Loaded with moisture, goat milk is a favourite in India’s skincare products
Soap made using the farm animal’s milk is picking up traction among skincare products
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Soap made using the farm animal’s milk is picking up traction among skincare products
Of the 12-odd varieties of artisanal soap that Simy Arun makes (@siloam artisan soap), seven are goat milk-based; these soaps comprise 90% of her sales. “Initially I had other soaps such as watermelon. I realised there was a demand for goat’s milk soap and therefore introduced more of those,” says the Kochi-based soap maker.
Introducing Alan’s Artisan Soap Company
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Alan imprinting his first bar of soap. WESTMINISTER, Calif. (PRWEB) January 21, 2021 Alan has always loved scents and textures and working with his hands.
He was born with a rare genetic disorder, Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome, and with skin sensitive to textures and artificial ingredients.
His parents, entrepreneurs John and Tina Caldwell, soon realized that finding affordable, quality soap made with natural ingredients was difficult.
So, John and Tina did what entrepreneurs do: They sat down with an artisan soap maker of more than 35 years and developed soaps of 100 percent natural ingredients and fragrance oils. The soaps are quick to lather, soft to the touch, and rinse away clean, leaving only a light scent of natural fragrances.