Actor Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has not just been an incredible actress but also an amazing mother to her daughter Aaradhya Bachchan. Time and again, the former Miss World has given major parenting goals to her fans. Be it sharing pictures alongside Aaradhya on social media or being protective of her around cameras, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan always makes sure to keep her daughter a priority. Recently, we stumbled upon a throwback interview of the actress wherein she was seen giving her unfiltered parenting advice about raising her daughter.
In a previous interview with Vogue, Aishwarya shed light on her parenting mantra for raising a daughter who has constantly been in the spotlight. The actor said, “I’m not here to dictate to her or choose a life for her. I’m here to be her mom in a way, which I’m discovering on a day-to-day basis. I just want to see her happy, healthy and grow to be a secure person. A person who is comfortable being herself. You s
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