".we have frozen her two bank accounts. Along with this, household and other valuable items that she had bought with the extortion money have also been seized," Sector 50 police station SHO Rajesh Kumar said. Her husband Manish alias Virat Beniwal is still absconding. The police said they were conducting raids at places associated with him. Honey-Trap Case: Police Freeze Two Bank Accounts of YouTuber Namra Qadir for Threatening Businessman in Fake Rape Case.
The Gurugram police arrested a Delhi-based YouTuber Namra Qadir (28) for allegedly extorting more than Rs 80 lakh from a private firm owner after allegedly honey-trapping and threatening to implicate him in a rape case.
She was arrested from the national capital on Monday and sent to four days police remand after being produced before a duty magistrate s court, they said.