Instead, it was met with negative headlines (‘Race report is branded a ‘whitewash’ - EADT, April 1) as many commentators, scholars and experts expressed shock, anger, dismay and disbelief at some of the findings.
Writing a passionate column in The Guardian on Saturday, David Olusoga called out the report as historically illiterate .
He likened it to the report that came out in the last days of the Trump administration in America (the 1776 report), which he argued was similarly dubious and came to frightening conclusions that critical scholarship should be replaced by patriotic education .
In the foreword to the UK’s report, the Commission’s chairperson, Dr Tony Sewell CBE, explains his brief from the prime minister to investigate race and ethnic disparities in the UK and to thoroughly examine ‘why so many disparities persist’ in order to ‘eliminate or mitigate them .