Секретар Харківської міської ради Ігор Терехов сьогодні, 19 серпня, привітав з днем народження Почесного громадянина міста Харкова, генерального директора ПАТ «Завод «Південкабель» Володимира Золотарьова.
The Good Men Project
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Don’t Hold Your Partner Back if You Want Them To Stay
Promoting individual growth is what strengthens a relationship.
We each have our own definition of work. Underpinned by the values and responsibilities that have come to shape us as people, we almost instantly sense when a particular job doesn’t sit right.
I have friends who accept monthly burnouts as part of their roles in exchange for a higher salary and another step up the corporate ladder. Yet, within the same cohort from university, I know others who actively seek jobs in non-government organizations infamous for low pay but rewarding for their contribution to tackle societal issues.