Madhya Pradesh CM Mohan Yadav on Thursday visited Patna to attend a non-political programme organised by Shri Krishna Chetana Vichar Manch, which is run by Rajendra Prasad, a retired judge of the Patna High Court, and claims to be an organisation of the Yadav community.
In a surprising move, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has appointed Mohan Yadav as the new Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh. Yadav s appointment is seen as a strategic move to gain support from the Yadav community in politically crucial states. By choosing Yadav, who holds influence in the temple city of Ujjain and is known for his skills in wielding swords, the BJP aims to strengthen its presence among the Yadavs.
Lucknow, Oct 3 (IANS) After the Bihar census report, backward politics in Uttar Pradesh is also taking the centre stage, and back into focus is the data of the Hukum Singh committee that was set up by the state government in 2001.