ALDERBURY 20/11232/FUL - Lime Yard Adjacent To Grimstead Road, West Grimstead, SP5 3RQ. Change of Use from storage, processing and distribution of lime, to storage, processing and distribution of horticultural products, with the addition of one building.
AMESBURY 20/11332/FUL - 75 Kitchener Road, Amesbury, SP4 7AF. Demolition of existing conservatory and replacement with single storey extension to provide new living room and utility room.
BROAD CHALKE 20/11345/FUL - Clock Cottage, South Street, Broad Chalke, SP5 5DN. Demolition of lean-to extension and single garage to west end, reinstatement of thatched roof, new single storey extensions to best and south, new dormer to north.