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Transcripts For DW Global 3000 - The Globalization Program 20170930 12:30:00

things. and then people know who you. are doing something on the streets so it is important. to create the brand because then. life. who are symbol was a fist today it's been adopted as a logo by their new organization canvas canvas trains and advises activists all over the world and offer seminars on mine. probably worked with people from i don't know forty fifty different countries i lost count completely and this ranges from small student groups fighting for more justice or less rape in their campus to the large organizations that are shaking out across the governments across the world our idea is that skills you bring in a conflict are more important than the conditions so you can have the worst conditions in the world but you have a skilled movement then you can get the success to increase the movements chance of success canvas provides protesters with books training materials and background videos human rights education general welfare corruption versus transparency rule of law would you think is very important but. it's also people think. why because your vision should never be only ules it needs to be a shared vision don't forget that you need people to join you movement and change the society the more people share your vision the move full scale it becomes ok we had the youth movement graffiti were the great solution and rock concerts because obviously this is the this is that how you see protests when you are in your teens but then we get a lot of retired people so of course they couldn't march with us in the harsh winter we couldn't invite them to the places where there will be care gas used. but ousted their dictator ben. the events of the so-called arab spring a series of protests and uprisings against political systems which spread throughout the arab world most were brutally crushed or ended in civil war. it was mainly young people who demonstrated against the country's social inequality and corruption the first free elections took place in october two thousand and eleven and the less the fledgling democracy is still finding its feet. twenty eight year old see ads arrive from china is a child of the revolution. i was there for the protests in two thousand and nine when it was still to take. a lot of people students in particular were detained at the university and thrown in prison. because that's why i chose to campaign for my people. i decided to fight for a different tunisia with democratic values. in the wake of the arab spring and his fellow campaigners founded what they called the alternative youth network known by its french acronym r. a j. they campaign for environmental protection jobs and political change there are big problems in the country economic growth a slow and terrorism is still attracting too many young people youth unemployment stands at more than thirty percent in tunisia and the political situation remains unstable. convinced that n.g.o.s can bring about as much change as a political party. with politics get tied up in the election process. takes so much effort. into new zealand's have just had enough of politicians. especially after the revolution when we had more than one hundred and twenty parties. today the activists and other n.g.o.s are meeting with the minister of the environment. that discussing preparations for the un climate change conference in november embalm germany. ziyad says this never happened under the dictator politicians actually discussing things with young people. what. they have the role to play and galvanizing other people so that they finally take notice of climate change are going to put it has to become part of public discourse and every single citizen needs to be aware of what. the ad says people's relationship with politics is still far from what he thinks it should be. the country is still in transition. because. at least we can discuss things directly with ministers these days and that's definitely a start. see. none the less there's a feeling of disillusion among these young democrats because power stays in the same homes. we still have to endure a class of our politicians who are clinging to power. you won't hand over to the younger generation. politicians the young just want to leave the country still it school university and aren't capable of governing or making decisions. over the last the young who have brought about change here. the odds are i ses in the future as well that he will change and change unless the young people remain engaged and committed. women's involvement is key to change too and that all starts with their representation in parliament northern european countries have the greatest percentage of women in politics in the rest of the world the figures are increasing and. the slowly in sub-saharan africa it's around twenty three point six percent and that's partly down to quotas that figure is also roughly the global average. we head to senegal to meet women who have to fight hard for their right to make a change. ya mind is the organizer of this project planting a special kind of grass and eucalyptus saplings which help diesel and make the soil she also brought together the women who are implementing the project and got the local foresters involved it's not been possible to grow crops here for two decades the soil is just too salty. but when i was a child we grew our own rice here in job and never had to buy any the same with peanuts and millet. the problem is the rising sea level salt water is invading and destroying more and more fertile land this dike was built five years ago and provide some relief money works for an environmental n.g.o.s he advises the women and help them get funds from the un backed green climate fund he also helps farmers here. the vegetable growers also want to benefit from the father what can it do for them they need to acquire new skills you've helped us so far but you must leave us alone now there is more to do the money for this project did not come from china but from an international fund. you know. the soil the women are working on is still salty but they want to find out whether they can already resume farming here. they've planted a small patch of rice as an experiment. they'll know in about two months if the soil is recovering and will yield a crop. a tanker truck suddenly appears the driver has evidently just dumped a load of human waste yaman guy is really angry. so yes it's just truck here it just rips the ecological balance it's toxic. if. the truck doesn't have a number plates and the driver wants to hide his face the forest a mama to sign a is also a lieutenant in the army he takes the driver's idea driver's license and escorts the truck to the police station. young man goes to see the man. yeah. mamadu sagna also shows up. pitches her ideas is that. we were able to build the dike with money from the fund now we want. to help us make use of the dike now it's that. you get young people involved many youngsters have already helped women plant trees. i have to have water pipes laid to the plots of the young vegetable farmers. and as far as the dice so that we could have enough water there. that would help the sale and use the soil even more but they rejected my application he was. so young a won't get any more help here. in fact the man says he has no money to spend and asks how he might get some from the green climate fund. despite all the difficulties the women have already achieved a lot a year ago the local authority gave his women's co-operative the land they've been working on it had been waste ground the forty women share the four hectare plot. and volcanoes after the rainy season and the diners are going to drill a well and teach the women how to grow vegetables. then they'll really get to work . women in senegal are at a great disadvantage because only men inherit land it's an exceptional opportunity for this women's collective to earn their own money here. in the evening they ride to the coast where they planted mangroves two years ago this too is a project for which he got support from the climate fund. the women cotton plant shoots from that burgeoning mangroves. it's hard work but this reforestation project is bearing fruit. migratory birds stop by again and shellfish have come back. thinking about farming oysters among the mangroves. that would combine environmental protection with female empowerment and what could prove to be a profitable business. plan to sue patients and voting are key characteristics of a modern democracy democracy gives people a voice including minorities it involves political opposition freedom of opinion and the press all citizens of bound by a constitution which protects basic rights as a division of powers and everyone is equal before the law. in sweden it's precisely this democracy which is celebrated for a week every year. it isn't easy to find somewhere to stay during the dallin week the lucky ones find a spot in a classroom it's a bit like a music festival but this is a political event this classroom is being shared by the green party and the liberals. twenty three year old law student oscar mark is a member of the youth wing of the center right liberal party. we. started out there are no more we are conservative we. sent a party in the side of the event takes place about one hundred kilometers off the east coast of sweden on the island of gotland in the medieval harbor city of his b. it's like a company team building exercise where you go on a retreat to bond with your colleagues. the change of pace and scenery fosters a feeling of common purpose. seminars and discussions start early in the morning and continue all day. we get this closeness between each other it's very easy to reach me here is a politician as mayor then it's very easy to reach every other one just so it's a very good way to actually get politicians here with the people because i think that is what democracy and so we've done it. grows from. it all started in one thousand nine hundred sixty eight when future prime minister old off palma got up on the back of a jeep and spoke to a couple of hundred people in on the dollar and park. when his social democrats started organizing political seminars here in the one nine hundred eighty s. other parties followed organizing events here as well madonna and weeks started growing into the phenomenon it is today some of the stuff you think is. about forty thousand people are here to talk about political issues socialize and share ideas even the rain hasn't dampened the mood. today the social democrats are presenting their draft program in the park all eight of the parties represented in parliament to get their turn. before the next round of discussion about the global climate catastrophe osca takes a quick break he says one goal of on the government is to change our understanding of political debate going to do a metaphor on debating. metaphor it's more like your words are ammunition never when you have a looser and i think that's been something we uncomfy for in the political debate or any discussion because when you need anything not a person then having a discussion you have one of her two to walk away from that learn to having learned something the fact you didn't know before this new political scientist stick gun loon friend agrees that this is the on the dalin way this is a part of the swedish model we were confident that hasnt had a proper recommendation since seven think for yourself. you know if there's a conflict we can rot and discuss it over a cup of coffee or i think you've said that since the scots that later on that site a couple. said so you could see the swedish model is more of. the rectitude you know frank find solutions pragmatic. but there are some who criticize on the dot and some complain that it's become a leader in much too commercial they say it's now the media outlets that dictate the agenda not the politicians. but international interest in this swedish invention is on the rise. and democracy is the big. everyone says this will easily but it is more like this is more a way of living and we don't need to talk much we need to practice democracy in our realize. it's the end of a second on the dollar an experience. this is a concept. people could find coming together from different parts of government society and business and that's something that is worth spreading across the globe . festivals modeled on the dollar never already started in norway a stone and denmark. this is the deutsch is museum in munich germany's museum devoted to masterpieces of science and technology we are here to meet somebody ms written about the dangers posed by ai and big data yvonne host data is a lawyer and c.e.o. of an i.t. company she says new technologies and social media are a threat to democracy. to small smartphones were introduced just ten years ago steve jobs presented apple's first i phone in two thousand and seven i since then society has changed radically and it's not just changed in a way that we decided on in a democratic fashion advice or democrat. ramsey emails for when you're sending e-mails on your smartphone data are being gathered on who you talk to who your contacts are the state of your finances us alice all the data are just gathered and stored somewhere the information is integrated to create a profile of. not a profile is sold and traded on this is proof you don't make money out of your one hundred minute you have to go for it and jesus puffy that kind of profile doesn't capture your entire life that i was a person. so what does it do is the profile is rather like forensic profiling in the search for a perpetrator and i'm going to profile is generated. ted up. in all the things you click on your life even if you don't actually post or write anything yourself on the internet you'll still be profiled on for example a facebook or twitter. profile in face of twitter. what are you going to inferences are made about whether you're a good citizen or about run a good tax credit worthy or not and so on and so forth. and if the information ends up in the hands of your employer or health insurer or the state it could mean massive problems for you down the road. not the ten dense gates on the transistor boards non-cooperative data collection that means data about us and collected without us even knowing movements or pictures out of its data collection we have not authorized. and just concentrate all the same flicks without basic rights with our idea of what a person is namely an individual man he's free to decide who i want i or she wants to be your dang it and how to shape a future that's the basis of our society in their own form of government democracy that democratic. other things this is sort of bigoted utilization the way we see it nowadays it isn't regulated to see that how it's driven mainly by american companies. over there they don't have the same understanding of the concept of a constitution or the rule of law as we do in europe. when it began twenty years ago we thought the internet was great it was going to promote democracy now we see that the opposite of securities. actually can hear what is a sound media i know what i should watch more by social media totally government us or them want to understand me and the aftermath when we have more democracy on. a media social media fragmenting society into a mass of individual opinion in the creation of the masses the precondition for the emergence of autocratic rulers in elections all talk. out i'm thinking quite specifically of the united states consider the riots in charlottesville and violence just. right now and it's the work of social media and south yarra. the more chatter and outrage the more money can be made for dina facebook twitter on. what's your opinion do you agree is social media a threat to democracy tell us on facebook. follow us at d w society. and that was this week's democracy special thanks for joining us don't forget we enjoy hearing from you write to us at global three thousand at the w. dot com or on facebook be deputy global society. see you next time. doors. your romance in thirty minutes w. . the tumbling dice when i ask him for dollars or dealing with an enemy killed many civilians in the irish coming including my father. i was a student i wanted to build a life for myself. but suddenly life became elish kind of song. providing insights global news that matters d. w. made for minds. they make a commitment. they find solutions. they inspire us. africa. stories about people making a difference shaping their nation. and their continent w.'s new multimedia series for africa. dot com africa on the move.


Transcripts For DW Conflict Zone - Guest Ralf Stegner 20171221 12:30:00

state that sorry that i interrupt you really i understand that you were surprised but you have professional party you are still in the government and you want to tell me thank you were not capable after hours and hours from midnight to ten o'clock the next day to find another answer then the no it was unanimously you decide it again that is you know coalition no uncle. we want to be in the opposition that's an exaggerated i mean that's what you're saying yes there was a mistake and i said preditions make mistakes as human beings do i think that's a fairly little mistake in comparison with what had happened just before talk about you we talk about the we work in the real world and as i told you there was a mistake yet were took the time after that monday thursday where the party meeting and the. leadership of the social democratic party and talked about this and also. mean in a few weeks in a few weeks one mistake after the other wasn't it the journalists just taking questions who told me just a minute ago why we want flexible enough to see that the world has changed within our so it has changed that was tense not not the opinion of our leader has changed but said no no yes perhaps realize yes change no yes rather reality change or germany this is the reality you are a very right also he's still yes but the conservatives the greens of us have failed that's things change that has to change and now we are the ones who have to take responsibility which we will do. other than the propriety of the liberals also started coalition talks but they failed and they went to the opposition and that means you will not fail and in a few weeks you will have a grand wheel israel will see what happens that's what you just you know we talk about program there are different ways to take responsibility one way would be to a very clear question no grand coalition that's something you can exclude you know our party convention decide in the way i think with eighty percent dorothy that they want us to negotiate with the conservative party in an open way about our program is always in some way and open way means that there are different ways of outcome in terms of how we cope so i want only to learn till now and this was not bad for this country parties came together negotiated had a compromise an agreement and it was a coalition why do you believe. that you need for the first time alternatives in the way how to govern if you accept the contents for the next rights could if you want a reason which might not be. an important one given that in democracy the people decide people said for the purpose of this grand coalition minus fourteen percent this is the highest loss for a coalition so in the history of the country you know and then seriously so you exclude no but it's not the most likely that you are nothing more than argument you are giving me an argument which was also you argument no no now you try to explain a little bit yes and a little no no i just say we're talking about contents and the question which kind of cooperation we choose in the end that depends on how far we get in those negotiations and i'm very skeptical about a new grand coalition because it strengthens the right wing one of the bad consequences for instance would be that the leader of the opposition the german bonus that wouldn't be invested in wouldn't be mr abstemious wouldn't be mr mrs wagner but would be mr conan the right wing populist who would be opposition leader and the bonus not let's also not think you want to have a let's talk fair enough but if what we're talking about that the head of your party's youth wing kevin crean at one of the big s.p.d. hope said quote i didn't join this party to see it keep running into the same wall time and again is that where you are leading them i can understand this position three cents or three. member of the us or a socialist yesterday and they tell me don't go into the grand coalition and i'm not in favor of doing so but you could you can't exclude it because as i said you should not go to the back to the voters but you have to work with the results and that is a difficult thing to do and we'll see what happens. we negotiated with mrs merkel a list as a whole for where we get it giant of the chinese one experiment i take now you quote very seriously and this also the quotes of your chairman the chairman martin schultz said becoming the opposition is the only chose choice because quote we the social democrats and a very bad state we have to reinvent the party is that not longer true it's true so if this is true and the conclusion was the only choice is a position where a lot we're in the real world and not all not always things happen as you wish them to have but you are still in a rather strong that it's a response it's a risk to be you know will see what happened is the other party is not real that you are still the same party is responsible for party who is. themselves saying we are in a very bad state we have to reinvent as we don't at any other i always tell you one thing really president said. first comes the country then comes the party but it is the social democrat who said yes i want i agree and no party but it's not a party i'm thrilled with yesterday that it took more responsibly in the history of our. party which is part of our lives in itself that they are not capable of doing it martin shows at the majority of the s.p.d. this repeatedly said we need four years of a position to we knew our principles our content our priorities all right so now you're this is the chance for success so it is. it is much easier to take this reform process when you're in opposition but it's not our choice it's the other party's who failed and we have responsible for this i really and i we have always to talk responsibly for yes but there's another responsible if i'm not capable of doing something it's my responsibility to say i'm sorry i will you know i will tell you one thing you said you had with it not services compared with the concerns we are very capable of i'm very sorry we're going to do you really think this is the argument i take you seriously i listen to you i listen to mr schultz and if a party it's not the city who told that about you you told right so we're not right swimming here we're in the water but we have to do you are saying that you can swim anymore you know you said that we can swim and i. published a piece we're taught i spoke about your party leader he said we can swim published a piece where i said we have a lot of reforms to do wherever building that needs to be rebuilt from the basement to the top that's what i wrote yet the fundamentals valid and it's still good and it's easier to do this reform process real opposition but it's not our choice it has. joined the other other parties to fail so new elections. this is he see that's my point i want the right if and that's the reason that democracy will not continue is it better that an s.p.d. is in a coalition which say we are not capable of this not helping the right wing party. let me tell you one thing i studied history. so and or that every court you could find as always under certain circumstances circumstances now are that everybody in germany every journalist every world everybody saw the conservatives the green there was you can't do it so this sort of grants have to do it no nobody's obliged we are not obliged to go into a grand coalition that's why we're talking about it's going to be like that either you know tell us what so let's let's return about ok so. let's talk how seriously we can take a party during the election campaign scholz accused of being a vote an attack on democracy because she suppresses a debate about germany's future now the s.p.d. cannot vote for. or can vote for well i would like to have an absolute majority in parliament i don't have this so we have to cooperate with other parties we don't choose their party did they do that themselves and that's the thing to do it by the way when they lose power or they will replace her faster than we can see i'm pretty sure look at the variance sister party they do that the same thing same way you had a very. important argument and you mentioned. if the s.p.d. is really entering into a new coalition the a if he is the opposition. after the election you said this is. that this can't happen so now again if it is a perhaps coalition they will be the opposition leader that's one of the reasons why and that's what an order is i don't like that but as you see life is not black and white and sometimes the choices you have are not wonderful and bad bad and very bad sometimes those are the choices in life you have your argument is like this we don't have any choice my argument is everybody has. always a choice just to yes and no is still possible in germany so don't argue as you do that you changing all you know unions because i know germany is one thing insulating ten minutes ago mr free when i told you that there is not only a grand coalition but also minority government extending to great causes just as any possibility that you don't exclude so it is one of the possibilities and if it is one of the possibilities i think that the other arguments are not as valid as it sounds i don't think so because we are living in the real world i don't want to grand coalition i can't exclude it i'm skeptical about this more skeptical of the other people in my party i'm skeptical that this would be the best way to do but we will see what happens in negotiations tell you another thing if we don't come together at all. we will have new elections i don't seek them i don't like them i think it's not a good thing to do but if you are very try very hard and then at the end you say well we didn't come together and the health system and the politics towards europe and the politics towards pensions and the probably good labor affordable housing might ensure that there is an education martin. martin schultz said there is another key point europe he said that one of the most important topics for the s.p.d. in government is europe and the creation of a united states of europe if this is there that also your perspective yes it's it will be two hundred years ago and twenty twenty five when the social democrats have to decide in their party convention how to back nineteen twenty five we want to have the united states of europe because they're serious to it should happen by twenty twenty five just eight years away united states of europe maybe that's technically spoken that's very difficult but let me talk about how we can. really. excited young people and i'm sorry for thing i'm sorry against national i you know going back to the value i agree i understood but no you are very concrete and i mean this is fantastic a political party is very concrete so let's stay in this point twenty five the united states of europe this was not something said vision for the next seven years or so twenty hundred years after i started. to organize this in eight years and with whom i don't know let's take president michel the french president has won the united states he wants is to move europe forward but times are not the united states and iran trees want to move europe back look at poland or hungry or others great britain just. said stuff which is difficult enough i think it's a wonderful idea. to say we need the s.p.d. if we in the government will fulfill in twenty twenty five the united states of europe grants very grand challenges and fighting for a better europe in times where we have trump and putin and other one and all those guys fighting for europe but that's you know this is. the statement is if state a member state is not capable or doesn't want to approve this it will automatically have to leave the e.u. this is a very interesting metal how to fulfill a vision alone would you be the only country germany or we're talking about going forward right brenda allowed to throw out of the people we're not talking about i don't approve it will automatically have to only you or your will have to decide whether europe wants to be strong and want. to be a prosperous continent with peace. compared with all the others who are rising china and brazil and all the others or who want to go back to nationalistic concepts as we see them in austria now as we see them in poland as we see them and hungary and other places where all those right wing nationalist are rising up so i find it wonderful that mr show says we don't want to have the europe of trial and you know we want to have a year i really that's a nice question because as long as you want to ransom will be the same and my question is and i will repeat it because it's a very fundamental stent martin chose cause for european constitutional treaty that would then be put to the member states and those that still won't approve it will automatically have to leave the e.u. this is the coat of your chairman. what is his attitude towards europe that he is saying who is throwing out who excuse me my insurance is one of the who . you know you who is one of the most enthusiastic european i know is throwing away a charm about saving europe europe is on the way down as you can see by the exit as you can see by all those right wing nationalist you can't leave germany can leave the e.u. if you don't like the u. but. it's not talking about who likes to not we're talking about europe as the fundament for peace and prosperity that's what we're talking about but this is not only in this day and danger that's happening right now he's who is throwing out who he is talking about populations voting in the democratic way that you're just but only through just a few would be french. and it's possible that the majority of the friends will not approve that then i quote again don't approve it will automatically have to leave the u. french will have automatically to leave the e.u. fracs what mr solace for is a growing world for europe because mrs is left the one who was leading your approach rather france but rather it will be a new constitutional treaty and again this majority of the another measure that's a vision of an important social democratic leaders are good i understood but not the problem is will automatically have to leave why deciding that the point that we now have europe is in danger. we're talking about a very dangerous development in the whole world and in europe and i think we need people like mark hall martin shows who have a vision of a better europe a prosperous peace for europe against nationalistic concepts elsewhere that you are capable of doing this is a reaction now why don't you react against the hunger against poland you at the s.p.d. germany excuse me criticize that a lot mr invites are bound to his party conventions to move away till it's one of the party family little family learned of is. now and you can throw out hungary i think it's over exaggeration just to. focus on this throwing out somebody the point about insurance mixed together with from across we have to go on with europe where the better europe if we want to save prosperity and peace and i think that's a wonderful concept and we would see how our young people in germany think about that if that's taken to the voters in germany i hope we meet in twenty twenty five and as i understood it would be the united states i mean you're. right what are you doing if the germans don't vote for you see the social democrats have fought for ideas for a long time and sometimes it took longer than we thought wearing rights for men and women wasn't just a mistake to add on the idea the united states of europe. twenty twenty five and was it the second mistake to say that what we just talked about i don't think that's a mistake having grand goals is the way this is eternal reward it is concrete people understood that i think the right way so so i have to interpret it in the future the vote is not always in that always the way with all politicians i can't interpret it twenty twenty five this is an objective date i don't know but i know a lot of people said a lot of people said german unification would never come and a half year later it was there that somehow everything race sometimes things change faster than we have the fantasy so you may condemn out insurance for his optimism i don't i think it's wonderful that he has this optimism and it's much better than doing nothing and sleeping like mr charlotte i'm mistaken as thank you very much and being in conflict thank you but the plague. for example. the but. stalled cars on the. lead of the b. lifestyle the books are the most spun. the facts it's all happening at the british suborn linked to news from africa and the world seemed your link to exceptional stories and discussions from game one of the come student news actually program a from born in germany you come from the news of museums and while it's a damn good close matches. afrika joined us on facebook at t w africa. images from an isolated country. images from north korea any telling photographer captured fascinating shots of everyday life in a regimented society. an exclusive peek behind one of the last iron curtain it's. a north korean dial starting december twenty eighth on d w.


Transcripts For DW DocFilm 20190525 12:15:00

future despite the weather looks bright. you're watching the w. news next up as a documentary about europe's right wing populists expected to make significant gains in the e.u. elections make sure to stay tuned for that and don't forget you can catch all the latest news on our website that's d.w. dot com and you come 1st for me and the entire team here in berlin thanks for joining the w. . shifting powers the old order is history the world is real you know is in itself and the media's role is keep the topic in focus at the global media forum 29 change today one out of 2 people is online who are we following whom do we trust to beijing and shape the future at the georgia dome a global leader for 22 countries. the alternative for germany politician gabriel raul is him brussels the power center of the european union. so i have to see where i need to go. the road leads to the european parliament hile is number 2 on the f.t. list for the european elections it's very likely he'll be earning his living here soon his aim is to undermine the e.u. from within. that's our idea seems to be set in the gearbox and open things up a bit so that. rightwing populists are on the advance throughout europe together they are flexing their muscles more than ever. for millions of followers they offer hope. and the promise of being part of a movement. we made up we used to be a feared $500.00 now will soon be a ferrari that if. we take a look around europe who votes for the right and why in italy france germany and hungary and what kind of europe do the right wing populists want. in france shot in france the french 1st in italy the italians. are they united only because they see a common enemy. to . get over lets a colleague's show him around more than bake a migrant district in brussels he thinks it's the perfect place for his message he announced during the election campaign that he would actually move here the f.t. candidate love stunts like this is happening is that i wanted to move to more than beg so when i come home each day i can see why i'm fighting. i guess not all the streets among them back look like this. there must be a few corners where you can still live in safety of the trolley but. its style is 1st time in modern bake and he's not even trying to talk to the people there but he's quickly reached a verdict anyway. so many muslims in one place makes him a quick easy. but of course he says he has no beef with other cultures but while islam somehow is through a tough situation i feel the freedom we have enjoyed for decades is under threat that i feel threatened by too many immigrants who come from a completely different cultural background which i'm a very who have a completely different community of values and they live according to them so much of your white but the worst is the fact that they practice their peculiarities openly. i go i think i was also a good. while solution is simple isolation. he wants to adopt a tough stance in brussels no common european asylum system and no quotas for the distribution of refugees the a.f.p. actually wants to abolish the e.u. parliament but as long as it's there the f.t. will use it as a stage. if our borders were protected like the e.u. parliament i'd be a huge fan of the e.u. . after several others step down if the leader york martin is the party's only m.e.p. he's hoping for a new allies europe's right wing populists are spread across several political groups morton is trying to forge a grand alliance. as it's doubled up screaming in the end it's all about winning votes. it's easier with a large group than with a small one so simple as that we will be able to exert more political influence if we're part of the right wing conservative camp. a few days later my turn is meeting matteo salvini italy's interior minister and leader of the northern league the lady annoyed salvini has called for a new right wing alliance and although only 3 european politicians have accepted his invitation so far he's still attracting a lot of support. your. i'm also representing the french the austrians the dutch the belgians etc etc etc. italy is interior minister as a potential leader of a new right wing europe he's celebrated on it. as a shock to the old political elite. college tuitions talk like politicians but salvini is different he speaks the language of the people of all of us. by simone a couple of darcy is 37 years old and works as a caretaker in a municipal nursing home in matter in eastern italy he doesn't want to be filmed at work he's a well known laker supporter and his employer the city's leftwing mayor has his eye on him. he calls his fascists nazis and all that what he doesn't get is are not a racist i only have something against the criminals who come to my homeland. much about it's actually a tranquil place. but last year it attracted national attention after a nigerian was suspected of murdering an 18 year old italian woman. then a right wing radical went out and randomly shot it anyone with dark skin. legge abbas salvini was under no illusions about who was morally responsible for the violence the european union's refugee and migration policies were flooding the country with illegal immigrants and yourself even many migrants are to me renie don't let anybody out there already too many. saw the nice rhetoric went down well in much editor in the parliamentary elections but legate jumped from less than one percent to almost 21 percent of the vote and it's likely to take even more in the european elections and many recent surveys show the lega at over 30 percent and across italy. we go into the center of much of that is all down to visit somebody a medic at least shop she also supports the lega in addition to kitchen knives and razors she now also sells pepper spray because there are so many strangers in town . those africans i don't know if they bring the drugs from their countries but they sell them here other ethnic groups are not so difficult. i mean the indians for example a nice quiet people i mean. generalizations like these are doing great harm to many here social worker danniella muncie is a native nigerian and an italian citizen he's lived here for 40 years. so a few of them before racism is becoming more and more open in the past it was less visible now everything's exploded. fuck this but plenty of people also oppose it lunch with the montana is one of the guests is from mauritania he's the 2nd african refugee the family has taken into its home the fact that sullivan is government refuses to allow wesley boats to dark and persecutes aid organizations makes them angry. so look at love over salvini is only using fear fear of the stranger of the migrant but his scaremongering is a double edged sword so he also attacks anyone who disagrees with him and his policies including us your children or the montanas don't get any money for their hospitality they act out of conviction or him will stay with them for up to a year. in this really nice to be. worthy of what i ask you say you live with us. and i know it's true you're my 2nd family. for all of them. daniel is angry that the government is increasingly neglecting its responsibilities when for example they cut funding for language and integration courses for migrants it doesn't help society on the contrary. i support the slogans of the populists are working their way into the heads of people who don't have much themselves so the me and his crew have started a war by inciting poor people against other poor people. an apartment block just a few minutes drive away symbolizes poverty and social tensions hundreds of people from dozens of nations lived here many of them illegally most of the original residents have moved away. over the years the block has changed beyond recognition . salvini voter and labor member look at everyday lives on the 3rd floor he's one of the last italians here look as mother is visiting him today she bought the apartment 4 decades ago. it almost brick that it looked just wonderful here that even how can i put it it was like a fairy tale of a great story downstairs all nice and tidy in the evening we went down to the piazza there was music and we used to dance. it was really beautiful beautiful. then that then either that. today the apartments here have lost their value and nothing remains of the splendor of those bygone days. a lot of things have not worked here for a long time. prostitution drugs and a lack of security are the biggest problems lucas says. and every other country of the world the police will judge. all over you if you commit a crime it's just our country where people get away with that everyone in this house no matter what country they come from says the say. the police are more aggressive back home. before. interior minister salvini has already been here he said he would help the residents and even have the building torn down but that hasn't proved easy the ownership structure alone is too complicated. so be always full of love course we know that selby any is not a magician who can solve all our problems but at least he inspires decent people like us to change things one can all. look at and his mother don't think much of the european union italy pays in too much money they say and gets too little out of it a widely held opinion. only 44 percent of italians would vote in favor of remaining in the e.u. in a referendum fewer than in any other member state. when legace supporters seem on a capital c. walks his dog he can still see the damage caused by the 2016 earthquake he wanted more support including from the e.u. . bynum's from a board i felt badly treated like a son whose father won't give him anything so no i certainly do not see myself as a citizen of europe you know bent on the age of the. simone as boss mayor of all manner current timi acknowledges that the center left parties have gambled away a lot of trust in recent years but he refuses to resign himself to the rise of the right in his city. and yet he believes the answer to many questions is more not less europe. we must defeat this sort of ignorance and solving these terrible mater italians 1st. he said vinie. the mayor repeatedly invites us to information events highlighting the positive aspects of the e.u. but not many citizens turn up. there's more going on at the labor event and wine and pizza salvini has even sent a senator to stir up the party's grass roots for the european election campaign with great success. we have grown up the party is growing and growing i always say we used to be a feared 500 now will soon be a ferrari. rome in spring time and italy's right wing populist are trying to export their newly found self confidence beyond their national borders the legacy youth wing has invited its counterparts from around europe to meet in a hotel in the city center the instagram generation is out in force as young european politicians mount the podium to fire off what seen more like war cries them political speeches that's themselves and the true spiritual and political scavengers of our continent and these people to serve nothing else but to be overrun. the days stark asked. the french writes top candidate he may only be 23 years old but he's already got big plans. you'll be in to get to the current european union does not work because it cannot defend the peoples of europe the nations want to emancipate themselves. we the young generation of the right call for a europe of nations and we could soon be the ones to govern its europe together. the right wing populists in brussels are also dreaming of this german m.e.p. marcos behind it is one of the manipulators in the background at the e.u. parliament. there your behind is young eloquent and well connected he's linked up with populists from austria france and the netherlands. this is a party with a strong personality cult. these personal ties bode well for the new alliance. what i was. going to dodge a gritty yes we appreciate german thoroughness. marcos always does it well the voters important you can ask each other questions you always have to see if you can reach a compromise. used to be in the conservative c.s.u. but now he's got a career with the f.t. he too will probably soon be a member of the e.u. parliament his contacts are useful for the f.t. especially since the right wing alliance has come across some sticking points the italians debt policy for example annoys the head of the f.t. . if i think about fiscal and monetary policy i can imagine that those very areas where we're doing well with migration policy will prove problematic for our monetary policies of the. political scientist susie denison says such contradictions are currently still largely hidden by the election campaign she works for pro e.u. think tank and warns that populists could slow down the e.u. from within and what they're doing instead is trying to create this idea of a europe of sovereign nation and within that that means that the power lies at the national level if you take it away from the european level. and therefore they're not really interested in this more flexible more responsive europe that. the reform ideas of. trying to create so for them that is the advantage to paralysis in showing that the institutions don't work they are necessary and power is better off at the national level. according to surveys right wing populists can expect about a quarter of the seats in the e.u. parliament but what would cooperation look like and what about countries that violate the e.u.'s democratic rules and values. the agreement these sanctions is only going to get harder in an environment where the far right parties have a strong showing in these elections. and i think that that will be significant because if it becomes clear that actually the can't be the sanctions then the threat falls away and so i think we will see. a kind of an increasing recognition that the e.u. is quite toothless. hungary is one country that would be well served by a toothless e.u. . brussels is currently taking action against prime minister viktor or balance government accusing it of systematically undermining democracy and restricting fundamental rights. only troop hungry has changed it has become a radical right wing country. we are experiencing the rebirth of a world we have only known from history books literature or films. shortly before the broadcast of the political talk show cooked up for gosh. regular commentator shunned or to learn presenter eastbound devaney and the other guests are preparing for the weekly show under very makeshift conditions. last year they were all sitting in a fancy t.v. studio. then an oligarchy loyal to or a band took over the station and kicked out the government critical program. any moment now the show only runs on the internet and they soon won't be able to afford that either. we still have a lot of viewers but hardly anybody places advertisements with us anymore the companies don't want to make fun of the powerful and avoid us. the state advertisements in turn are distributed according to the political preferences of the government so we don't get them either that's how the un garion media landscape works now you've. got. more and more private broadcasters and publishing houses and hungary have been brought into or bands line as has state radio other media houses have closed down hungary has slipped to 87th in the world on the reporters without borders press freedom rankings. we have an interview with hungary's minister of state for relations she disagrees i wouldn't say in any event they are limited in the expression not to mention the social media you can put everything on the net what you want to express so this is a clear this information. is hungry just a victim of fake news many here see it that way including catalina hampel a fashion designer known in budapest. her shop in the city center sells traditional constants to both locals and tourists. she sees herself as a kind of cultural ambassador. to gather all of the clothes we sell meant to reflect hunger in values they history of our great nation the importance of hungary at that at these she. casually hampel is an orbit and fan as an entrepreneur she benefits from low taxes but it is not true. the government's economic policy that she approves of or bans feeder's party could make hungary strong again she doesn't think democracy is in danger. as america think about it or been has won 3 elections in a row and has a 2 thirds majority they had carians want him that's something you in western europe finally have to accept. illiberal democracy is as or about himself once called the form of government he aspired to are admired by right wing populist throughout europe and viewed critically by their opponents. canadian and my colleague mary of as a university rector and has been observing or been system for a long time and the liberal democracy is a democracy in which you have elections but you don't have an or any of the counter balancing institutions that balance majority rule taken out of central european university has itself become a plaything of or bounds policies last year it decided to move part of its campus from budapest to vienna as the government increased pressure or ban seize the universities founder hungary an american billionaire george soros as an enemy of the state declaring soros wants to destabilize hungary and europe for them. and for george soros and there's non-governmental organizations want to attract a 1000000 migrants a year to the european union or. if george soros didn't exist they'd have to invent him this kind of politics needs an enemy they've created an enemy the idea that george soros is responsible for the migration flows is a paranoid fantasy but it's a useful one it has no basis in fact but it allows them to mobilize their political base in this country. and that grassroots base lives mainly in the countryside. and dress for the cause is a wine grower about a 2 hour drive from budapest he says he's very interested in politics. and that he does government is the only one you can trust it follows a clear path because it's committed to longer in interest that's why we elected. you. andrus says he is proud of his white wines but also of his homeland what he likes about viktor orbán is that he is committed to hungary and families at against migration. the fact that virtually no foreigners live in the area does not detract from the fear. of it when the flood of migration reaches us were done for i don't know how well you know i'm gary in history but we've already stood against the tartars and turks we've defended europe against islam several times. of certain. orbán is also against muslim immigrants settling in hungary many of his supporters couldn't care less whether he joined salvini is new right wing alliance or not the main thing for them is his continued opposition to the distribution of refugees within the e.u. . a leg audition without even legal migration is in reality just a cover name for a population x. . change program in europe that's what the elections are about. population exchange a phrase straight out of the right wing conspiracy theorists handbook. but despite all the anger at the policies hungary is still happy to take agricultural subsidies and other financial aid from brussels. we drive home on the motorway is cold financed by the e.u. hungary receives more than $3000000000.00 euros from the e.u. budget each year. nevertheless a lot of hungary and live in great poverty and the young and well educated are leaving the country. blucher nudge is 19 years old and will graduate from high school this year if possible she wants to stay in hungary and study but a lot of people aren't making her life easy right now. for meg i'm subjected to repeated verbal attacks messages from strangers say i should die that i should have died in my mother's womb i'm trying to ignore all this yet i get that as a couple of the sounds that. last winter this blurred internet video made blanca famous. she was at a demonstration against or bonds policies and threats to the rule of law and she launched a foul mouth tirade against the government as a disgusting gang of thieves. she's been publicly hunted down ever since commentators and journalists close to few days have been reporting on her private life and even making fun of her school grades on television blanca says she follows the media circus with bewilderment and discussed most of the media don't mention that her protest has a serious background blancas father died of cancer in 2015 cents than she has mainly directed her scorn at the hungry and health system. is still trying to one x. and there are people lying on gurneys in the hallways and nobody cares. and then i hear of a government is once again building a stadium or a friend of the government has been seen with a furtive 1000 euro watch. that really makes you think that i could have them and i won't book of them but. every now and then a bubble bursts and hungary and people take to the streets to protest against labor laws the restructuring of the judiciary corruption and the system as a whole. vedettes you have failed in 3 important subjects integrity humanity and honesty. but the opposition is in the minority here their opponents who present brussels as an enemy have the upper hand they're likely to win further victories in the near future including in the european elections. back to essen and the rural valley in germany the home of f.t. candidate hisle the former miner spent 26 years in the liberal s.p.d. then he switched to the f.t. . the party has used his working class roots promoting him as the miner for europe . but others have sprayed his house with graffiti kyle doesn't see himself as a raw. when agitator and believes people here understand what he's talking about. but now they doing up there nothing they make sure bananas are crooked and cucumbers have got to be like this but for the people themselves. they have nothing left for them but the refugees will affect pensions they'll finally have to start closing the borders. but most of us know this will be all. but many questions go unanswered but i'll says he is fighting for little people in the if he's fractious social policy debate and he also avoids complex questions. he didn't i'm not someone who knows everything like a true professional politician i'm just learning i'm a hobby politician i'm a minor. hobby politician and number 2 on the party's m.e.p. list i talk to media coaches and reject that i need 3 points on each topic and everyone all think i'm smart but no i just be a talking dummy who practiced the answer i don't ever want to be that. if need be are always so while hurries from appointment to appointment students at the camp flint for high school have invited politicians to a panel discussion a lot of students took part in the climate demos. concert climate hysteria he says that mr ailes the a.f.d. denies climate change what's your opinion of the kind i like there's no evidence of manmade climate change whatsoever there's no evidence whatsoever that c o 2 is responsible in any way and the best thing is there's no evidence that one or 2 degrees warmer might not be quite beneficial we've had these warm phases before when rome was at its zenith it was much warmer yet we were no worse off. politics beyond all scientific knowledge. while tries again and again to dominate the podium with his ideas or. europe has never really worked that all the projects they take are never really work. they talk about peace security and prosperity. but only it's not true. why is that us and them with us when i have to directly disagree this is so wrong that not even the opposite is right we don't always have to say that everything's great i don't like all the government's policies yet i don't question the federal republic all the time but if. the child says he wants to encourage the students to think. but his statements draw some criticism yeah i mean yes and i think in some respects he may be right that not everything in the e.u. works but you can solve that by simply abolishing the e.u. or taking away some of its opportunities to do better. as the other productions of said the only thing we can do is strengthen that. there is still this feeling this disquiet something's going wrong if the officials call germany an opinion dictatorship whereas the party says its truth is the only truth this is eroded public confidence in democracy. well democracy looks different it would mean that you know exactly freedom of speech yes absolutely i've been freedom of speech should be the supreme good but you just can't have the wrong opinion that's how it is so the f.t. . no other party comes into question why not you know why there are too many arguments to go into in detail. but one of the most important ones. well try to sum it up. a lot of things aren't going right here. if you move. the feeling of not being understood by the powerful in france that's driven a lot of people out onto the streets. on saturdays the yellow vests always call for a man who calls resignation even illegal in northern france. the demo started in protest at the president's reforms now some are even talking about revolution. did he and his friends come regularly they want to see more direct democracy lower taxes and higher minimum wages they see the european elections in a purely french light. see. micron's party wins the european elections they'll say the french want me to continue i want to prevent that so i'm going to vote. yes i mean it that now my family can't really complain i'm a lawyer my husband is a computer scientist and we have a. child but we pay 40 much in taxes we're still making quite a good living but we have to be here because of everything else that isn't going well about the battle with some of them but they're still undecided who to vote for marina lappin would like to direct their anger to the ballot box with votes for her right wing populist party formally the fall nasional the national front now called the hot summer moments in our national rally. mcconnell is the perfect target for them pen and top candidate by delegate make a commitment to the party's grass roots. he says you know it's about the saying let's call. that's what many people in the name think too. it was once a prosperous steel and mining town but that's now history. the poverty rate here is more than 40 percent. just owns one of the bars that hasn't had to close. his regular customers keep him afloat they eat dinner together once a month but we call better times. that flow so in the eighty's or ninety's they tore this place down all these buildings. where you normally see them we're right here. all that area was using our company the sports field the district. all that belonged to the company. we were the richest here in the north. they have experienced a lot of change 1st economic and political demand used to be communist then socialist. but the left lost a lot of ground and left a gap to be filled by the right wing populist. in the presidential election a large proportion did not vote at all of the rest 57 percent voted for le pen. josepha openly says he supports her. but sadly this is discontent from across. the world is if you gave them a little more money they'd go to a restaurant with a big boost the economy can have a good time of the look even bosses of you leave their job to prove people can live on 80900 euro the same goes for pensioners. now we've been demanding purchasing power for 20 weeks. but my khans gone deaf he's not listening. cause opponents of the pen wants to capitalize on this discontent. many 1st of all we know of their manifesto preachers economic patriotism french goods french workers france 1st and leading candidate. demands that mike mentioned take a backseat because of the self-satisfaction although as i prefer to choose with the means of the state which are becoming more and more limited to help our poor are unemployed and our pensioners. it's common sense some call it all going for the boss but mcconnell is fighting back he wanted to reform france and remake the e.u. and present himself as a counterpoint to le pen and salvini. we live in a world of migration i don't believe in walls and. back in legal citizens meeting without all the presidential razzmatazz are still discussing the same issues ecology democracy taxes is too much work to see. the cause of an accused of being a president of the big cities giving people a voice at the local level is important and where. everyone has something to discuss here. but one issue still seems to dominate emanuel mark hall seen by his critics as the president of the rich since the abolition of the wealth tax. was refugee with some i think the abolition of the wealth tax is good others don't but maybe a higher tax would be levied on luxury goods that's really what the news above with up was for the problem is that we tax very little of the assets that consist of enormous blocks of stocks so people constantly make up to 10 percent return in share trading. the bottom. of it was mad can they say later now has to prove that he has got the message. his town hall dialogues have raised expectations and now his making concessions to the yellow vests. did that's bullshit i want to provide relief for people who work and significantly reduce income taxes we need to see how we finance whistles. mccance offer might have brought him a little breathing space but many think that's still too little. people enter now and don't feel his policies are aimed at them anyway a good 35 percent of the people here are without a job the right wing populist have conquered the city. of van sanzar also is fascinated by the social fractures it has photographed in and its people for a graphic novel he called it the roots of anger. was the matter is this what fascinated me was giving people a face and a voice people who would otherwise be made invisible. from exactly the right wing populists are also interested in those people they present themselves as attentive listeners whereas the socialist mayor is absent. in the national rally formally national front has always defended the french people we're not defending the international corporations or the e.u. we're defending the interests of france the people here in the village a very sensitive they understand that. that's why they choose us you know it was for both work and the little vote for. this is where they're trying to win over undecided voters and there are votes to be won here. no 2 for survives with our jobs and says he's neither right nor left wing the rally team wants to meet him. and. yes the member of parliament wanted to meet me talk to me in his office or why not. i didn't reject his offer i accepted all of those jobs at that. so the right wing populist are trying to expand their network in germany. like here in often borg. and a.f.d. meeting on the one side and counter-demonstrators on the other. there is great resistance to the f.t. . police provide a buffer between the camps the kind of look at this is where this is not a democratic project where everyone can feel at home this is a project of exclusion of selfishness and i'm demonstrating against it here today it was the end that. the f.t.c. says it wants to defend europe and brussels. its speeches are full of fear and path else as if our very survival is at stake. as it looks we are the last chance for our culture for democracy which was invented in europe for humanism for enlightenment we are the last chance for european freedom for you feel at all costs. are testing all of those who are destroying europe their names are young to man's shows druggy mckelvey but these are the destroyer. but european idea ladies and gentleman gave. him the right wing vision of the future is still rather fake and not only in germany right wing populist above all emphasize what or whom they are against if you ask them what they're for they often resort to slogans such as europe of nations. susie dunson warns against getting drawn in by what she sees as a trick. that framing of it being kind of a pen that says mccollum or no why do you sense of it being the macro nation of europe that says that. any i think is very much the way that the far right are trying to frighten these elections but i think that it would be a mistake but the pro european parties including back home so to work with that i think is far more important to sell the importance to mobilize european voters through the idea of what europe can deliver on the right wing populist have an easier job simply targeting the enemy in brussels which could pay off for them in the coming european elections. climate birdland little tourist guide for germany's booming capital i love berlin discover the multicultural metropolis with our euro max series from. 15 issues 50 stories and 50 very personal chips from berlin to very best features. look no. 30 minutes on d w. to make sure you say. to yourself. don't miss out. an action packed life for. me. anything is possible as long as our coffee and his friends can drink. this movie and kenya's dadar refugee camp. his life story may have ground to a halt. 27 years ago but there's no holding back his dreams. thank


Transcripts For DW The Day 20190711 20:30:00

ideas that protect the climate used green energy solutions and reforestation. they create interactive content teaching the next generation about environmental protection and more determined to build something here for the next generation global ideas the multimedia environment series on t w. last week the british royal navy seized an iranian ship off gibraltar iran threatened to retaliate and that is what happened almost happened yesterday that's according to the royal navy tehran insists that nothing happened tonight the u.k. is trying to deescalate can it limit tensions with iran before this becomes more than a tit for tat over tankers i'm burnt off in berlin this is the day. it is and that is that england has taken now requires us to show a reaction because our national interests are in danger. of 3 very concerning developments but also very proud of the role knight and the role that they play. as expresses shipping safety calls on the cynics and the concho in the reaction to what was their reaction when we hit the american drug nothing. we are constantly monitoring the security council be keeping on to refute the kind of security that we need to keep british shipping safe. also coming up the white house social media summit what do the people attending have in common well a love for donald trump and no love for the mainstream media. and. these people who don't like me and probably don't like you i'm going to talk directly to my followers about what i know about the white house social media is on tomorrow. on to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and around the world well we begin the day with another clash on the seas between britain and iran tehran is denying accusations that its boat attempted to intercept a british oil tanker near the sea. great of hormuz the royal navy says that one of its frigates was forced to intervene now it comes a week after the u.k. seized in a rainy a tanker loaded with oil allegedly headed for syria a violation of e.u. sanctions against damascus and as tensions rise with tehran over tankers london is trying to save the iran nuclear deal an almost impossible situation tonight we ask how much longer can london afford to play both sides it's. the strait of hormuz one of the world's busiest shipping lanes through which a 3rd of the world's seaborne oil passes iran's navy is an active presence here. the narrowest point in the strait is only 40 kilometers wide the british ministry of defense said the incident took place near the island of abu mussab it says this frigate turned away rain in speedboat stuff were threatening the british oil tanker the u.k. foreign minister has responded by calling for calm obviously very concerning to violence but also very proud of the royal navy and the role that they played in keeping british assets british shipping safe we'll continue to monitor the situation very very carefully the fear is that this latest incident will escalation becomes days after british authorities seized an iranian tanker off gibraltar claiming it was violating sanctions by delivering oil to syria earlier this week iran also started enriching uranium beyond the limits set down the 2050 nuclear deal it signed with international powers iran says the confrontation never happened its foreign minister mohammed serif has called the british accusations worthless iran's farce news agency quote sorry for saying they are seeking to cover up their weaknesses with such claims as tensions in the gulf simmer diplomats are scrambling to keep the nuclear deal from on ruffling completely. over more on this i'm joined tonight from brussels by none to buy to buy he's a political analyst on arena fares c.e.o. of carpet which consults on iran for european policy makers and none is good to see you again let me start by asking you how you read this i said at the beginning of the show that this could be just a tit for tat over oil tankers how big of a deal do you think this is. nice and can turn into a big deal and we're also saying that all sides are while expressing concern. and. we. can. talk asians but they can also be carried out by. we know that iran had threatened last week after that iranian take or was seized off of gibraltar to seize a british ship of some sort was that playing out in what happened yesterday. we tested it and it's a situation in which iran wants to show it on to anything that it views as being just as. bright as an act or in a. putting an retaliate and we don't they're. just trying happening so. if you wait and see what. to show and unfortunately the i think this guy we've got is not a good one it's for having problems hearing you we certainly apologize for that at 9 to 5 to buy their joining us to talk about the situation between the u.k. and iran. all right coming up later on the day we will meet a holocaust survivor sent out of nazi germany by his parents as a child he returns to berlin with a warning about our prez. that was the beginning of our trip to. some it was traumatic some of the. younger ones being way from home was difficult they would look with at this to talk about it the just as mad as the 5 and it did happen and i'm afraid it's could happen either i hope not. germany's domestic intelligence agency which is known as the federal office for the protection of the constitution the b. f. v. for short it has a long list of groups that it watches groups that it considers to be extremists and threats to democracy the b.f. these power reaches all the way in the parliament the anti immigration party the alternative for germany the a.f.d. is now the largest opposition party in parliament the party itself is not under surveillance but several of its groups such as the youth wing they are being monitored in the summer of 2015 more than 1000000 migrants mostly from war torn syria came here to germany now their arrival gave rise to violent demonstrations led by. that's a group against the islamification of europe to get it is on that list of organizations being watched and here in germany even the monitors can be monitored last year the head of the office to protect the constitution hons georg mohsen he was forced to resign after publicly questioning claims about the seriousness of right wing violence in the country and there are renewed worries that the far right is growing in size and influence here in germany a regional conservative politician known for his pro migrant stance valter luka was shot dead at his home last month one man has confessed but investigators are not convinced that he acted alone. well now germany's domestic intelligence agency says that it is stepping up observation of another group the i didn't a terry in movement which has targeted immigrants and refugees especially muslims the agency says that the group which is believed to have about 600 members here in germany is now officially classified as quote an extreme right move. our let's bring in the w.'s political correspondent is simon young so i mean you have covered far right extremist movements here in this country for years let's talk about the german i did to tear ian's who are they do they stand for you know the i did terry and they see themselves as a sort of path youth movement and the the sort of young modern face of far right thinking so we're not talking about the old school. nazis we skinheads in heavy boots marching in the streets these are people with a sort of theoretical idea behind what they're saying and they haven't tended to get involved in in violence what they have done is that quite a lot of rather successful media stunts for instance in 2016 they combed on top of the brandenburg gate here in berlin and sort of around rolled some some banners and that obviously got some attention those are the pictures there in 2017 they even had a shave sailing in the mediterranean saying that it was picking up migrants trying to return them to the countries where they've come from sort of protesting against people smuggling is they said so they talk about returning migrants to their home countries about to defending europe as they put it against multiculturalism which they describe as a betrayal and so even though they're not a huge group only about 600 according to the old thor it's he's been investigating them they have been able to create some. so i mean there aren't that many of them 600 and they've been around for about a decade so why are they now coming under scrutiny you know they've been operating in germany officially since 2012 in the office for the protection of the constitution has been they say it's actually the domestic security service has been looking into them for the last 2 or 3 years and of course it's necessary to observe their activities see what they're saying see who they speaking to who's listening to them to understand how dangerous they could be and indeed collect evidence that would stand up in cool because it's very likely that there will be a protest against against this move by the intelligence or thoughts is so they've they've now come out and said the what these people want is not compatible with germany's constitution and they essentially involves not treating people with respect and dignity as required under the constitution and what does it mean when the domestic intelligence service in germany says you are being surveyed and you're under observation what happens well i mean up to now they've been under observation but they could obviously now be subject to more intense surveillance measures and that would even include a telephone or competes surveillance that would probably require the agreement of a judge or a court in some form but nonetheless these things could be done and indeed if it continues if the problems continue then ultimately this group could face a ban down the track or indeed the measures could be taken away again if they decide to sort of cool their boots and not be so offensive in public we've reported on so many groups there's the peta movement there are political parties the alternative for germany there's the n.p.t. there are lots of groups that were i guess you would sort of classify as being far right so how would the identity ariens how do they fit in to this spectrum if you will well i think they're part of the. seeing but they've been clever enough to keep it omes length so there are no direct links between the event terry and princeton's and a f.t.v. party the far right political party we have here in palm and now indeed the a of d. of said if you are a member of the against syrians that you can't join the a.f.p. but there have been several cases where it's been obvious that there are sympathies you do get it into terry and turning up to a if the rallies and you know supporting people on a personal basis so they're all links informal links if you like but these guys are very clever too and careful to make sure that they they can't be attacked they don't want to get on the wrong side of the law well now they're going to have more difficulty in staying on the right side and they do have the room so it's easy to spot as well so i'm young as always thank you. well this is the invitation sent by the white house for today's social media summit the recipients we understand are representatives ranging from conservatives to the world of tribal politics to the far right. of those who did not receive invitations or just as notable the giant such as facebook and twitter they were not asked to attend trump says this summit will highlight the power of social media over mainstream media which as we know he labels as fake news ironically trump used several tweets today to make his point he tweeted that the biggest subject at the summit will be the tremendous dishonesty bias discrimination and suppression practiced by certain companies we will not let them get away with it much longer he tweeted it and then he followed up with one of the mantras of his presidency the fake news is not as important or as powerful as social media or my next guest tonight so i understand was not invited to the white house social media summit he was invited to join me tonight and we're delighted that he accepted i'm happy to welcome angelo kara's own president of media matters he's in washington d.c. tonight enjoy it's good to have you on the show thank you so much do you agree with me that it's part of the message that the white house wants to send with this summit that there are groups and and people on social media who are accepted and get invitations and there are groups who get left out. of course and and i also think that you know trump was very clear to what the what he was trying to get out of this which was to rally his troops across the full spectrum of the right you know the more establishment survey gives all the way to the worst extremists and you know they're part of this is to sort of work the refs to put up enough pressure with these platforms to prevent them from putting in place countermeasures protections against this information and extremism and it worked well in 2016 they did this in 2016 and were actually able to get facebook to change walls that allowed for them to engage in suppressive advertisements so there really is an intentional strategy here and they're being pretty transparent about it and we could say that the social media summit is really just another form of a political rally for his base this taking place in the white house would you agree . i agree and i think that's exactly right and if you want package it with that base is you know i don't think it's a problem to pull together influencers on social media or online i know president obama did this when he got into office he you know did a meeting with the most progressive prominent progressive bloggers at that time and and it was good it was a way to sort of interact with a new form of media and i don't think there's anything objectionable on face with president engaging with part of the information landscape however when you want package who's there i mean some of the people that were invited and it was no accident you know one guy that this this ali akbar has previously done podcast live interviews with individuals that were waving nazi flags that were saying it of hillary's a good man as a part of his programming i mean he is somebody with intense ties to the far right and you know your last segment really ties in here because one of the things that a lot of the participants there do is they try to do a really good job of not you know avoiding having a really icky official relationship with an extremist or a racist organization even though as i just pointed out they promote and engage very routinely with some of the most extreme parts of that segment and what you're saying and what i mean that's really important and it's a it's a story do you think though that the mainstream media particularly in the united states will they report exactly what you just talked about my impression is that it's going to get short shrift what do you think. i agree and i think it's because you know the the media reacts in especially in the states they're not going to go as deep as they should go you know they'll maybe throw an offhanded quick comment about you know trump of bringing together all these far right figures but they're not going to go deep as to who is there and why not why not going to look at why not i think a large part of it is you know one of the things that the right wing has done really effectively in the states for the past 30 years with the news media is that they have made they've made cries of liberal bias about absolutely everything and part of the reason why we have such a difficulty around climate change or some of these major topics is that in order to prevent themselves from being attacked as liberal. media news media tends to you know both sides it will give everybody equal voice is they tend to have a tendency not to characterize extremist as extremists and less and less it's extremely clear cut less you have a giant i'm a member of the k.k.k. badge they're very reluctant to refer to you that way and so that that's the hesitancy you know they've basically been the refs have been work in the news media and now i think everyone should be concerned because they want to work the refs on the social media platforms as well yeah that's a good point you make in social media. it's part of the problem when we talk about the held society has become so fractured and fragmented but. the bigger problem it appears looking at the us from outside is that the news diet that people consume is seems to be rather unhealthy that people only get one kind of news and that's it they're not getting any balance they're not getting good sources i mean what could 6 that in your opinion it's so true i mean 40 percent of americans use their social media feed as their primary source or a primary or major source of news and information when you so almost one out of every 2 and then when you one package that to your point the majority of americans that. you get news outside of local news on tend to consume it from an ideological source so a place that they are already agree with the partisan sources as opposed to you know sort of a neutral balancing so on one hand there is this larger problem of what the sources are available and what they say in terms of how to fix this it actually does start a lot with the way that the algorithms of these platforms work i mean there's a massive shift in the economics of the news business unfortunately in the states we don't have a very robust public media that can provide a key of a key count of a key you know centering effect in the conversation which is critical elsewhere and is helpful elsewhere and so as a result of that what you have to think about is what what are the algorithms doing and one of the things they do right now is awarding gaijin so if you're a news outlet you try to chase the clicks because that's how you keep the lights on and that's the challenge here it starts with the rules of the game let me ask you before we run out of time we've got about 45 seconds but we know that there was a court ruling this week in the united states which basically told the u.s. president you can't block people on twitter because you're using yeah twitter to announce public policy so it's kind of like going to the public square you can shut that off i noticed on your twitter feed as of july 9th you were you were still blocked by the president and you asked him an idea blah didion block you know and i think of all the people on the block list i'm probably somebody who will fight to the death before the mbox me he's tried to sue me he complains about me he absolutely hates me and in part because i you know i don't just lob baseless criticisms i take action that actually hold them accountable have in the past and will continue to do that and i see through his efforts to to work the rest of these platforms in cheap and that's a big part of it so now he hasn't ever ok well let us know if if he does enjoy it i think that well worth the story as well angela carries on with media matters joining us tonight from washington and so we appreciate your time and your insights thank you. thank so much for. the lay remarkable story of survival now their parents sent them away during germany's nazi period in the hope of saving their lives now a group of kindertransport survivors and their relatives well they've made a remember it's trip to berlin 4 of them were among the 10000 jewish children who were sent to the u.k. in the run up to the 2nd world war most of them never saw their parents again and often they were the only members of their families to survive the holocaust. brady met with a 94 year old kurt marx he was visiting berlin from the u.k. here is his story who should i hate the people who who did it in that i have and it will be older than i am and. so much longer. i go to school. and smoke was coming out of the school. and it was a commotion the teacher was outside the school and he said you go home to days of the school 13 year old boy who doesn't have to go to school has a day off i didn't mind. i got home as quickly as took me 25 minutes i suppose of a bicycle to get home and they hadn't told me this the night before a friend had phoned is this don't stay at home tonight there's going to be trouble tonight they knew what was going to happen it was all planned it wasn't spontaneous it was pretty all arranged. and fortunately my father had not been at home so he wasn't i didn't pick him up or call him so that was. beginning or feel the realisation that it's impossible but clear by the screen then made a decision it was to move the school to english that was they had they had mastered the director of school so he started this and i'm still a bit i think about it that in 2 months he organized the 1st group to go to england and he managed it in age weeks is quite incredible i mean work of all together there were 20 boys we're all here so that we weren't in the same class of school so it wasn't. there was no fear. for some it was traumatic some of the it was one of the younger ones because of being way from home was difficult they would not be parents. that was the beginning of our trip to england and i was expecting soon or later to go to america with my parents. and then. time went on i was in the last communication had from them was in 1942 my father wrote on the 19th. to me that they were leaving. and only in all we knew they were going to the east no detail. we know now was that they went to extermination camp. but this i didn't find out that 30 years ago. and you live with it nothing you can do about it. but at the same time you see what's happening you think what's happening here what's happening in the whole of europe and all these various countries where the right wing is coming up again i remember that i do remember when my parents in those with the adults used to talk about hitler just as mad can't last for 5 years you know got it last and he created. you know what's what happened at the end result was it it did happen and i'm afraid it could happen i don't know i hope not. feeling is almost on the conversation continues online you'll find us on twitter either d.w. news follow me and broadcast t.v. don't forget to use our hash tag today and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day we'll see you then everybody. completely. cut. cut cut cut. cut cut. cut. cut cut cut. cut cut. into the conflict zone with jim sebastien weeks of mass protest in hong kong shows no signs of coming to a day my guest this week is wrongly call a member of the hong kong government's complex to deal sars is not acceptable to new extradition law which provokes a crisis should be scrapped now and feel close to russia's everyone knows who for the most conflict so for a few minutes to double the fact that we were. now 80 percent of americans in some point in our lives will experience hardship listen up. double. binds. a forester equivalent to 30 soccer futures is cleared every month the farmer consumerism is causing a radical depletion of forests. the flow for 25. percent. war has it. bad. forests and money. the tragic reality behind the exploitation starts july 24th w. . some people don't care about me. because they don't see my beauty. some people don't care about me because they think i have nothing to give. but 2000000000 people do. to them i am everything. their home. their food. their livelihood. but day by day i disadvantage. and so does everything i give. to the 1000000000 people who care about me. me me me. and now. i need good.


Transcripts For DW DW News 20191026 20:00:00

well you i. this is day to every news live from berlin germany's foreign minister calls for a lasting cease fire in northern syria miles in ankara for talks with his turkish counterpart who dismissed as unrealistic and knowledge and the proposal for an international security zone in the region also coming up. germany's social democrats move a step closer to choosing new lady and i think members whittle down their list of candidates to 2 tains one that wants to stay in government with angela merkel's conservative the other is not social. i'm rebecca raters welcome to the program germany's foreign minister heiko mass is called for a lasting cease fire in northern syria has also urged turkey to comply with international law when dealing with refugees masses in ankara for talks amid tensions over turkey's military campaign in the region. it wasn't an easy visit for heiko mass in ankara it's better to talk to each other than about each other germany's foreign minister said that the 2 countries difficult relationship in spite of serious differences turkey remains a close nato partner maher said in an attempt to set a more positive tone but he acknowledged that in light of the agreement between turkey and russia it was time to face the new realities in syria and to protect the civilian population but think of the fight. with regard to the sochi agreement it is of paramount importance that we 1st ensure that the cease fire is maintained and extended. it must demanded turkey's presence in syria must not be permanent said germany's criticism was unfair as was the criticism of the plan for patrick nation of refugees he said both russia and the us had accepted turkey's military operation. we will continue to ensure that refugees return to syria only voluntarily and under safe conditions but we expect the international community especially germany and the e.u. to help. the president at the land made the point even more clearly he said that if europe didn't help with the return of 2000000 refugees to syria then he would have no option but to open turkey's doors and let the people make their way to europe. ankara believes it's operating from a position of strength germany's defense minister and a great crime current proposal for a protected securities zone wasn't under discussion. dismissed the plans as unrealistic. germany's social democrats have moved a step closer to electing new leaders and a decision on what the party's direction should be years of being the junior partner chancellor angela merkel's conservatives has seen the s.p.d. his popularity slumped to record lows some party members believe the only way the s.p.d. can recover is by ending the coalition and going into opposition others support staying in the governing coalition the 2 tames of candidates that survive the 1st round of voting by party members represent those 2 opposing sides. both for being counted or the social democrats headquarters from the early hours of the morning. almost 430000 party members were eligible to cast ballots online or by post in the end turnout was 53 percent. there was no clear winner so 2 pairs of candidates will take part in a runoff vote all of. a boy received $440967.00 votes which corresponds to a share of 21 percent. of its intellectual it's received $40473.00 votes which corresponds to a share of 22 percent. schultz here on the left to his right and to the run off as pragmatic sober minded representatives of the status quo shorts as vice chancellor and finance minister wants to continue with the governing grand coalition with germany's conservatives. it's good to know it's about how we can make the s.p.d. so strong that it can play its role in germany as a party that stands for fairness and justice gets their rivals take a different course. and not provide a boy and offer an alternative vision and they've made no secret of their skepticism about continuing the grand coalition. we need to say clearly how we intend to provide fairness in this country. we can't keep rolling over to special interests that want to have a say in how things work. and that means we need to put the social democracy back in the s.p.d. and win back voters trust. in november party members will vote on who will lead the s.p.d. which couldn't turn decide if germany's grand coalition holds on to power. for more i'm joined in the studio by anika closer from the espy's youth wing thanks for joining me eva did today you happy with the result well i'm happy that a left wing team got to choose a runoff now was not but that's a variance and just as good i'm not so happy that a more conservative team got the 1st place in the 1st part of the elections and also by the voters turn out which has been quite though. we're seeing quite a split in the party between as you are talking about the more established we and the more left wing let's say a part of the party with the with the losers of next month's runoff election whether they be either the conservatives or the left wing side will they be able to get behind the opposing side and unite the party but i hope that this is going to be the case everyone every team that was campaigning pledged to support the winner at the end but i think it's also a question of what the winner is going to do if the conservatives when i would expect them to step forward also talk to the left wing innocence of youth and make them. give us some propositions on where we can work together form also should have more prosy for being more critical or even leaving the great i think those are talks which need to happen but 1st of all i think our main goal is going to be to win for the left wing team and just our audience obviously know under merkel's conservatives and they. the chancellor. the so-called grand coalition that you're talking about with p.d. if your wing of the party win and they want to break up the grand coalition what does that mean for an american as chancellor. well i'm not so sure what it means for her i mean she could always try to form a new coalition and also it's not a done deal yet that even if the left team wins that we're going to leave the great coalition because that's up to the party congress in december but i think there like many press positions that we have put forward which needs to be done the 'd huge investments 500000000 euros investment in our infrastructure more engagement for climate against climate change and more involvement a few things especially in politics so i think we're going to put forward these propositions which are left wing or left wing propositions and i don't think the conservatives like on the spot of that on top of the contract that we already have so i think most likely would be a new election but we don't really know for sure so possibly a new election in germany before the end of the year no not before the end of the year because we don't know yet what the credit congress is going to vote on and then there were going to be talks with a question and we don't know what is going to do if she's going to try a minority government or if she's going to have coalition talks others parties or even maybe the conservatives are going to agree to our propositions for left wing politics which we would also like support now the social democrats have been losing popularity across the country you know regional elections of late even with this election which was today with party members voting the turnout was really low just about 50 percent. what is the what's the future of this piece is there a future for the s.p.d. in germany yes there is a future we had $23.00 regional conferences during this campaign to this period and there was so much life and so many people showing up debating i think there's a lot going on as the d.n.c. turnout i think was no because there was 7 teams running and some people couldn't decide so i expect to turn out to be much higher in the 1st route and also we've seen for other parties that the turnout was about the same in the 1st round so i'm expecting to be better know ok very positive thinking and i close a from the young socialist thank you. turning now to some of the other stories making news around the world iraqi officials say at least 7 protesters were killed in anti-government demonstrations on saturday police used live ammunition and tear gas to disperse crowds in baghdad in the southern town of nasiriyah more than 40 were killed in clashes on friday. after 10 days of largely peaceful protest clashes have broken out between the army and protesters in lebanon the clashes took place we need tripoli after the army tried to move protesters who were blocking a road the protests are part of a nationwide campaign on anti-government civil disobedience. medical workers in hong kong joined a rally in the heart of the city's financial district center on saturday they were demonstrating against alleged police brutality during more than 3 months of anti-government protests protesters are angry at what they see as creeping chinese interference in hong kong. in barcelona police backed up by riot vans have charged that catalan pro independence demonstrators who gathered outside police headquarters some protesters threw eggs and other projectiles at offices while others vandalized police vehicles earlier on saturday an estimated 350000 people took part in a largely peaceful rally. a woman who confessed to spying for russia has returned to moscow after serving more than a year in an american jail ri of the tane as case rose to prominence around the same time as the minor investigation into alleged russian meddling into the us presidential election she and russia's president vladimir putin still insist she did nothing wrong in the gulf war the battle for more civil war white flowers for maria bettina can't hear me. think you very much i want to be at home i need some time to adapt. at the moment i only want to be reunited with my family and thank everyone was supportive to me i would not have made it without my people citizens of my country thank you very much feel that deal with the city but she's now a free woman by her father's side with the foreign ministry watching closely. but if you ask the united states she's a convicted russian agent who confessed to infiltrating the american gun lobby in order to gather conservative political contacts sight reading the same 4 things he . or so gun rights come to me and it was like oh my god i have seen this knowledge russia carol asked russia yeah all you like the mission was to promote russia's interests among senior republicans it got her as far as direct contact with donald trump before his election as well as with one of his sons putin has said that she's innocent the foreign ministry says she was humiliated as a human being as a woman. just as a citizen of a. country we should have absolutely east am very friendly. on here my yeah the only thing. she was really just supporting their relationship and friendship to the people not the country she's now been released from prison early describing her own fight to get out of jail she said quote russians never give up. some sports news now in the football champions behind munich have gone to the top of the bundesliga after a $21.00 win over union robert levin dusky scored bines decisive 2nd goal and set a new record in the process he's the 1st bundesliga player to score in each of the 1st 9 games of the season. let's take a look now at the rest of the results so far from this weekend's bundesliga games shock and dortmund played out a goalless draw hoffenheim 132 away at her berlin freiburg beat 21 part of 0 and one for the 1st time this season against just a little off and leave a couzin and raymond play out an exciting 2 played out an exciting 22 draw on friday months won against cologne. and we can take a look at how those results affect the bundesliga table by our own top followed by this season surprise package fry book involved will both have the chance to move into 1st place on sunday at the bottom part of owen's win isn't enough to lift them off 18th place well dusseldorf and union berlin remain just outside the relegation zone despite suffering defeats thing to rugby and the rugby world cup has its 1st finalist after england sensationally bate new zealand in the semi final in yokohama the all blacks were defending champions and favorites for the tournament but england stifled their attack to go 10 nil up by half time england's stranglehold continued after the break and they eventually won $19.00 to $7.00 to reach their 4th world cup final they play the winner of sunday's semi final between whiles and south africa. well taiwan has held its 1st pride parade since it made history in asia by legalizing gay marriage some 200000 revolution months for the capital taipei and i have plenty of reasons to celebrate more than 2000 same sex couples have tied the knot in taiwan since the law came into force in may.


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