Athol town manager urges Bigelow/Riverbend project zoning relief
SUHOSKI Contributed photo
From the common playground area located on Park Avenue, the Riverbend School is visible on the left (rear), and the Ellen Bigelow School is on the right. Staff file photo
Published: 4/26/2021 2:42:44 PM
Modified: 4/26/2021 2:42:43 PM
ATHOL Town Manager Shaun Suhoski has sent a letter to the Athol’s Zoning Board of Appeals, urging its members to support “zoning relief to facilitate the renovation of the historic Ellen Bigelow and Riverbend former elementary schools.”
While rare for the town manager to urge that matters before independent municipal boards or committees be decided a certain way, Suhoski explained, whatever the ZBA decides will affect the future of property owned by the town.
Times Past: Feb. 23, 2021
Published: 2/24/2021 2:42:28 PM
Modified: 2/24/2021 2:42:26 PM
Washington’s Birthday is renowned in the area for the hatchet hunt sponsored by the Athol Fire Department and the Athol Area YMCA. More than 350 area youth with many parents ventured into the Bearsden Woods in search of 50 prizes, the most coveted of which were two engraved hatchets. Winners of the hatchets in the 74th hunt were Adam Richard, 13, of Phillipston, who found the Washington Hatchet and Emily Webster, 5½, kindergarten student at Silver Lake School, who found the “Johnnie” Johnstone Hatchet.
■After a short reprieve from winter weather, winter-weary North Quabbin residents awoke to a new blanket of snow. The snow was greeted with somewhat less than enthusiasm by most folks who are hoping for the first signs of spring. To add insult to injury, weather forecasters are predicting another storm with estimates of three to five more inches of the wet white stuff being dump