Leader of Opposition in the Tamil Nadu assembly and former Chief Minister E. Palaniswami has said that there is no place for VK Sasikala and her family members in the AIADMK. Breaking his silence on Sasikala coming back to the AIADMK and taking over its reins as reported in the media following leakage of her voice clippings talking to the cadres, EPS said that some elements were creating confusion on this issue. Speaking to reporters at the party headquarters here, Palaniswami said, Sasikala is out of the AIADMK and she and her relatives don t have any place in the party. She has openly declared before the elections that she has moved away from politics. The voice clippings were her talk with the AMMK cadre but some elements are deliberately creating confusion and spreading wrong information.
VK Sasikala Looking To Exploit OPS-EPS Rift To Make Her Way Back To AIADMK: Report
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Tamil Nadu Assembly Elections: DMK+ Developing Comfortable Lead Despite Stiff Competition From AIADMK+
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Tamil Nadu s active caseload has increased to over a lakh, E Palaniswami said. (File photo)
New Delhi:
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister E Palaniswami, in a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi today, requested for immediate cancellation of oxygen supply from its plants to Andhra Pradesh and Telangana in view of the rising number of active cases in the state.
Tamil Nadu, Mr Palaniswami said, is witnessing high level of oxygen dependent active cases, leading to requirement of 450 metric tonnes (MTs) which is above the state s production capacity of 400 MTs. Eighty metric tonnes of liquid oxygen has been diverted to Andhra Pradesh and Telangana and this should be halted in view of increase in oxygen demand, he said.
: Sunday, April 25, 2021, 5:00 PM IST
COVID-19: E Palaniswami urges PM to halt diversion of oxygen to AP, Telangana, says allocation of oxygen to Tamil Nadu based on wrong allotment
Mr Palaniswami said that his state Tamil Nadu is witnessing a high level of oxygen dependent active cases, leading to a requirement of 450 metric tonnes (MTs
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Chief Minister E Palaniswami has written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi requesting cancellation of oxygen supply from its plants to Andhra Pradesh and Telangana in view of the rising number of active cases in the state.
In his letter to PM Modi, Mr Palaniswami said that his state Tamil Nadu is witnessing a high level of oxygen dependent active cases, leading to a requirement of 450 metric tonnes (MTs) which is above the state s production capacity of 400 MTs. Currently, eighty metric tonnes of liquid oxygen has been diverted to Andhra Pradesh and Telangana and this should be halted in view of increase in oxygen demand