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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News 20130812

good evening. after a week-long intensive manhunt that spread across much of the west, a california teen is safe tonight. and the man accused of abducting her, shot dead. two couples on horseback first spotted the pair in the idaho back country. in what one rider called a one chance in a trillion encounter. after they saw news reports about the manhunt and realized who they might have seen, they called the authorities setting off a chain of events that led to last night's dramatic ending. joe fryer is in idaho. joe. >> reporter: good evening. a relative confirms hannah anderson has been reunited with her father. in an interview her father said he is worried about what she has been through. authorities are not releasing any details about her location. they want to give her family time and space after such a traumatic week. from a surveillance plane high above idaho's back country, u.s. marshal spotted suspect james dimaggio and 16-year-old hannah anderson. they were at a campsite by morehead lake. a desolate place surrounded by mountains. steep ground made it hard for the plane to land. hostage teams moved in carefully so as not to alert dimaggio. >> they had to land about a 2 1/2 hour hike away. when they were able to surround the camp, they waited until the two were separate, ensuring hannah's safety. that's when they moved in to make the rescue. >> authorities haven't said what happened when fbi agents confronted the suspect. they simply say one agent shot and killed him and that hannah was found safe and flown to a hospital. >> there's no way we would want our granddaughter to go through court trials and have to relive this over and over the rest of her life. we're happy with the outcome. >> reporter: the manhunt started a week ago today. investigators say dimaggio killed hannah's mother and brother, set his house on fire and kidnapped the 16-year-old girl. a big break when people stumbled upon him. >> kind of a gut feeling like they didn't belong. >> reporter: this group didn't know about the amber alert at the time but said the young girl looked scared. >> it was just like a square peg into a round hall. they didn't fit. he might have been a outdoors man in california, but not in idaho. he didn't fit. >> reporter: after reporting it to police, investigators found dimaggio's blue nissan. today new photos show how they tried to camouflage the car. with the manhunt over, the memorial outside hannah's family's apartment continues to grow. everyone reminded what this family has gone through. >> we'll get through it. we'll help hannah through it. whatever it takes. >> reporter: a special fbi team from washington is investigating yesterday's shooting. they plan to interview all of the witnesses to determine exactly what happened. the other major story we're following tonight, new video that reveals just how terrifying it was for residents of a colorado town when a sudden surge of flood water triggered mud slides this weekend. >> reporter: the town of manitou springs is reeling from flash floods. >> this is getting very, very bad now. this is the most terrifying thing i've ever seen. i can't stop shaking. >> reporter: new video shows water gushing at almost 30 miles per hour and pouring down highways and residential streets. >> cars floating away. >> reporter: friday's flood is one of the town's worst disasters in decades. leaving in its wake, one dead and one still missing. >> do not ever think you have enough time. when those sirens go off, go. >> repter: damaging dozens of buildings and shutting down at least 20 businesses. for the second day, crews are cleaning off mud from flood waters. and it may be days, maybe even weeks before things are back to normal. the same story all across the midwest as the storm system stalled over the plains. in denver colorado, hail. in johnson city, tennessee, heavy rain on already saturated ground. thunderstorms are expected in several states with nebraska and georgia to be hit with high winds and hail. residents now hoping for a little relief. overseas a deadly day for americans in afghanistan. the military says three u.s. servicemen were killed in eastern afghanistan bringing the total number of foreign troops killed this year to more than 100, 78 american. it was ten years ago today that nato took command of the international forces in afghanistan. 18 of the u.s. diplomatic posts closed after an al qaeda terror threat reopened today in the middle east and africa including a city in cairo. but the city in cairo remains on edge as the standoff between the military and supporters of the ousted president continues with signs that a new confrontation may come soon. a report tonight from richard engle. >> reporter: barricaded and walled in. this is the muslim brotherhood's alamo in a nondistrict middle class bit of urban sprawl near a mosque close to egypt's main airport. men with sticks guard the entrances to the camp. mohamed morsi is still considered president here. he's only seen these days on posters. he's been locked away, location undisclosed since the military overthrew him weeks ago. this man says he's willing to die to uphold democracy. he's even brought his 2-year-old daughter to the camp. >> we don't know what could happen. >> reporter: the army has called on the protesters to go home for their own safety. protesters here clearly worried the army could move in to disperse them at any time and hope these stones will be enough to stop the tanks and apcs. the stage is set in the divided country for violence, or worse, a long-term insurgency in egypt. violence has already begun in the north peninsula near the israeli border. where yesterday hundreds of islamists and tribesman buried four men killed there this week. back at the camp, the protesters wait and egyptian once the hope of the arab spring is once again on edge. richard engle, nbc news, cairo. another tense situation. u.s. relations with russia. today president obama encountered new criticism on how he's handling that relationship. our report tonight from white house correspondent kristin welker with the vacationing president on martha's vineyard. >> reporter: president obama on the golf course during his first full day of vacation with cameras capturing a moment of frustration. back in washington, his foreign policy frustrations played out on the sunday talk shows. while republicans have generally backed mr. obama's surveillance programs, they've also said he's been too soft on russia and accused nsa leaker edward snowden. >> mr. snowden's being granted asylum in russia is a signal of incredibly bad relations between the united states and russia. and mr. putin putting his thumb right in america's eye. >> reporter: senator john mccain argued that the president underestimated his russian counterpart. >> and i know they like to focus on body language, and he's got that kind of slouch looking like the bored kid in the back of the classroom. >> the president comparing him to the kid in the back of the classroom, i think is very indicative of his lack of appreciation of who vladimir putin is. >> reporter: and renewed debate today about the president's defense of the nsa surveillance programs. >> finally came out last friday trying to come up with ways to salvage the program by window dressing. >> i applaud the president for bringing us there and talking about how do we educate the public that we need this program. >> reporter: all this as snowden's father says he now has the papers to visit his son in russia whom he continues to defend. >> what i would say is that my son has spoken the truth. >> reporter: now he also said today that he plans to take an attorney to russia with him to help his son fight the charges that he is facing in the united states. but he has not yet said when he plans to take that trip. >> kristin welker with the president on martha's vineyard. we know more about the crash of a small plane in connecticut that killed four people. including a baby. a plane flew into two houses in the town of east haven killing the pilot and his son and two young girls. sisters, age 13 and 1 who were in one of the houses. their mother was also in the house, but escaped. the cause of the crash is not yet known. and five weeks after the crash landing of a south korean jetliner in san francisco, the airline says it will give each survivor an initial payment of $10,000. to cover hospital, transportation and other expenses. asiana airlines says this will not prevent others from suing the company for greater compensation. three people were killed when the boeing 777 struck a seawall. more than 300 people did survive. now to a little boy who has become a symbol of the gun violence plaguing the city of chicago. there were more than 500 murders there last year. and while the number and pace has fallen this year, there's been a string of shootings in which young children are killed or wounded and caught in the line of fire. john yang reports on how chicago is trying to fight back. >> reporter: 5-year-old jaden donald may not have super powers but he's done something remarkable, narrowly escaping becoming a grim statistic in chicago's violent summer. >> who is the best, spiderman or batman? >> spiderman. >> returning from a fourth july party, they stopped at a park by their home. >> i didn't realize the difference between fireworks and gunshots. and in the mist of it, jaden got caught running to me in the crossfire. >> reporter: he was hit in the stomach in what police say was a dispute between rival gang factions. at the hospital the doctors said he was dying and rushed him to surgery. >> it's the worst feeling that you can ever have to watch your child go through something and be in so much pain and there's nothing you can do about it. it's the worse feeling ever. >> reporter: in chicago it's an all-too common feeling. jaden is one of four of children shot in chicago alone. >> the gang bangers are not very good shots and they hit the wrong people frequently. >> reporter: police took us around the hard hit south side. he says 100 fewer juveniles have been shot this year compared with last year. >> it's a day by day, minute by minute fight that we've been having against gun violence. it's an overwhelming problem that the city has had for a very long time. we're not going to be able to fix it over night. >> reporter: mccarthy points to progress. so far murders are down to 26% from last year to the lowest number since 1965. shootings, down 24%. >> it's not a task force that comes into the community and invades the community, it's the same officers and the same beat, every single day. they get to know the good kids from the bad kids. >> reporter: some experts say chicago's homicides tend to follow a familiar formula. >> a couple of young guys plus some sort of disagreement plus a gun equals dead body. >> reporter: police seize more guns in chicago than in new york and los angeles combined. they say the solution isn't just fewer firearms, but more opportunities. 22-year-old zachary robinson is in a program called one summer plus which provides jobs and mentoring to young people from at-risk neighbors. >> it helps me off the street and other people that might be doing something violent and doing something positive. >> reporter: which could help kids like jaden donald spend less time in hospitals -- >> there is spiderman. >> reporter: -- and more time being spiderman. john yang, nbc news chicago. >> let's hope. when nightly news continues, on this sunday as young athletes prepare to hit the field the new high-tech helmet that may cut the risk of concussions. and making a difference for kids with special needs with a league they can call their own. we're back with what could be a game changer for safety on the football field. as preseason practice gets under way at schools and colleges across the country, as you know one of the biggest concerns is the risk of concussions. but this year more schools are turning to something new, a high tech helmet designed to minimize that risk. that story tonight from nbc news. >> reporter: no question, football will always be a contact sport. but at georgia southern university, this season is different. >> it's a game changer, really. >> reporter: the university is first in the state to use the head impact telemetry or h.i.t. system. >> so there are six sensors built into the helmet. >> it records every blow to the brain and it's transmitted to a laptop on the sideline. a pager alerts trainers when a hit exceeds a force of 98 gs. >> what is 98 gs? it's probably the equivalent of a 20, 25 mile an hour car wreck. >> this linebacker said he didn't even realize when the pager went off for him. no one wants to let down their teammates. every wants to go out there and give 100%. >> reporter: a trainer checked and he was okay, but in the -- >> that's the force of the impact that occurred. >> reporter: -- classroom data is being analyzed to better understand how to treat and prevent head initials. >> it's going to help us coach better and have safer equipment. >> reporter: thunderstorm -- the technology has been around for more than a decade. it's gotten more popular. especially after concussions in the sport have drawn more scrutiny. at the high school and college level, about 20 schools are now using the system. universities like oklahoma, north carolina, and virginia tech. while the nfl hasn't signed on yet, research from the sensors played a role in the league's decision to move the kickoff line up to reduce collisions. >> i would like every team to have it because you need a lot of these things deployed to be able to collect the data necessary for the research. >> reporter: but it comes with a cost. georgia southern pays $1,500 per helmet. >> if it will keep a kid safe, it's worth it. >> reporter: with an estimated 1.6 million sport's related concussions in the u.s. each year, it's a problem this team wants to tackle head on. >> and when we come back, why diamonds are not just a girl's best friend. some powerful images from indonesia where a volcano erupted this weekend. almost 3,000 people were evacuated to safer ground and some refused to follow the warnings and six people were killed as they slept in their village. if the weather cooperates, depending on where you live we're in for a spectacular show in the night sky over the next couple of days. tomorrow night and tuesday night are when the annual percy meteor shower will be at its most intense. most visible between midnight and just before dawn. the popular nightclub and television singer eydie gorme has died after a career that spanned more than half a century with her husband and singing partner steve lawrence. ♪ ♪ >> she was the eydie of steve and eydie. the headliner husband and wife duo famous from new york to las vegas. touring in the same circles as frank sinatra and sammie davis jr. her first big hit was back in 1963 with "blame it on the bossanova." but it was ten years earlier when it all began on the "steve allen" show in new york, the program that eventually became "the tonight show". they were regulars for decades. ♪ somebody who will swear to be true ♪ >> what a delight to watch somebody who really knows how to sing. >> she was born in new york to jewish parents. she grew up speaking english and spanish and became a hit in latin america as well. ♪ ♪ ♪ eydie gorme died yesterday in las vegas. she was 84 years old. and there is this note tonight about a hidden gem. 12-year-old michael of north carolina was on a family visit to the crater of diamond state park in arkansas when he hit genuine pay dirt. not just any diamond, but a 5.16 carat brown diamond. he found just ten minutes after his nt began. it's the 27th largest diamond found since the park opened back in 1972 and the 8th largest brown diamond. it's not known just how much it's worth yet. this diamond still in the rough. and up next, sharing skills and building a field of dreams. how these champions are making a difference. finally tonight, our making a difference report is about kids everywhere who just want to play ball, including tens of thousands of kids with special needs. that's where a program created by the little league comes in. it gives them a league of our own and connects them with our national past time. >> reporter: in its purest form, america's past time is simple, a chance with a swing of the bat for a moment to remember, for any kid to remember. these are special needs kids playing in a little league challenger game. >> our kids get to play with the same equipment on the same fields with similar rules. and everyone plays. we do everything we can to make it as authentic as we can. >> reporter: it's certainly real and important for the 30,000 kids in 900 challenger divisions worldwide. these kids in portland, oregon, had a little star power on their side. girls like 13-year-old shortstop who in the middle of their own little league series competition chose to be here. >> it gives them a chance to have fun with everyone and be on the same field and have fun with everyone else. >> it's really interesting how quickly some of these baseball players feel like a hero because our challenger players look up to them. >> good afternoon, everybody. >> it was dan who gave the challenger program a touch of little league big time. his son alex had been in the program, and when he died unexpectedly in 2010, dan's commitment to the game and to all kids who play it only got stronger. >> i found a passion for the kids that were like alex. that they just wanted to play baseball. >> reporter: he is a ball player with autism. usually one of his parents help him but not this time. >> we get to watch. we get to be parents and just enjoy the game. >> they say there's no crying in baseball, but there are tears of joy. >> it's a dream come true. >> and excitement. [ applause ] kids, baseball, summertime. perfect. nbc news. >> perfect. that's nbc nightly news for this sunday. lester holt will be here tomorrow. i'm kate snow reporting from new york. for all of us here at nbc news, have a great night. look at 'em. living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] switch and add a wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles rethink possible. good evening i'm terry mcsweeney. b.a.r.t. riders are guaranteed they will have service for at least the next two months after a judge ordered a cooling off period between b.a.r.t. and it's two largest unions. they have more time to settle. you would never know it. they have been talking all afternoon and into the evening trying to come up with a deal. >> reporter: terry, even though a strike has been temporarily averted both sides say the pressure is still on them to get a deal and get one sooner than later. the judge heard the governor's request at 9:00 a.m. this morning. a request for an injunction. neither b.a.r.t. or


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