Royal Mail employee out of work for weeks after being hit by driver who took wrong turn in Glasgow
A ROYAL Mail employee who was thrown into the air after a driver took a wrong turn up a one-way system missed weeks of work. The man was crossing the road at Naver Street, Riddrie, when the accident took place on October 5, 2018. Bryan McConnell, 42, appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court on Thursday after previously pleading guilty to dangerous driving and causing serious injuries to his victim. The man he hit suffered from three broken bones in his left foot as well as fractured ribs and was signed off work for 10 weeks as a result of his injuries.
Brennan repeatedly struck Mr Spiers on the body with his elbow and knee. The Cumbernauld based officer denied the assault to injury allegation at a trial at Glasgow Sheriff Court. He claimed that he used a “police training technique” to restrain Mr Spiers. But, Sheriff Mary Shields found him guilty and ordered him to pay a £500 fine. The court heard Brennan had earlier been at a leaving party in the city centre and went on the train home with colleagues. CCTV showed the men on the train eating sausage suppers but Brennan briefly went to the toilet. Mr Spiers was witnessed speaking to the men before Brennan returned.