greg: all right. all right. somebody took a class in clapping. happy wednesday everybody. biden is in paris to commemorate the 80th anniversary of d-day he said i remembered that day will i saved 500 guys that day. i don t want to say he was confused but he kept bragging how the allies completed a defeated the klingons. wall street journal revealed biden might be suffering cognitive decline. talk about breaking news. nice job there wall street i wonder what stocks and financial section you will recommend may be little-known startups like apple and microsoft? they say behind closed doors say biden has been slipping specifically outdoors he s been slipping in front of the white house air force one dems are worried especially when he pauses and closes his eyes for several seconds biden dismissed concerns praying that it s only gas. not warming up to the fart joke re: in a show of bravado president biden told time reporters he could take them and the fight. i bet he could whi
like he s not a stone call old sociopath what s going on at your house. greg: a betty cries when relatives die week. tyrus last name or the taker balls now you want to staff feelings i quit i ve never seen a lonely alpha male we get picked up pretty quick are other half can be in charge of feelings for us so much easier when they tell us out of thelen just go okay. when she s around how are yourl feeling, i m alright. we ll be right back. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil.