”What about the people who live now? How have we sinned?” We ve reached the stage in the Attack on Titan rollercoaster where the carts have cleared the first couple of hills and a loop-de-loop or two, and now the captive riders are left to wait as the chains of the machine clank and whir, and they are pulled ever so slowly to the top of another summit. In other words, “Deceiver” can be neatly divided into two halves of focus, neither of which are much concerned with action or thrills. On the one side of the divide, you have all of the political machinations churning between Eren s supporters and the rest of the Eldian Scouts and government, not to mention everything going on across the sea in Marley. On the other side are Gabi and Falco, freshly busted out of the POW stockades and hiding amongst other Eldian orphans. This is where the emotional meat of the episode is, and there s a lot there to chew on; just make sure your expectations are tempered from the get-go.