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is a quarter of what we need, h is a lot closer certainly to anything the republicans are saying and closer to where we should be than where obama was not long ago. at least he has the right message new. since it s not going to be enacted, the numbers in a way don t matter that much. í8 in terms of the right message and basically having the right conversation about the right problem, i know that you went down to occupy wall street protests tonight to see the demonstrations down there. do you feel like that has had any affect at moving the conversation at least to be framed on the right problems, if not the right solutions? you know, conversation changed a lot in just the last month or so. you and i are both people who track this a lot. and just six weeks ago, it was all deficit, deficit, deficit, which is the wrong subject and no talk about jobs. all of a sudden we are talking about jobs. some of that is obama. but i think a lot of it is occupy wall street stuff. it is amazing act
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