16 Politburo members, 4 Party Secretariat members nominated for NA election Chia sẻ | FaceBookTwitter Email Copy Link Copy link bài viết thành công 17/04/2021
10:08 GMT+7 Of the 205 candidates in the upcoming election for the 15th National Assembly who are members of the Party Central Committee, there are 16 members in the Politburo, and four members in the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat. At the third consultative conference, the Presidium of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee approved a list of 205 qualified people from central agencies, organizations and units who were nominated for the election of the 15th National Assembly. The list is divided into groups, with 11 candidates in the Party agencies, three in the assistant agencies to the State President, 15 in government agencies, 130 in National Assembly-related agencies, 14 in the armed force, 29 in agencies under the Vietnam Fatherland Front and social unions. Among them, there are 16 members in the Politburo and 4 members in the Central Party Committee’s Secretariat.