A World War II weekend of air shows, 'Moana, Jr.' by Broughal Middle School, Easton Strawberry Day, Moravian Arts and Crafts, and drive-up fireworks at Coca-Cola Park
Photo by Marco Calderon
Host Michael Drabenstott dives into the latest dessert craze with Sean Darby, co-owner of Khanisa s Pudding in Easton. Sean shares how it all started with his wife Khanisa and a banana pudding recipe plus the risks and rewards of starting a small business before and during the pandemic.
WATCH: Easton restaurants want YOU, to dine out on the ‘The New Weekend’
Updated Jan 18, 2021;
The Easton Main Street Initiative announced Monday a new marketing campaign to encourage support for local restaurants during the week, not just on the weekends.
“The New Weekend” aims to boost reservations and takeout mid-week, on days when restaurants traditionally aren’t as busy as on Friday and Saturday.
The Main Street Initiative, part of the Greater Easton Development Partnership, says the benefits are twofold during the continuing coronavirus crisis: Mid-week dining provides customers on nights that are typically slower for restaurants, and it spaces out customers on weekends when restaurants are limited by capacity and how many orders they can fill in that short amount of time.
Easton Main Street Initiative, a program of the Greater Easton Development Partnership nonprofit, this week is launching a new marketing campaign aimed at encouraging mid-week dining as a way of supporting local restaurants as they continue to operate with reduced seating capacities and other COVID-19 restrictions.