Perry ProTech to relocate to industrial park
By Sam Shriver -
Perry proTECH’s new building on Commerce Parkway, shown in this artist’s rendering, will consolidate and modernize facilities.
Sam Shriver | The Lima News
Perry ProTECH broke ground Tuesday for a new state-of-the-art facility on Commerce Parkway.
Sam Shriver | The Lima News
Perry proTECH CEO Barry Clark, left, and Pat Summers discuss how their new corporate office on Commerce Parkway will lead them into the future.
Sam Shriver | The Lima News
LIMA Ground was broken Tuesday for a new facility for Perry proTECH.
The 50,000-square foot facility will be located on 15.5 acres on Commerce Parkway, which is in the City of Lima and Perry Township.
VW independent/submitted information
The Van Wert Area Chamber of Commerce recently completed its 2021 Annual Chamber Awards to recognize businesses based on performance, events and milestones in 2020.
“We are extremely happy with the amount of people who followed, liked, and commented about our recipients on our social media platforms,” said Chamber President/CEO Mark Verville. “The heavy snow we received the week of February 15 affected some of our scheduled pictures, but maybe people had a little extra time to scroll through Facebook to find us.”
2021 Chamber Award Series
2021 Ray Miller Award
The recipient of this award (has shown a strong commitment to the community through volunteer work, participation in community organizations and outstanding service to our community):