Angus Data that Drives Profitability
Thursday Feb 4th, 2021
News Reporter With your Southeast Regional Ag Report, I m Trevor Williams.
Dating back to 1958, submitting performance data is not a new concept for the Angus membership. Almost 60 years later the Angus Herd Inventory Reporting program or AHIR pivots to encourage membership to submit data from a whole herd inventory perspective. American Angus Association, director of member services, Jerry Cassady, explains the importance of how submitting data drives the Angus Breed forward. “Inventory reporting is just going to be another option to submit data to the Angus Association. It will help us increase the quantity of data but more importantly it will also help us improve the quality of the data that is submitted. For decades we have had members submitting performance information, in return, initially they got things like average daily gain calculated and in herd genetic prediction tools. From that we developed