Nuveen Expands TDF Solutions With New Series
Nuveen, the global investment manager of TIAA, has expanded its target-date fund (TDF) solutions offering with the addition of the Nuveen TIAA Lifecycle Index CIT series.
The new collective investment trust (CIT) series will further complement the firm’s existing TDF suite, which includes an offering of active, passive and blended strategies. The trustee for the CIT is SEI Trust Co., a wholly owned subsidiary of SEI Investments Co. SEI maintains ultimate fiduciary authority over the management of and the investments made in the CIT, with Nuveen acting as the adviser.
With the launch of the Nuveen TIAA Lifecycle Index CIT series, the firm will now offer a passive target-date strategy in both mutual fund (TIAA-CREF Lifecycle Index Funds) and CIT solutions. The latest CIT series will also be managed by Nuveen’s mixed assets portfolio management team, which was recognized for its management of mutual funds for the fifth year in a ro
American Beacon spotlights Man AHL as new fund subadviser
Man AHL as subadviser of the American Beacon AHL TargetRisk Core Fund, which was launched Wednesday, according to an American Beacon news release.
The long-only dynamic risk managed strategy, which has a core balanced portfolio allocation, is the third American Beacon Advisors fund to be subadvised by Man AHL, the news release said.
The other funds are the American Beacon AHL Managed Futures Strategy Fund and American Beacon AHL TargetRisk Fund.
As of Sept. 30, those funds had $1.3 billion and $691 million in assets, respectively, according to American Beacon s website.
A spokeswoman for American Beacon could not be immediately reached for further information.