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The line is getting fuzzier : asteroids and comets may be more similar than we think – Horizon Magazine Blog

As anyone who has ever tried to clean a home knows, ridding yourself of dust is a Sisyphean effort. No surface stays free of it for long. It turns out that space is somewhat similar. Space is filled with interplanetary dust, which the Earth constantly collects as it plods around the sun – in orbit, in the atmosphere, and if it’s large enough, on the ground as micrometeorites. While specimens may not be large, it turns out such dust particles are reforming scientists’ conception of asteroids and comets and are enough to reconstruct entire scenes in the history of the solar system.

The line is getting fuzzier : asteroids and comets may be more similar than we think | Horizon: the EU Research & Innovation magazine

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NY AG Sues Amazon Over COVID-19 Worker Protections

NY AG Sues Amazon Over COVID-19 Worker Protections By Law360 is providing free access to its coronavirus coverage to make sure all members of the legal community have accurate information in this time of uncertainty and change. Use the form below to sign up for any of our weekly newsletters. Signing up for any of our section newsletters will opt you in to the weekly Coronavirus briefing. Sign up for our Compliance newsletter You must correct or enter the following before you can sign up: Email (NOTE: Free email domains not supported) Primary area of interest Thank You! Law360 (February 17, 2021, 12:41 PM EST)

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02/17/21 “While Amazon and its CEO made billions during this crisis, hardworking employees were forced to endure unsafe conditions and were retaliated against for rightfully voicing these concerns,” said Attorney General James. “Since the pandemic began, it is clear that Amazon has valued profit over people and has failed to ensure the health and safety of its workers. The workers who have powered this country and kept it going during the pandemic are the very workers who continue to be treated the worst. As we seek to hold Amazon accountable for its actions, my office remains dedicated to protecting New York workers from exploitation and unfair treatment in all forms.”

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