Commission talks updates on county roads
The Marion County Board of Commissioner met for their weekly meeting on Monday. The highlight of the meeting was hearing an update on progress being made on getting rock distributed out to roads in serious need of it.
Brice Goebel, County Engineer gave the update to the commissioners.
Goebel expressed gratitude to everyone who reached out to him the past week to express condolences on his mother dying.
“I appreciate that and it goes a long way. It’s never a good thing, but obviously she is in a better place,” said Goebel
Goebel asked for vacation extension days on a staff member who has been unable to use any time-off due to needing to be available for work. The commission voted on a 90 day extension for the employee to use his vacation time.
Marion Food Bank explains plan to expand to commission
The Marion County Board of Commissioners heard an update on the Marion Food Bank from Gene Winkler and Gerry Henderson.
Winkler thanked the board for the utility assistance they give the food bank. The county pays for the utilities for the food bank so that they do not have to worry about that cost.
“Throughout the year of 2020, we served 2541 families for a total 6887 individual people,” said Winkler.
Winkler explained that all the food they get in has to be weighed. While much of the food is donated there are some costs. Food that comes in from the Wichita food bank costs a small amount per pound. For 2020, they received 87,627 pounds from the Wichita Food Bank although three months of that was covered by a grant and did not cost them anything.
The Marion County Board of Commissioners met for their regular meeting on Monday, Dec. 14.
With the cold and moisture, roads have returned as the main topic for the meetings.
Brice Goebel, county engineer, gave the commissioners his weekly update regarding the roads.
“We finished up Chisholm and put rock on there in anticipation of rain that never came. We will take top rock out there probably next week or when it isn’t as cold. If you haul it and try to work with it when too cold, it just clumps up and makes it difficult to work with,” Goebel said.