The plethora of polyglots is touted as an asset in attracting international organizations to Montreal, but nationalists worry about immigrants’ attraction to English.
Anglophones and francophones in Quebec may have more in common with each other when it comes to their views on a range of social issues than they do with their fellow Canadians, a new survey suggests.
The survey reports that 42 per cent of Quebecers aged six to 17 spent an average of over 10 hours a week surfing the internet in 2022, the same as in 2021 and slightly higher than the 40 per cent observed in 2020. Before the pandemic, in 2019, the proportion of young Quebecers who spent an average of more than 10 hours a week online was 25 per cent.
Young Quebecers are significantly more concerned than those in other Canadian provinces about climate issues, even going so far as to question their decision to have children.