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15 Best SEGA Genesis Soundtracks Ever :
15 Best SEGA Genesis Soundtracks Ever :
15 Best SEGA Genesis Soundtracks Ever
These incredible Genesis soundtracks argue that the console's best games should be remembered for its music than they sometimes are.
Related Keywords
Japan ,
Konami ,
Ishikawa ,
Japanese ,
Tim Follin ,
Dan Forden ,
Aki Hata ,
Tamayo Kawamoto ,
Knight Adventuresmanaged ,
Jesper Kyd ,
Yuichi Takamine ,
Masahiro Ikariko ,
Masato Nakamura ,
Norio Hanzawa ,
Mark Miller ,
Yasuhiro Kawakami ,
Batman Robin ,
Dan Forden Matt Furniss ,
Matt Furnis ,
Donald Griffin ,
Rob Hubbard ,
Yuzo Koshiro ,
Kaori Kinouchi Hideto Inoue ,
Masanori Adachi Hiroshi Kobayashi ,
Motohiro Kawashima ,
Masanori Oouchi ,
Michiru Yamane ,
Tamayo Kawamoto Tim Follin ,
Tokuhiko Uwabo ,
Yuzo Koshiro Motohiro Kawashima ,
Capcom ,
Dc Comics ,
Disney ,
Mega Drive ,
Mutant Ninja Turtles ,
Hyperstone Heist ,
Kaori Kinouchi ,
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ,
Phantasy Star ,
Gunstar Heroes ,
High Score Productions ,
Shiny Entertainment ,
Playmates Interactive Entertainment ,
Golden Axe ,
Virgin Games United States ,
Arabian Nights ,
Whole New World ,
Masanori Adachi ,
Knight Adventures ,
Knight Adventure ,
Rocket Knight Adventure ,
Rocket Knight Adventuresmanaged ,
Clockwork Tortoise ,
Acclaim Entertainment ,
Matt Furniss ,
Mortal Kombat ,
Sonic The Hedgehog ,
Dreams Come True ,
Revenge Of Shinobi ,