criticized in what owhich is if you re not going to indict him, then don t indict him and close the books, don t drag him through the mud, don t politically indict him. that seemed what seemed to be what rosenstein was saying, which is if you can t make a case against him and go at him 100%, then don t drag him through the mud. isn t that again, isn t that a positive standard think but there s a story here as well that needs to be told about eggs did, so i think as chairman shift pointed out, rosenstein did likely i think apply.
residents spoke a foreign language at home in 2017, 85 those numbers are affected by the number of immigrants in the united states. 1980 s we have amnesty that allowed three million people to become citizens laura: that is now 20 million that is affected by those numbers. back to tom brokaw. he said something the wrong way. okay? no immigrant understands. laura: do immigrant activists say anything the wrong way? they say the most outrageous things, america mystery is racist. you re living on stolen land. they accuse us two wrongs don t make a right. sometimes they do and i correct them whenever i can. laura: what did tom brokaw said that was wrong it s how he said. laura: what did he say? he says we don t assimilate laura: he said hispanics have to do a better job of
to drill in to the things that help people. this should be common sense. infrastructure, people are dying from overdoses, gun violence, kids are scared to go to school in my district. people don t understand why corporate pacts and federal lobbyists are paying off politicians, it is why i ran, failure of both parties and i will not be a blind follower of the democratic party in d.c.? neil: max rose, congressman elect, heading to washington, one of the youngest congressmen, the only one younger is the female i haven t checked. neil: not too bad. in the meantime, still counting the votes in the whole arizona senate battle. don t forget that one. that is another one too close to call. after this. when my hot water heater failed it rocked our world. we called usaa. and they greeted me as they always do. sergeant baker, how are you? they took care of everything a to z. having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa-
that. there is plenty of trump supporters and still are in my district, also no one said, i need another subpoena, another subpoena to help with my commuting problem or opioid epidemic or with gun violence. people want real problem-solving. it will take two to tango here. go back to 2011, mitch mcconnell said when the republicans took back the house, number one priority is to make sure that barack obama doesn t win another term. that wasn t just wrong, that was unamerican and two wrongs don t make a right. neil: let s talk about your democratic colleagues who are coming in, jerry nadler running judiciary committee, host of others. waters promised looking into all sorts of thipgs for the president s finances, to payments to women and you name it. the are you saying that you would be against that or what i am saying is that we have got to do this in an independent, nonpolitical manner. neil: what does that mean? let me finish.
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