exception of the irs agents. the s yet here suddenly was that very same station, national urgn public radio, positively urging transpolar people to buy guns as many guns as possible and if necessary, to use them. the world is dangerous, explained one trans gun owner.me you have to be dangerous us, is united states back and that seems strange to us. is the united states reallyas a dangerous place for trans people?t well, west baltimore is dangerous. you could easily get murdereerer there. but if you re trans in this country, obviously there are many downsidess ther. but there do appear to be some benefits. it s a lot easieo har to get int harvard, for example. it s definitely easier to get a job at citibank or in the biden white house if t you re transgender can so muchan as fly a kite, the pentagon will happily make you an f thirty five pilot just so hollywood can make a movie about it, identifying as trans whatever . again, its downsides does convey status in th
so i call on congress again to pass my assault weapons ban h . so we re going to prevent you from learning why the shooter did it. and we don t have to guessou because she wrote a whole manifest o about why she did it. and we know that she did that because she told a friendia on instagram that she did it. but we w can t see it. , we we can only talk about the guns. we can t know what kind of drugs she was taking, what kind of hormones or ssri or benzodiazepine. we can only guess.odiazepines, o we can only talk aboutnl the gus pass my assault weapons ban. kns that ll fix the problem. but joe biden is lying about that. he knowsly thaing. yt he s lying and you know that he s lying. yesterday s massacre did not happen because of lax gun laws. guyesterday s massacre happened because of a deranged and demonic ideology thateopl is infecting this country. with the encouragement of people like joe biden. let s start by being honest about tulsi gabbard is in nashville tonight and she joins
that s it s our green harvest. reinvents nostalgic fun download for free. now, wall street journal just did an incredibly- almo depressing fact. so sad that we almost didn t dsn the segment poll on changing quy american attitudes. and what s so striking is ho who quickly they have changed and how profoundly. example in 1998. s 70% of americans saider patriotism was very importan it number numbers now under 60% the same year, more than 60% ofo americans said that religion is very important to them. that number ha 40.s plummeteoldc to below forty .out cont the poll also showed c critically, if you care abououta nccontinuing the country, thatae the importance of having children had fallen off a cliff as well. so these are fundamental attitudes. these arl ate your view on the l tax bill . these are your viewson on civilization itself.atio victor davis hanson is a senior fellow at the hoover institution and one of e smartest peopl people e we . he joins us today.l professor, what do
administration, encouraging justle to goo th to the gun stoe immediately. but not all people trans peo, ja people.s of guns are bad except in trans people. wow. her the hands of trans people. wow. here s more groups like rainbow reload exist around the country. often called pink pistol clubs. it s a place for experts and the gun. curious to practice and in shooting. but this goes beyond hobby. there s a practical goal here de to prepare and protect themselves. then you have d is dangerous, back. then you have to be dangerous hs back . and that very much has pushed me into where i am now. so that segment aired thursday night and trans groups across the countrys made fun of it, mocked it. the rainbow youth project said that project we are, quote, afrs toting trans people will start political violence. well, we were concerned about that. and for good reason, it turns ls out.t jason rantes joined us lastwk week for that segment.. jason he joins us again now. i
and that s how i sawh my issue, which happened in august 202 and september of 2000.1 twenty to 2020 one .or just four months later, ilya shapiro was kicked off of campus for questioning president biden s decision to limit his supreme court nomination to just black women. so you went to proceedduate co to undergraduate college, get into one of the best lawow schools in the country. how shaken was your faith in our legal education? system by this? well, i thought i was attendingn thtrade school for a skeptical profession.ng run it s hard to e optimistic about i think in the long run, it se hard to be optimistic about the future. judges and administrators and unimpressive bureaucrats because georgetown law is really just an incubator for to unimpressive ruling class tomorrow. and so these peoplmoe won . thel on campus and just make the people their miserable. b they ll be running institutions like georgetown law. they wil vl be at various government agencies, they ll be judges. and th