual candidate. it agrees with the assessment her past comments about aliens are not an issue in this race. >> you can argue it is an asset. she knows how to deal with other countries or planets. the oakland a's hosted children from the make-a-wish foundation last night and one did something very special for someone battling cancer. andy scholes has this story next in the bleacher report. sergeant baker, how are you? they took care of everything a to z. having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa- now that's a privilege. (thomas) nice choices! you see, now verizon lets you mix and match your family unlimited plans like you mix and match your flavors. so you get what you want, without paying for things you don't. number 6. i know. where do i put it? in my belly. (vo) one family. different unlimited plans. starting at $40 per line on the network you deserve. need a hair smoother get super fruit moroccan argan oil. with fructis sleek & shine. hair is super sleek, even in 97% humidity. no parabens. garnier fructis sleek & shine. super fruit. super hair. garnier. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. pop culture and politics colliding at the mtv video music awards. top prize going to camila cabello. she won artist of the year. cardi b. won moon person of the year. and jennifer lopez won vanguard award and paying tribute to alex rodriguez. >> you are my twin soul. my life is sweeter and better with you in it. you make me realize every day the sky is not the limit. the universe is infinite and so is what we can accomplish together with love and trust and understanding. >> that's how my wife talks about me. >> politics front and center. logic wore an "f" the wall shirt and inviting families on stage with shirts "we are all human beings." earlier, kevin hart went directly at the president. >> i'm looking at this like this is game day. do not worry. in this game, you are allowed to kneel. you can do whatever the hell you want. no old white man here to stop you. bad language, people run to the bathroom and sending out crazy tweets. it is like a typical day at the white house. >> mtv faced the get out to vote. it is aimed at getting young people to convince friends to register with them. okay. university of maryland football team making plans to honor their fallen teammate. >> andy scholes has more in the bleacher report. andy. >> good morning. jordan mcnair died in june 15 days after suffering a heat stroke at practice. the maryland head coach durkin remains on leave while the school investigates the circumstances surrounding his death. in the meantime, the teammates want to focus on mcnair's memory. >> it is time to get back to the important thing honoring our friend and teammate jordan mcnair. the moment we stop saying his name, the moment we begin to forget, his legacy will fade. we plan to have his legacy live on forever. >> maryland's players say no one will wear the number 79 until 2021 which would have been the season after mcnair graduated. the locker will be encased in glass and the terps will wear details of 79 on the helmets. the little league world series. georgia and texas. he gets a hold of this one for a game-tying two-one home run. all the kids start going nuts as does his dad in the stands. check him out. he starts running around everywhere. he could not control himself. the game would go to extras. in the 9th, georgia pops out. the umpire gets in the way. the winning run comes in to score. georgia wins to stay alive in little league world series. mets and giants playing extras last night as well. the mets may need to go back to little league. two outs in the top of the 13th. rosario and smith collide. easy pop up. drops to the ground. allowing the game-winning run to score. that sums up the season for the mets. giants win the game 2-1. oakland a's hosting children from make-a-wish foundation. and davis asked anthony slocomb to shines jury and he wore it during the game. you could see it when he was at bat. check out what davis did. hitting a blast to center field. davis said after the game, he thought about anthony rounding the bases and hopefully the home run brought him joy. i tell you what, guys, that is cool. that's what sports is all about. >> sports heals. it is great. thanks. breaking news this morning. microsoft has found another cyber attack linked to russian intelligence. the target? the u.s. senators and conservative think tanks. all in the lead-up to the midterms. unlimited ways to be you. unlimited ways share with others. unlimited ways to live for the moment. all for as low as 30 bucks a line. unlimited for you. for them. for all. get unlimited for as low at 30 bucks per line for four lines at t-mobile. so you have, your headphones, chair, new laptop, 24/7 tech support. yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes. start them off right, with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long. like these for only $2 or less at office depot officemax. mom: okay we need to get all your school supplies today. school... grade... done. done. hit the snooze button and get low prices on school supplies all summer long. like these for only $2 or less at office depot officemax. like these for only $2 or less a few problems actually. we've got aging roadways, aging power grids, ...aging everything. we also have the age-old problem of bias in the workplace. really... never heard of it. the question is... who's going to fix all of this? an actor? probably not. but you know who can solve it? business. because solving big problems is what business does best. so let's take on the wage gap, the opportunity gap, the achievement gap. whatever the problem, business can help. and i know who can help them do it. alright guys let's go! let's do this directions to the greek theater (beep) ♪can i get a connection? ♪can i get can i get a connection?♪ ♪can i get a connection? warfarin interferes with at least 6 of your body's natural blood-clotting factors. xarelto® is selective, targeting just one critical factor. for afib patients well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto® compares in reducing the risk of stroke. don't stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of stroke. while taking, you may bruise more easily, or take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. it may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. get help right away for unexpected bleeding or unusual bruising. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. before starting, tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures and any kidney or liver problems. learn all you can to help protect yourself from a stroke. talk to your doctor about xarelto®. breaking overnight. microsoft says it spoiled the latest cyber attack linked to russian intelligence. the latest target? u.s. senators and conservative think tanks. a colorado man charged with killing his wife and two daughters. chris watts defense? killed his wife, but because she killed the girls. in this game, you guys are allowed to kneel. you can do whatever the hell you want. there is no old white man stopping you. >> politics at the mtv video music awards. the new mission to engage young voters. welcome back to "early start." i'm christine romans. >> i'm dave briggs. we start with breaking news. conservative think tanks in the u.s. senate. united states senate the latest targets of hackers linked to military intelligence. a hacking group created fake versions meant to look like real sites. microsoft stopped the attack last week. the company took control of six web sites operated by the same group behind the 2016 dnc hack. let's bring in fred pleitgen. live for us in russia. >> reporter: good morning, guys. the organization we are talking about is called fancy bear. the same group that hacked into the dnc and clinton campaign during the 2016 election campaigns. u.s. intelligence highly likely believes this group is linked and possibly directed by russian military intelligence known as the gru. as far as the organizations and groups targeted by the attack, apparently, parts of the senate, and two think tanks. hudson institute and international republican institute. both are conservative, but critical of the trump advances to russia and critical of vladimir putin's foreign policy. we have to point out it is unclear, or there is no proof, any of the domains have been used for any sort of successful attacks. this is big enough for microsoft to come out with this statement and we expect to get more information later today. this comes after the 2016 campaign and meddling in the 2016 campaign with the 12 russians charged by rod rosenstein. now just last night, president trump gave an interview to reuters who said he would be willing to offer the russians sanctions relief if they work with the u.s. with syria and ukraine. and this seems to be a fact that the russians seem to believe they will take the lead role and the u.s. needs to follow in syria. finally, i'm at the largest arms expo looking to showcase stealth fighter jet. another way russia wants to challenge the united states. guys. >> we are glad you are there covering it for us. thank you, fred. imagine you and your allies are under investigation, but you get to dictate how it proceeds. president trump talking about pushing robert mueller aside and talking about conducting the investigation himself. he said he has chosen not to get involved. saying, i don't have to stay out. as you know, i could go in and i could do whatever. i could run it if i want. jeff mason was on the reuters team that interviewed the president. >> he was out of it. it was better if he did. it is interesting. he was making it clear he viewed it as a decision and he made the decision to stay out. it wasn't the only option he had. >> president trump also said he is concerned about falling into a so-called perjury trap. if he consents to the interview with the special counsel. he worries mr. mueller would compare his statement with others like james comey who trump said was best friends with mueller. in that situation, the president said even if i'm telling the truth, that makes me a liar. this comes after his lawyer rudy giuliani who said the perjury trap truth isn't truth. giuliani attempted to clean that up monday saying he was referring to the classic he said/she said dilemma. a perjury conviction requires someone willfully telling a lie. not he said/she said. that is something that happens in court every day. >> joining us this morning is writer harry enten. good morning. let's stick with the russia probe and developments. when we ask voters what is important to them for the 2018 vote, russia probe is at the bottom of the list next to nancy pelosi. the president is obsessed with the russia-rigged investigation or hoax. whatever you want to call it. >> he is obsessed, but he is obsessed because he is watching cable news and we are talking about it. he says something, we say something. meanwhile, if you look at the polling, voters don't care. this encapsulates itself and the approval rating is stable despite the russia investigation. we think may be bad for him. it turns out voters are going meh. >> you mentioned nancy pelosi there who is a target of republican ads from coast-to-coast. voters don't care about that either. similar to what is going on with who? hillary clinton. president trump would love for her to reemerge in the scene. headlining three dnc fund-raisers. could this hurt? could this help? >> the reason donald trump won in 2016 was because he faced off with hillary clinton. donald trump's favorable ratings were the lowest ever for any nominee. hillary clinton's were the second lowest. hillary clinton reemerging can only help trump. the problem is she is not on the ballot. she is going out to raise money for candidates. we are not voting for or against her. we are voting for or against the donald trump agenda. >> you sometimes hear republicans hit at nancy pelosi and like to use nancy pelosi in their ads and the like. this all would suggest that using nancy pelosi -- will this hurt or help? >> when i look at those numbers, i see it really probably won't do anything. if anything, democrats are more motivated to turn out to vote because they want nancy pelosi to be speaker. if you go back to 1994, you will see an unpopular president and you see the opposition leader to try to balance and make it a choice instead of a referendum. it doesn't work. newt gingrich was not popular. >> how about race as a factor in the midterms? the president touting his approval rating with blacks in the country. is there proof to support that notion? >> yes and no. i think the president sometimes pumps up the polls shows support of the african-american community which -- that is not polling we use. if you look at the live interview polls and pew research center. he is at 14%. that is still really low. if you compare to the percentage of the vote he got in 2016. the exit polls, 8%. pew's research. 6%. there is a bit of a rise. it is interesting to see when you compare to the other racial and ethnic groups. their numbers are lower than in 2016. >> is it the economy? do voters believe his cheerleader on the economy? the african-american unemployment records are low because of me statement? >> that is a good explanation. a lot of us hear the statements that donald trump make and say there is no way he has a rise with african-american voters. they seem to respond to something. to me, the fact the economy is doing well to be the cause. >> suggesting the attacks on black nfl players and calling omarosa a dog is not having impact. >> certainly not at all. i point out the approval rating is still low. >> 14%. >> harry enten, thank you. white house counsel don mcgahn's cooperation with bob mueller's team unsettled donald trump. the president approved the mcgahn cooperation, but two telling cnn the president did not know the interviews stretched 30 hours nor his own legal team did not debrief mcgahn afterwards. as to why the president let mcgahn to talk investigators? the trump legal team did not have a strong legal case to stop it and they thought it fit with strategy of cooperating with the probe. >> the white house still could seek to prevent details in mcgahn's testimony by coming out by exerting executive privilege. the president in full attack mode on monday with tweets. disgraced robert mueller and his angry democrat thugs looking to impact the election. they are a national disgrace. >> at the very moment donald trump was attacking critics on twitter, melania trump was addressing the anti-cyber bullying summit. her be best campaign focusing on the well being of children. warnings of destructive and harmful uses of social media. she may have had her husband in mind when she says said -- she said this. >> let's face it, most children are more aware of the benefits and pitfalls of social media than some adults. but we still need to do all we can. >> melania trump announced plans to go to africa in october. her first major solo trip since becoming first lady. no word on which countries she will visit. back in january, you may remember the president used a derogatory term bemoaning the immigrants from "s hole" countries in africa. the verdict watch resumes this morning in the paul manafort trial. jurors will return for a fourth day in the bank and tax fraud trial. the former trump campaign chief faces 18 counts of crimes. his defense team sees it as a good sign the jury has not reached a verdict after three days. manafort faces up to 305 years in prison if convicted on all charges. later today, the trump administration rolls back clean air provisions put in place by president obama. the move gives states power over emission standards for coal fired power plants. this is expected to increase the release of carbon dioxide at a rate 12 times higher than current standards allow. those emissions can lead to heart disease and stroke and cancer. the issue likely to come up tonight when president trump headlines a rally in west virginia. protesters at the university of north carolina topple a confederate statue that stood for more than 100 years. the governor, a democrat, not pleased. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me now. i'm still clear. how sexy are these elbows? 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they were on it. it was unbelievable. having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa- now that's a privilege. we're the baker's and we're usaa members for life. usaa. get your insurance quote today. our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition... for strength and energy! whoo-hoo! great-tasting ensure. with nine grams of protein and twenty-six vitamins and minerals. ensure. now up to 30 grams of protein for strength and energy! this is not a this is the destruction of a cancer cell by the body's own immune system, thanks to medicine that didn't exist until now. and today can save your life. ♪ ♪ the first survivor of alzis out there.ase and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. join the fight with the alzheimer's association. every baby can have the freedom to move their way in pampers cruisers with three-way fit. they adapt at the waist, legs and bottom for our driest best fitting diaper. pampers so you have, your headphones, chair, new laptop, 24/7 tech support. yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes. start them off right, with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long. like these for only $2 or less at office depot officemax. mom: okay we need to get all your school supplies today. school... grade... done. done. hit the snooze button and get low prices on school supplies all summer long. like these for only $2 or less at office depot officemax. where we're changing withs? contemporary make-overs. like these for only $2 or less then, use the ultimate power handshake, the upper hander with a double palm grab. who has the upper hand now? start winning today. book now at breaking overnight. a nazi labor camp guard living in new york city has been deported to germany. immigration enforcement carried out a deportation order for jakiw palij. he came to america in 1949 and became a u.s. citizen in 1957. concealing his nationas nazi se the process. check out this video. 70-year-old father and son trying to escape a forest fire in glacier national park. jas justin and his father talking about it with no way out. >> easy. easy. >> god, help us. >> slow it down. you are all right. slow it down so we can see, justin. >> dad, what if a tree falls on us. please, god, help us. >> are yyou are doing good. >> they were stopped by a downed burning tree in the road. just contin justin had to reverse to the trail head and they flagged down a boat. they will be guests on "new day" this morning. authorities in los angeles are investigating sexual assault allegations against asia argento. she allegedly paid off an actor who accused her of assaulting her months after she claimed harvey weinstein raped her. >> "the times" reports it has legal documents showing jimmy bennett alleged argento assaulted him when he was 17. the times received the documents through encrypted e-mail. he played her son in the 2004 movie "the heart is deceitful." cnn has reached out for a comment. "the new york times" has been trying to get a response from her since thursday. heavy rain in the forecast for the ohio valley and in the east, we have an update with pedram javaheri in the weather center. >> we are watching what is happening in the ohio valley for heavy rainfall this afternoon and really setting the stage here for some major cooling trend into the forecast the next several days. here is the culprit. the disturbance over the ohio valley could lead to travel d disruption and east of the region. that impacts 16 million people. large hail, damaging winds are the main threats. pittsburgh, jamestown and roanoke could be in store for strong storms for tuesday. this morning, thunderstorm activity with 1,200 lightning strikes across this area in the country. we have flooding rains in the forecast as we go in toward philly and evening hours. the cooling trend is there. cooler temperatures thursday and friday and saturday. the forecast for areas around chicago is 78 today. in >> thanks for that. while you're sleeping pop culture and politics collide at the mtv video music award. top prize of the year going to ka mill low for havana. cardi-b got best new artist. jennifer lopez paid this beautiful tribute to her boyfriend, former yankee, alex rodriguez. >> you're like my twin soul. we're mirror images of each other. my life is sweeter and better with you in it because you make me realize it everyday the sky is not the limit. the universe is infinite and so is what we can accomplish together with love and trust and understanding. >> write that down for your anniversary card to your wife? >> politics very much front and center last night. rapper logic wore an at the wall shirt, fighting families displaced by immigration laws all wearing shirts that read, we are all human beings. >> kevin hart went straight at the president during the earlier monologue. >> i'm looking at this like it's game day, people. do not worry, this game you are allowed to kneel, do whatever the hell you want. there's no old, white man that can stop you. do it. you never know what's going to happen at the vmas. bad language, people run to the bathroom to send out crazy


Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Dave Briggs 20180821 08:00:00

Get a jump on the day's news with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs. russia's largest arms expo set to desk plisplay the fighter je hyper sonic missile. another way they want to challenge america. guys. >> fascinating. fred live for us this morning in russia. thank you. three minutes past the hour. imagine a world where you and your allies are under investigation, but you get to dictate how the investigation proceeds. president trump using monday about pushing robert mueller aside and running the russia investigation himself. in an interview, the president has chosen not to get involved in the probe. he says i don't have to stay out as you know. i can go in and i could do whatever. i could run it if i want. jeff mason was on the reuters team that interviewed the president. >> he was out of it. it was better if he did. it is interesting. he was making it clear he viewed it as a decision and he made the decision to stay out. it wasn't the only option he had. >> president trump also said he is concerned about falling into a so-called perjury trap. if he consents to the interview with the special counsel. he worries mr. mueller would compare his statement with others like james comey who trump said was best friends with mueller. in that situation, the president said even if i'm telling the truth, that makes me a liar. this comes after his lawyer rudy giuliani who said the perjury trap truth isn't truth. giuliani attempted to clean that up monday saying he was referring to the classic he said/she said dilemma. a perjury conviction requires someone willfully telling a lie. white house counsel don mcgahn's cooperation with mueller's team has unsettled president trump. the president approved the interview, but the president did not know the interviews stretched for 30 hours nor his own legal team did not debrief mcgahn afterwards. as to why the president let mcgahn to talk investigators? the trump legal team did not have a strong legal case to stop it and they thought it fit with strategy of cooperating with the probe. the white house still could seek to prevent details in mcgahn's testimony by coming out by exerting executive privilege. the president in full attack mode on monday with tweets. d disgraced robert mueller and his team of thugs. they are a national disgrace. >> not deterred by the twitter attacks, melania trump. she addressed an anti-cyber bullying summit monday. president trump breaking presidential protocol by criticizing the federal reserve. he told reuters that jerome powell is raising interest rates. trump appointed him last year. trump said the fed should do more to help him boost the economy. now candidate trump criticized the fed for doing exactly that and keeping interest rates low to help president obama. >> we have a fed that is doing political things. this janet yellen of the fed, the fed is doing political. by keeping interest rates at this level. >> now president trump wants the same easy money policies for himself. the fed did not comment. historically, the presidents do not talk about the fed. powell reaffirmed that issue last month. >> we do our work in a strictly non political way based on detailed analysis which we put on the record transparency tly. >> they are keeping the economy from overheating. experts worry it may be overs m overstimulated by government spending and tax cuts. breaking overnight. a nationazi labor camp guard han deported back to germany. an order of deportation of jakiw palij. he became a u.s. citizen in 1957. he concealed his nazi service saying he spent world war ii working on a farm. sean richard christie of pennsylvania was last seen sunday night in cumberland, maryland. he is accused of posting threats on facebook against the president and prosecutor in pennsylvania. the u.s. marshal's service is offering $20,000 for information leading to christy's arrest. one stating she was communicating with aliens and endorsed by the miami herald. running as a republican and seen in a 2009 interview, aguilera claims she was taken by aliens. her past comments on aliens are not an issue in the race. >> i can't believe it. acknowledged her comments about past issues with aliens. okay. >> she says the aliens were long, blonde haired and told her to come outside. nothing unusual here. nothing to see. 17 minutes past the hour. imagine if your life depended on driving through this. >> oh, my gosh. >> go. keep going. >> easy. >> a father and a son race to escape a wildfire. you don't want to miss how this ends. i'm a small business, but i have... big dreams... and big plans. so how do i make the efforts of 8 employees... feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an e-file? virtual tours? zip-file? really big files? in seconds, not minutes... just like that. like everything... the answer is simple. i'll do what i've always done... dream more, dream faster, and above all... now, i'll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. protesters on campus of university of north carolina pulling down a confederate statue known as silent sam. 250 protesters gathered at chapel hill peace plaza before marching to the base of the plaza. university officials called the toppling dangerous and said it was fortunate no one was hurt. one arrest was made. north carolina's governor said he understands people are frustrated by the pace of change, but no place for violent destruction of property. check out this harrowing video. a father and son desperate to escape the forest fire in gla glacier national park in montana. driving down the harrowing road with no way out. >> easy. >> the car is heating up. it's going to explode. >> you're all right. >> oh, jesus, god. help us. >> slow it down. you're all right. slow it down so we can see. >> dad, what if a tree falls on us? please, god, help us. >> you're doing good. >> can you imagine? eventually they were stopped by a downed, burning tree in the road. justin had to reverse back to the trail head where they were lucky to flag down a boat and taken to safety by two park employees. the car burned in the fire. justin and charles will be guests on "new day" later this morning. terrifying. authorities in los angeles aring investigating sexual assault allegations against filmmaker asia argento. argento paid off in the case. the special victims bureau is reaching out to the alleged victim. >> "the times" reports it has legal dock uuments showing arge sexually assaulted him when he was 17. she was 37 at the time. the report shows there were e-mails through an unidentified party. he played her son in a movie in 2009. cnn has reached out for comment. "the new york times" has been trying to get a response from her since thursday. while you were sleeping, pop culture and politics colliding at the mtv video music awards. camila cabello for artist of the year. and generjennifer lopez with th vanguard award thanking her boyfriend. alex rodriguez. >> you are my suiweeter and bet with you in it. the universe is infinite and so is what we can accomplish together with love and trust and understanding. >> politics very much front and center. logic wore an "f" the wall shirt and invited immigration families. during the monologue, kevin hart went directly at the president. >> do not worry. in this game, you guys are allowed to kneel. there is no old white man to stop you. do it. >> you never know what will happen at the vmas. bad language, people run to the bathroom and septembnd out craz tweets. it is like a typical day at the white house. >> wow. mtv announced its first ever midterm get out the vote. the initiative called plus one aimed at getting young people to convince people to register with them. groups on the right encouraging a boycott of kevin hart. >> it is the vmas. ahead, breaking news. microsoft has found another cyber attack linked to russian intelligence. the target? u.s. senators and conservative groups in the lead-up to the midterms. hey there people eligible for medicare. gimme one minute... and i'll tell you some important things to know about medicare. first, it doesn't pay for everything. say this pizza is your part b medical expenses. this much - about 80% - medicare will pay for. what's left is on you. that's where an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company comes in. this type of plan helps pay some of what medicare doesn't. these are the only plans to carry the aarp endorsement for meeting their high standards of quality and service. so call unitedhealthcare insurance company today and ask for your free decision guide. with this type of plan, you'll have the freedom to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. and when you travel, your plan will go with you - anywhere in the country. whew! call unitedhealthcare today and ask for your free decision guide. breaking overnight. microsoft says it spoiled the latest cyber attack linked to russian intelligence. the latest target? u.s. senators and conservative think tanks. we are live in russia. a colorado man charged with killing his wife and two daughters. chris watts. his defense? killed his wife, but because she killed the girls. in this game, you guys are allowed to kneel. there is no old white man stopping you. >> no shortage of politics at the mtv music awards. the new mission to engage young vot voters. welcome back to "early start." i'm dave briggs. >> i'm christine romans. breaking overnight. conservative think tanks in the u.s. senate. united states senate the latest targets of hackers linked to military intelligence. microsoft stopped the attack last week. the company took control of six web sites operated by the same group behind the 2016 dnc hack. let's bring in fred pleitgen. >> reporter: we are talking about fancy bear. it is apparently linked to russia's military intelligence. organizations targeted were members of the senate and two think tanks which are conservative think tanks. hudson institute and international republican institu institute. both are conservative, but critical of the trump advances to russia and critical of vladimir putin's foreign policy. we have to point out it is unclear, or there is no proof, any of the domains have been used for any sort of successful attacks. this is big enough for microsoft to come out with this statement and we expect to get more information later today. all of this, christine, comes only about a month after attorney general rod rosenstein indicted 12 russians for hacking into the dnc in the 2016 election and the hillary clinton campaign. we also know that a few days after that indictment, president trump seemed to side against his own intelligence services at a summit with russian president putin. we had the interview with president trump where he offered russia sanctions relief if they worked with the uk and u.s. and syria. i was in syria with the russian military and they certainly seem to believe they are going to be the ones to take the leading role as far as solving the issues in that country. just on a side note, i'm at one of russia's largest military fairs where the russians plan to display the stealth fighter jet. another way the russians are looking to challenge the u.s. >> we are glad are you there covering it. -- glad you are there covering it for us. thank you, fred. imagine you and your allies are under investigation, but you get to dictate how it proceeds. president trump talking about pushing robert mueller aside and talking about conducting the investigation himself. he said he has chosen not to get involved. saying, i don't have to stay out. as you know, i could go in and i could do whatever. i could run it if i want. jeff mason was on the reuters team that interviewed the president. >> he was out of it. it was better if he did. it is interesting. he was making it clear he viewed it as a decision and he made the decision to stay out. it wasn't the only option he had. >> president trump also said he is concerned about falling into a so-called perjury trap. if he consents to the interview with the special counsel. he worries mr. mueller would compare his statement with others like james comey who trump said was best friends with mueller. in that situation, the president said even if i'm telling the truth, that makes me a liar. this comes after his lawyer rudy giuliani who said the perjury trap truth isn't truth. giuliani attempted to clean that up monday saying he was referring to the classic he said/she said dilemma. a perjury conviction requires someone willfully telling a lie. not he said/she said. that is something that happens in court every day. white house counsel don mcgahn's cooperation with mueller's team has unsettled president trump. the president approved the mcgahn cooperation, but two telling cnn the president did not know the interviews stretched 30 hours nor his own legal team did not debrief mcgahn afterwards. as to why the president let mcgahn to talk investigators? the trump legal team did not have a strong legal case to stop it and they thought it fit with strategy of cooperating with the probe. >> the white house still could seek to prevent details in mcgahn's testimony by coming out by exerting executive privilege. the president in full attack mode on monday with tweets. disgraced robert mueller and his angry democrat thugs looking to impact the election. they are a national disgrace. >> not deterred by the twitter attacks, melania trump. she addressed an anti-cyber bullying summit monday. her be best campaign focusing on the well being of children. warnings of destructive and harmful uses of social media. she may have had her husband in mind. >> let's face it, most children are more aware of the benefits and pitfalls of social media than some adults. but we still need to do all we can. >> melania trump announced plans to good to africa in october. her first major solo trip since becoming first lady. no word on which countries she will visit. back in january, you may remember the president used a derogatory term bemoaning the immigrants from "s hole" countries in africa. the verdict watch resumes this morning in the paul manafort trial. jurors will return for a fourth day in the bank and tax fraud trial. the former trump campaign chief faces 18 counts of crimes. his defense team sees it as a good sign the jury has not reached a verdict after three days. manafort faces up to 35 years in prison if convicted on all charges. later today, the trump administration rolls back clean air provisions put in place by president obama. the move gives states power over emission standards for coal fired power plants. this is expected to increase the release of carbon dioxide at a rate 12 times higher than current standards allow. those emissions can lead to heart disease and stroke and cancer. the issue likely to come up tonight when president trump headlines a rally in west virginia. . chris watts expected in a colorado courtroom today. expected to be charged with the murders of his wife and two daughters. court documents revealed that watts claimed he killed his wife after she killed the girls. prosecutors are not buying the confession. at the conference on monday, the father of shanann watts thanked the community for its support. >> we would like to thank everyone and the federal police department and agencies involved for working so hard to find my daughter, granddaughters and niko. thank you, everyone, for coming out to the vigil and saying all your prayers. they are greatly appreciated. keep the prayers coming for our family. >> we get more from cnn's scott mclean in frederick. >> reporter: dave and christine, we are hearing the story that chris watts told police. according to a new police arrest affidavit, he initially said he woke up early and told his wife he wanted to separate and went to work. she had apparent planned on going to a friend's house, but never returned. he then said he had killed his wife shanann, but not his daughters. he said after he told shanann he wanted to separate, he went down stairs. when he came up, he saw that shanann strangled the girls and then he in a fit of rage strangled shanann. he loaded the bodies in the back of the truck and to the work site and dug a shallow grave and dumped his wife and put his girls in the oil well. police say he left out a detail. he had been having an affair with a coworker. watts has been charged with three counts of murder and three counts of tampering with a deceased body. and because she was 15 weeks pregnant, he was charged with the unlawful termination of a pregnancy. there was a request for dna swabs to prove her involvement in the deaths of the girls, but the judge denied that request. dave and christine. >> scott. a terrible story. ahead, protesters at the university of north carolina topple a statue of a confederate leader that stood for over 100 years. the governor, a democrat, is knows pleased. -- is not pleased. are you a christian author with reports u.s. and china want to end the dispeute by november. it will take time because china has done too well for too long and they have become spoiled. the talks come during the trade talks. this is when u.s. is collecting tariffs in $16 billion in goods on thursday. this list includes handbags and car seats and refrigerators. it let's companies weigh in. many say it will cripple businesses and raise prices for consumers. two men face charges for allegedly acting as agents for the eiranian government. suspects were monitoring israeli and jewish facilities and gathering information on the iranian opposition group in the u.s. the suspects are a 38-year-old dual citizen and 39-year-old iranian citizen living in california. shawn richard christy from pennsylvania was last seen sunday night in cumberland, maryland driving a stolen vehicle. he is accused of posting threats on facebook against the president. the u.s. marshal's service is offering $20,000 for information leading to his arrest. congressional candidate who claims she communicates with aliens and visited by aliens is running for congress. bettina rodriguez aguilera. in a 2009 television interview, she claimed she boarded a space ship when she was 7 years old. bettina rodriguez aguilera is an unusual candidate, but agrees with the assessment her past comments about aliens are not an issue in the race. >> past comments about aliens not an issue in the race. i never thought i would hear that. >> 2018. investors have concerns of elon musk taking tesla shares private. we will tell you in cnn money next. when i received the diagnoses, i knew 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some of their brightest minds. just text the keyword on the screen to 20-20-20 with your smartphone to claim your complimentary bottle of forebrain. do it now - before you forget. that's the keyword on the screen to 20-20-20. do it now - before you forget. does your business internet provider promise a lot? let's see who delivers more. comcast business gives you gig-speed in more places. the others don't. we offer up to 6 hours of 4g wireless network backup. everyone else, no way. we let calls from any of your devices come from your business number. them, not so much. we let you keep an eye on your business from anywhere. the others? nope! for a limited time, when you get fast, reliable internet, you can add voice for just $24.95 more per month. call or go online today. call or go on line today. protesters on the campus of university of north carolina pulling done a confederate statue that has stood since 1913. about 250 people gathered at the peace and justice hill plaza before marching to the base of the statue and pulling it down. the administration says it is fortunate no one was hurt. one arrest was made. the north carolina governor understands people are frustrated by the pace of change, but no place for violent destruction of property. police in nashville, tennessee holding two men wanted for questioning in shootings that left three people dead this month. one arrested on an outstanding warrant for kidnapping and the second turned himself in after outstanding warrants of identity theft among other crimes. the men have not been charged with the killings which police say happened during robberies. check out the harrowing video. a 70-year-old father and his son trying to escape a blazing forest fire in glacier national park in montana. justin and his dad driving through the winding mountain road with seemingly no way out. >> easy. easy, kid. just go easy. >> dad, the car is heating up. it's going to explode. >> you're all right. >> jesus, god. help us. >> slow it down so we can see. >> dad, what if a tree falls on us? please god help us. help us. >> you're doing good. >> eventually they were stopped by a downed burning tree in the road. justin says he had to reverse all the way back to the trail head where they were lucky to flag down a boat and taken to safety by park employees. the car burned in the fire. justin and his father charles will be guests on "new day." authorities in los angeles investigating sexual assault allegations against actress asia argento. she paid off a young actor who accused her of sexually assaulting him months after she accused harvey weinstein of raping her. the sheriff's office says the special victims bureau is reaching out to at ledlleged vi. >> there were legal actions alleging argento sexually assaulted him when he was 17 years old. the times received the documents through e-mail through an unidentified party. he played her son in a movie in 2009. cnn has reached out for a comment. "the new york times" has been trying to get a response from her since thursday. nicki minaaj is getting backlash for comparing herself to harriet tubman. she touted tubman who helped slaves through the underground railroad. many calling her comments discompadi disrespectful. minaj laughed it off when she realized her comments were viral. she could have rescued more slaves had they known they were slaves. i thought for streaming services to count for billboard when a lot of people stayed quiet. okay. pop culture and politics colliding at the mtv awards. camila cabello won artist of the year. cardi b. got the moon person award. and jennifer lopez won the vanguard award. she had these nice words for her boyfriend. >> we are twin souls. my life is sweeter with you in it. you make me realize every day the sky is not the limit. the universe is infinite and so is what we can accomplish together with love and trust and understanding. >> exactly how romans talks about her husband. politics front and center. logic wore an "f" the wall shirt inviting families on stage. earlier during the monologue, kevin hart went directly at the president. >> i'm looking at this like it is game day. do not worry. this game, you are allowed to kneel. you can do whatever the hell you want. no old white man can stop you. do it. you never know what will happen at the vmas. bad language. people run to the bathroom and send out crazy tweets. it is a typical day at the white house. >> mtv announced its first ever midterm get out the vote. the digital initiative aimed at convincing young people to register to vote. the new york mets season summed up in one play. sorry, mets fans. top 13, giants and mets tied. easy pop up? wrong. shortstop and left fielder go for it. colliding and misses. giants win 2-1. i think the back page of the new york post has it. dumb and dumber. a check of cnn money. stocks are higher and u.s. and china gear up for trade talks. a chinese delegation heads to u.s. tomorrow. investors like the two keep talking. s&p s&p -- s&p is just shy of an all-time high. tesla shares hitting a three-month low. shares fell 4% after jpmorgan chase slashed its price target for tesla. musk previously tweeted he secured fund for a buyout. jpmorgan chase denies that is true and does not believe there is a proposal. shares were covered by the close. the original tweet triggered an 11% rise in tesla stock. it triggered an sec probe. pepsi is buying sodastream. pepsi will pay $3.2 billion for the company. sodastream is a healthy ail aft -- healthy alternative to sugary soda. "early start" continues right now. latest attempts by russia to attack, cyber attack, the united states. breaking overnight. microsoft says it spoiled the latest cyber attack linked to russian intelligence. the latest target? u.s. senators and conservative think tanks. we are live in russia. a colorado man charged with killing his wife and two daughters. chris watts. his defense? killed his wife, but because she killed the girls. in this game, you guys are allowed to kneel. you can do whatever the hell you want. there is no old white man stopping you. >> no shortage of politics at the mtv music awards.


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Transcripts for CNN Very Scary People 20240604 06:18:00

'cause of all the abuse, the name-calling, johnny lost himself. he lost everything that he once believed in as a boy, and dreams and hopes. i saw it happen. that affected gacy. his psychological motivation in life was to try to please his dad. when johnny was a little boy, he had another trauma in his life. he was molested by a contractor. cahill: john's father knew a contractor. john was always interested in building. he'd ask gacy, "would you want to go out and look at a couple of work site that i'm working on? and then i'll take you to get some ice cream." he would take gacy out, and he got him to one his sites. and what he wanted to show him was a wrestling hold. the hold involved putting gacy's face down in his crotch and holding it there.


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