Tania Joya has told the full details of her eight-month affair with GOP Rep. Van Taylor. She said they had sex five times a night in his Texas district while his wife Anne was at the couple s D.C.-area home.
Tania Joya s ex-husband branded Van Taylor a sexual predator in an exclusive interview. Craig Burma said Taylor knew she was vulnerable and he targeted her for sex
Tania Joya was married for 12 years to the leading American in Islamic State. Today she lives in Texas, has renounced Islam and is soon to speak in a temple about de-radicalization
Married Republican Rep. Van Taylor dropped his bid for reelection Wednesday after apologizing for having a nine-month affair with the so-called ISIS bride.
Reeling from accusations of an affair with the so-called ISIS bride, Texas Rep. Van Taylor bowed out of his reelection bid Wednesday and apologized to his family.