F. Roger Devlin has an article called
The Zebra Killings, American Renaissance, January 8, 2020, about some well known (at the time) interracial murders in the 70s. The editor s note says This 9,000-word account is the best summary you will find anywhere of a largely forgotten series of grisly black-on-white murders. and it starts with this:
They will never be as celebrated as Emmett Till, but 15 white San Franciscans were killed because of their race over a terrifying six-month period in the early 1970s. The killings, which became known as the Zebra murders, were carried out by a group of at least four black men associated with the Nation of Islam.
Anti-Freedom Groups, Exploiting Suicide, and What’s Next?
New Jersey – -(AmmoLand.com)- Going over hundreds of pages of documents and sifting through the who’s doing what, where, and when, things pop out for later consideration.
Last month I was looking over AmmoLand’s recent articles and happened upon one by the esteemed David Codrea. Codrea, a prolific writer on 2nd Amendment issues put out a piece on December 1, 2020 entitled: “Gun Prohibitionists Exploiting Suicide to Advance Disarmament Agenda”.
No pun intended, his article put up a red flag in my mind. I was musing over the same exact subject but with a different context. Codrea pulls important statistics and brings up things we need to be aware of. For example, he cites:
Default Proceed Sale Transparency Act & the So-Called ‘Charleston Shooter Loophole’ Ammoland Inc. Posted on
Glad to stand with Shannon Watts, founder of @MomsDemand. This will be the Congress when we finally take action to pass universal background checks and other common sense measures to save lives. #gunreformnow#IL10pic.twitter.com/2ytQQV4DAa
New Jersey – -(AmmoLand.com)- In continuing with the tradition of de-evolution of our civil liberties, we have creatures crawling out of the primordial soup of government bureaucracy, and today’s soup du jour is from the Chicago suburbs.
With a long standing tradition of respecting fundamental rights and not being corrupt, anything outta Chicagoland and Illinois, which is predominately controlled by Chicagoland, must be a homerun for citizens across the nation, or hell, call the United Nations (another entity known for their upright ways) – citizens of the world can benefit from such polices!