His send-off last year was muted, by firefighter standards.
There were no bagpipes, no final call-out for his remains, and city firefighters were forbidden to leave their trucks. Neighboring fire departments were told not to come. We were not able to follow the traditions, and it was a huge disappointment, said Passaic Fire Chief Patrick Trentacost.
Firefighters even had to refrain from consoling Tolentino s family because of the need to stay socially distant.
But they promised his family something: that when they could do so safely, the time-honored traditions of the city s Bravest would be kept.
On Wednesday, the anniversary of his March 31 death, Tolentino got his firefighter send-off.
By Liz Holbrook
Mar 15, 2021 8:32 PM
WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) There’s an offer on the table for a former government building in Wausau.
Monday evening the Wausau City Council met for a special meeting regarding the sale of city-owned property at 510 South 32nd Ave. The property in question is the former Westside Fire Station 2 that was replaced with a new station built along Highway 52 that opened this summer.
City Economic Development Manager Sean Fitzgerald explains what the offer is for the vacant building. “There was an offer that was received last week Thursday from a prospective buyer looking to purchase the property for $200,000 cash. And the only contingency to that, which is expected, is it’s a contingency related to zoning approval for that property,”.
The Westside Fire Department is moving ahead with their annual New Year’s Eve steak dinner fundraiser, but there will be some changes as organizers have implemented COVID-19 mitigation protocols. Rather than the community gathering in a single place, meals will instead be distributed from the Westside Fire Station in a drive-thru fashion. From 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 31, people will pick up their meals by approaching from the east on second, turn north down the alley near the post office and then exit to the west onto Eagle Street. Meals are $20 each and include a grilled steak or Windsor chop, potatoes, green beans, sides and ice cream. RSVPs are not required, but it will assist the department if you indicate your intent to purchase a meal on the Westside Fire & Rescue Facebook page or by calling ahead using the contact points included below. Proceeds will be spent replacing a compressor used to fill firefighters’ air cylinders.