WHITE STONE CEREMONY:The Unity Spiritual Centre, 1226 Naylor Lloyd Road in Liberty, will offer a white stone ceremony at 11 a.m. Sunday. The Rev. Rose Houston s
Staff report
YOUNGSTOWN –The Catholic Diocese of Youngstown Office of Religious Education has named Margaret “Margie” Hynes as the new consultant for religious education and library services effective this month.
Hynes is currently the parish director of religious education for St. Rose Parish in Girard where she works with Monsignor John Zuraw.
Zuraw said “Margie has contributed greatly to the catechetical program at St. Rose. Her great passion for faith formation had made a lasting impact upon the parish.”
Hynes’ academic background in education and theology is from Brenau University, Georgia and Loyola University of New Orleans respectively. In addition to faith formation at St. Rose Parish, Hynes also served in youth ministry, children’s ministry, marriage ministry and sacramental preparation at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Austin-town.