Phase 2 of the IETF provides grant funding for feasibility and engineering studies, and for the deployment of industrial energy efficiency and deep decarbonisation projects.
A Statement of Ambition
The Statement is one of ambition, which envisages Scotland as a leading Hydrogen Nation . It is a long term plan, which looks as far ahead as 2050 (when the UK s estimated demand for hydrogen is expected to be around 270TWh) and sets out what Scotland could do to build the hydrogen industry required to meet that demand. There is recognition that Scotland is at the early stages of commercial development and that deployment of hydrogen is a dynamic issue. With this in mind the Statement is to be reviewed as dynamic , responsive and to be regularly reviewed and refreshed by the Scottish Government.
The Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (IETF) supports the development and deployment of technologies that enable businesses with high energy use to transition to a low carbon future.