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Threw a party. guests got a tour of different spots at the zoo, learned about the history of the animals, but it was an extra special day for one four year old. this is amelia. there she is. she was the 95th person to enter the zoo today, so she was selected to name one of the zoo's endangered animals. that's really cool. and just like her, you. yes, you can also name an endangered animal if you visit the zoo on any weekend in june and you are the 95th, visit. oh very cool. breaking news tonight, the daring military rescue of four hostages from gaza, now safely back with family. new images of the mission from above. hostages rushed to safety by helicopter. the moments they returned to israel caught on camera. and the emotional reunions with loved ones. we have new details on how they were found as the israelis celebrate across the country, and families speak out. >> thank youd the emotional . for bringing my son home to me. >> what it means for the u.s. cease-fire proposal as france welcomes president biden with a massive parade. one of america's pioneering astronauts who took this famous photo has died while flying a small plane. the crash caught on camera. the investigation now into what went wrong. three people injured in shark attacks just miles apart. while in hawaii, another attack. a landslide caught on camera, taking out a critical wyoming highway. basketball bombshell, superstar caitlin clark will not be on the u.s. olympics team. >> you're trying to grow the game of women's basketball, you would not do this. >> why was she benched? and move over lassie, the amazing story of this truck that crashed down a ravine and the dog that ran four miles to save its owner. >> announcer: this is nbc "nightly news" with jose diaz-balart. good evening. there is joy and relief across israel tonight. four hostages who were kidnapped by hamas 245 days ago are now free. this is the moment they returned home, raising their hands in celebration. they were then quickly reunited with family. one of the hostages noa argamani, that's her there seared into the public by this image, now, there is this image, her and her dad, together again. embracing, the daring rescue operation played out in broad daylight. the israeli military releasing these images and while the mission was a success it came at a heavy price with authorities in gaza saying more than 200 were killed as part of the operation. and 120 israelis are still being held hostage. we have two reports tonight, and we begin with raf sanchez in israel. >> reporter: her screams were heard around the world, noa argamani hands outstretched in terror before disappearing into gaza. tonight, 245 long days later, noa safe and smiling. telling israel's president, i'm so happy to be here. she and three other hostages, almog meir jan, shlomi ziv, and andrei kozlov in good health after they were rescued by israeli special forces in a daylight raid in central gaza. >> this operation required ingenuity and courage of the highest degree. >> reporter: commandos storming two civilian apartments, finding noa in one, the men in the other. radioing, we have the diamonds when the rescue was complete. a helicopter waiting for noa on the beach in northern gaza. ready to fly her home to safety. and into the embrace of her father yakov. celebrating his birthday with one arm around his only child. the other over one of her rescuers. we first met yakov on october 8. his world crumbling 24 hours after his daughter's kidnapping. tonight, he tells us, i'm feeling wonderful. noa's friends at her side. >> she's amazing. she's strong. she's laughing and smiling and -- >> what was the first thing you said to her. >> just a big hug. and so glad that she's here. >> reporter: almog all smiles as he hugs friends and relatives and then unable to hold back the tears. while andrei stunned to see the prime minister. and shlomi speaking to his wife for the first time in eight months. in tel aviv, this lifeguard announcing the news of the rescue to a cheering beach. but in gaza tonight, searing grief, the health ministry saying at least 210 people killed by israeli forces during the raid, many of them women and children. this woman says she lost two cousins. they didn't commit any sins, she says. israel's military says it called in targeted strikes to cover the commando's retreat, and joy in israel tinged with sadness as 120 other hostages remain in captivity, including noa's boyfriend avi who was kidnapped alongside her on october 7th while her mother leora is dying of brain cancer. but tonight, her final wish, to see her daughter again fulfilled. >> and raf joins us now from tel aviv. raf, what does this rescue operation mean for the 120 hostages still being held? >> reporter: jose, israel's military is acknowledging it won't be able to rescue all of the remaining hostages while hamas is saying today's raid will have a, quote, negative impact on those still in captivity. jose. >> raf sanchez, thank you. in france today, president biden reacting to news of the hostage release, doubling down on the u.s. commitment to a cease-fire deal. kelly o'donnell reports from paris. >> reporter: standing alongside emanuel macron, president biden today welcomed the rescue of israeli hostages. >> we won't stop working until all of the hostages come home and a cease-fire is reached, that is essential to happen. >> reporter: macron added his support for the u.s.-backed cease-fire proposal. that israel has questions about, and hamas has yet to accept. neither leader discussed publicly today tensions with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. over the military operation inside gaza, causing civilian deaths and widespread hunger. outside the white house today demonstrations calling for a permanent cease-fire, and release of palestinian prisoners. those protests a sharp contrast to the pageantry of the french state visit. paid respects at the tomb the leaders also paid respects at the tomb of france's unknown soldier. ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ >> reporter: a visit that signifies this alliance as president biden spoke today about france as america's oldest friend. much of this visit emphasized strong alliances. >> we stand as one, our countries are stronger, and literally the world is safer. >> back now with kelly o'donnell traveling with the president in paris. and kelly, what's the latest on the white house's efforts to reach a cease-fire deal? >> reporter: today, the president's national security adviser pointed out in a statement that that deal has been endorsed by a number of countries, from europe to the middle east. including 16 that have citizens among the remaining hostages. jose? >> kelly o'donnell in paris, thank you. legendary astronaut bill anders who took what is widely considered the most famous photo of our planet has died in a plane crash. his final moments caught on camera as the aircraft he was piloting nose-dived into the water off the coast of washington state. dana griffin reports. a warning for you, some may find the video disturbing. >> reporter: tonight an ntsb and faa investigation is under way into the single-engine two seater plane crash that killed famed nasa astronaut and former air force major general bill anders. a couple watching wildlife off the coast of san juan county, washington capturing this moment, the 90-year-old pilot, the only person on board, taking a nose-dive. >> it was inverted, went into this barrel roll loop thing. tried to pull up before it hit the water but it was too low. >> reporter: the plane crashes into the water, bursting into flames. hours later, anders' body is pulled from the water. in 2018 anders talked with nbc's harry smith about his career. >> probably the world's best fighter pilot. but we don't talk about that. >> reporter: before astronauts could set foot on the moon the apollo 8 crew first had to prove they could fly round the moon and back. >> wow, that's pretty. >> reporter: and it was the photo he took dubbed earth rise that became a part of history. >> when the earth came up over the lunar horizon, that's when it really impressed me as to how much more delicate the earth was, and colorful. >> reporter: his family saying in a statement they are devastated. he was a great pilot. he will be missed. nasa administrator senator bill nelson writing on "x," anders offered to humanity, among the deepest of gifts, he traveled to the threshold of the moon, and helped all of us see something else, ourselves. >> i'll keep flying as long as i can crawl in the airplane. >> reporter: a love of flying and a legacy that went beyond the earth. dana griffin, nbc news. a catastrophe is unfolding in wyoming, take a look at this. it's an astonishing caught-on-camera landslide that erased part of a critical highway. it happened on the popular teton pass outside jackson connecting parts of wyoming with idaho. that stretch is considered a major artery for tourism, commuters and deliveries. there has been a wave of shark attacks in the last 24 hours. two of them just miles apart. two people were seriously injured in those attacks. authorities now trying to determine if they're connected. marissa parra reports from florida.ptured by a florida sp >> reporter: video captured by a florida spear fisherman showing close encounters of the shark kind, filmed on the same day the beaches nearby him in walton countyflorida closed after back-to-back shark attacks within miles in one day. >> you don't ever think it's going to happen. it's like crazy. >> reporter: on friday before 1:30 p.m. a woman swimming near a sand bar, bit in her mid-section. and arm. then half an hour away, two teenage girls seen fighting for their lives after a shark attack. >> when i looked back over my left shoulder, i saw the water filled with blood. >> reporter: two doctors visiting florida on vacation saw the scene unfold and jumped in to help. >> we were able to apply tourniquets and apply pressure, and get the response. it was a team effort. >> reporter: it's unclear whether it was the same shark in both attacks. >> extremely unusual for two to happen in the same afternoon within four miles of one another. >> reporter: statistically speaking attacks by sharks on humans are rare, but friday's florida shark attacks come on the same day that attack reported out of hawaii and after last week's attack in galveston, texas, when a 19-year-old had to fight a five-footer off with her hands. >> as soon as the shark attacked me my body just naturally started punching it, and it was in the face. i did that. and then it ended up swimming away. >> going about knee deep. >> reporter: in florida, walton county officials assess next steps, warning flags line the beaches. >> is it safe for people to go in the water today? >> safe is a relative term but i don't think people should be hysterical or paralyzed. only insofar as they need to be aware of their surroundings and look out for each other. >> marissa is on the beach in florida where one of these attacks occurred. are there any extra precautions being taken there today? >> reporter: well, jose, authorities say they are watching the shoreline from the land, the sea, the air and they said today they have observed a, quote, notable presence of sharks in the area, specifically bull sharks. but they remind beach goers that sharks are always present here in the gulf. jose? >> marissa parra in walton county, thank you. still ahead tonight, life-saving money lost. the millions raised for organ transplant patients now gone. where did it go? also, the stunning new olympic outrage over caitlin clark. >> look at this beautiful step-back. caitlin clark. but my time to enjoy it. but now, i can open up my world with vabysmo. 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[ cellphone ringing ] phone call from the boss? sorry. and did we mention, it really, outdoor time is me time. i hear that. that's why we protect all your vehicles here. but hey...nothing wrong with sticking it to the boss. ooooh, flo, you gonna take that? why would that concern me? because you're...the... aren't you the..? huh...we never actually discussed hierarchy. ok, why don't we just stick to letting dave know how much he can save when he bundles his home or auto with his boat or rv. wait, i thought jamie was the boss. [ laughter ] it's funny because i'm not boss material! it's started. it's... the side hug. tween milestones like this may start at age 9. hpv vaccination—a type of cancer prevention against certain hpv-related cancers, can start then too. for most, hpv clears on its own. but for others, it can cause certain cancers later in life. you're welcome! now, as the “dad cab”, it's my cue to help protect them. embrace this phase. help protect them in the next. ask their doctor today about hpv vaccination. an organization that promised to help extremely ill patients get the life-saving surgeries they desperately need has now abandoned them, and those patients are now not only fighting for their lives, but for the money they say they're owed. zinhle essamuah reports. >> reporter: kathy earnest needed a double lung transplant. >> i just knew i couldn't walk from here to there without gasping for air. >> reporter: for years she used a well-known charity to raise nearly $13,000 for her medical expenses without issue. but, in april, she checked her account, and the money was gone. >> and i went, huh? what? >> reporter: you didn't know they had shut down? >> no. >> reporter: the non-profit national foundation for transplants or nft had abruptly closed. donna sinclair says she lost $11,000 raised with nft for treatment, following her double lung transplant. >> how does that feel? >> horrible, horrible. >> reporter: her daughter christina norris started a facebook group for dozens of other patients. the national foundation for transplants -- >> reporter: nft was in business for decades, helping patients raise funds for organ transplant procedures. nbc news reached out to several leaders of the company, and ultimately received this statement. saying in part, closure was a difficult, but necessary decision. citing economic strain post-pandemic, health care inflation, and rising operational costs. but, they dispute patients' claims that the money raised was earmarked for specific individuals. >> they did use a very, you know, particular choice of words when they say nft also creates and maintains a personal online fund-raising page for each patient. >> what stands out to you about it? >> that it's personal to that patient, not a general fund to help patients like this patient. >> reporter: and it's not just the monetary loss. it's about the prospect of losing life all together. >> if i don't get a kidney, then i can die. >> you say that very matter of fact, but i imagine that's hard to hold. >> it is. >> reporter: eric o'brien and his wife pam spoke to us from his hospital bed, where he's facing dialysis complications. he lost over $4,000 when nft closed. >> without this money you can't get on the transplant list? >> no. >> reporter: as for donna sinclair, a boston philanthropist wrote her a check for the $11,000 she lost. >> i felt, now i have hope. >> reporter: because you'd lost it. >> yeah, i did. my baby. >> reporter: but she's worried for others, like kathy earnest who is now in organ failure and may not get funding in time. you have a lot of life to live. >> i do. and, you know, i'm -- i'm still functional, you know, and i don't want to be non-functional like i was before. >> reporter: zinhle essamuah, nbc news, boston, massachusetts. when we come back, basketball bombshell, the big olympic news about caitlin clark. c news about caitlin clark. 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the driver crashed it over an embankment in oregon, but get this, while he was trapped his dog named blue was with him, but then ran about four miles through rough terrain to alert family members at a nearby campsite that something was wrong. they then alerted officials, who finally found the man alive, and used pulleys to hoist him to safety. fans of superstar caitlin clark are outraged tonight following reports she will not be on the women's olympic basketball team. jesse kirsch has more. >> clark, the step-back three, just below the logo, drills it. >> reporter: fresh off one of her best wnba performances yet. >> back-to-back triples -- >> reporter: caitlin clark is apparently not playing up to the olympic standard, her name expected to be left off of team usa's paris roster. >> if you're trying to grow the game of women's basketball, you would not do this. >> reporter: the revelation first reported by the athletic, ignited debate. >> call congress, the president. >> reporter: usa basketball says we have not made any official announcement yet, but a source familiar with the decision tells nbc news the 12 player roster includes seasoned pros, like brittney griner and diana taurasi, excluding clark and other young stars, like fellow rookie angel reese. >> carter and clark. >> reporter: the news comes just days after this controversial foul sent clark to the floor, fueling debate about how the biggest name in women's basketball has been received since turning pro. >> does this mean now that they'll have fewer viewers? probably. i think the u.s. team has chosen not to be a prisoner of the moment. >> reporter: the american women have won seven straight gold medals and are favored in paris but some fans argue clark would be an asset not just for her country but for the sport at large. >> if caitlin clark was on this roster, the ratings would be bigger than the men's event. >> reporter: so far clark has not commented on the olympic snub but she told nbc's stephanie gosk this in april. >> you always want to be an olympic gold medalist. i know how special it is to represent usa across your chest. being able to do that at the highest level would certainly a be a dream come true. >> reporter: a dream that for now will apparently have to wait. jesse kirsch, nbc news. coming up next, there's good news tonight. the state troopers making sure this graduate will never walk alone. er w al what causes a curve down there? who can treat this? stop typing, and start talking. it could be a medical condition called peyronie's disease, or pd. you're not alone, there is hope. find a specialized urologist who can diagnose and treat pd. visit today. ♪♪ some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate. because there's a right way to. stop! and the speed limit definitely isn't. 700 million mph. so why would you pay a rate based on. a terrible boss with a terrible haircut! save with, ooh. save with drivewise and get a rate based on you. you're in good hands with allstate ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ ♪ there's good news tonight, so often the good news doesn't get as much attention as the bad. so, every saturday we highlight the many people who spread joy and love. this is just some of those stories this week. [ cheers and applause ]. talk about a special delivery. that's beloved u.p.s. driver ricky mcwood, retiring after 42 years on the >> i'll miss you guys more. >> thank you, thank you. >> reporter: neighbors on his route in missouri, celebrating him, so grateful for his decades-long dead ration. >> they can make or break us. and these people have made me. [ cheers and applause ]. and, there were these cheers for kalee manueles. she had to miss her own high school graduation because of a recent leukemia diagnosis. so, staff at texas health harris methodist hospital threw her a party to mark the milestone. it's a moment kalee and her mom brandy will always cherish. >> it was a beautiful moment. and i was very grateful. to each and every one of them who put that together for her. >> they all just started cheering for me. i felt so empowered in that moment. [ cheers and applause ]. ethan michael walker. >> when ethan walker got his diploma from grosbeck high school near waco he was surprised with his very own cheering section. take a look. more than a dozen texas state troopers showed up to support him. after ethan's own trooper dad died in the line of duty. for ethan, these folks are now family, walking him through life's big moments. and here's a little boy who's getting a new lease on life thanks to his preschool teacher. >> she's a perfect match. >> are you serious? >> yeah. >> this is the moment teresa fisher showed up with a life-saving surprise for ezra and his mom karen. >> i have a delivery for you. she has a liver for you. >> ezra, who's had health issues all his little life, needs a new liver. >> i'm going to share my liver with you, buddy. >> and ms. carissa told them she's donating part of her own. >> how do you, karen, thank carissa? >> there aren't words. i can't. there's no way to express our gratitude, and we cry, and we laugh, and we smile, it's just incredible. >> an incredible act of kindness, making a huge impact for the rest of his life. >> what kind of person would do that? what kind of person are you, carissa, why would you do this? >> i am a helper, and knowing him was just a huge bonus for us, and so it's going to be nice to be able to see him grow up and he can make another difference in the world somehow. ♪ >> and ezra is expected to get that liver surgery some time this summer. that's nbc "nightly news" for this saturday, i'm jose diaz-balart, thank you for the privilege of your time and good night. from cisco an update on how they're doing tonight. plus, a longtime bar that was threatened by the flames. a major step forward in a project to link the south bay's light rail to the bart system. see the colorful, groundbreaking ceremony in just a few moments. but first, four hostages are finally free after being held for eight months in gaza after a brutal battle between israel and hamas. reaction tonight in the bay area . the news at six starts right now. thanks for joining us. i'm terry mcsweeney and i'm gia vang. we are going to start with that fire in san francisco that created a scare in the outer


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