HEARING RE: Motion to Declare Mobile Home as Abandoned THIS HEARING WILL BE HELD BY Webex VIDEO. The log-in information is included in this hearing notice. Please pre-mark and exchange all exhibits, and supply a copy to the court, at least five days before the hearing. If you believe this requires a live hearing rather than video, file a written request as soon as possible and the judge will consider it. Please call or login to the court at least five minutes before the scheduled time of your hearing and please do not log in or call from a moving vehicle.
IN RE: ABANDONED MOBILE HOMES OF ROBERT R. RUSSELL, JR, MARIA DOUGLAS AND EDWIN DOUGLAS VERIFIED COMPLAINT NOW COMES Plaintiff, St. George Community Cooperative, Inc., by and through counsel Steven J. Kantor, and hereby makes this complaint: 1. Plaintiff, with a principal business located in St George, County of Chittenden, State of Vermont, is the record owner of a mobile home park known as St. George Villa , (the Park ), located in the Town of St. George, Vermont. 2. Defendant Robert R. Russell Jr. is the owner of a certain mobile home in the Park identified as a 1980 Skyline 14 x 72 , serial number: 0316-0645N, presently located at 89 Birch Road, St. George, Vermont.