Hudson Reporter
Why Leave Federal Transit Administration Discretionary Dollars On The Table?
Dear Editor:
On January 19, 2021, the Federal Transit Administration published Federal Notice of Available Funding for Federal Fiscal Year 2021. FY 2018. Under Table 14 Prior Year Unobligated Section 5307 Passenger Ferry Grant Program, there is (1) NJD2018-PFGP-010- City of Bayonne, ferry moring platform deck and landside improvements – $656,800; (2) NJD2018-PFGP-013 Port Authority of NY&NJ – Commuter ferry vessel power and propulsion retrofit program – $2,480,000, (4) NJD2019-PFGP-009 New Jersey Dept. of Environmental Protection – Ferry slips, reconstruction upgrade at Liberty State Park – $5,900,000 and (4) FY 2020 NJD2020-PFGP-010 City of South Amboy – Radford Ferry project – $5,300,000.
Why have the City of Bayonne, Port Authority, NJ Department of Environmental Protection and City of South Amboy all been unsuccessful in securing these funds under an approved obliga